What fasting days are the most useful and effective. Do fasting days help to lose weight and how does it work? The most effective fasting days

Fasting days are excellent helpers in the fight against excess weight and improve the health of your body. The result of fasting days is sometimes more tangible than the most effective diet for weight loss. What are fasting days, how to conduct them correctly and what options are there for fasting days?

What is a loading day?
Fasting day is a "help" to the body in need of rest. Fasting day provides for limiting the caloric content of the diet to 1000 calories and eating only light, low-calorie foods that do not require additional body efforts to digest it. At the same time, the process of self-purification begins in the body in a natural way, in which the removal of accumulated toxins has finally become possible. The benefits of fasting days are invaluable, the body is completely cleansed during these days, and a person feels joy and lightness throughout the body. Periodic fasting days not only contribute to the normal functioning of the body, but also to the creation of a slender figure.

Separate nutrition, as well as compliance with its principles, are a common method of losing weight. The essence of separate nutrition is the division of all food products into two large groups - vegetable origin, which include a lot of starch, and animal origin, rich in protein. When using products of animal and vegetable origin separately from each other, it helps to facilitate the process of digestion of food in the stomach. Food received by the body according to this principle is quickly and easily processed, while the body does not make reserves. This way of healthy eating is widely used all over the world. Fasting days are part of a healthy diet.

How to arrange a fasting day for weight loss?
Arranging a fasting day is very simple, the main thing is desire and patience. It is necessary to prepare in advance the required amount of the product needed for the fasting day. Thanks to a variety of fasting days, you can effectively lose weight, for this you need to spend one day of unloading every week. To lose weight, you can do a fasting week, in which you have a daily fasting day based on a specific product.

So that during fasting days there is no breakdown, it is best to do them after the holidays, in addition, it will help to lose a few extra pounds. You are free to choose one or another type of product that will make up the fasting day menu, it all depends on your preferences and tastes. Unloading days will improve the condition of the body, tone the muscles, and also help get rid of a few kilograms.

How to spend fasting days?
The recommended number of fasting days should not exceed two per week. On a fasting day, the prescribed daily ration is divided into equal portions and consumed throughout the day. Eating food according to this principle helps to speed up metabolic processes, which leads to weight loss. During any fasting day, it is necessary to drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid, except for those days where this is prohibited.

There are quite a few options for fasting days, so you can choose for yourself an effective and at the same time healthy and tasty diet. The last meal before the fasting day, as well as the first day after the fasting day, should not be overloaded, that is, you should not eat up for the future before and eat off after the fasting day. Therefore, the ideal menu option these days would be oatmeal on the water, milk porridge, or vegetable soup.

It is important to know that lack of sleep, as well as restless sleep, are the enemies of your figure, since chronic sleep deprivation disrupts the production of the hormone melatonin, which is formed during sleep, as a result of which an acute appetite appears as a result of a lack of it. Therefore, a good sleep should be your eternal companion. You can take a bath in the evening with the addition of drops of tincture of valerian or motherwort, and before going to bed drink herbal tea based on oregano with honey.

In order for the fasting day to be the most effective, it must be carefully considered. In the case of choosing a fasting day on carbohydrates, it is necessary to limit the intake of proteins and fats. The food you eat should consist of complex carbohydrates, vegetable fiber, vitamins, mineral salts. At the same time, since the products of carbohydrate fasting days contain a large amount of liquid, you should not additionally consume it during such days.

Fasting days can be combined, while it is necessary to choose products that are similar in composition: apple-kefir, kefir-curd, rice-apple and other fasting days. You can combine fruits with vegetables, vegetables with berries, kefir and cottage cheese, fish and meat, fruits and kefir, rice and fruits, etc.

If you spend two unloading days in a row, then first you should spend a meat fasting day, and then a vegetable one. With this option, you can lose 2-2.5 kilograms! On fasting days, an increase in physical and mental stress is required.

Unloading days are divided into groups:
carbohydrate group - these are rice, watermelon, cucumber, apple, buckwheat fasting days;
the protein group is kefir, curd, curd-kefir, meat, fish unloading days;
the fat group is creamy, sour cream, dairy fasting days.

Fruit and vegetable fasting day.
During the fruit and vegetable fasting day, you need to eat two kilograms of different vegetables and fruits. You can also drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, as well as eat greens, both fresh and in the form of salads, only as a dressing for such a salad, you can use kefir, yogurt, lemon juice, as well as unrefined vegetable oil in a small amount.

Kefir unloading day.
Kefir unloading day involves the use during the day only kefir, curdled milk or biokefir. The daily norm of kefir is two liters.

Unloading days on buckwheat.
Since buckwheat is a fairly satisfying product, you should not eat too much buckwheat porridge at one meal. It is necessary to boil 700-800 g of buckwheat without adding salt and spices, divided into several doses. You can drink tea without sugar or rosehip broth on this day, as well as water without gas.

Unloading days on rice.
On the rice fasting day, you can use any kind of rice: long-grain, round-grain, brown, basmati, black, mixed. To do this, 350 grams of rice is boiled without salt, divided into three portions. For breakfast, rice is seasoned with a pinch of cinnamon; for lunch and dinner, you can add finely chopped boiled carrots or sweet peppers. You can drink a decoction of wild rose.

Unloading day on the water or on green tea.
This is the most effective option for a fasting day, but also quite difficult. On this day, you must regularly drink water or tea, the total amount of liquid drunk should be at least 2 liters.

Carrot unloading day.
It is necessary to grate 400-450 g of raw carrots, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and 1 tbsp. honey. Such a carrot salad must be eaten in the morning, afternoon and evening. In this case, you can drink a rosehip broth or tea without sugar for at least three liters of the total. For three such unloading days, carried out at the same time, you can lose 3.5 kilograms. Only in the next two days, any fruit is added to the carrots prepared according to the above recipe: grapefruit, kiwi, pomegranate, orange, apple, or eaten separately. Dinner must be replaced with one grapefruit. Drink more fluids (water or tea without sugar).

Apple unloading day.
Apple fasting day involves the use of 1.5 kg of apples during the day, 4-5 glasses of freshly squeezed apple juice without sugar.

Unloading day on cottage cheese.
Unloading day on cottage cheese consists in the use of 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 60 g of low-fat sour cream during the day. To do this, the daily rate is divided into six servings, and eaten in five doses. In addition, 2 cups of tea with milk without sugar, 2 cups of rosehip broth are provided.

Fish unloading day.
600 grams of any lean fish cooked in water or steamed without adding salt. Divide into 4-6 meals. You can add still water, herbal decoction or tea without sugar to this.

Cucumber unloading day.
On such a fasting day, the use of 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers, herbs, green tea or fresh juices is provided. The daily rate should be divided into 4-5 meals.

Unloading days for pregnant women.
Pregnant women should consult a doctor before taking a fasting day. In the case of a positive answer, protein fasting days are usually spent: on kefir, cottage cheese, meat, fish.

Unloading day on tea with milk.
This fasting day involves drinking green tea with milk during the day. In addition, you can spend fasting days on milk, where it is planned to drink about two liters of milk during the day. It is best if the fat content of milk is 1.5%.

Juice fasting day.
This fasting day involves the use of freshly squeezed juices without sugar, no more than two liters during the day. You can also drink non-carbonated mineral water, but only if there are no problems with the kidneys.

Soup unloading day.
It is necessary to cook 1.5-2 liters of vegetable soup, the basis of which should be cabbage. Chop a small head of cabbage, a bunch of celery, one carrot, one cucumber, two green peppers, tomatoes to taste, 6 medium onions and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over high heat and then over low heat until the vegetables are tender. You can add curry sauce for taste. This soup should be eaten 4-5 times a day. In addition, you can drink tea without added sugar.

Dairy unloading day.
This day allows you to choose from 2 or 3 servings: 50 fat-free cottage cheese, 30 g low-fat hard cheese, a cup of kefir 0.5% fat, a cup of fat-free yogurt, a cup of milk 0.5% fat.

Watermelon unloading day.
Assumes the use during the day of 500 g of watermelon pulp in five doses.

Finally, I want to wish all women to have a fasting day at least once a week. You will feel the effect of their use from the first time, and regular use of fasting days will make your figure slim, and for those who have no problems with being overweight, fasting days will improve mood and well-being.

A one-day diet with regular practice helps not only easily lose weight, but also improve health. By reducing the load on the organs of the digestive tract, the metabolism is accelerated, thereby activating the process of removing accumulated toxins from the body.

As a result, the effect obtained can be compared with the most effective diet . The only difference is that it does not take much effort to achieve the goal.

What can you eat on a fasting day?

To the list products , which are recommended for fasting days, include various vegetables and cereals, unsweetened fruits, fish, meat, eggs, kefir, low-calorie cereals.

The most effective fasting day

When choosing products, one should be guided only by personal preferences, because in terms of efficiency, all fasting days are well balanced and bring virtually the same result. It is considered ideal to choose two groups of ingredients with approximately the same properties.

Hardest of all endure the day on vegetables and drinks, but the fractional consumption of meat, eggs and cereals is a simpler diet. But whatever the choice, it is better to fast during the period of least physical exertion, giving preference to foods that you love . For example, hated oatmeal on a fasting day will only complicate the task, and kefir can provoke bloating.

Also, not all diets are created equal. for health . Diabetics, for example, are unlikely to choose fasting on chocolate, and people suffering from liver diseases are undesirable for sour cream unloading.

Delivery day options

All known diets can be divided into several types:

  • IN carbohydrate the group includes such unloadings as watermelon, buckwheat, rice, apple. These days, it is necessary to reduce the intake of fats and proteins as much as possible, giving preference to foods rich in vitamins, fiber, natural minerals;
  • fatty the group includes dairy, sour cream and cream diets;
  • Protein - the easiest, because it allows the use of meat, fish, cottage cheese, kefir;
  • Most Popular combined fasting days when you can take rice and apples, kefir and various fruits, vegetables and berries, salads.

Unloading day on the water

This diet is recognized as the most rigid, because it is permissible to use only pure still water. The amount of liquid that you need to drink ranges from 1.5 to 4 liters. The volume depends on the general state of health. Those who have problems with the removal of excess water from the body can use the formula - 30 ml per kilogram of weight. If the stomach does not bother, you can add 1 tsp to the glass. lemon juice.

At one time, you should drink no more than 2 glasses in small sips. The frequency is about an hour. In the morning after unloading, it is better to replace breakfast with 200 ml of water, adding raw grated carrots to the diet, which will “collect” the remaining toxins. The food chosen for lunch and dinner should also be low-calorie.

Fasting day on eggs

One chicken egg contains only 100 kilocalories, so the product has gained popularity among many nutritionists. There are a lot of options for egg fasting days.

You can use, for example, the following selection of ingredients:

First breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs, ripe grapefruit, coffee;

Lunch: 2 eggs, fresh tomato, tea;

Dinner: in addition to eggs, you can eat a portion of vinaigrette;

Dinner: only drinks are allowed - water, juices.

On millet porridge

It is perhaps difficult to think of an easier way, because to prepare millet unloading, it is enough to boil 100 gr. cereals and eat in four doses. Unsweetened drinks - to taste.

On buckwheat and kefir

Kefirno - buckwheat "cocktail" acts as a mild laxative, so this unloading is best done on a day free from travel and business meetings.

Kashu prepared in the evening, bay 250 gr. cereals with boiling water (2 cups) and wrapping the saucepan with a towel. In the morning, the finished dish should be divided into 5 daily meals and eaten with half a liter kefir. Drinking water and tea is also allowed.

On oatmeal

In this case, oatmeal soup is also suitable, which is prepared from 0.5 cups of cereals and 2.5 cups of low-fat milk. Cook the dish for about 20 minutes with a little cinnamon.

on rice

For this purpose, only unpolished and preferably brown grains are selected. In the evening, a glass of cereal should be poured with the same amount of cold water and left overnight.

In the morning, the swollen rice is washed and boiled until tender in half a liter of water.

Adding spices, sugar and salt is strictly prohibited. On rice days, water will not interfere.

Unloading days for weight loss from Elena Malysheva

The technique of a famous TV presenter involves eating a small amount of food in fractional portions. The options developed by her are combined into several groups:

  1. During the protein diet, it is allowed to eat during the day an average of 5 pieces of chicken boiled without skin and drink 2 liters. water. During the day, you will be able to lose about 800 gr. weight;
  2. Vegetable unloading allows you to lose about one extra kilogram, but it is more rigid. We are talking about a salad made from celery, beets and carrots. The finished dish is divided into 6-7 parts. The same 2 liters are drunk as a liquid. water;
  3. On a "grapefruit" day, you can eat 5 fruits, 2 liters. water and green tea (up to 10 cups). True, such a diet is contraindicated for people taking drugs to remove cholesterol.

Unloading day on chicken breast

When boiling the breast (400 gr.), It is important to drain the first water after boiling and add fresh water. After the meat is ready, it is divided into 5 daily meals.

Lean chicken can cause constipation, so drink plenty of water or opt for non-starchy vegetables.

On kefir and cottage cheese

One and a half liters of kefir must be distributed into 5 daily parts. During each meal, add 3 tbsp to a milk drink. l. "lean" cottage cheese.

At lunch, the last product is allowed to diversify with a spoonful of fresh berries or honey.

On kefir and apples

For this diet you will need 1.5 liters. low-fat kefir and about 2 kg of not very sweet varieties of apples. If fresh fruits are contraindicated for health reasons, they can be baked. It is impossible to sweeten the dish, but it is allowed to enjoy a teaspoon of honey.

You need to take products according to the following scheme:

Breakfast: a glass of kefir;

Dinner: the same amount of drink and a couple of apples;

afternoon tea: baked and fresh apple, a glass of kefir;

Dinner: kefir and apple;

Before going to bed, if there is an appetite - kefir.

On tomato juice

Tomato fresh helps to lose up to 2 kg of weight per day, so “tomato” fasting is especially popular. One and a half liters of fresh juice is divided into 5 doses. For variety, you can add a little celery or lemon. For breakfast and lunch, a small piece of bread or a slice of low-fat cheese is acceptable.

on bananas

During the day, you can eat one and a half kilograms of bananas and drink about 2 liters of water.

Herbal decoctions, tea, dried fruit compote are also allowed.

Under a strict ban - coffee, alcohol and soda.

on chocolate

It will take 80 gr. dark chocolate, in which the cocoa content reaches at least 70%. The tile must be divided into 5 pieces. During the day, it is also advisable to drink one and a half liters of water.

Unloading day during pregnancy

Only a gynecologist can prescribe a diet for a pregnant woman, based on medical indications, and then only after a 28-week period.

In no case should you use long-term fasting, which has become popular on the network. It is also important to follow these rules:

  • One-day unloading once a week or 10 days is considered acceptable;
  • The basis for calculating the calorie content of foods is 1500 kcal per day;
  • The selected volume must be divided into portions for four receptions;
  • On this day, you need to drink about 2 liters of water;
  • Strong hunger is best satisfied with kefir or natural yogurt.

For pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

During this period, women should especially carefully monitor their weight and menu, so various diet options become necessary. To reduce the load on the liver, you need to reduce the amount of foods rich in cholesterol. It is also impossible to abuse strawberries and exotic fruits, which provoke allergic reactions. The most acceptable option for unloading is to hold out for a day only on kefir and apples. You can also combine kefir with cottage cheese or eat a kilogram of fruit during the day.

For pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

For unloading during this period, it is best to use the following products:

  • Boiled low-fat fish - hake, pike, pike perch:
  • Combined fruit salads with the addition of kefir to the diet;
  • Fresh and stewed vegetables. Suitable pumpkin, tomatoes, zucchini.

Fasting days for weight loss: reviews, results

The number of kilograms that you can get rid of in one day depends on the products chosen for weight loss. Say, on kefir you can lose a kilogram, on buckwheat 1.5. The perception of such restrictions also varies:

Alya: Once a week I "sit" on apples and green tea. It is possible to lose about a kilogram. The mood is cheerful, in the body - an unusual lightness.

Alexander: I tried to spend the day on the water. By evening, he could barely stand on his feet: his head was spinning, he was falling asleep. I don't experiment anymore.

Alina: I chose kefir unloading for myself. In the morning - oatmeal, and then only this drink. I feel very good. No suffering.

We offer you to watch a video on how to make a fasting day correctly:

A fasting day is a great opportunity to quickly get in shape and restore “lightness” in the body after the holidays, as well as “tune in” to the right diet. Many women who follow their figure or want to lose extra pounds resort to such an “express diet”. But far from everyone knows how to properly spend fasting days so as not to harm health. What recommendations will help?

Set yourself up properly for the fasting day. Do not be discouraged - the "hunger strike" will last only a day! Of course, “out of habit” minutes will last like hours - for sure, more than once you will want to quit everything and eat a sandwich with sausage. But believe me, negativity is not the best friend now, because it will only knock you off course.

Properly carried out "unloading" will help get rid of 1-1.5 kg of excess weight. Let this be your motivation! The main thing is faith in yourself and the desire to make the figure better.

Do not get carried away fasting days

Fasting days are not a balanced diet! The use of one product, no matter how useful it may be, for a long time is a great stress for the body. There are not enough vitamins and minerals, general weakness, metabolic processes slow down - there is a lot of harm. Therefore, do not abuse this method of losing weight. Fasting days can be carried out no more than 2 times a week.

To create a personal “unloading” schedule, be guided by your weight. Do you want to cleanse your body and keep your figure in shape? It will be enough 1-2 unloading days per month. If the goal is to lose 5-10 extra pounds, you can arrange fasting days more often - once a week.

Eating up "for the future" before a fasting day is not the best idea! And that's exactly what a lot of people who lose weight do. At least 2 days in advance, try to improve your diet - remove fatty and sweet foods from the menu as much as possible, after 18.00 do not even come close to the refrigerator. You yourself will be surprised how good the results will then show "unloading".

It's great if you start a fasting day somewhere in the afternoon and finish it at the same time the next day. As practice shows, it is psychologically much easier to cope with all the "gastronomic deprivations" - you will have dinner in the evening, then sleep, and then there will be quite a bit left until the end of the diet.

There is one more useful tip - if you do "unloading" regularly, set aside a specific day of the week for it. The body will get used to this routine, and it will be easier for you to tune in to the diet in the future.

Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating your favorite foods

In order to effectively lose weight, you can arrange "unloading" with a variety of products. Choose the one you like.

The most common products for "unloading" are apples, cucumbers, cottage cheese, kefir. You can also arrange for yourself a "carrot" and "cabbage" day. Focus on your gastronomic preferences! Choose a mono-day or a combined fasting day. In the first case, you eat only one product, and in the second, several are acceptable.

Of the variety of fasting days, those that involve the use of vegetables or fruits are much more useful. They contain a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, such weight loss will be especially useful in winter, when the body lacks vitamins and minerals. But approach the help of "milk" unloading days with caution - with some diseases of the digestive system, they may be contraindicated.

Try to alternate fasting days - this week you have a "cucumber" diet, and the next "kefir". In addition to at least some variety, you will have the opportunity to compare the results of the selected “unloading” options.

Effective weight loss: you can not starve!

Effective weight loss does not mean fasting! On the fasting day, you will have a product that you can eat. Divide the entire allowed volume into 4-6 servings. Eat little by little with small time intervals - save yourself from the constant feeling of hunger.

If hunger still "does not let go", eat half a green apple or a cucumber, drink a glass of kefir - a minimum of calories, but the feeling of hunger is dulled.

Yes, weight loss with fasting days involves a significant reduction in the calories of food consumed. But fluid intake cannot be minimized - on the contrary, you need to drink more! This is important because it will help maintain normal water balance.

Drink plenty and often - at least 2 liters per day. Coffee, compotes, juices, sodas - forget about these drinks for now. On a fasting day, you can unsweetened tea, boiled or mineral water without gas, herbal decoctions. In the morning, it will be useful to drink a honey-lemon drink (1 tsp of natural honey and 2-3 lemon slices per glass of water) - it will "spur" metabolic processes.

Weight loss without harm to health: do not overwork

It is not recommended to load yourself heavily on a fasting day - minimize physical activity! You now consume few calories, so the body will have a hard time. Do you go to fitness regularly? On this day, it would be better to skip the workout.

If the work is associated with increased physical or mental stress, diet on the weekend. Get more rest.

Correctly “get out” of the unloading day

The end of a fasting day is not a reason to pounce on food! You need to “get out” of any diet correctly - only then will there be effective weight loss.

The next morning after a fasting day, take a contrast shower - it will help enhance metabolic processes and be more cheerful after "starvation". Do not lean now on fatty, floury and spicy foods - you will nullify all efforts on the way to a slender body. For the next 2-3 days, eat "light" meals - vegetable salads and soups, dairy products, cereals, boiled lean meat. Large portions will only hurt - eat often (4-6 times a day), but little by little.

If you try to call a fasting day in one word, then the word “mono-diet” is well suited.

What are fasting days?

Many people mistakenly believe that during a fasting day you need to either not eat at all, or eat everything, but in very small portions. However, such days for unloading should be built like real diets, just very small. If you try to call a fasting day in one word, then the word “mono-diet” is well suited. It already follows from the name that you will have to eat all day with only one product or several, but of the same group. Moreover, you will have to eat no more and no less than five times a day.

Such a day will be an excellent help for your digestive system, which has been actively working for a very long time. It is for this that all mono-diets include exceptionally light and healthy foods (although you might like to eat one shawarma all day). Unloading the body helps it start important biochemical processes that cleanse the body themselves. That is why it is so important after a hard day for the digestive system to spend fasting days not even for weight loss, but for cleansing. Well, we will now provide you with options that can be carried out at home.

Advice! In addition to any of the following methods, it is always necessary to give the body a sufficient amount of fluid. To do this, it will be enough to drink plus or minus two liters of drinking or mineral water. The amount depends on your body weight (the more weight, the more water).

Unloading the body: apples

Let's start with a very sweet and juicy fruit - an apple. Apples are dearly loved in our country, they are grown in very large quantities, so it is very easy to find them, and it is affordable to buy them at home. For some, apples grow even in summer cottages. Let's see how good this apple mini diet is.


First, it is impossible not to note the excellent taste of the fruit. Eating it all day, you will not have any particular problems, since apple dishes are quite diverse: in addition to the freshest fruit, you can drink its juice with or without pulp, you can eat mashed potatoes, jam, and also bake apples in the oven. In addition to taste, an apple boasts a large amount of useful vitamins, iron, fiber, carotene and other substances that not only cleanse the body, but also improve health.


Unfortunately, if you have real gastrointestinal diseases, then apples will only cause an exacerbation. In particular, this will be manifested in diseases associated with increased acidity of the stomach.


Take one and a half kilograms of fresh apples. A third of the fruits would be best baked, since it is baked apples have in their composition more pectin - that is, an adsorbent. With the rest, you can do any dishes. It is also worth drinking about five glasses of apple juice or compote without sugar.

Advice! In no case do not take sour varieties of apples for this diet. In such quantities, they will only become an irritant to your stomach.

Kefir diet

When girls talk about fasting days for weight loss, they, listing multiple options, always stop at kefir. This is perhaps really the most popular way that every third representative of the fair sex knows. Kefir is very tasty, and you can buy it in many places in your city (and if the villages, then it's even easier). Let's take a closer look.


Kefir diet is generally easier and more pleasantly tolerated by the body. It will be easy for you to keep the day on kefir, as it nourishes the body very well, without making you feel hungry. Of the beneficial properties of kefir, it should be noted that it helps to stop the processes of decay that can occur in the intestines, and also helps in getting rid of metabolic end products, that is, it helps the body get rid of all the accumulated food decomposed in your intestines. Kefir helps to activate digestion, which means that you will not feel heaviness in the stomach, and all processes associated with the endocrine system will improve their work. Your complexion will even out, acne, rashes and even allergy symptoms will begin to leave your face.


The owners of this disease themselves know, but we cannot but say that all dairy products are prohibited for consumption by people with lactose intolerance. Kefir falls under this category, so if you have this intolerance and you don't want to get a lot of heaviness in the stomach and severe flatulence, you should not follow this mini-diet.


For a good unloading kefir day, you should stock up on one and a half liters of fat-free kefir (or yogurt). Divide these liters into five servings and calmly consume throughout the day.

Advice! It is important that you choose kefir that is older than one day old, as fresh kefir makes a good basis for diarrhea. There will be problems if you buy an expired drink or keep kefir for more than three days in the refrigerator. In this case, even constipation is possible.

Day with yogurt

Another fermented milk product that deserves your attention. Some, speaking of fasting days for weight loss, offer options on the water, as if without any food you will get an even more effective result. However, this is an extremely dangerous recommendation. In addition, instead of such a mockery of your body, you can spend a very tasty day of yogurt. Try it, you will like it.


Remember everything that was described above about kefir? We get the same thing, only under the auspices of a very pleasant and sweet taste. That is why yogurt days are so loved by girls all over the world. Yoghurts go well with a variety of fruits and berries, and this can also work in your favor.


The disadvantages of this mini-diet are the same as the previous version. True, in this case, you can get rid of some problems by simply buying a product without various additives and enhancers of taste and aroma.


For a great day of unloading the stomach, you only need three glasses of yogurt and two fruits, it is best if this fruit is a green sweet and juicy apple. In this case, yogurts are used for the main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Well, between them you can use an apple.

Advice! We recommend that you buy fermented milk products, at least for various diets, exclusively in farm stores. In the markets, there is a risk of buying a product with a lot of fat or too fresh, and in supermarkets, you will surely stumble upon yoghurts with additives. In farm stores, all storage conditions and product properties are prescribed.

Unloading the body: cottage cheese

We could not ignore this dairy product, which is also widely popular when it comes to ways to lose weight. Cottage cheese is a rather specific product both in taste and in its properties, so it is worth considering such a curd diet in a little more detail.


Cottage cheese has something that all previous options do not have - a large amount of protein. This guarantees you not only the absence of a feeling of hunger, but also the burning of fat masses, while muscle, on the contrary, returns to normal. However, we must not forget that completely fat-free cottage cheese during fasting days becomes a strong metabolic disruptor, which we cannot allow in any way.


You can already guess what drawback exists in the cottage cheese mono-diet. It especially concerns women who have already exceeded thirty-five years. True, there is a way for them too: it is enough to purchase exactly grained cottage cheese, supplemented with fruits, and preferably dried fruits.


For a fasting day on cottage cheese, you will need four hundred grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of at least one and a half and not more than 1.8 percent and a fresh green sweet apple. Eat your serving of cottage cheese with an apple slice at every meal.

Advice! To cleanse the body as intensively as possible, be sure to drink at least two liters of drinking water before each meal.

Buckwheat or rice, ma'am!

Another popular way on fasting days for weight loss are various options for buckwheat or rice. Here you already have to prepare and cook, as well as take other products. Both options are often written in one paragraph, as they have approximately the same properties, advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look at these mini-diets.


Both cereals help well in providing the body with all the microelements and substances necessary for good nutrition. Buckwheat porridge has a slight advantage, since its combination with kefir unusually well cleanses the entire gastrointestinal tract from stagnant decay products and relieves any heaviness in the stomach. But rice better than buckwheat removes water from the body and completely eliminates harmful toxins.


Other than perhaps an allergy to one of the foods, which occurs in isolated cases around the world, there were no particular drawbacks to these diets. The only option in which you should not spend such fasting days is problems with constipation, however, in this case, you cannot spend only rice days, but you can eat buckwheat.


For buckwheat days, you will need a glass of buckwheat, previously poured all night with two glasses of boiling water and left closed until morning, and one liter of one percent kefir, if you can use it. In this diet, you eat only three times a day, washing down buckwheat with kefir.

Rice days also require a glass of rice, but already filled with a glass of boiling water, boiled for one minute, strained and boiled again, but already in two glasses of water and fully cooked. You also need to eat it for three meals.

Advice! Spend these diets not so often, because they are still quite difficult to tolerate by the body.

Unloading days for weight loss: reviews

You probably want to know how effective the fasting days for weight loss presented in our article are. And although the options for the body's perception of diets are purely individual, the reviews are always positive.

Anna: I do fasting days three or four times a month, I try without interruptions. Thus, I maintain my weight well on one figure. Of course, kilograms cannot but return periodically, but I steadily remove about one kilo. I’m sitting on buckwheat with cucumbers, and, you know, I don’t feel hungry at all, except maybe the first couple of times. But the ease is incomparable.

Alevtina: I don’t know a diet simpler than a kefir-apple day. It is very easy to bear and even delicious. Indeed, at first you lose no more than 400 grams, but then things go much faster, and in a month and a half you gain decent minus four kilos. It turns out not at all exhausting, but very pleasant, even to some extent you get dependent on such days, because then you feel great.

Natalia: It's cool to go on a diet with kefir and bananas. As I eat four pieces a day and drink one glass in the evening, it immediately becomes easier. I don’t feel hungry, but it leaves almost up to a kilogram. I tried, of course, absolutely kefir days, but then I want to eat more.

Olga: I sit alternately, either on apple or on kefir unloading. Helps clean the sink like a plunger! To help with diets, I take the laxative Lavacol to cleanse the intestines. The first time I did not do this, and it was a little harder, so I advise. It is much better and more pleasant than using an enema.

Lisa: My favorite is the rice diet. And I like to mix rice with vegetables. It’s just enough to add about 150 grams of some vegetables to rice, you can even add a salad. But as a dinner, you should drink kefir, and then you will be completely happy. Personally, I lose up to two kg on such a diet if I do it once a week. By the way, it is worth taking brown rice, it is more useful from it.

Anastasia:And I'm sitting on a rather atypical unloading. I have a juicer at home, and so every Sunday I spend a day of unloading juice. I take out fruits, vegetables and berries that I find and squeeze. Best of all it turns out with apples, oranges and carrots, the kilogram leaves stably. In addition to delicious drinks, I get a light body and a bunch of vitamins for the next week. I am happy as an elephant.

Fasting days for weight loss are usually practiced in three cases:

  • after a period of copious gluttony, when the effect of gluttony is physically felt;
  • as the final stage of a long-term diet or detox program;
  • and finally - as a regular practice of self-control of weight, that is, a kind of prevention of excess weight.

It cannot be said that one or another type of fasting day is more suitable for any one of these goals and less for all the others. Rather, when choosing a method, you should be guided solely by your food preferences - do not like kefir, “sit down” on buckwheat, you cannot live a day without vegetables - choose a fasting day on cucumbers, etc.

In addition, you can proceed from the result - if, for example, you need to lose the maximum possible number of gained kilos, then it is better to choose unloading on cucumbers or apples.

However, it is very important to understand that weight loss with the help of a fasting day is by no means due to fat loss, but by almost 95% due to the removal of excess fluid and accumulated "food debris" (decay products of substances, toxins, undigested food accumulated in the intestines and etc.).

Unloading day for weight loss on cucumbers - minus 3.5 kg

The popularity of all cucumber diets, as well as the most unloading day on cucumbers, is built on two unique qualities of this vegetable - firstly, it contains a meager amount of calories. But what is most valuable for those who want to lose weight is that cucumbers contain tartronic acid, a substance that significantly slows down the process of converting carbohydrates into fats. Given that you can lose up to 3.5 kg on cucumbers, this type of unloading and detox can be safely called the most effective unloading day.

Peculiarities. Cucumber fasting day is the smallest in terms of calories, often the daily amount of calories in this mode barely reaches 300. Therefore, it is better if you spend this day at home, without much physical and mental stress.

Advantages and disadvantages. The most obvious and desirable plus of a fasting day on cucumbers is its high efficiency, in some cases you can lose up to 3.5 kg of excess weight.

Menu for the day. Distribute 1.5 kg of fresh strong cucumbers for 5-6 meals. Consume without salt, sauces and spices, but you can add 1-2 tbsp. bran and 2 eggs per day.

Unloading day on apples - minus 3 kg

European microbiologists have proven that the frequent use of apples contributes to an increase in the intestines of a special type of bacteria that prevent the process of decay and contribute to better absorption of food. Accordingly, there is no formation of the so-called "food waste", which is a direct prevention of the occurrence of excess weight. And American fellow scientists during the experiments came to the conclusion that those women who eat 3 apples a day (in addition to the diet regimen) lose weight faster than those who ignore this fruit in their daily diet.

Peculiarities. Many professional nutritionists advise, in addition to fresh fruits, to eat baked apples as part of an apple fasting day.

Advantages and disadvantages. Apples not only enrich the body with iron and vitamins, but also help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. In addition, the flavonoids quarcetin and naringin, which are found in excess in apples, help protect lung cells from the development of malignant tumors. The disadvantages of apple unloading include the property of apples to stimulate appetite.

Menu for the day. For a fasting day, stock up on 1.5 kg of apples of sour or neutral varieties (but not sweet ones!).

Throughout the day, use the well-known formula: if you are hungry, eat an apple, and if you do not want an apple, then you are not hungry. In addition to fruits, it is also necessary to drink 1.5 liters of pure water without gas per day.

Unloading day on kefir - minus 2 kg

This type of unloading and detox is one of the most popular, every woman at least once in her life, but “sat” for a day or two on kefir. A fermented milk product allows you to lose an average of 2 kg of excess weight and normalizes bowel function (including having a slight laxative effect).

Peculiarities. Since kefir itself is a liquid, during the fasting day on this product it is not necessary to drink the “cherished” and so obligatory in every diet 8 glasses of water. It is quite possible to limit yourself to 0.5 liters of mineral water without gas.

Advantages and disadvantages. Kefir is a very useful product, and not only in terms of weight loss, but also health. It normalizes blood pressure, improves intestinal microflora, is a good prevention of caries, and is also often recommended by doctors as a prevention of breast cancer. The disadvantages of a fasting day on kefir include only the laxative property of this product - it is best not to plan business meetings and long trips for this day.

Menu for the day. Drink 1-1.5 liters of fat-free kefir (no more than 1%) in 5-6 sets during the day. It happens about every 2-3 hours.

Unloading day on buckwheat - minus 1.5 kg

Each grain of buckwheat contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. So a fasting day on buckwheat is a pleasant exception to the rule that any mono-nutrition, even if it is one-day, is always a terrible imbalance of the substances necessary for the body. In the case of buckwheat, the imbalance is not so terrible.

Peculiarities. The main feature of buckwheat unloading is in the method of preparing this product. Groats should never be boiled. Just steam! For example, in the evening you pour one part of buckwheat with two parts of boiling water and leave to swell until morning. And no "prodel"! For dietary nutrition and fasting days on buckwheat, only whole grains are suitable - "unground".

Advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of a buckwheat fasting day include, first of all, the high benefits of the product itself. In addition, buckwheat for weight loss, being a “slow carbohydrate”, perfectly saturates, but it does not increase blood sugar levels - that is, you will feel full for a long time. This, by the way, is one of the reasons for the high popularity of buckwheat diets. The disadvantages include perhaps not the most impressive loss in kilograms - more than 1.5 kg per day is unlikely to go away.

Menu for the day. Theoretically, you can eat as much buckwheat as you like. But since it should be without salt, butter, milk, sauces and any other seasonings - be calm, you are unlikely to fit much. It is advisable to eat 1 cup of steamed buckwheat every 2-3 hours. In addition, you need to drink about 2 liters of clean water without gas per day.