Musical and didactic games material on the topic. Musical and didactic game "What they do in the house

Tamara Yashkova


To develop in children timbre perception, to improve the sense of rhythm. Contribute to the deepening of children's understanding of the means of musical expression.


To teach children to determine by ear the rhythm of music, the ability to navigate in a game situation;

To develop in children emotional responsiveness, to instill interest and love for music;

Improve timbre and dynamic hearing, sense of rhythm and tempo; auditory attention, musical memory;

To cultivate communication skills in the game, a friendly attitude towards each other.

game material.

The tablet depicts three fabulous houses with opening shutters. In each window of the house there are drawings that correspond to the music: a dance, a march and a lullaby.

Game progress.

The music director plays the piano and invites the children to listen to the music and guess what is happening in the house. For example, a child says: "They are dancing in the house." To check, the child opens the shutters of the house, and sees in the window a drawing depicting dancing heroes of a fairy tale.

The music director plays the piano again, and the child dances.

For the correct answer, the child is given a chip. Whoever gets the most chips wins.

The game is played in class and in free time.

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Musical and didactic games are one of the means of developing the musical culture of a preschooler. They contribute to the development of an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, and the creative abilities of children.

Musical didactic games are a game teaching method aimed at mastering, consolidating and systematizing knowledge about music, as well as a game form of learning and independent game activity, a means of musical communication and child development.

Observation of the playing activity of older preschool children shows that, unlike younger preschoolers, they can independently play musical and didactic games with each other, compose them, come up with a sequence of actions, and formulate the rules of the game.

The presence of a certain musical and life experience in children allows them to be quite active during the game and independently use the skills acquired in everyday life. The significance of the development of rhythmic hearing in the musical education of a child lies in the fact that it:

Helps develop musical abilities and enriches the emotional world of children;

Develops cognitive abilities;

It fosters activity, discipline, a sense of collectivism;

Mastering the skills of music perception and expressive movement occurs in the process of learning games, round dances, dances, exercises. What is common in the method of learning musical and rhythmic movements of all kinds lies in the teacher's desire to interest children in them, draw attention to the sound of music, and teach them to respond to its images with the appropriate movement. This is facilitated by expressive performance, figurative demonstration of movements, bright, accurate explanations, and the use of independent methods of action by children.

Of particular importance are musical and didactic games in the development of musical and rhythmic hearing. Musical didactic games should be simple and accessible, interesting and attractive. Only in this case they become a kind of stimulus for children to sing, listen, play, dance. In the process of games, children not only acquire special musical knowledge and abilities, they form the necessary personality traits, primarily a sense of camaraderie and responsibility. All didactic games contribute to the formation of mental qualities in children: attention, memory, quick wits; accustom to the speed of action, to restraint, to assess their own capabilities; activate various mental processes, contribute to the process of education and upbringing; vocabulary enrichment.

Musical and didactic games combine many of the features inherent in round dance constructions, outdoor games. But the didactic material of these games differs in that it is based on the tasks of developing musical perception; the game action should help the child to hear, distinguish, compare certain properties of music in an interesting form for him, and then act with them. The nature of play actions in musical didactic games, therefore, is very peculiar. All didactic games differ in their playing actions and sensory tasks, but they always require auditory concentration.

Characteristic for each didactic game is the presence in it:

learning task;


Game actions;

All of these elements are required and interdependent. The main element of the didactic game is the learning task. All other elements are subordinate to this task and serve it.

The purpose of didactic games is to introduce the child to an understanding of the properties and qualities of sensually perceived phenomena. Didactic games, as it were, express and complete the process of comparing and separating the child's own sensory experience in perceiving the properties and qualities of phenomena from socially accepted standards.



A game for the development of pitch hearing and fixing program material

Where are my kids?

game material. Four large cards and severalsmall (according to the number of players). Large cards depict a goose, a duck, a chicken, a bird; on small ones - ducklings, goslings,chickens, chicks in the nest.

Game progress. Children sit in a semicircle opposite the teacher, eachdogo one small card. The teacher offersplay and the story begins: “In the same yard lived a chicken withchickens, a goose with goslings, a duck with ducklings, and on a tree inbird nest with chicks. One day a strong wind blew.It started to rain and everyone hid. Mother birds have lost theirschildren. The duck was the first to call her children (shows picturesku): “Where are my ducklings, dear guys? Quack quack!" (sings tore first octave).

Children who have ducklings on their cards, hold upthey wave them and answer: “Quack-quack, we are here” (singing on the soundla second octave).

The teacher takes the cards from the guys and continues: “ObraThere was a duck that found her ducklings. Mother chicken came outand also began to call her children: “Where are my chickens, dearguys? Ko-ko! (sings tore first octave). The game continues until all the birds have found their babies.

Miraculous Pouch

game material. Small bag, beautifully designedapplication. It contains toys: a bear, a hare, a bird, a cat, acarcasses. You can use characters from the puppet theater(Fig. 6).

Game progress. The whole group is involved. “Children,” says the teachertel, - guests came to our lesson. But where did they hide?Maybe here? (Shows a bag.) Now we will sendplay music and find out who's there." Musical directorplays the melodies of works familiar to children: "Cockerel" -Russian folk melody, "The Gray Cat" by V. Vitlin,“Sparrows” by M. Krasev, “Bear” by V. Rebikov and others. Childrenrecognize the music, one of them takes out the correspondingwaving toy and shows it to everyone.

Think and Guess

game material. Cards (according to the number of players), on whichA few depict a bear, a bunny, a bird (Fig. 7).

Game progress. Children are given one card each. On the pianoor a melody sounds in the recording: “Bunny” by M. Starokadomsky, “Bear” by V. Rebikov, “Sparrows” by M. Krasev, Children will recognizemelody and raise the desired card. For example, after the song"Bear" V. Rebikov raise a card with the image bear.

Birds and chicks

game material. Ladder of three steps, metallophone,toys (3-4 large birds and 3-4 chicks, Fig. 8).

Game progress. A subgroup of children is participating. Every child hasone toy. The teacher plays the low metallophoneand high sounds, for example,before second octave. Children whohold the chicks, must go out and put the toys on topnext step. Then soundsdofirst octave, children putbig birds on the bottom step.

Hen and chickens

game material. House, Masha doll, metallophone. Alllaid out on the table. Children hold toy birds(chicken and chickens).

Game progress. The children are seated around the table. caregivertakes the doll and says: “Masha doll lives in this house,She has a lot of hens and chickens. It's time to feed them, but they run awayfoxes. Masha, call your chickens. Listen, guys * who Masha is calling, ”plays the metallophonere second octave. Children with chickenthey stand up in their hands and put them in front of Masha. doll feedsbirds. The teacher asks the children to sing in a thin voice, likechickens, "wee-wee-wee." Then Masha doll calls chickens - brought uptel plays the metallophonere first octave. Children putfigurines of chickens on the table in front of Masha and sing on the same sound"ko-ko-ko".


game material. 4-6 large cards - each sectioninto two parts. The first half depicts a goose, the secondswarm - gosling (duck - duckling, cat - kitten, cow - those flax, etc.). Chips - two per card (Fig. 9).

Game progress. The game is played with a subgroup of children (4-6) fortable. Each player has one card and two chips. Producer educatorwears: "Ga-ha-ha" (sings onre first octave). Children who havethe card shows a goose, they must close it with a chip. Wake uptatel says: "Ha-ha-ha" (sings onla first octave), childrenclose the picture with a caterpillar with a chip.

Who lives in the house?

game material. A colorful tower is drawn on the cardin two floors: the lower windows are large, the upper ones are smaller. At the bottomunder each window there are drawings: a cat, a bear, a bird.Each window opens and closes. Inside it onthere are insert pockets where pictures are insertednumerical animals, as well as pictures depicting cubsnecks of these animals (Fig. 10).

Game progress. The teacher sits the children in a semicircle andshows the house-teremok in which a cat lives with a kitten, birdstsa with a chick and a bear with a teddy bear. "On the first floor,-the teacher says, - mothers live, on the second (with small windows) - their children. Once everyone went for a walk in the forest, and whenreturned home, they confused who lives where. Let's help themfind your rooms. Distribute one card to each.A familiar melody is played in various registers. Onfor example, the melody of the song “The Gray Cat” by V. Vitlin sounds.The child who has the corresponding card inserts it intoa window on the first floor opposite the picture shown inhouse. The same melody sounds, but an octave higher. Stands upchild with a kitten card and places it in the window on the second floor.

There is also a game with music about a bird and a bear.(“Bird” by M. Krasev, “Bear” by V. Rebikov). She continuedpresses until all cards are inserted into the card cars.

At the end of the game, the teacher encourages the correct answers.If one of the children made a mistake, he explains that the bear is notfits in the kitty's bed and will not be able to sit at her table,when he suddenly gets into the wrong room, etc.

Find a toy

game material. Toys that match the contentsongs: bunny, bear, kitty, cockerel, etc.; turntablewith discs of software.

Game progress. The toys are on the table. The children sit in a circle.The teacher offers to listen to the melody and choose (callschild's name) appropriate toy. The game is overwhen there are no toys left on the table.

The game can be played in class to reinforce the familiaritymy works and in my free time (preferably duringafternoon).

In the woods

game material. The tablet depicts a forest; 2-3 treesthe stump is glued to the picture with its middle part in height.This, as it were, creates volume and, in addition, to onehalf of the Christmas tree (tree, hemp) is glued to a pocket in whicha figurine of a bunny is placed (cockerel, cats, bears and etc.). A cardboard figurine of a girl is placednext to the forest.

Game progress. “Children, look what a beautiful forest,” sayseducator.- Here are birch trees, Christmas trees. The girl Tanya came to the forest to pick flowers and berries. And behind the tree someone hid, probablysome animal. Let's help Tanya guess who is sitting there. Ambassadorsing a song and guess. On piano or on recordperformed, for example, "Zainka", a Russian folk melodyin the processing of N. Rimsky-Korsakov. To check the answerBenk is allowed to look behind the tree where the figurine isbunny (the picture of the Christmas tree is bent along the center, there is a carmashek).

The game is played with all children and can be usedcalled in a music class while singing and listeningmusic.


game material. Box with Pinocchio painted on it.From the side, the box opens, the cards are inserted there.dots with colorful illustrations for various programsnym songs and plays (herringbone, locomotive, car, sledge, doll, flag, etc.), familiar to children.

Game progress. The teacher explains to the children that they are visitingPinocchio arrived and brought songs with him, and which ones - the children themselvesmust guess. Music director plays pronews, children guess. To test the answer out of the boxget the corresponding picture. For example, the song is"Herringbone" M. Krasev, the child takes out a card with the imagethe New Year tree, or the melody of the song "Steam Engine" sounds3. Companion - a picture of a steam locomotive is taken out of the box, etc.

The game can be played at a music lesson with the aim ofconsolidation of program musical works.


game material. ing.

Game progress. Children are seated in a semicircle. "Now, children,let's go withiami for a walk, but she is unusual, we will walkin the group, and musical hammers will help us. Here we arewe go down the stairs with you, ”the teacher slowly strikeshammer on the palm. Children repeat the same rhythmic

picture. “And now we went out into the street,” continues to vospitatel, - the sun is shining, everyone was delighted and ran. Hereso! ”- running conveys frequent blows. Children repeat. "Tanyatook the ball and began to slowly hit it on the ground, ”brought upthe body again slowly strikes with a hammer. Children repeat. "Osthe tal children began to jump quickly. Skok, skok, ”- quickly udhammers. Children repeat. But suddenly appear in the skyClouds rolled in, covered the sun, and it began to rain. First itthere were small rare drops, and then a heavy downpour began, ”-the teacher gradually accelerates the rhythm of hammer blows. Childrenrepeat. “The guys got scared and ran to the kindergarten,” he strikes with a hammer quickly and rhythmically.

A subgroup of children and the whole group can take part in the game.Group. It is advisable to play the game during leisure hours.

Our guests have come

game material. Bibabo toys (bear, bunny, loshadka, birdie), tambourine, metallophone, musical hammer,bell.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to approach him:"Children, toys should come to visit us today." Wordsthere is a knock at the door. The teacher comes to the door and quietlyputs a bear on his hand: “Hello, children, I came to youvisit to play and dance with you. Lena, play me the tambourine, I'll dance. The girl slowly hits the tambourine, bearin the hands of the educator, he rhythmically shifts from foot to foot. Childrenclapping.

Similarly, the educator beats the arrival of otherstoys. The bunny jumps under quick blows with a hammer on megallophone, the horse gallops to the clear rhythmic beats of musonic hammer, the bird flies to the sound of a bell.

The game is played with all children in their free time.time."

What are the children doing?

game material. Cards (according to the number of players), one half of which depicts children (they sing, march, sleep),the second half is empty; chips (Fig. 12).

Game progress. Children are given one card each. Teacherrecognizes familiar pieces of music (possible in a recording):"Lullaby" by A. Grechaninov, "Bye-bye" by V. Vitlin, "March"E. Parlova, any song (which children know and sing). That,who recognized the piece of music, closes the blank with a chiphalf of the map.

The game is first played in class, and then in free time.from class time.

Three pigs

game material. On 'F F la first octave - pigletbefore second octa.

Games for developing a sense of rhythm


game material. Musical hammers by number game

Game progress.



game material. The tablet depicts a forest, a gladecuts are made in the center where pictures can be inserted -"Hares are sleeping", "Hares are dancing".

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to go for a walka clearing drawn in the picture: “Little children live herebunnies, and what they do, you will find out for yourself when you hearmusic."

The melody of lullaby or dance music sounds. Deyou determine it and, at the request of the educator, insert the correspondingthe corresponding picture in the slot on the tablet. If a childlearned a piece of music, children applaud.

They brought us toys

game material. Musical toys: pipe, bell, musical hammer; cat (soft toy); toshy.

Game code. The teacher takes a box tied with a ribbon,takes out a cat and sings the song "Gray cat"V. Vitlin. Then he says that there are more musical instruments in the that a cat will give to children if they recognize them bysound.

The teacher, imperceptibly from the children (behind a small screen), playson musical toys. Children will recognize them. The cat gives toys to the child, he rings a bell (tapping musicalhammer, plays the pipe). Then the cat passestoy for another child. The same pipe is not transmitted,it is desirable to have several of them.

The game can be played at a festive matinee or atleisure.


game material. Three colorful paper capsmusical instruments: harmonica, metallophone,balalaika.

Game progress. A subgroup of children sit in a semicircle, in front of themtable, on it under the caps are musical instruments.The teacher calls the child to the table and offers himturn back and guess what he will play. Forchecking the answer is allowed to look under the cap.

Our Orchestra

game material. Children's musical toys and instruments (domras, balalaikas, pipes, bells, tambourines, coalnicks), big box.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children that she came to kindergartenpackage, shows her, takes out musical instruments andgives them to children (preliminary acquaintance with each instrumentvolume is held in a music lesson). Everyone plays thesetools the way they want.

This game situation can be used in the morningnick. After the "creative" game of children, the teacher offerslisten to the orchestra of the older children play


Music Lotto

game material. Cards according to the number of players, on eachdrawn five rulers (music staff), circles-notes, children'smusical instruments (balalaika, metallophone, triola)(rice.14).

Game progress. The leader child plays a melody on one of theinstruments up, down, or on the same sound. Children shouldlay out circle notes on the card from the first line tofifth, or from fifth to first, or on the same ruler.

The game is played during free time.


game material. Ladder of five steps, toys (mattails, bear, bunny), children's musical instruments(accordion, metallophone, harmonica).

Game progress. Leading child performs on any instrumentthose melody, another child determines the movement of the melody up,down or on one sound and moves the toy accordingly(for example, a bunny) up, down, orknocking on one step. Next child actanother toy.

Several children are involved in the game.

Find the right bell

game material. Five sets of bells by type"Valdai".

Game progress. Five children participate in the game, one of them leadsshchy. He sits behind a small screen or with his back to playand ringing one or the other bell. Children shouldin your set, find the bell corresponding to the givensound, and call them. When the game is repeated by the leaderthe one who correctly determined the sound of eachrings.

The game is played during free time.

guess the bell

game material. give") of different sounds.

Game progress. ringlet.

guilt of the day.

Note. 15).

Repeat sounds

game material.

Game progress. dofirst octave):mi first octave): don-don-don.salt first octave): ding-big card.

(salt big card.

plays the metallophone).

Three pigs

game material. The tablet depicts a forest and a fabuloushouse. One window is carved in it, in which a rotating disk with the image of three piglets: Nuf-Nuf in a blue cap, Naf-On 'F in a red cap, Nif-Nif in a yellow cap. If arotate the disk from the back of the tablet, then in the window of the houseall piglets appear in turn. At the top of the playing field are attached three records from the metallophone. Under the recordF the first octave draws the muzzle of a pig in a blue capke - Nuf-Nufa, under the platela first octave - pigletin a red cap - Naf-Naf, under the platebefore second octayou are a pig in a yellow cap-Nif-Nif. Here ata hammer from a metallophone is attached, which freely and easilyremoved from the loop, 8-12 large cards (according to the number of gamesing), each is divided into three parts (three windows) with the imagehats of three little pigs: blue, red and yellow.

Games for developing a sense of rhythm


game material. Musical hammers by number gameliving; flannelgraph and cards depicting short and longsoft sounds (flannel is glued on the back of the cards).

Game progress. The content of the game corresponds to the similar game,conducted in the younger group (see p. 28), but, in addition,children must convey a rhythmic pattern - put it on a flagnon-legraph card. Wide cards correspond to rareblows, narrow - frequent. For example: “Tanya took the ball,” sayseducator, - and began to slowly hit them on the ground. Rebbenok slowly taps with a musical hammer on the palm andlays out wide cards.

“It began to rain frequently, heavily,” the teacher continues.The child quickly knocks with a hammer and lays out narrow cards.points.

th senior groupguess the bell

game material. Cards according to the number of players, three lines are drawn on each; colored circles (red, yellow,green), which correspond, as it were, to high, medium andlow sounds; three musical bells (of the type "Valgive") of different sounds.

Game progress. The child-leader rings alternately one, thenanother bell, the children arrange the circles on the correspondingcurrent ruler: red circle - on the bottom, if it ringsbig bell; yellow - on the middle, if the middle bell rings; green - on the top, if a small ring ringsringlet.

Several children are playing. The game is played in the second pologuilt of the day.

Note. The game can be played with a metallophone. Leadingalternately plays the upper, middle, lower sounds. Children of the racescircles-notes are placed on three rulers (Fig.15).

Repeat sounds

game material. Cards (according to the number of players) from the imagethree bells: red - "dan", green - "don", yellowty - "ding"; small cards with the samebells (on each one); glockenspiel.

Game progress. The teacher-leader shows the children a largea card with bells: “Look, children, on this cardthree bells are drawn. The red bell rings low, welet's call him "dan", he sounds like this (singsdofirst octave):dan-dan-dan. The green bell rings a little higher, we'll callhis "don", he sounds like this (singsmi first octave): don-don-don.The yellow bell rings the highest sound we callhis "ding", and he sounds like this (singssalt first octave): ding-Ding Ding". The teacher asks the children to sing how the bells sound: low, medium, high. Then each child is given onebig card.

The teacher shows a small card, for example, withyellow bell. The one who knows how this bell sounds, sings "ding-ding-ding"(salt first octave). The teacher giveshim a card, and the child closes the yellow bell with it onbig card.

The metallophone can be used to check children's answers,and also if the child finds it difficult to sing (heplays the metallophone).

Any number of children participate in the game (depending onfrom game material). But at the same time, we must remember that each participant will receive a small card only when they singappropriate sound or play it on a metallophone.

Our trip

game material. Metallophone, tambourine, square, spoons, musonic hammer, drum.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to come up with a smallyour story about your journey, which can be portrayedon any musical instrument. "Listen, firstI'll tell you, - says the teacher. - Olya went out into the street,went down the stairs (plays the metallophone).

I saw a girlfriend, she jumped very well over the skaKalka. Like this (beats the drum rhythmically). Ole also wantelk to jump, and she ran home for jump ropes, jumpingbowing over the stairs (plays the metallophone).

You can continue my story or come up with your ownstory". The game is played in the afternoon.

Determine the rhythm

game material. Cards with one halfthe rhythmic pattern of a song familiar to children is depicted, the other half is empty; pictures illustrating the content of the song;children's musical instruments - percussion group (spoons,

square, drum, musical hammer, etc.). Each is given 2-3 cards (Fig. 19, 20).

Game progress. The child-leader performs a rhythmic patternfamiliar song on one of the instruments. Children on the rhythm opdivide the song and cover the empty half of the cards with a pictureki (the presenter gives the picture after the correct answer).

When the game is repeated, the leader becomes the one who nevernot wrong. One child can be given more cardscheck (3-4).

Learn to dance

game material. Large matryoshka and small ones (according to the number of players).

Game progress. The game is played with a subgroup of children. Everyone is sittingaround the table. The teacher has a large matryoshka, the children havelazy. "The big matryoshka teaches the little ones to dance" - gothe teacher steals and taps his matryoshka on the tablesimple rhythmic pattern. All children at the same timeryayut this rhythm with their nesting dolls.

When the game is repeated, the child can become the leader,successfully completed the task.

Complete the task

game material. flannelgraph, picture cardsshort and long sounds (see the game "Walk", p. 38), childrenskye musical instruments (metallophone, harp, button accordion, triola).

Game progress. The tutor-leader loses on one ofinstruments rhythmic pattern. The child must posthis cards on flannelgraph.

The number of cards can be increased. In this case, eachthe player will lay out a rhythmic pattern on the table.

Games for the development of timbre hearing

Define a tool

game material. Accordion, metallophone, harp (eachtwo instruments each), a bell, four wooden spoons.

Game progress. Two children are sitting with their backs to each other. Beforethey have the same instruments on the tables. One of the gameThe speaker performs a rhythmic pattern on any instrument, the other repeats it on the same instrument. If a childcorrectly performs the musical task, then all the children clap.After the correct answer, the player has the right to guess the followingblowing riddle. If the child is wrong, then he listensexercise.

The game is played during free time.

What do I play?

game material. Cards (according to the number of players), on one half of which there is an image of children's musical instrumentstov, the other half is empty; chips and children's musicaltools (Fig.21).

Game progress. Children are given several cards (3-4). on any instrument (a small screen in front of the leader).Children determine the sound of the instrument and close it with a chipsecond half of the card.

The game can be played like a lotto. On one big cara point divided into 4-6 squares is given an image of timespersonal instruments (4-6). Small cards with picturesthe same tools should be greater than and equal tothe number of large cards. Each child is given one paina map and 4-6 small ones.

The game is played in the same way, but only the children close the smallwhich card the corresponding image on a large

We listen carefully

game material. Record playertal music familiar to children; children's musical instrumentscops (piano, accordion, violin andetc.).

Game progress. The children sit in a semicircle in front of a table on whichthere are children's tools. They are offered to listen towhich piece of music, determine which instrumentsyou perform this piece and find them on the table.

The game is held at a music lesson in order to consolidatelistening to music, as well asduring leisure hours.

Musical riddles

game material. Metallophone, triangle, bells, booben, harp, cymbals.

Game progress. Children sit in a semicircle in front of a screen behind whichswarm on the table. there are musical instruments and toys.The leader child plays a melody or rhythmic patternon any instrument. Children guess. For the rightthe answer is the child gets a chip. Whoever has an eye winsmore chips.

The game is played during free time.

Games for the development of diatonic hearing

Loud-quiet drinking

game material. Any toy.

Game progress. Children choose a leader. He leaves the room.Everyone agrees where to hide the toy. The driver must find her, guided by the volume of the sound of the song, whichall the children sing: the sound is amplified. as it approaches the place where the toy is located, or weakens as it moves awayfrom her. If the child has successfully completed the task,repeating the game, he has the right to hide the toy.

The game can be played as entertainment.


game material. Playing field, hammer, bun and nothow many different small objects depicting a haystackhay, log, stump, anthill, Christmas tree. All this is arrangedon the playing field in any order.

Game progress. Children look at the figures on the playing field,then they choose the driver, he goes out the door or the openingchivaetsya from the rest of the players. Children agree on whatthey will hide the figure of the bun, and call the driver:

“The gingerbread man rolled away, the gingerbread man is a ruddy side,How can we find it, bring it to the grandfather and the woman? Come on, Ira, walk along the path, walkAnd by the song, find a cheerful bun.

Everyone sings any familiar song. The driver takes the hammerand leads them along the paths from figure to figure. If the hammerthe check is far from the figure behind which the ko is hiddenpubis, then the children sing quietly, if close - loudly.

The game is played with a subgroup of children in their free time.time.

Find a puppy

game material. Playing field, puppy, 2-3 smalla barrel, a mallet with a matryoshka at the end.

Game progress. Children agree on which of the barrels they hide injust a puppy, and the driver's name is:

“Here our puppy ran away, hid behind a barrel,There are so many of them in the yard, there is no way to find it.Come on, Sasha, hurry up and find the puppy for us,We will not help, we will sing a song.

Our songs

game material. Picture cards (according to the number of players),illustrating the content of songs familiar to children, metallophone,record player, chips.

Game progress. Children are given 2-3 cards. Performingthe melody of a song on a metallophone or in a record. Children learnsong and close the desired card with a chip. The one who winscorrectly close all the cards.

The game is played during free time.

Games for the development of memory and hearing:

« How many of us are singing?

game material. Tablet with slip pockets orflannelograph, three nesting dolls-pictures of a large size (forflannelograph on the reverse side of the matryoshka are pasted over with flannel),cards (according to the number of players) with slots, three nesting dollstinki (for each player), musical instruments.

The game can use other game material - threecards with the image of singing children (on the first one devochka, on the second two children, on the third three, fig. 22-23).

Game progress. The leader child plays one of the instrumentstov one, two or three different sounds. Children determine the amountsounds and insert into the slots of their cards the appropriatethe number of nesting dolls. The called child lays out nesting dolls onflannelograph or inserted into the pockets of the tablet. It is necessary to remind the children that they must take so many mats.tails, how many different sounds they will hear. If the same sound sounds twice, then only one matryoshka sings.

When performing a game with other play material, childrenraise cards with the image of one, two or three singgirls in accordance with the number of sounds.

The game is played with a small subgroup of children in their free time.from class time. It is essential that the teacher is firstleader role.

We listen to music

game material. 4-5 pictures illustrating contentlistening to musical works familiar to children (this canbe instrumental pieces), record player.

Game progress. Children are seated in a semicircle, in front of them onplace the pictures on the table so that they are clearly visibleto all those who play. Play some piece of music. The called child must find the appropriatepicture, name the work and the composer who wrote thismusic. If the answer is correct, everyone clap.

The game is held at a music lesson and in free time.from class time.

Magic top

game material. There are illustrations on the tabletto program works on listening or singing, in the centerrotating arrow (Fig. 24).

Game progress. Option 1. Recorded or pianoa work familiar to children is performed. The called child points with an arrow at the corresponding illustration, callsthe composer who wrote the music.

Option 2. The presenter plays a melody on a metallophoneprogram song. The child points to the picture with an arrow,which suits the content of this melody.

Option 3. The child-leading arrow points to someor a picture, the rest of the children sing a song corresponding tothe content of this picture.

The first and second versions of the game are used for musicallessons in the listening and singing section. Third optionplayed by children on their own in their free timetime.

The game can be used in groups of younger preschool age.

What do they do inhouse?

game material. The tablet depicts fabulous beforemikes with opening shutters. In the windows of the housesthere are drawings corresponding to the music: dance, march and colawhite (Fig. 25). Record player and encouragericons.

Game progress. The facilitator invites the children to listenmusic and guess what's going on in the house. musical handdriver Plays the piano (or sounds a melody in gramrecords). By music, children will recognize, for example, "Children's Polka"M. Glinka, The child says: "They are dancing in the house." For checkhe is allowed to open the shutters of the house, in the window there is a drawingdepicting dancing children. For the correct answer heReceives a reward badge. The one who getsmore icons.

The game is played in class and in free time.

Name music composer

game material. Record playernyh works of M. Glinka, P. Tchaikovsky, D. Kabalevsky.

Game progress. The teacher shows the children portraits of compozitors P. Tchaikovsky, M. Glinka, D. Kabalevsky, offersname familiar works of these composers. For a correct answer, the child receives a point. Then the musical guideThe teacher plays this or that piece (or sounds like arecord). The called child must name & that workand tell about it. For a complete answer, the child receives two points,Whoever gets the most points wins.

The game is played in the classroom, and can also be usedcalled for entertainment.

musical cubes

game material. A cube on each side of ita picture is drawn that conveys the content of the Song; FROMD crecording programworks.

Game progress. The host loses on CDintroduction tosome work familiar to children. called reThe benok finds the right one among the faces.

What music?

game material. Turntable, CD crecordswaltz, dance, polka; cards with the image of dancing waltz, folk dance and polka.

Game progress. The children are given cards. Musical leadertel, performs on the piano (on record) musicalplays corresponding to the content of the drawings on the cards. Childrenrecognize the work and raise the appropriate card.

"Make an Orchestra"

Software content.

Preliminary work.

game material.

Option 1.


Option 2.


Option 3.

Methodology. "A music shop".

Option 4.

Methodology. "Music House"

The teacher shows the “Musical House” manual. He says that the house is unusual, musicians playing various musical instruments live in it. If you listen well, you can determine the sounds of which instruments are heard from

different windows of the house. The teacher includes musical excerpts with the sound of various instruments, the children raise cards with the image of a sounding instrument. To check the answer, the teacher opens the window of the house in which the named musician-performer “lives”.

In the junior and middle groups

"Music Lotto from Memory"

Software content.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance at music lessons with musical instruments, their sound, belonging to different types of orchestras.

game material.


"Who knows more?"

(for middle and senior gr.)

Software content.

game material.


"Which tool is superfluous?"

Software content. Preliminary work.

game material.


Make up an orchestra"

(game for senior and preparatory gr.)

Software content. Perceive and recognize the sound of various orchestras: folk, symphony, brass. To consolidate knowledge about the instruments (name, appearance, sound, belonging to a particular type of orchestra).

Preliminary work. Acquaintance at music lessons with musical instruments, their sound, belonging to different types of orchestras.

game material. Cards with the image of musical instruments.

Option 1.

Methodology. Children are given cards; the music (fragment) “Polyanka”, “Yablochko” performed by the orchestra of Russian folk instruments sounds. Or “Polka” by D. Shostakovich from the First Ballet Suite, “In the Cave of the Mountain King” by E. Grieg or “Military March” by G. Sviridov sounds. The teacher offers to listen to musical excerpts and get the children together with cards of Russian folk instruments, or cards with the image of the instruments of a symphony orchestra, or with the image of wind instruments, i.e. “get together” in an orchestra of folk instruments, in a symphony orchestra or in a brass band.

Option 2.

Methodology. Children are given cards with the image of various musical instruments, and are invited to gather in subgroups. For example: - folk instruments, wind, strings, percussion, keyboards, etc.

Option 3.

Methodology. "A music shop". The teacher invites the children to play "Music Store". Children should find out what tools are in the store. Children's musical instruments are laid out behind a screen. Leading - The seller performs a simple rhythmic pattern on an instrument, or a melody. Children must recognize the instrument by sound, for the correct answer the child receives a card with the image of this instrument. Whoever gets the most cards becomes the salesperson of the music store.

Option 4.

Methodology. "Music House"

The teacher shows the manual "Music House".

He says that the house is unusual, they live in it

musicians playing different music

tools. If you listen well, you can

determine which instruments are heard from

different windows of the house. The teacher turns on the music

excerpts with the sound of various instruments, children

raise cards with the image of a sounding instrument. To check the answer, the teacher opens the window of the house in which the named musician-performer “lives”.

In the junior and middle groups this game can be played using children's musical instruments (tambourine, triangle, glockenspiel, drum, spoons, bell). Play them behind the screen.

"Music Lotto from Memory"

(for senior and preparatory gr.)

Software content. To consolidate knowledge about musical instruments and their belonging to one or another type of orchestra: folk, symphonic, brass, children's, pop, as well as develop memory, endurance and attention.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance at music lessons with musical instruments, their sound, belonging to different types of orchestras.

game material. Cards with the image of musical instruments, large cards with the image of different types of orchestra. One large card holds eight small cards.

Methodology. The teacher distributes one large card to the children, and small pictures are laid out in the middle of the table with the pattern up. For some period of time, children remember their location. Then all the pictures are flipped. Children take turns opening one picture. If this is their picture, then they take it for themselves, if not, they put it back face down. The player who completes their big card first wins.

"Who knows more?"

(for middle and senior gr.)

Software content. Expand and consolidate knowledge about musical instruments (appearance, sound, name)

game material. Cards depicting various musical instruments that children are already familiar with from previous music lessons.

Methodology. The host (can be both a teacher and a child) shuffles the cards and, showing the players one at a time, asks: “What is this?” the one who first correctly names what is depicted on it receives a card for himself.

The game continues until the cards run out. The one who collects the most cards wins.

"Which tool is superfluous?"

(for the preparatory group)

Software content. To consolidate knowledge about musical instruments and their belonging to one or another type of orchestra: folk, symphonic,Preliminary work. Acquaintance at music lessons with musical instruments, their sound, appearance, belonging to different types of orchestras: brass, children's, pop, as well as develop memory, endurance and attention.

game material. Cards with the image of various musical instruments.

Methodology. The teacher lays out several cards 4-5 in front of the child-player. For example, four cards with the image of folk instruments, and the fifth - with the image of an instrument from a children's, wind, symphony orchestra. The player is invited to carefully look at the cards and find the “extra” among them, explaining his actions.

"Who lives in the house?"

Game description

Children sit in a semicircle in front of the table on which the house stands.

The teacher starts the story:

In the same house lived a hen with chickens, a cat with kittens, a duck with ducklings, a dog with puppies, a goose with geese, etc. One day, the mothers went about their business, and the children hid. The mother chicken came first and began to call her children: “Where are my chickens, dear children?” (sings on "do" of the first octave).

The child, who has a chicken on the card, sings: “Pee-pee-pee, I'm here” (“up to” the second octave), inserts the card into the window of the house.

Then the rest of the mothers call their children in the same way, and the children who have the corresponding card answer: “Quack”, “Ha-ha”, “Tyaf-tyaf”, “Meow-meow”, etc.

"Music Houses"

Equipment: cardboard houses, on the windows of which treble and bass clefs are depicted. Toys (bear, bunny) are hidden behind the house. This game can be used for preschool children of all ages, both in music lessons and in free play activities; both with the whole group or subgroup of children, and individually.

Game description

Children sit in a semicircle in front of a table on which two houses stand. The teacher tells the children that someone lives in the houses. The house with the treble clef has a high-pitched dweller, and the house with the bass clef has a low-pitched one. But in order to find out who lives in which house, you need to listen to musical works and recognize them. The teacher plays the musical works “Bear”, “Hare”, “Santa Claus”, “Gnome”, Cockerel”, “Chickens”, etc., the children recognize the music, open the door of the house and show the toy.

three flowers

Didactic game to determine the nature of music.

game material
Demonstration: three flowers made of cardboard (a “face” is drawn in the middle of the flower -
Sleeping, crying or cheerful), depicting three types of music character:
1. Kind, affectionate, lulling (lullaby)
2. Sad, plaintive.
3. Cheerful, joyful, dancing, perky.

You can make not flowers, but three suns, three clouds, etc.
Handout: each child has one flower, reflecting the nature of the music.
1 option. The music director performs the piece.
The called child takes a flower corresponding to the nature of the music and shows it. All children are actively involved in determining the nature of the music. If the work is known to children, then the called child says its name and the name of the composer.
Option 2. In front of each child lies one of the three flowers. The music director performs the piece, and the children whose flowers match the character of the music pick them up.


Didactic game to determine the nature of music.

game material
Demonstration material: soft small toys (hare, bird, dog, horse, cat, chickens, etc.). A small doll table with chairs, tea utensils, small bright boxes are gifts for the Bunny.

Muses. Hands: Look, guys, what an unusual Bunny today, even tied a festive bow. (The Bunny is busy with the housework. Putting toy dishes on the table. I guessed that it’s Bunny’s birthday today, and he invited guests. Someone is already coming! I’ll play music for you, and you guess. Who is the first to go?
Muses. The leader performs the work, the children express their opinion about the nature of the music, recognize the musical image.
After that, a “guest” toy appears with a gift and gives it to the bunny. Then the toy is put on the table. Thus, all works are performed sequentially. At the end of the music game. The leader asks the children. What will the children give the bunny. It can be a song or dance familiar to children.

Fun gymnastics
"Rain: cap!"
Rhythmic speech game for
developing a sense of rhythm

Children sit on chairs and clearly pronounce the text with the rhythmic movement of arms and legs.

1. Bird: car. Kar, Kar!
Wind: clap, clap, clap! (children clap rhythmically)
Rain cap, cap. Cap 1 (clap hands on knees)
Legs slap, slap, slap! (stomp feet alternately)
2. Children: ha, ha, ha! (stretch arms forward, palms up)
Mom: ah, ah, ah! (shake head, holding hands)
Rain drip, drip, drip, (clap hands on knees)
Cloud: bang. Bah, bang! (stomp feet)


The children line up. They put their hands on each other's shoulders, depicting a centipede.
They learn to clearly pronounce the text, to perform movements in the rhythm of the poem.
Performed without music.

1. There was a centipede
On a dry path (children walk in a rhythmic step, slightly springy)
2. Suddenly it started to rain: drip!
-Oh, forty paws will get wet! (Children stop, squat slightly)
3. I don't need a runny nose
I'll go around the puddles! (they walk high raising their knees, as if walking through puddles)
4. I won’t bring dirt into the house
Shake with each paw (stop. Shake with one leg0
5. And then I will stomp
Oh, what a thunder from the paws! (children stomp their feet)


Program content:To teach children to distinguish between short and long sounds, to be able to clap the rhythm.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to listen to who is walking along the path and repeat how the steps sound with their claps. When the children learn to distinguish between short and long claps, the teacher offers to identify “big and small” legs by ear, performing claps behind the screen or behind the back.

Big feet walked along the road: (long claps)

Top, top, top, top!

Little feet ran along the path: (short pops)

Top, top, top, top, top, top, top, top!

Program content:By auditory perception, teach children to distinguish between short and long sounds, thereby developing rhythmic memory, the ability to correlate their actions with music - the ability to clap the rhythmic pattern of a melody with their hands, develop musical and rhythmic perception.

Game rules:Listen to sounds of different duration, do not disturb others.

Game actions:Guess the duration of the sounds, clap them accordingly.


Program content:To develop sound-altitude hearing in children, to learn to distinguish between high, low and medium sounds. Develop a sense of rhythm, learn to distinguish between short and long sounds.

Game progress: The teacher introduces children to high and medium sounds, after the children have mastered this well enough, they are offered to play and guess who lives in the forest. To do this, the teacher performs the melody "Bear" in a low register, or "Bunny" in the middle, or "Bird" in a high register. Children guess and cover the corresponding picture with a chip.

In another version of the game, the teacher draws the attention of children to the rhythm of the steps of various animals: Long sounds when a bear walks and short sounds when a hare jumps. In this version of the game, the children must determine by the rhythm of the steps who is walking through the forest, or, conversely, be able to clap the rhythm of the steps of a bear or a hare.

Like in the forest with us He has neighbors - And on a branch there is a bird,

Bunny is jumping now. Brown bears. The bird is small!

Program content:(For the older group) To develop rhythmic memory, to teach children to distinguish between short and long sounds by auditory perception, to develop sound-pitch hearing in children, to learn to distinguish between high and low sounds, to develop timbre perception, to expand children's ideas about the visual possibilities of music.

Program content:(For the middle group) Develop rhythmic memory, teach children to distinguish short and long sounds by auditory perception, develop sound-altitude hearing in children, learn to distinguish between high and low sounds, develop timbre perception.

Game rules:Listen to a piece of music, do not interfere with others' answers and do not suggest

Game actions:Guessing and guessing a musical fragment.

Game Purpose: Guess first to see the matching picture.


Program content:Exercise children in perceiving and distinguishing the nature of music: cheerful, dancing and calm, lullaby.

Game progress: The teacher tells the kids that hares lived in the same house. They were very cheerful and loved to dance (shows the picture "Hares are dancing"). And when they got tired, they went to bed, and their mother sang a lullaby to them (the picture “Hares are sleeping”). Next, the teacher invites the children to guess from the picture what the hares are doing? And portray it with your actions (the children are “sleeping”, the children are dancing), to the music of the appropriate nature.

Program content:Develop auditory perception, elementary musical and analytical thinking - the ability to listen and compare music of a different nature (cheerful, dancing and calm, lullaby). Develop musical memory, an idea of ​​the different nature of music.

Game rules:Listen to the end of the melody, do not interfere with the response of others.

Game actions:Guessing the nature of the music, choosing the corresponding image or showing the corresponding actions.

Game Purpose: Be the first to show what the hares are doing.


Program content:To develop in children an idea of ​​​​registers (high, medium, low).

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to remember the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" and its characters (wolf, fox, hare, bear), while he performs the appropriate melodies, for example: "At the bear in the forest" in lower register, "Bunny" in high register, etc. . When the children learn the sound of which register corresponds to the artistic image of each animal, they are invited to play and determine by ear which character is depicted in the music and select the appropriate picture

Program content:Develop musical memory, teach children to recognize familiar pictorial melodies performed in different registers: high, low, medium, while forming a sound-altitude perception of music and the ability to correlate a musical image with an artistic one in terms of auditory and visual perception.

Game rules:Listen to the melody to the end, do not interfere with others to answer, choose the appropriate card.

Game actions:Guessing and guessing a musical fragment, choosing the appropriate image, you can independently perform a melody in a given register.

Game goal: Guess first.


Program content:To teach children to distinguish between high and low sounds, recognize familiar melodies.

Game progress: The teacher introduces children to the sound of the same melody in different registers (low register and high register), for example, Alexandrov's "Cat". When the children learn to distinguish between high and low sounds, conveying the images of the cub and the mother, respectively, they are invited to play. At the same time, the teacher says that mothers live in a big house on the first floor, and their children live on the second (with small windows). Once everyone went for a walk in the forest, and when they returned, they confused who lives where. Let's help everyone find their rooms. After that, the teacher plays the melody “Bear” by Levkodimov in different registers and asks the children to guess who it is: a bear or a cub. If the answer is correct, the corresponding image is inserted into the box, and so on.

Program content:Develop musical memory, teach children to recognize familiar melodies of a visual nature, correlate musical and artistic images by auditory and visual perception. To develop the sound-pitch perception of music - the ability to distinguish between high and low sounds.

Game rules:

Game actions:

Game goal: Guess first.


Program content:To develop in children an idea of ​​the visual possibilities of music, its ability to reflect the phenomena of the surrounding nature.

Game progress: The teacher performs the play "The Sea" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, the children share their impressions about the nature of the music. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the composer painted a vivid picture of the sea, showing its various states: it is either agitated, or raging, or calming down. One child, using cards, shows the change in the nature of the music throughout the play.

Program content:Strengthen the ability to distinguish between dynamic shades in music: quiet (p), loud (), not too loud (), very loud (), etc. Through the ability to correlate musical and artistic images, to develop the imagination, the ability to present pictures of reality, transmitted using the means of musical expression.

Game rules:Listen to a piece of music, do not prompt others.

Game actions:Guess the melody, choose the corresponding image.

Game goal: Guess first.


Program content:Teach children to recognize the change in tempo in music.

Game progress: The teacher performs the song "Carousels", asks the children how they moved, is it always the same? Invites children to depict a change in tempo in music with their actions and answer questions: when the music played quickly, when slowly, etc.

Barely, barely, barely (children start moving)

The carousels started spinning.

And then, then, then (run)

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush! (slow down)

Stop the carousel! (stop).

Program content: Develop musical memory through tempo ear. To teach children by auditory perception to distinguish a change in tempo in music and correlate it with their actions, movements.

Game rules:Listen carefully to the melody, do not disturb others.

Game actions:Movements in a round dance with a change in tempo.

Game Purpose: Take part in the round dance.


Program content:Exercise children in distinguishing sounds in height (re - la).

Game progress: The teacher introduces children to high and low sounds, using onomatopoeia familiar to children, draws attention to the fact that mothers sing in low voices, and children in high, thin ones; to do this, he tells the children that a duck lived in the same yard with ducklings (shows pictures), a goose with goslings, a chicken with chickens, and a bird with chicks on a tree, etc. One day, a strong wind blew, it began to rain, and everyone hid. Mother birds began to look for their children. The mother duck was the first to call her children:

Where are my ducklings, dear guys? Quack quack!

And the ducklings answer her:

Quack, we're here!

The duck was delighted that she had found her ducklings. Mother chicken came out, etc.

Program content: Through auditory perception, develop sound-pitch hearing in children: the ability to listen and distinguish between high and low sounds. (re-la).

Game rules:Listen to a musical question, answer it with a chant that is opposite in pitch.

Game actions:Guess who is called, sing the appropriate onomatopoeia.

Game Purpose: Help the birds find their chicks.


Program content:To develop sound-pitch perception in children: to learn to distinguish sounds within an octave (re1 - re2).

Game progress: The teacher introduces children to high and low sounds, says that Masha's doll has birds: chicken, duck, etc., they sing in low voices. And there are chicks: chickens, ducklings, etc., they sing in high, thin voices. The chicks played all day in the yard and got hungry, and began to look for their mother to feed them:

Pi, pi, pi! It's me! Where is my mother? the chickens sang in a thin voice. And mother chicken answers them:

All to me. Chickens, cute kids!

And all the other chicks began to call their mothers.

During the game, children can alternately play the role of both birds and chicks, while using pictures with their image.

Program content:Through auditory perception, develop sound-altitude hearing in children: the ability to listen and distinguish between high and low sounds. (re - la).

Game rules:Listen to a musical question, answer it with a chant of the opposite height.

Game actions:Sing onomatopoeia after the teacher.

Game Purpose: Help the birds find their chicks


Program content:To convey the rhythmic pattern of familiar chants and recognize them from the image of the rhythmic pattern.

Game progress: Learning the song with the teacher, the children slap its rhythm, having learned this, they learn to recognize familiar songs from the proposed drawing.

"Cockerel" rus.n.m. "We go with flags" "Rain"

Cockerel, cockerel, E. Tilicheeva rus.n.m.

Golden comb! We go with flags, Rain, rain!

That you get up early, Red balloons. Have fun!

Do you let the kids sleep? Drip, drip

Do not be sorry!

In rhythmic patterns, squares represent short sounds, rectangles represent long sounds.

Program content:Listen to the singing to the end, do not interfere, respond to others.

Game actions:Guess familiar chants, choose the corresponding graphic images, clap the rhythm of the chants.

Game Purpose: Guess first.


Program content:To develop in children an idea of ​​​​the different nature of music (cheerful, calm, sad).

Game progress: Children are given playing canvases depicting the sun, a cloud and the sun behind a cloud, which correspond to cheerful, sad and calm music. The teacher performs alternately songs of a different nature (dance, lullaby, calm), and invites the children to play - cover with a chip an image that matches the mood of the character of the music. In the younger group, only joyful and sad melodies are offered that contrast in sound.

Program content:Develop musical memory, children's ideas about the different nature of music (cheerful, calm, sad). Develop auditory perception, elementary musical and analytical thinking - the ability to compare, contrast music of a different nature.

Game rules:Listen to the melody to the end, do not disturb others.

Game actions:Guessing the nature of the music, choosing the appropriate image.

Game goal: Guess first.


Program content:To consolidate the ability of children to distinguish between dynamic shades of music: quiet (p), loud (), not too loud ().

Game progress: Children are given playing canvases with cards of the same color, but of different tone saturation, explaining that blue corresponds to quiet music, dark blue to loud music, and blue to not too loud. Next, the teacher performs a song with alternating dynamic shades. Children are invited to cover with a chip a card that matches the color of the dynamic shade of the music.

For older groups: for younger groups:

Light blue - blue - dark blue light blue - blue

Pink - Red - Burgundy Pink - Red

Pale yellow - orange - brown yellow - brown

Music can sound different.

Learn to distinguish its shades.

Loud and soft I will sing

Listen carefully to guess.

Program content:To develop musical memory in the dynamic perception of music, to consolidate the ability of children to distinguish between shades of music: soft (p), loud (), not too loud ().

Program content:Listen to the melody, do not disturb others, do not prompt.

Game actions:Guess the strength of the sound of music, choose the appropriate color tone.

Game goal: Guess first.

Program content:To teach children to perceive and distinguish by ear various onomatopoeia.

Game progress: The teacher shows the children pictures on which animals are drawn: a cat, a dog, a chicken, a cow, a cockerel, etc. and says that they all speak in different voices. For example, a cat sings "Meow", a dog - "Woof", a chicken - "Ko-ko-ko", etc. When the children learn this, the teacher invites them to play. He says that Masha's doll has many different animals: both a cat and a dog, etc. It's time to feed them all, but they fled. Listen to who Masha is calling:


Children repeat the repeated onomatopoeia after the teacher, name the animal and choose the appropriate picture until they have collected everything.

Program content:To develop the elementary musical and analytical activity of children - to learn to distinguish between the simplest onomatopoeia by auditory perception and to correlate the musical image with the image in the picture.

Game rules:First, listen to onomatopoeia, then repeat them after the teacher.

Game actions:Choose pictures that match the onomatopoeia.

Game Purpose: Collect all pictures.


Program content:To develop in children the ability to distinguish the timbre of the sound of various children's musical instruments.

Game progress: The teacher tells the children that he met cheerful musicians who played different musical instruments. But what instruments they played should be guessed by the children themselves. For this, the teacher uses a screen and children's musical instruments available in the music corner: a tambourine, a rattle, a pipe, etc. After listening to the instrument sounding behind the screen, the children name it and choose a picture with its image. In the game you can use the song:

musical instruments musical instruments

We guys know three. We guys know five.

And which one will play now, And which one will play now,

Come on, talk fast. You try to guess.

musical instruments

We guys know seven.

Which one will play now?

Let's guess everything together.

Program content:To develop musical memory through timbre hearing - to teach children to distinguish the timbre of the sound of various children's musical instruments by auditory perception.

Game rules:Listen carefully to the sound of the instruments, do not interfere with answering each other.

Game actions:Select pictures with appropriate tools.

Game Purpose: The first to collect all the musicians.

Didactic game "Musical Houses" (for preschool children from 3-7 years old)

Description of the didactic game: cardboard houses, on the windows of which treble and bass clefs are depicted. Toys (bear, bunny) are hidden behind the house. This game can be used for preschool children of all ages, both in music lessons and in free play activities; both with the whole group or subgroup of children, and individually.

Purpose: development of auditory attention, the ability to distinguish sounds in height, the expansion of musical and auditory baggage, memory training.

Description of the game: children sit in a semicircle in front of a table on which there are two houses. The teacher tells the children that someone lives in the houses. The house with the treble clef has a high-pitched dweller, and the house with the bass clef has a low-pitched one. But in order to find out who lives in which house, you need to listen to musical works and recognize them. The teacher plays the musical works “Bear”, “Hare”, “Santa Claus”, “Gnome”, Cockerel”, “Chickens”, etc., the children recognize the music, open the door of the house and show the toy.

Musical and didactic game "Who lives in the house?"

Purpose: expansion of musical and auditory baggage, improvement of the ability to reproduce the onomatopoeia of birds and animals.

Description of the game: the children sit in a semicircle in front of the table on which the house stands. The teacher begins the story: “A chicken with chickens, a cat with kittens, a duck with ducklings, a dog with puppies, a goose with goslings, etc. lived in the same house. One day, the mothers went about their business, and the children hid. The mother chicken came first and began to call her children: “Where are my chickens, dear children?” (sings to "do" of the first octave). The child, who has a chicken on the card, sings: “Pee-pee-pee, I'm here” (“up to” the second octave), inserts the card into the window of the house. Then the rest of the mothers call their children in the same way, and the children who have the corresponding card answer: “Quack”, “Ha-ha”, “Tyaf-tyaf”, “Meow-meow”, etc.

Musical and didactic game "What are they doing in the house?"

Winter patterns.

1. Improve children's auditory attention and sense of rhythm.
2. Develop children's creative imagination.
3. Expand understanding of the natural environment and the phenomena occurring in it.

(For this game, the music of S. Slonimsky "Rondo" is used.)
The teacher reads a poem by G. Ladonshchikov:
Neither I nor you drew, -
Why are there flowers on the window?
While I was sleeping, while he was sleeping
Santa Claus drew them!
On the window, the old man Frost
Painted with an ice floe!

Game progress:

The teacher suggests that children, using ice sticks, also try to draw snow patterns, like Santa Claus, only on the carpet. Children stand in a circle, each holding two silver sticks. (Sticks can be made from pencils by wrapping them in foil). For the first part of the music, everyone runs one after another in a circle, rhythmically raising and lowering the sticks. For the second part, they stop facing the center of the circle and, at the command of the teacher, all together perform some kind of movement with sticks - “draw”: they knock with them, hit lightly on the knees, on the floor, rub between the palms, roll on the floor, conduct, etc. Then each child makes any “pattern” out of his two sticks, placing them arbitrarily on the floor in front of him (without music). When all the patterns are ready, the children, to the music, standing still, examine them, clap their hands and, with the end of the music, take the sticks again.

The game is repeated at first, but now the children make up the pattern together - from four sticks and four of them - from eight. Then, when the guys learn how to work together as a team, you can try to make a pattern with a group of eight people. The pattern does not have to be similar to something specific - a snowflake or the sun. At the end of the game, look at the big beautiful patterns and applaud the artists to the music.

Grandma Nyura.

1. Learn to imitate the sound of animal voices, distinguishing between low and high, long and short sounds.
2. Instill in children a love for pets and birds.
Material: you need a dice for this game(it can be made from cardboard or use a soft module), pictures depicting domestic animals and birds are pasted on the edge of the cube(rooster, hen, cat, dog, cow and girl).
Game progress:
(Music director and children stand in a circle.)
The teacher sings a song:
At Grandma Nyura's there are roosters and chickens,
And the dog Bug, and the cat Meow.
Cow Burenka, and granddaughter Nastenka.
Children pass the cube to each other. When the song ends, the teacher and children say the text:
Pass the cube to the children.

Who came to us, guess!
The child who has a cube throws it on the floor in a circle. The teacher asks who is depicted on the top face of the cube. The children answer. The teacher offers the child who threw the dice to show in his voice how the animal or bird sings. To do this, it reads the following lines:
Rooster crows
Loudly, long
Child. Ku-ka-re-ku-u! ( imitates the voice of a cockerel).
Two chickens cluck
Loud and important:
Child. Where-tah-tah! Where-tah-tah!(imitates the voice of a chicken).
The dog barked
Low voice:

Child. Woof woof woof! (imitates the dog's voice).
The pussy meowed plaintively:
Child. Meow meow meow! (imitates the voice of a cat)

The cow sang
Long and loud

Child. Moo-moo-moo! Moo-moo-moo! (imitates the voice of a cow).
What about Nastenka?
Did you tell the kids? (
The child thinks up and gives the answer.)

Then the game is repeated.

How many birds are singing.

1. Develop musical ear in children.
2. Raise interest, love for birds.

Material. A large card measuring 5 by 15 cm and three small cards measuring 5 by 5 cm with the image of birds (for every child).

Game progress:

Children sit at tables or on the carpet. The teacher begins to tell a fairy tale in which the task is a stimulus. Its solution contributes to the fulfillment of the didactic goal of the game.
Teacher. " Little gnomes lived in one fabulous forest. They liked to come to the big sprawling oak tree and listen to the birds singing. One day, the smallest dwarf came with them and began to listen to the birds singing. When one bird sang, he listened to it well. But suddenly several birds began to sing, and he could not hear and determine how many birds were singing. He was very upset and even began to cry from annoyance. Guys, let's all together help him guess how many birds are singing.

Children take cards and listen, when one sound sounds, the child puts one bird on a large card; when two sounds sound, two cards are laid out, etc.

Bird Concert.

1. Teach children to distinguish the pitch of a sound.
2 . To expand children's ideas about the diversity of birds of their native land, about their voices

Material. Musical instrument for playing along (metallophone, piano).

Game progress: Children learn to play sounds of different heights: in the range of seconds, thirds, fifths.

Children sit in a semicircle. The host or teacher sings, and the children answer.

On the top of a birch
The cuckoo sings all day long.
Children. Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo!

And the tit all day long
Singing loudly:
Children. Shadow-shadow-shadow, shadow-shadow-shadow!

The woodpecker echoes them: knock-knock-knock,
Pecking the old bough with its beak.
Children. Knock-Knock!

Walk in the park.

1. 2 . Expand your understanding of the environment

3 . To develop the creative and cognitive activity of children.

Material. Metallophones.

Game progress: The children are sitting at the tables. In front of each child is a metallophone.

The music director or educator tells a story about children who were walking in the park. Children voice the story according to its content using a rhythmic pattern on a metallophone.
Musical director.Today we will go to the park to the playground. This walk is unusual, as we will only imagine what we are doing. So, let's begin. It was a beautiful day and we decided to go to the park.

Get dressed and start down the stairschildren imitate on metallophones the descent down the stairs - from the upper register to the lower). We went outside and ran up the path, straight to the playground (children imitate this on metallophones by sounding from lower to upper register in a fast rhythm). They saw a swing and began to swing on them, singing a song:

Here is the swing in the meadow, Up and down!
I'll run away. Up down! (Children sing a song and play along on metallophones.)
Musical director.We rode on a swing and began to play ball, saying:
My cheerful sonorous ball.
Where did you run off to? (
Children imitate a bouncing ball on metallophones.)
Musical director.But suddenly it started to rain. At first he walked slowly, and then faster and faster: drip ... drip ... (children imitate the sound of a drop on metallophones). We were afraid of the rain and ran to the kindergarten: top, top, top ... (Each child depicts on a metallophone how he runs.)
Note. After the children understand the meaning of the game. They can themselves tell stories about themselves or about their comrades, voicing on the metallophone.

Naughty icicles.

1. Develop a sense of rhythm in children.
2 . Expand understanding of the natural environment and the phenomena occurring in it.

Material. Rhythm cards.

Game progress:

Children are divided into three or four teams of five or six people each, they are given cards with a rhythmic pattern. First, the children sing the song "Naughty Icicles" with movement:

Playful icicles Children sing while standing.
Sat on the ledge.
They sit on chairs.
naughty icicles
Sing while sitting, head straight.
We looked down.
They tilt their heads.
See what to do?
They shrug.
They began throwing drops.
Waving the hands

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip. Oat the same time for a strong beat of the measure.
Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip. AT
wave their hands in turn.

The whole day goes ringing:

After singing, each group slaps the rhythm pattern shown on the card:
Eighth durations - say "kapa-kapa ..." and slowly lower your hands, moving your fingers.
Quarters - clap your hands and say "drip-drip ..."
Half duration - clap your hands on your knees and say "squish ... squelch ...".

Droplets go around

(Ecological transformation games)


  1. Develop children's imagination, fantasy;
  2. The ability to identify oneself with raindrops.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to imagine that she is a mother-cloud, and all the children are raindrops and, to the music, perform the actions that she will voice (Sounds like rain music):

Droplets jump, scatter, dance. Droplets flew to the ground. They jumped and played. They got bored. They gathered together and flowed in small, cheerful streams (children hold hands). Brooks met and became a big river (children are connected in one chain). Droplets float in a big river, travel, they feel good together. The river flowed and flowed into the ocean (children rebuild in a round dance and move in a circle).

Droplets swam and swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that the cloud mother ordered them to return home. And just then the sun came up. The droplets became light, stretched up (the children sat down, and then began to rise on their toes and stretch their arms up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to the mother-cloud (children take turns running to the teacher).

After the game, the teacher clarifies whether the children liked being in the role of raindrops and why, when the sun shone, they returned to their cloud mother.

Motion sketch "Journey of droplets"

(The story is accompanied by movements performed together with the teacher to the music.)


  1. Verify level assimilation of ecological knowledge and ideas by the end of the academic year.
  2. form interest in nature.
  3. fasten knowledge about the diversity of natural objects; about interrelations and interdependencies between objects of nature; skills of environmentally literate behavior in nature.

Game progress:


Sitting comfortably in the flower bud, Droplet was in no hurry to open her crystal eyes. She loved those short minutes of the early morning, when the sun had not yet risen. “It’s so unpleasant when it starts to burn, otherwise, what good, it will completely dry me up,” thought Droplet, hiding deeper into the core of the flower. (Children sit on the carpet in a ball pose.)But all living things were drawn to the sun, and the flower also turned its bright inflorescence towards warmth. The petals opened, and the hot rays of the sun burned the Droplet. “Oh…” she moaned plaintively and immediately felt an irresistible force begin to lift her into the air. (We pull the handles up, open our palms, slowly rise.) Along with it, other droplets began to evaporate. Many of them, holding hands, formed a round dance. And now light dancing clouds somewhere in groups, and some one by one, floated to distant lands, farther and farther from their native side. (Children join hands, form a round dance and begin to move in a circle.)

“It turns out that evaporating is not at all scary,” Droplet thought, “and from above I can even see better ...”. Colorful pictures changed one after another. When the speed of the dance of the moving clouds became faster, the droplet did not have time to look at the ground. Suddenly a gust of wind stirred the cloud dance(“droplets” swirl around themselves). The little drop looked around and saw with horror that the white airy dresses of her girlfriends turned into dense and gray ones, like dirty cotton wool stuck to the sky. One thing was pleasing: the small water crystals were all together, and nothing could interfere with their flight. (Children, holding hands, converge in the middle of the circle..) And then the mountains appeared in the distance. As if growing by magic, every moment they were getting closer and closer. The clouds tried to slightly bypass them, but the terrible black giants, one of which was in a white hat, stood up as a wall. Gray clouds turned black with grief in anticipation of imminent disaster. The droplets said goodbye to each other and rushed down. (Children let go of the handles and scatter to the sides, then squat.) And the white hats of the high cold mountains extended a helping hand to their droplet sisters - cold streams ran down from the steep mountain peaks, where the earth accepted them with gratitude. (Children are given blue ribbons, they turn into streams.) The transparent and cool body of the Droplet touched the ground and penetrated into it. With each moment of immersion in the soil, it became cooler. Muddy muddy streams seethed and became more full-flowing. (We run with ribbons in a circle, increasing the pace.) The noise from the streams of water deafened Droplet. An incomprehensible element carried her further and further into the unknown. Suddenly pitch darkness surrounded Droplet. (Children converge in the center, the ribbons are raised up.) “I must have fallen into an underground river,” she guessed. And while the traveler was thinking about what had happened, the clear waters carried her to the sea. (Children disperse, form a large circle, leave the ribbons on the floor.) “Yes, there are droplets from all over the world,” she admired, “is it possible that the same thing happened to them as to me?” “Yes-yes-yes,” the stormy current answered her, taking her further and further into the sea. Finally, the storm subsided. The sea has calmed down. The droplet lay on the surface of the water surface and rested. (Slow rocking movements to the right and left.) Nothing foreshadowed trouble. But then the sun came out. Its scorching rays picked up the Droplet and lifted it into the air (Pull the handles up and spin.)And again the cloud dance in a weightless dance carried her to other lands. “Drip-drip-drip,” the clouds cried, and heavy rain began to water the plants ... ( Children squat and tap their palms on the carpet.) A droplet fell from a height and at the same time was not at all afraid. Now she knew for sure that she would not die. A droplet seeped deep into the soil, and there it was accepted by the roots of a beautiful flower. She followed the stem to the leaves and finally to the bud. In a flower, she will be able to sleep and rest until the first hot rays of the sun, so that later she can go on a trip again. (Curl up into a ball pose.) And the time will come - she will tell her children and grandchildren about these trips to distant lands, about the beautiful cloud dance, about raging underground waters and about the hot sun, which you should not be afraid of at all ...

On the edge of the forest

A task:

  1. To consolidate children's knowledge of how to behave in the forest.
  2. Introduce children to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

Game progress:

To music and poetic accompaniment, children perform various movements:

It's time for us to loosen up.
We suggest taking a walk.
Dark forest, lush meadow
We walk one after another.
(Perform normal walking)
So as not to crush the flowers,
Legs must be raised!
(Walking with knees high)
We run along the paths
We don't interfere, we don't make noise.
Snake run after each other)
In the meadow for butterflies
It's fun to fly.
Mahi arms at the same time as running)
We swear a little
We will watch.
Squats )
jumping frogs
On the edge of the forest.
Jumping from a squat position)
They are very afraid
Mosquitoes and flies.
To keep the branches from breaking
We will walk quietly.
Walking at a leisurely pace)
We live in friendship with the forest,
Let's sing songs to the forest.
(Stop on the spot)
Stretch, breathe
The group walked together.

Who eats what

A task:

  1. To consolidate in children the knowledge of what certain types of animals eat.
  2. Develop physical activity.
  3. To develop attention, memory, the ability to classify animals according to the type of food.

Game progress:

The teacher lays out sheets of paper at some distance from each other and gives the children the task: to correctly seat the proposed animals at the "dining" tables (predators - for the red table, herbivores - for the green). The members of the first team choose only predators, the members of the second team choose only herbivores. Children take one picture at a time and take them to the corresponding "dining" tables.

Musical and didactic game game "Bird and chicks"

Purpose: to exercise children in the perception and discrimination of two sounds: "to" the first octave and "to" the second octave.

Game progress: the leader gives the children an uncolored picture. Reminds the players of the voices of birds and chicks (he strikes the metallophone record first with the sound “to” the first octave, then “to” the second octave. After that, he takes small colored cards in turn (they turn the pattern over to himself), hits the corresponding sound on the record and asks: “Who Is he calling us? A bird or a chick?" After the correct answer, the children receive a small card and cover its part of the image of a large picture. The game continues until all the players have added a large picture.

Musical and didactic game "Gardener»

Purpose: to give children an initial idea of ​​the right to life, to good living conditions; cultivate a caring attitude towards each other; learn to hear the change in the character of music during the game; develop dynamic hearing.
Repertoire: P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"
M. Glinka "Waltz Fantasy"
Game progress.
Musical director. Guys, what does a flower need to live? (children's answers). The little prince fell in love with his Rose and was glad to serve her, because she was so small, weak and defenseless. He watered his flower with clean spring water, covered it with a glass cap from cold and drafts, weeded weeds, saved from caterpillars... Do you want to become gardeners?

Children are divided into pairs at will. One of them is a "gardener", the other is a "flower". Music sounds. Children - "gardeners" depict how they dig up the ground, plant, water flowers, loosen the soil. Children - "flowers" - as they grow, reach for the sun, because they are well looked after. The child can depict a specific flower that he chooses. Then the players change places.
After the game, the children share their impressions about what kind of music was played during the “planting flowers” ​​and during the time when “flowers grow”. Together with the teacher, they come to the conclusion: every person has the right to life and to good living conditions. Life is a beautiful but fragile flower that needs to be protected.

"Homeless Bunny"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the right to live in their own home and feel like a master; cultivate a caring attitude towards each other; develop musical memory, musical thinking; develop a sense of rhythm.
Repertoire: "Zainka" Russian. nar. a piece of chalk.
Game progress.
Musical director: Guys, let's remember the fairy tales whose heroes were left without housing (“Teremok”, “Zayushkina's hut”, “Wintering house of animals”, “Cat's house”, “Bremen Town Musicians”, etc.) If the human right to dwelling, then he, like a “homeless hare”, has nowhere to live, nowhere to hide from rain and snow, to warm up and rest. It is especially bad for homeless children.
For the game, children - "hares" occupy "houses" (hoops). One child is a "homeless hare". While the music is playing, he must take one of the hoops while the other players run. The one who is left without a "home" becomes a "homeless hare". At the end of the game, the music director adds another hoop, and all the “hares” find their “homes”.

Music director: Every child has the right to housing.

"Find Your Mom"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the right to live in a family, to feel needed; develop the musical ear of children, the ability to distinguish between sad and cheerful music; to develop the creative manifestations of children in the transfer of the game image.

Repertoire: P. Tchaikovsky "Doll's illness"
P. Tchaikovsky "Kamarinskaya"

Game progress.
Children are divided into two groups - "rabbits" and "cubs". The "mother-hare" and "mother-bear" are chosen. To the sad music, the guys are looking for their "mothers", imitating the movements of animals. When the sound of the music changes (funny music sounds) and at the signal “Find your mother”, the children find her and dance around cheerfully. "Mom" affectionately strokes them on the head and shoulders.

Musical director: How good it is with mom!

Musical and didactic game "Who called"

Purpose: to give children the knowledge that every person has the right to a name that distinguishes him from other people; cultivate respect for each other, people around; develop timbre hearing, the ability to "sing" a name.

Game progress.
A leader is chosen, who sits with his back to the children. The child, to whom the teacher’s decree, says: “You don’t know my name, who called - you won’t guess” - and sings the name of the driver. The last one has to guess. Who called him. The next driver is the child whose name was guessed.

"Funny ball"

Purpose: to give children the knowledge that every child has the right to play with other children; to cultivate a desire to reckon with the rights of each other: to yield, to help, to respect the rights of others; develop a sense of rhythm, songwriting, theatrical, dance creativity.

Repertoire: I. Strauss "Polka - Pizzicato".

Game progress.
The music director invites the children to decide what game they will play: already familiar ball games or a new one - “Funny Ball”. Children choose a new game.
The players become in a circle. The ball is in the hands of one of them (the smallest, saddest, newest or chosen according to the counting rhyme - as the children decided). To the cheerful rhythmic music, everyone dances freely and at the same time passes the ball in a circle. The one who has it after the end of the melody goes to the center and, at will, dances his favorite dance, sings his favorite song or song, depicts a toy: a cheerful sonorous ball, a bear, an elephant, a bunny, a car, an airplane, a robot, etc.
At the end, the teacher finds out if the children liked the new game.

"Guess What Sounds"

Purpose: to give children the knowledge that every child has the right to play; develop dynamic, timbre, rhythmic hearing; to consolidate the knowledge of children in the estate to recognize and name a musical instrument.

Equipment: musical instruments, pictures of musical instruments.

Game progress.
Children sit in a semicircle. In front of them is a table on which are pictures of musical instruments. There is a screen on another table. Behind the screen are musical instruments. The musical director plays any musical instrument, and the children must determine by sound which instrument sounds and show it in the picture.

"Round of opinions"

Purpose: to give children the knowledge that every child has the right to his own opinion, and also be able to listen to the different opinions of other people; Cultivate love for musical and rhythmic movements; develop a sense of rhythm.
Repertoire: Belarusian folk dance "Bulba".

Game progress.
The music director asks the children what game they would like to play, listens to different opinions and, in order to resolve the dispute, offers a game in which children can express their opinions - “Round of Opinions”. To the cheerful music, the children dance in a circle.
round dance, round dance,
The little people are dancing.
Who likes a picker, come out
And dance for us!
Children, in whose opinion the named musical-rhythmic movement (there may be various musical-rhythmic movements) is the best, go out to dance in the middle of the circle.
Music director (at the end of the game): We are all different, and our opinions can sometimes be the same, and sometimes different. And that's good: let everyone have their own opinion.

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

A modern child in the era of computers, cameras, camcorders, smartphones, laptops and tablets is not only interested in the technical innovations of adults (parents and teachers), masters the functions available to them, but also receives new information with their help - knowledge.

A child can gain knowledge in the field of music through a multimedia musical and didactic game. The child is attracted by colorful pictures, animation movements, sounds of music. Pictures give children the opportunity to:

  • get acquainted with the appearance of objects, for example: musical instruments, with the position of notes in the scale, etc.;
  • consider their features and differences, for example, the differences between the piano, grand piano, synthesizer, etc .;
  • help understand musical terms, for example, the term solo is one, duet is two, etc.

Animation allows you to attract the attention of children, makes the game process exciting, lively, dynamic.

Music in multimedia music games has a special place. It can be used in the background during the explanation of the game, at the beginning to prepare the viewer and the mood for the game, and at the end of the game to create high spirits. And the main purpose of music in such games: the development of musical abilities (emotional responsiveness, musical ear, sense of rhythm); development of the ability of preschoolers to distinguish between the nature and genres of music, the sound of musical instruments, as well as the consolidation of program material.

I bring to the attention of my colleagues the musical game “What is being done in the house”, created in the Microsoft Office Power Point program for children 4-7 years old, the purpose of which is to expand the ideas of preschoolers about music genres.

Game objectives:

  • to help consolidate the ability of preschoolers to distinguish between musical genres (song, dance, march), to recognize the genre of a musical work by its fragment;
  • educate children in the culture of "listening" to music.
  • On each slide of the presentation “What is being done in the house” there is a musical riddle, which will be helped by a picture depicting dancing, singing and marching children;
  • Each room in a modern interior, the corresponding movements of children to the genres of music on the screen, will increase the motivation for learning;
  • The role of the leader of the game is played by an adult (teacher, parents). Everyone can participate in the game.

Rules of the game. The host at the beginning of the game announces: “Children, listen to music and select the desired picture. Find out what is being done in the lodge - singing, dancing or marching. If you answer incorrectly, the picture will disappear. And if you answer correctly, you will hear applause!” During the game, the facilitator clarifies the choice of children with questions, substantiates their answers. The result of the game, the ability of children to determine the genres of music, to choose the right picture for the music in a playful way.

The game will be useful for music directors, educators, parents. The game can be used both in educational and leisure (free) activities of preschoolers of middle and older age.

Anna Timofeeva
Musical and didactic game for children 5–6 years old "Musical House"

The main activity of preschoolers is the game. Didactic the game is a multifaceted complex pedagogical phenomenon: this is both a game method of teaching preschoolers, and a form of education, and independent game activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality. Understanding the importance of the game, I, music director MBDOU"Kindergarten No. 61" the city of Cheboksary, designed didactic games on musical education.

Target: Develop at children the ability to distinguish the timbre of various children's musical instruments.

Description: fabulous house, cut out of cardboard with six windows, and six cards (by window size) with a picture of any musical instrument(tambourine, drum, bell, trumpet, metallophone, harmonica).

musical material: Songs familiar to children are used - chants.

move: The teacher shows the children house and says that it is fabulous, funny people live in it musicians, playing on different instruments. If you listen carefully, you can determine which instruments they play. play. The teacher performs a simple rhythmic pattern or a chant familiar to the children alternately on different instruments, but in such a way that the children do not see them. The child performing the task, having determined by ear which instrument sounds, finds its image among the cards and closes one of the windows with it. house.