Card file game with clothespins. Clothespin games for toddlers Clothespin game templates

Valentina Shulga

Clothespin games for children are a fun and interesting activity, as well as an extremely useful activity. It is the training of the fingers and the child's performance of precise hand movements that make an invaluable contribution to the full development of the baby's brain.

It has long been scientifically substantiated that the quality of a person’s speech directly depends on how well and developed the fingers and hand of a person are.

You need to train the baby’s handle from a very early age, do a massage, ask to take and give certain items, use toys with different textures for games. Games with clothespins for such a “hand training” are ideal, grasping skills are developed, the hand is strengthened and developed.

Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands and higher mental functions.


Teach children how to properly take and open a clothespin; study of primary colors.

Develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of hand movements, visual perception, attention, imagination, speech activity.

Cultivate interest, perseverance.

Children take blanks from cardboard and with the help of clothespins make rays for the sun, rain for a cloud, legs for a horse, tops for a carrot, ears for a bunny, needles for a hedgehog.

In this case, you can sentence various rhymes, nursery rhymes, sayings. For example:


A fish swims on the waves

And he invites his friends!

The fish is not easy

The fish is golden!


birdie birdie,

Here's some water for you

Here are some crumbs for you

On my palm.


Kitten has smooth fur

And she's probably sweet

Because Vaska is red

Often-often licks fur.


Rain, drip more fun

don't feel sorry for the water.

For the grass to grow

for the birds to sing.

You can play with ready-made crafts.

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I want to share my experience of how you can play with your child at the same time and teach him to distinguish colors. To do this, you will need ordinary clothespins. This game will help the baby to learn and remember the colors of objects, both basic and more rare.

Playing with clothespins is very good for developing fine motor skills.

Material for the game:

  • clothespins
  • color cardboard/color paper/inks/color printer/adhesive tape/glue

What does the game develop?

  • development of fine motor skills of the hands
  • classification of objects by color
  • familiarity with a variety of color palettes

Preparing for the game:

We make a blank in the form of a circle or a polygon (as you like) with multi-colored sectors. To do this, you will need colored paper and cardboard. Instead of colored paper, you can use a color printer by printing and gluing the following sample to the cardboard:

If you are just starting to explore the color palette with your baby, it is enough to divide the circle into sectors with four primary colors - red, yellow, blue and green.

If the child is already well oriented and distinguishes basic colors, you can increase the number of sectors by adding, for example, black, white, brown, purple, orange, etc. colors.

Game progress:
Lay out all the prepared clothespins in front of the child.
The task of the child, taking one of them to determine what color it belongs to, is to find a sector of the same color and attach a clothespin to it.

Another version of the game: you point to any of the sectors of the circle (polygon), and the child's task is to find the appropriate clothespin.

For variety and complication of the game, you can use templates for clothespins, which depict, for example, animals or birds. Each of them has a certain primary color.

The task of the child is to determine the main color of each character and attach a clothespin to the corresponding sector of the circle (polygon).

"Card file Games with clothespins"

Game "Herringbone"

Age: 2-3 years


Equipment: green triangles or rectangles, green clothespins.

Game progress: We give the child triangles or rectangles cut out of green cardboard. The child takes green clothespins and attaches her needles to the Christmas tree.

    Hedgehog game

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech.

Equipment: hedgehog pattern, clothespins

Game progress: We give the child a hedgehog blank cut out of colored cardboard, on which eyes, ears, nose are drawn, but there are no needles. The child attaches clothespins to the back of the hedgehog.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, where did you walk?

Where did you lose your spines?

You run faster to us, hedgehog.

We will help you now.

    Flower game

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech.

Equipment: flower pattern, clothespins

Game progress:

We give the child mugs cut out of colored cardboard. The child chooses clothespins of the same color as the circle from the box and attaches them in a circle.

Petals and leaf

Our flower has blossomed

    Game "Sun"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech.

Equipment: sun pattern, clothespins

Game progress:

We give the child blanks of the sun cut out of yellow cardboard. The kid chooses yellow clothespins from the box and attaches rays to the sun.

Sunshine, come up soon

And their rays came.

To warm the earth

They warmed us with their warmth.

    Game "Fairy house"

Age: 3-4 years


Equipment: an ordinary box, glued on each side with colored paper.

Game progress: Tell your child that this is not a box - but a fabulous house, where each room is painted in its own color. And the clothespins are our little men who live in the house. They went out for a walk and forgot where they live. Help them find their rooms. You can draw a number on each side of the box and ask your child to attach as many clothespins as the number you drew. And when the child gets tired of playing, let him throw clothespins inside the box-house. The people went to sleep. Close it and shake it. Listen to the clothespins rattling.

    The game "The composition of the number"

Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial and mathematical representations.

Equipment: number templates, clothespins

Game progress: Take several sheets of thick cardboard, a felt-tip pen and clothespins. On each cardboard card, write a number from 0 to 10. First, show that zero is no clothespins. One - one clothespin, two - two clothespins, three - three clothespins, etc.

When this is sorted out, you can proceed to the study of the composition of the number.

Three (3) - can be represented as 1 and 2, as 2 and 1, as 1, 1 and 1. Etc.

    Game "Take off the jewelry"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins

Game progress: Attach the clothespins to the child's clothes, ask him to remove them.

    Game "Big Wash"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, teaching household skills.

Equipment: clothespins, rope, doll clothes, handkerchiefs

Game progress: Pull the rope, hang doll clothes, handkerchiefs, fasten them with clothespins

    Fishing game

Age: 4-5 years


Equipment: clothespins, a fishing rod with a magnet, a basin of water

Game progress: Make a fishing rod - tie a string with a magnet on the end to a stick, or buy a toy fishing rod. Pour water into a basin, throw clothespins into it and catch them with a magnet.

You can complicate the game by attaching pictures to clothespins. For example:hat, car, sock, fur coat, mouse . Ask the child to “catch” the pictures, in the names of which the automated sound [w] is hidden. Ask which picture is superfluous and why, etc.

    Sound houses game

Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, development of imagination, speech, auditory and visual perception

Equipment: clothespins, three sheets of thick cardboard (red, blue, green).

Game progress: Cut out houses. Clothespins of red color will live in the Red House, clothespins of blue color will live in the Blue House, and clothespins of green color will live in the Green House.

Invite the child to use multi-colored clothespins to depict sound patterns of syllables, words, commenting on their actions, for example: in a wordcat three sounds; the first sound [k] is a solid consonant, deaf, I will mark it with a blue clothespin; the second sound [o] is a vowel, I will mark it with a red clothespin; the third sound [t] is a solid, deaf consonant, I will mark it with a blue clothespin.

    Patter "Bee"

Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, development of imagination, speech, auditory and visual perception

Equipment: clothespins

Game progress: With a clothespin, we alternately “bite” the nail phalanges (from the index to the little finger and back) on the stressed syllables of the tongue twister:

La-la-la - a bee flies to me,

Ly-ly-ly - the sting of a bee.


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, development of imagination, speech, visual perception, comparison of objects of contrasting and identical sizes in size, height, length.

Equipment: clothespins, cardboard strips of various lengths

Game progress: Take cardboard strips of various lengths. Invite the baby to attach one clothespin to the shortest strip, two to the middle one, and three to the longest.

    Game "Vegetables"

Age: 2-3 years


Equipment: clothespins, vegetable templates

Game progress:

We harvested

And they stripped off all the tops.

We attach leaflets -

we know vegetables.

    Game "Fish"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, thinking, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, fish pattern

Game progress:

Fish, fish, why are you sad?

Can't see a smile?

Without tail and fins

There is no fish.

    Game "Airplane"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, thinking, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, airplane template

Game progress:

airplane, plane,

Let's go on a flight.

But without wings and tail

He will never take off.

    DRAGONFLY game

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, thinking, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, dragonfly pattern

Game progress:

On the chamomile at the gate

Helicopter descended

golden eyes,

Here she is DRAGONFLY

    Game "Bunny"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, thinking, speech.

Equipment: clothespins

Game progress:

A bunny is freezing on the edge,

He hid his paws, hid his ears.

Bunny, Bunny, don't shiver

Paws, ears show.

    Game "Boxes"

Age: 3-4 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, thinking

Equipment: 4 cardboard boxes, glue mugs of red, yellow, green and blue on the bottom. Prepare clothespins of the same colors

Game progress: Ask the child to sort the clothespins by color. Attach clothespins of the corresponding color to the edge of the box of the same color.

    The game "Colorful fence"

Age: 3-4 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations.

Equipment: cardboard cut out small rectangles of 4 primary colors - red, yellow, green and blue. Prepare clothespins of the same colors.

Game progress: Ask the child to build a fence - attach red clothespins to red cardboard, yellow ones to yellow, etc.


Age: 3-4 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, thinking, speech

Equipment: From clothespins you can make interesting characters - a little man.

Game progress: Having made such little men, play with them - feed, walk, heal.


Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, octopus pattern

Game progress:

Here we have an octopus

Walked along the paths

On the paths in the ocean

She hurried to her mother!

    Game "Bug"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, ladybug pattern

Game progress:

Our bug is very tired -

Ran along the track.

Slept at night and got up in the morning

He showed us his legs.

    Game "House"

Age: 2-3 years


Equipment: clothespins, house template

Game progress:

The house is broken - that's the trouble.

Where is the porch? Where is the pipe?

We can craft

We can fix the house.

    game "Flowers"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, flower patterns

Game progress:

Flowers grow in the yard

Unprecedented beauty.

Yellow, red, blue,

Enjoy with me!


Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, bird pattern

Game progress:

The bird wants to wake up

The bird sings a song

Because a bird with a song

Wake up more interesting.


Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, clouds template

Game progress: put clothespins on the cloud according to the colors of the rainbow


Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, hedgehog templates 4 basic colors

Game progress:

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu-- I'll show you a hedgehog.

Zha-zha-zha-, zha-zha-zha-- that's a few hedgehogs.


Age: 3-4 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial and mathematical representations, thinking, attention, imagination

Equipment: clothespins, patterns of geometric shapes

Game progress:

We attach clothespins to the corners on geometric shapes - we study the concept of an angle. We count how many corners each figure has. Where there are more, where there are fewer corners, where there is the same number.

    GAME "Flower - seven-flower"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, flower template

Game progress:

Attach clothespins according to the color on the flower

    Game "Cactus"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, cactus pattern

Game progress:

Attach clothespins to the cactus template


Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, glove pattern

Game progress:

Attach clothespins according to the color of the fingers of the gloves

    GAME "Cloud"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, clouds template

Game progress:

Attach clothespins to the cloud

    the star game

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, starfish pattern

Game progress:

Attach clothespins to starfish

    Game "jellyfish"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, jellyfish pattern

Game progress:

Attach clothespins to jellyfish

    The game "lion cub"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, lion template

Game progress:

Attach clothespins to template

    Dinosaur game

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, thinking

Equipment: clothespins, dinosaur pattern

Game progress:

Attach clothespins to dinosaur

    Game "Color"

Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, typewriter template, chicken

Game progress: Invite the child to match the color of the clothespin with the picture. For example, attach a red clothespin to a red typewriter, and a yellow one to a yellow chicken.

    The game "Living - inanimate nature"

Age: 4-5 years


Equipment: clothespins, pictures of wildlife and inanimate nature

Game progress:

Invite your child to mark pictures with wildlife with red clothespins, and with inanimate nature with blue clothespins. Complicating it, we choose pictures made by human hands.

    Game "Birds"

Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, thinking, attention, imagination

Equipment: clothespins, pictures of birds

Game progress:

Similarly, we mark wintering birds with one color, and migratory birds with another. Or birds that can fly - we attach yellow clothespins, and non-flying ones - green.

    Game "Riddles"

Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, thinking, attention, imagination

Equipment: clothespins, pictures with answers

Game progress:

Pick up riddles in advance about those objects that are on your didactic circle. Give your child a riddle. With a clothespin, the kid must attach the correct answer.

    The game "We develop phonemic hearing"

Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, thinking, attention, imagination

Equipment: clothespins, pictures

Game progress:

Invite your child to attach red clothespins to those words that begin with the letter "M", for example. Or find pictures in which a given letter is in the middle or end of a word.

    Game "Letters and syllables"

Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, thinking, attention, imagination

Equipment: clothespins, pictures

Game progress:

We mark words consisting of 1 syllable with red clothespins, of 2 syllables with blue ones. You can write various syllables on the card and make words out of them, marking them with clothespins.


Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins

Game progress: Take colorful clothespins and attach them to various places in the room - on tablecloths, on the sofa, on curtains, etc. Tell the child that bugs have come to us. But they decided to play hide and seek with us. Let's find them together and put them in a box. If the baby did not see where they sat down, prompt him with the words "hot - cold."


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, thinking, attention, imagination

Equipment: clothespins, ropes

Game progress: After you have strung the clothespins, secure the two ends of the rope (tie to the legs of the chair). Moving the clothespins, like the bones on the abacus, count them. Masha had two pies, her mother gave her one more. How many pies does Masha have now? Three. With the help of such "beads" it is convenient to study the concepts of "right", "left".


Age: 2-3 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, lace

Game progress: Clothespins can be strung on a cord. Get beautiful beads. Complicating the task, invite the child to alternate clothespins by color.


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, thinking, attention, imagination

Equipment: clothespins, ropes

Game progress: Attach a rope tail to each player. If the child is "sacked" - a clothespin is attached to the tail. At the end of the game, we count the number of clothespins and find out the catch of the bait. Thus, children can be taught to count.


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, thinking, attention, imagination

Equipment: clothespins, strips of cardboard

Game progress: Take cardboard strips and teach your child to attach clothespins to the edges at an equal distance from each other. In this way, you develop a sense of rhythm and distance in the crumbs. The child diligently fastens the clothespins, and if the row is broken, tell him about it. Complicating tasks, fasten clothespins, grouping them in different ways: two-gap-one, etc.


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, thinking, attention, imagination

Equipment: clothespins

Game progress: You pronounce a word, and at this time the child attaches clothespins, correlating them with the number of syllables heard. For starters, you can clap the syllables.

    GAME “Make a picture.

Come up with a story - 1

Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations; development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

Equipment: clothespins, cloud pattern, sun, hedgehog, Christmas tree

Game progress

    GAME “Make a picture.

Come up with a story "-2

Age: 4-5 years


Equipment: clothespins, pattern of flower, ladybug.

Game progress : attach clothespins to templates and then come up with a story

    GAME “Make a picture.

Come up with a story - 3


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

Equipment: clothespins, patterns of the sun, grass, dragonflies, butterflies

Game progress : attach clothespins to templates and then come up with a story

    GAME “Make a picture.

Come up with a story "- 4


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

Equipment: clothespins, Christmas tree templates, hedgehog, birds

Game progress : attach clothespins to templates and then come up with a story

    GAME “Make a picture.

Come up with a story - 5


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

Equipment: clothespins, patterns of the sun, clouds, grass

Game progress : attach clothespins to templates and then come up with a story

    GAME “Make a picture.

Come up with a story - 6


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

Equipment: clothespins, patterns of wood, hedgehog

Game progress : attach clothespins to templates and then come up with a story

    GAME “Make a picture.

Come up with a story - 7


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

Equipment: clothespins, Christmas tree templates, sun, flowers, grass

Game progress : attach clothespins to templates and then come up with a story

    GAME “Make a picture.

Come up with a story" - 8


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

Equipment: clothespins, Christmas tree templates, clouds

Game progress : attach clothespins to templates and then come up with a story

Little tree, grow up

Rain, rain, water the Christmas tree!

    GAME “Make a picture.

Come up with a story - 9


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

Equipment: clothespins, clouds, flower templates

Game progress : attach clothespins to templates and then come up with a story

Drip rain more fun

We are a flower (flowers) you fields!


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

Equipment: clothespins, hedgehog, caterpillar, ladybug templates

Game progress : attach clothespins to templates and then say who is extra.

(caterpillar, ladybug, hedgehog is an animal, not an insect)


Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

There are many fairy tales in the world.

Fairy tales are loved by all children.

Fairy tales teach us goodness

Mind-reason, work.

Learn to value friendship

And in general, how to live.

I suggest you guys

Go to a fairy tale

I like this idea very much.

I suggest not to be bored, if necessary - to help,

If necessary, think

Or come up with something.

And now, my friends,


Come closer

Look, look

Don't miss anything.

Oh, and who is this:

Button eyes, arched back?

It seems like a hedgehog, but it seems not ....

Come on give me an answer

Why is our hedgehog sad

Maybe the lunch was bad?

Maybe he suddenly got sick?

Or did you eat something wrong?

Maybe he has an emergency?

Or lost something?(children's answers)

How can we help the hedgehog

To become our hedgehog exactly the same

Looks like other hedgehogs

Would you be cheerful and handsome?

(children offer options, you need to make needles for a hedgehog)

65. The game "In the forest clearing"

Age: 4-5 years

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech

Equipment: Prepare a box with multi-colored clothespins, blanks of the sun, hedgehog, dragonfly, circle, rectangle and triangle cut out of colored cardboard.

Game progress:

Psychologist. Solve the riddle. Shines, sparkles, warms everyone. What's this?

Psychologist. That's right, it's the sun. How do we affectionately call him? (Sun.) What does our sun not have? (Rays.) What color are the rays of the sun? (Yellow.)

- Let's give the sun magical, kind rays to shine and warm even more.

66. Game "In the forest clearing" -2

Psychologist. Listen to the next riddle.

She dies in autumn

And comes alive again in the spring

Cows are in trouble without her,

She is their main food.

Psychologist. That's right, it's grass. What color is the grass? (Green.)

The psychologist distributes rectangles cut out of green cardboard to the children. Children choose green clothespins from the box and attach them to the rectangles.

67. Game "In the forest clearing" -3

Psychologist. Guess who it is:

Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk.

The psychologist gives each child a hedgehog blank cut out of colored cardboard, on which ears, a nose are drawn, but no needles. Children attach clothespins to the back of the hedgehog.

Psychologist. Winter and summer in one color.

Psychologist. Yes, it's a tree. Help the Christmas tree find all its needles.

The psychologist distributes triangles cut out of green cardboard to the children. Children choose green clothespins and “return” the needles to the Christmas tree.

68. The game "In the forest clearing" - 4

Psychologist. Guess who it is:

On the chamomile at the gate

Helicopter descended

Golden eyes.

Who is this?

Psychologist. That's right, it's a dragonfly. Let's help our dragonfly find its wings.

The psychologist gives each child a dragonfly cut out of colored cardboard. Children attach clothespins - wings to the dragonfly.

Psychologist. Well done! How beautiful it is in your forest clearings!


Now it's clear - a hedgehog,

Looks like friends of hedgehog friends!

Now go here

Come on, don't rush

And look carefully!

What is here? And here are the circles

But there were flowers here,

But they hid the flowers

All colored petals.

The sun its rays

Lost in a cloud

He needs rays

Attach a piece.

And when it is again

Will illuminate the earth

All the flowers in the meadow

The petals will open again.(children make rays of the sun)


Here's how the sun turned out.

The sun looked, surprised:

The clearing is empty - not a flower,

All the flowers sleep like the night.

What to do, how to be

How to wake up flowers?

How to revive a meadow

How should one proceed here?

(make flower petals, children do)

Here the meadow blossomed,

Attracted insects.

There's just something wrong here...

We are again needed:

They can't crawl, they can't fly!

So guys help me

Save the insects!

(children dismantle insects and complete wings, paws)


Well, it's all right now.

We found ourselves in the garden.

Radishes and carrots grow here

And beets. But it's awkward

We can get them out of the ground

Something needs to be done.

(attach tops, do)

Our harvest is so good!

The prickly hedgehog will be happy

Enjoy with kids

Carrots and turnips.

And radishes and beets

Let's take the food now.

Here is the forest, and here is the hedgehog

It looks like a prickly ball.

Hedgehog, we hurried to you

We haven't forgotten about you.


Here's a present for you

And prickly kids.

Well, now we all go there.

Oops, here comes the problem again.

Look here.

Lost Christmas trees

All your needles.

Our Christmas trees have become

Well, not at all prickly.

And the birches nearby grew sad,

Because their branches are empty.

They need our help

Come on, kids!

(children attach leaves to Christmas trees for trees)

Well done, well done

And you got through the trouble.

Vasilkova Tatiana

Author: Tatyana Leonidovna Vasilkova, teacher of preschool children in the kindergarten of MDOU "October Kindergarten" Kaluga region, Ferzikovsky district, p. October. Description work:Master class on making do-it-yourself didactic games with clothespins for educators, teachers of additional education, for parents.

Purpose:didactic games for children from 3 to 6 years old, for the development of fine motor skills, sensory development, for fixing primary colors, for fixing an account within 10, the ability to correlate the number of objects with a number, to consolidate knowledge about what animals eat.

Equipment: Colored cardboard, ruler, printed numbers from 1 to 10, suitable pictures of animals, their food, tails, adhesive tape and actually clothespins.

Target:Production do-it-yourself didactic games.

Tasks. Develop creative thinking and imagination.

To form skills and abilities when creating games with clothespins.

Clothespin games.

Clothespin games Perfect for toddlers over 2 years old. They are very useful for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which in turn helps in the development of speech. Develops creativity and logical thinking.

Actually, the basis of all these games is a cardboard circle divided into equal sectors. Selected pictures are glued to the sectors, laminated. On the clothespins the corresponding pictures are also glued and the whole game is ready

Game "Find a flower clearing"

The game "Where is whose tail?"

For this games I found templates on the Internet and printed, laminated. Ready!

The game "Who eats what?"

The game "Count"

And of course everyone's favorite game "Multicolored clothespins»

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The child lives in the game. While playing, he learns the world, communicates with it, remembers the rules of behavior ... It is important to provide a continuous series of exciting activities and games for the baby so that his activity does not slow down even for a moment. What to do if the toys are already tired?

Clothespins and buttons, which are in the house of every mother, will perfectly help you entertain and at the same time develop your baby well.

You will need:

Clothespins and templates

Clothespins are a wonderful tool for the development of fine motor skills of the child. There are so many great clothespin games that will keep your little one entertained for a long time. One of my favorites is to create different shapes from templates using clothespins.

  1. Cut out templates of the sun, clouds, Christmas trees, fish, flowers, hedgehogs, bunnies from thick paper or cardboard.
  2. Teach your little one to attach clothespins to templates to complete the picture (for example, make rays for the sun, rain for clouds, or thorns for a hedgehog).
  3. At first, it will be difficult for the baby to attach clothespins, but he will be happy to remove them.
  4. Over time, his fingers will get stronger, and he will be fully involved in this game.

Choose special clothespins for children: not tight and bright colors.

Stringing clothespins

If you have a lot of colorful clothespins at home, this is quite enough for interesting games and activities. Here are a few ideas on how to keep your child entertained with only rope and clothespins.

Mobile and fun games

Clothespins are also good for fun outdoor games. For example, play game "Find a clothespin". Attach a few clothespins to your clothes, and your baby must find and remove them in a certain time.

If there are two children in the family, arrange a “clothespin competition”: one child is looking for clothespins on mom, the other on dad.

If there are a lot of kids in the house, entertain them playing tag with clothespins. Attach a rope tail to each child, attach a clothespin to it. The task of the participants: to collect as many clothespins as possible from all participants. Whoever has the most pins wins.

This card file of games with clothespins does not end there. You can come up with other entertainment using these simple devices - it all depends on your imagination.

Playing with button trainers

You can come up with no less interesting games for the development of fine motor skills using ordinary buttons. They are harder to play with than clothespins, so wait until the crumbs' fingers become more obedient. Check out the two button trainer ideas below.

  • Sew a few buttons of different colors and different sizes onto a thick fabric and give them to your baby. He will twist them, knead them, perhaps try them on the tooth, study colors and shapes (there are even square and oval buttons), which will contribute to his intensive development. You can place buttons in the form of a pattern (for example, a flower or a tree).
  • The next simulator is the didactic game "Button the Button". It is more difficult, but children are happy to join this hard work. Sew a few bright buttons on a green fabric - this will be a clearing with flowers. Cut out flower patterns from multi-colored pieces and cut a hole in the middle of each of them. Give the task to the baby "to plant flowers in a clearing", that is, fasten each flower to the sewn on buttons.

Games with "houses" for buttons

Children are happy to join in the games associated with filling different patterns with buttons or pushing them through holes. Examples of such games and activities are given below.

  • Take a plastic or tin can with a lid, make two or three holes of different sizes in the lid (for the size of the buttons).

    Give the child a set of buttons and tell the game rules: push buttons of different sizes into the corresponding holes.

  • Cut out some object or composition from thick cardboard (for example, a train or a flower in a pot). In the picture, carefully cut out round holes to the size of the buttons.

    Invite your child to decorate the pattern by placing a button of a certain size in each hole.

    For convenience, you can make all the holes the same and select a few buttons for them so that the baby rearranges them, changing colors. Similar educational games with buttons can be invented with different pictures an infinite number of times.

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