How to take a man out of the family - advice from a psychologist. How to take a married man out of the family: the psychology of happy relationships.

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"Mistress" ... Not a word, but a brand. Some people add the definition "dirty" to it. And some are jealous of a woman with such a status. Say, everything is easy and simple for her. There is no need to cook borscht and iron shirts - this is done by a legal wife. And the Ideal Man comes to her, clean, fragrant with expensive perfume.

He is always in a good mood, and often with a nice present. And in bed he tries to show the maximum that he is capable of. Not life, but raspberries! That's just ... on holidays - one. You can't go out into people together: he is afraid to run into acquaintances. Anyway: “Maybe I WANT to cook dinner for him and wash his socks? And I really want common children. And wake up next to each other every day, stretch out calmly and languidly, and not watch him rush around the apartment - after all, today She is returning from a business trip, and you need to be at home. When we met, I did not know that he was married. Didn't say. "I just couldn't!" And then it got late. Fell in love ... ".

We will not consider the moral aspect of the situation in which a woman decides to take a man away from his wife. Not here! It is clear that now you are not interested in what She thinks. You are thinking about yourself. This is also a choice. However, if you decide on THIS, answer honestly to yourself a few questions:

  1. But won't he leave you too? The one who betrayed one woman will easily betray another.
  2. He has already deceived you at least once. Yes, yes, when he didn't say he was married. How can you trust such a person in the future?
  3. Most likely, with you, he escapes from a seized life. But! You want the same thing: family, children, etc. Returning to point 1: how soon will he get tired of all this?
  4. Perhaps you yourself are unknowingly afraid serious relationship? Or just don't love yourself? Psychologists say with one voice: we choose men who match us. Thinking that all normal people have long been sorted out, we attract married people. Or losers. Or alcoholics. Those with whom it is almost impossible to start a family.

Still want to? Is it him? You have a lot of love, you say? Perhaps it is worth fighting for. What if everything is really SO bad in his family? Just fight for no more than a year: if nothing comes of it for such a long time, it means that it is only about YOUR love. You are trying to roll a square, alas ...

So, the interception plan: how to get a married man out of the family

It is quite easy to take a man away from his wife for a short time, especially if he is not lying and everything is really very bad there. By the way, there is a category of guys who just don’t walk around with a placard “I'll give myself in good hands”. The process of "giving" is very emotional with them, with theatrical effects and violent passions. Well they like it! Surround such care and love, add enchanting sex.

Ah, are you still good at cooking? And do you have a separate apartment? He's yours, with all the giblets! The males who have not yet matured are also very easily taken away from the family (it seems to them that now no one will “put pressure” on them, and there will be less responsibility) and, unfortunately, potential gigolos who do not want to support their family. Think again. And then - more. The trophy turns out to be very dubious!

How to take away married man from a family? Single women can build their own happiness, one has only to want and make an effort to achieve what they want. Sometimes everything does not go according to the plan outlined by the parents and, the princess, who was so unable to meet her prince, agrees to the prince "from someone else's shoulder."

Married men who engage in extramarital sexual relations are viewed by the female population as an exception to the rule, rather than realizing that this is the unspoken norm. We will not be one size fits all, our goal is to teach the weaker sex the art of taking her husband out of the family.

First, consider the main types of husbands who have mistresses:

  • a young family man, disillusioned with his wife, after several years of marriage and several attempts to improve relations;
  • a middle-aged man who has an affair on the side due to a lack of understanding, support;
  • ladies' man - as a rule, age does not matter, a big lover of the female;
  • disappointed and suffering from boredom and monotony;
  • accidentally changed.

Let's dwell on each type, try to deduce a causal relationship. We need this in order to know the "enemy in the face", a pun may not be appropriate.

Disappointed type

A married young man who is dissatisfied with any aspect of marriage:

  1. Relationships between spouses can be ruined as a result of the appearance of a child to whom the wife pays all her attention.
  2. A childless couple, one of whom does not want to change a carefree lifestyle for a monochromatic marital pastime.
  3. Sexual relations that have lost their brightness, novelty.
  4. Household habits that young people did not take into account during courtship.

Looking for

Middle age reconciles with habits, the period lived together brings people closer together, and also teaches the understanding that the chosen partner is not ideal, some features will remain unchanged until the end of life.


  1. Insecure type who gives preference to making household decisions to his wife, who benefits from this position.
  2. Interest, often of a younger companion, gives a man a feeling of confidence in his masculine and partner powers.


Careful about their appearance, possibly attending a sports club. Age ranges from 20 to 57 years old.

Looks like that:

  1. Outwardly confident, good-looking, sexually active.
  2. Prefers girls who take care of themselves.
  3. He is led by desire, can choose a woman who does not fit his type of preferences.
  4. Relationships with this type are fleeting, from one night to a month, a partner can be permanent, who does not take side adventures to heart.


Frustrated with marital relationships in general, bored husband:

  1. Having no opportunities and desires for self-expression, an unhappy family man.
  2. He understands marital relations as a duty, a compulsory necessity for the implementation of everyday problems.
  3. As a rule, not knowing how to look after, with a low level of intelligence.

Random connection

A common type of infidelity, characteristic of all of the above types:

  1. A sudden flare up of mutual desire.
  2. Passion.

Signs of a lover ready to become a husband

It is common for women to view relationships with a married man more emotionally than they really are. Themselves extramarital affairs from the point of view of men, there is a pleasant and insignificant adultery. This is the first fact that a woman must accept. No husband thinks of an extramarital affair as an opportunity to change one wife to another.

The girl, on the contrary, puts a greater meaning in extramarital affairs than it really is. For some reason, it seems to her that since a man had sexual intercourse with her while his wife is alive, this is a complete victory, soon a divorce and again a wedding.

However, everything happens exactly the opposite. Adultery is so good that you don't need to think about anything except the pleasant novelty of communication, bed.

  • a kind of distraction from the problems that family people have to solve;
  • getting new, forgotten sensations;
  • treason makes you feel a certain surge of strength, emotions;
  • helps with renewed vigor to be involved in solving family problems;
  • a cure for boredom.

You should not blame men for all the grave problems, women experience the same thing, they simply do not want to confess, tk. another was imposed on them from birth social rolethan the stronger sex. He is the breadwinner, she is the keeper of the hearth. He is an active male, she - takes care of children.

However, there are options in which a lover can change his life, divorce his wife and become a newlywed again.

This happens by the mutual desire of the lovers, the lover is not able to influence the man's decision to leave the family. By her actions, she can speed up the process, but in no way create a situation for which the partner is not internally ready. This is the second fact that a woman should understand.

Cheating always means a double standard, a double life, playing by the rules for a tedious amount of time.

If a young man is ready to change his life, it looks like this:

  1. The relationship of lovers is frank in everything, but the partner is silent about the relationship with his wife.
  2. The man himself tries to spend every free minute together.
  3. He is interested in the life of his passion, helps to solve problems not at the request, but on his own initiative.

At this stage, a woman can raise a question about a joint future, push her to thinking. It is important to know - a man should not feel coercion, pressure from his mistress!

The couple makes the decision to live together, but the man makes the decision to leave the family on his own.

What a mistress shouldn't do:

  1. Leave messages to a deceived wife on clothes, a lover's car.
  2. Blackmail by disclosing the novel.
  3. Discuss the spouse of a loved one.
  4. Call your lover on your home number or after hours.

How to behave correctly:

  1. Be gentle and affectionate.
  2. To treat a loved one with understanding, he is not a subject, but a person.
  3. It is unobtrusive to communicate your feelings, it is better - verbally.
  4. Respect the freedom of a loved one.
  5. Giving more than asking.

These are not easy rules, given the emotional component of a woman's essence. To understand and accept are the main principles.

A relationship that lasts more than a year is likely to remain extramarital, this is the third fact that a woman should better understand right away.

Strategy, tactics, result

Strategic methods for withdrawing a husband are non-standard, as is the situation itself. How to take a married man out of the family relationship psychology, which you need to know. There are things that should be understood and accepted, life is not built on emotions alone:

  • soberly assess the habits that you do not like in your lover, multiply by two - this will be your further reaction to them in a joint future;
  • if you have children in former family, be prepared for the fact that your husband's past is inextricably linked with the family he left for you. They leave the woman, not the children;
  • a sensitive topic that they are afraid to raise - according to statistics, sexual intercourse with an ex-wife is not considered treason. Ironically, you can be deceived in the place.

Use patience and understanding of the situation as a tactic. Your partner will appreciate your realistic, low-emotional approach. Rivers of tears and hysterics will not change, but worsen the situation in which you find yourself.

The result will not be long in coming, if the partner is determined to take a serious step, he will not say something like the following phrases:

  • we need to test our relationship for strength, we will not change anything for another year or two;
  • my wife is ill, the children are small, in general, I am for it, it’s just the wrong time.

Almost every mistress heard similar phrases in different variations, and subconsciously understood that this was a delay, a reason, and not a real reason. The above may be true, but only half - with such honesty he can hide the real reason - unwillingness to change anything.

Life together

He chose you, you are a couple. Be prepared for the fact that he will compare you to your ex, knowingly not. The more years you have lived, the closer the connection between people is, sometimes it is inseparable.

The man is extremely reluctant to exchange some slippers for others. He will leave the family only when he feels himself superfluous, a person whom nothing holds. And when the thought that his mistress might leave his life will be unbearable for him.


Adultery is a component of a relationship; it rarely happens that a spouse who has lived together does not face this dilemma. When feelings are dulled, ardor fades away and passion subsides - ordinary everyday problems remain. Sometimes they put such pressure on us that the only consolation is an illusory double life, which leads us into blissful delusion, gives us sincere happiness.

Sometimes life turns so that we find happiness where we did not expect, were not ready to find it. There is only one way out - to be sincere, honest with yourself and your partner.

It is customary in society to condemn heartbreaking women who have an affair with a married man in a highly moral and tedious manner. But age girlish is short, a woman aged 25-28 is tacitly called an old maid, and it is much more difficult to find your soul mate at this age. Some have already been taken apart, while others are unworthy of attention. And then a woman begins to date a married man, completely without thinking that after a while she will truly love him, and every day she will puzzle over how make a loved one leave your family and go to REGISTRY OFFICE together with her. But it is possible only for the most active, and the rest are forced to always be in second place after the wife.

If you do not consider yourself to be in the category of women who hunt on married men only in order to get the full use of a rich and successful family man, but sincerely love him and want to make him truly happy, then our tips on how take a married man away from family, for you:

1. If you have embarked on the path of the "war" for a start drop morality and etiquette aside. Change your self-esteem, do not sit and wait for miracles. None conspiracies and spells will not help repel a loved one if you yourself are inactive. Do not wait for the day when your loved one will leave his family and rush into your embrace.

2. The main rule in a relationship with a married man is to be present, but do not bother... Don't forget that mistress for men it is a holiday. As you know, constant holidays are also boring, after a few days of fun and festivities we are drawn to calmness and relaxation. In order not to bore your beloved, do not call him often on his mobile phone and do not tell him a hundred times a day that you love him and miss him. A married man prefers to call his mistress himself and does not like it terribly when she calls him in the evening or at night. Your number on his phone is most likely carefully disguised under the names "Vladik" or "Taisiya Ivanovna". This means that he does not want to quarrel with his wife because of you and will be very upset if you provoke him to this conflict... Do not call him if you assume that he may be with his wife at this time, and even more so, you do not need to talk to his wife if she picks up the phone. It is certainly difficult to love someone who does not belong to you. But a little detachment and negligence turns men on more than constant calls and sms.

3. Listen carefully to everything that your loved one tells you about his family and wife, and "wind it all up", but yourself do not criticize his wife and children. Memorize all the information about his wife: what her character traits, demeanors, habits and what your lover does not like about her. Carefully analyze what you heard and do the opposite yourself. Cook him the dishes he loves, show more care, affection and understanding towards him. Don't be offended if he compares you to your wife all the time. Be always cheerful and cheerful. Be patient and pay more attention to your appearance so that the man can see for himself how much you benefit compared to his wife.

4. As a rule, change men to wives, next to whom they feel unnecessary. It is very important for a man to know that his wife and children love, respect and consider him smart, strong and interesting. This means that you need to act so that he understands that you truly love him and are ready to be with him in sorrow and in joy. To do this, sincerely admire everything he does, listen carefully to him, do to him complimentsemphasizing how wonderful he is. However, do all this from the heart, lies and hypocrisy will not help here. You should also not ask your lover to provide you with financial assistance or make repairs in the apartment, this can scare him and he will disappear.

5. Some men cheat on their wives just to paint a monotonous life. And a mistress is a constant adrenaline. Sex in the car elevator sex, sex at work - permanent deletion of incoming and outgoing calls, SMS-ok, answers like: "And this is the boss called, asks to come urgently" or "I am sent on a business trip." And what a drive, when, lying in your bed next to you, he grabs his mobile phone with a trembling hand and gently coos into the receiver: "Yes, I'm already driving up, honey. Don't worry, I'll be there soon." You can't expect a good relationship from such men, they don't need anything from you, except for daring sex. And in one sex, a man is impossible keep... Do not make any illusions about such "males", but for him to lag behind you, put him before a choice: either his wife or me. After that, in men who have an affair only for temporary relaxation, interest in his mistress immediately disappears.

6. Refuse dating in the house of your beloved, in the absence of his wife, and we also do not recommend taking him in your apartment. The best place for meeting with a lover - neutral territory, for example, a hotel room. This will save you the constant hassle of household and make him appreciate you more. If a man flatly refuses to meet with you in places where there is no way to have sex, then think about whether he values \u200b\u200byour relationship as much as you do. Maybe your love is not reciprocal and the battle you started over a married man was lost at the very beginning.

Even if you succeed marry for the man whom you took away from the family, always be prepared for the fact that after a while the same beautiful and young person as you were in your youth may appear on your way. She will also suffer from and spend whole days learning the methods of helping a married man leave his family for her. After all, the "gone" man is doubtful trophy... Proof of this are numerous examples from the life of women who beat off their loved ones from their wives and, years later, became the same victim as his former spouse.

Each one determines this for herself. In theory, of course, not worth it. He might just be a goat.

To take a walk, relax, complain about his crap, don’t give anything, but take more (meaning even dinner at his mistress’s house), breathe sadly - sadly, when he gets tired of such a light romance and runs away under the wing of his wife.

And whether the mistress is at least three hundred times beautiful and clever, such a bastard just rests from the family on the side and earns points for himself in front of friends, like a lucky male.

There is, of course, another type of man. They are initially decent and sensitive by nature and upbringing. Novels begin only when the hedgehog really cannot be overcome. But, even such specimens, from the family, again due to their decency, practically never leave.

The last option is a man whom his own wife is happy to get rid of. Such a guy is not needed anywhere. This means that in all important areas, be it the ability to make money, bed, intelligence, to a greater or lesser extent, is not wealthy.

In general, the first conclusion can be formulated something like this: you can only deal with a married man if he deserves it and if you are ready to go to overcome certain difficulties, such as

  • be content with the status of a mistress, maybe even for years
  • fight for a man to the last by all means, which is also, most likely, not a quick process, and still take him away from everyone.

➤ New: The technology is quite simple, just not many people know it.

Can a man leave the family

Since to take a married man out of the family, their psychology is primitive and easily lends itself to "female legs". Can he leave? The answer is yes, a man can leave the family, especially if some smart and cunning woman wants it.

The strong half of humanity is essentially weak.

It is so important for its representatives.

Attention, to listen, genuinely interested in business, admire, and maybe even regret or at least sympathize
Care. Clean shirts. Warm supper, albeit late at night. Varied breakfast.

All about that - I think this set of instructions will be very useful to you.

Choose what suits only him.

Good day wishes and also cute, but, in no case, unobtrusive little things.

The appearance of the second half. A wife in a dressing gown and with a ponytail instead of a normal hairstyle quickly learns what her husband's hike is

Home furnishings. An eternal mess, not a tasty lunch, nervous children, a torn spouse completely discourage a man from going to his home

As a rule, from all this they go to the always beautiful mistress, who can turn the ordinary into a kind of fairy tale. Therefore, the answer to the question: can a married man be taken away is over.

➤ Secrets: And maybe someone is interested to look - you are welcome.

Is it difficult for a married man to have a mistress?

But that's how to say it. Rather, it depends in most cases not on the man, but on the woman's desire to be a mistress. How she perceives this status. Most often, colleagues at work become lovers.

But this is the most unfavorable variant of relations on the side. It is necessary to hide from everyone, which is extremely difficult and practically impossible when you are with the same people for 8-10 hours a day.

In principle, there are men who have novels to show off, without fear of public opinion or the anger of their wife. Such irreparable males are the most disadvantageous option for a lover.

They are not interested in a woman, as such, their number is important to them, so that “there is something to remember” in old age.

The optimal romance is lovers meeting on the side. And they will not bother each other quickly, and less conspiracy will be required. A married man will have to be resourceful in any case.

As a rule, he

  • extra urgent work will begin,
  • incredible traffic jams on the way home,
  • dying, seriously ill friends,
  • a sharp love for sports, and in a hall that is very far from home.

You can, after all, on a weekend, on the way to the father-in-law, manage to drop in for an hour or a half to his mistress, if she deserves his risks of being caught along the way or, God forbid, at the crime scene. That's it!

➤ This is cool: I had a lot of mailboxes and I didn't know which one I didn't need, but everything turned out to be pretty easy.

What to do if you already have children

Not always the children of a man become a hindrance to the plans of their mistress.

As a rule, caring fathers do not want to deprive their children of upbringing, attention, and money.

But isn't a full-fledged romance with a mistress no longer depriving your children?

That's it. Leaving his wife and children at home for a date with his beloved, a man may be tormented by doubts and his conscience torments him, but his mistress must show tact, endurance and intelligence. All this later, over time, will pay off handsomely.

Wives, in principle, can feel changes in the behavior of their husbands. Children become the main trump card in accusations or pleas. Men really do not want to leave their own children.

But, the trouble is that the spouse simply begins to get bored with such conversations and accusations. And the mistress, the one who acts wisely and has a specific goalon the contrary, he will regret, sigh with understanding, when a man begins to share how they got him.

If you strictly adhere to such tactics, then the husband himself will soon understand that nothing terrible will happen if he leaves the family. After all, he will love children as before, provide no less, but he personally will live much calmer.

But whether to become pregnant with a mistress from a married man with children is another question! On the one hand, the macho can sooner leave his native land and fly to a new cozy nest, on the other hand, remembering diapers, undershirts, sleepless nights, categorically refuses to recognize paternity. In general, it is better not to rush and not to force events.

What else you should definitely read:

What no married man will refuse

Life eats love. The bed does not please with a variety, a tired, angry wife does not want anything new in sex, and a man in the prime of his missionary position on holidays, as an exception, is usually not enough.

An intelligent lover who, of course, knows how to turn any action, be it dinner, or a trip around the city without a goal, into a holiday, and keeps the bar high in bed.

She is ready for experiments and is active herself. It is necessary - she will play along with her beloved man, only very naturally.

And most importantly, then he will not forget to talk about it.

It is recognized that

  • This has never happened in her life and is hardly possible with someone.
  • She felt unearthly bliss and the most violent orgasm.
  • She wants a lot more, but if He is tired, she will wait and mentally prepare for this event.

The bottom line is as follows.

  • if a lover is needed as a husband, albeit a civil one, one must fight for him, but approximately as in the war between Kutuzov and Napoleon. Expectant tactics, maximum attention, no reproaches.
  • children should not be born from him quickly. Suddenly he will jump back into the enemy camp. But sometimes, at an inconvenient time, as if by chance, you can send an SMS to see your spouse, to speed up the denouement.
  • but, most importantly, before the start of hostilities and building a victorious tactics, it is worth considering whether he is needed married? The probability that it will go from here to another is quite high.
  • If you do not know how to take a married man out of the family, the advice of a psychologist will not help you, it is better to follow your own path.

Thousands of women heartbreakers are racking their brains every day to make a beloved manbeing of sound mind and full of memory, change his wife to her beloved. Moreover, some especially active individuals succeed.

Any mistress, meeting with a married man, over time there is a temptation to get him for your undivided use. If you are the lady because of whom the family of a married man should fall apart and do not consider yourself to be a female hunter, but sincerely believe that you love this man and want him to live his life more happily, then these tips on how to take your beloved a man from the family, for you.

1. Before the start of the next "war" for a beloved man, it is necessary to set aside morality and ethics. Beat off, so beat off. First of all, change your self-esteem, do not sit waiting for miracles and the fact that someday your beloved will leave his wife and throw himself into your arms.

2. The most important thing - to be present, but not annoying. A lover for men, as a rule, is a holiday, and constant holidays are very easily boring. He can be drawn to calmness and relaxation. To prevent him from this, do not impose your feeling on him and do not say a hundred times a day that you are bored. Attracting inaccessibility, a little coldness and aloofness of men turns on more than constant declarations of love for him.

3. Try to learn more from your beloved about his wife, her character, habits, negative sides and do the opposite. Do not repeat the mistakes of his wife and try to find out what qualities in a woman your beloved values \u200b\u200bmost. Dress according to his taste, and treat him to the foods he likes most.

4. Rememberthat it is important for a man that he feels himself next to you not only loved, but also an intelligent, interesting and strong person. To do this, be a good listener, share his interests with him, ask him to help him set up the TV, install the program on the computer, hammer in a nail, etc. Praise him, emphasizing that he is so strong and smart. But do not ask him to provide financial assistance or make major repairs, this may scare your loved one.

5. Less criticize his wife and refrain from comments and advice, so that it would not be bad for him to change his lifestyle and habits. Show him more love, affection and understanding. Do not be offended that he compares you to your wife all the time. Be patient, the main thing is to look like you win in this comparison. And for this, pay more attention to your appearance, go to a beauty salon, change your image and put yourself in order.
6. All methods of seduction cannot be reduced beloved and taking him away from the family for daring sex. Sex alone cannot build a long relationship.

7. Choose a place to meet with your loved one. Refuse dating at his home, in the absence of his wife, and also do not take him all the time in your apartment. The best meeting place is hotel room or neutral territory. This will relieve you of an embarrassing situation, from excessive household chores and make your loved one appreciate you more.

Even if applying all the ways, it was not possible to take your loved one away from the family, think, maybe you don't need him. This means that your love was not reciprocal, and the battle was already lost at the very beginning. Take a closer look at the man for whom you have changed so much. Many married men have an affair on the side only because they perceive it as a temporary release. As soon as the passions subside, such men lose all interest. This is the behavior of men leading a rather gray life and with modest opportunities. It is better to leave such men by yourself, without building any illusions.

Even if you succeed take a loved one out of the family, it is necessary to have an idea in advance that the "gone" man is a dubious trophy. As practice shows, there is a high probability that a woman who has beaten off her beloved from the family becomes a victim over the years, a younger person also “takes away” her husband from her, who, like her, has mastered all the methods to take a man out of the family.

Table of contents of the topic "Relationships in personal life":