Drawing theme shoes senior group. Didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: “Clothes, shoes, headwear


Name a generalizing word, consolidate the ability to select antonyms, use high-quality adjectives in speech, form nouns with diminutive suffixes. Develop memory, phonemic hearing. Develop a desire to take care of your health.

Types of integration and educational areas:

Cognition: expand knowledge about the varieties of shoes.

Communication: encourage children's statements, the desire to keep the conversation going.

Socialization: teach children to tactfully listen to the interlocutor and complement him.

Health: holding a physical minute and self-massage of the hands and fingers according to the Su-Jok system.

Material: fairy-tale character "Puss in Boots", cards with the task "Pick up shoes" - according to the number of children, split pictures on the topic: "Shoes", riddles.

Organizing time.

The sad “Puss in Boots” enters the group, greets the children.

Cat. Hello guys. I have come to you for help. I have trouble: my boots are torn, even the sole has fallen off, and it’s winter outside, it’s cold, my paws are cold, they hurt. Where can I get new boots?

Children's answers. In a shoe store, in the market.

Educator. You, cat, wear the same boots both in winter and summer, so your paws hurt and your boots wear out quickly. But shoes are different.

Cat. What is different?

Educator. I will guess riddles for the guys, and you listen carefully and find out and even see what kind of shoes there are.

(There are cards with the image of shoes on the table - guessing. Guessing, the children place the pictures on the magnetic board).

1. If the rain is not hard

We boldly run through the puddles.

The sun will shine

We stand under the hanger. (Rubber boots).

2. We don't go outside in summer or winter.

But without us, not a step when you come home. (Slippers).

3. No shoes, no boots

Very hot legs

We run in them in winter

In the morning to the garden, then home. (Felt boots).

4. What's on your feet in summer?

It's hot in boots in summer

To make the legs happy

I will wear ...... (Sandals).

5. The leg dives quickly into them

After all, there is no heel, no fasteners. (Flip flops).

Cat. So many shoes. But why? After all, you can always and everywhere walk in the same boots.

Educator. No, it's unhealthy. Shoes must be carefully chosen so that the legs are healthy, do not get tired and do not hurt. Here, for example, the guys will tell you.

What shoes do we wear in winter? (Winter)

Summer …….

In autumn……

Men wear - men's.

Women ……..

Children ……….

Sports are played in …….

At home, in an apartment…….

On the street …….

Cat. And girls go to the holiday in elegant shoes with high heels, right?

Children's answers. No. Children should not walk in high heels. It's unhealthy. You can twist your leg, fall, etc.

Educator. Guys, tell the Cat how to choose the right shoes, what it should be.

Children's answers. Shoes should be comfortable, the right size, for sports - sports, for cold - warm, for heat - light.

Educator. Understood?

Cat. Yes, I understood everything. I ran to the store.

Educator. In the meantime, our cat runs around the shops, we will stretch our legs.


Here are the boots

This is from the left leg.

This is from the right leg.

If it rains

Let's put on galoshes

This is from the right leg.

This is from the left leg.

That's how good!

Educator. Now, guys, have a seat. We will help our fairy-tale heroes to choose shoes in their places.

Game exercise "Help the heroes of fairy tales"

Educator. Well done! And now, let's play the game "Say the other way around."

The cat appears.

Cat. Bought, bought, bought everything! Barely - barely stuffed boxes of shoes into the bag.

Educator. Well, show me your purchases.

Cat. Look here……. Oh, the boxes were crumpled, and the shoes fell apart, probably, they tamped it hard. Again trouble. (Crying).

Educator. Don't be upset. We don't leave friends in trouble. Hand out your boxes of shoes to the children, we will assemble them from parts.

Guys, you have to work hard. Let's warm them up before work.

Finger gymnastics- massage, using balls and rings Su - Jok.

The hedgehog came to the palm

Walked around it for a bit.

Each finger went around

Came to the palm again

Let's take it in the right hand

We'll squeeze it into a fist

1-squeeze, 2-squeeze

We do not release the ball

We will open the fist

And we will find traces there.

Educator. And now let's get to work. (Children assemble a whole from parts).

Well done! What beautiful shoes we have collected. Call her affectionately. (Children answer in turn).

Dear Cat! And I, from all the children and from myself, want to give you such brand new, beautiful, winter boots.

Cat. Thank you! I've dreamed of these all my life. Goodbye, guys! I will never forget you. I will come to visit you.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 21"

Synopsis of directly educational activities for the implementation of the educational area

"Artistic Creativity"

(in the senior group for children with speech disorders)

drawing "Boots for spring"

Compiled by:




Snezhinsk 2012-2013


In the educational field "Artistic creativity"

  • Learn to use 3 colors in your work (yellow, green, blue).
  • To develop in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a pattern using dyed threads.
  • Learn to arrange the elements of the pattern in accordance with the form.
  • Fix the drawing techniques with a thread.
  • develop imagination, artistic taste.

In the educational field "Communication"

Fix the dictionary on the topic "Shoes"

Strengthen the ability of children to answer questions in full sentences.

Learn to use plural nouns in the dative case in speech.

In the educational field "Socialization"

Cultivate respect for shoes

In the educational field "Cognition"

Consolidate children's knowledge about shoes

Develop fine motor skills.

In the educational field "Health"

Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children using finger gymnastics.

In the educational field "Physical culture"

Develop dexterity, eye when playing with the ball

Integrative qualities of children: to form curiosity, mental and speech activity, independence, command of dialogic speech, the ability to control their behavior.

Methods and techniques Tape recording, looking at illustrations, Didactic game "The Brave Tailor" Didactic game "Colorful threads", sample analysis and display, finger gymnastics, exhibition of works.

Health-saving technologies: finger gymnastics (Sujok balls)

Individual work: Vanya, Artem - help in choosing the color of paints

Differentiated Approach:for 1 subgroup – suggest 2 colors

The course of directly educational activities

1. Organizational moment:

Teacher: Hello guys!

They looked at each other, winked, sat down quietly...

(The tape recording with the song of Spring is turned on:)

Three sons of the month

I have - wizards

Just like everyone else.

Many days of spring in them.

Now remember, this is March, April and May.

Everyone goes friend after friend.

They love and recognize.

2. Main body

(Children are offered things, winter, summer, spring), you need to choose clothes that Spring could wear, and dress one of the children.

Educator: - How can you call all this in one word?

Children: -clothes

Educator: What can Spring be dressed in?

(Seeing the illustration).

Educator: - Look, and answer, did we pick up those things?

Teacher: What have we forgotten?

Children: - shoes

Children are offered a choice of shoes: felt boots, sandals, glass shoes, slippers, plastic shoes, rubber boots, boots.

Teacher: What is all this?

Children: - shoes

Educator: - What would you suggest from shoes for Spring and why?

Children: - rubber boots

Educator: Why not boots?

Children: - these are winter shoes

Educator: Why not leather sandals?

Children: - it will be cold in them in spring

Educator: - Can't you wear crystal shoes?

Children: they don't make shoes out of glass.

Educator: - Why are the shoes called that?

Children: - because they are made of crystal.

Children attach boots to spring illustration.

Educator: -Guys, if you were shoe designers, what would you add?

3. Sample analysis:

Educator: - And today we will come up with a pattern for boots for spring. Look how I did it.

Teacher: Do you like it?

Educator: - How many colors did I use in my work?

Children: - 3 colors

Educator: - Who can guess with what I drew this? Educator: - How is the pattern located?

Educator: - But before starting work, we will practice with you. The game "Spring strings" is being held.

4. Work with paints.

Educator: -The threads are dipped in paint and the pattern is carefully laid out on the template,then covered with a sheet of paper and ironed by hand. Sheet and thread are removed. The same is done with paint of a different color.

5. Bottom line:

Educator: - look at what wonderful work you have done.

Educator: - let's try on boots for spring.

Thematic selection of games and exercises, topic: "Shoes"


To expand the knowledge of children and enrich the vocabulary on this topic.
To acquaint children with the concept of "pair", a generalizing concept of "shoes".
To form stable ideas about color, size, geometric shapes.
Improve the skills of drawing with paints, gluing, sculpting.
Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the poem and understand the meaning of what they hear.
Develop thinking, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Cultivate respect for shoes.


Chest, doll, doll shoes.
Trailers cut out of cardboard in red, green, yellow and blue colors and shoes of the same colors.
Cardboard silhouettes of boots with glued circles of different colors and sizes, buttons of the corresponding color and size.
Silhouette images of shoes made of thick cardboard with holes, multi-colored laces.
Picture and image of three bears of different sizes, ovals-shoes of the corresponding size.
Pictures depicting various shoes and mittens.
Multi-colored clothespins, silhouettes of brushes without bristles made of thick cardboard.
Silhouettes of boots cut out of oilcloth, smeared with crayons, wet sponges.
Cardboard silhouettes of boots with holes cut out in the form of geometric shapes, the same figures.
Background picture with shadows of various shoes, color silhouette pictures of these shoes.
Paper clips, color silhouette images of shoes.
Picture "Centipede", a set of plasticine.
Coloring "Shoe", brushes, paints.
Boots and pictures cut out of colored paper (flowers, fish, clouds, suns, Christmas trees).
Audio recordings: "Centipede", "Big feet go down the road."

Lesson progress:

Surprise moment "What's in the chest?"

Children are offered to open the chest and see what is in it. (One piece of shoes from a pair according to the number of children).

What do you think it is? How to call it in one word? Shoes.

Didactic game "Pick a couple"

Here you have doll shoes in your hands. (One subject from a pair).

Only the confused doll scattered all the shoes, you need to find a pair. Count. How many legs does the doll have? Two legs. So there should be two shoes. Here you have. Like the doll, it also has two legs. How many slippers are on your feet? Two slippers. And you came here in two boots. When there are two of something, they say - “pair”.
Remember this word and repeat aloud: “pair”.
Now go in search of a pair to the shoes that you have in your hands.

Didactic game "A multi-colored locomotive brought a lot of shoes"

Pick up a pair of each shoe and arrange them in colored boxes: yellow shoes in the yellow box, red shoes in the red box, green shoes in the green box, and blue shoes in the blue box.

Didactic game "Patches for the boot"

But this boot with holes. Choose patches that are suitable in shape for each hole.

Button game "Decorate the boot"

But this boot needs to be decorated with multi-colored buttons. Watch carefully. What color and size is the circle on the boot, apply such a button to it. Attach a large blue button to the large blue circle. And on the small yellow circle, put a small yellow button on top.

Application "Beautiful boots"

Look, your boots are waiting for you to make them beautiful, decorate them with funny pictures. Choose a picture. Which will decorate the boot. Someone will decorate it with flowers, and someone with fish.

Dynamic pause "Big feet go down the road"

Big feet walk the road
Top-top-top, top-top-top.
(Walking with a wide stride)

Little feet run along the path
(Running in small steps)

Didactic game "Pick up shoes for three bears"

And here are our familiar bears. Show the biggest bear, the smallest, the average bear. You have already picked up barrels of honey for them, and now you need to help the bears choose the right shoes and put them on their paws. Put on the biggest shoes for the biggest bear, medium shoes for the middle bear, and the smallest shoes for the smallest bear.

Didactic game "Find an extra item"

There are pictures in front of you. What is drawn on them, name. And what are not shoes that are not worn on the feet? Mittens.

Exercise "My shoes"

To wear shoes for a long time, they need to be looked after, washed and cleaned from dirt. Now we will take wet sponges and wipe the dirt from the shoes.

Game with paper clips "Sew slippers"

When shoes are worn for a long time, it happens that the sole of the shoe comes off. Then the sole is sewn up. Here you try to put paper clips on the edges of the slippers, as if hemming the sole.

Children are invited to paint the shoe with paint.

Didactic game "Find a shadow"

On top of each shadow, place colored shoes of a suitable shape on top.

Modeling "Shoes for a centipede"

Roll balls from plasticine, attach the centipede to the leg and press with your finger - you get shoes for the centipede.

Musical break "Centipede"

Children line up one after another, put their hands on each other's shoulders and move to the music as shown by an adult.

Reading the poem "Boots"

Bought by mom Dimka
Great boots.
Beautiful, shiny!
Leather! Real!

I considered them for a long time.
He put them on the shelf.
Beautiful, shiny!
The laces are real!

When the baby went to bed
I put my shoes under the bed.
New, shiny!
Leather! Real!

Lacing game "Lace up your shoes"

Children are invited to thread the laces into the holes and tie.

Game with clothespins "Brush for shoes"

And here is a shoe brush to polish shoes. And you try to make your own brushes. This is how you attach the clothespins to make a shoe brush.

Drawing in kindergarten Many parents believe that it is worth paying special attention to drawing only when they notice a child's special abilities or zeal for this activity. But in fact, all children show a keen interest in drawing literally after the first year of life. One has only to captivate him with this activity, for example, give a pencil or felt-tip pen in his hand, and you will see how your baby will begin to produce intricate squiggles and dashes. In addition, drawing is useful for the comprehensive development of the baby, despite the talent shown by the child. Therefore, it is quite logical that drawing in kindergarten is taught, starting with the smallest children. The basics of drawing in the nursery and younger groups of kindergarten In the nursery group there are kids of two to three years old, at such a young age they have different drawing skills: someone tried drawing in kindergarten for the first time, and someone already confidently holds a pencil and draws clear scribble. At the very beginning, the teacher is faced with the task of leveling the skills of the children, that is, intelligibly explaining and showing what a pencil, brush, felt-tip pen, paints are, and how to use them correctly. Of course, the first skill that a kid will have to master in the first drawing lessons is the ability to properly hold a pencil or brush in his hand. When choosing drawing tools, you need to take into account that it will be more convenient for a crumb to draw with a thick pencil or felt-tip pen. Paint brushes should also not be too thin, because children of this age still do not know how to control their hand enough. Subsequently, children will learn a wide variety of drawing skills: make strokes with gouache, draw straight vertical and horizontal lines, draw with a felt-tip pen, and then with gouache. Over time, they will be able to draw closed shapes - an oval, a circle, abstractions (but this is closer to 3 years). Of course, before drawing any object or phenomenon, the kid should have a good idea of ​​what it is and how it looks. To do this, drawing in kindergarten begins with the teacher's story about the phenomenon or object that needs to be depicted. After all, a small child is interested in drawing well-known things, and not something incomprehensible. Therefore, keep the first lessons simple. For "beginning artists", the teacher can offer the following topics for drawing in kindergarten: "Table" (a combination of horizontal and vertical straight lines), "Plate" (a closed circle in the form of a circle with strokes of gouache in the middle), "Rain" (blue dots gouache on a piece of paper), "Snowball" (white dots of gouache on a previously prepared blue sheet of paper). New children from 3 to 4 years old enter the younger group, so at first they repeat the knowledge passed in the nursery group. Drawing in kindergarten continues to be done with the same tools (gouache, pencils, felt-tip pens), but the concept of boundaries is added, you need not lick beyond the image. A child at this age easily depicts elementary figures. Topics for drawing in kindergarten can be as follows: "Ball", "Moon" - training the ability to draw a closed contour, "Gingerbread Man" - painting a circle, "Tree" - a vertical straight line and a closed contour at the top of the line. Approximately it may look like this: Drawing in the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten In the middle group of the kindergarten, the drawing skills of children are approximately the same. Since the kids have become more assiduous and observant, you can add more additional small details to the items. Attention is also paid to the color solution, the use of several colors is introduced, for the realism of the picture. Several separate objects appear in one drawing, for example, not one tree, but a whole forest, and also the sun in the sky. At this stage, children learn to draw a house, starting from the building and ending with a multi-storey building with all the necessary elements. Toddlers master the ability to draw different vegetables and fruits, and landscapes at different times of the year. The themes for drawing in kindergarten for children 4-5 years old are as follows: “Summer”, “Winter” - gouache-painted trees with a suitable foliage color (shaded oval outline), “Apple” (circle painted in red or green and a thin tail (straight line) from above), "House" (house body with windows), "Dolphin" - a combination of oval shapes. At the preschool age of the older group, children have a good command of the hand, their knowledge has increased, therefore, at the age of 5-6 years, they master drawing with a pencil and hatching. You can make outlines with a pencil, and paint over with gouache. They can do simple plots and drawings at various distances. The teacher details the objects and places them at different distances. Learning to draw animals and people continues, observing the proportions of body parts. You can offer to draw a fairy tale read before this, so the imagination and fantasy of children develops. Topics for drawing in kindergarten in the older group can be as follows: "Carrot" - the child draws a contour and shade with a pencil, "Bunny - runaway" - according to a fairy tale read, "Beach by the river" - a composition of a river, sand, people, balls and other details. Drawing technique in kindergarten Of course, in some kindergartens, non-standard drawing techniques in kindergarten are being experimented, this has its pluses, because then children more easily hold their attention and gain a unique experience. But techniques and techniques should be chosen based on their simplicity and effectiveness. When using it, the child should not have difficulties and difficulties. When using this technique, the process of creating an image and obtaining the final result should be interesting and attractive to the child. The drawing technique in kindergarten, in the age groups we have considered, goes through several pictorial stages. In the beginning, this is “dirtying”, yes, this is also a kind of technique. It implies a rhythmic movement of the hand with a non-standard composition of spots and strokes, with smearing of paint. Subsequently, children master hatching and scribbles - this is already the initial graphics, using a pencil and crayons. This means the rhythmic and chaotic drawing of straight and curved lines. In the future, children are taught the technique of drawing closed contours, various shapes. They teach how to compare individual figures in order to achieve the final result (drawing "Fish"). Let your kid grow with pleasure in drawing skills and get great benefits from it!

Didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: "Clothes, shoes, headgear."

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
Place of employment: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach-on-Don.
Work description: I bring to your attention didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: "Clothes, shoes, headgear." This material will help educators, children and their parents to consolidate children's knowledge about clothes, shoes and hats in a playful way.

Didactic game: lotto "Clothes".

Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge about the variety of clothes, the ability to distinguish and find the right clothes.
Didactic material: Playing field (4 pcs.), divided into 6 squares with images of various clothes corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pcs.).

Game progress: Game for children from 3 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given game cards. The host pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or host names the clothes shown on the card. Whoever found the corresponding image on his field takes the picture for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with pictures.
Didactic game: lotto "Shoes and hats."

Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge about the variety of shoes and hats, the ability to distinguish and find the right shoes and hats.
Didactic material: Playing field (4 pcs.), divided into 6 squares with images of various shoes and hats corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pcs.).

Game progress: Game for children from 3 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given game cards. The host pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or host names the headdress or shoes shown on the card. Whoever found the corresponding image on his field takes the picture for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with pictures.
Didactic game "Dress Tanya and Vanya according to the season."
Target: Formation of children's ideas about clothes, hats and shoes, their connection with the season and weather.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of clothes, shoes and hats 30 pieces and four playing fields with the image of Vanya, Tanya and the season.

Game progress: Lay out cards with the image of clothes, shoes and hats in accordance with the season and gender (for the girl Tanya to the right of the playing field, and for the boy Vanya to the left).
Didactic game "Guess the clothes, shoes or headgear"
Target: Developing the ability to describe clothes, headgear or shoes and recognize them from the description.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of clothes, shoes and hats.
Game progress: The teacher gives the children cards with the image of clothes, shoes and hats. Children do not show their cards to anyone. The teacher offers one child to describe what is shown in his picture, or to make a riddle. The other children must guess what is in the picture.
For example: This is the headdress that girls wear in the summer. It is made from straw. (Straw hat).
These are the shoes worn by boys and girls in spring or autumn after rain. It is tall and made of rubber. (Rubber boots).
Didactic game "Collect a picture"
Target: Development of logical thinking, outlook, cognitive interest and speech activity.
Didactic material: Cards showing clothes, shoes and hats cut into several pieces.
Game progress: Game for children from 3 years old. Children are given playing cards cut into 2, 3, 4 parts (according to the age and abilities of the child). Having collected the picture, the child tells what he has collected.
For example: A green dress is clothing.
Boots are yellow, rubber - these are shoes.
A gray hat with earflaps is a headdress.
Didactic game "The fifth extra"
Target: The development of skills to classify clothes, shoes and hats according to essential features.
Didactic material: Cards depicting 5 types of clothing, shoes and hats, 4 of them belong to one thematic group, and the fifth to another group.
Game progress: The children are given the task: “Look at the pictures, name what is shown on them and determine which image is superfluous. Remaining, name the images in one word. Each participant eliminates the extra image in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his version is offered to the next player. For each correctly completed task, they give a chip. The one with the most chips wins.
For example: The card shows sandals, a raincoat, sneakers, flip flops and boots. An extra coat because it's clothes, and the rest is shoes.