In a dream, flood bath. What dreams of the flood, dirty raging water, flooding? Basic interpretations - what dreams of a flood, death or salvation during the flood

To see a catastrophe, cataclysm - rather unpleasant. But is there always such dreams foreshadow something terrible? What dreams of the flood? What would this dream mean?

What dreams of the flood - the main interpretation

Flood in a dream is a rather anxious symbol, but it is important to remember all the small details of sleep. What exactly could you alert in a dream and what could entertain you:

For what reason the flood happened;

What was water during the flood;

Whether people died;

Did you die during the Flood;

Who became your friend or enemy during sleep;

Your emotions during a dream.

To see dirty and rapid water that approaches your feet in a dream - you will swim in lies and deception, you will not be allowed to avoid troubles, you will be pushed to nervousness and despair. You can overlook the pride, and the dream book recommends some time trying not to try to subjugate someone's will. After sleeping about the flood, you should think about the restraint of emotions and feelings.

A dream in which the flood happened on your fault - telling you that it is time to restrain your anger. You are too actively managed by the lives of other people. Even if your position or other life situation requires, try to solve all the questions without the use of force.

If, during the Flood, the water spills clean and warm - you just reveal the feelings and emotions that you cannot hide. Try to give will feelings, try to reveal completely. Now it is exactly the time when you can and need to do it.

If during the flood with water takes your house - in the vortex of events you increasingly forget about your household problems. You are increasingly forgetting about your household responsibilities. Life can turn in such a way that you lose all that you loved, precisely because of a negligence relationship. Try to pay more attention to your loved ones. Try to pay more attention to those people who ask for support from you, otherwise you will lose them.

It is also important to remember whether you experienced fear during the flood. Perhaps he went around you by side while sleeping, and you just watched the disaster. If in a dream you were a passive observer - in reality you will also passively observe Aza events of someone else's life. Dream Interpretation warns you from active actions in reality, since you can get into the whirlpool of events and lose hope for solving the problem.

Now in your life comes the time when you need to wait for the storm and finally go to the light. Come to the new way of life development. If you dreamed that you save actively people during the Flood - you will reach your hand help to someone who will really need it. You are so kind and responsive man in reality that you stretch completely different people. They really want to communicate with you and be with you in contact. Try and you use them for your own well-being. Dream Interpretation advises, under no circumstances to close from people.

If you dreamed that night in your home shines light and it begins to fill water - wait for diseases and trouble in my home. It will be a really shocking event for you. You will not know how to come further. Dream Interpretation advises to gather forces and try to independently get out of the waters of events. So, if you manage to escape from the Flood in a dream - you will find the right solution to get rid of problems in life.

If, in a dream, you save from the flood of someone from people close to you, and you yourself die - you will still solve problems of another person and get the opportunity to solve your problems. But it is important to remember that your forces are not limitless. It is not necessary to completely give up the case and the question of another person. It will be enough to show him the right way to move forward.

If you dreamed that the flood is caused by the forces above, and he must enhance people - try to understand and take in real life hidden meaning Things and events. If in a dream, the flood is caused by melting ice and snow - such a dream says that your old problems and old trouble will let yourself know very quickly. You even could forget about the problem, but she will suddenly remind themselves.

What dreams of Freud's Dream

Freud's dream book says what dreams of a flood. This dream means that emotions and feelings will soon be swept. You should learn to manage them, so they did not harm you. If you dream that the flood flooded your whole home, but you save on the roof of the house - your feelings are superficial. You evaluate the partner down. Dream Interpretation advises to deepen and in his thoughts and emotions and not judge him strictly.

If you dreamed that someone saved you from the Flood - such a dream means that you need moral support that would give you the opportunity to find the only right movement in development. You need the help of that person who could give all his love to you. It must be a relationship built on self-sacrifice from the partner. Dream Interpretation advises to seek such a connection.

If you dreamed that the thunderstorm begins in the sky and a flood happens as a result of a strong shower - you will be overwhelmed with a stream of claims and hypocrisy. Do not in such a situation, try to defend your own point of view. Your attempt to convey it to the second half is not crowned with success. If you dreamed that you are in every way trying to achieve results and everything in vain - try to look at the relationship from the side.

Do not look extreme and not justify. Try to find in a relationship that you need to say about this partner. If you see, as a result of the flood, your beloved is sinking - such a dream says that she was too fascinated by the game in feelings and this game will destroy her. You can help her avoid catastrophe. To do this, it will be enough to periodically remind her of duties and that she would not bother to take care of you.

If in a dream you will see how the flood covered the whole earth, and only you were saved - such a dream means that you love yourself. It is a pride and egoism, but not a healthy assessment of the situation. If in a dream you will see how someone else is trying to escape from the flood, and you do not give your hands help - in relationship you refuse to build them. You shift responsibility from yourself to the partner, do not consider it necessary to try for the sake of relationships.

What dreams of a flood on esoteric dreamy

AT Esoteric dream book It is said that the flood dreams of empty tears and insults. You are in the literal sense of the word drown in negative emotions and disorders. It will be difficult for you to decide with your true desires. You will still try to hide from prying eyes. Dream Interpretation advises to see the problems in the face and quickly solve them.

If you dreamed that the flood occurred in your fault - it is worth reconsidering its attitude to what is happening, not to give will negative emotions and fears. In reality, you can emotionally accuse another person in imperfect sin. Try to be fair, and do not judge the haze.

If you dreamed that after the flood, the Earth blew and transformed - you strongly change precisely after negative events of life. You are waiting for troubles and difficulties that will allow you to enjoy the fullness and beauty of life soon. Life is preparing you a lesson if you digest him worthy - you are waiting for rest and peace.

What dreams of a flood for other dreams

In the dream of Miller It is said that the flood in a dream promises troubles and exacerbation of fears. Dream Interpretation advises to get rid of them in advance. If you dreamed that you are trying to get out of the water and you can't do it - you are too tired of the routine and household problems. You swept the fatigue and apathy. If everything continues to continue - you will not be able to make important decisions.

In the dream of Grishina It is said that the flood dreams of empty tears and experiences. In the near future, you should not take anything to your account. Even if something terrible happens, you need to tune in to a victory over the problem, to resolve difficulties, on finding out the situation.

Each of us wants to manage your destiny, and does not want to feel helplessly chosper in a huge worldly stream of events.

Life is often compared with water flow - sometimes it flows peacefully and easily, and sometimes turns into a stormy, uncontrollable stream.

However, we ourselves manage their lives, and these are not common phrases, but a fact. But for this you need not only skill and individual qualities, such as strength, courage and stability, but also in a large extent - intuition and the ability to see the signs that the universe will generously send. For example, through our dreams.

In dreams signs at every step, it is only worth noticing them and correctly interpret. Water is one of the most weighty characters, and never complements our dreams just like that.

Water symbolizes the emotional sphere, a sense of man, his experiences and everything connected with it. And to understand what the flood is dreaming, the interpreter will help - because it is a particularly powerful sign.

The flood can point out the sunny feelings, on the whirlpool of various events and on large life changes. Depending on the set of nuances and details of such sleep. For instance:

  • You saw a flood flooding in a dream.
  • It has also dreamed that large areas and spaces are completely flooded.
  • See how water carries people.
  • Water gradually spills around on the street, absorbing more and more sushi.
  • See the World Flood.
  • Slow in it, save.
  • You in a dream carries water, together with people or wreckage of buildings.
  • You are in a flood, but just calmly in the water.
  • Suffer in a dream from the flood.
  • You suddenly got into flood.
  • Flood in an apartment or house, all around the water.
  • You stop the flood in the house, apartment, in the bathroom.

These "islarmed" dreams can be very disturbing and even scary, but they should be very much attention to them - and find out what the flood is dreaming, because such dreams can foreshadow the most important events.

Be observer

To get into a catastrophe even in a dream very scary, but it happens that the flood is seen only from the side, and such dreams should be interpreted separately. What says the interpreter, if you saw a flood in the Gresses, and what turns of fate to expect in reality?

1. As Dream Interpretation says, the flood, seen from the side, as a kind of film or a picture, says that the dream is simply overflowing the feelings with whom he cannot cope. Is it bad? Worse to live without feelings. But feel all the soil under your feet, control the situation.

2. If you see in Gresses, huge spaces flooded with calm water, it means that your alarms will leave, and will certainly come peace. You will be able to not resist circumstances, take them, and find wisdom in yourself.

3. If you see how the flood in a dream takes people, this alarming sleep may indicate your fear to lose any of your surroundings. Most likely that you are afraid to lose your beloved - this is the most common fear.

Know that fear will not help, and, on the contrary, a negative mood just aggravates the position. Rearrange for constructive reflections on how to avoid it, think positively.

4. If the dream about the flood, dreamed of a businessman, an entrepreneur, a merchant is very good! He promises great profits, full success in work affairs, prosperity and generous fruits of labor.

5. And in love with people, flooding dreams as a warning - take care of your feelings. You probably feel carelessly, and risk losing a partner because of your insufficiently attentive relationship, or unworthy behavior. In order not to suffer then from the loss, be ready and keep what is.

6. If in Gresses you observe how water is gradually spreading, absorbing land, not leaving free space and covered everything around, it predicts the whims of fate, changes, unexpected circumstances.

The situation can temporarily exit from under control, but be ready for it and show resistance. Do not be afraid of obstacles and change so as not to be in confusion.

7. World Flood - a very large-scale sign. If this dreamed, then wait for significant changes in life, global and comprehensive. It may change not so much your everyday life as your attitude to things, and so you will begin to change your usual reality.

Carries a stormy stream ...

But what does it mean if the flood was not just seen from the side, but did you get into it, or even suffered from flooding? In an open area, in an apartment or house, the flood can mean both luck and fill danger - so be careful to the details of the dream.

1. Slowing in a flood, trying to escape - it foreshadows you a new course of thoughts, you probably review your life and your attitude towards it, to those events that occur. You have to understand that everything that is being done is related to your thoughts and behavior.

2. If you are in a flood stream with stormy water together with fragments of buildings, it can fill temporary interference or suspension of a certain important thing. But in your power it is not to panic, but solving problems decisively and soberly, take responsibility.

3. If you are simply in the middle of a flood, calmly and without attempts to resist, it may impose prosperity, and even luxury.

4. To suffer from flooding in a dream, or even drown at all - this is a symbol of what the passion bewitted you. You are addressed by instincts, and are close to commit a lot of rapid actions on this soil. Keep yourself in your hands, control your feelings.

5. Getting in Gresses in a flood suddenly, unexpectedly - know you have to fall in love, and you will be panicing from this, you will not know what to do. And you need to do a little - relax and enjoy this feeling.

Do not be afraid of him, but also not to build air locks. Just enjoy your love every day, but do not hold on to her too tight.

6. The flood in the house promises troubles and bustle in everyday life, in relations with homemade. Such a dream advises you to be calmer, measured and without fuss to make everyday affairs, do not break down on loved ones, calm down.

7. If you stop the flood in the apartment, eliminated his consequences in a dream - it means that you will certainly handle your homelessness in the family and the house. In your power to bring full order and make family life with bright, calm and happy.

Whatever the flood foreshadows in your case, be wise and calm, and remember that dreams do not determine your destiny, but only hint and advise. What to do - the choice is yours! Posted by: Vasilina Serov

Flood in a dream is a symbol of emotions, stormy and passionate, which can only destroy the mental state and all their lives. If such a dream dreamed, then it is better to try to keep his feelings for some time, emotions with you so that they do not harm anyone. Clean water during the flood symbolizes passion. On the contrary, there are dirty water during the Flood - expect a quarrel, a heavy conflict.

The flood in the apartment dreams of happiness, which will be connected, perhaps with your apartment, but maybe in another sphere. Problems will also arise in the financial sector - this may be due to the reduction in wages, with the release of one of the family. Such situations will lead to serious material consequences. Sleeping with a flood in the apartment can warn about the disease.

The flood in the house most often dreams of those who do not boast that he feels in their home as a stone wall. Sleep suggests that there may be bad relationships with households, conflicts and quarrels with neighbors or unwanted visits.

Flood, flooding often dreams of those who are accustomed to surrender to the grace of fate or to go about their own whims. Sleep reminds that severe behavior can turn into problems and troubles for both your loved ones and personally for you.

Some dream books argue that such a dream is simply released energy that has accumulated per day. Sometimes it is simply a consequence of experienced stress. Therefore, these dreams are not foreshadowed in the future. They only reflect the inner emotional state. Therefore, worry about something, and try to let go of unnecessary excitement.

The flood in the apartment in a dream foreshadows some troubles and misfortunes most likely in the house, and maybe in another sphere. Such problems may arise in the financial sector. It is possible to lack money in the family, dismissal from the work of one of the family members, will incur rapid material consequences. It may also mean. That some of the close swollen very much, and maybe even dies or disappear.

In general, the flood in a dream is not a pleasant feeling, and the sign is not very good. But sometimes he does not expect anything at all, so it's not necessary to scare. And in some situations even has a good value. It is better to remember the sleep in more detail to interpret it correctly. In general, believe in the meaning of dreams or not - the personal matter of everyone.

Dreams are different ... sometimes good, sometimes strange. But always, waking up in the morning, I wonder what it would mean. The value of what the flood in the apartment is dreaming is described in this article. Perhaps this refers to the category of not the most pleasant dreams. And most often is a bad sign.

dream Skop

If a flood dreamed, you should not wait for terrible events or silent incidents. This dream displays the emotional state of the dream, and does not predict the future. This is the urgent anger, breaking patience, excavating irritation.

To understand what the flood is dreaming, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze your own emotional state. If you have been living in a nervous voltage for a long time, then this is a sign that all accumulated soon splash out.

See the flood in a dream is really very scary. This is the destroying power of the element that can carry everything in its path. Exactly the same feelings that, in a short time, can spill out the dreams. The most reliable interpretation, what is the dream of a flood, you can get if I remember exactly the element was swept away:

  • in his own apartment;
  • in the town;
  • global flood.

Localization of the element

If dreamed of a flood

The emergence of such an element in a dream is not a reflection of the future. This is a symbol of dream sensations and his mental opportunity to "explode" if his life situation remained a long time. Depending on the localization, we can talk about the manifestation of feelings in the family circle, within the city or it will be an experience of the fate of the whole world.


The apartment filled in a dream means that a large scandal is brewing, says Miller's dream book. If the relationship has long been "stretched", now it's time to weaken the tension to prevent extremes.

  • To see how water quickly fills the room - surging feelings will interfere with adequately react to the current situation.
  • The faulty pipe caused a flood - an unresolved family problem in time, which was postponed in the "long box" will give itself to know not the best way.
  • Testing panic fear due to the fact that the room is filled with water - the dream has a fear of the near future. Perhaps there must be events that can upset it or scare.

Waketered the element in the city

To understand what the flood is dreaming within the boundaries of the city, you need to transfer the main interpretation on the urban scale. Most likely, shares must occur that will be accompanied by a strong emotional potassium. These are rallies, protests, the demands of the inhabitants.

Or, on the contrary: Sports competitions (such as rampant fans of football teams), a grand concert of a mega star or the celebration of the founding of the city.

If the streams of water in the dream are strong, raging and carry people, in this case you need to be very careful. There is a real danger of victims during cultural events.

Interesting interpretation gives modern dream book: Flood, during which the dreams hit the wave, and feels confidently afloat - a very good sign. The dreams will soon fall at the right time, in the right place and will take a high position in society.

World flood

Analyze your inner world

To see in a dream, as the element absorbs whole cities - alarming sleep. But he does not predict the real danger of nor the world, nor even the city of the dream. This is an attempt to the subconscious to analyze or change a little (as an option - supplement) a dream worldview. These are thoughts about eternal:

  • on the infinity and immensity of the universe;
  • on the immortality of the human soul;
  • about knowing true good and evil.

An attempt to get closer to these knowledge, even in a dream, can be very frightened, therefore, such terrible images arise.

Important water purity - Miller's dream book

This popular dream dream, seen in a dream, considers the appearance of situations that completely independent of the dream.

  • To see in her apartment dirty water that flows on the walls or is chosen to the feet - illness, malaise. It will greatly complicate the already difficult relationship with households.
  • The city, filled with muddy water - crisis, temporary difficulties in affairs. And this concerns not only a dream, but also everyone who works in this area.
  • The apartment filled with clean water is help in an insoluble case.
  • Fly through the urban streets, without resisting the element - the absence of its own life positions.

Flood in the apartment in a dream promises the emergence of unexpected difficulties. Warns about the emergence of unexpected problems, failures, conflicts in the family, the feeling of bitterness.

Dreams with such a plot are a reflection of the emotions and experiencing a dream. This can negatively affect his mental state.

In some cases, positive explanations of such a vision are also possible. Change for the better, success at work. Everything will depend on the details of sleep. For an accurate interpretation, you need to get acquainted with the proposed sources.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Miller

  • Flood in the apartment foreshadows real estate problems. It is necessary to solve them immediately, because there will be more difficulties on this issue even more.
  • Under the threat is your material well-being.
  • Sleep with such a scenario can still promise problems in family life. Therefore, you need to take measures to correct this situation.

Explanations of the psychologist Z. Freud

  • He poured the floor with water in the apartment - to the appearance of passionate hobbies.
  • You poured from the ceiling, the splashes fly in the face - the harbinger of the coming intimate pleasures.
  • Drying water on the floor promises cooling in sexual relationships.
  • For a woman, the flood dreams of a passionate love adventure or future pregnancy.

Modern dream book

  • The flood in the apartment dreams of misfortune in the family and at home. Foreshadows monetary difficulties, disease, failures in the business sphere.
  • If you managed to cope with the consequences of flooding, then I will finish it, too, everything is fine. Gradually. The family relationship will be applied, wait for a new job with high income.
  • For women, such visions are promoting trouble with relatives.
  • Men are problems with property.

Dream Taro.

To the rapid concern.

What dreams of the flood in someone else's apartment?

  • See such a scenario in a dream promises problems. Until you manage to cope with them, but in the future, show caution in your further actions.
  • You helped the owners to cope with the consequences of flooding. It predicts you concerns in solving others.
  • Sleep also promises adverse changes in relations with other people, it concerns relatives, buddies, colleagues. The appearance of an unpleasant person, with which you have to contact, despite your reluctance to do it.

Interpretation from other sources

  • Rain noise on the roof. The roof was tested, and the water enters the house through it. Such a dream symbolizes good luck, well-being in the family.
  • The apartment flood - your plans are not destined to come true.
  • Vision of this kind foreshadow serious problems and trouble. You need to be ready for overcoming them.
  • If you saw the bath flooded with water, and it was already overflowing through the edge - in reality, your temperament can harm in your affairs.
  • During the Flood, the water came from the ceiling - to the coming conflicts, quarrels, other issues.
  • Locked furniture, things in the apartment - chagrins will bring you a serious state.
  • It also warns a dream about the emergence of many enemies or receiving a refusal of human assistance to which you expected.
  • Women sleep with such a plot warns that a large scandal is brewing in the family. You need to make efforts to prevent this.
  • The flood in the apartment for a pregnant woman promises unrest, which can negatively affect the health of the future child. Try to restrain your emotions even in critical situations.

Details of the dream

  • The cause of the flood began to breathe the roof - an unpleasant surprise.
  • Forgot to close the crane, the apartment was flooded - your mistakes can cause deterioration of financial stability.
  • During the flood, water arrives quickly - the problems will increase, like a snowball. To overcome them, immediate decisions will be required.
  • The apartment was treated with clean water - to obtain a large number of news and information. It also foreshadows positive changes in life.
  • The water was clean and came from above - to success at work, the growth of your authority and respect for the service colleagues.
  • Dirty water during the Flood symbolizes the difficult clarification of relationships, quarrels.
  • The flooding of the house is often dreaming of those people who are in conflict relationships with neighbors and relatives. Unexpected guests can also be a source of such dreams.
  • The flood will also dream of those who are easy to give in to their fiscal needs. Such indecisive behavior may cause your failures and trouble for relatives.
  • Such vision can warn about the deterioration of health.
  • The dream of this kind is foreshadowed by the deterioration of the financial situation, the possible loss of work.

Little flood

The apartment from the Flood suffered a little, the water was only on the floor. Such a scenario of sleep is associated with family relationship. To prevent serious conflicts, they need to be accustomed in a timely manner, otherwise everything can end in sad for you.

You were flooded with neighbors

  • It is predicting the overcoming of difficult situations.
  • During this, the ceiling was collapsed - a loss of work is possible or simply reprimanded from the manual.
  • The ceiling winks in your eyes - you will have to defend your opinion with all possible ways. Only so you can overcome all the difficulties.

Water level at the flood matters

  1. If she reached windows - your secrets will be known to those surrounding people.
  2. Return to the ceiling - to the coming life difficulties.
  3. Water covered only the floor in the apartment - to new interesting news.