Elecampane root has high medicinal properties and contraindications. Elecampane - nine healing powers

Elecampane (as well as divosil, ninesil and wild sunflower) is not just an ordinary medicinal plant, but a healing herb with a rich history and excellent reputation. The ancient Slavs were sure that the root of elecampane has 9 miraculous powers and relieves many ailments. And Chinese healers even called the number of these diseases - 99! Elecampane was known in ancient Greece as both medicine and food. In the Middle Ages, divosil was grown in the monastic gardens of Europe, and in Russia a recipe with this plant for severe coughs and lung diseases is found in Princess Sophia's translated medical book.

How to find out and where to find?

It is no coincidence that elecampane is called a wild sunflower - this plant really resembles a sunflower, both tall and sunny, bright yellow flower with a large center and long petals.

Elecampane grows both in Eurasia and in Africa, in our country it can be seen with equal success in the Caucasus and throughout the European part of the Russian Federation, in the regions of Western Siberia. In the wild, nine-force grows at almost every step - along the edges of various forests, along river banks and near lakes, even where groundwater flows. Now more and more often this solar plant is cultivated and grown in gardens and cottages.

With all the beauty and splendor of the plant, elecampane, its medicinal properties and contraindications are concentrated in the most inconspicuous part - in the roots.

Collect valuable roots either in the second half of spring, or in the off-season summer - autumn. The roots are carefully cleaned from the ground, and the aerial parts, small shoots are carefully cut off, cut into large pieces of 15-20 cm. Then they are dried and dried for several days. Prepared elecampane roots are stored for about 3 years.

In what form is it applied?

Elecampane has long established itself not only in folk, but also in official medicine - its use is in 3 main types:

  • alanton tablets;
  • essential oil of elecampane;
  • dried crushed roots.

Alanton is one of the most famous and proven drugs for serious stomach diseases. It is prescribed for gastrointestinal ulcers, including those with non-healing wounds, gastritis, mainly for patients of mature and elderly age.

There are practically no side effects of these natural pills from wild sunflower, the course of treatment is 1-2 months.

The essential oil of elecampane has not yet won universal recognition - it is made relatively recently, and the price is still quite high. However, the numerous healing properties of elecampane oil are already known and cannot be doubted. According to the consistency, ninesil oil is a viscous dark liquid, brown in color. The smell is deep and warm, with a hint of honey.

In terms of its healing power, this essential oil can compete with some strong antibiotics. It acts as an antiseptic, actively reduces inflammation in the stomach, removes indigestion. Elecampane perfectly treats flu and bronchitis: during the cold season, inhalations with this honey oil are a real salvation. In Europe, the benefits of elecampane oil for the whole body have long been appreciated - the fragrant doctor raises the tone and stimulates the work of internal organs.

In perfumery, elecampane oil is used to flavor soaps and various creams, in cooking - to give a soft honey smell to desserts. As a natural flavoring agent, it gives an unusual shade to drinks; at home, elecampane essential oil can be safely used to create a delicious smell of tea and coffee along with oils, lemon, vanilla and others.

The main rule when dealing with elecampane essential oil is not to overdo it! This is a very concentrated product with a powerful effect. For inhalations, aromatic lamps and massages, 1-2 drops are enough. Applying pure wild sunflower oil to the skin is strictly prohibited - it can easily cause irritation.

But in order to appreciate the full value of this ancient medicinal plant, it is not necessary to look for expensive natural elecampane herb oil - the dried root, which can be found in any pharmacy, perfectly exhibits medicinal properties and contraindications. It is usually sold in filter bags or in compressed briquettes, depending on the weight, the package will cost only 20-70 rubles.

What is the power of elecampane?

Elecampane root is rich in various substances, including resins, alkaloids, essential oils, various acids and even the most important vitamins, this ensures its uniqueness in the treatment of many diseases. Especially as a remedy for a strong wet cough, elecampane is valued - its useful properties and contraindications in this capacity are simply incomparable. Wild sunflower is used as an expectorant for bronchitis, pharyngitis, various forms of influenza, this natural product successfully replaces simple mucolytic drugs in its action.

In complex therapy and in special herbal preparations, devyatisil significantly alleviates the patient's condition with asthma.

Elecampane has also been actively used for a long time for problems with the digestive system - it relieves inflammation, prevents bile from stagnation, and promotes cell healing. Therefore, wild sunflower root is drunk not only for indigestion and various colitis, but also for healing wounds and stomach ulcers.

Devyatisil also excellently kills microbes and relieves of worms. During the recovery period after illness, the miraculous root helps restore appetite and improve metabolism, baths with decoction of elecampane are useful for skin diseases, especially psoriasis.

Elecampane for women's health

The benefits of nine-strength for restoring women's health have been known for several centuries. It has been used for cystitis, "feminine" inflammations, and even for problems with conception, and quite successfully.

But elecampane is especially effective when menstruation is delayed - reviews on women's forums speak eloquently about this.

If you decide to use elecampane to induce menstruation, remember that this is a very strong remedy and should be used with caution. Elecampane root is effective and safe enough if the delay lasts no more than 10 days and is not caused by hormonal problems. Usually late periods come within a day after taking elecampane, but some members of the forum claim that elecampane did not help them. If you belong to this small group, you do not need to test the body and increase the dose of the miracle root - this can lead to poisoning.


Like many potent medicinal preparations, elecampane root has certain contraindications.

The most important prohibition for taking elecampane in any form is pregnancy. If you have serious problems with the heart and kidneys, severe atherosclerosis, tablets and elecampane root should also be abandoned. With gastritis with low acidity, wild sunflower can also worsen the situation.

In the treatment of women's problems, elecampane should never be drunk during menstruation - it can greatly increase bleeding.

And most importantly, elecampane can cause allergies, so always start taking this healing root with caution and stop therapy at the slightest negative reaction.

The healing properties of elecampane are used in both official and folk medicine. On its basis, pharmacological preparations are synthesized, decoctions, infusions, ointments, balms are prepared. The plant is characterized by anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, tonic, regenerative action. It perfectly removes phlegm from the respiratory tract, enhances potency, stimulates fat burning.

Botanical description

Elecampane is a representative of the genus of perennial plants of the Asteraceae family. In the wild, it is found everywhere in Europe, Asia and Africa. For medicinal purposes, mainly elecampane is used high, blooming in the second half of summer. It is cultivated on an industrial scale for the needs of pharmaceutical factories involved in the manufacture of drugs based on it.

The root of elecampane is thick, short, fleshy with a few processes. It is brown on the outside, and yellowish inside with coarse veins. The grass of a perennial plant reaches a height of 1 meter due to erect stems, pubescent with whitish hairs. A distinctive feature of elecampane are large velvety leaves, grayish on the underside.

The chemical composition of elecampane

One of the most valuable ingredients of elecampane root is inulin. This is an organic substance from the group of polysaccharides, which is a natural eubiotic. The chemical composition of the medicinal plant is also represented by the following components:

  • resins;
  • gums;
  • alkaloids;
  • saponins;
  • essential oils saturated with bicyclic sesquiterpenes;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • flavonoids.

During the processing of plant raw materials of elecampane, factories receive a valuable product gelenin, which is a mixture of sesquiterpene lactones. It is mixed with small amounts of fat-soluble vitamin E and a cyclic unsaturated hydrocarbon called proazulene.

Medicinal properties of a medicinal plant

The scope of elecampane is determined by biologically active substances from its chemical composition. Almost all of them are able to restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract, disrupted due to infection, acute or chronic disease. After taking an infusion or decoction of elecampane, all secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract are optimized. Characteristic for a medicinal plant and other pharmacological properties:

  • elimination of stagnation of bile, reduction of its viscosity, dissolution of small stones;
  • blocking the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses, including dangerous Staphylococcus aureus;
  • relief of inflammatory sluggish chronic processes;
  • increased urge to empty the bladder;
  • improving the quality of sleep, getting rid of increased anxiety and anxiety, neurotic and depressive conditions.

Important! Recently, drugs with elecampane have been developed and successfully tested to combat malignant tumors of the stomach and intestines, as well as leukemia.

Elecampane for women

Elecampane is one of the most sought-after plants that improve a woman's condition during menopause. It contains bioactive substances that have the properties of estrogens. Therefore, the course intake of infusion helps to eliminate psycho-emotional instability, especially sudden mood swings and tearfulness. First, the number of "tides" is reduced, and then they disappear altogether.

Many women take infusion of elecampane in the morning as a tonic and tonic. And taken a couple of hours before bedtime, it facilitates falling asleep, relieves nightmares. What else does elecampane root help with:

  • avitaminosis. Women use the infusion to improve the absorption of vitamins, micro and macro elements necessary to strengthen hair and nails, accelerate their growth;
  • stress. Unlike tranquilizers and antipsychotics, elecampane is not addictive, while it perfectly calms, increases mental performance, and helps to quickly find psychological comfort.

Gynecologists are well aware of the ability of elecampane to cause uterine contractions. They prescribe it to patients with a delay in menstruation due to sharp fluctuations in weight, an acute experience of a stressful situation, a deficiency in the body of nutrients.

Advice! Rubbing the skin with infusion of elecampane allows you to moisturize it well, saturate it with vitamins and minerals. No wonder the plant extract is part of many anti-aging products - tonics, masks, creams, gels, patches.

Elecampane for men

The use of drugs and folk remedies based on elecampane is practiced in urology, sexology, andrology. The ability of the plant to increase the production of testosterone has long been noticed. It is the decrease in the production of this male sex hormone that often causes "misfires" in bed and even the development of erectile dysfunction (impotence).

Elecampane for men - "ambulance" for sexual impotence. Course intake of infusion or decoction for a month has a positive effect on the work of the reproductive system:

  • all sexual functions are restored;
  • the work of the genitourinary system is normalized;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • erection is significantly strengthened;
  • stimulates rapid arousal;
  • sensuality intensifies, sensations become more vivid during orgasm;
  • sexual intercourse is lengthened.

In folk medicine, infusion of elecampane is used for disorders of spermatogenesis. Even with good potency, a man cannot conceive a child for a long time. Thanks to bioactive substances from the chemical composition of elecampane, the number of motile spermatozoa increases in the ejaculate, the hormonal background improves, and physical endurance increases. Now nothing prevents a man from becoming a father.

Important! Men are not as emotional as women, but just as acutely experience stressful situations, while closing in on themselves. The use of a decoction of the roots of elecampane will help to gain psychological comfort, improve sleep, get rid of anxiety and anxiety.

Elecampane for cough

The roots of elecampane contain a lot of benzoic acid, which has pronounced antiseptic and expectorant properties. Do not forget about essential oils, which facilitate breathing, stimulate the resorption of inflammatory edema. Elecampane cough is used in the treatment of adults with viral, bacterial and fungal tonsillitis, bronchitis, laryngitis.

At the initial stage of treatment, under the influence of benzoic acid, a thick secret begins to liquefy, firmly attached to the walls of the bronchi. The movement of epithelial villi is accelerated, contributing to the evacuation of sputum from the respiratory tract during coughing. Then essential oils eliminate inflammation, eliminating irritation and redness of the mucous membranes. The cough weakens, and soon disappears altogether.

Elecampane for weight loss

Elecampane is part of many fees designed to reduce weight. The plant contains a lot of pectins, which are practically not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, but work as enterosorbents. These polysaccharides attract and then bind toxins and remove them from the body. Digestion and peristalsis are accelerated, and fats are no longer deposited “in reserve”.

Somewhat less often, elecampane is used to reduce body weight in its pure form. It should be borne in mind that the infusion from it turns out to be quite bitter and tart. Therefore, it is advisable to add a little liquid honey to it. Elecampane for weight loss is used for the following purposes:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elimination of anxiety, psycho-emotional instability, drowsiness, which often accompany weight loss;
  • weakening the feeling of hunger;
  • splitting of subcutaneous and visceral fat;
  • reduced cravings for high-calorie foods.

This method of losing weight also has one pronounced drawback - the diuretic activity of elecampane. Together with the liquid, the body leaves the micro- and macroelements necessary for the proper functioning of all vital systems. So the process of weight loss should be accompanied by the intake of balanced vitamin and mineral complexes.

Contraindications and side effects

An absolute contraindication to the use of drugs and infusions with elecampane is an individual intolerance to the components of its chemical composition. Therefore, treatment should be started with the smallest doses (a teaspoon). If during the day the state of health does not worsen, then there is no hypersensitivity. Means with elecampane are not included by doctors in therapeutic regimens when diagnosing such diseases:

  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • hypoacid gastritis;
  • permanently reduced pressure;
  • chronic atonic constipation.

Rarely enough, after taking an infusion of elecampane, local and sometimes systemic adverse reactions develop. They are manifested by swelling and redness of the skin, dizziness, bouts of nausea, pain in the epigastric region. Elecampane reduces blood pressure well, which can provoke in people with hypotension impaired coordination of movements, fraught with falls.

Important! When side effects of elecampane appear, it is necessary to wash the stomach and take an adsorbent, for example, activated charcoal. Then you need to see a doctor for symptomatic treatment.

Healthy recipes with elecampane

For the preparation of any dosage form with elecampane, vegetable raw materials must be purchased at pharmacies. The roots are sold there, which are properly collected, dried and crushed. They retained most of the nutrients and biologically active substances. Buying elecampane in pharmacies, you can be sure that it does not contain radionuclides, heavy metals and other toxic substances.

The most in demand in folk and official medicine is infusion and decoction. How to brew elecampane:

  • infusion. Pour a teaspoon of dry crushed roots with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Strain, take a tablespoon up to 3 times a day for digestive disorders, problems with potency, and also for coughing;
  • decoction. Pour a tablespoon of dry elecampane into a saucepan, pour 1.5 cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Cool, strain, take 2 tablespoons three times a day to reduce weight, treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

To rinse the throat when preparing the infusion, brew a tablespoon of elecampane with a liter of boiling water. Traditional healers also recommend dissolving a piece of peeled root in the mouth for half an hour.

With arthritis and osteoarthritis, elecampane-based ointment helps well. Dry roots should be crushed to a powder state, measure out a tablespoon and pour into a mortar. Start rubbing, gradually adding 100 g of medical vaseline or baby cream. Transfer the ointment to a dark glass container, store in the refrigerator. For pain in the joints, you need to rub it 2-3 times a day.

All materials on the website Priroda-Znaet.ru are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Elecampane has been cultivated in Russia for many years as a raw material for the manufacture of herbal supplements and natural bio-active preparations. This plant, in particular its roots and rhizomes, is officially recognized as medicinal, and is included in the list of herbs of the Russian Pharmacopoeia. But elecampane is most in demand in traditional medicine recipes. At the same time, preparations based on it have a number of contraindications that must be considered before starting a course of herbal treatment.

Inula helenium - high elecampane (divosil, oman or wild sunflower) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Astrov family. It grows in the form of a bush, reaching a height of up to 2 m and indeed, at the time of its flowering, it resembles a sunflower. Catchy, bright yellow baskets with a large core are up to 7 cm in diameter, singly located at the ends of the branches. The stem itself is erect, dense. The leaves are wide, have an elongated shape, pointed at the end.

Despite the external showiness of the ground part, the main value is what is hidden underground - the root and rhizomes of the plant. It is they that contain the maximum amount of active compounds that have a beneficial effect on human health:

  • inulin (up to 44%) - the benefits of this organic substance are especially evident in the fight against elevated levels of glucose in human blood;
  • alantove essential oil (up to 4%) - has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • saponins - liquefy sputum, making the cough more productive. They are also natural diuretics;
  • tannins - suppress the activity of pathogens, normalize the work of the digestive tract;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E) - a natural antioxidant, slows down the aging process of cells;
  • resins;
  • slime;
  • gum.

Elecampane grass: useful properties

In the grass and leaves of elecampane were found:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • flavonoids;
  • bitterness;
  • propionic acids.

The seeds contain up to 25% fatty oil.

Due to its composition, elecampane high can be used in the treatment of respiratory diseases (as an expectorant), to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, lower blood sugar, suppress fungal infections, as a general tonic and diuretic.

How to drink and what helps? Recipes

Aqueous and alcoholic solutions of elecampane, depending on the type of disease, can be ingested or used as topical agents.

Decoction. Boil a teaspoon of crushed plant roots over low heat in a glass of clean water. After 15 minutes, remove the pan from the stove, wrap it with a towel and insist for another 3-4 hours. As a result, you will get a strong mucolytic agent that you need to use 1 table at a time. spoon 15 minutes before meals.

Infusion. Pour a teaspoon of raw materials in the evening with 250 ml of cooled boiled water, cover the dishes with a lid and insist all night (at least 8 hours). Filter. Take for diseases of the digestive system - 50 ml 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach.

The name of this herbaceous perennial of the Astrov family is associated with an ancient Russian belief - the properties of 9 healing powers were attributed to its roots. Despite the fact that the homeland of elecampane is Central Asia, you can find a plant in Russian forests, meadows, along the banks of rivers and lakes. It is also cultivated in summer cottages as a medicinal plant.

plant description

Elecampane can also become a real decoration for a rabatka thanks to its yellow tubular-ligulate flowers. They are collected in baskets up to 7 cm in diameter, which, in turn, are combined into brushes.

The pubescent furrowed stem can reach a height of 2 m. The basal leaves, reaching half a meter in length, are also impressive in their size. They are attached by winged petioles. The stem is embraced by sessile leaves, and small lanceolate ones are located in the upper part. All leaves are covered with felt.

The root system of a herbaceous plant is akin to a woody one - a thickened short rhizome with lateral layering. The taste at the roots is bitterly burning, and the smell is peculiarly fragrant. The main 9 forces are collected just in this part of the plant.


The roots and rhizome contain a large amount of inulin (about 44%), as well as other polysaccharides, 4.5% - essential oils (proazulene, alantolactone, etc.). The underground part of the plant also contains bitter substances, saponins, alkaloids, gum, resins, mucus, saponins, gelenin.

The leaves of the plant are also useful - they also contain bitter substances. There are a large number of flavonoids and vitamins (the main ones are tocopherol and ascorbic acid).

Medicinal properties of root and herb

Due to the rich healing composition, with the help of elecampane-based products, many diseases can be treated.

  • Essential oil alantolactone is a powerful remedy against ascaris. It is 25 times more effective than santonin.
  • In many countries of the world, elecampane is included in traditional medicine as an astringent and antitussive. It is used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the bladder and liver.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus, heart disease and hypertension are treated with the help of elecampane roots.
  • With the help of tincture from the roots of elecampane, toothache is relieved.
  • Tea from the leaves and flowers of elecampane is useful for bronchial asthma. It is also recommended for exhaustion.
  • Fresh leaves of the plant are used externally for the rapid healing of ulcers and wounds.
  • The plant will help to establish an irregular menstrual cycle, as well as relieve the pain symptom during menstruation.

Due to its expectorant, choleretic, diuretic and antimicrobial properties, the fresh root is used for the preparation of medicines in homeopathy.


Some of the elements that make up elecampane can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, preparations based on the components of this plant should be taken with caution. As for contraindications, they are quite significant.

  • The diuretic properties of the plant can cause complications in serious kidney disease.
  • In case of heart problems, the presence of blood clots should take into account the density of the blood, since elecampane has astringent properties.
  • Chronic bowel disease accompanied by atonic constipation is a serious contraindication for the use of elecampane.
  • Since the remedy is used to restore the menstrual cycle, it cannot be used during pregnancy, so as not to provoke a spontaneous abortion.

Even if patients have no contraindications for the use of the healing properties of elecampane in therapy, complications that may occur with an overdose of the drug should be taken into account.


The scope of medicinal preparations based on this plant is extensive (it is not for nothing that 9 forces are present in it). In the manufacture of drugs should take into account the characteristics of the male and female body, the age of the patient, the nature of the disease.

Elecampane for women

In addition to the fact that the plant helps women cope with various diseases, it can also help in caring for their appearance. The very fact that elecampane has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility makes it possible to use the remedy for establishing metabolic processes leading to weight loss.

To do this, it is enough to fill the glass with 15 parts of the crushed root, fill it to the brim with water and insist overnight. The next day, half a glass is drunk in the morning, the second - before bedtime. The precipitate is poured again with boiling water with the addition of 1 tsp. cognac and infused. Then the processes are repeated.

Benefits for men

Men should especially pay attention to this plant, as it will help solve many of their problems.

  • The tool will relieve infertility, making sperm more tenacious. This will prolong the physical youth of the body.
  • Elecampane influences not only the activity of "gum" - it also improves the composition of sperm, guaranteeing the conception of healthy children.
  • The plant will also help to cope with testicular disease (orchitis), removing the inflammatory process and reducing pain.

According to the legend, it was the decoctions of this herb that helped Ilya Muromets get on his feet and endowed him with heroic strength.

Elecampane for children

Although the plant is not poisonous, children under 2 years old should not be given elecampane preparations. The rest of the decoctions will help cure colds, which are accompanied by a strong cough. The herb is also recommended for nighttime urinary incontinence, which sometimes affects children.

An effective remedy in the fight against helminths. For this, 2 tbsp. elecampane roots (dried and crushed) are poured with 2 cups of cold purified water and put on a slow fire. Boil for 10 minutes, cool and strain. It is enough to take 1 tbsp several times a day. before eating.

Help in gynecology

It has already been mentioned above that elecampane contributes to the normalization of the monthly cycle. This happens due to the impact on ovarian function. In folk medicine, the remedy was used to delay menstruation. The herb also helps relieve pain associated with gynecology and treat inflammation.

It is especially important to use folk recipes for women seeking to become pregnant. In this case, the dried root should be steamed in a thermos so that it does not lose its strength. They take the infusion according to the scheme: drink a glass for 2 days, dividing it into 4 visits, while abstaining from sex. The next 2 days they drink the infusion and at the same time actively try to conceive a child. This should continue for 2 weeks, then a break is made for 15 days.


The grass infused with vodka is not only a medicine, but also a pleasant-tasting, slightly tart home-made drink. It is enough to take a glass of this drink before dinner or an evening meal in order to drive away all ailments from yourself. The tincture will help to cope with diseases of any complexity, but it can also be used for preventive purposes.

  • 5 tbsp dried elecampane root is poured into a liter dark glass bottle, then vodka is poured into it (but semi-sweet red or white wine can also be used).
  • After closing the cork, the bottle is placed in a dark, cool place so that the product is infused. In this case, every day you need to shake the contents.
  • After 2 weeks, the drink is filtered through 2 layers of gauze and stored in the refrigerator.

beauty herb

Since ancient times, beauties used elecampane to care for their appearance. Infusions and decoctions of herbs are included in the composition of skin care masks. If you wipe your face daily with a useful composition, you can quickly remove inflammation and get rid of acne. It is worth preparing ice cubes from herbal decoction, which should be used to wipe the skin on the face, which, in addition, will be a good tonic.

You can make herbal compresses for your fingers, thereby strengthening the nails. To make walking easier, there is a reason to take herbal foot baths. And the thick, remaining after filtering, is rubbed into the hair roots to strengthen them. Even in official cosmetology, there are skin care creams based on this plant.

Traditional medicine recipes

Simple decoctions of the roots and leaves of elecampane are suitable for all occasions - this remedy is so versatile. But you can prepare at home and other preparations based on this plant.

Immunity Boosting Drink

Roots cut into small pieces (50 g) are poured with water (1 l) and boiled over low heat for about half an hour, then the broth is filtered. Half a glass of apple juice is mixed with sugar (120 g) and poured into the broth. Infuse for 5 minutes and take 3 tbsp before meals.

Sweet pills

Elecampane root is ground into powder and mixed with honey (in equal proportions). From this mass, balls the size of a pea should be made. Take 2 tablets before meals for the treatment of various diseases.

Therapeutic brew

This tool will help with problems with joints, radiculitis and osteochondrosis. A large handful of cut elecampane root is poured into a 3 liter jar. 0.6 kg of liquid honey and a 100-gram stick of yeast are also added here. Pour warm water up to the shoulders and cover with a rubber medical glove with pierced fingers. Wrapped in a blanket, insist in a dark place for 3 weeks, then filter. It is necessary to take twice a day (in the mornings and evenings) half a glass of mash to cope with problems.

Pharmacy price

If our grandmothers went to the forests and meadows for elecampane, now you can buy a remedy at a pharmacy without any problems. And it is sold in various packaging, on which the price also depends.

  • Packing dried roots and rhizomes in packs of 50 g will cost about 56 - 62 rubles.
  • The same dried component, but packaged in 1.5 g filter bags, will cost 84 - 93 rubles. (for 20 pieces per pack).
  • Elecampane tincture in a 50 ml vial costs 250 rubles.

Prices are quite reasonable, given the strength of action that the drugs give.

How to prepare root and elecampane grass

Those who seek to have self-assembled raw materials at hand should know the elementary rules for harvesting.

  • They dig up a plant either before it blooms (i.e., in spring), or after (i.e., in autumn).
  • You should not take the root of a young plant - elecampane should be at least 3 years old.
  • The grass has a fairly sprawling root system, so you have to dig a hole at least 20 cm from the stem. Its depth should be 30-40 cm.
  • The plant is carefully taken by the stem and very carefully removed from the ground.
  • Having separated the rhizome from the stem and freed from the remnants of the earth, it is prepared for drying.

Before drying parts of the plant, they are cut into small pieces (it can be along, it can be across). Drying is carried out within 2-3 days in dry weather in the open air, in rainy weather - under a canopy.

Elecampane leaves are also collected, but here it is already necessary to choose young plants. They are dried according to the same principle as the roots. It is advisable to have elecampane seeds to plant it in your area.

Elecampane. Medicinal properties, contraindications: video



“I had problems with my monthly cycle. On the advice of a gynecologist, I bought a package of dried elecampane roots in a pharmacy and began to brew - 1 tsp for 1 glass of water. raw materials. After boiling for 15 minutes, insisted for 4 hours and filtered. I took it within 2 weeks from the beginning of the cycle, 1 tbsp. 4 times a day. Then she took a break and repeated the course. After 2 months, the cycle was restored.


“Somehow they rented a cottage for the whole summer. One day my daughter got caught in heavy rain while swimming in the river and caught a cold. I suffered while treating her bronchitis. A neighbor helped, offering decoctions from the roots of elecampane. Anyuta drank them for 3 days, and everything disappeared as if by hand.

Even Avicenna and Hippocrates described elecampane, its medicinal properties and contraindications for women. In Russia, it was considered a remedy for many diseases and put this plant among the rest in the first place. The plant has a yellow flower, a tall powerful erect trunk and very large leaves. But all the benefit lies in its root.

Medicinal properties of elecampane

The natural components that make up the plant: inulin, inulenin, ascorbic acid, mucus, saponins, flavonoids, micro and macro elements, can have a beneficial effect on the human body, but in reasonable quantities.

It has long been known that vitamin E, which is part of the root, has a positive effect on the female body, promotes rejuvenation.

  1. Inulin present in the plant is a carbohydrate included in the diet of drugs for patients with diabetes.
  2. Medicinal tinctures and decoctions are used in the treatment of cough, it has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect, removing sputum from the bronchi.
  3. Cures infertility, female and male.
  4. Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women.
  5. It cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, and also helps to fight worms and their waste products.
  6. Increases immunity.
  7. Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the genitourinary system.
  8. Copes with male diseases. It normalizes the hormonal background, promotes the production of the male hormone testosterone.
  9. It cures skin diseases, psoriasis, allergies.
  10. Helps strengthen bone tissue, and also relieves arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica.
  11. Regulates the water-salt balance in the body.

The action of elecampane on the female body

Medicinal properties for women are described in the treatises of many scientists. Remedies prepared from the roots of elecampane have long been used in folk medicine to terminate early pregnancy, as well as to strengthen the walls of the uterus and eliminate such an ailment as uterine prolapse.

Infertility treatment

Conception - pregnancy - childbirth, this is the process of the birth of a new life. But if the reproductive system does not work properly at any stage, then there will be no results. Let's start with conception. For this, a woman must have normal reproductive functions. But if a woman suffers from infertility, what to do?

What is the use of elecampane for women with infertility? Preparations from elecampane are recommended for use in both female and male infertility. First of all, infusions and decoctions relieve inflammation of the genital organs.

Important! According to medical statistics, about 70% of young families cannot have children due to inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

  1. Medicines increase blood circulation in the pelvis, contribute to the normalization of the menstrual cycle, and improve the process of ovulation.
  2. Enzymes also work, which, when the egg is fertilized, contribute to its fixation in the uterus.
  3. To achieve positive results, in the treatment of infertility, women should take not only decoctions and tinctures, but also put tampons.

How to prepare and how to take elecampane tincture for a woman with infertility? The tincture recipe is simple:

  1. Take a dry mixture of medicinal herbs: dandelion, burdock leaves, elecampane root in a ratio of 1:1:1.
  2. For 2 st. l. dry mix take a little more alcohol 60%. Pour so that the herb is completely in alcohol.
  3. Place in a glass or ceramic bottle, infuse for three weeks in a dark, cool place, stirring daily.
  4. Alcohol tincture drink 2 tbsp. l. twice a day.

You can take as much dry raw materials as you need to get rid of infertility.

Important! If conception did not occur after the first month of use, you need to seek help from a medical institution and undergo a course of drug treatment.

How to prepare a decoction of elecampane roots for conception?

Decoction recipe:

  1. For 20 g of dry raw materials of the roots, you need to take 1 glass of water.
  2. Boil 15 min. on slow fire.
  3. Infuse for about 6 hours, then strain and cool.
  4. Drink a drink should be 1 tbsp. l. a few minutes before meals three to four times a day. It is important to calculate the phase in which to carry out the course of treatment. This is the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle.

Such treatment increases the likelihood of successful implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium.

Elecampane during menstruation

Menstruation is a process in which the cells of the uterine lining are shed and the egg matures. When menstruation is normal, a woman can easily become pregnant. But often they proceed with disturbances, pains. What is useful elecampane during menstruation? A decoction can eliminate the delay in menstruation.

Advice! When using elecampane and there is a delay, a woman needs to make sure that she is not pregnant, otherwise the fetus may be rejected and uterine bleeding may begin.

A decoction will help eliminate pain during menstruation, as the roots have analgesic properties. Elecampane root during pregnancy should not be taken at any time if there is a desire to keep the pregnancy, as the remedy can cause a miscarriage or harm the woman and the unborn child.

Elecampane root and its medicinal properties in gynecology are widespread. They contribute to the normalization of the hormonal background of the female body, which normalizes the work of all organs, as well as the easy flow of menopause. All these factors have a positive effect on the nervous state of a woman and her mood.

Cosmetic use

Every woman wants to look beautiful and well-groomed. To help her - the root of elecampane, its properties are able to provide a woman with a clean face and luxurious hair. In cosmetology, a lotion prepared on the basis of herbal ingredients is widely used.

  • 50 g of root powder;
  • 0.5 l of white wine;
  • boil for 10 minutes;
  • use as a rub 2-3 times a day.

Store at a temperature not higher than +10 degrees, a refrigerator door is suitable for this.

A beneficial effect on acne and pimples brings ointment. The recipe for making ointment at home:

  • 5–10 art. l. pork interior melted lard;
  • 60 g dry matter;
  • Apply for 20 minutes, 2 times a day on the problem area of ​​the skin.

After applying ointments and rubbing, the skin becomes elastic and blooming. Against peeling, a root tincture is made in vegetable oil, infused in a dark place for a week. It is able to eliminate redness and excessive exfoliation of the epidermis.

Important! The decoction helps eliminate dandruff and give hair density and strength. Various masks are prepared for hair.


If a decision is made in the treatment of women's diseases to exclude conservative treatment and use the recipes of traditional healers, it is necessary to take into account the contraindications and harm that the medicinal effect of elecampane can cause to the body.

Contraindications for women:

  1. Doctors do not recommend using a decoction during breastfeeding, as the root can reduce lactation, as well as contribute to its complete cessation.
  2. Without a doubt, you should not drink during pregnancy.
  3. The use of herbs can lead to profuse blood loss during menstruation.
  4. Do not use in acute and chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines. These include ulcers, gastritis, enterocolitis, flatulence, problems with stools.
  5. In severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, elecampane should also be abandoned.
  6. Kidney disease can also be a reason not to use a decoction.
  7. Do not drink if you have low blood pressure.

Due to the presence of toxic substances in the chemical composition of the root, you need to drink elecampane only in certain doses necessary to achieve benefits.

Describing all the healing properties, as well as diseases in which elecampane helps, we are once again convinced of the effectiveness of this plant. Previously, there were no effective medicines, but our ancestors eliminated all diseases with the help of medicines. Many recipes have survived to this day, according to which a number of medicines have been developed. They can be easily purchased at pharmacies and used at home, without the help of a doctor. The root of elecampane occupies a dominant role in them.

Elecampane, whose second name is Yellow, is a large number of perennial plants (about 200 species) from the Aster family, which grow in Asia, Europe and Africa.

Only Elecampane is included in the register of medicinal raw materials, about the healing possibilities of which there are whole legends. The name of the plant consists of the phrase "nine forces" - folk herbalists believe that it can help with any disease.

In 1804, inulin was discovered in the roots of the plant as a safe alternative to sugar and starch for diabetic patients. Inulin is otherwise called invert sugar: under conditions of acid hydration, it turns into an isomer of glucose.

To date, the medicinal properties and contraindications of elecampane have been fully studied, the plant is used both in official and in folk medicine.

Morphological description

The herbaceous plant grows like a bush and can reach a height of 2 meters. The leaves are entire, the flowers are large, painted in yellow or orange. Rhizomes and roots are characterized by a peculiar smell, and the fruits are similar to oblong achenes with a brown crest.

Flowering falls in the second half of summer and early autumn, fruiting - in August-October.

Elecampane grows in meadows, in pine and deciduous forests, prefers to grow near water bodies. Widespread in Belarus, Central Asia, Crimea, the Caucasus, in the steppes and forest-steppes of Russia, in Western Siberia. Many people in the villages grow elecampane in gardens and orchards.

Collection and preparation of elecampane

The herb has the greatest medicinal properties at the age of 2-3 years, when the stem becomes wide and straight. Young plants do not contain the proper amount of nutrients, therefore they have less medicinal value.

Of interest is the entire underground part of the plant, which is harvested in August-September or in early spring, when the leaves just appear. The root system is carefully dug up within a radius of at least 20 cm from the stem and to a depth of about 30 cm. Holding the stem close to the base, the rhizome is pulled out of the soil, very carefully so as not to break the thick roots.

Raw materials are carefully cleaned from the ground, washed in water and the stems are cut. Also remove thin roots. Roots and rhizomes are cut lengthwise into identical pieces 1-2 cm thick and 10-15 cm long and dried in the air for two to three days (if the weather is damp, then under a canopy). Then the main drying takes place in warm and dry rooms or in a dryer at T 40 C - the raw material is spread in a thin layer on clean paper or dryer grates.

The raw material is ready when the spine breaks easily. Dried roots acquire a gray-brown color, on the cut they have a yellowish-white color with shiny dots - these dots are accumulations of essential oil. The smell of the roots is very peculiar, fragrant. The roots are spicy and bitter in taste. Store in paper bags or glass jars, in the dark and dry. Raw materials can be used for 3 years.

The chemical composition of the roots of elecampane

The roots and rhizomes of the plant contain a large amount of inulin polysaccharides (up to 45%) and inulenin, saponins, vitamin E, alkaloids and essential oil. Resins and gums are found. Valuable is the essential oil of elecampane (up to 4.3%), the main components of which are bicyclic sesquiterpenes, alpha-selinene derivatives: isoalantolactone, alantolactone and dihydroalantolactone. A mixture of sesquiterpene bicyclic lactones, which are isolated from the essential oil in crystalline form, is called gelenin. Also, elecampane oil contains proazulene.

Elecampane grass contains essential oil (no more than 3%), vitamin C, bitterness alantopicrin, flavonoids isoquercitrin and quercitrin.

Useful properties of the plant

The therapeutic effect of elecampane root is multifaceted.

In the list of "gastric plants" elecampane occupies an honorable first place. Preparations from the root of the plant stimulate appetite, normalize digestive function. Elecampane regulates the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract (reduces the secretion of phosphatase, lipase, enterokinase) and relieves intestinal spasms. Plant preparations stimulate metabolism in the body.

In addition, the plant has the following positive effects:

  • antibacterial and antiviral, including against Staphylococcus aureus;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • soothing;
  • antihelminthic (especially against roundworm, dwarf tapeworm, tapeworms);
  • antidiarrheal (if diarrhea is not caused by dysentery).

Preparations based on the root of elecampane can help with some malignant neoplasms: leukemia, oncology of the gastrointestinal tract. Elecampane treats metabolic disorders, helps with gout, rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, is indicated in the complex therapy of anemia.

Pharmaceutical preparations from elecampane

Allantolactone is a tablet that is made from a plant and is prescribed for ascariasis.

Alanton - another drug from elecampane, is used for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, which heals poorly and scars.

Elecampane roots and rhizomes - dry raw materials of the plant, which is a herbal medicine with gastroprotective and expectorant action.

Folk recipes with elecampane

Infusion of elecampane

This is the best remedy for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis, as well as for improving sputum discharge, fighting hypertension. Helps to purify the blood in various skin diseases (furunculosis, acne). Recommended for diarrhea and helminthiasis.

1 tsp dry raw materials, pour 250 ml of chilled boiled water (this is very important), leave for 8 hours and strain. In all cases, take 50 ml 4 r / day 20 minutes before meals.

Root Powder

Recommended for hypertension, hepatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer. Grind the rhizomes into powder in a coffee grinder and place in a dry jar with a lid for storage. The powder is taken in small quantities, at the tip of a knife (about 1 gram) twice a day before meals.

Elecampane ointment

It helps with various skin diseases, in which delayed healing is noted (eczema, psoriasis), with itching, scabies, and also with joint diseases.

Prepare the dosage form in small quantities and store in the refrigerator. 1 tbsp powder from the roots mixed with 4-5 tbsp. unsalted chopped bacon, cook for 15 minutes and strain through a dense cloth while the ointment is still hot. Lubricate the affected areas once a day until visible positive dynamics, then wash these areas with a warm decoction of elecampane root for 5-6 days.

A decoction of elecampane

Good stomachic and expectorant. It can be added to the bath for the treatment of skin diseases. 1 tbsp crushed rhizomes, pour 200 ml of water and boil for 10-15 minutes, then leave for 4 hours, strain. Take warm, 1 tbsp. 3-4 r / day.

Tincture of elecampane on wine

It is an excellent tonic and tonic for conditions such as a diseased body, cachexia. 120 gr. fresh rhizomes and roots and pour 0.5 liters of red wine and cook on a small fire for 10 minutes, strain. Take 50 ml two to three times a day. before meals.

Tincture of elecampane on vodka

Recommended for ulcers and gastritis. 250 gr. crushed rhizomes pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for at least 10-14 days, shake occasionally, strain. Take 15-20 drops diluted with water 3 r / day for gastritis. For the treatment of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, take 1 tbsp. tinctures in the morning on an empty stomach and drink 2-3 tbsp. pork fat.


Good antitussive. Mix 1 liter of boiling water with 1 tsp. dry rhizomes of the plant, leave for 15 minutes. Take a glass 2-3 r / day in a warm form, with honey.


Helps in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Squeeze juice from fresh rhizomes with a juicer and combine it with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Take 1 tsp. 20 minutes before meals three times a day.

Infusion of fresh rhizomes on vodka against tuberculosis

Mix 500 ml of vodka with 2 cups of fresh rhizomes grated on a fine grater. Insist 9 days and place in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. before meals for 2-3 months.

Infusion for the treatment of sciatica

In a 3-liter jar, put a handful of chopped dry elecampane roots, 100 gr. yeast and 500-700 gr. honey. Top up the volume to the beginning of the neck with boiled cooled water. Put on a rubber glove on top and make a few punctures in the fingers. Place this mixture in a warm place, cover the jar with a cloth and let stand for 3 weeks. The medicine will ferment - this is normal. After 3 weeks of infusion, pass the mixture through cheesecloth and refrigerate.

Take half a glass in the morning and in the evening, with a bite of honey.

freshly picked leaves

They can be applied to wounds, ulcers, areas of erysipelatous and scrofulous lesions for 2-3 hours, fixed with a bandage from above.

fresh root

Elecampane for weight loss

Since the plant has a diuretic effect, it is used in various weight loss recipes. The bitterness, which is present in the composition of elecampane, normalizes the function of the intestines and contributes to its speedy emptying.

Regular use of elecampane contributes to the normalization of metabolism and acid-base balance in the body, and also reduces cravings for sweet and salty. Gum in the composition of the plant reduces appetite.

To obtain a decoction 1 tbsp. dry roots and rhizomes pour 200 ml of water and boil for 2 minutes, leave for another 30 minutes and filter. Take 3 tbsp. four times a day before meals.

Elecampane for women

  • various diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • stress, emotional overstrain;
  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • avitaminosis.

From this it is clear that the delay in menstruation has a certain reason, and one should begin with the elimination of the provoking factor. It is dangerous to constantly use elecampane for these purposes. Moreover, you should not use elecampane if there are no periods for 3 or more months - this indicates amenorrhea, indicating a hormonal failure in the body.

If the delay in menstruation is not associated with a disease or pregnancy and lasts less than 10 days, you can try to induce menstruation with elecampane. Also, the plant helps with pain associated with uterine prolapse, and is used to stimulate ovarian function.

To resume menstruation, restore the cycle and eliminate abdominal pain during uterine prolapse, elecampane roots are used. For the preparation of a medicinal composition 1 tsp. crushed roots pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. After the decoction, insist for 20 minutes. Take 1 tsp. 5-6 times a day.

Application in cosmetology

A unique plant helps fight aging, sagging skin, restores elasticity and tone of the skin. In young women aged 30-35, it can be used to prevent wrinkles.

The second area of ​​​​application is the cleansing of the skin from acne, pimples, as well as reducing the severity of traces of them.

Rejuvenating skin lotion

50 gr. dried roots pour 500 ml of dry white wine, boil on the lowest heat for 10 minutes. Wipe the face with cold lotion 2 times a day (keep the product in the refrigerator).

Skin cleanser

50 gr. boil fresh roots in 200 ml of vegetable oil for 15 minutes, pour into a glass container with a lid and leave for 7 days. in a dark place. Apply warm, apply to the affected parts of the face for 10-15 minutes, then remove the remnants of the product with a cotton pad.

Also, elecampane has long been used to strengthen and grow hair, and helps with dandruff.

3 tsp roots mixed with 500 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. Rub into the hair roots and scalp for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can also add 2 tsp to the composition. burdock and nettle.


Elecampane contraindications are not very extensive, but should be taken into account when prescribing treatment:

  • intolerance;
  • severe disease of blood vessels and heart;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • painful menstruation (for this period);
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic atonic constipation.

As for children, treatment is carried out with caution and not earlier than 3 years (according to most folk sources). The instructions for use of elecampane rhizomes, which are sold in the pharmacy network, indicate that the plant is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

Thanks to its healing properties. An increasing number of people are using traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of elecampane. Elecampane attracts professional physicians as a raw material for medicines.

Healing properties of elecampane used in folk medicine
The roots of elecampane contain essential oils, resins, vitamin E. A decoction of the root has an expectorant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic effect. In addition, elecampane has properties that allow you to get rid of worms, treats some forms of diabetes, rheumatism and sciatica. Elecampane treatment is also carried out in cases where a person has weakened immunity.

Elecampane - use for treatment:
- with diseases of the respiratory tract (tracheitis, bronchitis, cough with sputum);
- gastrointestinal tract (gastritis with increased secretion, enterocolitis, diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin, in the absence of appetite);
- liver diseases;
- with skin diseases (non-infectious nature);
- difficult to heal dry wounds;
- recommended also for irregular and painful menstruation;
- has a beneficial effect on diseases of the kidneys and liver;
- with hemorrhoids.

Allanton tablets, made from elecampane, are used for gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Elecampane root is used as:
- tincture,
- decoctions,
- ointments,
- as an additive to tea.

The most common traditional medicine recipe: tincture of elecampane applied as tonic:
1 tablespoon chopped elecampane rhizome pour
200 ml boiling water,
steam in a water bath for 15-20 minutes,
add water to the original volume.
You need to take 0.5 cup 2-3 times a day an hour before meals,
as a tonic and for rinsing with inflammation of the gums.

During treatment hard-to-heal dry wounds elecampane is used externally as a decoction for washings, lotions, compresses, baths
In this case, take 100 g of roots, boil in 1 liter of water, leave for 4 hours, carefully filter through cotton wool.

Elecampane with lethargy of the stomach
Drink three times a day for half a glass of Napara from 30 g of elecampane per 1 liter of water. Steamed in the oven all night.

For convalescent, feeble, infirm people recommended elecampane wine , approximately 50 g 2 times a day. For a bottle of 0.5 liters of port, take 12 g of fresh chopped elecampane root and boil in it for 10 minutes. Take 50 ml after meals as a tonic for various diseases. Elecampane wine has a healing effect on the body, has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, expectorant, bactericidal, antihelminthic and hemostatic effects.

Elecampane for a cold
During a severe cold, when the patient has a cough, a runny nose, when the patient is breathing heavily, they put him to bed, put jars, rub with turpentine and instead of tea give a decoction of elecampane and angelica rhizomes, taken at about 15 g per liter of water. Pour cold water and bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes.

Elecampane with stomatitis
20g elecampane roots boil for 5 minutes in 200 ml of water, insist 4 hours in heat. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals

Elecampane in oncological diseases: cancer of various localization
Take 200g dry elecampane root , grind well: first grind with a hatchet, then in a coffee grinder. The resulting grinding is thoroughly mixed with 500 g of fresh honey. Insist for a day. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Elecampane for tuberculosis
Prepare 2 cups of gruel from fresh elecampane root , pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 10 days. Take 1 tablespoon with gruel before each meal for 2-3 months.

Elecampane for allergies(cold, medicinal, food)
Mix equal parts of elecampane, licorice and marshmallow roots. Put 2 teaspoons of the mixture into 2 cups of cold water, close the lid and leave for 8-10 hours (put overnight). Drink 1/3 cup slightly warm, you can with honey.

Elecampane for hypertension
Mix equally elecampane root and tansy flowers. Pour 1 teaspoon with 2 cups of boiling water, steam for 1.5 hours. Drink half a cup 3 times a day 2 hours before meals.

Elecampane for rheumatism
Mix in equal parts elecampane root and burdock (by weight). Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave warm for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Use the infusion also for warming compresses. It is a highly effective remedy for rheumatism.

Elecampane is used for bumps on the big toes
Soar in a hot steam of elecampane root for 12 days in a row. The bumps will dissolve. It is good to rub elderberry tincture at the same time.

Elecampane for scabies
A handful of chopped elecampane rhizomes is boiled for 15 minutes in 4-5 tablespoons of unsalted baked lard. It is filtered into a jar, and the places infected with scabies are smeared with this ointment at night. Of course, it would be more correct if the same ointment is mixed with 2 tablespoons of pure birch tar, with the same dose of sulfur powder. This ointment is rubbed for several days, washed after it with a strong decoction of elecampane: 50 g per 1 liter of water. Scabies cured even the most neglected.

Attention! Contraindications to the use of elecampane!

As with any drug, there are serious contraindications to elecampane.
For example, you can not prescribe its drugs to people with severe cardiovascular diseases.

It is contraindicated in kidney disease.

With gastritis with low acidity. Decoctions and infusions from the roots of elecampane reduce the release of digestive enzymes in the stomach and, in case of gastritis with low acidity, instead of benefit, they can be harmful.

Elecampane is contraindicated in female diseases with excessive menstruation.

Hypotension patients should be treated with caution.

Elecampane wine, recommended for convalescent and debilitated people, increases, in contrast to a decoction of roots in water, the acidity of gastric juice, it should be excluded in case of hyperacid gastritis and gastric ulcer during an exacerbation.

It cannot be used during pregnancy.

With excessive consumption of a decoction from this plant, signs of poisoning may appear.

This is such a plant - elecampane: traditional medicine recipes are certainly wonderful, but you must definitely remember that before using them, you need to consult a doctor.