What is scriptonite the meaning of the word is not a singer. Scryptonite - biography, photos, songs, personal life, albums, clips, height, weight

Adil Oralbekovich Zhalelov, better known under the pseudonym Scryptonite, is a Kazakh rapper and beatmaker. At the time of writing, Scryptonite is one of the members of the Gazgolder label.

Born on June 3, 1990 in the village of Leninsky (not far from Pavlodar). Even at an early age (at 11 years old) he became interested in rap. At the age of 15, Scryptonite has already begun to try to compose his first tracks, which were dedicated to children's problems, school and friends.

The first success was waiting for him at the age of eighteen (2009), when together with his friend (Niman) they created a group called "JILLZ". In addition to Scryptonite and Niman, it included 4 more people. The creation of his own rap group pushed the young artist to do more rap work. At that time, Scriptonite firmly decided that it was necessary to create something of its own, new, which would be different from those same-type tracks of that time.

Together with Niman, a video clip was presented for the song “VBVVCTND” (VBVVCTND = Choice without options - everything you gave us). After that, Gazgolder became interested in him, and already on February 27, 2014, the news appeared on the network that Scryptonite is now one of the members of this label. Adil himself admits that it was 2014 that became a turning point for him in his career and life.

Before Adil signed a contract with Gazgolder, he managed to release a couple of singles and find his fans. In addition, some singles became real hits, and he began to be called a real trap music performer.

In 2015, Scryptonite was one of the participants in the joint album of Basta and Smokey Mo (the name of the album is "Basta / Smokey Mo").

Also, the achievements of 2015 include getting into the top iTunes and the list of "50 best tracks of 2015", where his single "Cosmos", recorded together with Dasha Charusha, was in 22nd place (according to The Flow). Scryptonite took part in the filming of such videos as "Ice" and "Slumdog Millionaire", which scored 8 million and 2 million views, respectively.

In October 2015, Adil was one of the finalists of the Jagermeister Indie Awards in the Hip-Hop nomination, and the very next year he was among the contenders in the Discovery of the Year 2016 nomination (GQ magazine). In September 2016, Scryptonite was recognized as the “Discovery of the Year” by GQ.

On November 24, 2015, the album "House with Normal Phenomena" was released, which took second place on the iTunes chart, losing to the British singer Adele, and overtaking Oksimiron with his album "Gorgorod". This album should be called one of the most successful in 2015, which is confirmed by such sites as Rap.ru and The Flow, Afisha and Gazeta.Ru in their ratings.

The clip “Style” received a good response from its fans, which was in 5th place in the list of “Best Russian Clips of 2015” (Rap.ru). Not so long ago we published a news where foreigners listen to music. One of the clips for evaluation was the Scryptonite “Style”. Watch video here.

At the beginning of 2016, Scryptonite planned to release a second album. Suggested name was 3P (tripy). However, for unknown reasons, this did not happen in January. Scryptonite himself in his interview assured that the album is almost ready. Later it became known that the second album would be called “Hotel Everest” and would be released on May 29, 2016, but this never happened.

On October 29, 2016, the Jillzay band pleased us with the new album “718 Jungle“, which consists of 18 tracks. Scryptonite can be heard on half of all the tracks on this album.

Adil says about himself that he is a Kazakh rapper and does not approve of being called a “Russian performer” who does “Russian rap”. In his tracks, the performer tries to focus on music, unlike Russian-speaking rappers, who pay more attention to “profound” texts. Often the musical component for his tracks Scryptonite does himself.

According to Scryptonite himself, he tries not to listen to songs in Russian, so as not to fall under the influence of others. After the release of the album "House with Normal Phenomena", many famous Russian performers spoke well of his work. Among these performers were Oxxxymiron, Karandash, Johnyboy ATL, Ivan Dorn and others.

Interesting facts: Scryptonite changed his surname from Kulmagambetov to Zhalelov in his youth. Scryptonite tries not to listen to Russian performers, so as not to fall under their influence and develop his own style.

Scryptonite (Adil Zhalelov) is a Kazakh beatmaker and rap artist, a resident of the Gazgolder label.

Childhood and youth

Adil was born on June 3, 1990 in the Leninsky village of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the family of an engineer and a housewife. The rapper's father has an operatic voice, and music goes with him in life. Adil is sure that it was from his father that he got a passion for music.

From childhood, Scryptonite was engaged in judo and showed great promise, but he chose music. He successfully mastered playing the guitar, and from the age of 11 he became interested in hip-hop and began to write lyrics. The musician created his first beat at the age of 15.

As Zhalelov himself recalls, conservative parents raised him in strictness. Until the age of majority, he had to be at home no later than ten o'clock at night. It didn't matter what time of year it was or who else was out walking.


Already at the age of 16, the rap artist performed at the Pavlodar festival in front of a wide audience. Around the same time, he began selling his beats using the social network Vkontakte. Then one of his bits cost about 50 dollars, but for Adil it was a lot of money.

In 2009, Scryptonite and his friend Nieman created the Jillz band. In addition to them, the group included several other people. A distinctive feature of the band is experiments with different musical styles.

In the period from 2010 to 2013, Zhalelov became famous in Kazakhstan as a performer of "real trap music". As a result, the Gazgolder label became interested in his work. This event happened thanks to the personal communication of Scryptonite with Vasily Vakulenko (Basta), co-owner of the production center. Zhalelov immediately found a common language with a popular rapper. In 2014, Adil officially received the status of a resident of the Gas Holder.

In the fall of 2015, the presentation of the debut album of Scriptonite took place. As a result, the album took second place on the iTunes chart, behind only the world-famous singer Adele.

Personal life

It is known that the musician was never officially married, but lived in a civil marriage for several years. The artist has a son, Rays, whom he named after his mother with unusual name Lucia.

At the end of 2016, the media received information about Scryptonite's beloved. She turned out to be the artist and designer Martha Memers. The musician declined to comment on this.

Brief dossier:

  • Gemini
  • Height - 178 cm
  • Weight - 65 kg
  • Instagram - www.instagram.com/real_scrip
  • Vkontakte - vk.com/id11500032

The birthplace of Scriptonite is Kazakhstan, Pavlodar region, the village of Leninsky. Birthday has been celebrated on June 3 since 1990.

Adil Oralbekovich Zhalelov, under the well-known pseudonym Scryptonite, is a famous rapper and rapper performer, not only in Kazakhstan. Scriptonite is a member of the Gazgolder label. The beginning of his career path fell on the video for the song "VBVVCTND", which gave him access to the world stage.

It's about the popular rapper - Scriptonite. His biography is quite surprising and interesting.

Previously, Adil, aka Scryptonite, was under the name of Kulmagambetov. Later, he changed his surname from Kulmagambetov to Zhalelov, in honor of his grandfather. Scriptonite Kazakh nationality. Adil began his career at an early age.

In 2009 the JILLZ group was created, which included Adil Zhalelov, Anuar, Yuri Drobitko, Sayan Zhimbaev, Azamat Alpysbaev and Aidos Dzhumalinov. Scryptonite has released a number of tracks that have helped to gain the favor of the public.

year 2014 - it's like before and after, the same golden mean, where Scryptonite won recognition among the producers of the Gazgolder label. After the video clip for the song "VBVVCTND" was released, the Russian production center Gazgolder signed an agreement with him.

In 2015 he starts collaborating with Basta and Smokey Mo. Then comes their joint album with Scriptonite called "Basta / Smokey Mo". The recorded single "Cosmos" together with Dasha Charusha takes top places in the iTunes charts. Video clips titled "Ice" and "Slumdog Millionaire" are gaining popularity on Youtube video hosting.

Also, that year, his debut album "House with Normal Phenomena" was released, which took second place in the iTunes charts. This album was successful for Scryptonite. His glory rose to the heavens. This album occupies the top lines of well-known charts and overtakes many famous rap artists in terms of popularity.

The second album of Scryptonite "Holiday on 36 Street" was supposed to be released on the same day as the first album. But for a number of reasons, the release of the second album happened May 24, 2017. Many bloggers express the opinion that if you compare the first album and the second one, you can come to the conclusion that the second one is less understandable precisely because of its not pronouncing the words. The new track from this album Party, covered from the previous one, was combined in the video clip with the single Jillzay ft. KolyaOlya - Bar - Two lesbians at the moment (August 2017) has gained almost 7 million views. The next release of the album will take place in the fall of 2017, according to the rap artist.

Scriptonite albums are gaining popularity. Scryptonite, discography is a single whole, music is everything for him.

Artist's personal life

Presently Scryptonite and his girlfriend live in Moscow. A child was recently born. Young parents do not plan to marry in the near future due to the fact that Scryptonite has a difficult schedule. The rap artist himself misses his hometown— Pavlodar. He always speaks positively about it, while others may not like some aspects of this city. That is why he is very often in his homeland in the studio with his family, from childhood, friends. His boys are the ones who made him believe in himself and in his strength.

Conversations with a rapper

Adil Zhalelov, known as Scryptonite, Skripi, became the main discovery of the year. Russian Harper's Bazaar gladly made an appointment with him to talk about the main topics that the stars are talking about.

Skripi's albums

Discography created by Scriptonite, as follows:

There are also singles that can be found on Yandex Music.

Under the pseudonym Scryptonite, which causes persistent associations either with himself or with his main weakness, a rapper from Kazakhstan performs. The real name of the performer is Adil Oralbekovich Zhalelov. Despite close cooperation with the Russian label "Gazgolder", Scryptonite calls himself only a Kazakh rapper.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born on June 3, 1990 in Pavlodar (Kazakhstan). Adil's path to becoming a rap artist began at a young age, he was only 11 years old. At that time, a sonorous pseudonym had not yet been invented, and the young man himself had a different surname - Kulmagambetov.

It all started with a passion for creativity, which gradually grew into a desire to independently invent tracks.

The boy did not have a complaisant character; conflicts with his father were an integral part of his teenage life. Yes, and his father was a strict and quick-tempered man. Scryptonite recalls that in childhood he categorically refused to understand his father. And only today I realized why he acted this way and not otherwise. Now he idolizes his father. And he realizes that he himself is very similar to him.

In addition to music, Adil was fond of drawing as a child. And after the 9th grade, at the insistence of his father, he enters college for the profession of a master artist - this is the first step of an architect.

Another future rapper played basketball, went to judo. He learned to play the guitar, however, on his own. Adil did not receive a special musical education. Yes, and these hobbies did not last long.

In his 3rd year of college, he realizes that this is not what he would like to devote his life to. Zhalelov takes the documents, and behind him is an incomplete secondary education.


Adil began composing music at the age of 15, and already at 16 he performed for the first time in front of a relatively large audience. The debut of the performer on stage took place during the city festival. It is noteworthy that Scryptonite had to create in spite of the family: his father, who was also fond of music in childhood, saw Adil as an architect in the future.

Scryptonite - "This is love"

At the same time, Adil graduated from high school and changed his last name. He decided to change his father's Kulmagambetov to his grandfather's - Zhalelov. Further in life young singer things were relatively quiet until 2009.

Just this year, Adil and his friend Anuar, acting under the pseudonym Niman, organized the Jillz band. In addition to Zhalelov and Baimuratov, the group included Azamat Alpysbaev, Sayan Jimbaev, Yuri Drobitko and Aidos Dzhumalinov. This composition of musicians brought fame to Scriptonite. True, the rapper acquired fans and fame at that time only in Kazakhstan.

Scryptonite - "Chains"

In the period from 2009 to 2013, Adil managed to gain fame as a performer of "real trap music", but the rapper gained popularity after he and Anuar released a video for the track VBVVCTND. The title of the song is an acronym for "Choice without options is all you gave us". As a result, two labels immediately became interested in Scryptonite's work: Soyuz and the Gazgolder production center.

Zhalelov carefully considered both proposals and decided to give preference to "Gazgolder". In many ways, this development of events is due to personal communication with the owner of the production center. Adil immediately found a common language with a popular rap artist: they spoke the same language, and the prospect of working with a congenial organization turned out to be preferable for Scryptonite. As a result, on February 27, 2014, Zhalelov received the status of a label resident. Later this year, Adil will call a turning point in his career as a rap artist.

By 2015, the number of fans of Scryptonite's work had increased significantly, but the singer was in no hurry to release his first studio album. Several singles were released during 2014-2015. In some of them, Adil acted as the main artist: “Not welcome”, “Yours”, “Curls”, “5 here, 5 there”, “Space”, “Your bitch”, and in some as a guest: “Accidents ” and “Perspective”. Zhalelov also took part in the creation of Basta's album and, released under the laconic title "Basta / Smokey Mo". No less striking collaboration was his work with the singer.

Scryptonite - "We are connected with you" (ft. Yolka)

Scryptonite's career did not stand still. Singles with Pharaoh brought the performer even more popularity, and the second one even got 22nd place in the top 50 songs of the year from The Flow portal.

Popularity did not bypass Adil's videos for the songs "Ice" and "Slumdog Millionaire", they quickly gained the coveted figure of 1 million views. Fans couldn't wait for the release of the full album.

Scryptonite and Nadya Dorofeeva - "Don't take me away from the party"

On November 24, 2015, the long-awaited event happened: the album "House with Normal Phenomena" was released. The launch was extremely successful, and the project took second place in the corresponding iTunes chart. The only thing that "House ..." yielded to was the singer's album that appeared at that time, but "Gorgorod" turned out to be less popular than the creation of Scryptonite.

The success of the debut was amazing. In many ways, not only the popularity of the artist, but also the unusual style of the project affected. One of the reviewers noted that "House ..." included tracks from a wide variety of genres, from hip-hop and trap to close to gospel.

After the release of the debut album creative life Adila did not think to fade away. Although it was originally planned to release two albums at once: "At Home ..." and "3P", the release of the second was postponed indefinitely.

At the end of 2016, fans of creativity were delighted with the album "718 Jungle", which was released by the group "Jillzay". Adil, in turn, is a co-founder of this team.

In September 2016, the Russian edition of the men's magazine GQ recognized Scryptonite as the "Discovery of the Year".

Personal life

Fans of Scryptonite are interested in personal life no less than his work, but Zhalelov himself prefers to remain silent.

At the same time, a number of publications at the end of 2016 published information about the Scryptonite girl. She, according to the media, was the artist Martha Memers. But the rumors were not supported by solid grounds - and the rapper, nor Martha did not react to this information in any way - they did not confirm their romance, but they did not refute it either.

In an interview, the rapper mentioned that he has a child from an ex-girlfriend. The boy lives with his mother in Pavlodar. According to Scryptonite, he tried to move his family to Moscow, but they did not settle down here and soon returned to Kazakhstan.

Of course, the journalists became interested in the ex-lover of Scryptonite. His ex-girlfriend's name is Abdiganieva Nigora Kamilzhanovna, she is an active user of Instagram and, judging from her account, works as a dancer. Their son's name is Luchi, and he also often appears in Nigora's account. But the artist himself is extremely negative about social networks, and leads "Instagram" reluctantly.

By the way, if you review the clips of the rapper from that period when he was not so popular, you can see Nigora there.

With whom Scryptonite meets today is unclear. It is known for certain that there is no stamp in the rapper's passport. Adil does not have an official wife and never had one.

Scryptonite now

The rapper's second studio album was released only in May 2017. It was named "Holiday on 36 Street". Colleagues in the group Jillzay, as well as Basta and from the group took part in the recording of the disc. At the end of 2017, the album took the third place in the Apple Music and iTunes charts among the most popular albums among Russians.

To the delight of the fans, in the same year Scryptonite presented his third studio album Ouroboros. It consisted of two parts - "Street 36" and "Mirrors". On the day of the release, the rapper announced that he was "retiring rap" and taking a break for 2-3 years, but did not end his musical career. He also added that for him, rap, in principle, has become obsolete as a format.

Scryptonite - "Ouroboros": Mirrors

In an interview with Gazeta.Ru, he said that he plans to make other music, but he is not afraid to remain misunderstood. He admits that he began to drink less, quit smoking cigarettes, went in for sports. Indeed, even in a conversation with Dud, he said that he wanted to kill the rock star in himself, namely that “pat-haired, thin Scryptonite who drinks four hundred whiskey in the evening” and sings it’s not clear what. Indeed, the rapper's fans noticed that Scryptonite looks great now - with a height of 175 cm, its weight is about 72 cm.

And soon after the release of the album "Ouroboros" and a loud statement about leaving rap, it became known that the group "Jillzay" had grown into a separate music label - "Zorski".

Adil continues to perform, the tour is scheduled for six months in advance. And on November 3, 2018, a concert will take place at the Megasport Sports Palace, where all the hits of Scriptonite will be performed.


  • 2015 - "House with normal phenomena"
  • 2016 - "718 Jungle" (with Jillzay)
  • 2017 - "Holiday on 36 Street"
  • 2017 - Ouroboros: Street 36 / Ouroboros: Mirrors

“Music is also a woman, and so far the only woman who can keep me around.”

Real name: Adil Zhalelov (Kulmagambetov)
Date of Birth: 3.06.1990
Zodiac sign: Twins
City: p. Leninsky, Pavlodar
Nationality: Kazakh
Growth: 175 cm
The weight: 72 kg

“Do what your soul asks and spit on someone else’s opinion” - this phrase can be used to name all creativityScryptonite . After all, this approach allowed him to develop regardless of trends, becoming the main phenomenon of the entire Russian-speaking hip-hop. Want styleScryptonite difficult to equate to just one genre of music.

Scryptonite - Childhood

Looking at contemporary art Scryptonite, impregnated with urbanism and philosophical motifs of our time, richly decorated with anger, asceticism and aggression , then the probability of seeing a diligent student and an athlete there will be equal to 1 percent. But he played here.

Adil Zhilelovwas born under the name of his father Oralbek Zhalelovich Kulmagambetov in the Kazakh villageLeninistthat bordered on Pavlodar. The artist's father's name is Oralbek, and his mother is Lucia. The rapper has a sister.

Papa Scryptonite was very fond of music as a child, but his father forbade him to do it

A tense atmosphere reigned in the family, under the protection of a firm paternal hand. The quick-tempered father of Scryptonite often raised his voice, bringing the whole family to tears. TemperamentalAdil entered into frequent confrontations with himthat ended with a “belt”.

Entering the local school 33, Scryptonite immediately established himself as creative person, taking part in theatrical performances and drawing competitions. In addition, Adil was fond of basketball, judo and playing the guitar, but this did not last long, frankly, and the rapper abandoned his hobbies.

An interesting fact about Scriptonite:

Until the age of 17, Adil had to be at home no later than 22:00.

Scryptonite - Earlier Creativity

On the threshold of high school, Adil was destined to get to know this musical genre like rap, to eventually become his new ambassador. Decl inspired Adil, instilling in him a love for hip-hop. After that, heavy artillery was used in the face of top foreign rappers.

An interesting fact about Scriptonite:

Once Adil came to class shaved bald, which shocked everyone.

Then no one could have thought that the shy, but masterful Scriptonite would becomea star that will quite possibly conquer the world.

“Rappers of the CIS are homegrown people, nerds. Where did they come from? I myself am a nerd, I was sitting at the computer, writing music. Ninety-nine percent of Russian rappers are boys because of computers”

Surprisingly, the first person with whom Scryptonite shared his new (and main hobby) was his class teacher. She did not openly criticize the guy, but she admits that she did not see his future in this.

Scryptonite - Studying at the School

After finishing 9 classes, Scryptonite follows the instructions of his parents, and goes to college for a profession.master artist"(the first stage of the architect). The father wanted his son to master this craft.

At this age, Scriptonite hits the audio production, and solo tracks give way to the creation of beats and instrumentals.

All the time that Adil was studying in college, a conflict was ripening inside, which made itself felt in the third year. He did not like this occupation, and he took the documents from the educational institution, having behind him only an incomplete secondary education.

Who worked as Scriptonite?

Shocked parents turned a blind eye to their future son, resigned to his rebelliousness. Without completing his studies, Scriptonite goes to work at a gas station and continues to write beats right there.

It was 2009 outside, the rap show, fashionable at that time, was gaining momentum “Battle for Respect".Even then, millions of people heard the work of Scryptonite, though not in the role of MC.

Scryptonite wrote almost all the beats for a bright rapperhydroponics , starting to bring into the house the first solid sums that exceeded the salary of the parents.This made the relatives think.

Scryptonite - Career Start

At the dawn of 2010, Adil "harder" returns to the rank of MC, independently creating music for his songs. Then he created his own group in vk, where he had a small community of connoisseurs of his work. At the same time, together with their friend Niman, rappers create a creative associationjillz which exists to this day.Scriptonite, once former member, is now their producer and guest on the tracks.

Gilzey gradually begins to conquerKazakhstan with a fashionable sound and an impressive style of performance of verses.To some extent, rappers harmonize strongly in their voice tones and similarities in style. They can even be confused. Presentlyjillzgathered under its wing a lot of Kazakh performers, such asScryptonite, Truwer, 104, Niman, Six-O, Benz, Cheenah and Strong Symphony.

Interesting Jillz Fact:

Now some members of the association live in a house that Scriptonite rents for them.

Scryptonite - Clip VBVVCTND (Choice Without Options - Everything You Gave Us)

Runway for popularityScryptonite became a clip Adila and Niman on which they did not bet at all. At that time, Scryptonite had several popular tracks, but they did not receive much attention.

An interesting fact about Scriptonite:

The VBVVCTND clip was filmed for six months, due to protracted reshoots.

After the clip was posted online, they forgot about it. But the views rushed like a river breaking through a dam. A week and a half later, the clip had the coveted figure of a million views.

Scryptonite - Coming to the Gasholder

Literally a couple of days after the release of the video, toScriptonite two labels approached with an offer:Soyuz and Gazgolder . The choice obviously fell in favor of Gazgolder, because Adil always liked creativity .

After signing the contract, the people burst into a series of criticism, absolutely not believing in the young rapper. Criticism reached national hostility.

Scryptonite In "Gasholder"

Despite initial criticism from conservative audiences, many expectedScryptonite bright explosion, but it was not and was not. Many, including began to present to Gasholder andBaste that their label is drowning artists.

But it was something else:Basta signed Skripa“on male” terms, having crossed out all the production bureaucracy.Adil quotes Basta:

“Bro! I will not promise you mountains of gold and sell any ***** that we have this, we have this. I’ll tell you one thing: the boys work for us - no one sits idle.”

At times, Scriptonite appeared in videos, but there were no album releases. Until the solo video "Stash" was released, directed personally by Adil.

The audience was shocked, because this is not at all what they expected. But it was something very interesting. Blues motifs, deep lyrics and excellent noir directing took their toll.

Scryptonite “House With Normal Phenomena”

Following the cliphangout” the album comes outScriptonite " House with normal phenomena, which, as many confessed, turned the hip-hop game upside down. At that time, Scryptonite had already completely moved to Moscow.

Bluesy motifs, guitar parts, the versatility of lyrics and the general atmosphere raised Russian hip-hop to a new stage of development.

Scryptonite “Holiday on Street 36”

In the next year and a half, Skrip takes part in the albums jillz, massively tours around the world and gains millions of fans who admire his rock-star image.

In 2017, a mini-album “Holiday on the street 36”, which was formed from tracks that were originally intended for the first disc.

An interesting fact about Scriptonite:

The rapper admits that the album was "commercial". He has long disliked songs about pathos and love.

Like the past, it was excellently received and parsed into quotations. Only this time more “folk”,without complex metaphorical forms.

Scryptonite “Ouroboros: Street 36” – “Ouroboros: Mirrors”

At the end of 2017, Adil again pleases the public by releasing a concept release, assembled from two parts at once and titled with the name of the serpent Ouroboros (Ouroboros is a mythical creature that endlessly improves itself by devouring its tail).

The release caused another wave of hype. All the top media in the CIS wrote about his release.

Scriptonite - Concerts

Scryptonite said in an interview that he did not really like concerts, but today they have become an integral part of his life. The artist's performances are always filled with energy and rocker drive.

Adil's hot temperament often causes him to show aggression towards some listeners who behave inappropriately.

Scryptonite - Leaving Rap?

After the release, Scriptonite went on a periscope broadcast, where he stated that it was not worth waiting for his releases for the next couple of years. He tries to get away from rap, finding himself in new genres.

Scryptonite - Personal Life

Scriptonite leads a secluded lifewithout letting strangers in. On his Instagram, there are only photos without signatures, by his own social networks he practically does not work.

An interesting fact about Scriptonite:

Loves the book "The Godfather" and C. Bukowski

At the moment, Adil fully supports his father and mother in Pavlodar. As far as is known, he does not have a girlfriend, because everything free time he devotes to music.

The rapper dated artist Martha Merems, but the couple ended their relationship. In addition, in2016 Scryptonite had a child from the Kazakh dancer Nigora.

After the birth of the child, the couple quickly broke up, but Adil fully supports her child and ex-girlfriend. He moved them to Moscow to see his son Lucha more often, but in 2017 they returned to their homeland again.

In addition, he is engaged in identifying new talent by finding and inviting freshmen such asand .

Lonely, sad, real, loyal friend, ready to sacrifice everything for you. Correct, but sometimes arrogant and quick-tempered. Crazy. We love such people" Basta