How to make a guy like mom. How to impress a guy's parents on a first date

For a girl, it is very important not only to find a suitable young man with whom you can build a happy life, the relatives of the beloved, in particular, his parents, also play an important role in the harmony of the future family.

The real problems arise when you realize that your boyfriend is really your soul mate, and the next stage in your relationship is getting to know his family. Your main task is to make a pleasant, positive impression. Signing up as a family member right away, after the first meeting, is not easy for any girl. To make his family fall in love with you immediately, you need to apply tricks that are quite simple to use. So, girls, catch 8 tips on how to please your boyfriend's parents.

1. Don't turn down an offer to meet up

If parents, through their son, invite you to dinner with them, then they can take your refusal very negatively, which obviously will not play into your hands. Acquaintance with parents can become. I understand that you are very afraid of the upcoming meeting, but the sooner this happens, the better for you. I assure you, a stone will fall from your soul after this event (unless, of course, everything goes smoothly, without any excesses).

2. Dress modestly

For example, wear jeans or trousers, top with a cute T-shirt or blouse. It would be nice to come in a knee-length dress. In no case do not wear a miniskirt and other club things! Forget about the deep neckline! Your boyfriend will be happy with these things, but not his parents. You must impress them as an adult cultured person.

3. Speak beautifully, without difficulty

It can say a lot about a person. Therefore, if you want to please the guy’s family, answer all their questions calmly, even if some of them embarrassed you in some way or you didn’t like them. Your behavior should show respect for them, after all, they want happiness for their son and want a good girl next to him.

This is also very important advice. Getting to know your parents should be taken as a two-way “bride”, because it is also important for you what kind of people will be with you all your life, unfortunately, thinking that they have the right to interfere in your family. Therefore, feel free to ask the most frank questions that interest you in order to find out what will await you after the wedding.

5. Watch your manners

Be polite, offer to help, such as setting the table, preparing drinks, washing dishes. Don't forget the magic words "thank you" and "please" when you need them. It will be appreciated, trust me.

6. Do not load information about yourself

Give exhaustive answers to all questions, but do not tell too much, as they say, too much is not great. Don't center all conversations around you.

Getting to know the family of a loved one is a very important event, the outcome of which can affect your future relationship. Therefore, treat it with all responsibility and seriousness.

Tips for girls on how to behave when meeting a guy's parents so that they like them

If your relationship with a guy is serious, then sooner or later the moment of meeting his parents will come. This is a very important event, because further relationships in a potential family depend on the impression that you make on them. Most girls meet their lover's parents at their home, on their territory. No matter how uninhibited the youth of today may be, there are generally accepted rules of decency, the observance of which will only benefit you.
So, the guy invited you to a family dinner. How should you behave in order to please the guy's parents?

Preparing to meet

In order to avoid embarrassing situations, you need to ask your loved one what his parents like, what topics are of interest to them. Buy something for tea, prepare small gifts for them. Smile sincerely at the door. This will help win them over to you from the very first moment.


Most likely, the mother and father of your boyfriend are people of the "old school". They are your responsibility and composure if you arrive 10 minutes early. It is not recommended to be late for a family dinner. This girl can be late for a whole hour on a date with her beloved, but here such tricks are not appropriate.

Modesty in dress

Do not try to wear the most fashionable and provocative dress to a meeting with your parents. They will think that you are a flirtatious, because people are greeted by clothes. The first bad impression can cross out all your positive features. It will be extremely difficult to rehabilitate later. Your task is to look modest and restrained in front of your parents. Clothing colors should be discreet. It is better to wear a knee-length skirt or dress. In winter, wear a comfortable jumper and regular jeans. You will be fashionable and show the charms of the figure in front of your chosen one, and in your parental home you should be a model of decency.

Cultural speech

When communicating with older people, it is not appropriate to use youth jargon. In no case do not use obscene expressions, do not tell "bearded" jokes. Imagine how it looks from the outside. You are a girl and therefore be prudent and polite. Filter each phrase before you say it. Don't laugh out loud and don't fool around. In addition to restraint in the conversation, the choice of topics on which you will talk with parents also plays an important role. Talk about something serious, not just entertainment. Otherwise, they will conclude that you are a windmill and are not suitable for family life.

Respect for parental home

Remember that you came to someone else's house, although to some extent it can become yours. Behave decently, do not look at the cabinets and pots, do not get out on the sofa "with legs". Don't criticize the quality of the food or the decor in the house. Do not rearrange things, do not make any remarks. The parents of the guy are the owners here, they know better how to arrange everything. This behavior can make your first meeting your last.

Compliments for a young man

At dinner, try to pay maximum attention to the virtues and talents of your boyfriend. His parents will be pleased that you praise and appreciate their son. You can slightly exaggerate his merits. It's better than underestimating. You can’t blame a young man for anything, look for flaws in him, point out mistakes and teach how to correct them. Otherwise, the future father-in-law and mother-in-law will decide that there will be an incorrect distribution of roles in the family, and the fate of a henpecked person promises their son.

Compliments to parents

Even if you didn’t like the cooking of the guy’s mother, and his father was tastelessly hanging pictures in the living room, don’t talk about it! Notice something good in their house, praise them. You will have your own home and the opportunity to become a good housewife, but here respect other people's opinions and work. Show your gratitude for raising such a good son.

restraint in behavior

If it turned out that your views on life or politics are very different from the beliefs of the guy's parents, do not show it. Better patiently listen to their opinion and just keep silent. Don't prove yourself right, even if you think they're wrong. Take everything for a joke, touch on another topic.


Prove to the elders that you are a decent and restrained girl. Don't go kissing the guy, don't stroke him, don't start all sorts of "uti-paths". There is a time and place for everything. You can take a young man by the hand or lightly kiss on the cheek. The best proof of your love is respect and understanding.

Your virtues

You need to talk about your hobbies and skills, but without narcissism, without boasting or reveling in your successes. If you, for example, cook well, still ask the guy’s mother for advice on how best to cook borscht or pilaf. Do not behave as if you are the smartest and most talented, let your young man talk about your virtues himself.

Calm acceptance of criticism

Did your boyfriend's parents reprimand you? - do not be offended and do not be indignant. Thank them for their advice, tell them you'll keep it in mind for the future. If you notice that your parents are unhappy with something, do not lose heart, behave naturally and kindly. Try to rehabilitate yourself by showing your good qualities. It is possible that by the end of dinner, your parents will change their minds about you.

Moderation in food and alcohol

It is unacceptable for a girl to get drunk surrounded by older people. Ugly and drink on an equal footing with everyone. If at youth parties you can afford to come off to the fullest, then at a meeting with a potential father-in-law and mother-in-law, observe the measure. You are the future mother of their grandchildren, which means you must be healthy and sober. It will not be superfluous and moderation in food. Don't pounce on meals like you haven't eaten in a week. Try a little of everything so that the hostess is not offended.

These rules are simple, but they increase your chances of getting your boyfriend's parents to like you and then building a happy and strong family. Let a man not obey his mother and father in everything, but their opinion plays a role on a subconscious level. Try not to ruin it on the first day.

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We constantly hear about how important it is for a woman to be fit and well-groomed. Allegedly, her success among men depends on this.

In order not to be nervous in vain before the upcoming meeting with your parents, first figure out what type your chosen one belongs to. And be sure to ask your loved one in detail about his parents. The more information about them, the more chances you have to avoid mistakes.

Option one

Son of powerful parents. His mother never likes girls. After meeting them, the parent remembers for a long time how inelegantly the guest took the apple from the vase, that she laughed defiantly or, on the contrary, was aggressively silent. And he torments with stories not only his son, but also relatives and friends of the family. The man feels like a loser, once again upsetting his mother. Who wants scolding? That's why he's in no hurry to introduce you to your parents.

In general, if you have been dating a chosen one for a year or two (living together), but still have not seen his parents, this is an alarming signal: either he has a problematic family and he is not attached to it (or is shy), or does not belong to you seriously. Neither the first nor the second makes me happy.

Try casually remarking in a conversation that you would be interested to see "a woman who raised such a wonderful son." If there is no reaction, you can directly ask: “Do your parents want to see who their son is dating? Shall we invite them to the theater or have dinner together?”

This is where the truth must be revealed. Either the man did not think about it, but is not at all averse to introducing you to each other, or there is a serious reason to hide you. If in a frank conversation with a loved one it turns out that his mother is generally overly critical of all her son's friends, give up the idea. Or (if the parent still wants to see you) arrange a meeting on neutral territory. In such conditions, it will be easier for you to stay natural and not react to the possible attacks of a future relative.

Delicately find out from the boyfriend what exactly mom did not like in the girls. If they were all vulgar, smoked or drank a lot in front of her, do not repeat the mistakes of others. From the doorstep declare that you can not stand tobacco smoke, and drink only water. If she was shocked by bright makeup, make up lightly. Well, and so on.

Option two

Usually this is the only son of a single mom or an inveterate bachelor of 35+, raised by a strong mother and a henpecked father. He introduces them to each of his girlfriends, and at the very beginning of the relationship. Without parental approval, he cannot take a step. It happens that the purpose of dating is to console worried relatives who tortured the guy with questions like: “Do you like girls in general?”

And also sissies take the girl to visit her mother so that she helps her mother with the housework. This happened to one of my friends. The boyfriend solemnly announced that on the next weekend they were invited to the “family nest” to meet their parents. Masha did not sleep for two days, thinking about the appropriateness of an elegant dress

and gifts for mom and dad. The day before she got a manicure and changed her hair. As a result, it turned out that the “family estate” is a tiny house without amenities, three hours from Moscow. When they did get to the dacha, the guy's parents casually greeted each other, seated the guests in the kitchen and attacked their son with questions about the upcoming repairs. Recollecting herself, mother soon asked Masha to set the table and, "if not difficult," rinse the dishes. "Let's look at the future mistress of the house in action!" Dad said fervently and winked at Masha. Later it turned out that all the former girls, "potential mistresses of the house", helped their parents with the housework.

If other people's parents are pleasant to you, plunge into their worries, go to visit, help. But don't expect this to be a bonus when your boyfriend decides to marry you. He does not attach much importance to meeting his parents.

Option three

Both you and your boyfriend and his parents consider acquaintance as a sign that the young people are in a serious relationship. Most men prefer to introduce only a close woman to their mothers. The one with whom they plan to meet for a long time and, perhaps, even marry her. It is important for them that the chosen one is liked by the parents, and they - by her.

Remember a few simple rules.

  1. Learn in advance the names of the parents of the chosen one. Ask your boyfriend how best to address them: maybe, as is now customary, just by name? But if he said to call his mother Sveta, and she herself introduced herself as Svetlana Georgievna, then call her that way.
  2. When mom begins to enthusiastically tell family stories, showing photos from old albums, do not sit with a bored look. Be sure to ask: “Who is this beautiful girl? You? That's what I thought - you haven't changed much."
  3. Be prepared for the fact that not only parents will come to this meeting, but also grandparents, aunts and uncles. If faces, names, and stories make you dizzy, say directly, “Sorry if I mix up someone’s name. I'm so worried…”
  4. Find out from your man in advance what his parents love, who they work with. If dad is a collector, ask him to show the subject of passion. Does mom cook well? Ask her to write down the recipe for her son's favorite pie.
  5. If your boyfriend's family is simple, then you should not come to visit overdressed and frown in disgust when tea is served in old mugs, and not in porcelain. Eat everything that is served. Help a potential mother-in-law set the table. But do not fuss like a hostess. Behave like a well-mannered guest.
  6. If you are approached, respond with detailed sentences. If you're not being noticed, keep being nice and interested anyway. Don't take out your phone and have fun on social networks or go to the kitchen to call your own mother. You are passing the test, so try to look decent.
  7. At the meeting, carefully follow the parental impulses. If mom wants to hug you, respond. If you notice that she is tense and does not come close, then you do not climb with kisses. But when you say goodbye, try to get closer to your parents. Those who are allowed into personal space (30-50 cm) seem more familiar.

No matter how terrible the first meeting was, do not be discouraged. If your man is dear to you, then you will be able to find a common language with his mom and dad.

Dating & Pickup

How to please a girl's parents

Sooner or later, every guy lives up to such a wonderful moment in his life, when a girl, under the pretext of blackmail or out of objective necessity, leads him to meet her parents.

Of course, we understand that perhaps this girl is not so beautiful and wonderful as to sit under the gaze of her parents and answer their insidious questions, but, nevertheless, you should still like them. After all, this is the only way you can guarantee yourself that the relationship with this girl will develop and continue. A dissatisfied mother of a girl can turn her against you overnight, and that's it, the end!

However, you must also understand that getting to know a girl's parents is not a request for a blessing, it's just an acquaintance. Therefore, you can behave more calmly and not worry in case of some sidelong glances and suspicious smirks.

What kind of guy do parents want for their daughter

Man's behavior. All parents want a worthy man next to their daughter, who is not only good-looking and interested in their daughter, but can defend his interests. In other words, you must be able to defend your position on some issue, even if someone does not like it, including the girl's parents. This also includes the opportunity to influence their daughter and dissuade her from any evil deeds. After all, if her parents stop protecting her, then someone else will have to do it.

Money bag. At all times, the dignity of a man was determined not only by his physical data, but also by the presence of money and any other wealth. But if it was not there at the moment, then it should be possible to get it in the near future.

In Russia, in most cases, this question matters, but it is not categorical in the presence of other positive qualities in a man. But, for example, in the countries of the East, they will not even talk to a man if he does not show his worth, and this is considered a completely adequate measure of a man.

Leadership. Even if a girl grew up in a family in which women rule everything, all the same, parents will expect leadership from their daughter's chosen one. This quality is manifested not only in the ability to take responsibility and take the first steps, but also in the ability to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding. The leader leads, not forces!

Naturally, in order to please the girl's parents, you must show the presence of each of these qualities in yourself. This is not so difficult, because at this stage they will not check you and probe you in detail.

Before meeting with the girl's parents

Gathering the necessary information. To be prepared for a whole host of questions from parents, you should talk to the girl for a bit and ask her about them.

  • How did they meet?
  • Did everything go smoothly in their family?
  • What are the most common problems?
  • What do they do in their free time?
  • Has anyone tried to get to know them?
  • What do they themselves say about the chosen one of their daughter?
  • What do they value and love?
  • And other similar questions.

As you perfectly understand, what a person cares about most of all, about that he will ask first of all. The answers to these questions will give you an idea of ​​your parents and will also help you avoid difficult situations.

Preparing from a girl. Almost all girls talk to their parents in advance before they decide to invite their boyfriend to meet them. But some may still forget such a moment. Such a conversation from a girl will smooth out the rough edges a bit and predict you their potential reaction.

Appearance. Your appearance should be official, but not 100%. For example, jeans, a stylish shirt and shoes will suit you. Those. you will look neat, but not too constrained.

In some families, such as Armenian ones, it is customary for a man to be in a dark business suit at any meeting with the girl's parents. It is better to find out this moment from the girl in advance so that there is no misunderstanding.

Bribe. It is advisable to take a gift or present with you to the meeting. In most cases, Armenian cognac and a box of chocolates will do. Our people are still Soviet, so this set will not raise any questions. However, it is still worth asking the girl if her father has problems with alcohol. If there is, then his wife will perceive such a gift with hostility.

What to talk about with a girl's parents

As a rule, the girl's parents themselves ask questions that interest them. Your task is only to answer them fully enough without much speculation and tricks. Then, after questions 5-8, the parents themselves begin to tell some of their stories in order to somehow support the conversation while the table is set.

If your parents suggest that you start the conversation yourself, it's best to start with the topic "money". Those. you need to tell about your type of activity, income and prospects, perhaps add your parents here if they will be a good plus for you in this matter.

By and large, you just need to behave adequately and show that you have some plans for life and opportunities to earn money. Remember: a man without ideas and plans will not please his parents!

Parental interests. If during the conversation one of the parents let slip about some event, and you felt some pride in your voice for this: ask to tell about it in more detail. So you earn extra points in your piggy bank.

About sex. You should discuss this issue with your girlfriend in advance and agree that you have not had sex yet. Even if you had it, and your parents felt it and began to insist, your answer is still: “We don’t think about it yet, we didn’t have anything.”

To drink or not to drink. If the head of the family starts pouring alcohol himself, then, of course, you will need to drink with him, while somehow you don’t need to grimace and be shy. However, if your gift was put aside somewhere, and they pour tea themselves, then do not raise this issue!

How to please a girl's parents - mistakes

Intimacy with a girl. Alone with a girl, you can twist and turn her as your soul desires, but at a meeting with her parents, you must behave with her as if you were brother and sister. No kissing, hugging, patting or smacking.

Foul language. Even if the father of the family himself allows himself to be expressed using “understandable” words, then you should not do this categorically. For them, you should seem like a courageous man who is not used to skipping sharp expressions.

Refusal to eat. Whatever they put on your plate, you must eat it with great appetite and pleasure. If you somehow evade or undernourish, then this may be regarded as an insult to the hostess and the owner of the house.

And that's all you need to know to please the girl's parents. Good luck!

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Finally, a loved one "matured" and decided to introduce his parents to you. And, like, is this not a reason for joy? Once decided, it means that he wants a more serious relationship. But instead of rosy emotions from the opportunity to become part of the family of a loved one, for some reason you are seized by panic. Read: . Or maybe it's too early for such a meeting? What if your parents don't like you? And if, on the contrary, you do not like them? And how to behave in order to make the best impression?

The first visit to the parents of the future husband is, of course, stressful for every girl. There is no point in panicking: his parents are ordinary people just like you. Yes, and you are still going to live with your loved one, and not with his parents. But prepare for the meeting , of course, does not hurt.

How to prepare for the first meeting with the parents of a guy, a man?

How to please the parents of a loved one? Instruction

  • The first thing to do is to arrive on time for the meeting. Worst case, a little earlier. But never be late.
  • Don't try to pretend to be anyone. Act like you normally do. Any adult person will feel falseness in behavior. So just be yourself. Of course, you should not put your feet on the table or lick the plate after a delicious dinner, but the utmost sincerity will win over the groom's parents faster than your theatrical performance.
  • Do not make yourself an economic "brood hen". No need to take trays of food from the groom's mother, drive her away from the sink and rush to clear the table when everyone is still drinking tea. On this day, you are only a guest. You can offer your help, but your persistent attempts to take charge of the parent's kitchen may be met with hostility.
  • Do not shake with a small shiver and grab the sleeve of a loved one if his parents ask you "tricky" questions. It is quite natural for any parents to take an interest in the past, present and future plans of their son's future passion. Questions may relate to both your previous relationship (or marriage), and the status of parents, the availability of square meters in property, etc. Try to respond calmly and respond naturally. Of course, you don’t need to immediately lay out all the ins and outs - such a “confession” will be superfluous.
  • Try to make your loved one's mother the center of attention. Communicate with her on various topics (preferably neutral), be interested in hobbies, pay attention to little things. Ask her to show you baby photos of your loved one. All mothers love to showcase albums, nostalgically flipping through photos of their sons.
  • Praise your mom for a delicious dinner. Too enthusiastic and shouting “Bravo! It's a masterpiece!" not necessary, but expressing your gratitude is one of the rules of good taste. Another secret to “getting mommy to you quickly” is to get the recipe for that signature dish that you ate at dinner from her.
  • Don't try to impress. This is a mistake that girls most often make when they first meet the parents of a loved one. No need to build yourself a well-read, culturally savvy young lady. It usually looks funny. At best, the whole family will laugh at you, at worst, you will disappoint both the guy’s parents and himself.
  • It's impossible to please everyone. And you will never be good for everyone. You are not a thousand dollars to please everyone. The main thing is that your loved one is crazy about you, and the rest will follow by itself. Any normal parent will be glad to see his son happy, regardless of whether his chosen one has long or short legs, three higher educations or only a technical school behind him. If the son is satisfied, calm and confident in his choice, then the parents will always meet you halfway.
  • Follow the speech. People of the "old school" are unlikely to be touched by slang or (which is generally unacceptable) obscene expressions. And, of course, you don't need to entertain your boyfriend's parents with stories about how cool it was at the disco yesterday, or how much you got drunk with their son on the first date.
  • Avoid hugs and kisses with a loved one in front of his parents.
  • Sitting at the common table don't lose control. No need to sweep away everything that is on the plates, demonstrating your pleasure from the dishes prepared by his mother. Also, don't skimp on alcoholic beverages. It is better to limit yourself to a glass of wine or not to drink at all.
  • Take care of your loved one at the table. Let his parents know that he is in safe and caring hands.
  • If you and your loved one have joint plans - to move to another city (country) for permanent residence or study (work) , do not devote parents to them immediately . The future mother-in-law is unlikely to be happy about the prospect of remaining in old age without the support of her son.
  • No need to copy the behavior of a loved one. He is allowed to make himself at home. You don't yet.
  • Don't be frank with his parents about quarrels in your family, about failures at work and other negative situations. Leave it for talking with your loved one. For parents, you should look like a positive, successful, confident person. A girl whining about a difficult fate will cause irritation rather than sympathy.
  • No need to argue with his parents and prove with foam at the mouth their innocence. Avoid conflict. Be smarter, more polite and tactful.

Whatever the meeting with his parents is, it is for you - the opportunity to learn a lot about your chosen one . Watch the relationships in the family, look at mom and dad, their behavior.
Do not take this meeting too close to your heart - your life does not depend on it. But also It is also not worth it to disregard this issue . If a loved one decides to take such a step, then it is important for him.