What young singers performed at the comedy club. Christina Asmus, Laysan Utyasheva and other wives of Comedy Club residents

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva


They started dating in 2010, but so discreetly that the press didn't suspect anything. They started talking about the couple in the fall of 2012, when the stars played a quiet wedding, and Utyasheva stopped hiding the pregnancy. With the birth of their son Robert, their life has changed dramatically: the former athlete changed her frank mini to floor-length dresses, and the showman discovered romance in himself and constantly confesses his love to his wife on social networks. In May of this year, Laysan gave her husband a daughter, Sofia.

Before the beginning of the novel, Garik and Christina had known each other for a long time, but they never attached much importance to their communication. At the end of 2012, a hot correspondence began between them on social networks, and the stars decided to meet offline. They quickly confessed their love to each other, but one serious circumstance interfered - Garik was still officially married to Yulia Leshchenko. True, he assured Christina that only a stamp in his passport connects him with his wife.


The stars managed to encrypt for a year, but with Christina's pregnancy, the truth came out. This caused a scandal: Julia claimed that she was betrayed, and filed a lawsuit against the former, hoping for a generous reward; and Garik and Christina, meanwhile, told everyone that they had time to sign. Leshchenko won the victory according to the law: the abandoned wife received two-thirds of her husband's property and, moreover, asked to recognize Garik's second marriage as invalid. And Asmus and Kharlamov managed to defend their happiness: celebrities are still together and are raising their daughter Anastasia.

Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina


Garik and Zhanna met in 1997 in Sochi, where a student of the Stavropol University came on vacation, and the cavalier Martirosyan played at the Sochi festival with the New Armenians team. For several months, Zhanna made appointments to Garik in his native Stavropol, until the artist decided to offer the girl his hand and heart and move to the capital. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Jasmine, and five years later, a son, Daniel.

Alexander Revva and Angelica

The comedian from the Comedy Club impressed his future wife with a limousine! I saw Angelica Revva on the dance floor of a nightclub, and when I noticed that the girl and her friend were going to leave, he ran out into the street and made an agreement with the limousine driver, who happened to be nearby. Revva and his friend gave a ride to the girls. It is from this day - more precisely, the night - that the spouses count down their relationship and celebrate the anniversary of their acquaintance every year. In 2007, Alexander and Angelica got married, and then their daughter Alice was born. Two years ago, a second girl appeared in the family - Amelie.

Semyon Slepakov and Karina

Semyon and Karina got married three years ago in Italy, but the newlyweds did not tell the journalists about the details of the wedding or the story of their relationship. It is known that Karina Slepakova is a lawyer, she is younger than her famous husband and, not surprisingly, with Slepakov's height, she is noticeably shorter.

Timur Rodriguez and Anna Devochkina

“Our meeting is the case when a man, having met a woman, understands: that's it, it's time for me to ... delete the phones of the ex! I have never met such a solid, serious person before, ”Timur said in an interview with Hello! Rodriguez made an offer to his beloved at the top of Mount Etna in Sicily. By the way, the comedian played the wedding in the same year with his colleague Alexander Revva - in 2007. The family has two boys: six-year-old Miguel and four-year-old Daniel.

Vadim Galygin and Olga Vainilovich

Galygin's wife is a 29-year-old singer and model from Belarus, the comedian's homeland. Olga became the second wife of the artist, who has a daughter, Taisiya, from her first marriage. The second wife gave birth to the wife of the heir, Vadim Galygin Jr. The artist was present at the birth and does not understand men who are afraid to be near their wife at this moment.


The most unusual member of the Comedy Club is the 33-year-old comedian Sergeich from Ufa. Since childhood, the artist has been living with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which, however, did not prevent the young man from showing his talent as a comedian (even while studying at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Kutergin began to play KVN) and establish his personal life: two years ago, Sergei married a girl from his native cities.


Sorokin met his fate almost 20 years ago ... in the park! Natalia lives with her children - schoolgirl Polina and four-year-old Arseny - in her native Tambov.

Alexander Nezlobin and Alina

Nezlobin's wife, 26-year-old Alina, is from St. Petersburg. Two years ago, Alina gave birth to a daughter, Linda. To protect his beloved from the attention of the paparazzi, the comedian arranged for his wife to give birth in Miami.

Demis Karibidis and Pelageya


Demis is a real artist. Despite the fact that the comedian hides the details of his personal life, he made an offer to his beloved on stage with a full hall: in 2013 at the Comedy Club festival in Jurmala. In May of this year, the couple became parents for the first time! On the eve of Victory Day, their daughter Sophia was born.

Garik Martirosyan

It is he who gives the show an Armenian flavor, being constantly on the air of the program. This is a person who confirms the saying that if he is talented, then he is talented in everything.

His education, erudition, resourcefulness and artistry can only be envied. In childhood, he was distinguished by bad behavior and, probably, therefore, in order to educate himself, he eventually learned to be a psychotherapist.

True, he treats people now with the help of humor, and not with the latest achievements of medical science. Although, probably, medical education helps him to communicate on stage with the United Sexy Boys. At least he can diagnose each of its participants.

Take a look at their live, although you can not say that they are casual, live communication, choosing one of the programs in HD quality on our website to be convinced of it.

But Garik's real finest hour on the program is her discovery and communication with guests. This is where his artistry and talent for improvisation is revealed.

By the way, the initial part of the program has changed a lot over time. The vulgarity typical of the West in conversation with the guests of the club has been removed and the level of communication has significantly increased.

This is largely due to it. His constant partner in this friendly skirmish is.

Pavel Volya

"Glamorous poddonok" was born and raised in Penza, and a native of the KVN team "Valeon Dasson" has become widely known in Moscow.

By the way, he is also talented not only in humor. Pavel, nicknamed "Snowball", plays in movies and records songs. He worked as a radio DJ for a long time.

He moved to Moscow even before he became famous and received a residence permit at the Comedy Club, at first he worked here as a foreman.

By the way, he himself does not mention this in his speeches as often as someone who is educated as a teacher of the Russian language and literature. It even becomes interesting what such "Glamorous pallet" would teach children. At least their compositions would certainly not be boring!

But since the airing of the first program, his popularity began to grow every day. Known for his cynical jokes (especially at the beginning of his career in "Comedy"), ridiculing show business figures.

This all happened during the greeting of the guests and was spoken directly in the eyes. This is why he became the "Glam Dump".

Who was not forced to roll on the floor of his songs about the girl Lyuba, who became a YouTube star, about the Friday adventures of a middle-level manager, about the growing part of Anya Kuznetsova's body (all her full namesakes were lucky in real life after this song).

His more than thirty songs have long been pilfered into quotes. Their lyrics are always on the verge of what is permissible, which makes them attractive to the listener. Their themes are always relevant, and the texts are full of humor.

By compatibility, the famous bard is producing. That, apparently, he is very good at it, because the performances of the Comedy team are still becoming more and more popular. He also produces and directs TV shows such as Univer and Interns.

Vadim Galygin

Another old frame that participated in the first issues of the Comedy Club, after which he went into his own business, and now began to appear on the issues of the program again.

Who would have thought that Vadik "Rambo" was the son of a military man and was himself a senior lieutenant of the Armed Forces of Belarus.

Apparently, strict military discipline was not to his liking and he rushed to the place where violations of it are most welcomed. Forward to hazing in "Comedy", he rushed again through KVN, in whose teams he "lit up" from a military school.

He started with a stand-up, where he succeeded to such an extent that his performances diverged from records on mobile phones and other recording devices. Vadik Galygin at that time was associated with the word "bag".

In his current role, he shines in scenes with, and others.

He has many vivid stage images, playing which he shows an extraordinary sense of humor and artistry. His ability to improvise amazed at the time of the stand-up genre.

Demis Karibidis

This hot guy with an inexhaustible temperament was born in Tbilisi. He also became a star of Comedy after performing in KVN. In general, the Comedy Club has settled well, having such a forge of personnel as a club of resourceful merry fellows.

As the name implies, the club finds talents, and Comedy takes them as residents. In this case, the acquisition turned out to be very valuable, since (the real name of the star) brought here a new wave of positiveness and energy.

With him and rushing charisma, and the numbers with his participation unrealistically wind up the audience.

The Comedy Club has many more residents who will not let the public get bored. This is both a stand-up artist and a presenter of a separate heading "Preliminary caresses" Serge Gorely (in everyday life Sergey Gorelikov), and Viktor Vasiliev, who brings variety to club entertainment with photo-idiocies.

There are also such stars as, and sometimes there is even CAM - V.V. Putin. He plays his role.

What can gather us all at the TV on a weekend? Of course Comedy Club! Residents of this club will help you to recharge with a portion of humor.

History of creation

Few people know that the Comedy Club was founded by the KVN team “New Armenians” in 2003. Artashes Sargsyan conceived the founding of a comedy show back in 2001, when he was in America and visited a comedy club there. The search for people who were not deprived began. Basically, these were people from KVN. On the air of the TNT channel "Comedy" appeared only in 2005. The founder of the TV show did not stop at the achieved result and began to create new projects, since the Comedy Club had large incomes due to its colossal rating. The TV show has its own channel "Comedy TV", new projects are constantly being released. The club is actively involved in production activities and has formed its own company - Comedy Club Production. Residents are recognized not only in Russia, but also in the countries of near and far abroad. This is probably why the Comedy Club is so popular. The line-up changes periodically, new residents appear on the stage. In just a few years, the project has reached incredible heights. Every time, turning on the TV, viewers are waiting for the start of the Comedy Club. Its composition has always amazed with its diversity, and in the future new stars are expected to appear.


Garik Martirosyan is the main resident of the show, since he is the presenter. The Armenian accent gives all his performances a special quivering humor. As a child, all teachers complained about the guy's disgusting behavior, most likely, that is why he received a degree in psychotherapy. He demonstrates all his talent for improvisation every time he goes on stage. Communication with the guests of the club is the main feature of the resident. Garik Martirosyan and Pavel Volya, as a result of their conversation with the stars, amuse the audience with selected jokes in their direction, but at the same time maintain a high level of communication.

Pavel Snezhok Volya

By education, he is a teacher of the Russian language and literature, but this does not mean that he is a calm and depressed person. in Penza, and he often mentions his hometown. Like most residents, Pasha used to play in KVN, was a member of the Valeon Dasson team. But, having played only one game, he was expelled from the club. This man came to Moscow and worked as an ordinary foreman, and before that in his city he was a DJ on a radio channel. After the first release of Comedy Club, the popularity of the "glamorous bastard" began to grow inexorably upward. Pavel Volya, in addition to performing on the Comedy Club stage, acts in films, and in quite serious films, which is only his role in the film "Moms". Sometimes the resident is compared with Mikhail Zadornov, but there are significant differences in their work, and the humor is focused on different audiences. But, undoubtedly, his speeches and comic greetings of the guests of the club remain the main feature. By the way, the resident of "Comedy Club" Pavel Volya voiced the famous Masyanya. Of course, the stock of humor has not yet been exhausted. Resident "Comedy Club" Pavel Volya still remains the club's calling card.


Garik Kharlamov is a man with a rubbery face, his extraordinary comic, will make even an inveterate pessimist laugh. For a long time, the resident lived in the United States, where he was educated at the theater school. The future star begins his career in the metro, crossings and on the Arbat, where he tells jokes and sings songs, thereby earning his first money. In Moscow, Garik Kharlamov enters the institute, where he gets into the KVN team of the Moscow national team (previously known as the "Golden Youth"). Kharlamov quickly becomes the leader of the team, after which another participant appears - Timur Batrutdinov. As a result, two friends - Garik and Timur - appear on the stage of the Comedy Club, where the popularity of the residents begins to grow every day. Bulldog Kharlamov also performs with other equally talented comedians - Garik Martirosyan, Demis. He also starred in films, in his piggy bank already a fairly large number of roles. The first role was received in the well-known "Yeralash". More recently, Garik Bulldog Kharlamov married for the third time - he was married to Christina Asmus.

Vadim Galygin

A very famous resident of the club, who participated in the first editions of the program. Born into the family of a serviceman and was himself an officer of the armed forces of Belarus. Again, Vadik Rambo Galygin was a member of the KVN team at the military school and, like most of the residents, came to the Comedy Club stage from there. Vadik possesses artistry and the ability to improvise. Most of the performances were associated with monologues. Now on the stage of the club, Galygin is a rare guest, since his own business takes too much time. But still, sometimes the resident comes and pleases with his unique humor, speaking with Kharlamov, Martirosyan, Batrutdinov and other participants. Needless to say, the best humorous show is, of course, Comedy Club. The composition of the participants is another confirmation of this.

Duet named after Chekhov

The duet also includes Anton Lirnik. According to the Comedy Club tradition, both friends came from the Alaska KVN team. Friends brought fame to miniatures about a successful businessman and his blonde wife. But this does not mean that the repertoire of the Minsk residents is of the same type. They successfully transform into a traffic cop and a driver, into realtors or boxers. The residents write the scripts of their numbers strictly themselves. The audience always greeted these people with applause.

Alexander Revva

This person, without exaggeration, can be called a master of reincarnation. Whoever he has become in the entire history of his performance in the Comedy Club. He was Artur Pirozhkov, Alexandra Kuzminishna, bodybuilder, street magician, fitness instructor, even the Lord of the Rings. Revva has reincarnated many times during his entire work experience at the Comedy Club. The cast of the show thus got another great actor.

Revva began his humorous activity in the KVN team “Burnt by the Sun”. The artist was born in Ukraine, in the city of Donetsk. Alexander Revva has good physical characteristics and mimic specifics. It should be noted that the resident acts in films and dubs films. And he began his career as an electrician at a mine.

Alexander Nezlobin

Perhaps the only resident whose life a whole series has been filmed. Originally from the provincial town of Polevsky, Sverdlovsk region. Since childhood, I wanted to become a banker, but after working at the bank for only a couple of weeks, I realized that this was not for him and went to conquer the stage. During his studies at the university, he was a member of the KVN team. The first acquaintance with "Comedy Club" took place in the Yekaterinburg club, where he worked as a sound engineer. Having moved to Moscow, Nezlobin rents an apartment with his fellow countryman Svetlakov. The main theme for himself, Alexander leaves the relationship with the fair sex. He ironically makes fun of the girls' behavior, but he does it in such a way that all his jokes do not turn into offense. Therefore, Alexander Nezlobin has a huge number of female fans.

Semyon Slepakov

Slepakov's appearance on the stage of "Comedy" evokes a flurry of applause. Because his songs with a guitar are filled with real humor that makes people's faces glow with smiles. In the past, Semyon was the captain of the KVN team “Pyatigorsk National Team”. Not everyone knows that Slepkov produces TV series such as "Univer" and "Interns" on TNT. From his songs the whole country learned how the girl Lyuba became the star of "YouTube", etc. Undoubtedly, the appearance of such a talent as Semyon Slepakov sparked another star on the horizon of the show.

Residents of the Comedy Club, whose names will be remembered for a long time not only by the Russian audience, but also by fans from other countries, continue to delight us with their humor from the club's stage. And we, in turn, are waiting for the appearance of new nuggets of humor on TV screens.