Char's notes of a small gymnasics test. Development of a lesson of literary reading

Municipal general educational institution Secondary school № 4 of the citys

  • Lydia Charskaya
  • "Notes of a small gymnasics"
  • 4th grade
  • Mendeleeva L.G.
  • Teacher primary classes
  • 2014
What emoticon you are sympathetic? What age is presented on the pages of the second part of the textbook?
  • What age is presented on the pages of the second part of the textbook?
  • Why is a whole book dedicated to one century?
What book did you suggest a librarian to twins?
  • What do you think what purpose of our lesson?
1) Acquaintance with the biography of Lydia Alekseevna Churilova. 2) and with her work "Notes of a small gymnasics" work plan for text
  • Working with text before reading
  • Working with text after reading
Work plan with text before reading
  • The author of the work.
  • Our assumptions
What is common between actress Lydia Alekseevna Churilova and the writer Lydia Charskaya? Lydia Alekseevna was born in the noble family. Her father, Alexey Alexandrovich Voronov was a military engineer. She was born in 1875
  • Lydia Alekseevna was born in the noble family. Her father, Alexey Alexandrovich Voronov was a military engineer. She was born in 1875
  • (1878) in the royal village (Petersburg).
Pavlovsky Women's Orphan Institute, which Lidia Voronova graduated in 1893. She studied here since 1886 to 1893. Already at 10 years she wrote poems, at the age of 15 began to lead a diary, whose records were partially preserved. All this was useful when she was alone. Earnings actresses were very small. And Lydia Churilova began to write.
  • Already at 10 years she wrote poems, at the age of 15 began to lead a diary, whose records were partially preserved. All this was useful when she was alone. Earnings actresses were very small. And Lydia Churilova began to write.
  • You are far ... You are on the way ...
  • Yet I see my native ...
  • Sun! In children's chest
  • Many holy delight.
  • Sun! My heart sings!
  • Pope Alesha calls ...
  • Oh, come, beloved!
The first story "Notes Institutions" appeared in 1901 in the journal under the publishing house M. Wolf "Sincere word". Since then, its triumphal march began. She signed his works by the scenic pseudonym Charskaya for 20 years of creativity from under her feather came about 80 works.
  • After the revolution, Chars stopped printing, its works were withdrawn from libraries and destroyed.
  • Why?
  • For monotonous plots,
  • for sentimentality
  • for the language of works.
  • Since 1990, the works of L. Charskaya began to reprinted. Now they are interesting from a historical point of view.
What do you think do notes differ from the story? Notes is a story from one person (monologue)
  • Who will be the author of these notes?
  • What can she tell us about?
Outcome stage I stages
  • Where was Lidiya Alekseevna born?
  • When did the first poems wrote?
  • What began to lead in 15 years?
  • What pseudonym took?
  • How many works she wrote?
  • Working with text while reading
Working with text while reading
  • What is happening in the soul of a little passenger?
  • Why is one-day ride and so far?
  • Where does the girl go?
  • Why is it so detailed about the conductor (modern conductor)?
  • What do we learn from the words of Nikifora Matveyevich?
What do we know the family of the conductor?
  • What do we know the family of the conductor?
  • The girl calls the conductor affectionate, and how would you call him?
  • Why are everyone so fussing?
  • What struck the girl for the first time seen Petersburg from the window?
  • What is it waiting for a meeting with this city?
  • How does the heading of this part reflect the inner state of the heroine?
Charging work with text after reading
  • What did you pretend to the heroine notes?
  • How do you feel about heroine?
  • Does she look like you?
The outcome of the lesson.
  • What is the name of the work on which we worked?
  • Who is the author?
  • Did you like the work?
  • Who told about him?
  • Determine your mood
  • Read chronicles 8. Make a dictionary of the era (R.T.S. 67№1)
Internet resources.
  • l._charskaya_nxpowerlite.ppt.
The author of the development-teacher of primary classes of MBOU "Urmar Sosh. Mgorov" Urmar district of the Chuvash Republic Mikheeva Marina Anatolyevna

Type of lesson: fastening.

Objectives lesson:

    Form the right type of reader activity; help to realize the integrity and dynamics of the literary Process, S.expatient information about the author.

    ABOUTboss the problem, activatingmeasured students inusage morality, feelings empathizing heroes, good attitude towards people.

    Develop speech students, the ability to conduct a dialogue with the author.Learn to make a haracteryist of the hero of the work.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Greeting each other and guests. Turn around to the guests, say hello, turn each other. Shake hands, smile, create a good mood to each other.

    introduction Teacher.

Now we will conduct a lesson to consolidate on the work of Lydia charm "notes of a small gymnasics." Recall the author's biography, as he tells the author in this story and get acquainted with the new works of Lydia Charskaya.

    The introductory word of the student, the biography of Lidia Charskaya.

Listen to the biography of Lydia Charskaya and think, was the fate of the writer easily?

(Ivanova Diana tells the author's biography. The story is accompanied by a multimedia view.)

The real name of Lydia Charskaya - Lydia Voronova - Lydia Alekseevna Churilova. Information about her life is stingy and contradictory. The date of birth is called 1875, then 1878, according to one information, she died in Leningrad, on others in the Krasnodar Territory. It is known that she quickly lost his mother, adored her father and hated a stepmother, several times in protest rang out of the house. From 10 years I wrote poems, from 15 years led a diary, in which, remembering his childhood, wrote: "Why am I worried about everything sharper and painful than others? Why does not have such strange dreams like me? " After graduating from the Institute, the officer Boris Churilova married and began independent life. Son she died in a civil war. He was fond of theater and literature. For two decades, it was written about 80 books in which poems and stories included. Fairy tales and plays, stories and novels. Her first book for children came out in 1902, and for more than twenty years Lidia Charskaya was the most popular and beloved pediatric writer in Russia. Then the chairs began to criticize, even scold and stopped typing. But after a while she began to read small readers again.

What was the life of Lydia Char? Is her life easier?

    Actualization of students' knowledge. Performing students in groups and collectively various kinds of oral and written assignments of a generalizing and systematizing nature.

Now you have to work in groups, you will be offered three tasks: Crossword, quiz and test. Answers to each of the tasks you will need to find and discuss in groups.

1. Work in pairs

Crossword about the heroes of the story. (work in groups, independently)

1. What are the name of the conductor, who accompanied Lena on a trip to Petersburg? (Nikifor Matveyevich)
2. Surname The head of the gymnasium? (Chirikova Anna Vladimirovna)
3. Surname Uncle Lena, to which she rides to live? (Iconin Mikhail Vasilyevich)
4. What was the name of the first Lena Teacher? (Vasily Vasilyevich)
5. What is the nickname from the governess? (Bavaria)
6. What was the name of the younger brother Nina? (Tolya)
7. The name of the senior cousin Lena? (Georges)
8. The name of the governess in the uncle family? (Matilda Francen)










Check the correctness of filling the crossword.

Fizkultminthork for eye

2. Quiz according to the content of the story (front work)

I will ask you questions on the content of the story, and you will answer them (oral work with everyone).

1. What is common between actress Lydia Alekseevna Churilova and the writer Lydia Charskaya.

2. What do you think do notes differ from the story?

3. What made me the main heroine leave native city?

4. Recall 1 and 4 chapter. What is happening in the soul of a little passenger? (She is anxious - "he listened to", "a little scary from the unknown," "rushes without a look," I don't know, I do not understand ")

5. What was the best of you in the reception of the girl with relatives?

6. What ended the first day in the uncle's house for Lena Iconina?

7. Are there many good and bad people around Lena, who of them you call?

8. What did Matilda Francen mean, calling the girl a false, fucking, coarse and naughty? What a act talk about?

9. How did Lenu met at school, and why didn't buy her head to the cabinet?

Well done! All groups answered questions correctly, right.

3. Test for read Tale (individual work)

And now we will work on the test. That is, a question is asked and several answer options, you need to select the correct options from these options.

1. In which city does Uncle Lena live?




2. How did Lena named the cousins \u200b\u200band sister when she just came to them?




3. What words presented the girl of the governess of Matilda Francen in school.

Beautiful, smart, brought up, diligent

Idiot, rude, dough and naughty

4. Who Lena reminded the head of the gymnasium Anna Vladimirovna?




5. How did the girl approach the door of the class?



Without interest

6. How did Lena worked in a lesson, how did the words displayed?

The notebook was very dirty

Right and very beautiful

Output letters with zeal

7. What was the notebook juli?

There were many mistakes

Litters were large and small blots

Work was accurately accurate

8. Who disappeared from George?


A parrot


9. Who actually stole the pet pets of George?




10. Who stumbled behind Lena when she wanted to make rods?




Checking the correctness of answers to questions

Well done! All coped with the dough.

5 Stage: Drawing up the characteristics of Lena Iconina

What did we know about Lena Iconina from previous lessons?

Did you like Lena? Justify your answer.

1) drawing up the characteristics using the textbook text (from each chapter we find proposals characterizing Lena Iconin)

On the chamber board, to compile the characteristic. Modeling.

little, confused girl .

specked, knowing, with a sense of self.

wounded, brave, diligent, observant.

2) Compilation overall characteristics Lena Iconina

Fizkultminutka for foot

6. Acquaintance with other works by Lydia Char

(group work)

The guys besides the story of the "notes of a small gymnasics", the writer has many and other works. With some of them we will briefly get acquainted today at the lesson.

Each group is given a book with a work. Your task to try to find out, suggest the name on the illustrations, what is speech in every book.

"Siberian" is a book about the adventures of the girl, incredible tests, of which it goes exclusively due to resistance, courage and resourcefulness.

"Street notes" - a piercing and bright story about the fate and experiences of the girl, which remained orphans and got into the stray circus. But everything will end well: the villains will be punished and forgiven, and the young heroine will find his relatives.

Bold life "- historical story On the legendary fate of the hope of Durov, which glorified her name of the exploits during the Patriotic War of 1812.

"Princess Javakha" -The story tells about the dramatic fate of Nina Javakhi, a noble, brave and fair girl.

"Rivals" -Russian writer Lydia Charskaya was the "lingerie of the hearts" of young readers. Graduate of the Pavlovsky Institute of Noble Maiden, she describes the world of experiences, thoughts and ideals of institutes with sympathy and love.


Reading out loud excerpts from the books of one student from the group (pages are indicated).

    Reflection. Formulation of conclusions and summing up

Despite the fact that the heroine is a little girl, her life is full of events, meetings with people, life peripetias.

What gives the books of CharSkaya to each reader? (Kindness, her books are taught to empathize.)

On the blackboard there are features of the books of Char. Which of them can be seen in the "notes of a small gymnasics"? Word your opinion about her books.


clarity of the storyline;

the surprise of the junction;

a happy ending;

sentimentality (sensitivity);

the opposite of heroes (bad - good);

constant change of bad and good;

simple dreams of heroes.

    Evaluation of the results of work in the lesson.

Let's summarize the work on the work of each group and each student separately.

    Homework: Create a story "Friends and enemies Lena Iconina"

Summarizing lesson on the work of Lydia Charskaya "Notes of a Little Gymnasics"

Test for the work:

- Moscow
- Petersburg

Test for the work:

1. In which city does Uncle Lena live?
- Petersburg

Test for the work:

2. How to name Lena cousins \u200b\u200band
Sister when she just came to them?

Test for the work:

3. What words presented the girl
Governess Matilda Francen in
- Beautiful, smart, brought up
- lying, rude, droopy and

Test for the work:

4. Who Lena reminded the boss
Gymnasium Anna Vladimirovna?
- Tweet
- Grandma
- Mom

Test for the work:

5. How the girl approached
Class doors?
- Harbor
- Fearful
- without interest

Test for the work:

6. How Lena worked in a lesson,
How did you withdraw the words?
- The notebook was very dirty
- right and very beautiful
- displayed letters with zeal

Test for the work:

7. What was the notebook juli?
- there were a lot of mistakes
- on sheets were large and
Small blots
- The work was accomplished neatly

10. Test for the work:

8. Who disappeared from George?
- Dog
- A parrot
- Owl

11. Test for the work:

9. Who actually stole
George's domestic pet?
- Tolya
- Lena
- Julie

12. Test for the work:

10. Who stuck behind Lena when
Would you like to focus on the rods?
- Tolya
- Georges.
- Nina

13. Crossword about the heroes of the story


1. Name the name of the conductor, which
accompanied Lena on a trip to Petersburg?
2. Surname The head of the gymnasium?
3. Surname Uncle Lena, to which she rides
4. What was the name of the first Lena Teacher?
5.Who brought Lena toly when she was
6. What is the nickname from the governess?
7. What was the name of the younger brother Nina?
8. The name of the senior cousin Lena?
9. The name of the governess in the uncle family?
What word turned horizontally?

Slide 1.

Clade 2.

Russian writer Lidia Alekseevna Char or Actress Alexandrinsky Theater Lydia Alekseevna Churilova

Slide 3.

Writer Fedor Solodogub (1863-1927) about Lydia Charskaya: "The popularity of Krylov in Russia and Andersen in Denmark did not reach such tensions and ferventness. And all this was quite well deserved by Charcity ... "

Slide 4.

Birth mystery: Lidia Alekseevna was born in the noble family. Her father, Alexey Alexandrovich Voronov, was a military engineer. Until now, the date of its birth remains controversial. According to one source, it is 1878, St. Petersburg, on others - 1875, the Caucasus. But be that as it may, in the 70s of the XIX century, a girl was borne, who was destined to own the minds and feelings of the widest circle of readers.

Slide 5.

Family. Bitter Loss Family lived in prosperity, parents loved their daughter, and everything seemed to be joyful and serene. But little Lida was born under a happy star. Soon her mother died. And the girl moved all his love to his father. Perhaps it helped them both transfer the heavy loss. After all, not only a mother, but also a wife left life. Together they spent wonderful evenings. And Lida seemed to be so always.

Slide 6.

Stepmother But one day everything changed. Father married. An alien woman entered the house. Stepmother. What a cold and soulless word! And how cold and shriekingly it became in the soul of the girl. Relations with a new hostess at home did not work out that Lida ran several times out of the house. Then it was decided to take the daughter in St. Petersburg to Pavlovsky Women's Institute. At that time, the family lived in Shlisselburg, this was required by the Military Service of the Father. The memory of the first meeting with the setting of the institute, who lived on strict, once and for all of the established rules remained in mind. For a lively impressionable child, the institute seemed a barracks, a prison in which she was now to live.

Slide 7.

Slide 8.

The beginning of creativity incorrecting with other children of its age manifested pretty early. Already at the age of 10 she wrote poems, and at the age of 15 he took a diary for habit, whose records were partially preserved. By this time, she was already aware of his difference from others and suffered by this. "Why am I experiencing more acute and painful than others? Why doesn't have such strange dreams, what are I? Why are others live, not knowing those terrible unrest, which I worry?" - She wrote in the diary.

Slide 9.

Over the years, Lydia has learned to own himself. After the end of the guesthouse, the family did not return, although the father understood and forgave him for a secondary marriage. Temperamental, charming, serurozaya girl attracted attention to him. Brilliant officer Boris Churilov was shaved by her. He did Lydia Alekseevna offer, and the girl agreed to become his wife. So eighteen-year-old Voronov became Churilova. But the marriage was short, the officer was serving in place in Siberia, and a young woman with a tiny child was left alone. What was done? Go to your father and stepmother? To live in a family on the rules installed in it? Maturely depend on father? No, it was not for her. She chose another way.

Clade 10.

The birth of a pseudonym remaining in St. Petersburg, entered the dramatic courses at the Imperial Theater School. Bright appearance, impulsiveness, temperament made it noticeable on the course. Even on the entrance exams, teachers noticed this girl, which helped her to withstand the competition. After graduating from the school, Lidia Alekseevna decided on the Alexandrinsky Imperial Theater, which heard (as they said) from 1898 to 1924. It was there, on stage scenics, a pseudonym "Charskaya" was born.

Clade 11.

What is the point of invested in this the sonor of Lidia Alekseevna, we are not known. But it can be assumed that it was born by analogy with the words "charms", "charming", "witchcraft. As an actress she was little known.

Slide 12.

Literary life The famous chairs she became completely different. In literature. The impetus to literary creativity was constrained in the means. After all, she grew up her son, and there was no help to wait. And then she tried to write his first work. The literature, to Lydia Alekseevna's surprise, turned out to be easy and pleasant. And she gave him entirely, although he continued to work in the theater.

Slide 13.

Success of Lydia Charskaya: In 1911, the Commission in the Moscow Society for the Dissection of Knowledge reported that the children of middle-aged more than other authors read: Gogol - 35% Pushkin - 25% Char - 21% tween - 18% Turgenev - 12%

Slide 14.

Slide 15.

Why did they forget her? In 1917, it was stopped with the advent of Soviet power, not to prompt the writer of its noble origin and bourgeois-bourgeois. (The fact that the woman from the young age lived for labor earnings was forgotten.) From 1925 to 1929, it was with great difficulty to publish 4 small books for children under the pseudonym N. Ivanov. Her works were withdrawn from libraries and destroyed.

Slide 16.

Loneliness no longer had a beloved business, grateful readers disappeared somewhere. Life stopped at full speed. But the tests did not end. The authentic collapse and the meaninglessness of life she felt when the news came about the death of the Son of Yuri, who fought in the Red Army. Lonely, already an elderly woman abandoned by everyone who does not have any relatives, she left the theater in 1924. It began literally a beggar life. And then exactly k.I. Chukovsky overturned her retirement.

Slide 17.

Slide 18.

Slide 19.

Slide 20.

Clade 21.

Clade 22.

Slide 23.

Slide 24.

Slide 25.

"The best human qualities" - the topics of Lydia Charskaya books about what she wrote? About kindness, love to neighbor, compassion, dedication, responsiveness. Her heroes are people of different classes. These are nobles, educating their children in privileged educational institutions; and employees living on reward for their work; And beggars who dream of a piece of bread. But everyone is united by humanity, the desire to respond to someone else's pain, selflessness - those human qualities, whose deficit is especially felt in our time.

Clade 26.

Clade 27.


literary reading

Lydia Charskaya

"Notes of a small gymnasics"

What is the name of a small gymnasium?

How old is she? Who is her parents?

What is she?

Than the gymnasium of the beginning of the twentieth century differs from modern school?

What are the "notes ..." differ from the story?

What does she write about?

Who are friends and enemies of a little gymnasics?

Why are the books of L. Scharskaya began to criticize, even scold, stopped typing?

Is the heroes of L. Schar a modern reader close in spirit?

Memo students

  • Through the attitude of other heroes (who of adult heroes looks at the girl with the eyes of the author?).

2. Through Description inner world Hero, his characteristic.

3. Through the establishment of harmonious and contrasting connections with whom or anything.

Your reaction to the described events:

- a pity;

- empathy;

- anger;


- experience;

- despair ...

Nikifor Matveyevich

Aunt Nelli

Matilda Francen

Anna Vladimirovna

Vasily Vasilyevich




