Experience and mistakes arguments of the captain's daughter. Can you learn from the mistakes of others? Experience and mistakes

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" was written by A. Pushkin in the 20-30s of the XIX century. He is rightfully considered one of the most significant works not only in the writer's work, but also in all Russian literature. The novel makes readers plunge into the atmosphere of the Russian nobility, touch the life of a society of educated, somewhat cynical and in their own way unhappy people. The bored Onegin, the dreaming Tatiana, the frivolous Olga and the hot-tempered Lensky - all these characters make readers worry, argue, condemn and even mourn themselves. It's fascinating to watch them develop: the differences between the protagonists at the beginning and at the end of the novel are striking. A. Pushkin does not have a single ideal character. Everyone makes their mistakes, going against either themselves or public order.

Let's start our conversation with the most understandable character of all four. A lovely girl, Tatiana's younger sister, always cheerful and cheerful. Her simplicity and sociability gave rise to not the best character trait - frivolity. This is what becomes the cause of all her troubles. Even the engagement to Lensky could not change Olga. The upcoming marriage did not affect the girl: she continued to flirt, driving her fiancé crazy. I must say that Olga's character has hardly changed during the novel. She remained true to herself: she did not grieve for Lensky for a long time and, at the first opportunity, jumped out to marry another. Has she learned any moral lessons from these events? Probably not.

The character simply does not have time to change in the time allotted to him in the novel. His entire short life (in a duel with Onegin, Lensky dies at the age of 18) is like a fiery flash. He comes from England to the Larins in the guise of a romantic brought up on Byron. He immediately falls in love with Olga, who is as cheerful and energetic as himself. Lensky does not live by reason, but only by feelings. Subsequently, he will be destroyed by the strongest emotions: passion, jealousy and hatred. In love with Olga to madness, he became an unwitting victim of her frivolity and Onegin's intrigues. The young man could change the situation and stay alive if he looked at things soberly. He would certainly have noticed that Onegin flirts with his fiancée on Tatyana's birthday because of his own cynicism (he is bored, he is insulted and hurt by the letter sent to him the day before). But Lensky's hot temper played a deadly trick on him - he died at the hands of his friend.

We pass to the beloved Pushkin character. A modest and quiet dreamer, ugly, but smart - this is the description given by A. Pushkin at the beginning of the novel. Note that it is almost impossible to find out in a confident, rich and noble princess, what she appears in the finale, the former Tatiana. This is possible only in the scene of her final meeting with Onegin, at the moment when she, sobbing, read his letter:

... Simple maiden,
With dreams, the heart of the old days
Now she has resurrected in her again ...

True, Tatiana retains another of her traits - courage. Once upon a time she young girl, bravely wrote a love letter to the already experienced, stern Onegin. Today she says with the same feeling:

I love you (why dissemble)
But I'm given to another
I will be faithful to him forever.

Finally, the title character of the novel is. This is the character who has undergone the greatest spiritual changes. At the beginning of the novel, a completely selfish, cynical, but educated and talented person appears before us. He, according to his own statement, is tired of life (only 26 years old). From the scene of meeting Tatiana in the garden, we understand that Onegin will never create a family. With his morals, as well as severity and composure, he grieves the girl. Tatyana's name day is coming, a significant episode in the novel. Onegin comes here in a bad mood: he is annoyed by Lensky's happiness, the very image of Tanya. The reckless egoism of the hero at the evening turns into a tragedy: the next morning, in a duel with Lensky (Evgeny's flirtation with Olga became), Onegin kills his friend.

A hard blow forces the protagonist to leave. For 2 years of wandering, he comprehends how wrong he was, cruel towards others. Onegin is trying to regain a faded interest in life. Returning to St. Petersburg, he accidentally meets Tatyana - now a married princess. Unexpectedly, the hero falls in love with a girl. In the scene of Onegin's letter to Tatiana, we see how the image of the former Eugene "fights" with the new. Out of habit, he reproaches Tanya ("... What bitter contempt your proud look will portray ..."), and immediately confesses his love to her. All his sleeping feelings spill out on paper, then he will present them to Tatyana personally. Finally, he becomes a person who knows how to suffer, cry, worry and love. Perhaps at this moment, Onegin regains the lost spirituality.

Life is a long road to excellence. Everyone goes through it independently. This means that he grows up on his own, gets acquainted with the changes that occur inside a person, learns the world with its unpredictable, like the movement of atmospheric masses, the course of history. But humanity does not want to learn from the mistakes of previous generations, and stubbornly stepping on the same rake again and again.

It took agonizingly long time to create the novel by Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov, The Quiet Don. The tragic story of several generations of one family, caught in a maelstrom of terrible destructive events, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe mistakes that lead to the collapse, death of almost all members of the Melekhov family. The explanatory dictionary gives the concept of the word error:

unintentional deviation from the correct actions, deeds, thoughts.

It seems to me that the main word in this definition is "unintentional". Nobody wants to make mistakes on purpose, to spite everyone and everything. Most often, a person, making a mistake, is sure that he is right. This is what Grigory Melekhov does. Throughout the entire novel, he does everything somehow "out of mind." Against a reasonable, logical rejection of love for married Aksinya, he achieves a reciprocal feeling:

He stubbornly, with boogey persistence, courted her.

When the father decides to marry his son to a girl from a wealthy family, having no feelings for Natalya, only obeying the will of Pantelei Prokofich, Grigory makes another mistake. Returning to Aksinya, then throwing her, returning to Natalia, Gregory rushes between two differently beloved women. The mistake ends in tragedy for both: one dies from an abortion, the other dies from a bullet. So it is in determining his path in the revolution: he seeks harmony, the highest truth, truth, but does not find them anywhere. And the transition from reds to Cossacks, and then to whites, a new transition to reds also brings him neither freedom, nor justice, nor harmony. “Blessed is he who visited our world in fatal moments,” FITyutchev once said. Gregory - a saint in a soldier's greatcoat - a great warrior who so passionately wanted peace, but did not find it, because he got such a share ...

But the hero of the novel by A.S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin, gained rich experience in communicating with girls and women. “How early could he be hypocritical, conceal hope, be jealous ...” - and always achieve his goal. But the experience played a cruel joke on him. Having met true love, he did not give the "cute habit" a move, he did not want to lose "his hateful freedom". And Tatiana married another. Onegin, not finding a modest country girl in a society lady, regained his sight! An attempt to return Tatiana ends in failure for him. And he was so confident in himself, in the correctness of his actions, of his choice.

No one is immune from mistakes. As we live our lives, we will make mistakes over and over again. And when we gain experience, maybe we will lose all interest in life. Everyone makes their own choice: deliberately makes another mistake or sits quietly in their shelter and calmly enjoys the experience ...

School essays on this topic, as an option for preparing for the final essay.

Composition: Pride

Pride is considered the root of every evil, the root of every sin, as opposed to humility, which is the path to grace. There are different forms of pride. The first form of pride refers to the belief that you are superior to others, or at least inclined towards equality with all people, and are in search of superiority.

Here's something very simple but very powerful. Our tendency to feel superior to others, or at least equal, but this also hides an attitude of superiority. It's a complex. When we are often tormented by thoughts, we get embarrassed, the thought appears that someone denied me something that he offended me or did not understand me or is smarter than me or looks better than me - and we begin to feel competition, jealousy or conflict ... At the root of this problem lies our need to be better than others, taller, or at least to make sure that no one can be something better than us, something stronger than us. Something very simple that we don't understand. Rising, a proud man lowers his neighbor. Such elevation is really of no value, since it is completely conditional. The very idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming better at the expense of another is simply absurd, such pride is actually insignificant.

It can only be overcome if there is room for love. If love is real and takes place, this is clearly understood by how easily we overcome the attitude towards victory over others in order to show that we surpass it, not wanting to convince the other at any cost, not to expect that he will necessarily identify himself with our opinion. If we do not have such an attitude, we are not free, because we are slaves to the need to identify the other with our idea, our opinion, our theory. If we do not have this need, we are free.

Pride is a general concept, but when it comes to practical things that affect us personally, we get annoyed and stop seeing what is happening to us. We must respect everyone. Not everyone is equally capable by nature, character, everyone has different conditions. They are also relative, they change. Everyone is potentially ideal, just often far from this ideal. So pride just doesn't make sense.

Why can pride be a negative feeling?

Pride is common to many people. In what cases can such a quality develop into a negative one? Another writer from France, Adrian Decursel, called pride a slippery slope, and below a person there he meets vanity and arrogance. So pride is easily transformed into pride, the carrier of which is not able to rejoice in the success of others, but is completely and completely focused on his own.

It is well described in Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. Rodion simply reveled in pride and even created his own theory. Being confident in his exclusivity, the hero of the novel argued about the uselessness of some people, doubting the expediency of their life. The result of his worldview was the murder of an old woman.

Humility, often perceived as weakness, goes very well with strength, which was clearly demonstrated by Pushkin in The Captain's Daughter.

Masha Rodionova, who endured a lot of suffering, was not broken. For the girl, Grinev's parents were the authority. When they did not want to bless the couple for the wedding, Masha humbly reacted to the decision of adults, eventually gaining universal respect, including that of Empress Catherine herself. That is, humility is human strength.

Thus, we have carried out a detailed comparative analysis the above two terms. It would seem that despite the fact that these are complete opposites, they have a huge number of similar parameters by which they can be compared. I expressed my point of view and in no way claim to be the ultimate truth.

How is pride different from pride?

Pride. Pride. What do these concepts mean? What is the difference between pride and pride? Many poets and writers have pondered these questions. I believe that pride is a feeling associated with self-esteem, independence. Pride is the highest measure of pride, arrogance. It is very important to have a sense of this illusory line between pride and pride.

To prove my thoughts, I will give an example from fiction... In the work of Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Tatiana, one of the heroines, is presented as a lady from a secular society. She is accompanied by the same general who is very proud of his wife.

The woman combined amazing character traits. It is easy to be with her, because she constantly remains herself and does not try to falsely present herself in the best light. Onegin Tatiana sincerely confesses her feelings and does not want to dissemble in this. The woman appreciates Eugene's pride, but they are not destined to be together, since her heart is given to another.

To clarify my point of view, I will give another example from fiction. The work of MA Sholokhov "Quiet Don" shows the tragic situation in which Natalya Korshunova found herself. Her life has lost its meaning due to the lack of mutual love and fidelity on the part of her husband Gregory. And when she found out about the renewed infidelities of her beloved husband, she, being pregnant, came to the conclusion that she no longer wanted to have children from him. Her pride and her husband's insults were the reason for this decision. Natalia did not want a child from a traitor. The abortion, which was done by the village grandmother, was unsuccessful, and the heroine died.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that pride is a positively colored emotion that expresses the presence of self-respect. And pride is excessive pride, which is accompanied by conceit and arrogance.

The theme of humility and rebellion in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky

The plot of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, at first glance, is rather banal: in St. Petersburg, one poor young man kills an old woman, a percent woman, and her sister Lizaveta. However, the reader soon becomes convinced that this is not a simple crime, but a kind of challenge to society, "the masters of life", caused by injustice, poverty, hopelessness and spiritual deadlock of the hero of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov. To understand the reason for this terrible atrocity, one must remember history. The time in which the characters of the work lived was the sixties of the nineteenth century.
Russia at that time was going through an era of serious reforms in all spheres of life, which were supposed to modernize its political and social system in order to preserve the absolute power of the monarch.
It was then that the first female gymnasiums, a course of real schools appeared in the country, and all estates were given the opportunity to enter universities. Rodion Raskolnikov was one of such youth. He is a commoner and a former student. And what was the student body like then?
These were the progressive youth, who came, as already mentioned, from various social strata of Russian society. In a word, it was an environment in which a "ferment of minds" had already begun: young people of that time were looking for ways of social and moral renewal of Russia. Revolutionary thought and "rebellious" sentiments were ripening in the universities.
Rodion Raskolnikov, pursuing the absolutely merciful goals of freeing dozens of spiritually rich people from material poverty, formulates his theory, according to which he divides all people into "trembling creatures" and "those who have the right." The first are the dumb, humble crowd, and the second are those who are allowed everything. He regards himself and a few “chosen ones” as “exceptional” personalities, and all the rest as those who “put up with”.
"Everything is in the hands of a man, and everything he carries past his nose solely from cowardice," Raskolnikov thinks.
If the world is so terrible that it is impossible to accept it, to come to terms with social injustice, then it means that we must separate ourselves, rise above this world.
Or obedience, or rebellion - there is no third way!
And such circles and waves went from his thoughts that all the rot, all the stench that lurked at the bottom of the soul, climbed up and was exposed.
Raskolnikov decides to cross the line that separates the "great" people from the crowd. And this very trait for him becomes murder: so a young man ruthlessly judges this world, judges with his personal "punishing sword". Indeed, according to Rodion's thoughts, the murder of a worthless old woman, from whom only harm to people, is not evil, but rather good. Yes, everyone will say thank you for this!
However, the unplanned murder of the unfortunate "humble" Lizaveta, for the first time makes Raskolnikov doubt the correctness of his theory, and then the tragic throwing of the hero begins.
His "rebellious" mind enters into an insoluble dispute with the spiritual essence. And the terrible tragedy of the PERSONALITY is born.
The theme of humility and the theme of rebellion collide on the pages of the novel in all their insoluble contradictions, turning into an agonizing dispute about a man who was leading Dostoevsky with himself all his life. Raskolnikov's "rebellious" worldview and Sonya Marmeladova's "humble" thoughts reflected the author's own bitter reflections on human nature and social reality.
"Thou shalt not kill," says one of the commandments.
Rodion Raskolnikov violated this commandment - and deleted himself from the world of people.
"I didn't kill the old woman, I killed myself," the hero admits to Sonya Marmeladova. Having committed a crime, he overstepped the formal law, but could not overstep the moral law.
The tragedy of the "rebel" Raskolnikov is that, having made an attempt to escape from the world of evil, he makes mistakes and suffers a terrible punishment for his atrocity: the collapse of the idea, remorse and pangs of conscience.
Dostoevsky rejects the revolutionary transformation of the world, and the theme of "humility" sounds at the end of the novel quite triumphantly and convincingly: Raskolnikov finds spiritual comfort in faith in God. The truth is suddenly revealed to him: merciful goals cannot be achieved through violence.
Only in hard labor does the hero realize that not violence, but love for people can change the world.

Dostoevsky's novel remains relevant today. We also live in an era of change. The degree of public life is increasing every year.
The theme of resignation to the surrounding reality and the theme of rebellion against social injustice is wandering in the minds of modern Russians.
Perhaps someone is ready to take up the axes. But is it worth it?
After all, ideas can be a destructive force, both for the person himself and for society as a whole.

Thematic direction


Universal introduction

According to D. Ushakov's dictionary, a mistake is an error in actions, deeds, statements, thoughts, error. And in the same dictionary we read: “Experience is the totality of practically assimilated knowledge, abilities, and skills.” As you can see, there is a very close connection between these concepts. Indeed, our life is a series of different actions, decisions, it is an everyday choice, as a result of which we are not immune from mistakes. But by doing them, analyzing the causes of failure, we gain valuable life experience.

Possible entry

  • During his life, a person tries to achieve certain goals, although he often makes mistakes and blunders. People endure difficulties in different ways: someone gets depressed, another tries to start all over again, and many set new goals for themselves, taking into account the sad experience in achieving previous ones. In my opinion, this is the meaning of human life.
  • Life is an eternal search for oneself, a constant struggle for one's destiny. And if “wounds” and “abrasions” appear in the struggle to achieve the goal, then this is no reason for despondency, because these are our own mistakes, to which we have the right and, overcoming which, we gain invaluable life experience.

Proverbs that can be used in the introduction

"Learn from mistakes"

"Everything that is done is for the better",

"Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken",

“To know where to fall, straws are sure

would spread "

Possible theses

  • Bitter experience. Fatal mistakes. The cost of mistakes.

(Sometimes a person commits acts that lead to tragic consequences. And, although he eventually realizes that he made a mistake, nothing can be fixed. Often the cost of a mistake is someone's life)


Let's turn to the story A.Mass "Trap". It describes the act of a girl named Valentina ...

Let's remember the story "Vacation" Ray Bradbury , whose heroes wished to be alone in the world. What came of this? ...

And in the story K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram" it is about the girl Nastya, who is too busy with business and hardly remembers her mother living out her life in the village.

Nikolay Dmitrievich Teleshov "White Heron" (fairy tale)

Possible theses

2. Mistakes without which it is impossible to move along the path of life. By making mistakes, one gains experience.

(Is it possible to live life without making mistakes? I think not. A person walking along the path of life is not immune from a wrong step. And sometimes, thanks to mistakes, he gains valuable life experience, learns a lot)


  • Let's turn to the story V. A. Oseeva "Why?" . It talks about a little boy who….
  • Sometimes it takes a long time to figure out your mistake, and it's good if it happens before it's too late to fix it. The heroine of the story B. Ekimova "Speak, Mom, Speak" it took years to realize how important her daughter's attention was to her mother.

Possible arguments

3. Experience that prevents mistakes.

( Life is the best teacher. Sometimes difficult situations arise when a person must make the right decision. By doing right choice, we gain invaluable experience that helps to avoid mistakes in the future)


In the story B. Ekimova "Night of Healing" the author tells about the teenager Grisha, who comes to his grandmother on vacation ...

The author seems to want to tell us: it is necessary to listen to the voice of the heart, to act in harmony with good feelings. This is exactly the life experience that guides us on the right path, helps to avoid many mistakes.


In the story A.Mass "Difficult exam" it is about a girl named Anya Gorchakova, who managed to withstand a difficult test ...

It was this incident that taught the heroine to control herself, her feelings. The first experience of overcoming difficulties helped the girl achieve her goal - later she became a famous actress.


By making this or that choice, we learn a lot. However, not only our own experience is valuable for us, other people play an important role in our life, whose actions influence our worldview. So, in the story V. Rasputin "French Lessons" talking about the teacher ...

It seems that such a life experience will help the boy grow up to be a sensitive person, save him from indifference.

Possible theses

4. The experience of humanity. Historical experience. War.

(People who know their history also know about the great tragedy of war. The bitter experience of the harsh war years teaches us not to forget how much grief and suffering a war can bring. We must remember this so that the tragedy does not repeat itself again and again)


The tragedy of the war is shown in the story M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man" ...

Andrei Sokolov, recalling the recent past, says: "There was a family, my own home, all this was molded for years, and everything collapsed in a single moment, I was left alone." Thus, war interferes in a person's life, destroys his home, his destiny.


  • The basis of the story B. Vasilyeva "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" an episode is laid that is insignificant on the huge scale of the Great Patriotic War, but it is told about it in such a way that all its horrors rise before our eyes in their ugly, terrible inconsistency with the essence of man. It is emphasized both by the fact that the work is called "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" and by the fact that its heroes are girls forced to take part in the war.


  • Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" (episode of the death of Petya Rostov)
  • B. Vasiliev "Not on the lists"

Possible theses

5. The experience of humanity. Attitude to nature.

(What does the experience of mankind teach us, our entire history? One of the most important lessons is a lesson in respect for the Earth, for nature.)


NN Nosov "Doll";

VP Astafiev "Tsar-fish";

VG Rasputin "Farewell to Matera";

Ray Bradbury "GREEN MORNING"

Homework (by Monday) - optional

  • How do you understand the statement of Heinrich Heine: "Morality is the mind of the heart"?
  • What helps in difficult times to choose between honor and dishonor?
  • What influence do the victories and defeats of his country have on a person?
  • Is life possible without mistakes?
  • Parents and children: friendship or enmity.

Prepared by the teacher MBOU "Roshchinskaya secondary school" Vyborg district of the Leningrad region

Fedorova Tamara Ivanovna

Site materials used


1. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

The protagonist of the novel, Ilya Oblomov, starting his career, commits an oversight in the service and sends an important dispatch instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk. Then he suddenly falls ill, in the medical certificate issued by the doctor, it is attested: "Thickening of the heart with the expansion of the left ventricle thereof", caused by daily "going to office." This mistake led to the subsequent eternal lying on the sofa, from which even all of Stolz's attempts do not save. So a mistake in the service became fatal for Oblomov.

2. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

Grigory Melekhov, being a young, strong Cossack, chooses Aksinya, the most beautiful young Cossack woman in the area, for amorous pleasures. Business as usual for the Cossack village. But the problem lies in the amazing origin of the entire Melekhov family, in its genesis. And Aksinya, who had never known love, for the first time understood the charm of this feeling. In the village, the Cossacks were ashamed to look into Aksinya's shameless eyes. But the father's order to marry Natalya becomes fatal for Gregory. All his life he will rush between two women, in the end he will destroy both.

3. E.I. Zamyatin "We"

The protagonist of the novel, D-503, is a cog in the mechanism of the One State. He lives in a world where there is no love (it is replaced by “pink coupons”). The encounter with I-330 boggles the hero's imagination. He falls in love. According to the law, he must report to the keepers about the crime in which his girlfriend is involved. But he hesitates and wastes time. The error becomes fatal for the I-330.

4. V.F. Tendryakov "Bread for a Dog"

Volodya Tenkov finds himself in the most terrible time during the years of the great turning point in the very center of the battle. On the one hand, these are well-fed representatives of the nomenclature of the party leadership, where there are pies, borscht and delicious kvass. On the other - people thrown to the sidelines of life. Former "kulaks" today are "shkilets" and "elephants", causing the boy's pity. Trying to help them becomes a mistake. An old sick dog rescues a child suffering from mercy.

5. V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

The protagonist of the story, Sotnikov, experienced a shock in his life. He, disobeying his father's prohibition, took his personal pistol, which suddenly fired. It was hard for the boy to admit this to his father, but he did it not of his own free will, but at the request of his mother. When the boy told his father about his crime, he forgave him, but asked if he himself decided to do it? The child was not ready to answer this question and faint-heartedly said: "Yes." The poison of lies always burned the soul of Sotnikov, recalling the mistake of childhood. This offense became defining in the life of Sotnikov.