Dress transformer for full. Who suits the transformer dress

The inventor of this amazing dress is Lydia Silvestra, a journalist. What inspired her to create this unique piece? Her regular business trips. And this dress, which does not take up much space in a suitcase, helped her to create the effect of an existing rich wardrobe.

The first show of a dress-transformer

In 1976, Lydia decided to organize a demonstration of her invention in London. Representatives of the press were also invited to this event. She showed a large number of dresses, and at the end of the event, Lydia announced to everyone that the models presented were elements of the same transforming dress, which she patented under the name Infinite dress. However, at that time this thing was not recognized as fashion. The female sex did not understand how to put on a transforming dress and at the same time concluded that such an element of the wardrobe is a complex design that will take a lot of time. And only on the threshold of the 21st century did business women manage to appreciate this invention.

The highlight of the transforming dress

The meaning of this dress is that one model can look different every time. buy in the store - now there is a very large selection of colors, cuts, fabrics, etc., tailoring in the atelier to order is possible, and it is also possible to actually sew such a dress for yourself - cutting it is quite simple and its creation will not be difficult. Any woman can make a transforming dress for herself.

The model can be called not only universal, but also economical. It takes only three meters of stretch or knitted light fabric to make a transforming dress pattern. A wide sun skirt is cut, to which various modifications of "ears" - ties are sewn.

Both for a business meeting and a date

The model comes with or without a hood, it can be a dress with a train and a belt, simple or decorated with rhinestones and sequins, long or tying options depend solely on the owner's imagination. Here the most important thing is the ability to properly design it for yourself. The main advantage of the transformer is a possible change in style for certain life situations. This is achieved in various ways of tying. Each dress can be transformed into a short or long one. A variant of a double-sided transforming dress is possible. Of course, you will need the ability to properly wear it. In this case, it is worth noting the Work to Flirt dress. This one was designed specifically for those girls who don't have time to go home after work to change, for example, when they are in a hurry for a romantic dinner or a party. The designer did a great job of alleviating the fate of women. Such an element of the wardrobe has a business strict style, but if necessary, it turns into a seductive evening dress model within a minute. The cut makes it possible to change the image of a business woman to a sensual representative of the weaker sex. How to tie a transforming dress of this type? It will be enough just to unscrew the sleeves, and inserts of a different color will appear. By tucking the bottom of the outfit, you can get it with a slit. No one will be able to guess that this dress supported its mistress in a business style for several hours.

Learning to tie a transforming dress. Popular Options

From one model, you can get several options for dresses. The choice will depend only on the figure of the owner and on the place where you want to go. What options are provided? Let's look at a few of the most popular.

  1. How to tie a transforming dress using the easiest and most versatile way? To do this, you should take two tails of the dress and bring them over your shoulders behind your back, place them there crosswise and wrap them around your waist several times, tying them, for example, into a bow.
  2. To tie a transforming dress in such a way as to get an open neckline and bare shoulders, you need to raise the lower part of the model to the chest and wrap it with tails, tying it in front or behind. Thus, you get an evening dress for a cocktail.
  3. How to tie a transforming dress for a fully open back? Flip the ponytails over your back, criss-cross around your neck and flip back so that they are on your chest, twist them and tie at your waist.
  4. You can do without tying the tails: throw them over your shoulder and, wrapping them around your neck, leave them hanging freely behind.
  5. One of the most popular options is to tie the tails in the chest area, throw each of them over the shoulders back, tie them again, bring them forward, twist them, wrap them around the waist and tie.

Evening dress-transformer options

Versatile dress

These are just a few options on how to tie a transforming dress. The instruction for this model is simple - use your imagination, consider the type of figure and do not forget about your preferences. We can safely say that such a magical dress should be in the wardrobe of any lady, it will decorate an everyday dinner, a romantic meeting, and even a serious event. He is boldly chosen, and more recently, the brides themselves show off in these amazing dresses on wedding photos. How to tie a transforming dress in order to surprise men and arouse the envy of girlfriends? Read this article!

Surprisingly, this is true - you can have a dress in your wardrobe that changes according to your discretion, mood and depending on the situation. If you travel a lot, like changes, new looks - a transforming dress is something that you should definitely have in your wardrobe. The idea of ​​the dress is very simple - to simplify and diversify your image as much as possible. The highlight of the dress is in its variability.

1. Infinite dress

Infinite dress - the most common transforming dress appeared more than 30 years ago. It was invented and patented by Lydia Sylvestra.

Even a beginner can sew such a dress. 3 m of fabric is needed (knitted fabric is most suitable). Cut out - as in the figure (the size of the cell in the figure is 10x10 cm). A round neckline located along the fold of the fabric should be located on the back 15-20-25 cm above the waist. If desired, the length of the skirt can be lengthened or shortened, and to save fabric, the size of the ends for tying can be reduced, but not more than 30-50 cm. Process the edges depending on the fabric and skill.

The dress is good because there are many options for its "transformation".

The original transformer dress suits almost every girl. It can be worn for all occasions.

Every woman wants to have dozens of dresses in her wardrobe, but this is not always possible. In order to buy so many fashionable dresses, you need to have a decent capital.

A girl wants to always change and acquire something new, original and every season. In this case, a transformer dress will help out. Its design is designed in such a way that the style of the outfit can be changed to your taste and mood quickly and easily.

Such a dress can be called a truly anti-crisis invention, because in one model you can make up to 10-15 different outfits. In addition, such a dress can be sewn independently, because it is simple and affordable for every girl.

Transformer dress with a detachable skirt - options
  • If at work it often happens that the boss at the very last moment warns about some event that should take place this evening
  • A transformer dress is the right model for this occasion.
  • In the morning you will come in an ordinary short dress, and at the end of the working day, it will turn into a luxurious evening dress.
Transformer dress with a detachable skirt - outfit options

Important: This is an ideal option not only for work, but also for graduation yesterday.

At the beginning of the holiday, you will have a unique look in a long dress, and already in the restaurant, when the holiday is in full swing, the girl will be able to dance and have fun in a short dress.

Transformer dress with a detachable skirt - image options

This dress is suitable for absolutely all girls - of different heights, body types ("apple", "rectangle", "hourglass", "slender column") and even age.

Important: You should not wear this outfit only for puffs, as a short tight dress will add extra pounds.

In general, a transformer dress can be of different styles, colors and made of different materials. It all depends on the designer's imagination.

Below are the original versions of the transformer with a detachable skirt.

Almost always, a transformer dress needs to be worn with high-heeled shoes or sandals. This gives the image of originality and grace.

  • More 20th-century designers came up with a dress that can look different
  • Such outfits were worn by women who often traveled abroad.
  • Carrying suitcases with clothes is not always convenient, and the transformer dress takes on different forms.
  • This creates the feeling of a whole wardrobe.

A short transformer dress looks great if a woman knows the secrets of transformation:

  • For girls with a magnificent bust, the ends of the cut should be thrown over the shoulders, connecting them crosswise, winding around the waist several times
  • A one-shoulder knotted dress is suitable for thin girls with small breasts.
  • A wide belt wrapped around the waist is able to make an hourglass figure - the waist will be emphasized, the figure will appear slim

Important: A short dress is very comfortable for summer. It can be worn to work, put on for a walk or meeting with friends. Thanks to the transformation of the model, you will always come in different models.

Tip: Do not be afraid to experiment, creating your own individual model. Maybe it is she who will give you charm, and you will be able to win success from others!

A universal model for all occasions - a long transformer dress to the floor. It can be worn to a restaurant, to a birthday party, to a wedding if you are going as a guest or bridesmaid, or to a prom.

Tip: This dress will look great if it is made from a plain fabric. The color print is not suitable for this model, as it can spoil the impression of the outfit.

Important: You can choose a two-sided dress - it's practical and original. But the fabric should be flowing and light.

This dress can be worn as a summer sundress, evening dress, regular skirt, pareo on the beach, tunic, poncho or top. It looks interesting dress that can be turned into Afghani pants.

There are a lot of transformer dress models, so modern girls can choose a beautiful and spectacular look for themselves.

Long dress transformer to the floor - how to tie a belt?

Long dress transformer to the floor - with and without a skirt

  • is a joyful event for every girl
  • It is a commemoration of the end of school and the entry into a new stage of life.
  • Therefore, the girl wants this day, because graduation will be remembered for a long time - video, photo
  • We should not forget about comfort, so that this evening leaves a good impression.

It is convenient to move, dance, not sit, just breathe (without a corset) - a transformer dress for prom will help you spend an unforgettable evening that will leave good impressions of the celebration.

Designers offer millions of different models of such dresses that are suitable for prom.

Important: The girl must try on several dozen dresses until she chooses her own - unique and very luxurious.

Modern brides are beautiful and delicate, passionate and tender, romantic and daring. All girls are radically different from each other.

It is worth noting: Each of them will choose her own for the wedding celebration. But there is one dress model that will suit absolutely everyone - this is a transformer wedding dress.

Thanks to him, the girl will be different throughout the important day for her. People around will be surprised at the ability to quickly transform right before their eyes.

Important: In a matter of seconds, such a dress will turn from a magnificent ball gown into a short and creative dress. Therefore, these models are very popular.

The long hem of this dress can simply be tied up and tucked into the waistband for a new look. You can fantasize as much as your imagination allows you to do - experiment and your friends and acquaintances will admire the bride.

In the past, bridesmaids could dress in whatever they wanted. But at present, weddings are held in style and this requires special outfits for young ladies, to whom, after the bride, all the attention of the guests is usually riveted.

Recently, transformer dresses for bridesmaids have become popular. Thanks to such outfits, the bridesmaids complement the image of the bride, creating a single beautiful ensemble.

Girls look very beautiful in such different and at the same time identical dresses. For each type of figure, a certain manner of tying the bodice and belt has been selected.

Tip: Choose bright fabrics for bridesmaid dresses. Do not be afraid that the image of the bride will be lost among such a rich color, she will always be in the spotlight surrounded by her friends.

A great option for a modern girl is a transformer dress. After all, it easily transforms from a long model into an elegant short dress for going to a club or a party with friends.

Evening dresses transformers can be transformed not only into a short dress, but also into a tunic. This outfit fits perfectly on any figure.

A fluffy skirt will make a princess out of a girl. It can be removed and the image takes on a completely new and beautiful look.

The basis of such an outfit is usually a short dress, which, with the help of some original additions in the form of a belt or colored bandages, turns into a new stylish outfit.

Many girls do not know how to tie a transformer dress. Here are some ways:

Glamor model on one shoulder. Take the two ends of the dress and place them over your shoulders. Transfer the right end to the left shoulder. Twist them with a "flagellum" until you reach the waist. Wrap around the waist several times and tie in the back.

How to tie a transformer dress - one-shoulder model

The classic version is luxurious romanticism. Take two straps and place them crosswise over your shoulders. Weave them on the back with a “flagellum” or lay them as in front, crossing them. Wrap the belt around and tie at the back.

How to tie a transformer dress - crosswise

A sleeve - a wing - unique tenderness. Twist the straps 2-3 times in the area above the chest. Straighten and put them on your shoulders, lowering to the middle of your back. Make the straps crosswise and lower to the waist, wrapping several times.

How to tie a transformer dress - exquisite sleeve

Dress with wide sleeves - stylish elegance. Straighten and place each strap on your shoulder. Cross the straps on your back and bring them forward. Wrap around the waist and tie at the back.

How to tie a transformer dress - wide sleeve

Sundress dress - unique sexuality. Tie the straps around your neck in a knot. Throw them over your back and tie with one knot just above the waist. Get the straps around your waist and wrap around it. Tie a bow at the back.

How to tie a transformer dress - sundress

There are many more options for tying a transformer dress. Designers say that there are an infinite number of them. Therefore, fantasize and come up with something new and your own.

How to tie a transformer dress in an original and beautiful way? Every woman can make a pattern of such a dress. There are several different patterns for different models. DIY transformer dress with ties behind the neck

Do-it-yourself transformer dress - simple and easy!

Important: If you come up with a model yourself, you can make a pattern yourself. It's simple, because in such a dress the main elements are the skirt, bodice and ties.

A transforming dress can replace your entire wardrobe. It can be for the beach, and a tunic for evening walks, and a luxurious outfit for going to the club. No one will even notice that you go to all events in one dress.

Video: Transforming dress without a single seam

Each girl, looking into her closet, constantly sees the same picture: there are clothes, but nothing to wear! How to deal with it? Get yourself a stunning transforming dress, with which the problem of "nothing to wear" will disappear by itself! Such a dress has so many possibilities that its mistress will look unique and stunning every time she puts it on, so a transforming dress pattern will come in handy! For this dress, there are no restrictions on age, clothing size, or figure: that is, the dress is suitable for both full and pregnant women, and you can also sew a dress for a child. Everyone will be able to constantly change, while remaining the queen of the party! We bring to your attention a master class on sewing a transforming dress!

Let's start with the choice of fabric for the dress-transformer.

In order to sew such a dress with your own hands, it is advisable to take light knitwear (for example, oily type) or thin lycra. Ideally, the fabric needs to be double-sided, which means the same color on the front and back sides. This way you will have more options for draping your dress.

In the case of a one-sided fabric, the number of options for using this product is reduced, because you will need to carefully monitor that the inside, wrong side, does not break out and does not spoil the overall picture.

It is desirable that the selected jersey does not wrinkle.

The elements that make up the product:

  • Skirt;
  • Belt;
  • Two straps.

For a floor-length dress, 4.5 meters of fabric will be required. Next, you need to take measurements. We were very lucky with this dress, there will be only two measurements - the waist circumference and the length of the product. When measuring the length, it is necessary to tie a rope or ribbon at the waist, because in the end result the dress will be collected with a belt, which means that if you skip this step, the length of the dress will change when the model decides to wear it. The length is measured from the same tied ribbon.


When the fabric is purchased, and the measurements are taken, it's time to start sewing a long wrap jersey dress.

1) To do this, you first need to transfer the measurements to the fabric and cut out the skirt. The patterns for this dress look like this:

2) From the remaining width, cut the fabric into two straps. Each of them should be about 20 centimeters, but it all depends on what width is right for you. The length of the straps can also be absolutely anything, but we recommend making them long, because the longer the straps, the more opportunities for different draperies of the transforming dress.

3) From the remnants of the fabric, cut out a belt - a rectangle, equal in length to the circumference of the waist, in width about 8 centimeters, although the width always remains at the discretion of the model. It should be remembered that an elastic band will be sewn into these 8 centimeters, that is, the belt will fold in half, and also the seam allowance (one and a half centimeters each) is included in these same 8 centimeters.

4) If the fabric chosen is synthetic jersey, the cuts must be processed with hot scissors. It is better to practice on a piece of fabric beforehand so as not to spoil your future dress.

Let's start sewing

1. To do this, you need to grind the seam of the belt into a ring and sew an elastic band to the belt so that the skirt does not slip and holds well. The length of the elastic is equal to the circumference of the waist minus 3 cm. To get it right, try trying on the elastic cut into a ring at the waist, under the bust and above the bust. The skirt (which, in fact, is our dress) should stay on the figure, but at the same time not press anywhere.

2. The next step is to stitch the seam of the skirt. To do this, you need to pin, baste and stitch the belt to the skirt, while placing the seam at the back.

3. Next straps. They need to be applied slightly overlapping to the sewn belt, the straps should also overlap each other a little, literally 2-3 centimeters, depending on the width of the straps. Next, they need to be stitched to a skirt with a belt.

4. So, our transforming knitted dress is ready! Also, some models of such dresses are called "Infinity" (infinity), which means "infinity" in English. Infinity of options for how you can surprise everyone with your outfit!

Now you know how to sew a transforming dress with your own hands, without spending a lot of money and effort on it. This stunning dress is suitable for an evening event, and for a walk, and for a date, and every time it will seem that you are wearing a new dress!

Video on the topic of the article

We also present to your attention a video selection on the topic of the article, which will be of interest to all those who are interested in sewing a transforming dress. We invite you to watch a few videos on how to sew and how to wear transforming dresses of various models - from Infiniti to Emami (Emami)!

Who will go dress transformer and how to choose it? This outfit provides an excellent opportunity to save money and get rid of a crowded wardrobe. If necessary, it is suitable for traveling light, and allows you to create the effect of a varied wardrobe. A dress-transformer is a smart solution for those women who do not want to spend a lot of money on a varied wardrobe, but want to look modern and feminine.

The history of the creation of a transformer dress

For the first time, the idea of ​​​​such a dress was proposed by Lydia Silvestri, her work was related to fashion, and she had to travel a lot. In order not to take a bunch of clothes with her every time, the woman came up with a functional dress that could transform into any model.

The first model of this configuration appeared in the 70s and was called Infinity Dress. At the same time, about 70 different models were shown at the first show, and at the end of the performance it was said that this was the same dress. After that, the famous Vogue magazine devoted an entire issue only to this outfit.

Features of a transformer dress: advantages

The transformer dress is about 30 modifications, so it is very profitable to buy such an outfit. It can be transformed into different models and styles. At the same time, you can change outfits without even changing clothes. In the morning you can appear in a business image, in the afternoon in a romantic, and in the evening in a more seductive guise.

From such a garment, by simple manipulations, you can build an evening dress, an original skirt and even shorts.

Let's look at the advantages of such models:

  • Savings on the number of orders.
  • The dress is great for travel.
  • It is sewn from an elastic material that does not wrinkle.

Dress length

The length of such clothes can be any. Long options suggest solutions for interesting combinations with upper parts. At the same time, you can bring to life both an evening transformer dress and an everyday model.

Ties of various widths can be used, and lengths can reach 100 cm or even more. From a long model, you can make a short one.

The standard model for the short version is the little black dress, which is distinguished by a variety of tying methods. From short outfits, you can create skirts, tunics or trousers. Such products are suitable for active girls who do not have enough time to change clothes.

Advice! For a beach holiday, a model such as a crisis is suitable, which transforms into a dress - a skirt.

The nuances of the color palette

Lilac shades are on trend. All kinds of mixtures of shades of fuchsia, pink and purple look great. Black color is always relevant. Transformer dresses can also be presented in such trendy shades of the season: gray, red, emerald and milky.

You can try not only monophonic varieties, but also combined models. In this case, double-sided tailoring is used.

Advice! For summer, you can choose an outfit of orange, orange or lemon.

How to wear a transformer dress?

If you have purchased such an unusual model as a transformer dress, you should figure out how to wear it. It is important not to get confused in trying to tie a dress correctly.

So, let's see what are the ways to transform such an outfit:

  • To emphasize the chest, two large straps should be brought over the shoulders, and then crossed and wrapped around the waist. The ends can be crossed in front or wrapped in bundles. In this case, a V-shaped cutout will be obtained, which allows you to stretch the silhouette and fix it on the chest.
  • To make transformer dresses for prom or evening options, you can tie knots around the shoulders. Then the ends of the straps are straightened, crossed on the back and wrapped around the waist. Thus, an outfit in the Greek style is created.

  • Festive attire can be done like this: both pieces of matter are wound behind the back over the shoulder. Cross them as needed and wrap them around your waist.
  • To expose the neckline and shoulders, you need to raise the lower part to the chest and wrap the tails around it.

Advice! An excellent solution to sew a unique velvet model. This material has the same stretch as stretch and does not need to be finished. To create a full-fledged velvet effect, it is important that the pile is directed upwards.

Who is the transformer dress for?

Under draped skirts it is easy to disguise lush hips or belly. And to emphasize the waist or chest, they can be fitted. This dress is perfect for pregnant women. The figure of a woman is changing rapidly, and transformer clothes can increase to the desired size.

Advice! Transformer dresses are comfortable models, as they are made from soft fabrics and thick knitwear. Such material can fall in beautiful folds, and is also pleasant to the body.

Varieties of the original outfit

Before you buy a product, you need to choose the right style. Let's look at popular options.

classic dress

The traditional version is a long dress-transformer. In this model, wide fabrics of the skirt are tied in front, and the long ends of the knot are fixed behind the neck. A narrow belt can be placed at the waist. This outfit is perfect for everyday wear. It can be worn for shopping, meeting with friends or for a festive event.

Actions with tying will help to create a short model based on the basic version.

Beach option

You can adapt the transforming model for a beach holiday. In the hot season, the straps can be tied on the chest. Shortening the length to the knee is performed by draping and tightening the bottom edge of the skirt.

A beach outfit can look like a tunic, a sundress or a mini dress.

Evening model

For a party, you can make an asymmetrical neckline, in which the knot is attached to one shoulder. Wide straps stretch around the torso, are fixed at the waist and fastened with a beautiful clasp with rhinestones.
If the ends of the ribbons are fixed on the neck, then the back will remain open, and a collar-collar will form in front. The fabric is wrapped around the hips, lifted and fixed with a belt. This results in a classy dress.

Warm version of the dress

There are also winter models with long sleeves. They can be transformed with a zipper. At the same time, individual parts are detached and you can get a mini dress with a long bottom or an ensemble of a blouse and a skirt. Knitted items are functional models. From one item you can make a turtleneck and a dress.

Features of the skirt dress

A transforming skirt-dress is a practical thing. If the cloth is folded in half and tightened at the waist, you get a beautiful skirt. If you make folds, you get a stylish draped skirt. This style allows you to perfectly mask the flaws of the figure.

original models

Try creating images like this:

  • To make a yoke option, you need to fasten the canvas in front and wrap one end around the shoulder. Then both ends are tied into a knot that is disguised as fabric and placed on the shoulder to create volume. You can decorate the model with a beautiful belt.

  • For a modern style dress, connect the ends around the neck and draw a line at the waist. Then the canvas is bent at the level of the hips, rises to the waist and wraps around it. The dress should be secured with a belt.
  • For a retro dress, drape the fabric over your shoulders and tie the end into a knot over your shoulder. This will create a hole for the hand. Do the same on the other side. In this case, you get a dressing gown that can be wrapped around and secured with a belt.

Dress for full

Well-known designers create entire collections of transformer dresses for puffy women. There are both long models and short cocktail dresses. A-line products can be converted into club options and original tunics. The cocktail version is made in a more narrowed form with a variety of draperies.

For full fit dresses made of knitwear in a free cut. In this case, the figure will appear more slender. The shortcomings of too curvaceous forms can be masked with folds and ties.

Advice! A thin turtleneck sweater, cardigan or leggings are great for transforming clothes.

Secrets of creating a wedding dress

The transformer wedding dress is popular. This outfit allows you to experiment and surprise guests with different dress options throughout the day.

A short dress with a straight cut is often used, to which a fluffy skirt is attached. A reversible bodice is also popular. The upper part is easy to change with capes or boleros. Similar elements are sewn from lace. A transformer wedding dress is popular.

Interesting solutions with removable straps. The combination of an off-the-shoulder corset with long sleeves is an excellent option for brides who prefer cleavage. Greek-style outfits are ideal for full girls.

Models made of chiffon and organza are multi-layered or translucent. Lace looks stylish. They are used for sewing the main model or removable parts. Fastening fasteners must be well camouflaged and very secure.

It is important to choose the right accessories for the wedding celebration. Accessories such as a veil and shoes should be suitable for all dress options. The best solution might be a classic. Regular stiletto heels look good with dresses of any length. A veil should be chosen in medium length, as this is a universal option.

Famous dress models - transformer

The popular transformer dress has inspired many famous fashion designers to create new interesting models.

So let's look at them in order:

  • A lot of holiday outfits are obtained from the product from Donna Karan. From it you can make a short and long version, as well as a model with two straps or one. This dress is available in red and black. With the help of transformation from it, you can create classic or extravagant images.

From it you can make a short and long version, as well as a model with two straps or one

This dress is available in red and black. There are even specially designed bridesmaid dresses from Two Birds.

By choosing a transforming dress, you can get one beautiful and high-quality item, instead of many alternative options. With it, any woman can create a stylish and luxurious look.