Cardio for weight loss. How to lose weight without doing cardio Will cardio only help you lose weight

Overweight people are looking for new ways to lose weight. Diets give a short-term effect: the weight returns in 95% of cases after the end, so the issue of losing weight must be approached comprehensively. One of its important aspects is cardio loading. They help speed up the process of losing weight and consolidate the result. It is not acceptable or financially expensive for everyone to go to the gym, but the fat burning process can be successfully started at home.

What is cardio

Cardio is a type of physical activity aimed at training the heart muscle.. The main feature of such exercises is their specificity. When the pulse increases to 120 beats per minute, the body begins to use subcutaneous fat as fuel. Cardio will give results, but you need to adhere to strict rules.

Rules for weight loss and burning fat without exercise equipment

You can control the load using a heart rate bracelet and outside the gym

Systematic training

Cardio gives good results only with daily repetition of exercises. If this is jogging, then its results will begin to appear in a few weeks, and it may take months to fully consolidate. One missed workout gives a signal to the body. As a result, the metabolism slows down, the strength of the heart muscle decreases, and the process of losing weight stops completely.

Drink while exercising

During cardio, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Classical beliefs that you can’t drink because of training lead to a heart attack. The dehydration experienced during jogging thickens the blood and puts a lot of stress on the heart, which creates the possibility of a buildup of cholesterol plaques. Water increases the performance of the practitioner, which allows you to train more and more intensely. Water consumption speeds up the metabolism, and this increases the amount of subcutaneous fat burned.

Don't run in the morning

In the morning, the body does not yet have time to mobilize its forces, catabolic processes prevail over anabolic ones. Catabolic processes are those that affect the destruction of tissues in the body. The predominance of catabolism over anabolism leads to a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in body fat. Anabolic processes are those that are responsible for the restoration of the body. Anabolism is an important part of gaining muscle mass, and the heart is also a muscle.

Note: Muscles are energy consumers. More muscle mass absorbs more calories, as a result of which the fat layer begins to be burned more actively. The body cannot gain mass and burn fat at the same time. The processes of anabolism and catabolism in the body are cyclic. No need to be upset if the first time after training, the mass begins to increase.

The heart in the morning does not work at full capacity, so exercise causes overload and can cause tachycardia, heart failure, and even lead to serious pathologies.

Load progression

Over time, the body gets used to the stress, the heart becomes stronger, and fat is burned with difficulty. A competent progression of loads should be built according to the following principle - a step back, two steps forward. What does it mean?

Sudden increase in load leads to serious injury

At the initial stage, a person should devote 10 to 20 minutes a day to cardio. Over time, this figure should reach 40-50 minutes a day, after which the body needs to give a break, and within one to two weeks, reduce the intensity to 25-30 minutes a day. At the end of the adaptation period, increase the intensity/time of exercise up to one hour. After that, reset 10 minutes ... And with such cycles to get the level of everyday loads up to 90-120 minutes.

Cycles of intense cardio should be 3-4 weeks, recovery 1-2 weeks. This will allow you not to injure the heart muscle, accelerate and consolidate the results of losing weight.

Watch your pulse

Monitoring heart rate (heart rate) is especially important for people who are not physically prepared. To monitor your heartbeat, you need to purchase a special heart rate bracelet. During intense workouts, the heart rate should be between 100 and 135 beats per minute. If he does not reach this mark, then training will not bring tangible results.

Modern fitness bracelets can measure not only the pulse, but also other useful indicators. They analyze your daily activities and give tips on how to achieve your goal as quickly as possible.

When the pulse exceeds the number of beats of 140, this leads to ischemic pain, micro-ruptures inside the heart muscle. They lead to scarring of the connective tissue. As a result - an increase in the heart and its weakening. This disease is called "athlete's heart" and it is irreversible. With constant overload, a person runs the risk of remaining disabled for the rest of his life.

Pathology develops due to the proliferation of connective tissue

When your heart rate gets too high during a workout, the intensity of your cardio needs to be reduced to bring your heart rate into the working range. If the heart rate does not decrease, you need to take a break before the next run. With training of the heart at the same loads, the pulse will be less.

Make and follow a meal plan

To improve the results of cardio, you need to change your nutrition plan. First of all, cut calories by 5%, increase the amount of omega-3 fats, slow carbohydrates and proteins. Eat more often, but less - divide your usual diet not into 2-3 meals, but into 5-6. Try to drink plenty of water - at least 5-6 glasses a day.

Note: Increasing the number of meals helps speed up the metabolism for people with a low metabolism. Fractional nutrition allows not only to reduce weight, but also to do it painlessly.

A sample meal plan might look like this:

  • Morning. 5 boiled eggs, a portion of buckwheat porridge (about 250-300 grams). A cup of coffee or orange juice.
  • Dinner. Portion of soup with vegetables. Salad with green vegetables. Can be replaced with a serving of pasta or porridge.
  • afternoon tea. Any sweet fruits - apples, bananas, etc.
  • Dinner. 350 grams of cottage cheese, a glass of milk.
  • After cardio. 3 eggs, half a liter of milk, kefir. Can be replaced with any high protein food.

Note: The meal plan in this article is just an example of a typical 5-meal diet. Products and serving sizes are selected based on the individual needs of the body for proteins, carbohydrates and total calories.

The complete absence of fat in the diet will very quickly affect the appearance, in particular the condition of the skin and hair. Don't forget to add some "healthy" fat to your meals in the afternoon, like olive oil or flaxseed oil.

An increase in protein will improve muscle condition, favorably affect their size and tone. Due to the deficiency caused by exercise, the body will actively burn subcutaneous fat.

Shock your body

To do this, you need to regularly change the exercises in your load program. The human body is designed in such a way that over time it gets used to any physical activity. To increase its effectiveness, you need to constantly shock it. This will not only improve weight loss results, but also increase functional endurance. Alternate running with climbing stairs and other exercises. Exercises need to be changed at each stage of recovery, that is, during the first month a person is jogging, and with the onset of the second he is engaged in stepping.

Warm up

Before carrying out any training, including cardio loads, it is necessary to warm up thoroughly. For this, the standard scrolling of all joints, the simplest stretching (stretching) are suitable. You can use some exercises from Pilates. Warming up will warm up the heart, muscles and avoid traumatic situations.

Cardio at home

Today, many people go to the gym to keep fit. They are equipped with the most modern equipment that allows you to effectively burn fat / gain weight, etc. But if there is no opportunity to go to the gym, then you should use an excellent set of exercises that will help you lose weight without financial costs.

Home exercises

Basic exercises performed at a high pace can create a sufficient load on the heart.. For overweight people, this can even be squats performed with maximum intensity. The main thing is that the exercise is continuous throughout the entire execution time, and the heart rate reaches the previously indicated mark. There are a number of classic exercises that have long been considered designed specifically for cardio.


At the initial stage, it can be race walking. If a person is going to lose weight and train his heart with walking / running, he needs to take care of special shock-absorbing shoes.

To protect your joints from excessive shock load when running, which is inevitable in overweight people, it is worth buying shoes with shock-absorbing elements.

Running is the simplest exercise, as it does not require any additional training. Running is not recommended for people suffering from excessive overweight, exceeding the mark of 120 kilograms. Since the load on the joints is simply huge, there is a high risk of wearing them out, which will lead to problems with the legs in the future. Cushioning shoes take most of the load off the joints and distribute it evenly over the body.

For beginners, it is better to limit yourself to low speed and long duration. With an increase in the fitness of the body, you can increase the intensity of running (by accelerating) and leave the time the same. It can be running at a speed of 4-6 kilometers per hour for 40-60 minutes.

Jogging Anatomy

There are simple variations that increase the load on the heart, work out the muscles better, allow you to diversify the load and shock the body.

  • Running with legs held high. This variety is suitable for those who do not have extra time. The load on the entire body increases several times, which will speed up the process of fat burning. It can be used as a load before the main marathon or as an independent exercise. Not recommended for people with weak ligaments and joints.
  • Overlap running. This exercise is much easier than the previous one, but it is also able to “fire up” the heart well.
  • Cross country running. The most difficult exercise. It is suitable for people living in villages or the private sector.

Race walking is a type of running that reduces stress on the joints and is suitable for beginners. The recommended duration starts from 20 minutes. After walking ceases to warm up the heart to 120 beats per minute, it is necessary to switch to running.


This exercise came from physical education schools. There, with the help of a step test, the endurance of athletes was measured. Two minutes of stepping showed how strong the cardiovascular system is. To do this exercise… you need a sofa, chair, or bench.

The essence of the exercise is to climb a hill without the help of hands. The progression of loads can be carried out due to:

  • increase in lifting height;
  • increase in intensity (speed);
  • increase in time.

This exercise is great for those people who have a weak cardiovascular system, as it allows you to start with very small loads and progress until running or other types of cardio loads become available to the trainee.

As in the case of race walking, a person should measure their pulse and try to keep it within 100-120 beats per minute. In addition to the heart, this exercise perfectly trains the calf, gluteal and other muscles, which will help girls who want to put their legs in order.

Instead of steppes, a sofa or a low bench is quite suitable.


This is a variation on the advanced step test. A person rises without the help of hands, without missing a single step. If fitness allows, you can jump over the step without slowing down the pace. The benefits of this exercise are familiar to people who live on the tenth floor of a building with a broken elevator. To climb the stairs, you can add a downhill. It works great for the front of the ankle and hip flexors. Within a month, fast climbing the stairs will be able to improve your health and lose weight by a few kilograms.


There are legends about the benefits and harms of cycling. Bicycling allows you to lose weight and get the strongest heart. It works all muscle groups (including the lower back), which can help people suffering from spinal problems. The minimum cycling time should start at 30-40 minutes at a speed that allows you to maintain a heart rate in the range of 100-120 beats per minute.

Note: When cycling, you need to sometimes limit yourself so as not to get serious injuries. Before starting a bike ride, you need to give yourself a clear setting for losing weight, and not for achieving maximum speed. Tour de France cyclists have the strongest hearts in the world, but because of constant overload and dehydration, they are more vulnerable to heart disease. Never ride a bike in hot weather.

Anatomy of cycling

jump rope

Jumping rope is used by boxers and other athletes to maintain their cardiovascular system. The rope will not be able to give a constant load on the heart muscle, so it is advisable to use it at the initial stage of losing weight or as a warm-up before running or cycling.

To diversify standard rope jumps, the trainee can work out complex elements (double, cross jumps, etc.). These exercises will allow you to work out not only the muscles of the legs and heart, but also perfectly train the abdominal muscles, accelerating the appearance of the desired cubes. Intense jumping rope trains the hands and forearms, which will prevent sagging and generally give an aesthetic look to the practitioner.

Skipping rope, like stepping, will be an ideal option for shy people who cannot / do not want to leave their home. As with other exercises, do not overdo it in the initial stages. The first few jump rope workouts should be limited to 3-5 minutes. In these workouts, the muscles adapt to a new type of load. After a week of training, you can increase the time to 20-30 minutes a day. When the body finally adapts, it is necessary to increase the intensity. The limit, as elsewhere, is 100-120 heart beats per minute for the duration of the workout.

CrossFit elements: the most powerful cardio workout at home (video)

Cardio without jumping and running (video guide)


Subject to the above recommendations (rules), following simple high-protein diets, you can lose up to 10% of your own weight in a month. Long-term exercise will speed up the process of metabolism and weight loss. As a result, not only weight loss, but also a beautiful trained body, with which it is not a shame to show up on the beach.


There may be the following contraindications for training the heart:

  • Any pathology of the cardiovascular system;

Note: in this case, cardio is not categorically contraindicated, but before carrying out any load, it is necessary to consult a doctor, only he can determine the correct intensity and set of exercises that will strengthen the blood vessels.

  • Diseases of the digestive system:
    • stomach ulcer;
    • Duodenal ulcer;
    • Gastritis;
    • Cyst;
    • Tumor;
  • High/low blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are contraindicated in a large number of cardio loads because of the possibility of provoking a relapse. If you have hypertension or hypotension, you should consult your doctor before starting exercise. He will be able to adjust the level of stress and prescribe maintenance drugs;
  • People with joint problems need to limit the load, so in most cases they are contraindicated in running, jumping rope and cardio, which increases the load on the joints. Instead, an ellipsoid machine, designed specifically to reduce stress on the joints, as well as the load on an exercise bike, may be suitable, but both of them are unlikely to be available at home.
  • Injuries to the legs, arms, ribs, etc.
  • Cold.

Cardio training is a great way to lose weight, improve your health and prepare your figure for the next summer season. They allow you to get rid of many diseases associated with blood vessels. In combination with a properly formulated diet, a healthy lifestyle and proper sleep, cardio training can give stunning results. For a year, you can reduce the amount of body fat up to 6% of body weight. Those who want to lose weight and professional athletes who need to quickly lose weight before competitions resort to heart training, which is another plus of this type of exercise.

In order for cardio to achieve your goal, you need to know the basic rules for doing this type of physical activity, as well as when it is best to do cardio - before or after strength training.

Doing cardio is doing physical exercises that increase the heart rate. As a result of such activity, the work of the heart muscle and vascular system improves, endurance develops, and the metabolic process is activated.

There are many types of cardio workouts. The most popular are the following: rowing and aerobics, jumping rope, swimming, running, skiing. For one hour of such training, from 400 to 600 kilocalories are spent. Cardio is often presented as the best way to fight extra pounds and fat, which is not entirely true.

Cardio and weight loss

The relationship between calories burned and the type of cardio expended while doing this or that type of cardio, which most people who want to lose weight are looking for in their workouts, preferring running rather than walking, can cause metabolic disorders. This is due to the combination of a sharp reduction in diet with exhausting runs.

The number of calories burned during cardio depends more on the average heart rate than on the type of physical activity. The faster the heart beats, the more energy is expended. Energy consumption is also affected by the duration of classes.

How dangerous can jogging be?

Running has a positive effect on human health, but it is not the simplest and easiest type of cardio. Incorrect technique, too hard surface, inappropriate shoes are factors that can lead to injury. To run correctly, this must be learned.

Jogging is not for everyone. They are contraindicated for overweight people, because due to shock loads, pressure on the joints, especially the knees, increases, which can cause chronic pain. Rowing or swimming will be much safer.

The role of cardio before and after strength training

Warming up with cardio, lasting from four to seven minutes, is a great way to prepare the body for the upcoming loads. It speeds up blood flow, raises body temperature. The main thing is to monitor the pulse, the frequency of which should be at the level of 130-150 beats / min.

Cardio, performed after the main training, helps to rid the stomach and sides of the fat layer, increase the relief of the muscles. The most effective in this regard are circular and interval cardio training.

Fat burning cardio

The mechanism of getting rid of body fat starts after the depletion of glycogen - the carbohydrate stored by the muscles. This can be achieved when doing cardio for at least forty-five minutes or immediately after completing the main strength training.

Do not overestimate the role of sports in the process of losing weight. Eliminating junk food from the diet and reducing the total calorie intake to a moderate level bring a much more tangible result. It is easier to prevent an excess of calories than to deal with the consequences of immoderate or malnutrition.

How to make cardio as effective as possible?

To benefit from cardio, you need to follow four simple rules:

Short cardio as part of the warm-up

Suitable for those who want to lose weight, and for athletes who train to build muscle mass. Performing light cardio as part of a warm-up for the upcoming training allows you to prepare the body and muscles for stress, to make classes more effective.

Active cardio is not for everyone.

Such physical activity negatively affects the growth of muscles, cannot be combined with exercises aimed at increasing the relief. The body is not able to increase and decrease body weight at the same time.

Heart rate is paramount

The number of calories burned is more dependent on heart rate and duration of training than on the type of activity. A forty-minute session on a rowing machine at an average pace is much more effective than a ten-minute “speedy” run.

The right timing

It is best to engage in high-intensity, circuit and other types of cardio for weight loss when glycogen stores are depleted, blood sugar is low, for example, on an empty stomach in the morning.

Cardio training stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system, is important not only for warming up, but also for using sugar as a source of nutrition, which leads to the process of fat burning, that is, to weight loss.

Cardio training is the most popular and effective way to lose weight. For one such workout, you can burn about 500 calories! However, the active burning of calories and the feeling of lightness in the body after training have made cardio hostage to a big myth among women. We are ready to dispel it: cardio only speeds up the process of burning fat and removes excess moisture from the body, but you can really get rid of extra pounds forever with the help of physical activity and a healthy diet. On the other hand, cardio speeds up this process and the truth is very significant.

What are they like?

All cardio workouts can be conditionally replaced by two types ─ long and high intensity.

The first includes a leisurely run in the morning or a walk on a treadmill, combined with watching a series. In order to have time to tone the muscles and force the body to burn excess fat, you will have to train for at least 40 minutes. And this is the main drawback of low-intensity cardio: to feel how the centimeters gained over the winter go, you will need at least three workouts a week. For many, this option is too monotonous.

When doing long cardio workouts, remember to monitor your heart rate: it should not exceed 60-70% of your peak (to calculate the peak beats per minute, subtract your age from 220).

Much more energetic and varied are high-intensity workouts. Simply put, this is any activity that involves an active change of exercises based on aerobic exercise: you can dance fiery Latin dances, alternate sprints with high hips in a nearby park, or even develop your imagination by inventing new ways to jump rope.

The most effective high-intensity workouts are power loads based on jumping exercises: jumping out of a squat, jumping with push-ups, etc. ─ Repeat the exercise 10 times, take a break of 30 seconds, stepping in place, and move on to the next cycle. This, by the way, is a great way to combine fat-burning cardio with direct fat-burning strength training. In addition to the fact that intensive exercises bring much more emotions, they are also attractive for their short duration: 20 minutes of active exercise will be enough (the main thing at this time is not to let yourself relax and not slow down).

There are many interesting activities that help turn physical activity into a game or an incendiary dance: from step aerobics to trendy zumba or twerking ─ you just have to choose what suits you in terms of temperament and level of activity.

How to exercise to lose weight?

A few simple rules.

Don't be afraid to start from scratch. It will take time for your body to get used to the new training regimen, so if for now you can only walk in place or do basic steps from the step ─ well, this is the result. Increase the load as soon as you feel that you are ready to move on.

Increase the pace during the process, and after the peak load, gradually reduce it to prepare the body to return to a resting state. In case you alternate high-intensity exercises, move from simple to complex and back.

Train at least three times a week. For intense weight loss, you can do this every day. Just don't get carried away! It is recommended to continue in this mode for no more than 2-3 weeks.

It is better not to eat for an hour before and after cardio, otherwise the body will burn fat from the food just eaten. In addition, after exercise, a huge amount of free fats appears in the blood, which are completely destroyed by metabolic processes. By eating, you force them back into adipose tissue.

When is the best time to practice?

Before breakfast. Numerous studies have proven that an active workout before the first meal burns more calories than the one that will be done during the day. During this period, the metabolism is more intense under the influence of activating hormones - glucocorticoids and catecholamines. So for identical efforts in the morning, 20% more energy will be required. But to decide on physical activity, when the stomach begs for mercy and portions of carbohydrates, not everyone can do it.

Before strength training. The undoubted advantage of this option is the ability to properly warm up before the load in order to reduce the risk of injury. This approach is ideal for people who are severely overweight or fitness beginners: moderate jogging before a workout with weights or strength training won't hurt. More experienced athletes run the risk of switching to high-intensity cardio, during which the heart rate rises too high, which in turn leads to shortness of breath and lack of energy during the main workout. So if you are already a confident athlete, it is not recommended to do cardio before strength training.

After strength training. The most popular time for aerobic exercise, and not least because it allows you to save time and go to the fitness club once instead of twice ─ after strength training, you have enough stamina to devote time to intense weight loss. The main goal of training at this particular time is to “wash out” the toxins accumulated during power loads from the muscles.

There are a fairly large number of types of aerobic exercise. Many people get confused and do not understand which cardio workout for burning fat will suit them best. Today I want to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of various types of cardio.

Fat burning cardio workouts: which ones are best for weight loss

Due to its characteristics, aerobic exercise forces the body to use fat reserves as the main source of energy, and relegate carbohydrates and proteins to the background. Therefore, it is obvious that on drying in your training program there should be a cardio load.

At the same time, what kind of cardio for weight loss should be done is a question that causes a lot of controversy. Typically, aerobic exercise is done at moderate intensity (although high intensity has been proven to burn more calories) and lasts 15-20 minutes. This time is enough to stimulate the work of the heart and lungs and force the body to actively consume oxygen.

Here are the main types of cardio for burning fat:

  • cycling
  • Rowing
  • Walking

Their commonality lies in the fact that they involve the largest muscle groups of the body. During aerobic exercise, oxygen, fats and carbohydrates combine to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - the main source of "fuel" for all cells.

Since there is more fat in the body than carbohydrates and proteins, it is more effective in terms of providing energy during cardio training for weight loss. In addition, it mobilizes faster in the presence of oxygen.

Thus, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (50-75% of your maximum heart rate) should probably burn a lot of fat. But will she allow it to be done in the long run? Some researchers suggest not.

In fact, a lot depends on what the heart rate is when doing cardio to burn fat. High-intensity cardio (75% or more of your maximum heart rate) consumes more calories, which directly affects the burning of adipose tissue. To calculate your maximum heart rate, you need to subtract your age from 220.

As long as the exercise is performed in the aerobic zone (using oxygen) and does not become anaerobic (using carbohydrates), then the higher its intensity, the better.

This does not mean that low-intensity cardio is useless. As I will explain later, it has its place in training. However, if you want to lose weight in the shortest possible time, then you must stick to a high intensity.

The purpose of this article is to identify the optimal cardio workouts for burning fat, as well as explain why they are effective. But let's first look at the benefits of high intensity over low intensity.

The benefits of aerobic exercise

All types of aerobic exercise are equally beneficial. At the same time, both high and low intensity of their implementation (albeit within the so-called fat burning zone) has its advantages.

To accurately determine the intensity you need for yourself, you need to calculate the target heart rate. The lower limit of the target zone is 55% of MHR and the upper limit is 80% of MHR. Use an online calculator to work out these numbers (or just subtract your age from 220 and then multiply the result by 0.55 and 0.8 respectively).

Cardio training (regardless of intensity) will help:

  • Strengthen the muscles involved in breathing, which means improving lung function
  • Increase the number of red blood cells in the body, which will allow oxygen to circulate better throughout the body
  • Strengthen the heart muscle
  • Relieve stress and tension, as well as improve the psychological state
  • Improve blood circulation in all parts of the body
  • Boost self esteem

Benefits of low to moderate intensity cardio (50-75% of MHR):

  • Generally provides less impact on joints, making it ideal for those with obesity or low fitness levels
  • Burns fat directly (not calories in general) and can be done over a long period of time
  • Can be used for active recovery

High Intensity Cardio Benefits (70-85% of MHR):

  • Burns more calories and fat
  • Increases metabolic rate (during and post-workout) more than low-intensity cardio
  • Improves endurance, strength and performance
  • Helps in the prevention of osteoporosis

Cardio exercises for weight loss and their benefits

The following types of cardio have different intensities. Pick the one you like the most and still give consistent results.

1. Walking (burns 300-400 calories per hour)

Walking was once thought to be the perfect cardio workout for weight loss and overall health. However, it is now regarded as one of the least effective aerobic exercises.

Walking is great for beginners and also for those with injuries or obesity. Naturally, the lower the intensity of the load, the lower the number of calories burned per unit of time (15 minutes of cycling burns more calories than 45 minutes of walking at a moderate pace).

In addition, after walking, the metabolism accelerates by only 1-2 hours on average, in contrast to high-intensity aerobic activity, where it can be increased to 24 hours or more.

Pros of walking:

  • Help with weight loss for obese people (who cannot do other exercises)
  • Suitable for people with sore joints
  • Moderate intensity suitable for active recovery
  • Intensity: 50-70% of MHR
  • Duration: 20-45 minutes

2. Running (burns about 600 calories per hour)

Running is an effective cardio for losing weight and improving overall fitness.

Although running is stressful on the joints, it is high enough in intensity to burn a lot of calories and stimulate your metabolism for a long time after your workout.

For fat burning purposes, jogging is better, as this will allow you not to cross the anaerobic threshold and not burn carbohydrates as your main source of energy. Running, like walking, involves the entire lower body, only on a much larger scale.

In particular, it includes the hip flexor muscles, biceps femoris, quadriceps, calf and soleus muscles. When running, the arms also actively move, which provides additional calories burned.

Pros of running:

  • Ability to train at higher intensity and burn more fat as a result
  • Work on the relief of the muscles of the legs
  • Improving fitness and athletic performance in general
  • Increased metabolic rate for up to 24 hours
  • Help in the prevention of osteoporosis
  • Frequency: 3 times a week
  • Intensity: 65-85% of MHR
  • Duration: 20-30 minutes

3. Cycling (burns about 600 calories per hour)

Cycling uses the same muscles as running, but it has the added benefit of less stress on your joints.

You can pedal both on an exercise bike (the preferred option for those who want to burn more fat) and a bicycle.

Any of these methods will suit almost everyone, since by adjusting the resistance you can set different levels of intensity. This makes cycling ideal for HIIT training. For bodybuilders, cycling will also help you work on defining your quads.

The benefits of cycling:

  • Less impact on joints, high intensity
  • Improving physical fitness in general and achieving great sports results
  • Work on the relief of quadriceps
  • Frequency: 3 times a week
  • Intensity: 65-85% of MHR
  • Duration: 30-45 minutes

4. Rowing (burns about 840 calories per hour)

The rowing machine makes it possible to conduct excellent high-intensity cardio for weight loss. Rowing burns more calories per hour than any other aerobic exercise.

Pros of working in a rowing machine:

  • Burns more calories than any other cardio exercise
  • General body workout
  • Low joint impact, high intensity
  • Improving physical fitness and achieving great sports results

5. Swimming (burns about 600 calories per hour)

Like rowing, swimming exercises the body as a whole while burning a large number of calories. It also does not stress the joints, and the risk of injury in the water is minimal.

Swimming works equally well for most people. To focus on different muscle groups, swim in different styles. Changing the intensity will also help you burn more calories.

Pros of swimming:

  • Low chance of injury
  • Work of all major muscle groups
  • Improving fitness and athletic performance
  • Burning lots of calories and fat

6. Jump rope (burns about 1000 calories per hour)

Jumping rope allows you to conduct very effective cardio workouts for weight loss. They also allow you to work on the relief of the calves and shoulders, since they actively involve these muscle groups.

Jumping rope is perhaps one of the most difficult aerobic exercises, because it requires serious skills, strength, attention and patience. It burns more calories than rowing (over 1000).

The duration of the workout should not be too long to eliminate the risk of injury to the lower leg or thigh.

Pros of jumping rope:

  • A large number of calories burned
  • Help prevent osteoporosis
  • The development of explosive strength, endurance and speed (jumping rope is an integral part of the training of boxers).

7. HIIT training

HIIT (high intensity interval training) is relatively new and one of the most effective ways to burn fat. Thanks to the increased intensity, it allows you to achieve excellent results and at the same time spend less time in the gym. HIIT training increases the metabolic rate for the next 24 hours.

With stationary cardio with a constant load, the body tries to save calories. HIIT allows you to avoid this situation due to the fact that you change the intensity of movements every minute.

An example of a HIIT workout:

Cycle the exercise bike at a moderate intensity (75-80% of MHR) for 2 minutes and then for 30-60 seconds at a high intensity (90% of MHR). Repeat the cycle for up to 30 minutes. Running, rowing or swimming can also be used for this workout.

Benefits of HIIT training:

  • Increased levels of fat-burning hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine
  • Decreased insulin levels
  • Increasing the metabolic rate to a greater extent than with other cardio exercises

Fat Burning Cardio Recommendations

Start gradually

As with any other exercise, you should start cardio at a slow pace, especially if you are a beginner or if you are overweight. Walking is great for beginners as it is low-intensity and relieves pressure on the joints.

Sudden transition to heavy loads can lead to injury. It is important to start slowly to warm up the muscles and stretch the joints for the work ahead.

Work in the target heart rate zone

It's important to stay within your target heart rate zone to get the most out of your workouts and avoid negative health effects. Using the above formula, you can determine the lower and upper limits of the pulse.

Do not overdo it

Your top priority is safety. Trying to do too much is likely to have the opposite effect. How long should a fat burning cardio workout last? If everything is in order with your health, then the session should not take you more than 45-60 minutes.

Going beyond this time frame can lead to sprains and other injuries, which will ultimately slow down your metabolism, and therefore fat burning. If you are combining cardio and strength training for weight loss, then you need to carefully avoid overtraining.

Track the intensity, time and frequency of your workouts

To get the most out of your fat-burning cardio workout, plan your intensity, timing, and frequency. These variables will change depending on the stage of progress and the goals set.

For athletes with an average level of training, the intensity will be 70-85% of the MHR, the duration of the workout will be 45-60 minutes 4 times a week. For beginners, the load, of course, will be lower.

Drink water before, during and after your workout

Since cardio training for weight loss removes a lot of fluid from the body through sweat, it is very important to drink water before, during and after training (depending on its duration). Inadequate hydration (especially in hot weather) can lead to dehydration and reduced performance.

Intelligibly about proper nutrition for burning fat and gaining muscle mass


To get a lean, lean physique, fat-burning cardio is indispensable. Because everyone's body reacts differently to stress, it's important to choose the exercises that work for you to achieve the best results.

Cardio guide: we will tell you who, when and how to do cardio.

Do I need to do cardio at all, when exactly do I need to do cardio and in what volumes. Zozhnik understands everything related to cardio.

What is cardio

The name "cardio", in fact, comes from the Greek word kardio - heart. Therefore, in theory, cardio training is training of the cardiovascular system. However, in fitness rooms, “cardio” began to include any aerobic activity in general: running, walking on an ellipse, cycling, and most group activities.

Actually, cardio training, namely training the heart and the cardiovascular system, is most effective in a certain heart rate range, so you need to constantly monitor it.

Your personal range can be determined precisely and individually by taking a test on a gas analyzer (here).

Or just use the approximate formula: 220 - your age = your maximum heart rate . Cardio training should take place in the heart rate range from 60% to 80% of your maximum. Accordingly, for a 30-year-old person, this range is approximately 114-152 beats per minute. If you train below the lower limit, training will not bring tangible benefits, if it is higher and without proper preparation, it can harm.

This is how the “cardio” and “fat burning” zones on the simulators are marked, but do not rush to believe them.

The topic of the fat burning pulse zone is also very popular (perhaps because it is often noted on cardio equipment in fitness rooms): this zone is also determined individually on a test on a gas analyzer and it is slightly lower: about 60-70% of the maximum heart rate (115-135 beats / min for an average 30-year-old person).

Most importantly though, cardio for fat loss can be as effective as any other activity, but strength training is best (see below: why cardio isn't the best way to lose weight).

Who needs cardio training and for what purposes

But first, let's tell you to whom and in what cases. recommended cardio:

1. Actually, regular moderate cardio training is for keeping the cardiovascular system in order and in general for prolonging life.

Cardio helps during the period of fat burning, and hinders - during the mass gain. Choose.

2. If you are building muscle mass, then increased cardio training is not recommended, since their effect on muscle growth is somewhat opposite to hypertrophy. However, during the "cutting" the presence of cardio in your training plan (but only along with strength) will make fat burning even more effective.

3. If you are losing weight, then adding cardio to strength exercises is also a good idea. In the end, anything that increases calorie expenditure is good for weight loss. But remember that cardio is not the most effective way to lose weight.

4. If you are involved in cyclic sports and you need to develop your endurance, cardio will help you.

5. Cardio as a recovery. Light loads have a beneficial effect on the speed of recovery - we have a material about overtraining and its dangers.

Cardio is not the best way to lose weight

This is generally the most common misconception: women, fearing to “swing” and hoping to lose weight, storm ellipses in all fitness rooms in the world. However, fears about “swinging” are completely groundless and we have written more than once that this is completely impossible without steroids and hormones. But using only cardio for weight loss is a completely working option, but adding strength training is even more effective.

Yes, it is true that, say, 45 minutes of cardio can "burn" more calories than during an equal time strength training, but the overall effect for weight loss may be worse.

But strength training burns your fats not only during exercise, but mainly during rest, after your workout, significantly raising the overall metabolic rate. In addition, even the small amount of muscle that you can get from strength training (for example, 5 kg) requires additionally 50-75 kcal per day in addition to your normal diet just for their maintenance, and this does not include their work, for which they also need more energy. This extra calorie allowance makes it a little easier to maintain a small calorie deficit and burn fat on a regular basis.

The best effect on fat burning has a combination of full-fledged strength training and cardio training. In order to lose weight, fitness experts recommend 2-3 strength training sessions per week, flavored with 2-3 cardio workouts for 45-60 minutes. Moreover, it is advisable to conduct them on different days, and even such a volume of training can not be afforded immediately, but at least with an average level of readiness for stress - that is, if you already go to the gym regularly and have time to recover.

How long to do cardio

Experts advise doing cardio for at least 30 minutes in order for the training to have at least some effect. But do not forget that if you are a total beginner in the gym, then you need to start with easy 10-15 minute workouts and gradually increase the load.

Keep in mind that doing cardio for more than an hour can negatively affect muscle growth. Scientists have found that although aerobics “burns” fat, but after an hour of exercise, the body switches to muscle tissue. After 2 hours of cardio training, the body loses up to 90% of leucine, an important amino acid, including one necessary for muscle growth.

Multiple “Mr. Olympia” Jay Cutler does not disdain cardio during the fat burning period.

Here is what one of the most famous jocks in the world, Jay Cutler, says: “ during the preparation for the competition, I decided to push on aerobics and extended the aerobic training to an hour and a half. I immediately noticed that there was less strength, the muscles “shrank” and lost their usual elasticity.Since then, I have been doing cardio for no longer than 45-50 minutes.“.

Cardio + strength

We repeat that muscle building and fat burning are largely competing processes for the body, which means that it is not recommended to do cardio during the muscle building period, but on the contrary during the “drying” period.

At the same time, it is recommended to do cardio on a separate day, but if you have to combine it, then it is better to do cardio training after strength training. If you start with cardio, you will use up glycogen, and this will lead to a decrease in muscle strength, which means you will not be able to load the muscles enough in the “strength” part of the workout.

But remember that fat burning is not a type of training, but a set of measures. First of all, you should eat less than you spend, and so that your muscles do not leave your body along with fat, you must support them with strength training and a high protein diet (1.8-2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight per day).