Plant growth activators and stimulants: a list of funds. Growth stimulants for indoor plants

The root system of the plant absorbs the necessary nutrients and distributes them to the rest of the plant. As the culture grows and develops, the root mass also increases. Growers who focus their energy on caring for and maintaining a healthy root system are more likely to have fewer crop problems and higher yields. For complete care, they use a plant root growth stimulator.

Gardeners are constantly striving to find methods and tools that will help increase the yield of their garden. A plant with a strong and healthy root system has been proven to have strong and healthy stems, leaves and flowers. Simply put, healthy roots will help achieve a generous harvest.

Unfortunately, when caring for indoor flowers, plants do not always give the root system the attention it deserves. Since the roots are usually hidden from the view of gardeners, they can often be forgotten. Growers who focus some of their energy on developing the root system generally have better yields and less problems with seed development overall. There are several different ways to help stimulate root growth and keep roots healthy.

Conditions for the development of plant roots

In order for a plant to develop, its roots need certain conditions, namely:

  • Oxygen. Many gardeners don't think about the important fact that plant roots need oxygen to thrive and survive. To increase the amount of oxygen in the soil, the manufacturer can add various soil additives. Perlite, pumice, hydroton, or any other porous substance that can greatly increase the soil's ability to hold oxygen.
  • Nutrients. In addition to increasing the amount of oxygen supplied to the root system, attention should be paid to nutrients, which will play an important role in root health. A good fertilizer usually contains the nutrients needed for healthy root growth.

Phosphorus and potassium are the two main nutrients associated with root growth.

  • root stimulants. Plant hormones known as auxins can also be used to stimulate root growth. The most commonly found rooting formulations are a pair of hormones, indole butyric acid and naphthylacetic acid. These two hormones are considered root stimulants. Some gardeners use these hormones to stimulate root growth during the early stages of the growing season. Auxins are known to promote lateral root development, so they are more suitable for cuttings and seeds.
  • Beneficial microorganisms. There is a vast invisible world living in and around the root system of virtually every living culture on the planet. This microscopic world is made up of millions of bacteria and fungi. Favorable microorganisms are associated with root strengthening and overall cutting growth.

Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants differ from each other in the structure of the seed. Monocotyledonous plants have a fibrous root structure. After germination, the main root most often slows down in growth, and the adventitious ones take over the functions of the long-standing plant root. Most often, representatives of this class are flowers, less often trees and shrubs.

The anatomical structure of the root of dicotyledonous plants is usually pivotal. The main root develops from the germinal.

Plant Root Growth Stimulants

Phosphorus is one of the nutrients that plants need in large quantities, and one of its many functions is to promote root development. Some root stimulants may contain phosphorus, but a phosphorus product alone can be used.

Before using phosphorus, it is important to remember that any amount not used by the plant ends up being leached out, which can lead to the formation of unwanted and sometimes dangerous algae. Therefore, you need to make sure that the culture uses all the phosphorus that is given to it.

The same can be said about nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizers can be helpful to help seedlings or cuttings form new roots. But you should be careful with excessive fertilizer.

Mycorrhiza. Although it is not a growth hormone, mycorrhizal fungi have been known for hundreds of years as plant root helpers. The mutually beneficial relationship between these fungi and the root system of a living culture is complex. In general, mushrooms stimulate beneficial bacteria, which in turn produce chemicals that increase plant growth.

If there is concern about whether or not to use artificial hormones, or just not sure which product to use, you can make your own organic root stimulant using willow branches and leaves. Fast growing trees such as willow produce large amounts of auxins. Willow tea, or willow water as some call it, is easy to prepare using young, thin willow branches.

To make willow infusion, you need:

  • cut thin branches with leaves into twigs 4-5 cm in size;
  • put them in a container with a lid;
  • to boil water;
  • add boiling water to a container with branches and leaves;
  • let it brew until the water cools to room temperature;
  • twigs and leaves are removed and the auxin-enriched water can be immediately used to water the cuttings.

Unused amount may be frozen for later use. If it is not possible to find a willow to borrow a few branches, the same mixture can be made with other fast growers such as poplar or maple.

Another perennial and proven natural product for root development is honey. While it does not act as a growth hormone, it does protect the cuttings so they can develop their roots without risking disease. There is an idea that the sugar in honey is also good for root development.

About different types of root and plant growth stimulants in the video.

Phytohormones, biostimulants, immunomodulators - all these names are used to define the same substances and compounds that are used in home gardening to accelerate growth, lush flowering and high yields of various crops. Plant growth stimulants can be bought at a flower shop, but a preparation prepared independently at home will be no less effective. It is important to correctly use the composition that stimulates the active growth of plants - each has its own characteristics and differences. Then the home greenhouse will delight the eye all year round with juicy, bright greenery and lush color.

After working out with growth stimulants, seedlings appear faster.

Do not confuse stimulants for the growth of indoor plants with top dressings, fertilizers and medicines. This is not a panacea for all the problems that can periodically arise in home floriculture. Such products can improve the appearance of plants in pots. But pests and diseases will not be relieved or replaced by comprehensive systematic care.

Phytohormones for plants have the following effect:

  • accelerate seed germination;
  • help cuttings take root better and faster;
  • contribute to the formation of the ovary;
  • increase and maintain plant immunity;
  • protect against temperature fluctuations during the change of seasons.

But this effect provides only the correct application. It makes no sense to use immunomodulators if a houseplant is flooded with water or vice versa, suffers from rare watering. If the flower pot is on a cold windowsill or in a draft.

Similarly, biostimulants do not protect against diseases and insects. They can only help to overcome the defeat more easily, provided that the owners take care of eliminating the problem and preventing its recurrence.

What are stimulants?

The most popular among flower growers are the following drugs:

  • "Kornevin";
  • "Heteroauxin";
  • "Zircon";
  • "Epin";
  • "Athlete";
  • "Energy".

All of these products are plant growth stimulants for home use. In their action, they are very similar, but the composition and features of the application may vary. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in detail the most popular and effective of them.


"Heteroauxin" accelerates the formation of roots and strengthens them.

These are tablets, the active ingredient of which is indoleacetic acid - the main hormone of plant crops. You can recognize the product by its characteristic, pungent odor. Tablets are dissolved in warm water in various dosages - depending on the task. And then use according to the manufacturer's recommendations.


This is a very popular drug, which is an alternative to the first. "Kornevin" contributes primarily to the root system of indoor plants, the main active ingredient is indolylbutyric acid in powder.

This form provides a very convenient, simple and quick application of the product. Before planting, cuttings should simply be sprinkled with this agent, and then immersed in moistened soil.

The process of processing a cutting of geranium with the preparation "Kornevin".

If it is more convenient to work with a liquid solution, then it is prepared in a certain proportion with warm water. "Kornevin" and "Heteroauxin" are leaders among compounds for stimulating the growth of indoor plants. But the first one has one significant drawback - it is often faked.

It is more difficult to fake pills, which is why there is a false opinion that Heteroauxin is more effective than Kornevin. Most likely, this opinion has developed due to the reviews of gardeners who have encountered precisely fake, low-quality powder.


Plant growth stimulator "Epin" differs from analogues - it is a completely natural product, environmentally friendly and safe. It acts in a complex way in several directions at once:

  • stimulates plant immunity;
  • supports them in extreme conditions - for example, when transporting to another locality in cold weather, with forced frequent transfers;
  • accelerates the growth of cuttings and seedlings.

Such high efficiency is provided by the active component of the drug - epibrassinolide. Since 2003, the domestic manufacturer has been using an improved preparation for the manufacture of this product, therefore the name has changed. Now on sale you can find "Epin" or "Epin-extra". It does not hurt for inexperienced flower growers to find out that there is no difference in the composition, the latter simply contains a better and faster active ingredient.

Processing the roots of the orchid "Epin".

But in order for the drug to work fully, it must be protected from an alkaline environment and ultraviolet radiation - under the influence of these factors, it loses its effectiveness. Therefore, when preparing a solution, a little citric acid or lemon juice should be added to the water. And carry out top dressing in the evening, after sunset.


This tool is also made from natural substances and has a versatile effect:

  • promotes seed germination;
  • helps cuttings take root;
  • stimulates the growth and flowering of flowers, increases the yield of fruit-bearing crops;
  • protects against viruses;
  • protects against the development of gray mold and powdery mildew.

This phytohormone for plants has a very strong stimulating effect on the roots. And if other top dressings for the horse color system were used before, now they need to be canceled.

"Zircon" is a liquid product that must be diluted in water according to the instructions.

When are biostimulants needed?

This is not to say that the use of these products is mandatory in the list of regular procedures for caring for indoor plants. Each grower decides for himself whether he needs it or not. If biostimulants are not introduced, the plants also feel great, moreover, from an incorrectly selected and injected preparation, they will feel worse.

Therefore, if it is already decided to support the plants in the house with phytohormones, they must be used strictly according to the instructions, in no case violating the dosage and frequency of feeding. For preventive purposes, experienced people recommend using Epin. It acts milder and is well tolerated by almost all cultures.

If the plant is already withering, suffering from diseases and pests, then it is better to switch to Zircon. It can also be used as a good analogue of "Epin", the latter's code was not found for sale, but the plant needs to be supported.

Experts also recommend that you definitely purchase one of the above funds if an exotic newcomer has appeared in your home garden. Tropical plants find it difficult to take root in more severe climatic conditions. Of course they will need food.

As was said, all these drugs will not have the expected effect if the dosage is reduced or increased and the recommended administration regimen is violated. Flower growers are advised to strengthen and feed indoor plants according to the following scheme:

  • treat the seeds during the germination period with "Heteroauxin";
  • as soon as shoots appear, start using "Epin";
  • spray seedlings with "Etamon" - the plants will quickly throw out the leaves and bloom;
  • before flowering, for a better ovary, apply "Bud".

If fruit-bearing crops are grown, then you can use such a tool as "Athlete". Regular use of this biostimulant can increase the yield by two to three times.

How to make your own biostimulants

The simplest and most affordable biostimulant that you can make yourself at home is a solution of natural bee honey. For 500 ml of warm water, half a teaspoon of honey will suffice. Before planting, the cuttings are kept in such a tool for up to 6 hours, and the bulbs of plants - up to 12. Before transferring them to the ground, you need to rinse the root part of the cuttings and bulbs with clean water.

You can also use agave juice. A tablespoon of juice is squeezed out of aloe leaves, poured into a glass of water, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator for one week. Then the finished mixture is brought to a volume of five liters with clean water, and used for its intended purpose.

Plant growth stimulator can be prepared independently using aloe juice.

There are many products and recipes that gardeners use to prepare a wide variety of dressings and growth promoters. Sometimes home remedies are more effective than purchased drugs - in any case, they are definitely not fake.

Whatever remedy is used to accelerate the growth of a houseplant, you should always remember:

  • for a rapidly growing and lushly flowering plant, you will need a powerful biostimulant in large quantities;
  • for a sluggish and painful flower, you need a delicate, gentle remedy in moderate dosages.

Prices for biostimulants may vary depending on the region and the weight of the package. On average, the cost of the above funds does not exceed 200 rubles. You can buy drugs in specialized stores in your city or order online. In order not to run into a fake, use the services of trusted companies and stores.

Hello dear friends!

Pre-planting treatment of cuttings with special means to stimulate the formation of roots is carried out in order to:

The appearance of roots on hard-to-root plants;

Accelerating the formation and growth of roots;

Obtaining a more powerful root system on the cuttings, which contributes to the increased consumption of nutrients from the soil and the rapid growth of the plant;

Increasing the concentration of organic substances in the places where the roots appear.

In addition to ready-made growth stimulants used for successful cuttings of trees and shrubs, for example, beta-indolylbutyric acid or, experienced gardeners have long and successfully used folk cuttings.

Natural root stimulants

1. Water from under the willow. Put willow branches in a container with water, wait for their roots to appear, remove the twigs. The remaining water with substances released during the germination of branches is an effective growth stimulator. A hard-to-root cutting (cuttings) is placed in it. Water cannot be changed; when it evaporates, it can only be topped up to the previous volume. Instead of willow, you can use twigs of willow, common poplar or wild rosemary, the effect of them is the same.

2. Bee honey. For three liters of water at room temperature, take 2 teaspoons of natural honey, which is rich in a whole complex of mineral components necessary for the growth and development of plants. In addition, honey exhibits pronounced antimicrobial, antiseptic and immunomodulatory properties, which is very important for rooting. The cuttings are immersed in the solution overnight, the liquid level should reach 1/3 of their height.

3. potato tubers. Choose a large root crop, remove the existing eyes from it, make a longitudinal incision into which to insert the cutting. The tuber needs to be watered daily. In addition to starch and vitamins, the cutting receives from the potato a lot of valuable substances necessary for rooting.

4. Agave juice (aloe). Aloe is an effective growth stimulator, causing active cell division. Plant juice stimulates not only growth, but also the protective functions of plants. The immune system of the cutting is increased, and the root system is formed much faster. It is enough to add about 5 drops of freshly squeezed juice from aloe leaves to the water with the cutting.

5. Another great natural root stimulant is baker's yeast. Before putting the cuttings in water for germination, they are soaked for 24 hours in a yeast solution rich in B vitamins and nutrient phytonutrients useful for the root system. 200 g of fresh yeast is diluted in 2 liters of water, the cuttings are immersed in the liquid, after 24 hours they are washed and placed in fresh water in a half-filled container. Yeast water can be poured into garden beds or into a flower garden - this is an excellent organic top dressing.

Data natural root stimulants repeatedly tested, but it is up to you to decide whether to use chemical growth stimulants or use folk wisdom. Good luck in laying and updating the garden and good harvests!

It doesn't matter if you need to feed a weak house plant or accelerate the growth of seedlings, in any of these cases, the best solution is to use special preparations. Today, two types of plant growth stimulants are produced: organic and synthetic. Also, manufacturers offer different compositions to enhance a certain effect. For example, preparations for stable root formation, seed germination or stem strengthening.

Biological stimulants

The essence of the work of preparations for plant growth is quite simple and consists in the use of phytohormones, on which seed germination, growth rate, flowering and maturation depend fruits. They are contained in the plant even without the use of drugs, but an increase in the amount of phytohormones has a positive effect on growth, an increase in yield and quality of fruits.

Various organics (mushrooms, algae), as well as peat and coal are used to isolate phytohormones. The composition of such stimulants is not limited to hormones and includes amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, proteins and other trace elements that a growing plant may need. Currently, several active substances are known that contain phytohormones: humic fertilizers, succinic acid, arachidonic acid, abscisins, microfertilizers.

Humic fertilizers

First of all, humic fertilizers have a positive effect on the soil, making it more nutritious for a young plant. Thanks to sapropel, peat and coal in the composition, the soil acquires a softer structure, stable humidity and low density. And it is also recommended to treat the roots and seeds of the plant directly, since the fertilizer is better absorbed by direct contact. The composition of such drugs has a positive effect on such moments:

On average, humic regulators can increase yields by 30–45%. In addition, these preparations are also used for plant protection. A well-known representative of this group of stimulants is the Athlete. For a positive result, it is important to follow the instructions on the package.

succinic acid

It is recommended to apply with a noticeable weakness of the plant, slow root growth and poor flowering. This universal remedy is absolutely non-toxic and has no side effects even when the dosage is exceeded. Succinic acid is produced in the form of tablets or in powder form.

After the first shoots appear, it is necessary to help them establish a good root system, so it is worth starting to spray the plants with rooting agents. Before planting the seedlings, they should be soaked again in the stimulator. After the seedlings are planted, it is recommended to treat young shoots with Etamon at least 2 times a month for comfortable adaptation.

Those who are engaged in gardening professionally, and, perhaps, amateur summer residents, have probably heard about such a concept as growth stimulants for plants and about their use. Probably many have used it. Biotechnologists have invented a useful thing; by processing the seeds before planting, there is a guarantee that they will hatch faster. There are quite a lot of such drugs, only Russian manufacturers produce more than 30 items.

Arriving at a gardening hypermarket, your head will spin from the proposed choice. All of them differ significantly in their composition, principle of action and purpose. But our discussion today is not about them. Consider several ways to prepare plant growth and development stimulants at home on your own.

First of all, peroxide is used to prevent all kinds of seed infections. To do this, you need to soak them in its 10% solution (20 minutes will be enough), then rinse and dry. For soaking the seeds, a gauze or cloth bag is usually used.

Hydrogen peroxide is also used as a growth stimulant. A 0.4% solution is required, in which a bag of seeds is placed for 12 hours. Seeds that are difficult to germinate (beets, carrots and parsley) will need about a day to soak. After the required time has passed, the seeds must be washed and allowed to dry well. Due to this, the immunity of the plant increases, faster germination of seeds is ensured and further yield increases.

By the way, peroxide is also an excellent tool to defeat phytophthora. To protect tomatoes from damage, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying with the following solution (the calculation is given for 10 liters of water):

  • hydrogen peroxide - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • a liter of whey;
  • iodine - 40 drops.

Iodine and potassium permanganate - growth enhancers for plants

Ordinary pharmacy iodine brings a lot of benefits in the garden.

For example, mix 7-8 iodine drops in 10 liters of water, sprinkle strawberry and strawberry bushes with the resulting mixture before they bloom, this will give them vitality. This should be done a couple of times with an interval of 10 days.

If tomato seedlings are poured once with such a mixture: stir 1 iodine drop in 3 liters of water, then in the future this will help increase the yield and increase the size of the fruit. When the seedlings are planted in the ground, it should be fed with iodine one more time. Add 3 iodine drops to a bucket of water (10 l) and pour 1 liter under each bush.

As for potassium permanganate, a solution from it is used, first of all, to destroy possible pathogenic bacteria on seeds, gardeners call this - pickling seeds. A light solution of potassium permanganate is made (0.5 g per 100 ml of water), pale pink, and plant seeds are soaked in it for 20 minutes, then washed and dried. The main thing is not to make the solution too concentrated so as not to burn the seeds. And you should not water often with “rose water”, this may not have a very good effect on the future harvest.

Boric acid

If the fruits are poorly tied, another natural growth stimulant will help, this is boric acid. After all, boron is a very important trace element for the life of plants. It is necessary to prepare a solution: mix 2 g of boric acid with water (0.5 l), then pour it all into a bucket and add more water up to 10 l. It is necessary to spray all the plants with the resulting liquid, this stimulates the ovary.

A little bit of boric acid is poured onto a bucket of a light manganese solution (as they say, on the tip of a knife), strawberry and raspberry bushes are fed with the resulting mixture in early spring. This has a positive effect on increasing the yield and improving the taste of the fruit.

To soak the seeds before planting, there is a good complex nutrient mixture containing boric acid in its composition. It is prepared as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare an ash solution in advance. First, the ashes are sifted from any debris, and then poured with hot water. The calculation here is as follows - 3 kg of already sifted ash and 10 liters of water.
  2. A couple of handfuls of onion peel should be poured with a liter of boiling water, insisted and combined with a solution of ash. Here the calculation is already 1: 1, that is, part of the onion infusion, part of the ash.
  3. The resulting mixture is filtered, 1 g of manganese, 5 g of soda and 0.1-0.3 g of boric acid are added per 1 liter.
  4. In the resulting nutrient mixture, the seeds are soaked for 12-24 hours (cabbage, zucchini and cucumbers - for 12 hours, carrots, onions, beets, tomatoes - for 24 hours).

Important to know: boric acid dissolves only in hot water. Therefore, you should first make its solution in a small amount of hot water, and then bring it to the required volume with cold water.

The use of ash as a growth stimulant for plants

Ash contains a fairly large amount of macro- and microelements and is very popular with summer residents. To prepare the solution, straw or wood ash is required, 2 tablespoons must be diluted in 1 liter of warm water. Within 2 days, the mixture must be insisted, shaken periodically, then strain. In the resulting liquid, the seeds are soaked for 4-5 hours (onions and carrots for 8-10).

As you can see, in order to improve seed germination, plant growth and crop quality, sometimes you need to go for stimulants not to garden stores, but to ordinary pharmacies. All of the above means contribute to the disinfection of seeds and their saturation with useful microelements (boron, potassium, oxygen).

Biostimulants - application

A lot of biostimulants have been created to date. Let's talk very briefly about the most popular:

  1. "Epin". In 100 ml of warm boiled water, drop 4-6 drops of the drug and soak the seeds in the resulting solution for 18-24 hours. Beet, carrot and celery seeds are soaked in a weaker solution (3 drops per 100 ml of water). The rate of seed germination, their germination, yield and shelf life of fruits increase.
  2. Potassium or sodium humate. 20 ml of this product is diluted in 250 ml of water. The day before planting, the seeds are soaked for 10-15 hours (carrot seeds can be kept for 1-2 days), the degree of their germination after that will be much higher. Plant bulbs are kept in this solution for 8 hours, and cuttings from 12 to 14 hours (they are dipped into the solution for 2/3 of the length).
  3. Ecogel. In its solution (25 ml per 1 liter of water), seeds, bulbs, tubers are soaked before planting for 12-18 hours. They also use this tool for spraying seedlings, watering under the root.
  4. "Fitosporin". Raises immunity of plants and stimulates their growth. 4 drops of a liquid preparation are diluted in a glass of water and seeds, bulbs and tubers are soaked in the resulting mixture.
  5. "Gliocladin". Most often used in the form of tablets. Before planting seeds, the drug is added directly to the soil, at the rate of 1 tablet per 300 ml of planting capacity.