Reason and feelings are two forces equally in need. Electronic textbooks in Russian

Comedy hero A.S. Griboyedov Alexander Andreevich Chatsky at some point exclaims: "The mind is not in harmony with the heart." From this comes a misunderstanding of the obvious, disappointment, mental trauma. And how to ensure that the mind and heart are in harmony, because, according to Belinsky, they equally need each other? How to learn to live in such a way that the mind does not deprive a person of feelings, emotions? At the same time, feelings should not subjugate the mind, should not deprive people of the ability to think, reason, analyze. Of course, not everyone succeeds in being in harmony with their mind and feelings.

Most often, we see that feelings overwhelm a person, which often leads to tragedy.

For example, the hero of the novel I.S. Turgenev Evgeny Bazarov, a nihilist who denies everything in the world, a strong personality capable of leading others, cannot cope with his feelings when he fell in love unrequitedly. He denied romanticism, poetry, and suddenly, falling in love, he felt romance in himself. An attempt to get rid of the feeling that prevents him from living and working leads to his untimely death.

Without a doubt, the reasons for the tragedy of Bazarov are not only in unrequited love, the novel is deeper and more philosophical, to reduce it exclusively to love story it is forbidden. But just at the moment when the hero was captured by the feeling, he lost faith in his ideas, because before his death he says: “Russia needs me. No, it doesn't seem to be necessary."

Turgenev's idea that he should not suppress his emotions, feelings, that one cannot live only with ideas and complete indifference to the world of human experiences, is consonant with the thoughts of another great writer, namely L.N. Tolstoy.

In the novel "War and" Andrei Bolkonsky, an almost ideal hero, lives more with his mind than with his feelings. He is related to Bazarov by strength of character, will, deep mind, ability to suppress emotions. His fearlessness on the battlefield can only be admired. When he arrives at the battery of Captain Tushin during the Shengraben battle to give him the order to retreat, he feels a sense of fear, because enemy shells are bursting all around. But Bolkonsky says to himself: “I can’t be afraid,” he remains on the battery, helps to remove the guns, which earns the respect of all the soldiers. But Prince Andrei has his shortcomings, he is overwhelmed by pride, he does not know how to forgive, he is not able to understand the feelings of another person. His mind prevails over his feelings, and for this he is punished. Having fallen in love with Natasha Rostov, Prince Andrei, at the request of his father, postpones the wedding for a year, not understanding what this means for Natasha. She cannot stop living, she is too cheerful, full of emotions, experiences, and this is where her passion for the scoundrel Anatoly Kuragin comes from. Prince Andrei cannot forgive her, cannot understand that this event happened through his fault too. Does he understand what a tragedy it is for Natasha, because she almost died? The ability to understand and forgive comes to Prince Andrei only after being wounded, as a result of which he dies.

Thus, Russian writers, like Belinsky, believe that reason and feelings are not opposed to each other, but should be in balance, harmony, because they form the basis of a single whole - the human personality.

"Reason and feelings are two forces equally in need of each other." V.G. Belinsky

What is mind? Sobriety of thought, calculation, reason, cold heart? What is a feeling? Passion, emotion, momentary passion or a higher spiritual impulse?
According to the critic Belinsky, "mind and feelings are two forces that equally need each other." And you can't help but agree with him. Reason and feeling are dependent on each other, very closely intertwined, it is impossible to break the thin thread between them.
There are situations in a person's life when feeling prevails over reason. As folk wisdom says, "if you fall in love with something, the mind will retreat." It is impossible to say for sure whether this is good or bad. This can lead to both a happy ending and a very sad one.
This happened with the heroine of Kuprin's story "Olesya". The girl fell in love without memory and gave herself to this feeling with her head. Although she knew perfectly well what this would lead to, she knew that a sad outcome was inevitable, but the feeling at that moment prevailed over reason. She did not regret for a second that she had allowed her mind to recede, as she experienced true happiness. Such happiness, which not everyone in life is given to experience.
Is it good when the mind prevails over the feelings? A question to which there is no clear answer. You can not show your feelings and remain unhappy, while making unhappy and the one you love. For what? Does it make sense?
In Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" feeling and reason collided several times. The first - when "the mind retreated" and Tatyana, succumbing to her first deep feeling, confessed her love to Eugene, which at that time was unacceptable for a girl. Her attempt was in vain. For Eugene, she was just a child, and he considered that her fire of love would go out as quickly as it caught fire. How could he imagine that years later he would be in her place. But Tatyana appears before us is no longer a little girl. She had learned by this time to manage her feelings with the help of common sense. Despite her love for Eugene, she remained faithful to the man who loved her. Was she happily married? I think not completely, because I loved another. Was Eugene happy? Again, I don't think it's complete. After all, if it was true love, then reason only made it worse.
Guided only by reason, you can remain unhappy for the rest of your life. Guided only by feelings, you can get into situations after which unbearable mental pain will remain forever. It turns out that the mind and feelings need each other and it is very difficult to live guided by one thing.

Each person thinks about such concepts as feelings and reason. What should be more important? On the one hand, going on about their feelings, people often do many rash acts. On the other hand, by elevating the importance of the mind and bringing it to rationality, people can also make their lives miserable.

If we turn to the drama of A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", then you can see personal experiences main character- Katherine. The author tells about a girl who was married not for love, but for someone who is richer. Tikhon, Katerina's husband, is a weak-willed person, incapable of anything other than drunkenness. Marfa Kabanova, Tikhon's mother, ate her loved ones with food, sharpened like "rusty iron." How to live in such unbearable conditions? How to force yourself to love the unloved, if you feel only pity for him? How to overcome your freedom-loving nature?

Katerina asks such questions, trying to drown out the feeling of love for Boris and listening to the weak argument of reason, which constantly reminds her that she married woman. A.N. Ostrovsky shows readers that the heroine is not at all a frivolous young lady, but a restless, sincerely loving nature. The girl realized that she was violating the Domostroy code, according to which the Kabanov family lived, and her own moral code too. But the feelings turned out to be so strong that she succumbed to them and cheated on Tikhon. But Katerina's soul could not stand it! The heroine repented before her husband and, unable to bear the remorse, threw herself off the cliff into the river.

The writer wants to convey to us the idea that in the conditions of domestic slavery a woman cannot be happy, because the mind and feelings in such a situation cannot be harmoniously combined.

In Western literature, the problem of the harmony of feelings and reason was solved differently. Take, for example, the tragedy of English playwright William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The author describes the violent enmity between the two families - the Montagues and the Capulets. And against the background of this irreconcilable hatred, we see how a bright, passionate feeling of Romeo and Juliet is born. With the mind, lovers understand that according to the laws of the family, they can never be together. But love, this fiery feeling, turns out to be a hundred times stronger than the prejudices that fill the minds and hearts of their families. Shakespeare, the master of tragedy, resolves this conflict by the death of young lovers and leads to the idea that hatred and enmity destroy the bearers of the feeling of love and adversely affect the people around them.

In conclusion, I would like to express the hope that our emotions and our mind will not be in conflict, but will complement each other, filling life with love, joy and, of course, meaning!

Reason and feelings are two huge forces that affect a person and decision making. For a calm state of mind, for inner harmony and peace, any person needs peace between these two serious levers.

There are a lot of situations in life when the mind dictates to make one decision that is more logical and will bring more benefit to the person, and feelings require the opposite decision to be made, since it is more humane and connected with the thin strings of the soul. Anyone has to face this problem. For one, this conflict is associated with an insignificant life situation, and the lives of innocent people depend on the decision and conflict of mind and feelings of the other.

In any situation, in order to make the right decision and then not regret it and not blame yourself for the terrible one, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, all the positive and negative sides of a serious choice. Sometimes it is so important to look at a particular issue and task from the side. This helps not to make mistakes and to understand more clearly where the true truthful choice is. It is important to be able to seek help from a loved one, to whom he is ready to entrust all his secrets and innermost thoughts.

Every strong person in life is faced with a problem that he can not afford. In this position, anyone can get confused and take a step, which after a while will lead to undesirable consequences. For many, excessive self-esteem or selfishness does not allow them to seek help, and the person suffers from this, unable to cope with the situation. It must always be remembered that if close person, then a specialist in this field can always help. Turning to a psychologist is not scary and not ashamed, as many perceive this step. It is a psychologist who can help you understand yourself, your feelings and the contradictions between feelings and reason.

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Preparation for the final essay
"Mind and Feeling"
Prepared by: Shevchuk A.P., teacher of Russian language and literature
MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Bratsk

Reason and feeling are two forces that equally need each other, they are dead and insignificant, one without the other.
Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

Morality is the mind of the heart.
Heinrich Heine
Morality should act as beauty. Morality is the mind of the will.
Gegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

"If the senses are not true, then our whole mind will be false."
Titus Lucretius Kar
"To understand what is right, to feel what is beautiful, to desire what is good - this is the chain of intelligent life."
August Platen
"What are the hallmarks of the truly human in man? Reason, will and heart.
The perfect man has the power of thought, the power of will and the power of feeling. The power of thinking is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of feeling is love.
L. Feuerbach

There are feelings that replenish and obscure the mind, and there is a mind that cools the movement of feelings.
Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich
An enlightened mind ennobles moral feelings; the head must educate the heart.
Schiller Friedrich

An essay about:
Mind and feeling
Since ancient times, mind and feelings have played completely different roles in a person. Although some go hand in hand, the mind warns a person, unlike feelings. Feelings lead a person no matter what, no matter what is behind this wall.
And the mind weighs all the pros and cons. But this does not mean that feelings always deceive us, far from it.
Just as without reason, so without feelings, a person would simply turn into an animal.
And as we observe, animals also have feelings.
Contradictions between reason and feeling as they were and will be.
Why? It is explained very simply.
A person, no matter how much he wants, will not be able to control his feelings if they are sincere.
And the mind, as usual, if it is not overshadowed by feelings, will contradict feelings.

(Examples, thoughts, peer advice)
An essay about: Feelings and emotions
People often say: “I feel…”. For example, I feel love for my girlfriend, I feel angry at a boor, I feel sad when friends do not call or write for a long time. This is so, for example - usually friends always call me on time or I call them myself. There are just so many feelings, they are so diverse!
What are feelings? Feeling, as I read in the dictionary, is an emotional process, it is a subjective attitude of a person to another person, to an object, to an object. Feelings are not controlled by consciousness, reason. How often we are faced with the fact that the mind tells us one thing, and feelings - quite another. For example, it is clear that this girl is a narcissistic liar who is only interested in going to restaurants and discos, but the guy still loves her. Often people are torn between the logical arguments of the mind and strong feelings. Until now, everyone chooses for himself what to listen to - feelings or logic. And there is no universal recipe for how to do it.