How to interest a girl you like by correspondence. What to ask a girl to make her interested in you How to attract a girl online

To arouse the interest of a girl means to ensure the continuation of acquaintance. Girls do not linger with boring men, so you need to revive communication as soon as possible with intrigue or, conversely, with a crushing truth that will not leave you indifferent. For examples of what to write to a girl on VK to interest her, what to talk about with a girl in correspondence so that she likes it, what questions to ask to interest a girl, read in this article.

How to interest a girl in order to attract her attention

What attracts girls in boys

How to behave and how to look to arouse interest

How to interest a VK girl (10 examples)

How to get a girl interested on a dating site

Dating site selection

How to interest a girl in order to attract her attention?

In this block, we talk about the qualities that need to be pumped in order to attract attention and interest. First, understand one simple thing: if now you are not able to interest the girls, then you have to change something. Perhaps these changes will not be easy - the result depends on your perseverance and level of self-knowledge. We will give a complete list, but you are free to choose the appropriate items yourself.

Another important point: remember that women are people too. Accordingly, in order to become more attractive to them, you will need to become, in principle, a more interesting and conducive to communication person. This does not mean that strings of gays will follow you. This means that, first of all, universal personal qualities and communication skills are pumped up, and only then behavioral strategies regarding girls appear.

So here's what to take care of:

  • Appearance. They are always greeted by clothes - remember? The first opinion about a person is formed in 7 seconds. You may not even have time to speak, and during this time the person is already deciding whether he is interested in at least saying hello to you. Appearance should be neat, well-groomed and attractive. To achieve this, take care of three aspects:

  • Mind. Intelligence and outlook are important things for communication. Looking good, but not part of the growing ranks of smart people, you do not get many chances for long and pleasant communication. In the era of Google, not learning is at least suspicious. It doesn't matter what you are passionate about. It's important to be passionate about what you're doing and be curious about current social trends.
  • Confidence. Another important parameter, without which communication is not impossible, but difficult. You can choose a lively girl who will be touched by shyness. But everyone loves healthy self-confidence.
  • Communication skills. Active listening, the ability to keep silent in time, speak in time, ask in time or tell a story in time will make you more attractive, even if you missed the first points. But manners and ability to communicate most often go hand in hand with intelligence. Build them together: it will be easier and more efficient.
  • Respect. To yourself and the people around you. Without respect for yourself, you will not begin to like yourself - you can not think about girls here yet. In order to feel your value to others, you must first believe in it yourself. Respect for others protects you from rudeness and meanness, which is also an undoubted and very big plus.
  • Determination. This is already a little more than self-confidence: you are not only aware of your right to various actions, but also successfully implement it. Not a critical parameter, but determined people tend to achieve more.
  • Striving for self-development. It is not enough to read ten or twenty books and go through the last months of news from scientific sources. It is always necessary to be interested and strive for more. Try it and start with an interesting area. You will like it too :)

What attracts girls in guys?

We talked about the basic necessary qualities and skills in the previous paragraph, but if curiosity has not yet been exhausted, read on about how a guy can interest a girl.

Girls love surprises. Intrigue will be an excellent tool in promoting dating and will play into your hands. At the same time, you first need to arouse in the girl at least purely human sympathy, and only then induce mystery, which you will solemnly and gracefully reveal at the right moment.

Unpredictable actions and decisions- also a great tool. Of course, we are talking about pleasant unpredictability, and not about canceling a date half an hour before the appointed time. Absolutely monotonous and monotonous communication gives rise not so much to confidence in your constant well-being and stability as to mortal boredom, capable of terrible things. And unexpected twists and turns, surprises, unpredictable ideas and their same development are a wonderful way to prevent this boredom.

Another pleasant quality is the opposite of the previous one, although they do not conflict with each other. It's about reliability. Girls are captivated by the opportunity to rely on you, trust, relax. It's nice to deal with a person who will not let you down and take care of everything. Who does not have to be saved and who himself will come to the rescue in case of emergency. If, with all this, a person also knows how to pleasantly surprise, he becomes close to perfection.

Sexuality. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born a playboy, but everyone can find their own attractive personality traits, a good haircut, and a clothing style that emphasizes dignity. In combination with intelligence, grooming and confidence, this often provides sexuality.

The ability to stand out in a crowd of similar people. Clothes, hairstyle or manners - it's not so important. But it is the appearance that attracts the first attention. Remember an important rule: know how to catch the eye, not on the neck;)

Sense of humor. People with whom you can laugh heartily are always prettier than the rest. Know how to laugh and know how to laugh - it wins hearts.

How to behave and how to look to arouse interest?

Let's reveal the trump card right away: there is not a single minimum set of things in the whole world that will make any person attractive, and not a single list of on-duty phrases and habits that will provide you with the sympathy of any girl. Without universal answers and magic pills, life is more difficult, but more interesting - find something that will be about you. Uniqueness and peculiarity is something that will never cease to be appreciated in people.

Each of us has a personality - with its strengths and weaknesses, interests, demeanor. Open yours and win: confident dissimilarity to others is always attractive.

Having ten similar options for something, a person pays attention to the eleventh - because it is different. The listed qualities that are valued by girls and help to be an interesting person are enough for competitiveness. For a winning position, you need to be brighter.

You can look like anything: dress in sweaters and jeans, in business suits or in unique things with their own character. The main thing is that your style matches you.

You can be an avid angler live racing or be interested mainly in marketing or coding because you work in it - it does not matter. Of course, atypical hobbies make a person more interesting, but as usual, everything is decided by passion.

Burning with your work is what matters. It is the passion and the energy invested in it that make people take a closer look at both him and you. And with girls it works with a bang.

But there are four traits that will make you more attractive in any case.- this is grooming, the ability to communicate, a sense of humor and reliability. About what they are and why they are so important, it is written above.

How to interest a VK girl? (10 examples)

In this and the next paragraph, we will talk about the impression that you make through correspondence. This is an important point that helps to maintain live communication, because correspondence in instant messengers has become an integral part of life. We give practical advice on what to write to a girl on the Internet to attract her attention, and how to communicate with a girl on a social network in order to attract her.

Remember two important rules: bring the page to a decent look before getting to know each other, and write to several at once, since communication with some girls may simply not work out from the very beginning.

So, the list of what to write in VK to a girl in order to lure her:

  • Hello! You look great on your avatar, let's get acquainted :) I'm Anton, I'm 24. I'm a lawyer, I work by profession. I love surfing and snowboarding, I dream of traveling for at least three months a year. What are you dreaming about? In my opinion, dreams can say a lot about a person.
  • Hello! We don't know each other, but I think we've met somewhere. Maybe at the club last Saturday? I'm Alex, and I'm ready to get acquainted;)
  • Hello Julia. Do you want to brighten up this evening with a pleasant conversation?
  • Hello. I am the one who will make your day brighter. Ready to start? :)
  • Hello. I found you as a friend of Sasha Ogulev and could not resist writing. Let's get acquainted! :) I'm Anton, I'm 24, and you look like an interesting conversationalist :)

Here are options for what to do to show a girl that you are interested in her if you already know each other:

  • You won't get bored! And I have prepared a surprise that you will definitely like. Ready for something big? ;)
  • I thought a lot today about how girls feel about guys who dress unusually. And now I need your expert opinion: tell me, what do you think about such people?
  • I am an avid cyclist. If you haven't yet, then this Friday I'm ready to open a new world for you.
  • I wanted to invite you for coffee, but it's too banal. How about a picnic in the woods or in the park? I know a couple of great places
  • How would you react to a man who claims to be able to make the best pasta of your life? ;)

How to get a girl interested on a dating site

Many do not understand how to attract the attention of a woman and how to correspond with a girl in order to pick her up. In such a case, we make a list with a dozen phrases to start dating.

  • Hello! In the photo you look like that heartbreaker. Is it so in reality?
  • Are you a drug dealer? Because you look amazing, but I want to immediately eliminate the qualities that I would not want to see in my girlfriend
  • Hello! I am Anton. I bet 10 messages will make you like me enough to have coffee with me next Saturday? ;)
  • Hello, the most charming girl in our city! I see you skateboard. Do you want to ride together sometime?
  • Hello. You look a lot like Ariel. If you give me a chance, I'll prove that I have a lot in common with both Apollo and Prince Eric;)
  • Hello! You are a charming girl and you have a cool dog. I myself keep a shepherd dog, I could not help but write. Let's talk!
  • Hello! We don't know each other, but I think you can help me with some research. I'm Anton :) can you answer a few questions?
  • Hello. I liked you very much by profile alone, and I want to get to know you. Tell me right away: what kind of coffee do you like? ;)
  • Hello! Would you like to meet the best expert in our city? Because he - that is, I - definitely wants to get to know you :)
  • Hello. I no longer hoped to find an interesting person in my life, but I convinced me and I stumbled upon your profile. Now I want to get to know you better. Tell me how you live!

I saw a beautiful girl - take it. Not you, it means someone else. The competition is hellish. There are ten pick-up artists for one girl on a dating site. While you are thinking about what to write to a girl after saying hello, normal guys are pumping up their seduction skills. On the other hand, your doubts brought you to our site - and that's great. Once upon a time, it was also difficult for me to start an acquaintance. But I wanted to be different. He stuffed bumps, kicked himself, got acquainted with the most beautiful girls. I wasn't looking for a life partner. I gained experience. And today I share it with you. First of all, I’ll tell you how to hook a girl with the first phrase. Come on, open the form. Not hers, but yours.


directive style

the right compliment

Answer the three main questions that interest her

How to interest a girl by correspondence: examples


not interested

Don't make mistakes at the start

platitudes and clichés

not a word about sex

What to write to a girl if she answered: we are moving towards the goal

Dating site selection

Before texting a girl, check: are you ready?

Correspondence is important. As much as 30% of your literary talent determines whether she will answer or not. Guess who owns 70% of the shares of the Acquaintance enterprise? Your questionnaire. , we've already figured it out. Open and read. Only then send the girl the first message. By the way, even if you are the coolest guy on the site, remember PMS, the wake of your beloved rat, a broken nail and other fatal circumstances that no man can overcome. Add " " to your Favorites and switch to the next one - you will practice here later. Although, wait. You didn't happen to text her, "Hi, how are you?" Then you just didn't notice. Let's talk seriously about what to write to a girl in the first message in order to kindle a fire of love in her heart from the start, or at least curiosity.

How to Anchor a Girl from the First Message: Pickup Lessons

Puzzling over what question to ask a girl to interest her, do not reinvent the wheel. Everything has already been thought of for you. Write an opener. An opener is the first phrase of communication that makes an impression. What catches her instincts, evokes emotions, attracts attention, distinguishes you from the crowd of losers who sit around the clock on Vkontakte, on Odnoklassniki and dating sites without a chance for sex.


Thinking about what you can write to a girl, try the game of intrigue. "Hello. I know something about you that others don’t know ... ”, - you write, and it is unlikely that she will resist scribbling to you: “I wonder what?”. More examples: “Wow! What are you doing here?" or “You know what I like about you? You have two incompatible qualities. Usually men don't like them, but I'm delighted." The girl is a curious creature. Will languish until he knows the answers. When intriguing, do not forget to pause between messages.


A provocation is something that will force her to answer you. On a dating site, provocation acts as a catalyst for communication. Refrain from rudeness and vulgarity. Here are examples, take it and use it:

“I want to ask you a question of an intimate nature…”. Yes, she will tense up, but her attention is already riveted on you. Continue: "Are you by any chance working in a creative environment - among designers, artists, photographers?". The young lady will be surprised, relax and probably ask what is intimate here. “Well, how about it. This is a personal question. And the personal is always the territory of the intimate. You not only provoked her reaction and emotion at the start, but also earned a reputation for being “not like everyone else”.

A provocation on a dating portal is not an incitement. Provocation in the context of making an acquaintance is devoid of aggression directed at a partner. Here provocation is motivation, stimulation, motivation. Game, not conflict. A gender challenge, not a confrontation.

Directive style


I gave you a couple of ideas on how to propose to a girl on the Internet, but do not copy. Just…

  • Be confident and arrogant in a good way.
  • Communicate as equals or even from a position on top.
  • Sharpen communication for a specific girl.
  • Don't talk too much - pick up the phone and call.

And further. The less we write to a girl, the more she likes us. Good luck!

If a girl is not interested in you, then there will be no sense in dating. The girl will remain indifferent to you. That's why guys ask the question so often

This is a fundamental moment at the stage of approach and acquaintance. After all, if you hooked a girl, then all the processes will go much easier, since she already wants and is sexually interested in you.

How to get a girl interested in you

Your behaviour.

How confident you are in yourself plays a decisive role. If a girl sees that you are not at all afraid of her, you can at any moment say what came to your mind and do not look for approval of your actions on her part, then this works very cool.

If with confidence you are not all right, then there is only one way out - practice. Go outside and talk to as many girls as you can. And, as soon as you do, for example, the 500th approach to a girl in your practice, you will suddenly realize that you have become a completely different person. That you are already confident, you don’t worry, your sense of humor works great, and you take the initiative at the right time.

And the girls just lack such self-confident guys. After all, often, even those men who have a big business and earn a lot of money are often afraid to talk to a girl. And they are not afraid of them in their natural state only gopniks who do not care.

But a normal, adequate girl will be very happy to meet an intelligent and cultured young man, and at the same time strong in spirit.

Your appearance.

Pay attention to the fact that I put the appearance in second place. Because you can interest a girl in a wrinkled sweater, if you know what and how to do, act boldly and confidently.

And if you buy yourself a new expensive suit, make it and go out to get acquainted from a cool car, but at the same time you don’t know what to say to a girl, then nothing will come of it, except that you can pick up a girl who is not being led in this way. on you, but on your money. Do you need it?

Therefore, you need to develop self-confidence and your appearance in a complex. Only then the effectiveness of communication with the female sex will greatly increase.

How to interest a girl by correspondence in VK

It’s better not to ask questions, since you yourself turn into a waiter while she deigns to write an answer.

There are rare exceptions when it also intrigues and creates the right image in her head:

“Would you talk to a guy if you knew you would never sleep with him?”


Interest a girl can, showing their truly masculine qualities. This is manifested not so much in words, but in actions and body language.

The more experience you have in dealing with girls, the more interesting you will be for each next young lady.

That's all. Good luck!

More recently, young people met quite by chance on the street, at a party, but today, thanks to the Internet, you can meet a pretty girl without leaving your home.

Social networks have literally burst into our lives, so why not take advantage of them and charm a cute lady on VKontakte? In order to please your interlocutor and arouse her genuine interest, you should adhere to certain rules and not use standard phrases that are boring to everyone.

The advice of psychologists and experienced pick-up artists will help you figure out how to interest a girl on a social network.

Before writing to the beauty you like, you need to carefully examine your own page in VK for possible compromising evidence and simply not the most pleasant things. For example, a girl is difficult to seduce:

  • photographs where you are presented in an unfavorable light - drunk, in an embrace with depraved girls, just went out unsuccessfully, etc .;
  • pictures in which, in addition to a person, you can see the garbage in the background, a sloppy bed made;
  • obscene or indecent statuses, especially in which you speak badly about female representatives (for example, after breaking up with an ex-girlfriend);
  • being in groups that are unambiguous about your intentions, such as "Pickup for dummies", "How to seduce in 5 minutes", "How to hook up on VK" or "How to trick her into a quickie."

Naturally, it is difficult to talk about uniform requirements for filling out your profile on VK or other social networks, but some principles can still be voiced.

The guy's profile should differ from the girl's page in restraint and conciseness, that is, the information should not be very much, but it must be intriguing.

To interest a girl, it is important to understand what, first of all, her attention is drawn to. So, cute young ladies sitting in contact or on a dating site are interested in:

  1. The age of the potential chosen one. So indicate your real data, so that later you do not cause rejection at a personal meeting;
  2. marital status. If you are in a serious relationship (especially if you are married), it is better to indicate this. A girl looking for certain acquaintances will answer in any case, and by hiding this detail from a decent young lady, you risk ruining her life, since she may fall in love;
  3. Quality photographs. Not all guys will be able to seduce a girl with a naked torso, so it’s better to publish your own photos dressed and without sunglasses. Other people's pictures must also be discarded.

The more pictures in your profile, the more favorable impression you will make on the young lady.

How to hook a girl with your page? Post a photo that shows you:

  • are in the family circle;
  • cuddle with pets (young ladies love cats and dogs);
  • captured at performances or concerts;
  • engaged in physical exercise or sports (cycling, football).

However, it is necessary not to cross that fine line, after which the girl will begin to perceive you as an inveterate egoist, concerned only with her appearance.

Many young people are worried about intriguing a potential interlocutor, attracting her attention and prolonging communication for as long as possible.

The only sure way to interest a girl by correspondence is to avoid patterns, do not use hackneyed phrases and questions: “How are you?”, “What are you doing?”

To intrigue a young lady, who is already basking in the rays of popularity, can only be politeness, an extraordinary approach and sincere attention.

Examples of win-win options are given below:

  1. "Hello. I met your page in the community (name of the group). I decided to write to you, as I am also fond of these issues. This is how you show that you have something in common.
  2. "Greetings! I saw you yesterday in real life, you are even prettier in real life than in the photographs. There are two good points here: firstly, you, and secondly, the girl will begin to find out where you could meet. That is, a conversation is started and questions about how to interest a girl are no longer so acute.
  3. “Imagine, only yesterday I saw you in a dream, and today I noticed VKontakte. Do you believe in such accidents? This is the so-called pickup truck. But if you don’t mind this way of seducing a girl, bombard her with similar questions.

Giving numerous examples and templates for correspondence on the Internet is a thankless task, because only in your own words can you convey your admiration for the appearance and character of a girl. The main thing is that they do not contain vulgarity, overt flattery and sexual innuendo.

10 Rules for Attracting Attention

How to interest a girl by talking to her on VK? Of course, it all depends on your specific goals: a serious relationship, idle chatter on the Internet, a pickup truck. However, there are several basic principles that will help seduce the young lady, intrigue her and encourage her to continue the correspondence.

  1. Be positive. No online beauty can resist a cool guy, so try to show your positive attitude as often as possible. Intriguing jokes, moderately spiced with humor stories, the use of funny emoticons will help simplify communication and hook up a girl.
  2. Don't brag. Self-promotion is, of course, good, but knowing when to stop is even better. It is unlikely that a young lady will positively perceive a guy who constantly boasts, talks about how magnificent he is in any area. Let her draw a conclusion herself, your task is to please and intrigue her.
  3. Show a variety of interests. Again - do not brag, but show how unusual and versatile you are. For example, you appeared before her as a shirt-guy, and then send her touching poems of your own composition. This will definitely help to seduce the impregnable charmer.
  4. Make communication easy. To pick up a young lady, create a relaxed communication situation. Designate those questions that are pleasing to both of you. It can be literature, travel and recreation, a general passion for sports or pets. This is another answer to how to interest a girl.
  5. Leave intrigue. Pickup is an effective method of attracting female attention, no matter how they treat it. Try to stay closer to the interlocutor, then further away. For example, communicate with her for several days, and then disappear from VK for a couple of days. The “reason” can be very different: he helped a sick grandmother, he nursed his niece.
  6. Send media. Writing a message is too boring for social networks with their truly limitless possibilities. In a contact, you can send pictures, music files, video clips, gifs, etc. to your interlocutor. This will help, if not to captivate her, then definitely to interest her.
  7. Don't impose. If you want to know if a girl can pay attention to you, just try to write a message with a similar question. This will show that you value her time and respect her opinion. Otherwise, she will begin to get annoyed, which means that you will definitely not be able to seduce her later.
  8. Be polite. How to attract a girl with the very first questions and messages? Show your courtesy and good manners. We repeat once again - give up swearing, especially since obscene words in writing look much more repulsive than in oral speech. In addition, address the girl by name, this will make you stand out among the crowd of fans.
  9. Don't ask about your personal life. Asking a woman about previous relationships is not a good idea. Perhaps she wants to forget the former, does not want to talk with a stranger about such personal topics at all. Questions like this will only alienate your partner.
  10. Go to SMS. If you managed to pick up a girl and she gave you her phone number, be sure to use this, because with the help of SMS you can

    Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

The modern rhythm of life dictates its conditions. Increasingly, face-to-face meetings are being replaced by online communication. It allows not only to get to know a person, but in many cases becomes the first step to a serious relationship.

How to make a girl fall in love with you in correspondence, how difficult it is and what basic principles should be followed - we will consider further.

In contact with


Finding the one on the World Wide Web is not so easy. There are a number of features of communication on the Internet that both complicate and facilitate the solution of the problem of how to fall in love with a girl by correspondence.

  1. Anonymity. The minimum set of information presented on social networks is not enough to understand the nature of a person. The user may hide information or deliberately misrepresent. In addition, the complexity of such communication lies in the fact that it is sometimes difficult.
  2. Features of perception. Information received about a girl in the course of correspondence is perceived through stereotypes and presets. Often the image of a partner does not coincide with his real personality, he is embellished and exalted. This can become an obstacle when contacting outside the network. The girl can even specifically and attitude to the interlocutor.
  3. Lack of emotion. Some phrases may be perceived incorrectly due to untransmitted emotional overtones.
  4. Contact / voluntariness. Finding a girl to chat on social networks is easy and fast. Most often, the fair sex themselves are ready to communicate, but they can also quickly interrupt it.
  5. Creating an "image". The girl on her page strives to create different images. Someone wants to seem like a good housewife and posts recipes, while someone likes the “Turgenev girl” and quotes from the classics. This does not exclude the possibility that in life she cooks only sandwiches, but read the fairy tale about Kolobok for the last time.

It is almost impossible to determine the true character traits, interests and demeanor only through messages. That is why virtual relationships are also a risk.

How to meet online?

Before you fall in love with a girl through correspondence, you need to find this very girl. For this it is possible:

  1. Add her as a friend. This is the most simple and unsophisticated way. If the girl accepted the application, then the first step to success has already been taken.
  2. Communication on forums or in groups. This allows you to find a soul mate with similar interests. In addition, starting communication in such communities in the future, you can go to private messages immediately at a new level.
  3. Register on a dating site. Now, not all girls are waiting for the first step, but are actively looking for their prince. An attractive photo and an intriguing profile can draw attention to a young man.

How to interest the interlocutor?

After the acquaintance has taken place, it is necessary to warm up and maintain interest in your own person. This is possible if:

  1. There are similar interests or hobbies. It is much easier for people who have long and hopelessly loved the same music, travel or books to find a common language. In addition, there are always topics for conversation.
  2. Pay attention to her personality. In search of an answer to the question of how to make a girl fall in love with you on VK, you can find a simple answer - talk about her. The fair sex is very fond of discussing themselves, their character and hobbies. The main thing is to know the measure and not to make the theater of one actor out of correspondence.
  3. Show her your best side. Even if there are no points of contact, then the principle that opposites attract has not been canceled by anyone.

By opening something new to her, you can become not only a couple, but also find a new ally to implement crazy ideas.

How to fall in love with a girl by correspondence?

In order to awaken tender feelings in her, it is important to understand what can be written and what is not worth it. It is very easy to scare a girl on the Internet, so you need to be patient and careful.

How to conduct a dialogue correctly?

How to fall in love with a girl by correspondence in VKontakte or another social network:

  1. Write competently. Nobody likes mistakes, missing punctuation marks, and incorrect turns of speech.
  2. To be polite. Do not use profanity or disrespectful words.
  3. Use emoticons in moderation. Their excess looks ridiculous.
  4. Write inconsistently. Regular communication will develop a habit, and she will start to get bored.
  5. Say compliments. A kind word, as you know, is also pleasant for a cat. Girls, in general, cannot live without compliments.
  6. Respect her interests and desires. Ask questions about her life, friends, dog.
  7. Be sincere. The best way is to be real. No need to be hypocritical, lie or exaggerate.

What should not be written?

What should be avoided in Internet communication:

  1. Obsessions. Too much attention can be intimidating.
  2. "Thick" hints of continuation and regular intimate conversations. In some cases, the girl starts them herself, but it is not worth constantly being the initiator of this topic exclusively.
  3. About your ex. Not everyone is interested in stories about past relationships, moreover, there is no need to speak negatively about the girls with whom the relationship ended.

Of course, many guys know how to fall in love with a girl by correspondence, examples of such relationships can be found at every turn. However, full-fledged feelings are not able to develop within the Internet. Sooner or later, communication must be transferred to the real world. There are many ways to win a girl in person. You can read about how to behave with a girl in order to interest her, for example, at school.

Useful video

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question: “How to make a girl fall in love with you by correspondence?” All girls are different: someone is attracted to music, someone is attracted to travel, and someone is culinary. It is clear that the topics for conversation will also be different. But using the general tips from the video will definitely not be superfluous:


  1. It is impossible to fall in love with a girl following a certain algorithm. But there are several signs by which you can understand that she still likes you. More about them -.
  2. Being real, sincere, caring - these are the main secrets of success in relationships, both in life and on the Internet.

In contact with