Speech therapy corner in the speech therapy group. Material for the corner of a speech therapist "advice to parents"

Work on the development and correction of the speech of preschoolers is one of the priority areas of the educational process in kindergarten. Therefore, the creation of conditions for the prevention and correction of speech disorders in children is an important principle in the design of a speech therapy zone (correctional corner, speech center) of the subject-developing environment of the group. At the same time, the environment should be not only educational, developing, but also aesthetically designed, and most importantly, comfortable.

The role of the speech therapy corner

In the conditions of the educational concept of modern preschool educational institutions (DOE), classes for the correction and development of speech can be carried out in two versions:

  • in a specially equipped room for classes with a speech therapist;
  • in each kindergarten class.

In the first case, all equipment for work is located in the specialist's office. The location of the basic materials for working in a group is due to the fact that the speech therapist does not have an office in the kindergarten, or the educator himself is engaged in corrective work. A speech therapy corner is part of a subject-developing environment for games alone or in a group, aimed at correcting existing speech disorders, stimulating the speech activity of babies. The role of the speech therapy center is to:

Goals and objectives of the center

The content of the speech therapy corner is based on lexical topics considered in accordance with the calendar and thematic planning. In addition, the materials of the correctional center should be related to:

  • the program according to which the preschool educational institution and a specific group work (for example, if there are speech therapy groups in the kindergarten, then the subject-developing zone will not only be larger in terms of the area occupied, but also more diverse in content);
  • physiological and psychological and pedagogical features of the development of speech at a particular age (for example, in the younger and middle groups, the work takes into account the sequence of mastering sounds - a, o, e, p, m, b at 1.5–2 years, i, s , y, f, c, t, e, n, k, d, x, d at 2–4 years).

Thus, the goals of creating a speech corner in a preschool educational institution are:

  • fine motor skills training for the full and timely development of coherent conscious speech with the help of special simulators (lacing, spinning tops, etc.);
  • stimulation of the speech apparatus to pronounce consonant sounds that differ in the place of the obstruction that the air flow encounters (especially the anterior lingual palatal sounds w, w, p, h and the anterior lingual dental l, z, s);
  • mastering the skill of correct inhalation-exhalation in the process of a speech act with the help of respiratory gymnastics (important for pronouncing consonants that require a certain direction of the air flow to the place of the obstacle);

    The development of proper breathing is one of the main directions in the development of speech

  • development of logical thinking, attention, ability to find cause-and-effect relationships;
  • working out sound pronunciation (when learning tongue twisters and tongue twisters);
  • development of phonemic hearing (children understand the meanings of words from poems, fairy tales, perceived by ear);
  • mastering the principles of the grammatical structure of the language in games (for example, the formation of diminutive forms of nouns using the suffixes -chka-, -onk-, etc., as well as the study of syntactic norms, in particular, the rules for constructing sentences).

It is interesting. The acoustic realization of consonant sounds is possible due to the fact that when they are pronounced, the vocal tract narrows, causing complete or partial blockage of the air flow. Changing the direction of the latter makes it possible to produce different consonant sounds. For the pronunciation of vowels, there is no significant narrowing of the vocal tract.

At the same time, for each age, the goals set are realized within the framework of solving specific tasks that are cumulative in nature, that is, they are supplemented and enriched from year to year.

Work on the development of speech is built consistently from year to year

Table: tasks of creating a speech corner for different ages

First juniorOvercoming speech negativism (when kids tend to show, rather than pronounce a word, a phenomenon) in paired, group games.
An exercise in correlating an object with an image in a picture.
Refinement and enrichment of the dictionary.
Raising attention to the addressed speech.
Second juniorEnrichment and activation of the dictionary on program lexical topics (due to filling the logopedic zone with suitable pictures).
The development of dialogic speech (in game situations when interacting with dolls, toys).
Development of speech breathing and the ability to coordinate speech with movement (thanks to a selection of breathing exercises).
Development of auditory and visual attention during the game.
The development of fine and general motor skills of children when working with simulators.
MediumActivation and enrichment of passive and active vocabulary.
Mastering the norms of word formation of forms of nouns, adjectives.
Work on the ability to control the strength and duration of exhalation.
Fine and gross motor skills training.
Development of spatial representations.
senior, preparatoryDevelopment and consolidation of lexical material, lexical and grammatical categories.
Formation of phonemic perception and hearing (distinguishing between soft and hard sounds, for example).
Development of articulatory motor skills.
Consolidation of the skills of the correct sound pronunciation of the delivered sounds in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences, in coherent speech (due to the involvement of kids in role-playing games).
Activation of the dictionary, generalizing concepts and lexical and grammatical categories.
The development of connected speech.

Registration of a speech therapy corner

In order for the correctional center to fully function, it must be organized in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).

It is interesting. A toy for a speech corner should be selected according to certain parameters. First of all, it should have a movable tongue, on the example of which it will be possible to show children the position of the organs of articulation. The character's clothes should be with Velcro, buttons, buttons, so that when dressing - undressing the character, the kids trained fine motor skills. In addition, the outfit should be made of fabrics of different colors and textures - this will help children learn to characterize materials by properties and shades. And for the speedy development of the skill of orientation in the body scheme, it will come in handy if the toy has movable arms and legs.

Video: an example of working with a toy in a speech therapy corner


Table: typical content of the speech corner

Pictures to illustrate articulation games, sets of tasks for articulation in pictures or tables.For articulation exercisesWhile completing the tasks, the children look at the pictures, step by step representing all the movements.
Spinning tops, laces of various shapes and sizes, mosaics, puzzles, a dry pool, hatching templates, strokes, pencils, felt-tip pens.To train fine motor skillsIn the younger groups, children are happy to do lacing (for example, they connect four fragments of a ship or car with a cord), in older groups, children work with shading to prepare their hands for writing.
Balloons, pipes, soap bubbles, turntables.For proper breathingToddlers 1.5–3 years old are very fond of blowing soap bubbles, pupils of the middle group work with pipes and turntables. In older groups, children inflate balloons, and also continue to get acquainted with pipes.
Dominoes, cut puzzle pictures, games like "The Fourth Extra", "Learn by the Contour", etc.For the development of perseverance, attention, logical, figurative and concrete-objective and visual-effective thinking.The cut parts of the picture-puzzles are used in working with children of any age. The only difference is that in the younger groups this is a compilation of pictures from four parts, in the middle - from six, and in the older - from 10-12.
Audio recordings of children's songs, poems, games with pairs of cards (the picture shows a plot with missing details in two sizes, shapes that the baby puts on top after completing the task): a squirrel with mushrooms, a Christmas tree with toys, etc.To train phonemic awareness.To work out the sounds “r” and “r”, the game “Squirrel” is played: the teacher calls the stocks that the squirrel has made, and the children, having heard a soft sound, put a small mushroom on the picture, and having heard a hard one, a big one.
Albums with tasks for automating sounds by V.V. Kovalenko, games L.A. Komarova, fun "Speech therapy loto", "Pick and name", "Steam locomotive", etc.To practice soundThere are 12 cards with cut pictures in the Speech Therapy Lotto, which the kid collects into a whole image. He calls the resulting pictures, highlights the sound being worked out. In older groups, children determine the position of the sound in the word, make up a sentence with this word.
Pictures corresponding to the topics studied, fun "One - many", "Pick up a couple", etc.To enrich vocabularyThe game "Pick up a pair": when studying domestic animals in the second younger group, children are invited to find pairs of pictures depicting a male (female).
Games "Whose tail?", "One - many", collections of games by E.M. Karpova, E.V. Solovyova.To master the grammatical rules of speechGame "Whose tail": children match pictures of tails under animals placed on a flannelgraph. After compiling the image, they name whose tail it is (fox, hare, etc.).
Games "Guess by description", "When it happens", "Professions".To practice the skill of building coherent statementsThe game "Guess by the description" is carried out according to the lotto principle: the children have pictures, the teacher describes the plot, the children show. In the older groups, the children take turns describing the pictures and guessing.
Games "Pick a word for the scheme", "Make a sentence according to the scheme", "Fold the word", rebuses and crossword puzzlesTo enrich the active and passive vocabulary, broaden horizons and assimilate the norms of constructing sentences.The game “Make a sentence according to the scheme”: children have a set of cards and symbols of prepositions (a symbol indicating the location is glued on the caps of plastic bottles), you need to add sentences from the available materials and say it.

Photo gallery: practical application of some materials

In the game "Whose tail" children not only train fine motor skills, logical and figurative thinking, but also learn to form the form of possessive adjectives. The exercise of sorting cards by size, depending on the sound they hear, helps develop phonemic hearing. Drawing up sentences according to the scheme contributes to the development of coherent speech.

Tools and ideas for decoration

The basis for organizing a speech therapy corner in a group is a table on which a mirror is placed. Further equipment goes around these elements.

What can be done with your own hands

The subject-developing environment in kindergarten is formed not only by the acquired means, but also by objects created by the hands of the teacher and parents. To a greater extent, this is done so that the kids, seeing the results of manual labor, treat it with respect. If we consider a speech therapy corner from the point of view of the possibilities of designing on our own, then in this sense the most optimal would be to create a stand. To do this, you need a sheet of plywood of the right size and shape, on which the fabric is stretched through a foam rubber pad. The structure is fixed with a construction stapler. Thanks to the soft surface, materials on the topic can be attached with pins or buttons, and the stand will not lose its marketable appearance due to frequent changes in visibility.

Small stands can be made for specific types of work, for example, with finger games, breathing exercises

How to name

The name of each zone of the subject-developing environment should be clear to children and, which is very important, easy to pronounce. Of course, you can take the path of least resistance and call the center "Speech Therapy Corner" or "Speech Corner", but it makes sense to find more original options:

  • "Toy library with a tongue";
  • "We speak correctly";
  • "Sound";
  • "Talking";
  • "Logolandia";
  • "LOGOcountry".

Video: video tour of the speech center in the middle group

Photo gallery: design sketches for a speech therapy corner

The materials of the speech therapy corner can be placed on the shelves by placing a rack above the table The mirror is hung so that the children, sitting on a chair, can see their whole face In the speech therapy corner in the younger and middle groups, a permanent character is placed who helps and shows the children exercises and games If spaces there is not enough in the group, then the corner can be concentrated around the mirror hanging on the wall

Work in the speech center

Judging from the list of materials, we can conclude that the main type of activity in the speech corner is a game, which is completely justified, since this is the main type of activity for children 1.5–7 years old. However, in addition to didactic fun, in the speech center, with the help of available visual aids, the following are carried out:

As well as artistic and creative types of work as an element of practical activity.

Table: games and exercises in the speech therapy center

First junior groupSecond juniormiddle groupOlderpreparatory group
Didactic games“Katya doll is getting dressed, going to kindergarten”
The teacher shows the children how the Katya doll “dresses” and “puts on shoes”. In the course of the game, he names items of clothing, drawing the attention of children to details, asks what color these items are.
"Who's Gone"
The teacher displays pictures of family members in front of the children. Alternately removes one, the children determine who is missing.
"What the artist messed up." The teacher invites the children to look at the picture and say what the artist made a mistake (in autumn, children do not wear T-shirts and shorts, there are no strawberries, etc.).Retelling along the chain of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”."Restore Order"
Children receive a set of pictures with a plot. Their task is to arrange the images in the correct order and describe what is happening.
Role-playing gamesChildren imitate the actions of adults: wash dishes, iron clothes.Games "In the doctor", "In the educator".Games "Daughters-Mothers", "Big Wash" (after listening to the story of A. Kardashova "Big Wash").Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip" in the course of reading by the educator, the game "Hairdresser's" with the distribution of roles: hairdressers - ladies' master, male master, cashier, cleaner, clients.Games "Shop", "School", "Polyclinic" with independent distribution of roles.
Articulation exercises and tongue twisters. Conducted in front of a mirror.Whoop, whoop, whoop, Mom cooks soup.
Would-be-would, There is smoke from the chimney.
"The Frogs"
Description of the exercise: smile, show closed teeth. Hold the lips in this position until the count of five, then return the lips to their original position. Repeat 3-4 times.
Frogs will like this:
We pull the lips straight to the ears.
I'll pull and stop
And I won't get tired.
The mouth is wide open. The narrow tongue is strongly pushed forward and removed deep into the mouth.
Description of the exercise: open your mouth as wide as possible, hold it in this position until the count of five, then close your mouth. Repeat 3-4 times.
Open mouth wider
We play hippos:
Let's open our mouths wide
Like a hungry hippo.
You can't close it
I count to five.
And then we'll shut our mouths
The hippopotamus is resting.
Wah-wah-wah, wah-wah-wah - that's tall grass.
You-you-you, you-you-you - even above your head.
Ve-ve-ve, ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.
Woo-woo-woo, woo-woo-woo - a bouquet of cornflowers narva.
finger gamesThis finger wants to sleep, Alternate curl of the fingers of the right hand
This finger lay down on the bed, with his left hand, starting with the little finger.
This finger curled up
This finger is already asleep.
- Hush, finger, do not make noise, "Turning" to the thumb.
In addition to the big
fingers, all the rest are clamped into a cam.
Fingers up, cheers! Sharply unclench your fingers, spreading them apart.
It's time to go to kindergarten! Squeezing and unclenching the cam of the right hand.
This finger is grandfather, The fingers of the right (then left) hand are clenched into a fist.
This finger is a grandmother, Alternate extension of the fingers, first with the right,
then the left hand, starting with the thumb.
This finger is dad
This finger is mom.
And here is my finger.
That's my whole family. Squeezing-unclenching fingers.
There are many ridges in the garden, (They squeeze and unclench their fingers.)
There are turnips and lettuce, (They bend their fingers in turn.)
Here and beets, and peas,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden (Clap your hands.)
We will be fed for a whole year.
A playful squirrel is jumping (“running” with fingers on the table),
Tears cones from pine branches (squeeze fists alternately on the right and left hands).
He squeezes deftly with his paws (they squeeze the fists on the right and left hands at the same time)
And he carries it to his pantry (“running” with his fingers on the table).
Hey, water, water, water! We will always be clean (rubbing their hands rhythmically, imitating washing hands)! Spray to the right, spray to the left! Our body became wet (the fingers are clenched into a fist, then the fingers are straightened with force, as if shaking off water)! With a fluffy towel, Dry your hands very quickly (energetic movements imitate alternately wiping your hands with a towel).
Breathing exercisesUsually held with the second junior.
"Leaf fall"
Children with different strengths blow on leaves cut out of colored paper, suspended on threads. Along the way, you can name from which trees they fell.
We stand straight, legs slightly wider than shoulders. While inhaling, we fold our hands with an ax and raise them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, we lower our outstretched arms as we exhale, we tilt the body, allowing our hands to “cut through” the space between the legs. We pronounce bang.
Shaking your head to the right and left, we take strong breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, and the ears are drawn to the shoulders. We make sure that when the head is tilted, the torso does not turn.
We turn our heads to the right and to the left at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, we inhale through the nose: short, noisy (“like a hedgehog”), with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx (nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses). Exhalation is soft, arbitrary, through half-open lips.

Practical activities

Creative tasks help children to better understand the didactic material, develop speech skills and abilities, and also show their creativity.

Reflecting on my profession, I came to the conclusion that a speech therapist is a psychologist, an actor, a musician, and a designer. He should not only teach children to speak beautifully and correctly, but also create conditions for mastering speech. The environment must be attractive and mysterious to maintain interest in activities. Each item must carry a semantic load, aesthetic pleasure and mystery in order to invite the child to dialogue.

I offer my opinion on the equipment of a speech therapy room. I think that the use of simple and effective means of organizing a developing environment will help novice speech therapists to conduct classes more interesting and varied. ( The presented correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy room of the kindergarten was created by the hands of a speech therapist).

The structure of the subject-developing environment of the speech therapy room is determined by the goals of correctional and educational work, the originality of the spatial arrangement of the necessary objects and materials. The subject environment of the speech therapy room is built in accordance with the program that is being implemented in our educational institution.

The speech material is regularly updated as each new lexical topic is studied. Games and manuals are systematically changed throughout the year (depending on the season). This allows you to organize a developing environment within the walls of a speech therapy room, create comfortable conditions for classes and emotional well-being.

Equipment of the subject-spatial developing environment in the speech therapist's office:

Speech center.

Mirrors, before which a significant part of the work is carried out, requiring visual control of the child (articulation and facial exercises, staging sounds and their primary automation). Cash desks of letters, syllables, abacus, sound rulers, symbols of sounds, syllables for tapping out syllables, letter constructor, workbooks with articulation exercises and relevant entertaining material, beads made of beads to form a measured pace of speech and develop motor coordination, didactic games, breathing simulators.

motor centerdevelopment. Stencils, strokes, massage balls, lacing, split pictures, nitkography. Manual with screw-on lids "Fly agaric", "Jolly pig" and "Industrious caterpillar" ( related by me). "Industrious caterpillar" is braiding, button flowers, button pocket, tying a bow, etc.., multifunctional lids and much more.

Center of visual perception.
Looking at the stars, the cloud and the sun, children are happy to perform gymnastics for the eyes. Exercises help control eye movements, relieve mental fatigue, and contribute to the development of visual perception. I find this guide necessary and very useful.

speech breathing it is represented by a card index of breathing exercises, a variety of turntables, “wind blowers”, the “Gluttonous Fruits” manual, soap bubbles, autumn leaves, snowflakes, bells, a Christmas tree and many light objects (according to the seasons).

Relaxation Center
. It also includes soft toys, finger games, "Dry pool" with different fillers. The use of the pool is multifunctional. It contributes not only to the development of speech, but also to the stabilization of the emotional state of children. Toy Nyusha, which is very fond of children. She often plays the role of a pillow that you can hug and warm your soul.

Information centre
located in the locker room of the speech therapy group. Equipped with a folding folder, a stand "Advice to parents from the Wise Owl", which contains interchangeable information on various types of speech disorders, entertaining exercises and other necessary recommendations of a speech therapist, handouts.
Center for methodological support
It is represented by reference and methodological literature, educational and methodological plans for the sections of speech correction and development, and manuals necessary for the correctional process.

To maintain interest among children and so that there is no overabundance of visibility, benefits replace each other at certain times of the year. For example, "Window to Nature": in autumn - we fix colorful leaves, clouds, "rain"; in winter - snowflakes, snowman, Christmas tree; in spring - migratory birds, a tree with swollen buds, the sun "smiles". The "Magic Umbrella" manual for the development of breathing is also changing. Such an unusual calendar develops attention in children, they notice interesting and typical natural phenomena in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

The kids love my office. It is home-like, cozy and always has a friendly atmosphere. It calms the child, has a positive effect on his nervous system.

All subject content is displayed in the passport of the speech therapy room. This is a photo album with "magnetic" pages, where all the information about the purpose and equipment of the office is classified. There is a guide to the office, in which the color of the circle corresponds to different areas of correctional work. This greatly facilitates the search for the necessary educational or methodological materials.
My experience shows that as a result of using the resources of the described correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy room, the interest of children in correctional classes increases significantly. The environment helps in overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech, promotes the development of spatial representations and visual-object gnosis, develops cognitive interest, increases speech activity, and helps children learn the elements of literacy; development of the lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech, mental functions.

teacher-speech therapist MDOU "D / s of the combined type No. 35" Alyonushka-1 ",

Ershov, Saratov region, Russia.

Olga Kushnarenko

This presentation was presented at the municipal review - competition » . Participated in the competition groups compensatory orientation for children with speech disorders. According to the results of the competition, our Group took third place. The slides show speech zone, didactic games and visual aids for use by educators in the work on consolidating speech skills as well as for independent activities of children. Here you can see: a file of articulation exercises, games for the formation of air jets, the development of fine motor skills, sound syllabic analysis and synthesis, for automation and differentiation of sounds, finger theatres, musical and noise instruments, media library. Everything is within reach for children. The group was opened 01.09.2015.

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Speech therapy corner of the speech group as part of the subject-developing environment

Kostina T.A., teacher

MKDOU "TsRR - d / s No. 15"

The problem of speech in all its species diversity is relevant in preschool age. To date, there are many methods by which you can regulate the process of speech development in children. The most important condition for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that contributes to the desire to actively participate in speech communication. At the same time, playful communication of children is of particular importance. Game communication is the necessary basis within which the formation and improvement of the child's speech activity takes place. The development of a preschool child is greatly influenced by the space around him, the environment in which he is most of the time. In a preschool environment, such an environment is a group room. The problem of organizing a subject-developing environment acquires special significance when working in speech therapy groups. The educational activity of children (under the guidance of a teacher or independent) that is not directly regulated by the framework is the longest. In the course of this activity, educators organize individual and subgroup correction-oriented forms of interaction with children. The subject-developing environment makes it possible to enrich the experience of emotional and practical interaction of the child with peers and the teacher, to include all children in the group in active cognitive activity. The environment stimulates the development of cognition, initiative. In it, children realize their abilities. The composition of the subject-developing environment includes a correctional corner in the group. It is a specially equipped space for playing alone or in small groups. Its equipment includes shelving, a mirror, game, didactic and visual material. With their help, educators create conditions for correcting deviations in the development of children, stimulating speech activity and speech communication. The content of the correctional corner is based on thematic planning on lexical topics. The selection of gaming and didactic material is carried out on the basis of the recommendations of a speech therapist, which makes interaction with educators not formal, but very close and fruitful. The content is determined not by chance, but in strict accordance with the program, physiological, psychological and pedagogical features of speech formation. Didactic equipment should correspond to the structure of children's speech disorders, their individual and age characteristics. Only with this approach is it possible to effectively correct the speech of preschoolers. With a random, formal selection of games, the volume of children's perception is overloaded and learning ability is sharply reduced. Game and didactic material is replaced or replenished in the correctional corner weekly, depending on the lexical topic. It is necessary to diversify the activities of children in the correctional corner. Didactic equipment should meet the needs of the current, immediate development of the child and his self-development. An object space that is empty in content tires, encourages idleness and aggression. At the same time, you should not overload the corner with equipment, because. it makes the choice difficult. The material contained in the correction corner has a multifunctional character. Games should be selected in order of increasing complexity, aimed at the development and correction of speech, the development of phonemic perception, pronunciation skills, auditory attention, verbal memory, articulatory motor skills, games that provide compensation for higher mental functions and make up the psychological basis of speech. The more complex and diverse the activity, the more necessary speech, the greater the need for communication. All material must be age appropriate. Reliance on the game, as the leading activity of preschoolers, provides a significant positive effect in corrective work. The game creates conditions for informal communication of the child with peers and adults, provides him with complete freedom of action. Therefore, game material should be accessible to him. This has a positive effect on the development of speech and intellectual development in general. Acquisition of game and didactic material in a correctional corner on lexical topics suggests a systematic approach to work. It is regulated by educators in accordance with sections of the program or corrective tasks to be solved. When creating a developing environment for a group, it is very important that the environment surrounding children be comfortable and aesthetic. Beauty shapes the child. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the aesthetics of the correction corner. Its design should be attractive to children and arouse in them the desire for independent activity. At the same time, it is necessary to teach children to maintain order in the corner and to cultivate a careful attitude towards toys. It is advisable to place the correction corner in a well-lit place and somewhat remote from the playing area. This will create more comfortable conditions for exercising in it. Access to the corner should be convenient so that the children themselves can approach it and study. In case of insufficient lighting, it is necessary to provide additional. The proximity of the play area will interfere with classes in the corner and distract the child from completing tasks. The filling of the correction corner should be carried out in sections:

articulation gymnastics in pictures: (pictures for articulation exercises, sets of exercises for articulation in pictures-tables). This can be done independently, and the description can be taken from the methodological literature. For example: T.A. Kulikovskaya "Articulation gymnastics in verses and pictures", "Articulation gymnastics in counting rhymes", V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko "Articulation, finger gymnastics and breathing-voice exercises";

fine motor skills: spinning tops, dry pool, lacing, mosaic, puzzles, stencils for hatching, internal and external strokes, pencils, etc.;

breath: turntables, pipes, balloons for inflation, bubbles, air jet games, etc.;

higher mental functions: cut pictures, dominoes, “The fourth extra”, “Color and shape”, “Learn by contour”, etc. It is advisable to discuss the content of this section with a psychologist;

phonemic awareness: games for the differentiation of sounds - for example, Games with paired cards by Z.T. Bobyleva;

sound pronunciation: albums on the automation of sounds by V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko; game exercises L.A. Komarova; games for the automation of sounds: “Speech therapy lotto”, “Speech therapy domino”, “Steam locomotive”, “Pick and name”, etc.);

vocabulary: pictures reflecting the studied lexical topic (plot and subject); educational puzzles, games: loto, “Pick up a couple”, “Who will name more”, “Part and whole”, etc.;

grammatical structure of speech: EM games Karpova, E.V. Solovieva,
V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko, the game “Whose tail?”, “One is a lot”, “Call it affectionately”, “What is not?” and etc.;

coherent speech: plot pictures, “Guess by the description”, “When does it happen?”, “We play in the profession”, etc .;

charter: schemes of words, sentences, games: “Pick a word for a scheme”, “Make a sentence according to a scheme”, “Add a word”, crossword puzzles, rebuses, etc.

An interesting material that is used in our correctional corner is the Speech Cube game guide. The manual is cubes of different sizes, made of light materials (cardboard, plastic, foam rubber, fabric, polystyrene). Speech material is located on each face of the cube. This material is used when performing articulation exercises, for the development of general and fine motor skills, lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech in children. It is changed by educators as children learn different topics. On their own, children play with cubes in their free time, consolidating the material worked out in the classroom with a speech therapist teacher. While playing, preschoolers throw a cube and perform the task that fell on the face of the cube. Each cube has its own name, reflecting the purpose of its (cube) use. A special place in the objective world of the child is occupied by a toy. She is a friend, a partner in the world of games, an interlocutor. Puppet therapy allows solving such important correctional tasks as overcoming uncertainty, shyness, achieving emotional stability and self-regulation. Therefore, the key character of the correctional corner can be made a toy. Such a toy should be multifunctional. This is definitely an animated character. His ability to move (with the help of an adult or a child), ask or answer questions, make riddles, come up with interesting stories, invite friends over, present unexpected surprises arouses a keen interest in children, encourages speech activity. The toy may have a bright movable tongue, with which it is easy to explain articulation exercises to children. Her clothes may contain various elements for the development of fine motor skills of hands (buttons, hooks, buttons, laces, Velcro, buckles, zippers, clips, etc.). The fabric from which the clothes are sewn can be different, which allows children to easily learn the names of materials, as well as characterize their properties (using tactile sensations). The color scheme helps to remember the primary colors. If the character has movable arms or paws, then with their help, children quickly master the orientation in the body scheme. The teacher conducts a lesson in a speech therapy corner in the afternoon on the instructions of a speech therapist. With children, the articulation of sounds, automation in words in subject pictures are worked out. Sentences and short stories are made with these words. With a group of children, a game can be organized to differentiate the delivered sounds or expand the vocabulary. Children themselves approach the speech therapy corner: they do gymnastics for the tongue, blow in games to develop an air stream, take strokes, laces, mosaics, puzzles, name pictures in sound albums, play a speech therapist. One of the main conditions for the quality of corrective speech impact is sincere the interest of the teacher in his results, the desire to help the child, the constant readiness to provide him with the necessary assistance and support in cases of difficulty. If the adult wants it, the child will want it too.

Thus, the use of a correction corner allows you toexpand the speech environment in the group, create emo in childrenrational responsiveness and desire to participate in verbal communicationcoadults and independently, during the game, easily and naturallyday to day develop and improve your speech skills.

poster presentation

Speech therapy corner of the speech group as part of the subject-developing environment.

Completed by: Kamalova E.V.,


Kazan, 2014

The problem of speech in all its species diversity is relevant in preschool age. To date, there are many methods by which you can regulate the process of speech development in children. The most important condition for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that contributes to the desire to actively participate in speech communication. At the same time, playful communication of children is of particular importance. Game communication is the necessary basis within which the formation and improvement of the child's speech activity takes place.

The development of a preschool child is greatly influenced by the space around him, the environment in which he is most of the time. In a preschool environment, such an environment is a group room.

Of particular importance is the problem of organizing a subject-developing environment when working in a preschool educational institution of a compensating type for children with OHP. The activities of children (independent and under the guidance of a teacher) that are not regulated by the framework of classes are the longest. In the course of this activity, educators organize individual and subgroup correction-oriented forms of interaction with children. The subject-developing environment makes it possible to enrich the experience of emotional and practical interaction of the child with peers and the teacher, to include all children in the group in active cognitive activity. The environment stimulates the development of independence and initiative. In it, children realize their abilities.

The composition of the subject-developing environment includes a correctional corner. It is a specially equipped space for playing alone or in small groups.

Its equipment includes racks located at different levels; mirror; game, didactic and visual material. With their help, teachers create conditions for correcting deviations in the development of children, stimulating speech activity and speech communication. The teachers of our preschool educational institution have improved the existing correctional corners in groups. When selecting didactic material, the following were taken into account:
- filling of the corner;
- variety of material;
- compliance with age;
- availability;
- consistency;
- design aesthetics;
- leading toy ("hostess" of the correction corner).

The thematic planning on lexical topics was taken as the basis for filling. The selection of gaming and didactic material is carried out on the basis of the recommendations of a speech therapist, which makes his interaction with teachers not formal, but very close and fruitful. The content is determined not by chance, but in strict accordance with the program, physiological and psychological and pedagogical features of the formation of speech with its general underdevelopment.

Didactic equipment corresponds to the structure of children's speech disorders, their individual and age characteristics. Experience shows that only with this approach is it possible to effectively correct the speech of preschoolers. With a random, formal selection of games, the volume of children's perception is overloaded and they do not master the lexical topic well.

The material contained in the correction corner has a multifunctional character. Games are selected in order of increasing complexity, aimed at correcting speech and extra-speech mental processes and functions that make up the psychological basis of speech. Game and didactic material is replaced or replenished in the correctional corner weekly, depending on the lexical topic (Appendix 1). At the same time, there is material on two topics: fixed and studied.

Didactic equipment should meet the needs of the current, immediate development of the child and his self-development. An object space that is empty in content tires, encourages idleness and aggression. At the same time, you should not overload the corner with equipment, as this makes the choice difficult. The more complex and varied the activity, the more necessary the speech, the greater the need for communication.

All material, within the framework of the lexical topic, selected by the group's specialists, corresponds to the age of the children. Reliance on the game, as the leading activity of preschoolers, provides teachers with a significant positive effect in corrective work. The game creates conditions for informal communication of the child with peers and adults, provides him with complete freedom of action. Therefore, game material is available to him. This has a positive effect on the development of speech and intellectual development in general.

The acquisition of game and didactic material in a correctional corner on lexical topics already implies a systematic approach to work. But its location can be included in the system. It is regulated by adults in accordance with sections of the program or corrective tasks to be solved. Children easily get used to this system. And the introduction of color markers on envelopes and drives containing games helps them in this. Small game material is placed in plastic, transparent containers with easily removable lids.

When creating a developing environment for a group, it is very important that the environment surrounding children be comfortable and aesthetic. Beauty shapes the child. Therefore, we pay great attention to the aesthetics of the correction corner. Its design should be attractive to children and arouse in them the desire for independent activity. At the same time, it is necessary to teach children to maintain order in the corner and to cultivate a careful attitude towards toys.

It is advisable to place the correction corner in a well-lit place and somewhat remote from the playing area. This will create more comfortable conditions for exercising in it. Access to the corner should be convenient so that the children themselves can approach it and study. With sufficient lighting. The proximity of the play area will interfere with classes in the correctional corner and distract the child from completing tasks.

A special place in the objective world of the child is occupied by a toy. She is a friend, a partner in the game, an interlocutor. Puppet therapy allows solving such important correctional tasks as overcoming uncertainty, shyness, achieving emotional stability and self-regulation. Therefore, it was decided to make the toy the key character, the mistress of the corner. This toy is multifunctional. It must be an animated character. His ability to move (with the help of an adult or a child), ask or answer questions, make riddles, come up with interesting stories, invite friends over, present unexpected surprises arouses a keen interest in children, encourages speech activity. The toy can have a bright, movable tongue, with the help of which it is easy to explain the articulation gymnastics exercises to the kids. The clothes of the toy contain various elements for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (hooks, Velcro, buttons, laces, buttons, buckles, clips, zippers, ribbons, etc.). The fabric from which the clothes are sewn can be different, which allows children to easily learn the names of materials, as well as characterize their properties (using tactile sensations). The color scheme helps to remember the main and tint colors. If the character has movable arms or paws, then with their help, children quickly master the skills of orientation in the body scheme.

As our experience shows, the recommendations for the content of the correctional corner developed by speech therapists allowed teachers to create additional conditions for creating an enriched subject-developing and supporting speech environment in the group. We had a consultation on the organization of correctional corners and an exhibition-competition, in which the entire teaching staff took part. In this work, the creative abilities of teachers were fully manifested. And summing up the results on a competitive basis revealed a high level of their skill.

Thus, the use of a correctional corner allows you to expand the environment in the group, create in children emotional responsiveness and a desire to participate in verbal communication with adults and independently, during the game, easily and naturally develop and improve their speech skills.


1. T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin. Preparation for school of children with general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten (in two parts), M.; 1993.

2. E.D. Khudenko, T.S. Melnikova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. How to teach a child to think and speak. M.; SPF "Uniserv", 1993.

3. S. Vasilyeva, N. Sokolova. Speech therapy games for preschoolers. M.; 1999.

4. M.F. Fomichev. Teaching children the correct pronunciation. M.; 1981.

5. V.V. Kovalenko, S.V. Kovalenko. Articulatory and finger

gymnastics. M.; 2004.

6. L.S. Savina. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers. M.; 1999.

7. N.V. Miklyaeva, O.A. Polozov. Phonetic and logopedic rhythm in the preschool educational institution. M.; 2004.

8. S.A. Mironova The development of speech of preschoolers in speech therapy classes. M.; 1991.

9. Varentsova N.S., Kolesnikova E.V. The development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers. M.; 1995.

10. A.V. Krapukhin, S.N. Shakhovskaya, O.A. Ishimova. Learn to think and speak. M.; 1990.

11. L.N. Arefieva. Lexical topics for the development of speech of children 4-8 years old. M.; Sphere, 2005.

12. N.V. Novotortsev. Preparing a child for school. First steps in learning to read.

13. O.A. Belorybkin. Speech and communication. Yaroslavl, 1998.

Application No. 1

Fullness of the correctional corner in the senior group.



fine motor skills



Draw by cells


Game "Butterflies have flown"

Game "Blow on a bird"

phonemic hearing

Noisy boxes game

Game "Telegram"

Sound analysis and synthesis (diploma)

Game "Chain of words"

The game "Voiced - deaf"

Game "Schemes and words"

Sound pronunciation

The game "Cheerful tongue" (articulation gymnastics)

Lotto mosaic

Tongue Twisters


Picture dictionary (subject pictures for sounds С, СЬ, З, ЗБ, Ц, Ш, Ж, Х, Щ, L, L, R, Rb)

"Themed Lotto"

Game "I know all professions"

Game "Family"

The game "Name it in one word"

Game "Tell me about your city"

Syllabic structure

Game "Long and short words"

The grammatical structure of speech

The game "Call it affectionately"

Game "One - many"

Lotto "Little words"

Connected speech

The game "What's first, what's next"

Game "Think up a continuation of the story"

The game "What did the artist mix up?"

The game "Sound, light, water"

Higher mental functions

Spot the difference game (attention)

Game "Find out what it is?" (perception)

The game "Whose silhouette?"

Game "Objects and contours"

Game "Confusion"

Game "Wings, Paws and Tails"

The game "The Fourth Extra"


1. File cabinets:

  • breathing exercises;
  • finger games;
  • exercises for the development of phonemic perception;
  • riddles.

2. Svetlova I. Home speech therapist. - M., 2002.