How is it to meet your destiny after a dozen mistakes. How to Meet Your Destiny: Some Helpful Tips for Seekers

When you meet your destiny, everything is turned upside down. After all, you are not used to the fact that he answers your messages so quickly and listens so attentively when you speak. You even wonder at the little things: when he opens the door for you or calls in for you before a date.

You are not used to someone looking so deeply into your eyes and admitting how they feel. You are not used to the fact that someone can be so straightforward, and not incomprehensible, wasting your time.

And although you feel from the very beginning that he is different, just in case you are still careful. You've been hurt before, and you don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past. Therefore, you are in no hurry. You are acting with caution.

And he doesn't mind. He doesn't mind that you need a few weeks before you open up to him. That you need a few months before you can go to bed with him. That you need several years to accept that he is your destiny.

Unlike all your other guys, he never makes you doubt or anxious. He never even frowns when the other guy, your friend, talks to you. He never complains that your dress is too short, and does not accuse you of cheating. He never forces you to have sex when you're not in the mood.

He treats you right. He treats you the way you deserve.

His behavior is refreshing, but at the same time frightening, because he is completely different. You are used to waiting for hours for an answer to your message and keeping emotions in yourself. You are used to the rules of modern relationships.

But he breaks all these rules, and you don't know how to react. Should you also confess your feelings to him? Should I immediately respond to his message? Be yourself real?

It's like you're in a relationship for the first time with him. You first open yourself to someone. For the first time, you really trust someone. For the first time, you honestly believe that you can spend a lifetime with someone.

When you meet your destiny after having a relationship with a dozen assholes, you start to hold on to it tightly. Because you know how hard it is to find a good guy. You know how lucky you are to be in a relationship with the love of your life.

You don't want to ruin anything. You don't want to lose the best thing that happened to you. So you try your best, you try your best - and the craziest thing is that he does the same. He gives you as much as he receives. He behaves on an equal footing.

When you meet your destiny, you finally understand what it means to be loved. You finally feel love as it should be.

And that's why you don't have the slightest doubt that you should be with this particular person.

It just so happens that a person needs another person to be happy. For many, this is happiness. Everyday worries, work, favorite business are not at all considered the meaning of life for a person. These are just additions to everything else.

Every person dreams of meeting his destiny.

Of course, everyone dreams of meeting their destiny sooner or later. Mentally idealizing future relationships in my head. When creating an ideal image, no one thinks that everything, like in films and fairy tales, will not be perfect.

This does not mean that any relationship is doomed to a bad end, you just need to realize that in reality everything is different.Many people live in hope and for their lives. But no one should think that the same person is also not perfect in himself.

Certain relationship problems will also be present with him, these are:

  1. Scandals and nerves... There is nothing without these components, because when 2 people rub against each other, they become not indifferent to each other. Anyone can feel jealous, therefore, scandals follow, even if there is no reason for it.
  2. Clarifying the relationship... They can arise for various reasons, when one of 2 people begins to show their character. Or, when 1 out of 2 was guilty, and then reproaches and accusations follow.
  3. Treason. This can be expected from anyone, even a loved one. It would seem, what else is needed for happiness when next to you is a person who loves you and does not want to lose ?! The essence of a person is sometimes very deceiving. It happens that you build a relationship with a person, everything is fine with you. And then you learn about the betrayal of your beloved. At this moment, that ideal image, created once in the head, gradually fades.
  4. Lying. Lying is often the basis for a breakup. It happens that a person lied once, wanting to hide the truth without thinking about the consequences. And when the truth comes out, and it comes up unambiguously, it is too late to prove something and give reasons. Because - any person understands that relationships based on lies cannot be built.

Of course, there are different situations in life, after which a person changes, even without noticing it. Someone may have disappointment in one person, after which it is no longer possible to trust the rest. It happens that there is a black streak in life, and a continuous series of partings follow, after which it becomes more and more difficult to revive again and again.

People continue and want to believe in a fairy tale.

You have to put yourself together over and over again. But even after such troubles, many still continue to believe that there is an ideal relationship with a happy ending. People continue and want to believe in a fairy tale. There comes a moment when you meet the very person with whom you hope to find happiness.

But not here, it was, another melodrama unfolds, with the ensuing consequences. But hope still lives on, waiting for changes and a happy ending in the relationship. This happens often at the moment when you fall in love with this person, expect reciprocity from the person.

But in order to get an answer to your feelings, you need to show the person clearly on a daily basis how you are not indifferent to him. Otherwise, another disappointment will follow.

Hello! I am Ekaterina, I was born in Moscow on 08/01/1989. Tell me please, when will I find my destiny and get married?

Good afternoon, Ekaterina!

Based on your natal chart, 2015 is significant for you in the love sphere. Jupiter is the planet of achievements, new achievements in life, the companion of luck accompanies you until August of this year.

Ekaterina, you need to use 100% of the chances that 2015 will give. Up to this point, your personal life has not been arranged. The people you met on your path in life were not yours in terms of karma and fate. It is very good that you let them go and were able to find the strength in yourself to build your life further. You are very concerned about the sphere of family personal relationships. Most of your female acquaintances are already married, some have small children. But the fact that you are alone now is not accidental, and even more so - do not blame yourself and fate for this. Nothing happens by accident!

Lions born in early August (you fall into this category), fate will be very favorable. You just need not to miss your chance and finally decide what you need in terms of relationships. Friend, lover, partner, spouse? Realize - do you need serious relationship? Because, as soon as you find a life partner, you will have to fight for him. You will need to spend a lot of strength and energy in order to be together. Fate will test you.

If you decide that you are ready for a relationship, then already in the first summer month of 2015 you will meet him - a person whom you will marry next year (2016). He will be your destiny. But, for this you need to help your destiny to give you a loved one.

How to meet your destiny?

On the 1st and 2nd lunar day of the fourth month of the year, that is, starting from April 19, you will need to perform a small ceremony. To do this, take white paper and write: “ I am waiting for you, my destiny, in June 2015. I know that you will be _____ for me (list the desired qualities of the chosen one) "... The only thing is that you cannot indicate the material side of the relationship. In no case do not write that you want to see him rich, with such and such a car and a certain amount of money. It is necessary to describe the personal qualities of a person. Indicate the height of the chosen one, hair color, physique, education, position, etc. Your description of the chosen one may take several sheets, but no more than three.

On the waxing moon, on the night of April 18-19, burn this leaf at home. Place the ashes in a casket or small container and place them on the bed where you are resting. And from this moment start to free up space in your apartment for a loved one. Get a second toothbrush, men's slippers, a towel ... Cover bed linen for two. You must show your Destiny that you are ready to give yourself to another person. And remember, in June you need to be the most beautiful and happy, because this is how your future husband will remember you.

Probably, every woman dreams of meeting “that very” man: the only one, handsome and beloved, who will possess a certain set of qualities and skills. Some ladies, in order to make their dream come true, are purposefully looking for their soul mate, other beauties hope for fate, a lucky break and live by the principle: “ Fate will find it on the stove too!».

But if you decide to take the situation into your own hands and wonder how to meet your fateful man, then read the tips that will be given below.

So, if you decide to go out in search of your man, then it will be useful for you to know some wisdom that will help you find the answer to the question of how to meet your fate:

  • To meet a person who fits the definition of "the best", it is important to clearly understand what we are actually looking for. Therefore, before you go in search, fill out your wishes, preferably in writing. Perhaps it sounds a little absurd and ridiculous, but only with this approach can you meet a real man. Otherwise, there is a danger of joining the army of divorced women, who, a couple of months after the wedding, realize that their chosen one is not at all the prince of their dreams. Therefore, write down who you want to see and what qualities are important to you. Having such a list, looking a little more closely at the opposite sex, you can find your ideal;
  • Be realistic. Unfortunately, most modern girls dream of princes, and not on white horses, but on luxurious cars with gorgeous bouquets and other attributes. beautiful life... But not all ladies understand that people should be suitable for each other. That is, for example, if you do not monitor your appearance, you look untidy and sloppy, then the man who paid attention to you will be the same. Therefore, if you want a prince, then you yourself become a princess. Look at life realistically and evaluate your gentlemen;
  • For a person to truly become a part of your destiny, you need to meet him in the right place. Only marriages between such special people are saturated with an extraordinary atmosphere of mutual respect, warmth and comfort. But where do you meet your destiny? The answer is simple. In places where you are interested: theater, restaurant, gym, work, etc. Only people with common interests and desires can make each other happy and create their own personal universe;
  • Do not trust horoscopes and fortune-tellers. Women are very suspicious persons, so it happens that if there is a lull in their personal life for a long time, then they begin to go to fortune-tellers and sorceresses. Ladies hope that otherworldly forces will help build their personal life, but this is not the case. Psychologists believe that such representatives of the fair sex are simply trying to shift the responsibility for their personal life to others, in this case to fortune-tellers. And you can't meet a real man. And about horoscopes - do not believe them entirely. For example, you are Sagittarius by the zodiac sign, and your chosen one is Pisces. Many astrologers write that the union of these signs is very unfortunate. But you should not drive yourself into the framework, relying only on this. After all, no matter what sign a person was born under, he is individual and, perhaps, it is the man who does not fit the horoscope that will become your fate. And, by the way, if we talk about astrology, then in order to determine the compatibility of two people, you need to look at a lot of parameters, and not just the birthday;
  • Don't let things go by themselves and believe in the best. Even if you have been looking for a person of your destiny for a long time, and he still does not exist, you do not need to give up. Those people who live by the principle: “ Fate will find on the stove”Lose a lot. After all, fate is a whirlpool of events, joys and sorrows. Our whole life is destiny. It's just that someone builds it himself, and someone goes with the flow, missing bright moments and interesting opportunities in their lives. Therefore, do not sit idly by, if you do not yet have a beloved man, engage in self-development, visit theaters, exhibitions, museums, sign up for the pool, in general, do whatever you like. Try to be in public more and see how many interesting men are around, and you will definitely find your prince.

How to understand that it is He

So, a good man appeared on the horizon, it is easy and interesting for you to spend time with him, but the question constantly arises in your head: “ Is this my prince?". Anyway, how to understand that you have met your fate?

Listen to yourself, your emotions and feelings. If, when communicating with a man, you have a feeling: “ I have already met this person, as if we have known each other for a hundred years!”, If you understand and accept all the actions of the chosen one, if there is a feeling of lightness and complete unity, and your beloved feels the same, then drive away bad thoughts.

Most likely, you have found your man. Try to understand how interesting and comfortable you are with your significant other, if there is any understatement and general awkwardness. Think about how you feel when this person is not around.

If you miss him, cannot do what you love, and in general, it seems boring and uninteresting to you, and when a man is around, it seems as if you come to life, life begins to play with all the colors of the rainbow and seethe, then maybe you should start enjoying?

Only real love gives such strong positive emotions and becomes a source of inspiration. Therefore, you should be glad that you have found the same man, real and yours.

Now you know how to meet your man-destiny and recognize if it is he. And finally, I would like to give a little advice. Take a look around, it is possible that in pursuit of ideals you simply do not see someone nearby who sincerely loves and supports you. In general, be careful and be sure to meet someone who will become the best for you. Good luck and love!

Everyone knows from school such irrefutable proof that two parallel lines do not intersect. They can walk next to each other throughout their entire length, but I can never touch, even being from each other, at an extremely small distance!

We often see such a picture in people's lives. Two good, wonderful people cannot meet each other in this life, like those straight lines. And why?

There is one overriding reason for this. THEY do not match in vibration. I will give another small example. Our world, the physical world in which we arrive, consists of a huge number of waves and vibrations. Simply put, our world has an energy-wave structure of the structure. Energies of different frequencies are generated and emitted by both living and non-living objects.

But let's consider all the same MAN and WOMAN. Human. Each of the newly born in this world brings here a certain karmic supply of energies. This is his destiny, karma. Thanks to this program, a person is born in a particular country, society, family. Receives this or that body, respectively. BUT each of those born comes to this world to be happy! And not in order to suffer and suffer!

Every man and woman wants to be happy! Love is what man strives for. He wants both to love and to be loved.

So let's look at what is happening in our world now! It is very difficult for a person now to find his soul mate and create a strong reliable family. As a specialist who has been working in this field for a long time, I know this problem is not by hearsay. A lot of both men and women are asking the same question! THEY ARE LONELY! A huge number of wonderful people cannot find a life partner ,. Why it happens?

I will answer, they are parallel to each other. Yes, they are good, they have both soul and body. And the soul is good, light. The body is also not defective. But the paradox is that they either meet the wrong people in their lives, or they don't meet at all. Can this be fixed and how?

I can only say one thing now! It is necessary to change the frequency of perceptions, to stop watching melodrama on the channel! You can watch movies about love too!

So there is a problem! A man, a woman cannot find their soul mate, their love and, accordingly, create a normal, healthy family! As I said, there are several reasons why this happens. The main reason I described specifically. These people simply simply cannot meet each other, as PARALLEL LINE. But let's not talk more about school programs, let's talk about life.

Karmic program

This is the first reason because of which a person has brought such karma, destiny into this life and carries his cross. What could it be? Why fate so disposes in this life with a person, in this way. The answer in a past life, a person, by some of his actions or deeds, ruined or trampled or destroyed the sacred - LOVE. How could this happen? Yes, let's just say a banal, simplest reason a person (man or woman) rejected the real, pure one for any material reasons. Let's say I cannot get married or get married, because I either have no money or housing, or you do not suit me in terms of financial situation. I LOVE YOU VERY, but I cannot connect my life with you. That's all this is the murder of LOVE!

Or another similar karmic reason! Karma of the clan (mom, dad, grandfathers, grandmothers), could also violate the laws of love. And their children are now paying the price for this, for all of them now carry the program of destruction of love in this world. Therefore, they would like to create a normal, healthy family. To love and be loved, and the law of KARMA does not allow to do this. God forgives everything, KARMA NO. this mechanism is the cause - there are effects.


We refer to outside interference as the so-called magical effects on a person and relationships to arouse feelings of love, sexual attraction, breakdown of relationships with a partner, etc. This is all done with the help of magical influences: love spells, cuffs, sex bindings, pricks, rassorings, guillettes.

Through magic, a person can either arouse love or sexual desires, or, on the contrary, be killed. Damage can be done to a person so that he can never get married, get married and create his own family. There are such programs as "", "SEAL OF LONELINESS" a person with such programs will also not be able to marry or marry.

What can be done if YOU suspect that something is wrong in your life? There is a suspicion that you have been corrupted or you have a karmic program! No need to hesitate and wait. There is nothing more valuable in our world than TIME! It is the time lost that cannot be returned for any money. So, if there are suspicions, you need to establish the exact reason for what is happening in your life. Is it karma or magic. The crown of celibacy is, or the seal of loneliness. Or nothing like that, and everything is in your hands.