Works by Nosov Nikolay. Heroes of Nosov's works

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov; USSR, Kiev; 11/10/1908 - 07/26/1976

Nikolai Nosov famous Soviet writer. His works about Dunno became a model of children's literature in our country for many years. On the books of N. Nosov "Dunno" more than one generation has grown up in our country, and now the stories of Nikolai Nosov are chosen by many parents throughout the country. After all, simple and kind fairy tales of the Soviet era are an excellent alternative to modern children's books. Perhaps that is why Nikolai Nosov is still included, and his books occupy high places among the most read books.

Biography of Nikolai Nosov

Nikolai Nosov was born in the suburbs of Kiev in the city of Irpin. He was the second child in a family of four. Since childhood, he loved to attend concerts and performances in which his father played. He was a professional actor. Everyone predicted the future of the artist for him, but the difficult situation in the country and living conditions made their own adjustments. So the whole family of Nikolai Nosov fell ill with typhus, and only by a lucky chance, someone did not die. Then little Nikolai realized for the first time that tears can be not only from grief, but also from joy. This understanding came along with the tears of the mother, who spent a lot of time over the bed of the future writer.

Even at the gymnasium, Nikolai Nosov was fond of photography, theater, electrical engineering and many other things. But from the age of fourteen he worked as a merchant, mower and digger to help his family. And after graduating from school, at the age of 16, he went to work as a laborer at a concrete plant. At this time, he and his friends became interested in chemistry. He tried to enter the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, but since he did not complete his secondary education, he could not. Therefore, so that training does not interfere with work, Nikolai Nosov entered an evening vocational school.

In 1927, unexpectedly for his parents, the future writer Nikolai Nosov changes his plans and enters the Kiev Art Institute. Two years later, he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. He graduated from it in 1932, and for almost 20 years he has been working as a director and producer of scientific, educational and animated films.

The opportunity to read the first stories of Nikolai Nosov appeared in 1938. Telling stories to his son, he realized that he was good at it and decided to write down some of them. They were published in the magazine "Murzilka", and then were combined into the collection "Knock - knock - knock". But this collection came out after the end of the war, and it was followed by another one - "Steps".

In 1953, the first story by N Nosov "Dunno" appeared. Gradually, this literary hero becomes very popular, and brings Nosov the same fame. children's writer, like his . By the way, the last book in the Know-Nothing cycle, Dunno on the Moon, is called by many economists the best book on political economy for children. In addition, Nikolai Nosov can read the stories "Koli Sinitsyn's Diary", "Vitya Maleev at school and at home", which also gained wide popularity. Nikolai Nosov wrote his stories until his death, which occurred in 1976 due to natural causes.

Books by Nikolai Nosov on the Top Books website

The cycle of books by N Nosov "Dunno" was included in the ratings of our site. In addition to a fairly high place in the ranking, the book got into. And given that interest in books about Dunno, stories about Kolya Sinitsyn and Vita Maleev does not decrease over the years, this author will be included in the rating of our site more than once. And the stories of Nikolai Nosov will be presented among the best children's literature more than once.

Nikolai Nosov book list

  1. The secret at the bottom of the well
  2. We and children
  3. The story of my friend Igor
  4. Small literary encyclopedia
  5. Grandma Dina
  6. quantum of laughter
  7. Vitya Maleev at school and at home
  8. Happy family
  9. Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn

The stories and fairy tales written by the great writer Nikolai Nosov did not leave every small reader without attention, not even paying attention to the fact that a rich selection of stories from contemporaries is offered on store shelves.

The creations of Nikolai Nosov for children are the standard of children's literature, and we recommend a short review of some of them.

Vitya Maleev at school and at home

This is one of the favorite stories of readers, which consists of twenty-one chapters. It describes the life of schoolchildren, their thoughts and worries, followed by actions formed on their own conclusions, even if they are children's. Interesting stories that occur in Vitya's life give a playful tone to the story and amuse the reader.

Adventures of Dunno and his friends

The situation written by Nosov in three volumes about the original character Dunno begins with the book The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends. Events begin in the Flower City, where one of the inhabitants comes up with the idea of ​​​​a trip in a hot air balloon. The adventures of friends are gaining momentum, and in order to find the way home, you will have to make a lot of effort and ingenuity.

Dunno in Sunny City

The second part of the Dunno trilogy, but here the behavior of the protagonist changes from a naughty little man, he reincarnates into a sympathetic child who does only good deeds. Due to this, Dunno receives a magic wand as a gift and goes on new trips to the Sunny City, where new friends and adventures await on the way.

Dunno on the Moon

The last part of the Nosov trilogy, consisting of thirty-six chapters, and the writer put into any of them deep meaning, while the text is presented in an accessible form. Key events take place on the Moon at the same time as Dunno's true friends, who also think like adults. It is not in vain that this part is actually called a textbook of life for kids.


Nosov's short story, which describes a dispute between 2 young boys who saw a car in the yard and disagreed whether it was Volga or Moskvich. Then one of the comrades had the idea to ride on the bumper of the car, because before that the guys had a dream to ride, but none of the drivers agreed to the request.

living hat

This story is about how Vadik and Vova saw a hat on the floor and, to their surprise, it turned out to be “alive”. The guys saw her start crawling on the floor unexpectedly and frightened them. Friends thought to look into the situations and, in the end, found the answer. The hat fell on the cat Vaska, who was sitting on the floor.


The story tells that a primitive putty can lead to the adventures of 2 comrades Kostya and Shurik. They got it when the glazier was plastering the windows and after that interesting adventures began that took place in the cinema. A stranger sat on the putty, it was confused with a gingerbread, and in the end it was completely lost.


An informative story by Nosov, in which the boy Bobka himself learns to install a patch on his pants, since his mother did not want to sew them up. And he tore them like this: he climbed over the fence, caught on and tore. As a result of many trials and errors, the young tailor manages to make a good patch.


A small situation where events develop on the basis of the famous fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs". The guys read it and thought to start the game. They built a small house and found that it had no windows, so nothing could be seen. And then it suddenly seemed to them that a gray wolf had come to them ...


The situation is about how a mother made a present to her son Vitalik. And it was an aquarium with a beautiful fish - carp. At first, the kid looked after her, and after that he got bored, and he decided to change with a friend for a whistle. When my mother did not find the fish at home, she decided to find out where she had gone. Vitalik was cunning and did not want to tell his mother the truth, but in the end he confessed.


Nikolai Nosov in the story "Dreamers" shows how children invent stories and spread them to each other. But at the same time, they compete in the one who invents more. But then they meet Igor, who ate the jam himself, and told his mother that his younger sister did it. The guys felt sorry for the girl, and they bought her ice cream.

Mishkina porridge

One of the very funny stories. It tells about how mother and son Mishka lived in their summer cottage and a little friend came to visit them. The guys stayed together because mom had to go to the city. She told the boys how to cook porridge. Friends happily spent the whole day, but after that they got hungry, and the most curious thing came, cooking porridge.


An instructive story about the good and bad behavior of children. Main character, Fedya Rybkin, a cool child who invents funny stories. But the problem is that he has fun at school during lessons too. And somehow the teacher decided to teach him a lesson wisely, and she did it successfully.


The situation is about how Misha's mother told her son to behave tentatively and promised to give a lollipop as a reward. Misha did his best, but then he climbed into the sideboard, pulled out a sugar bowl, and there were candies in it. He could not resist and ate one, and with sticky hands took the sugar bowl and then it broke. When my mother came, a beaten sugar bowl and an eaten lollipop were found.


The main character of the story is Sasha, he really wanted a gun for himself, but his mother forbade it. Once his sisters gave him a long-awaited toy. Sasha played with a pistol and decided to scare his grandmother by shooting right next to her face. Suddenly, a policeman came to visit. Then the most curious thing came, and the kid remembered for good that you can’t scare people.

Fedin's task

This situation is about the schoolboy Fed Rybkin, who did homework mathematics. He turned on the radio and began to solve problems. He thought it would be more fun that way. Of course, the songs on the radio were much more exciting than the lessons, thanks to which all the songs were carefully listened to, but the problem was never solved correctly by Fedya.

Shurik at grandfather's

A story about 2 small brothers who visited their grandparents in the village in the summer. The guys thought to fish, and for this in the attic, at first, they thought to find a fishing rod, but she was alone. But there was also a galosh, with which, as it turned out, you can also invent a lot of interesting things. Fishing on the pond was not so easy ...


The situation is about how three children were left at home alone and thought to play hide and seek. Not paying attention to the fact that there were not so many places to hide, one of which hid so that they could not find it in any way. During the search, the entire living area was in complete disarray, after which it took another hour to clean it up.

About the turnip

Nosov's story about the little boy Pavlik, who went to the dacha in the spring and decided to plant something in the garden, although his peers did not believe in his strength. Mom gave me a spatula for the garden, and my grandmother gave me a few grains and explained how to plant. And as a result, it turned out that it was a turnip, which, thanks to Pavlik, rose and grew.

hide and seek

In the story, Nosov tells about boys who loved to play hide and seek, but it always turned out that one of them hid regularly, and the second one always searched. Slavik, who was looking for a friend in the game, felt sorry. He decided to close his own friend Vitya in the closet. After sitting in the closet for some time, the boy did not understand why he was closed by a friend.

Three hunters

An instructive story that tells of three hunters who went into the forest to hunt for prey, but did not catch anyone and stopped to relax. They sat down and began to tell each other interesting stories. In the end, they were convinced that there was absolutely no need to kill animals, but you could happily pass the time in the wilderness.


The events of this story by Nosov take place in a children's camp, to which three friends arrived, but 1 day earlier than others. In the daytime, they were happy, they even decorated the house, but when night fell, and suddenly there was a knock on the door, the boys were frightened. When asked who it was, there was no answer, and all night the guys did not have the opportunity to realize who it was. In the morning everything became clear.

Bobik visiting Barbos

A comic story about the dog Barboska, who invited Bobik to visit, while grandfather and cat Vaska were not at home. The watchdog boasted of the things that were in the house: either a mirror, or a comb, or a whip. During the conversation, the friends fell asleep right on the bed, and when the grandfather came and discovered this, he began to kick them out, so much so that Barbos hid under the bed.

And I help

A story about a small five-year-old girl, Ninochka, who spent a lot of time with her grandmother, since her mother and father worked. And somehow she had the idea to help adults in the search for iron for the delivery of scrap metal. When she showed the way to two adult boys, she forgot the way and got lost. The boys helped find the way home.

Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn

An entertaining instructive situation about an excellent student named Kolya Sinitsyn, who during the summer holidays decided to keep a diary. Kolya's mother promised to buy him a pen if he writes carefully. The boy tried to write down all his own thoughts and events, and got so carried away that he ran out of a notebook.


A story about the journey of two little boys who got into the metropolitan subway when they lived with their own aunt. Having seen enough of the moving stairs, stops and ride in the train, the boys were convinced that they were lost. And suddenly they met their mother and aunt, who laughed at the situation. And in the end, they got lost.

Rstories Nosov but. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (November 10 (23), 1908, Kiev - July 26, 1976, Moscow) - Soviet prose writer, playwright, screenwriter, laureate of the Stalin Prize.

Born in Kiev in the family of a stage actor. In 1927-1929 he studied at the Kiev Art Institute, from where he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography (graduated in 1932). In 1932-1951 - director of animated, popular science and educational (including for the Red Army, earning this in 1943 the Order of the Red Star) films.

He began publishing stories in 1938: Entertainers, Lively Hat, Cucumbers, Wonderful Trousers, Mishkina Porridge, Gardeners, Dreamers, and others, printed mainly in the "baby" magazine Murzilka ” and formed the basis of Nosov’s first collection Knock-Knock-Knock, 1945. Nosov introduced a new hero into children’s literature - a naive and sensible, mischievous and inquisitive fidget, obsessed with a thirst for activity and constantly getting into unusual, often comical situations.

Particularly popular were his stories for teenagers The Merry Family (1949), The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn (1950), Vitya Maleev at School and at Home (1951; Stalin Prize, 1952; film, 1954).

The greatest fame and love of readers received it fabulous works about the unknown. The first of them is the fairy tale "Cog, Shpuntik and the vacuum cleaner." Later, the hero appeared in the famous trilogy, including the fairy tale novels "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (1953-1954), "Dunno in the Sunny City" (1958) and "Dunno on the Moon" (1964-1965; State Prize of the RSFSR. N. K. Krupskaya, 1969). The first illustrator of "Dunno", the artist who gave this literary hero a well-known image to everyone was Alexei Mikhailovich Laptev (1905-1965). An equally famous illustrator of Nosov was Heinrich Valk.

In 1969, the satirical collection “Ironical Humoresques” was published - a series of articles by the writer about literature (“On Literary Mastery”, “Let's Talk About Poetry”, “A Treatise on Comedy”), the Russian alphabet (“A, B, C ...”), the relationship of teachers and students (“The second time in the first class”) and about some social phenomena - philistinism (“One more, boring question for everyone”), drunkenness (“On the use of alcoholic beverages”), the relationship between fathers and children (“Is it necessary to name parents ancestors and horses and other similar issues”), etc.

The writer's autobiographical work - "The Tale of My Friend Igor" (1971-1972), written in the form of diary entries from the life of grandfather and grandson (1st part - "Between a year and two", 2nd part - "From two up to two and a half years") and the memoir story "The Secret at the Bottom of the Well" (1977; its two original versions - "The Tale of Childhood" and "Everything Ahead", both 1976).

Died in Moscow.

In 1997, the FAF Entertainment studio created the cartoon "Dunno on the Moon" based on the book of the same name by N. N. Nosov.

In 2008, for the 100th anniversary of the birth of N. N. Nosov, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a silver coin.

Born on November 10 (November 23), 1908 in Kiev, in the family of a variety artist, who, depending on the circumstances, also worked as a railway worker. He spent his childhood in the small town of Irpin, not far from Kiev, where the boy began to study at the gymnasium.

Nicholas was the second son in the family. There was also an older brother Peter and younger brother and sister in the family. Little Nikolai loved to attend his father's performances, watch concerts and performances. Parents even thought that the boy also wants to become an actor. During his school years, he wanted to become a musician and for a long time dreamed of being bought a violin. After buying a violin, Nikolai realized that learning music is not easy, and the violin was abandoned. The childhood and school years of Nikolai Nosov fell on the hardest period in Russian history: World War I and Civil War. Lack of food, lack of heat and electricity in cold winters, illnesses were common at that time. The whole family was ill with typhus. Fortunately, no one died. Nikolai recalled that when he recovered (he was sick the longest), his mother cried for joy, because everyone was still alive. “So I learned that you can cry not only from grief.”

Nosov from his gymnasium years was fond of music, theater, chess, photography, electrical engineering and even amateur radio. In order to feed his family, Nikolai was forced to work from the age of 14: he was a newspaper merchant, a digger, a mower, etc. After 1917, the gymnasium was reorganized into a seven-year school. After graduating in 1924, he worked as a laborer at a concrete factory in Irpen, then at a private brick factory in the city of Bucha.

After civil war Nikolay became interested in chemistry. Together with a school friend, he organized a chemical laboratory in the attic of his house, where friends conducted various experiments. Nosov recalled: “At the end of school, I was sure that I should become a chemist and no one else! Chemistry seemed to me a science of sciences. Nikolai wanted to enter the Chemistry Department of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, but he could not, because he did not finish a vocational school that provides a completed secondary education. Nikolai began to study at an evening vocational school, preparing to enter a polytechnic university. At the same time, he went to work at the Irpin brick factory. But before entering, Nikolai suddenly changed his mind and at the age of 19 entered the Kiev Art Institute. Nikolai then became seriously interested in photography, and then cinema. This influenced his choice. After 2 years, in 1929, Nikolai Nosov transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. In 1932 he graduated from it and until 1951 he worked as a director and director of animated, scientific and educational films. The autobiography of the childhood period is partially reflected in the book “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well” (see, for example, from “Children's Literature”, 1982) collected works of N. Nosov in 4 volumes, v. 4 During the Great Patriotic War Nosov was engaged in directing educational military-technical films for the Red Army.