Names of sports corners in kindergarten. Physical education and health corner in kindergarten

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Sports corner Educator: Kiseleva S.V. Kindergarten No. 2404 Group No. 3

Health-improving tasks: Health promotion; Improving physical development; Increase resistance to various diseases Promote the development of the arch of the foot.

Educational: Formation of motor skills and abilities; Formation and enrichment of independent motor experience of children; Formation of motor activity through independent types of children's activities; Purposeful development of physical qualities through outdoor games, sports game exercises, relay races; Generalization and expansion of children's knowledge about physical development and various sports, athletes;

Education of correct posture from different positions; Generalization and expansion of children's knowledge about physical development and various sports, athletes; Education of correct posture from different positions; Fixing in children the name and purpose of physical education equipment and inventory, the rules for its storage, care for it; Integration of educational areas "Physical culture", "Health", "Cognition".

Educational: Raising the need to exercise daily in a preschool institution and at home; Raising interest, desire to independently engage in physical exercises and the ability to involve their peers in this activity; Raising the ability of children to be creative in the choice and use of inventory; Raising interest in sports; Education of labor skills for the care of a sports corner;

Massage balls Exercises with massage balls help prevent flat feet. They can be used for foot and back massage.

Gymnastic braids Exercises with gymnastic braids are a means for preventing postural disorders and flat feet.

Gymnastic sticks Are used to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the development of basic movements and physical qualities: dexterity, coordination and endurance.

Gymnastic sticks serve as an attribute for reflex foot massage

Massager This equipment is used for relaxation and general developmental exercises.

Waste Material Attributes Development of the Muscles of the Hand and Fingers

Bilbock Serves for the development of the muscles of the hand, fingers, eye.


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Development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements.

Massage track and massage mat This equipment is used for the prevention of flat feet during morning exercises or exercises after sleep.

Path contrast Used for the prevention of flat feet, foot massage, tactile sensations, the formation of the ligamentous apparatus. This track is recommended to be used with other means for the prevention of flat feet.

"Bumps" with various fillers (pebbles, bottle caps, buttons) Used to prevent flat feet during morning exercises or exercises after sleep.

Handkerchiefs Serve as additional equipment for the prevention of flat feet

Small toys The use of small toys allows you to successfully work on the prevention of flat feet in free activities.

Play equipment for the development of breathing

Dry shower Silky ribbons descend like jets of water; they are pleasant to touch, touch in the hands, you can pass through them, touching the face. Multi-colored "jets" stimulate tactile sensations, help the perception of space and one's body in this space. Behind the "streams" of ribbons, you can hide from the outside world.

Equipment for respiratory gymnastics Development of a long, smooth and strong exhalation, activation of the muscles of the lips.

Outdoor games They serve as a method of improving motor skills already mastered by children, educating physical qualities.

Currently, much attention is paid to the physical education of the younger generation. To do this, it is necessary not only to engage in physical education in physical education classes, but also in everyday life in a group to maintain interest in sports. And this is possible only if there is a sports corner in the group.

Scientists have established a direct relationship between the level of physical activity of children and their vocabulary, speech development, and thinking. Under the influence of physical exercises, physical activity in the body, the synthesis of biologically active compounds increases, which improve sleep, positively affect the mood of children, increase their mental and physical performance. Therefore, mental and motor development are two related processes. It is necessary to look for optimal technologies that provide the greatest integration of cognitive and motor activities.

Combining in the right proportion the elements of the development of speech, art, physical development into one integrated lesson, the teacher can keep the attention of children at the maximum for quite a long time, and children of different temperaments and abilities, since almost any child will find topics close to him in the lesson.

It is known that play activity is the main component of the child's motor activity. That is why the integration of the areas of artistic creativity and physical culture is based on gaming activities. The game technique helps to involve children in the creative process, create a general creative atmosphere directly in the learning process, and favors the emergence of a general interest in the subject. Children are easily included in the game action, but they require increased attention to themselves; dominated by emotions, the desire to act, to stand out.

Therefore, it is very important to reinforce the children's need to show themselves, to try their hand at various activities. Purposefully selected outdoor games, didactic outdoor games, relay race games, low mobility games that develop fine motor skills, coordination, balance, etc. stimulate the development of physical, psychomotor and intellectual abilities of children, develops creative potential. It is also necessary to properly organize a sports corner for independent activities of children, which is located in each group of the kindergarten.

What are the requirements for the gym and its equipment?

In the practice of a kindergarten, there are certain requirements for a sports corner, its location. It is known that one of the conditions for physical education in a preschool institution is the creation of a material environment: a rational layout of the premises, the provision of furniture for kindergartens and physical equipment in accordance with the age of children. The physical culture corner should be maximally adapted to meet the needs of children in movements. The following requirements are imposed on the sports corner and its equipment: pedagogical, aesthetic, hygienic.

One of the necessary requirements is to ensure the safety of children when using the equipment. Each allowance must be durable, reliable, serviceable.

First of all, in a group room you need to choose the right location for a gym. For safety reasons, it must be removed from windows and doors. In order not to interfere with children in other areas, the sports corner should not be combined with a corner of nature and a zone of independent artistic activity for children. The best solution to the problem is to place a sports corner in a group room niche.

When designing a corner, it is necessary to take into account combination of individual projectiles shape, color, size. When creating a sports corner, you need to strive to provide and sanitary and hygienic requirements for lighting, ventilation and thermal insulation in accordance with accepted standards, so that all material is harmless, does not have unpleasant odors, has thermal, moisture resistance, fire resistance.

The materials from which the equipment is made must meet hygienic requirements, be environmentally friendly and durable. A variety of shapes, colors of sports equipment should contribute to the development of artistic taste in children. Delicate pastel colors are most preferred for painting equipment.

Physical education benefits help children achieve a clearer idea of ​​​​movement, which is formed on the basis of sensations and perceptions. Independent physical activity of children is determined by the presence of specific knowledge about different ways of performing exercises using physical education equipment. It is important that in the process of teaching children movements, the manuals contribute to their faster development.

Physical education benefits greatly contribute to increasing the interest of children in performing various motor tasks in unusual conditions (forest, in the gym, on the sports ground), which leads to the satisfaction of their need for physical activity, and also has a beneficial effect on the health of children, their physical and mental development.

The participation of children in the preparation of manuals for various types of physical education classes forms their skills of accurate and careful handling.

It is advisable to complete the equipment in accordance with different types of movements, physical exercises, outdoor and sports games. With the help of equipment and aids, the correct implementation of various sets of physical exercises (general developmental, exercises in the main types of movements), as well as the targeted formation of various physical qualities (agility, flexibility, strength, endurance, speed and speed-strength qualities) should be ensured.

The presence of a variety of equipment in the sets is due to the specifics of the construction and content of different types of physical education classes (morning exercises, corrective exercises after a daytime sleep, physical education classes, games and exercises outdoors and indoors, sports activities and holidays).

Due to the fact that preschool institutions have to independently provide themselves with the necessary equipment, it is important when choosing it to take into account the recommendations that are quite fully disclosed in the annotated list of T. I. Osokina, E. A. Timofeeva, M. A. Runova "Physical culture and sports play equipment for preschool educational institutions", Moscow, "Mosaic-Synthesis", 1999.

When selecting sports equipment, it is essential to take into account the characteristics of the physical development of children and the age stages of the formation of motor skills. Therefore, equipment should be selected according to age groups.

How to work in the gym?

1. Before you make benefits, you must clearly understand the purpose for which this is being done. The goal must be reflected in the plan.

2. Goals can be the following: introduce, beat, repeat, consolidate with complication.

3. After the children have mastered the rules for using benefits, it is possible to solve the problems of educating physical qualities: strength, endurance, speed, dexterity.

4. In the sports corner, the educator daily conducts individual work on the prevention of flat feet, the formation of correct posture, and muscle strengthening.

5. It is necessary to have sets of exercises (cards), cards for outdoor games, cards for basic movements in each age group, illustrations or albums about different types of varieties.

6. Children should know and be able to tell what this or that projectile is for, how to use it, what it is called, what insurance is needed for.

What is the function of an educator?

The educator must create a varied playing environment that provides the child with cognitive activity that meets his interests and is of a developmental nature. The environment should also provide opportunities for children to act individually or together with peers, without imposing a mandatory joint activity.

The teacher can connect to the activities of children in cases of conflict situations that require adult intervention, or, if necessary, help a particular child enter a peer group, as well as, if necessary, introduce some new equipment or recall the rules of the game.


Vikulov A.D., Butin I.M. "Development of children's physical abilities" - Yaroslav: 1996

Lagutin A.B., Matveev A.P. "Help your child become strong and dexterous" - Moscow: 1994

Borisenko M.G., Dateshidze T.A., Lukina N.A. “We are crawling. We go. We run. We jump "(Development of general motor skills). - St. Petersburg: Parity, 2005.

Kochetkova L.V. "Improvement of children in a kindergarten" - M.: 2005

Overchuk "Health and physical development of children in preschool institutions" - M .: 2001

A rich object-spatial environment around the child is the key to his successful development. That is why in kindergartens, special attention should be paid to the design of thematic corners. Educators should also ensure that the parents of their children have access to up-to-date information at all times. For this, it is also best to create an appropriate corner. In our article you will find examples of the design of such corners, rules, as well as templates.

For preschoolers, kindergarten is their second home, because most of the time on weekdays, when parents are at work, they are in this educational institution. It is very important that they feel comfortable and warm in the garden.

  1. First of all, it should be a corner that indicates the name of the group, the age category of the children who attend it, as well as a photo of the children and the emblem. For example, if the group is called "The Sun", let the image of the sun be the emblem. If you want, you can also attach a list of all the children here.
  2. Information stand for parents. Here, every mom and dad can find information about the curriculum that the children go through, their daily routine, action plan and group news. It is very good if there is also information about the parent committee and contact details of educators, nurses and the head of the kindergarten.
  3. Do-it-yourself corner. On it, educators can hang out the creative work of children. When new drawings or crafts appear, old ones can be given to parents or put in a special folder that will serve as a portfolio.
  4. Study corner. There should be alphabets that children study, numbers, scripts, a globe and other other objects and stationery that children use in the classroom.
  5. A green corner is a place where you can post information about why it is important to protect nature, how to do it right. Here, put home flowers in pots. They will not only decorate the interior, but also allow you to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the room.
  6. An experiment corner. Here place all possible interesting objects for children - a magnifying glass, a microscope, tools, dishes, natural materials (sand, stones, earth, water). In this corner, the child will be able to try on the role of a research scientist.
  7. Play corner. Here you need to place the toys of children that were purchased for the group and brought by their parents from home.
  8. Sports section. There may be sports-themed posters and related equipment.
  9. literary corner. Place various books here that children already read or can read in their free time.
  10. Art corner. In some kindergartens, puppet theaters and musical instruments are exhibited in this corner. It can be anything - as long as children develop a love for art.
  11. Corner of the future. Here the child should see visual examples of advanced robotics. Of course, these should be dummies, or at least photographs.
  12. Logopedic corner. Here, educators and speech therapists should post examples of exercises in articulation gymnastics. They will help parents to engage in the development of speech with the child at home.
  13. Corner of folk art. These can be various dolls, ceramics, some crafts on ethnic themes, examples of folk costumes and symbols.
  14. Corner about good deeds, charity. Here you can place posters depicting people who help those in need.
  15. Orthodox corner. Here you can attach the Orthodox calendar of holidays, traditions related to our faith, a children's bible.
  16. Corner "My family". Children can attach photos of their families here. You can arrange everything in the form of a beautiful family tree.
  17. A corner of the sights of the native land. All kinds of photographs of interesting places in the city and region can be pasted here, as well as printed legends and myths associated with them.
  18. Labor corner. Here you can place a duty schedule for children who on certain days should be responsible for the cleanliness in the group.
  19. Security corner. Here you can attach the rules of the road, safety regulations, emergency phone numbers - everything related to the health and safety of the life of each child.
  20. Birthday corner. Here, educators have to make different greeting cards for children who celebrate their birthday.
  21. Courtesy Corner. Here you need to attach various magic words that all educated children should know.
  22. Corner of children's achievements. By the way, here you can attach not only children's letters, but also educators, because a group of preschoolers is one family in which everyone should rejoice at the achievement of another.
  23. Patriotic and ecological corners. Here you can post any information that relates to these areas.

Perhaps you will come up with something else of your own in order to decorate a corner in kindergarten. But all the options that we have listed above must be mandatory, because it is prescribed in state regulations that relate to preschool education.

For example, the Federal State Educational Standard clearly states that thematic corners in preschool groups should develop such areas of the child as:

  • cognitive;
  • physical;
  • social and communicative;
  • speech;
  • artistic and aesthetic.

In other words, the corners, decorated according to the above list, contribute to the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Photo corners in kindergarten

How to arrange a corner in kindergarten

Thematic corners in a group of preschoolers should perform the main tasks:

  • The corners should help the child to have an expanded understanding of the objects and people that surround him.
  • They must meet the needs of every child.
  • Everything should look aesthetically pleasing in accordance with the age of the children who go to kindergarten.
  • It should be easy for the child to reach out with his hand to the object that he wants to take from the corner.

To make high-quality corners for preschoolers, you need to do a lot of preparatory work, which, by the way, can involve the parents of pupils:

  1. You should buy or draw a lot of information and educational posters and wall newspapers.
  2. Make various decorations from paper and other materials to decorate the group room.
  3. Organize an exhibition of children's art. It can be stands, painted and painted.
  4. Prepare decorations for the design of each thematic corner.
  5. Prepare printed blanks with various useful information and didactic games.
  6. It is necessary to stock up on safe equipment for children - these are chairs, desks, cabinets with shelves, special containers in which children could put toys and other equipment that they often have to work with.
  7. Purchase binders and stationery folders for storing children's creative work and other documents.
  8. Prepare inscriptions for each corner so that they are large, bright and understandable to the child. He must clearly understand where the corner of creativity is, and where the food is.

As you can see, there are no complicated and incomprehensible rules. Each teacher can design a corner for children and their parents in accordance with their individual ideas of how it should look. The main thing is not to forget that the requirements of education are fulfilled.

Picture templates for a corner of creativity, a corner from kindergarten

Stencil letter template for decorating a corner in kindergarten

Pictures templates for decorating a corner for parents in kindergarten

Picture templates for a patriotic corner in kindergarten

Pictures templates for the design of a sports corner in kindergarten

Consider the interests of your pupils when creating corners in the kindergarten. In this case, you will definitely be able to achieve the main goals of the educational process and interest children.

Video: "Corners in kindergarten"

Do-it-yourself non-standard equipment for physical education classes in kindergarten from waste material

Stol Oksana Vladimirovna, teacher of MADOU No. 203 "Kindergarten of a combined type", Kemerovo
This material is intended for EF instructors, educators and parents.
Target: making non-standard equipment from waste material with your own hands for physical education and using it in the classroom and in games
Tasks: generate interest in non-standard equipment, involve teachers and parents in its manufacture; develop creativity, imagination when using non-standard equipment; motivate children to motor activity through the use of non-standard equipment in independent activities
“The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the establishment of physical education in kindergarten and in the family ...”

The equipment offered to your attention is made by hand to replenish the subject-developing environment. At first glance, these are just crafts made by my parents and me, but they are indispensable helpers in the work. Children's interest in various innovations causes positive emotions in children and this tones the body as a whole. The joint production of equipment activates parents, sets them up for cooperation with teachers.
The production of such benefits does not require large expenditures. Basically, I used a variety of junk material: everything that is sure to be found in any house from the category of unnecessary things. Minimum cost and time! And as a result, very bright, attention-grabbing benefits are obtained. They help develop the muscles of the arms, legs, coordination of movements, accuracy, dexterity, attention.
Non-standard equipment must be:
The most effective
Convenient to use
Technological and easy to use

Material: plastic bottles, a wooden stick for connecting bottles together, colored tape or electrical tape, peas (or other material for filling them).
Tasks: to teach how to perform outdoor switchgear with an object, to develop hand strength, to cultivate a love for sports
"Dumbbells - sweets"

Material: plastic bottles, sand filler, fabric and ribbons for decorating "candy"
Tasks: to teach how to perform outdoor switchgear with an object, to develop hand strength, to develop physical qualities
"Tossing Bags"

Material: dense fabric, filler - sand (peas or other material)
Tasks: for the development of hand strength, for outdoor switchgear, ATS, for throwing and outdoor games, as well as for the development of fine motor skills.

Material: satin fabric of different colors, for the shaft - a skewer for barbecue
Tasks: teach to perform outdoor switchgear with an object, outdoor games

Material: woolen or cotton threads.
Tasks: are used for outdoor switchgear occupation, for outdoor games
"Funny Pencils"

Material: the equipment is made of colored pencils, a container from a chocolate egg, a synthetic cord
Tasks: promote the prevention of flat feet, foot massage. Improving blood circulation in the fingers, hands and forearms
Use cases: massage of the palms (rotation of the pencil barrel between the palms), massage of the fingertips, massage of the back and inner side of the palm. Foot massage.
"Multicolor Caps"

Material: plastic bottles cut in half. Self-adhesive film of the same color as the cork. So that children do not forget, do not get confused which color they need to collect.
Tasks: develop dexterity, coordination of movements, dexterity and accuracy.
Use cases: scatter corks on the floor and mix. On command: “One, two, three”, the children collect corks, each of their own color. Whoever picks it up first, well done!

Tasks: develop an eye, coordination of small movements, train the forearm and hands
Material: plastic bottles, tapes. capsules from chocolate eggs, self-adhesive paper, electrical tape
Use cases: a braid or ribbon is tied to the handle of a plastic bottle, and its other end is attached to a container from a chocolate egg. Children throw the container up and catch it with a bottle. If caught - well done!
"soft balls"

Tasks: to develop the eye of children, dexterity, to cultivate strong-willed qualities, attention, speed of reaction, the ability to regulate and coordinate movements, to form self-control skills.
Material: used socks, tights
Tasks: develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, vigilance, accuracy
"Paths for the prevention of flat feet"

Material: dense fabric, a variety of materials for foot massage (stones, caps, buttons, used felt-tip pens, counting sticks, cereals and much more)
Tasks: to carry out the prevention of flat feet; strengthen immunity, develop attention, thinking, ingenuity.
"Jump Rope"

Material: multi-colored caps, two handles from 5 liter bottles, an awl, a cord
Tasks: teach children to jump rope, develop jumping ability, dexterity, attention
Usage: for jumping, and this benefit can also serve as a throwing at a target, if the rope is connected in a circle
"Magic Rings"

Tasks: teach to perform outdoor switchgear with an object, develop dexterity, coordination of movements, use in ATS, outdoor games
Material: chocolate egg capsules, cord, awl
"Sultanas, Ribbons"

Material: multi-colored ribbons, plastic bags, rings, rubber bands
Tasks: teach to perform outdoor switchgear with objects, develop attention, dexterity
Use cases: holidays, dances, outdoor games or just for a good mood
"Birch logs"

Material: linoleum pipe, paint
Tasks: teach children to step over, jump over, run through objects

Material: soft toys, string and stick
Tasks: develop fine motor skills of fingers and dexterity.

Do-it-yourself corner of physical education and health in the preschool educational institution

Corner, which took 1st place in the review "The best corner of physical education and sports" in our kindergarten!

Half a year ago, when our garden opened after reconstruction, this is how the corner of physical education looked like

After my colleague and I worked on its modernization, it began to look much more attractive ...

This is how we designed the corner of physical education and health in our group.
Leopold with a barbell was sawn out by my partner, and I painted it, and then varnished it so that it could be processed, attached hooks and began to fill ...

designed card indexes of games, gymnastics, sports, types of movements, designed the album "Our Athletes" (with a photo of the children of our group)

Made attributes for mobile games...


Frogs and mosquito

Sparrows and car

And many different masks and medallions

We made attributes for aerial gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes

And a lot of different non-standard equipment, rugs were made by parents, so they turned out so different, but so wonderful

And of course they issued a passport for a sports corner:


No. Description Quantity per group
1.Stationary sports corner
2. Shelf for storage of physical education equipment - 1 pc.
3. Boxes for storage of physical culture equipment 5 pcs
4. Shelves for storage of physical culture equipment - 2 pcs.
5. Card index of the sports corner:
- morning exercises
- gymnastics after daytime sleep
- breathing exercises
- gymnastics for the eyes
- finger gymnastics
- games for coordination of speech with movement
- outdoor games
- games for the formation of a healthy lifestyle
- illustrative card index of sports games and exercises
- d / game - lotto "Sport"
6. Masks and attributes for outdoor games:
- "Sun and rain"
- "Hares"
- "The Bear and the Bees"
- "The Frogs"
- "Cat and Mice"
- "Sparrows and the car"
- "Horse - teams"
7. Folder "Health-saving technologies for children of the second younger group"
8. Folder "Poems about sports for children" 1 pc.
9.Consultations for parents 7 pcs
10. Album "Our athletes"
Physical education equipment
1. Staircase - wall 1 pc
2. Arcs for crawling 3 pcs
3.Game - ring toss 3 pcs
4. Set of multi-colored skittles (8 pcs.) 3 pcs
5. Ball - football 1 pc
6. Large hoop 7 pcs
7. Skipping ropes 5 pcs
8. Ribbons 48 pcs (12 pcs of primary colors)
9.Pigtails 20 pcs
10. Sultans 26 pcs
11. Handkerchiefs 48 pcs (12 pcs of primary colors)
12. Bags with peas for the prevention of postural disorders 15 pcs
13. Colored balloons 10 pcs
14. Rope 1 piece
15.Soft modules
16.Dynamometers - manipulators 2 pcs
17. Game "Hit the ball" 2 pcs
18. Gate 1 piece
Non-standard equipment
1. Hemp 6 pcs
2. Simulator for the development of dexterity "Traps" 5 pcs
3. Breathing simulator "Breeze in a bottle" 12 pcs.
4. Breathing simulators "Aquarium", "Apiary", "Ladybugs", "Sea"
5. Visual simulators "Flower", "Butterfly", "Ladybug", "Eight",
6. Game "Catch a fish" 2 pcs + plastic aquarium 2 pcs
7. Game "Winders" 4 pcs
8. Bumps 6 pcs
9. Posture wall "Palms" 1 pc
10. Quiet trainer
11. Paths for the prevention of flat feet:
"Heels - socks"
"Footprints - buttons"
massage mats
ribbed board
Foot massager
12.Massage gloves 24 pcs
13.Tunnel 1 piece
14. Mittens for hardening 24 pcs
15. Cones, chestnuts
16. Board games "Football", "Hockey", "Golf"
17. Outdoor "Towns" 2 pcs

Here we have such a favorite corner of our children!