Clotrimazole ointment is prescribed for women. Clotrimazole for the treatment of fungus: full description, instructions for use


Lesions of the skin and mucous membranes of a person often have a fungal etiology. Among the drugs used for such diseases, one can single out the frequently prescribed drug Clotrimazole - it is affordable, safe and effective.

Clotrimazole ointment for men

A large percentage of fungal diseases occur in lesions of the genital organs. Among men's problems, thrush (candidiasis balanitis) is distinguished. The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Thrush is transmitted sexually, the carrier of the disease is one of the partners - a man or a woman. Often, candidiasis is not accompanied by severe symptoms: sometimes dryness, burning and itching of the penis, pain during urination, discomfort during intercourse.

If you have these symptoms or if your partner is ill, you should consult a doctor for a consultation, because a neglected fungal disease can cause the development of prostatitis or chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. To treat candidiasis, doctors often prescribe clotrimazole for men.

Positive feedback during the treatment received the release form of the drug in the form of a cream - a positive effect is achieved so quickly, it is convenient to use it. Nuances:

Small doses of the drug quickly stop the development of the disease, further use of the drug leads to the death of the pathogen within a week.

  1. For a complete recovery, the course of treatment can last up to three weeks.
  2. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of cream on the washed affected area two to three times a day.
  3. The ointment is poorly absorbed, so it is recommended not to dress immediately after applying the drug.
  4. During treatment, wear comfortable, breathable clothing made from natural fibers.

Candida fungi are always present in the body, but they begin to multiply rapidly and become the cause of inflammation when immunity is weakened, antibiotics are taken, therefore, a greater treatment effect is achieved along with strengthening drugs and diet. The patient is prescribed fermented milk food, dietary supplements, a diet is recommended that excludes sweet, spicy, spicy and fried foods.

Ointment Clotrimazole for women

Thrush or candidal vulvitis in women is accompanied by symptoms:

  • itching, burning and swelling of the genital organs;
  • mucous discharge yellowish or white, sometimes there are abundant liquid discharge or curdled flakes;
  • bad smell.

In the treatment of thrush, Clotrimazole is used for women. The use of ointment for the treatment of candidiasis received positive feedback - it immediately eliminates unpleasant itching and burning. The ointment goes on sale with a nozzle that is convenient for douching. The cream is administered once a day for three days. In the chronic course of the disease, it is recommended to apply the cream three times a day for two weeks.

A prerequisite for recovery is the observance of the rules of personal intimate hygiene, the wearing of cotton underwear, the exclusion for the duration of the treatment of sexual activity and the simultaneous treatment of the sexual partner. The drug can be prescribed without the presence of characteristic signs of the disease for the sanitation of the birth canal for women in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Instructions for use of Clotrimazole ointment

An antifungal drug in the form of an ointment involves external and vaginal use. The aluminum tube with the medication has an outer package - a cardboard box. The preparation is accompanied by instructions for the use of Clotrimazole. You can buy this medicine at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, it can be stored for two years in a dry place without sunlight.

When Clotrimazole ointment is prescribed, the instruction with recommendations for use informs the consumer that it is necessary to apply the ointment in small portions (the dosage is 5 millimeters) on a clean, dry surface and rub it in with light circular movements. The duration and frequency of application of the cream is strictly individual for each person, the type of lesion and is determined when prescribing the drug by a doctor. According to the annotation, the ointment can be applied to the foci of inflammation:

  • skin of the whole body;
  • mucous membranes of the oral cavity, genital organs (the mucous membrane of the eyes is excluded).

The composition of the ointment Clotrimazole

The drug is made on the basis of vaseline (paraffin). The composition of Clotrimazole includes excipients:

  • propylene glycol;
  • polyethylene oxide;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate or methyl paraben (nipagin).

The active substance of the drug comes from the imidazole group. The mechanism of the therapeutic action of the substance is based on the fact that it disrupts the synthesis of ergosterol in fungal cells. This leads to disruption of the structure and damage to cell membranes. Additionally, the substance interacts with fungal enzymes, promotes the formation and accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in cells, which destroys cells.

Indications for use of Clotrimazole ointment

The properties of the drug to have a destructive effect on pathogens of fungal and infectious diseases are used to treat various diseases. It suppresses the action of pathogens:

  • mycoses (yeast, molds, dermatophytes);
  • coccal infections (streptococci, staphylococci);
  • trichomonas infections.

According to the instructions, there are indications for the use of Clotrimazole:

  • candidal balanitis and vulvitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • trichophytosis (ringworm);
  • paronychia (inflammation of the periungual roller);
  • trichomoniasis;
  • pitiriasis (pink lichen);
  • psoriasis;
  • erythema;
  • erythrasma (bacterial lesion of the skin in places of folds);
  • inflamed hemorrhoids.

Side effects of Clotrimazole ointment

The drug should be used with caution during lactation. The instructions for Clotrimazole ointment contain warnings - when using the cream for the first time, it is recommended to apply it to a small area and see the reaction. When used, side effects of Clotrimazole ointment are possible:

  • at the site of application - irritation, allergic reaction (peeling, redness of the skin, urticaria, tingling, itching, burning, blistering);
  • headache, indigestion:
  • frequent urination - in the treatment of candidiasis of the genital organs.

Contraindications ointment Clotrimazole

If there are indications for the use of the drug and hypersensitivity to the active substance, the drug should not be used. There are contraindications of Clotrimazole:

  • during pregnancy in the first months;
  • when using alcohol and antibiotics;
  • child under 12;
  • liver diseases;
  • during menstruation in the case of vaginal administration.

The price of Clotrimazole ointment

Specify the cost of the drug in Moscow and the region in the table:

Analogues of ointment Clotrimazole

Other drugs are prescribed for the treatment of fungal diseases. There are analogues of Clotrimazole:

  • Candide;
  • Candibene;
  • Kanesten;
  • Canison;
  • Amyclone;
  • Antifungal;
  • Lamisil.

Instructions for Clotrimazole ointment regulate its use for the treatment of fungal infections in men and women. This is a local drug that is used exclusively in the external therapy of various mycoses. An inexpensive cream or ointment can deal with thrush or fungus on the foot once and for all. What are the features of treatment, and how is Clotrimazole used? What is the difference between ointment and cream and tablets?

Clotrimazole ointment: instructions for use

Clotrimazole ointment has established itself as a good drug in the treatment of candidiasis ( thrush) in men and women. At the same time, its price is an order of magnitude cheaper than the cost of many modern antimycotic compositions. The main component of the ointment has a similar name - clotrimazole. It is effective for any fungal infection.

The instructions state that clotrimazole inhibits the development of fungal microorganisms. At the same time, it works against all known types of mycoses - yeast-like, mold, dimorphic fungi, dermatophytes, blastomycosis, protozoa. It also limits the growth of Gram-positive and negative bacteria ( Gram-positive cocci, Trichomonas, Corynebacteria).

Important: today there are no fungi that are resistant to the action of Clotrimazole. Therefore, the cheapest drug remains the most effective and efficient.

How does it work?

  • The active substance disrupts the synthesis of ergosterol, which is necessary for the formation of membranes (membranes) cells of fungal microorganisms. Therefore, the drug affects mainly young cells and indirectly - on old ones. In young cells, it disrupts the synthesis of cell membranes, and thus slows down and stops their growth. In adult cells, these processes are less pronounced, they mainly concern the destruction of the membranes of growing and dividing fungal microorganisms.
  • Clotrimazole removes a number of vital components from the intracellular space (calcium, nucleic acids, phosphorus compounds).
  • Reduces the activity of intracellular enzymes (inside fungal microorganisms), which leads to an increase in the amount of toxins inside the cell, its destruction and necrosis (death).

Thus, the active substance Clotrimazole destroys the cell membranes of fungi and the composition of their intracellular fluid, which results in the death of all fungal microorganisms. This action in medical terminology is called fungicidal ( oppressive).

Note: Fungicides are chemical substances whose action is directed against a fungal infection of plants.

Ointment, cream, tablets - differences

Clotrimazole is available in several dosage forms:

  • Ointment.
  • Cream for external use (treatment of external skin).
  • Intravaginal cream (for insertion into the vagina).
  • Solution (used in the treatment of oral candidiasis).
  • Tablets (for intravaginal administration).

All forms of the drug (ointment, cream, tablets) are intended for local treatment. Instructions for use for women recommends inserting the cream or tablets into the vagina (as deep as possible). The instruction for men recommends applying an ointment or cream to the penis (on the head and foreskin).

The most popular among women are pills and candles. In men - ointments and creams. It is not always clear what to choose for treatment - clotrimazole ointment or cream with the same name? Let's see what is the difference between two similar forms of the drug.

Difference between cream and ointment:

  • Ointment - is made on the basis of petroleum jelly, cream - on the basis of oil and water.
  • The ointment is absorbed longer, which means it has a more prolonged (long-lasting) effect. The cream is absorbed much faster and has a faster and more short Effect.
  • Ointment penetrates deeper than cream.
  • Clotrimazole ointment for fungus "lubricates" dried areas of the skin, cream - dries weeping. Therefore, in the external treatment of the fungus (on the feet, in the skin or inguinal folds) - the ointment is used for dry skin, the cream - for weeping and oily. Clotrimazole ointment is prescribed for fungal infections that are accompanied by dry skin.
  • On open areas of the skin, it is better to apply the ointment at night, the cream - during the day.

The composition of the ointment and indications for treatment

Clotrimazole, - ointment against fungus, - has a white color, a fatty base and a specific smell. In addition to the active substance (it contains only 1% or 30 mg in a tube weighing 3g), ointment contains glycerol, wax, propylene glycol, water. These components provide the form of the drug - ointment or cream.

Clotrimazole looks like a white powder. It is poorly soluble in water and highly soluble in alcohol. Therefore, alcohol is introduced into the composition of the ointment (to dissolve the medicinal powder). In addition, alcohol molecules increase cell permeability, accelerate the flow of therapeutic components into the bloodstream.

The availability of the medicinal composition provides an inexpensive price for the drug. There is no need to ask how much the ointment costs. This is the most inexpensive pharmacy remedy for fungal infections, while it is quite effective and effective.

More often than others, clotrimazole is used to treat thrush in men and women.. It is also used for fungal infections in various parts of the body. We list what is treated with Clotrimazole ointment:

  • Candidiasis (thrush)- a vaginal infection caused by the yeast fungus Candida. With thrush in women, this is the drug number 1.
  • Inflammation caused by the fungus Candida (in women - vulvitis, in men - urethritis).
  • Skin fungal and some bacterial infections(fungus on the foot and nails, mycosis in the folds of the skin, some types of lichen).
  • Color and ringworm.
Important: if there is no effect of treatment, it is necessary to check the correctness of the diagnosis.

How to be treated

Clotrimazole is an ointment for men, women and children of any age. It is used in the following cases:

  • In the treatment of thrush, especially in men. It is more convenient for women to use tablets or suppositories (they are easier to place inside the vagina). Men are more comfortable using ointment or cream. When treating the genital organs, therapy is necessary for both partners. Otherwise, re-infection occurs.
Note: if there are no tablets and suppositories, you can use Clotrimazole ointment for women. To do this, make homemade tampons (from cotton wool and bandage) and insert them into the vagina. Clotrimazole ointment for thrush is injected deeply - for a better therapeutic effect.
  • Clotrimazole ointment from nail fungus - applied in a thin layer on well-dried skin, around the nail and nail plate.
  • Clotrimazole ointment for foot fungus - applied in the same way. After recovery, shoes are disinfected. The fungus is able to persist for a long time and infect a person after recovery.
  • The instruction for children says that the drug has no age restrictions. It should be noted that the skin of infants partially performs the function of breathing. Therefore, if the ointment is used to treat a small child, then it is applied pointwise. It is impossible to cover large areas of the body with a long-absorbing composition (it is better to use a cream for an extensive infection, it is absorbed faster). More often than others, ringworm (in medical terminology - trichophytosis) and microsporia (another type of fungal lichen) are treated in children.

And now we list what features exist in the treatment with Clotrimazole ointment:

  • When applied externally - it is recommended to apply the ointment only on well-dried skin. Before application, the area of ​​the body (feet, hands, palms) must be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Alkaline soapy environment is detrimental to most fungi. Soap provides an additional antibacterial effect.
  • If the ointment or cream is applied to the outer skin surfaces (on the feet or, in men, on the head of the penis), it is necessary to be undressed for some time so that the composition is absorbed.
  • To dose the amount of ointment, they are guided by the length of the column when it is squeezed out. In the treatment of thrush in women, 5 mm of an ointment column is squeezed out for insertion into the vagina (and not more than 7 mm).
  • Clotrimazole ointment should be applied 2-3 times a day. In this case, if the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, you can not immediately stop treatment.. After the cessation of itching, burning, and other painful discomfort, you should continue to apply the cream for another one to two weeks. And one more thing: the duration of treatment depends on the type of fungal infection. It can be from 1 to 4 weeks. Thus, the minimum treatment period for the fungus is 2 weeks..
Note: thrush (candidiasis vulvitis) is treated faster than others. It can be cured in a week. Longer - dermatomycosis is treated (up to 4 weeks of therapy).
  • You need to follow a diet. Candidiasis (thrush) is a disease of disturbed flora. Therefore, during treatment, it is necessary to abandon yeast bread and sweets, as well as spicy, fatty, salty. After stopping the symptoms of burning and itching, it is necessary to restore the microflora with yogurt, bifidoflora and other probiotic preparations.
  • Wash your hands after applying the ointment(to prevent self-infection - the spread of infection with hands to neighboring skin areas).

When is clotrimazole contraindicated?

We list when it is necessary to stop the drug (at least before consulting a doctor):

  • If an allergic reaction occurs - redness, rash, swelling, itching or burning intensifies, other unpleasant painful symptoms appear.
  • During menstruation in women - do not inject ointment, cream or tablets, suppositories into the vagina.
  • The drug is not used at the beginning of pregnancy (in the first trimester - during this period all organs and systems of the future person are laid; any chemical substance can be harmful, and the effect of clotrimazole on fetal development has not been fully studied). At the same time, Clotrimazole ointment during pregnancy in the later stages is allowed to be used. Clotrimazole is also allowed for the treatment of already born children of any age.
Important: clotrimazole is practically not absorbed into the blood, therefore it does not have a general effect on the body. This drug is exclusively local (local) treatment. And one more thing: the effect of an ointment or cream is weakened by Dexamethasone (hormonal drug, glucocorticosteroid), so such a joint treatment is not recommended.

Clotrimazole ointment - analogues

The pharmaceutical industry offers several drugs with the main active ingredient clotrimazole. All of them - analogues, have the same therapeutic effect, and differ in price and manufacturer. We list the most popular of them:

  • clotrimazole acre(ointment and tablets) - Akrikhim firm (Russian group of pharmaceutical companies).
  • Amyclone- also a Russian drug, manufacturer Nizhpharm.
  • Camizon(cream) - an Indian drug with the same active ingredient (clotrimazole).

As well as Candide and Candide-B6, Funginal, Fungicip and other drugs that contain clotrimazole and have a similar therapeutic effect, general contraindications. Among the listed analogues, Clotrimazole has the most inexpensive price.. The effectiveness of treatment with this affordable drug is confirmed by the reviews of men and women.

Essential extract of sage.

Compound cream 1%: clotrimazole at a concentration of 10 mg / g, cetostearyl and benzyl alcohols, polysorbate 60, synthetic spermaceti, octyldodecanol, sorbitan stearate, water.

Compound ointments 1%: clotrimazole at a concentration of 10 mg / g, polyethylene oxides 400 and 1500, propylene glycol, methylparaben, nipagin.

Compound solution 1%: clotrimazole at a concentration of 10 mg / ml (in terms of dry matter), polyethylene glycol 400, propylene glycol, ethanol 96%.

Compound candles: one suppository contains 100 mg of the active substance and the base in the amount necessary to obtain a suppository weighing 2 g. Clotrimazole suppositories contain semi-synthetic glycerides as the base.

Compound tablets: 100, 200 or 500 mg clotrimazole, lactose monohydrate, potato starch, adipic acid, sodium bicarbonate, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium lauryl sulfate.

Release form

  • gel 1% (packaging 20 and 40 g);
  • cream 1% (tubes 15, 20, 30 and 50 g);
  • ointment 1% (tubes 15, 20, 30 and 40 g);
  • solution 1% (vials 15 ml);
  • vaginal suppositories 0.1 g (packing No. 6);
  • vaginal tablets 0.1, 0.2 or 0.5 g (packaging No. 1, No. 3, No. 6; tablets are completed with an applicator).

Clotrimazole tablets and vaginal suppositories have an ATC code different from other dosage forms of the drug - G01AF02.

Clotrimazole can also be produced in the form of granules, powder for external use, spray.

The drug is intended for local (including intravaginal) and external use, tablets for oral administration are not available.

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Clotrimazole is a derivative imidazole .

In vitro shows high activity against the most pathogenic fungi that can cause serious infectious complications, namely:

  • dermatophytes (Microsporum sp., Epidermophyton floccosum, Trichophyton sp.);
  • yeast-like fungi (Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida sp.);
  • dimorphic fungi (Histoplasma capsulatum, Paracoccidicides brasiliensis, Coccidiodes immitis).

The mechanism of action of clotrimazole is based on its ability to block the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids and ergosterol, which is necessary for the construction of cell membranes of fungi. As a result, the cell membranes of the fungi are damaged, and the cells die.

In low concentrations, clotrimazole acts fungistatically. If the dose exceeds 20 μg / ml, the drug has a fungicidal effect, and not only on proliferating cells.

When used in high doses, it helps to increase the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the fungal cell to a toxic value and, as a result, the destruction of fungal cells

When applied topically, the drug is absorbed epidermis . The highest concentration of a substance is determined in reticuloderma . It is also able to penetrate into the keratin of the nails.

Clotrimazole enters the systemic circulation in very small amounts. It is metabolized in the liver to inactive substances that are excreted from the body with feces and urine.

With intravaginal application, 5 to 10% of clotrimazole is absorbed. The absorbed substance is metabolized in the liver. Metabolic products are excreted in bile.

Indications for use: why ointment, cream, gel, suppositories and Clotrimazole tablets?

What helps Clotrimazole ointment, gel, cream and solution?

The drug is prescribed for the treatment fungal skin infections , which are caused molds and yeasts , dermatophytes and other pathogens sensitive to clotrimazole.

They are also used as remedies for lichen caused by Malassezia furfur, and erythrasma (pathogen - Corynebacterium minutissimum).

Ointment, cream, gel and Clotrimazole solution help: from nail fungus ( , fungal paronychia ), trichophytosis , dermatophytosis , fungal erosion and diaper rash candidiasis , , , ringworm , complicated secondary pyoderma mycoses .

Indications for the use of ointment, gel, cream and solution are, among other things, infectious diseases, pathogens that are resistant to and a number of other antifungal agents.

For treatment pink lichen the drug is not suitable because this disease is likely to have viral or infectious-allergic origin , and can also be the body's response to a severe shock or nervous breakdown. Clotrimazole is effective for fungal infections .

The use of Clotrimazole ointment, gel and cream with clotrimazole in gynecology is shown:

  • for treatment and prevention ;
  • for prevention repeated fungal infections of the female reproductive system that develop during long-term treatment with antibiotics or against the background of immunodeficiency states.

Also, a solution, gel, cream and ointment in gynecology is used to sanitize the genital tract before delivery.

Candles - what are they from?

The indication for the use of vaginal suppositories is vaginal candidiasis and genital superinfections provoked by microorganisms sensitive to clotrimazole. The drug is prescribed for women and - after the onset of sexual activity - for teenage girls.

What are Clotrimazole tablets for?

Clotrimazole tablets are used to treat Blastomycotic infections of the vulva and vagina . In particular, the drug is prescribed for vaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida (including diseases caused by resistant to nystatin strains) caused by other pathogens sensitive to clotrimazole superinfections of the genital organs , for sanitation of the genital tract before delivery.


Contraindication: hypersensitivity.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

When applied to the skin, the following side effects are possible:

  • burning;
  • edema;
  • the appearance of blisters;
  • skin irritation;
  • tingling sensation
  • peeling.

Local application for urogenital mycoses may be accompanied by burning, itching, swelling and hyperemia of the mucosa, intercurrent cystitis , the appearance of vaginal discharge, increased urination, pain during intercourse.

When applied topically with mycoses of the oral cavity there may be redness of the mucous membrane, a tingling and burning sensation at the site of application of the drug, irritation.

Instructions for use Clotrimazole: Clotrimazole for women and men

Ointment Clotrimazole: instructions for use. How to apply Clotrimazole ointment for men?

Before applying Clotrimazole ointment (Acre or other manufacturers), the affected areas of the body are pre-washed with soapy water and dried thoroughly.

The drug is applied to the affected areas (capturing small areas of healthy skin around the lesion) with a thin layer from 1 to 3 rubles / day. and rub lightly.

For 1 treatment of an area the size of a palm, a 5-mm strip of ointment is sufficient.

Regardless of what pathogens caused the disease, treatment after the relief of subjective symptoms is recommended to continue for another 2 weeks.

At dermatomycoses the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 4, with erythrasma - from 2 to 4, with - from 1 to 3 weeks.

If there is no clinical improvement after 4 weeks of regular use of the drug, the patient is sent for a second microbiological study and the treatment regimen is reviewed.

The use of ointment thrush in women, it blocks the spread of fungal cells and, when higher doses are prescribed, ensures their complete destruction. For therapeutic purposes, clotrimazole from thrush use 2 rubles / day, rubbing the ointment into the affected areas of the perineum.

For men, the method of application for thrush and others (candidal balanoposthitis , urogenital candidiasis ) is the same as for women.

The ointment is applied to the foreskin and glans penis and gently rubbed into the skin and mucous membranes. Multiplicity of applications - 2 rubles / day.

The drug is poorly absorbed into the skin, and its active substance is characterized by the ability to gradually accumulate in the upper layer of the skin. Due to these properties, the high efficiency of Clotrimazole ointment is ensured in thrush in men and women.

Cream Clotrimazole: instructions for use

The cream is intended for topical use. At thrush and other fungal diseases it is applied to the affected parts twice or thrice during the day and rubbed lightly.

The duration of the course depends on the indications for use and ranges from 1-2 (with candidal balanitis/vulvitis ) up to 3-4 weeks (with dermatomycoses ).

To prevent recurrence of the disease, it is very important not to stop treatment for another 2 weeks after the subjective symptoms of the infection disappear. If there is no improvement after 4 weeks of therapy, the patient should consult a doctor.

Vaginal cream Clotrimazole is injected into the vagina in portions of 5 grams 1 p. / day. within 3 days.

Instructions for the solution

Before applying Clotrimazole, the skin should be washed with warm soapy water (especially between the fingers) and dried well. The treatment of the affected areas is carried out 2-3 rubles / day. The amount of solution should be sufficient for uniform application to the entire affected surface.

If the skin of the feet is affected, the solution of liquid Clotrimazole must be applied after each wash.

The solution is the most preferred dosage form for onychomycosis . This is due to the fact that it has the best penetrating properties.

At fungal infections of the oral cavity the affected areas of the mucosa are treated with a cotton swab or swab, on which drops are first applied (from 10 to 20 drops are enough to treat each ear). Multiplicity of procedures - 3-4 rubles / day.

After applying Clotrimazole for an hour, you should refrain from eating and drinking.

Clotrimazole drops are also effective for onomycosis caused by yeast fungi. Drops are introduced into the ear with the help of turundas: a twisted cotton flagellum is moistened in a solution and 3-4 rubles / day. lay for 5-10 minutes in the ear canal. Treatment lasts from 3 to 4 weeks.

Instructions for gel

A feature of this dosage form is that the gel is well distributed on the skin and is also well absorbed into it. This allows you to use the drug, including for the treatment of hard-to-reach areas of the body.

Intravaginally, the gel is applied in the same way as the cream with clotrimazole: 1 p. / day. 5 grams. The course of treatment is 3 days.

Clotrimazole vaginal tablets: instructions for use

In the absence of other prescriptions, Clotrimazole Akri tablets and drugs synonymous with them for thrush and others fungal infections of the genitals apply:

  • within 3 days, 1 tablet 2 rubles / day;
  • within 6 days, 1 tablet 1 rub./day.

How to administer Clotrimazole vaginal tablets? Before administration, the tablet is removed from the package and moistened with chilled boiled water. The drug should be administered in the supine position with legs bent at the knees.

In order for the tablet to completely dissolve and clotrimazole to work, a moist environment is necessary (otherwise, undissolved particles may spill out). Therefore, the tablet is inserted into the vagina as deeply as possible. It is optimal to carry out the procedure before going to bed.

Treatment must be stopped before the onset of menstruation. Menstrual flow will wash out the drug, and it will not have the desired effect. During treatment with vaginal tablets, tampons, spermicides, intravaginal douches and any other vaginal products should not be used.

For sanitation of the genital tract before delivery, a woman is given a single dose of 200 mg of clotrimazole.

At pregnancy the drug is contraindicated in the 1st trimester. At a later date, clotrimazole does not adversely affect the development of the fetus, however, the use of the applicator may be associated with certain risks.

Instructions for candles

candles from thrush applied intravaginally. The drug should be injected deep into the vagina, one daily for 6 days. Conducting a second course is possible after consulting a doctor.

Candles Clotrimazole at thrush and others urogenital mycoses Do not use during menstrual bleeding. Treatment must be completed before it begins.

During pregnancy, the drug in this dosage form is used from the 2nd trimester and in situations where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risks to the fetus.

Reviews allow us to conclude that the drug quickly destroys fungal colonies and eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of fungal infections. Its other advantages include low price and a large selection of dosage forms.


When applied to the skin and intravaginally, there is no risk of acute intoxication, since clotrimazole enters the systemic circulation in very small quantities.

In case of accidental ingestion of Clotrimazole, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, gastralgia, liver dysfunction are possible. In rare cases, pollakiuria, hallucinations, drowsiness, skin allergic reactions are noted.

In this case, the patient is prescribed enterosorbents and symptomatic treatment. Gastric lavage is performed in situations where a life-threatening dose was taken within the previous hour, as well as in the presence of visible symptoms of an overdose (nausea, dizziness, vomiting).


When used simultaneously with polyene antibiotics ( , , ) drugs mutually suppress each other's activity.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

Keep away from moisture and light. Storage temperature should not exceed 25°C. Freezing of the cream, gel, ointment or solution is not allowed.

Best before date

Suppositories, cream, solution, gel and vaginal tablets are valid for 3 years after the date of issue. The shelf life for the ointment is 2 years.

special instructions

Avoid swallowing and contact with eyes.

With mycoses, all affected areas of the body should be treated simultaneously.

The use of vaginal tablets, unless otherwise advised by a doctor, is contraindicated in the presence of any of the following symptoms:

  • acyclic vaginal bleeding ;
  • bloody discharge or pathological bleeding from the vagina, uterine hemorrhages;
  • dysuria ;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • open sores, blisters, or sores of the vagina or vulva;
  • any unpleasant symptoms associated with the use of Clotrimazole (irritation, redness, burning, swelling, etc.);
  • chills or fever with a temperature rise above 38 ° C;
  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain in the shoulder or back.

To prevent reinfection, treatment is prescribed simultaneously to both partners. The optimal dosage form for men is a cream.

At in addition to the drug, chemotherapeutic agents are prescribed for systemic treatment ( inside).

What is better ointment or cream Clotrimazole?

The choice in favor of one or another dosage form is made depending on the indications. Clotrimazole ointment for women and men is prescribed for diseases that are accompanied by increased dryness and flaking of the skin.

As a rule, these are skin mycoses caused by dermatophytes ( trichophytosis , microsporia ), erythrasma , pityriasis versicolor , individual cases

Candide is a synonym for Clotrimazole. The basis of both drugs is the same substance, so there are no fundamental differences between them.

Clotrimazole or Pimafucin - which is better?

Main component antimycotic antibiotic nitamycin . Sensitivity to the drug is predominantly molds and yeast fungi (including childbirth Penicillium, Candida, Cephalosporium, Aspergillus and Fusarium).

less sensitive to Pimafucin are Pseudoallescheria boydii and dermatophytes . That is, in situations where the cause of the disease are fungi of the genus Epidermophyton, Trichophyton or microsporum, the choice should be made in favor of the drug Clotrimazole.

The use of Clotrimazole is less often accompanied by hypersensitivity reactions. Moreover, it is less frequent than Pimafucin , provokes imbalance in the microflora of the genital organs.

Clotrimazole for children

There is no experience with the use of a solution, ointment, gel and cream 1% in children.

Tablets are used from the age of 12, subject to the onset of the patient menarche .

Candles are not prescribed for children.

Clotrimazole during pregnancy and lactation

Cream, gel, ointment, solution, suppositories and vag. tablets during pregnancy can be used from the 2nd trimester.

Strictly controlled studies regarding the safety of use during pregnancy, in this regard, Clotrimazole is not prescribed in the 1st trimester.

Clinical studies on the effect of the drug on in women have not been conducted, in experiments on animals, adverse effects have not been identified.

Clotrimazole tablets and suppositories during pregnancy (in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters) do not have a negative effect on the fetus, but the use of the applicator can be dangerous.

When breastfeeding, the drug is used with caution, since it is not known whether it penetrates into milk.

Antifungal agent for topical use from the group of imidazole derivatives.

White crystalline substance, odorless. Practically insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in ether, very soluble in polyethylene glycol 400, ethanol and chloroform. Molecular weight 344.84.


pharmachologic effect- antibacterial, antiprotozoal, trichomonacid, broad spectrum antifungal.

Violates the synthesis of ergosterol (the main structural component of the fungal cell membrane), changes the permeability of the fungal membrane, promotes the release of potassium, intracellular phosphorus compounds from the cell and the breakdown of cellular nucleic acids. Inhibits the synthesis of triglycerides and phospholipids. It reduces the activity of oxidative and peroxidase enzymes, as a result of which the intracellular concentration of hydrogen peroxide rises to a toxic level, which contributes to the destruction of cell organelles and leads to cell necrosis. Depending on the concentration, it exhibits a fungicidal or fungistatic effect. Inhibits blastospore transformation candida albicans into an invasive mycelial form.

Clotrimazole acts mainly on growing and dividing microorganisms. In vitro exhibits fungicidal and fungistatic activity against dermatomycetes (Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis), yeast-like fungi Candida spp.(including candida albicans). Active against the causative agent of multi-colored lichen - Pityrosporum orbiculare(Malassezia furfur).

Fungal strains with natural resistance to clotrimazole are rare. Primary resistance to clotrimazole has only been described for Candida guillermondii.

Effective against gram-positive bacteria - the causative agent of erythrasma Corynebacterium minutissimum, as well as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., gram-negative bacteria Bacteroides, Gardnerella vaginalis. At high concentrations, it is active against Trichomonas vaginalis.

It is poorly absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes.

It accumulates in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the concentration in the deep layers of the epidermis is higher than the MIC for dermatomycetes. When applied to the nails, it is found in keratin.

With intravaginal administration, 3-10% of the dose is absorbed.

In the liver, it is rapidly biotransformed to inactive metabolites and excreted in the faeces. Absorbed clotrimazole induces the activity of microsomal liver enzymes, which leads to an acceleration of its catabolism.

High concentrations in the vaginal secretion and low concentrations in the blood persist for 48-72 hours.

Carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, effect on fertility

There was no evidence of carcinogenicity of clotrimazole in a study in rats given it orally for 18 months. Long-term studies in animals to evaluate the potential carcinogenicity of clotrimazole when administered intravaginally have not been conducted.

The study of mutagenicity in Chinese hamsters, which received 5 doses of clotrimazole at 100 mg/kg orally, did not reveal a mutagenic effect - structural changes during metaphase in spermatophore chromosomes.

Pregnancy. In studies in pregnant rats with intravaginal doses of clotrimazole up to 100 mg / kg, no adverse effects on the fetus were found. However, daily oral doses of clotrimazole at doses of 50 to 120 mg/kg resulted in embryotoxicity in rats and mice (possibly secondary to maternal toxicity). So, in mice, when taking clotrimazole in doses 120 times higher than the usual dose in humans, in the period from 9 weeks to mating and until the end of feeding, mating disorders, a decrease in the number of viable cubs, and a decrease in the survival rate of offspring from birth to the end of feeding were recorded. At doses up to 60 times the usual human dose, no adverse effects were observed. In rats at doses 50 times the usual dose in humans, clotrimazole, with a similar observation period, caused a slight decrease in the number of pups in the offspring and a decrease in their survival. No teratogenic effect was found in mice, rabbits and rats when taking clotrimazole orally at doses up to 200, 180 and 100 mg/kg, respectively.

The use of the substance Clotrimazole

Fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes: ringworm, dermatophytosis, trichophytosis, epidermophytosis, microsporia, candidiasis, interdigital fungal erosion, fungal paronychia; mycoses complicated by secondary pyoderma; versicolor versicolor, erythrasma; candidiasis stomatitis; candidal vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, balanitis, trichomoniasis; for sanitation of the birth canal before childbirth.



Use during pregnancy and lactation

It should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy (no adequate and well-controlled studies have been conducted). With intravaginal use in women in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy, no adverse effects on the fetus have been identified, however, the use of a vaginal applicator is undesirable.

With caution - during breastfeeding (it is not known whether clotrimazole passes into breast milk).

Side effects of the substance Clotrimazole

Allergic reactions (itching, urticaria).

When applied topically to the skin: erythema, blistering, swelling, burning and tingling, irritation and peeling of the skin.

When applied topically to treat urogenital infections: itching, burning, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane, vaginal discharge, frequent urination, intercurrent cystitis, burning sensation in the partner's penis, pain during intercourse.

When applied topically in the oral cavity: redness of the oral mucosa, burning sensation and tingling at the site of application, irritation.


Reduces the activity (mutually) of polyene antibiotics (amphotericin B, nystatin, natamycin).


In case of accidental ingestion of drugs inside, the following are possible: symptoms: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, gastralgia, liver dysfunction; rarely - drowsiness, hallucinations, pollakiuria, allergic skin reactions.

Treatment: activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy.

Routes of administration


Precautions of the substance Clotrimazole

Avoid getting drugs on the mucous membrane of the eyes. Avoid application on areas with violation of the integrity of the skin.

After applying the cream, do not use airtight bandages.

For the prevention of reinfection, simultaneous treatment of the sexual partner is recommended. Do not prescribe intravaginally during menstruation. With trichomoniasis, a combined intake with systemic chemotherapeutic agents (metronidazole orally) is recommended.

In patients with impaired liver function, its functional state should be periodically monitored.

The appearance of irritation or signs of hypersensitivity requires discontinuation of treatment.

In the absence of clinical improvement within 4 weeks, a microbiological study should be performed to confirm the diagnosis and exclude another cause of the disease.

Interactions with other active substances

Trade names

Name The value of the Wyshkovsky Index ®

In our time, no one is protected from such a scourge as a fungus; everyone, without exception, can catch this disease. Perhaps he already lives in your body, but the body's defenses successfully suppress its development.

However, at the slightest failure in the immune system, harmful microorganisms can become activated and lead to unpleasant consequences. Clotrimazole ointment will help to quickly and painlessly say goodbye to the fungus. This effective tool should be kept in every first aid kit.

The composition of the ointment Clotrimazole

The composition of this drug includes the active substance clotrimazole, which has antifungal properties, as well as the following auxiliary components:

  • propylene glycol;
  • polyethylene oxide 400;
  • polyethylene oxide 1500;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate or methyl paraben.

The drug must be stored at a temperature of +5 to + 25 ° C, in a dry place out of the reach of children.

What ointment helps from: indications for use

This antifungal agent treats the skin and mucous membranes. The active substances of Clotrimazole penetrate the fungal cell and inhibit its development. After using the drug, the harmful cell accumulates a lot of hydrogen peroxide, which leads to its destruction.

This tool not only kills the fungus, but also helps to cope with pathogenic bacteria that adversely affect human health. The drug is used to treat various diseases of the legs, mucous membranes, skin caused by fungi:

  • thrush;
  • genital candidiasis complicated by trichomoniasis;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • paronychia;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • erythrasma, etc.

Also, this remedy is recommended for infection with a fungus that provokes microsporia and. Fungi are especially sensitive to the main active substance, and therefore are destroyed quickly enough. However, you should prepare for the fact that the treatment will take more than one week.

In addition, the ointment helps to cope with such a problem as skin pigmentation. Of course, Clotrimazole is primarily an antifungal agent. But despite this, he helped many people get rid of age spots. Also, the drug is effective for streptoderma and herpes.

Analogues of Clotrimazole ointment:

  • Candide;
  • Kanesten;
  • Amyclone;
  • Candibene.

How to use Clotrimazole ointment

The method of use for many diseases is the same - the ointment is applied 3-4 times a day in a small dose on dry and clean skin or mucous membranes. Rub the drug into the affected areas carefully and carefully. It is impossible to cover the treated areas with bandages.

Often, doctors advise using the ointment in combination with other drugs. For example, with thrush, only complex treatment will be truly effective - using ointment and vaginal suppositories.

The course of treatment with ointment can have a different duration, which depends on the form and stage of the disease. On average, you can focus on the fact that:

  • Treatment of mycoses lasts at least a month. You can not interrupt the course even in the absence of visible signs of the disease. Sometimes doctors advise continuing to use the ointment for another 2-3 weeks after treatment for preventive purposes.
  • Foot fungus must be treated for another two weeks after the symptoms have completely resolved.
  • Lichen is treated for three weeks or more.
  • Mild forms of thrush pass quite quickly - in 7-10 days.

How to use for thrush

Thrush is a common disease that affects both women and men. With candidiasis, it is recommended to use the ointment 2 times a day, treating the areas affected by the fungus with the agent.

Women should apply the ointment when the first symptoms appear, such as: itching and irritation in intimate places, a feeling of swelling, copious cheesy discharge, and burning when emptying the bladder.

With thrush, the vagina must be lubricated once a day with a thin layer of ointment, gently rubbing it in a circular motion. If the disease is chronic, then the drug should be applied not once, but three times a day. Approximate dosage - 5 gr. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. During the application of the ointment, you can not have sex. In the presence of the disease, both partners are treated. Clotrimazole for men is applied twice a day to the head and foreskin of the penis.

From nail and foot fungus

Small doses of Clotrimazole inhibit the development of mycosis, and large doses completely destroy it. Before proceeding to the use of the medication, it is necessary to wash the affected area with laundry soap and a solution of baking soda, and then dry it thoroughly.

The ointment must be applied in a thin layer on the affected areas 3 times a day. Treated areas must not be covered. After 5 days, you can notice the first signs of healing, but you should not interrupt the treatment. As a rule, treatment lasts 4-8 weeks. To make sure of your full recovery, you must pass the appropriate tests.

For the treatment of lichen

Clotrimazole ointment is used to treat pityriasis (color, multi-colored) lichen. This disease is caused by yeast. These microorganisms are opportunistic pathogens, i.e. they can live in the body of a healthy person, but do not cause any disturbance. However, certain factors can provoke uncontrolled reproduction of fungi, which will lead to the development of colored lichen.

With this disease, the ointment is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day for 2-4 weeks.

Can it be used during pregnancy and lactation

There is no evidence that the ointment can cause disturbances in the embryonic development of the fetus, however, the appropriateness of using this drug should be determined by the doctor on an individual basis. It is impossible to treat mammary glands with Clotrimazole during breastfeeding and lactation.

Contraindications and side effects

The ointment can not be used with increased sensitivity of the patient to its components and in the first three months of pregnancy. It is not recommended to apply the ointment for wet inflammations - in this case, it is better to resort to a cream with the same name, since it has drying properties.

With caution, the ointment is taken in the second and third trimester, as well as for problems with the liver.

Usually the drug is well tolerated by patients, but in some cases, side effects in the form of itching and irritation are possible. Swelling, peeling, redness may appear on the skin. In this case, the doctor determines the advisability of further use of the drug.

If an allergy in the form of urticaria appears on the skin after using Clotrimazole, then treatment should be immediately interrupted.