Aurica Rotaru: a short biography, creativity and interesting facts. Aurica Rotaru: biography, creativity, career, personal life Discography of Aurica Rotaru

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Aurika Rotaru (full name Aurelia Mikhailovna Rotaru ; genus. 22 of October ( 19581022 ) , Marshyntsi, Chernivtsi region) - ukrainian pop singer, Honored Artist of Ukraine, sister of Sofia Rotaru.



  • father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar (- March 12) was a war veteran, a machine gunner, reached Berlin, was a foreman of winegrowers
  • mother - Alexandra Ivanovna Rotar (April 17 - September 16)
  • brothers - Anatoly Mikhailovich Rotar and Evgeniy Mikhailovich Rotar (bass players and singers) - worked in the Chisinau VIA "Horizont".
  • sisters - Zinaida Mikhailovna Rotar, Lidia Mikhailovna Rotaru and Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru.
  • Husband Vladimir Pigach. got married in 1987
  • Daughter - Anastasia Vladimirovna Rotaru (b.)
  • Granddaughter - Aurelia Andreevna Knyazeva (b.)
  • Aunt - Lydia Pritolyuva Rotaru



  • - Album of Strelets' songs
  • - Collection of "Primavar"
  • - Album "I can not live without you"
  • - Collection "Day by Day"
  • - Collection "I do not live without love"
  • - Album "Happiness is a free bird", JRC

Video clips

  • "For love"
  • "Happiness is a free bird"
  • "I can not live without you"
  • "Letter"
  • "I don’t know you anything"
  • "Guess Me"
  • "I'm leaving"

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An excerpt characterizing Rotaru, Aurika

This unresolved question that tormented him was the princess's hints in Moscow about Dolokhov's closeness to his wife and this morning an anonymous letter he received, in which it was said with that vile playfulness that is characteristic of all anonymous letters that he does not see well through his glasses. and that his wife's connection with Dolokhov is a secret for him alone. Pierre resolutely did not believe either the princess's hints or the letter, but he was now afraid to look at Dolokhov, who was sitting in front of him. Every time his gaze accidentally met Dolokhov's beautiful, arrogant eyes, Pierre felt something awful, ugly rising in his soul, and he would rather turn away. Involuntarily recalling all the past of his wife and her relationship with Dolokhov, Pierre saw clearly that what was said in the letter could be true, could at least seem to be true, if it did not concern his wife. Pierre involuntarily recalled how Dolokhov, to whom everything was returned after the campaign, returned to Petersburg and came to him. Taking advantage of his revelry friendship with Pierre, Dolokhov came straight to his house, and Pierre placed him and gave him a loan of money. Pierre recalled how Helene, smiling, expressed her displeasure at the fact that Dolokhov was living in their house, and how Dolokhov cynically praised him for the beauty of his wife, and how from that time until his arrival in Moscow he never parted from them for a minute.
“Yes, he is very handsome, thought Pierre, I know him. It would have been a special charm for him to disgrace my name and laugh at me, precisely because I strove for him and looked after him, helped him. I know, I understand, what salt this in his eyes should give to his deception, if it were true. Yes, if it were true; but I do not believe, I have no right, and I cannot believe. " He recalled the expression that Dolokhov's face assumed when moments of cruelty were found on him, like those in which he tied the quarterly with a bear and let him float, or when he challenged a man to a duel for no reason, or killed a driver's horse with a pistol ... This expression was often on Dolokhov's face when he looked at him. “Yes, he is a breaker, thought Pierre, it doesn't mean anything to him to kill a person, he should feel that everyone is afraid of him, he should be pleased with it. He must think that I am afraid of him. And I really am afraid of him, ”thought Pierre, and again with these thoughts he felt something terrible and ugly rising in his soul. Dolokhov, Denisov and Rostov were now sitting opposite Pierre and seemed very cheerful. Rostov talked merrily with his two friends, one of whom was a dashing hussar, the other a well-known bruiser and rake, and from time to time glanced mockingly at Pierre, who at this dinner struck him with his concentrated, absent-minded, massive figure. Rostov looked unkindly at Pierre, firstly, because Pierre in his hussar eyes was a civilian rich man, the husband of a beauty, in general a woman; secondly, because Pierre, in the concentration and absent-mindedness of his mood, did not recognize Rostov and did not respond to his bow. When they began to drink the health of the sovereign, Pierre did not get up in thought and did not take a glass.
- What are you? - Rostov shouted to him, looking at him with rapturous eyes. - Can't you hear; health of the sovereign emperor! - Pierre, sighing, obediently got up, drank his glass and, after waiting for everyone to sit down, with his kind smile turned to Rostov.
“And I didn't recognize you,” he said. - But Rostov was not up to it, he shouted hurray!
“Why don’t you renew your acquaintance,” Dolokhov said to Rostov.
“God bless him, you fool,” said Rostov.
“We must cherish the husbands of pretty women,” said Denisov. Pierre did not hear what they were saying, but he knew what they were saying about him. He blushed and turned away.
- Well, now for the health of beautiful women, - said Dolokhov, and with a serious expression, but with a smiling mouth in the corners, he turned to Pierre with a glass.

On October 22, 2018, the legendary singer Aurika Rotaru, also known as. the site will tell you more about the creative path and personal life of the Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Aurika Rotaru - childhood and the first steps towards fame

The girl was born in the Moldavian village of Marshyntsi, which is located in Western Ukraine. Her father was in charge of a team of winegrowers, and her mother was in charge of the household. In the family circle, they spoke exclusively in Moldovan, as well as in the secondary school, which Aurica attended. The family had many children. In addition to our today's birthday girl, two brothers grew up in her - Anatoly and Evgeny, as well as three sisters - Zinaida, Lydia and Sofia. The father of the family was very fond of music and sang beautifully himself. It was from him that the children inherited their musical abilities.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Aurika became a student at the Chernivtsi School of Music, in which she chose the direction of the conductor and choral. Already while studying at this institution, a talented girl began performing in a musical ensemble called "Cheremosh". As a soloist of the group, Rotaru toured the whole territory of Ukraine.

Having successfully completed her studies at the Chernivtsi School, the girl entered the Odessa Pedagogical Institute. She decided to continue her musical activity on the stage of the Vinnitsa Philharmonic, and then began working in a Crimean institution that was organizing concerts.

Solo career of Auriki Rotaru

For a long time, Aurika sang in tandem with her older sister Sophia, who achieved incredible success on the Ukrainian stage. The youngest of the Rotaru sisters, she was an active participant in many musical events. She could be seen on the stage of the song festivals "Crimean Dawns", "Kiev Spring", "White Nights", "Wider Circle" and "Song of the Year".

Auriki Rotaru's debut disc appeared in 1994 and was named "Album of Strelets' Songs". Just a year later, she presented the collection "Primavara", which won a resounding success among the audience. Since then, the performer has released 4 more full-length albums, the last of which was presented in 2006. Aurika actively worked on filming videos for her compositions. 7 video clips were released for her songs, including "Happiness is a free bird", "I can not live without you", "I am leaving" and "For love".

Thanks to her fruitful work in the field of art, in 1996, Aurica Rotaru became an Honored Artist of her home country. In addition, Aurika is the owner of the Order of Princess Olga and the Great Martyr Catherine.

Aurika Rotaru - personal life

The artist met her future husband in the mid-80s. The wedding ceremony of Auriki and Vladimir took place in 1987, and a few months later, the couple had a daughter, Anastasia. Today, Aurika already has two granddaughters, one of whom bears the name of our today's birthday girl. Unfortunately, the artist's husband did not live to see her granddaughters - thirteen years ago, Vladimir died of a massive stroke.

Aurika is the youngest member of the large and talented Rotaru family. All the brothers and sisters of today's heroine have linked their lives with art. It does not need long introductions and, which has become one of the most popular Ukrainian pop stars.

Aurika Rotaru continues her musical career. She is still touring the territory of Ukraine, and is working on her new songs.

With a song through life

Aurica Rotaru: “Singers cannot eat seeds, but Sonya and I love them very much. Let's fry a whole frying pan and click, only at home and not before the concert, otherwise there will be no fees "

For the upcoming birthday of the people's favorite Sofia Rotaru, the beauty of Sofia Mikhailovna's sister, the beauty Aurika, gave a frank interview to Gordon Boulevard.

The popular singer Aurika Rotaru did not come to the meeting with the journalist alone - together with the producer and friend Natalia Goncharova, who has been accompanying her on all trips for several years now, sharing with her both joys and sorrows. We drank strawberry tea in a cafe in one of the central Kiev parks, talked, indulged in memories and, in spite of the pouring rain, we were in no hurry to leave. After all, such sunny, benevolent and sincere people like Aurika Mikhailovna are rare. But with them in any bad weather it is light.


- Your full name - Aurelia - means "golden". Parents called that because the youngest?

- Yes. But this, in principle, is a very common name in our village. There were four Auriki in the class alone. Brother Zhenya's wife is also Aurik - my classmate.

- Does gold love you?

I do not like him. She is generally indifferent to jewelry. I do not wear anything gold, except for one cross - but this is already a talisman.

- Do you often visit your native Marshintsy?

Unfortunately not. Both me and Sonya get it a maximum of once every six months. And now we decided: we’ll leave everything and go home, because we haven’t been there since autumn. I would like to visit the graves of my parents in the cemetery, talk with my brothers, with my sister Lida, wander barefoot on the grass - take my soul away.

- First of all, where do you go?

To my home. Our whole family loves to fish. Earlier, it happened, we come home, we threw our things - and went fishing. So the parents specially dug a pond in the courtyard so that we would not go anywhere, so that they could sit at home and they would see us, could talk to us. Zhenya - he lives with his family in his parents' house - has already called. Says: "There are a lot of fish, come, we will catch carp!" Another brother of ours lives in Marshintsy and Tolya - he built up opposite.

Have you ever thought of setting up a museum for the Rotaru family there? Look how many talented creative personalities she gave to Ukraine.

Maybe over time, but for now, I think it's too early. Thank God, we are all working, safe and sound. And in general, I believe that a house should be residential, alive, so to speak. The brothers made repairs there, amenities - now everything is as if in the city.

- I know your father was a winegrower ...

And from morning to evening I was in the field. There was a collective farm house, where he spent the night, guarded the vineyards. And then he picked grapes. Not one - there was a whole brigade. Dad made wonderful wine. We always had it at home - there were a lot of grapes growing in our garden. The brothers are now continuing this tradition.

Dad dreamed of becoming a singer, but such times: the war, you understand ... The dream did not come true, and he, of course, was very happy when Sonya became famous, and then Lida and Zhenya and I followed in her footsteps. And my mother only dreamed of marrying the girls out as quickly as possible. In our village they came out at both 16 and 15 years old. When I was 20, my mother looked at me and said: “My God, Aurika! You are already so old, who will take you? "

- Did your mom take care of the children and the household?

We had a hectare of vegetable garden which she cultivated. And we helped - from an early age, as soon as we started to walk, and to the garden: weed and plant ... When we grew up, my mother sent to the market to trade - to sell radishes, carrots. And she went, and we, little ones. And later, when I was studying at the Chernivtsi School of Music, she sold vegetables and herbs at the bazaar. I came to her and said: "Go, rest, eat, and I will stand for you." I was not in the least ashamed, because we lived by it.

- In one of the interviews, Sofia Mikhailovna admitted that she never trades on the market ...

Me too, because I understand how much labor is invested in these vegetables and fruits. My tongue does not dare to ask to yield. I myself work at the dacha and I know how long it takes to plow for something to grow.

- It is believed that a garden and a beautiful woman are incompatible concepts.

It's not true, it's such a pleasure! When I sow or plant something, then every day I come and see: has it sprung up or not? And when it rises, what a joy it is! It's like a small child - you are constantly wondering how much he has grown.

I have a dacha near Kiev. True, unfinished - the internal work remained. The garden is big, and everyone asks me: “Why do you need to work so much? Doesn't it bother you? " I say: "When I get bored, I will do less, but for now I will work hard." I distribute everything to relatives, girlfriends and get a thrill from it: both because I grow, and because I will treat someone. Salted a bunch of cucumbers - however, no one ate them during the winter .


- The family, where there were six children, probably could not boast of special wealth?

- Then all the villagers lived in poverty. Well, we didn't think about it when we were little. We worked, plowed ... Before school, everyone knew who was feeding the pig, who was feeding the chickens, the cow. We were raised earlier, at six in the morning, we did everything and went to school. They returned, did their homework - to the garden. Or graze a cow. The farm was large: sheep, geese, ducks and chickens ...

- Is it true that you only spoke Moldovan at home?

We still speak it among ourselves. In Marshyntsi we had only a Moldavian school, where Ukrainian was not taught at all. Yes, we sing it, but we're not used to talking. For ourselves, without noticing, we switch from Moldavian to Russian, then vice versa. Our mother did not understand Russian at all. If we came and started to "russ", I was very offended: "Well, please, let's speak Moldavian!" And Tolik, Son's husband, always joked: “I have the best mother-in-law in the world. Firstly, he lives far away, and secondly, he does not understand Russian! "

- Do the children know your native language?

No. Well, a few words, maybe they understand, but they don't speak. Neither my Nastya, nor Sonin Ruslan, let alone Sonin's grandchildren. It was necessary in due time to leave them in the village for the summer. Although Ruslan, when he was little, stayed, and I nursed him. Sonya always had many trips, tours, and of course, her son had to be taken to the village. Zhenya and I rode him on a bicycle, didn't let go ...

- Has your family always been so friendly?

Yes. Well, it happened, of course, in childhood to argue, to pull each other, pinch, like all children. But if, God forbid, someone else looked askance at me, the brothers could turn the whole school! So it is now. God forbid one is bad for someone - the rest leave everything and go to help out.

We were taught to respect elders. If the older sister said that you need to do just that, you can argue with her, but you must obey. Zina, our oldest, blind, it was hard for her ... Therefore, instead of her parents, Sonya remained - she keeps us, gathers us. And then she was the second mother.

Sonya left her parents' home when we were still little. I remember her wedding - she was in our yard, but did not arouse much interest in me. I rode a bike, I had my own team with my brothers Zhenya and Tolya.

- I wonder what games you played?

Hide-and-seek. At night, all the children in Marshyntsy ran away from home and were divided into two teams. One team was hiding, the other was looking, and all over the village. And so on until the morning - in all attics, on fences, vegetable gardens ... Once Zhenya and I went in on the sly in the morning, and dad was sitting with a belt on a stool! It was a good belt, soldier's, with a buckle. After him, I didn't want to hide.

- Was Sofia Mikhailovna's wedding musical?

Sure! Tolik Evdokimenko - the kingdom of heaven to him! - was a wonderful trumpeter, played with the guys at dances. So they played at the wedding. And Zinaida got married even earlier - in Chisinau. He lives there.


- Psychologists say it is much more difficult for people who have lost their eyesight than for those who were born that way.

- Well, Zina went blind from three to five years. She was born during the war, contracted typhus, which caused her optic nerve to atrophy. I don't remember how old I was, I was still very young when my father found out that there is a school for the blind in Chisinau. He took Zina there, she made friends. She lives like a normal, full-fledged person. And if she stayed in the village, what would happen to her?

- Sofia Mikhailovna once said that Zinaida's voice is even stronger than hers ...

He is not only strong but also handsome. As long as my sister studied in Chisinau, worked at the plant, always participated in amateur performances. They had their own ensemble, they went to Georgia, and to Armenia, and to Uzbekistan. Zina not only has a strong voice, but also perfect pitch.

She constantly checked our lessons - we sat down and recited every paragraph to her by heart. They did not dare to deceive, because Zina is sacred. In addition, my sister determined by voice when you were sure of the answer, and when not.

- What kind of story happened under New Year, because of which your father was expelled from the party?

It was, it was, although I will not say exactly what year. In our village, we never celebrated the New Year on December 31 - only from January 13 to January 14. It was not even called Old - just New Year. Tolya came from the army ... And since childhood he is very fond of technology: he was little, so he put small posts and led the light around our house, he made a machine for himself - like a real one! Well, my brother decided to put a Christmas tree on the street. He cut down a large tree, set it up in the yard, made it spin, shine - in those days it was something! And we, of course, turned on this tree. The whole village was happy. And right on New Year's Eve they came and took dad ...

Soon he was released, but punished: expelled from the party. Tolya was expelled from the Komsomol, and then from the university. Mom was worried how her son would endure all this, but he behaved like a real fighter. On the second day I took a candle and went to church.

After a while, dad was asked to recover. But he refused: this is who you have to be in order to inflate such a crime because of the New Year tree! Neither he, the front-line soldier who reached Berlin, was spared, nor his son ...

- Have you preserved any family traditions since then?

The most favorite holidays, as before, are New Year and Easter. We waited for Easter like manna from heaven, because my mother dressed us in everything new, we knew: there would be new shoes, socks, dresses ... Dad went to holy cakes, and we were waiting for him all morning. Then you had to get up and be sure to wash yourself with some water from a glass where there were a red egg and a coin in order to be beautiful and rich. After that, my mother laid the table, and we sat down to break the fast.

Our family has always been a believer. In spite of everything, all of us were baptized by our parents. Even Ruslan, the Son's son, was secretly baptized so that no one would know.


- Sofia Mikhailovna believes in prophetic dreams, mystical coincidences, and you?

- I can interpret some dreams. I know that this is a sign of illness, otherwise it means that there will be some kind of miracle or a person will appear who will interfere, do nasty things. And, as a rule, my dreams come true.

- Do you believe in omens? What, for example, cannot be done before going on stage?

You can't go to the toilet in a concert costume - I know that for sure. Once you put it on - that's it, be patient! And I already have a habit: I have to cross myself before going on stage. Sonya always does that too.

There is one more sign from time immemorial: I was just starting to work at the Philharmonic when I found out. If we go to a concert and, God forbid, someone got the seeds, they immediately kick out the bus, because there will be no fees. You gnaw the seeds, and you will get the seeds.

- And I thought artists shouldn't have them, so that the ligaments don't get clogged.

Well, it goes without saying, but Sonya and I love seeds very much. Black, sunflower. Let's fry a whole frying pan and click - only at home and not before the concert. We also love to play cards - preference. We just love! When we arrive in Marshintsy, four of us will sit down ... Usually I, Sonya, Lida and her husband Seryozha play.

- Who is winning?

Differently. There is not one such master who would constantly win among us yet. We are professionals in other ways.

- Did you initially want to become a singer?

Maybe yes. I looked at Sonya, and I had no other options.

- At school, Sofia Mikhailovna showed promise as an athlete - she was engaged in athletics ...

And I had the first place in acrobatics. Unfortunately, we did not have the opportunity to seriously engage in sports. There was a small hall - nowhere to turn around. With our physical education teacher - unfortunately, he died a few years ago! - we talked to the last. When they came home, they always came to him or invited him to visit. He was very a good manthat's why physical education was a favorite subject for everyone.

- When you started your career, there was no feeling that you were in the shadow of Sofia?

Of course, it was, because Sonya had already taken off to such a level that Lida and I never dreamed of. I had to work very hard so as not to hit my face in the mud.

From year to year, newspapers reprint information that your real surname - Rotar, and Edita Piekha advised young Sonya to add the letter "y" to make it sound better. Is this true or a story?

- (Surprised).Pieha has something to do with it? Rotaru is originally our last name. She is not even Moldovan, but Romanian. "Rota" is a wheel, and "Rotaru" is a chariot. When Bessarabia, which was part of Romania, was annexed to Ukraine, the inhabitants were rewritten. Our dad became Mikhail Fedorovich Rotary. And then we changed the name back.

- Whose idea is to create a duet of Rotaru sisters?

I studied at the Chernivtsi School of Music, which is very good, by the way, under the same teacher as Sonya. She lived with Lida, in her apartment. And she sang with Leonid Zatulovsky in the "Cheremosh" ensemble. And then one day, on a day off, I went with Lida just to listen to a concert.

There was time before the concert, Leonid Borisovich sat down at the piano and said: "Come on, girls, sing something together." We sang Primavera. At the same concert they found me some kind of blouse, skirt, and we performed as a duet. So I stayed at the Cheremosh - they took me to the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. We did not go far: I studied at a hospital. Further - to the Caucasus, for example, - already when the holidays began.

- With Lydia you have traveled all over the Soviet Union. How were Ukrainian songs received then?

Excellent! The first branch was almost entirely in Ukrainian. And after the Ukrainian songs, which they love and always wait, in the second part, you can already sing whatever you want.

When I moved to Kiev, our brother Zhenya began performing with Lida - he is a very talented musician, he started in Nikolaev together with Igor Krutoy and Sasha Serov. Well, then Lida gave birth, she did not want to return to the stage. And Zhenya got married: he has his own shop in the village, land, vineyards ...

- Does Lydia also live in Marshintsy?

No-no, she is a businesswoman with us, she has her own restaurant in Chernivtsi - there is very tasty home cuisine there. As a child, she loved to cook as much as to sing. And the signature dish, of course ...

- ... hominy?

Yes! With sheep cheese, cracklings ... You can sell your homeland! How was it at home? If Sonya or Lida didn't cook hominy at lunchtime, this is no longer food. We ate it instead of bread. And now, when we come to Marshintsy, our daughters-in-law cook hominy, cook our favorite chicken in sour cream, put cottage cheese on the table and, of course, homemade wine.

- You probably have a lot of friends and fans ...

Lots of! There are fan clubs even in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. All the time they write, call, send sms, congratulate on all the holidays. If we go to a concert, they are the first to know about it. From where, I don't know, but it's nice. They often come to the entrance of the house - with flowers and gifts. And recently we were in Germany, so a girl-fan from Russia came there and followed us in all cities!

There was one. Galya, in my opinion. She is mentally unstable - she called at both three and four in the morning, and not only Sonya - everyone! I changed my phone numbers because of this. If she is in a good mood, she will simply talk; if she is bad, she will begin to bear such a tone that it is impossible to bear it. She threatened that if she was not allowed to attend the concert, she would do something ...

For a long time Sonya did not dare to contact the police, she pitied this unfortunate woman. The last straw was that when there was an anniversary evening in the Kremlin, she called and said that the palace was mined. Galya “mined” a lot of things: both the concert hall in Vladimir, and the airport, but when the Kremlin, she was quickly found and eventually imprisoned. It is a pity, of course, for the person, but she just did not let her live.

- Probably after that a whole staff of security guards were hired?

What for? There are more normal people than abnormal people. Yes, they often recognize me on the street, in the store, but in a kind way: they just ask how you are doing.


- When you lost your husband, you said that the topic of marriage was closed for yourself forever ...

- I had a good husband: kind, generous, smart. And I just understand that I won't find a second one. I have a very high bar. I will not agree to less.

- How did you meet him?

Very simple. I worked at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, Alexander Tishchenko - a famous singer and composer - was our musical director. And when the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded, Volodya came to Chernivtsi with Natasha, my current producer: they were saving themselves from radiation. Natasha introduced us, and on the very first evening he proposed to me.

- And you answered: "Yes"?

I was confused: "But I'm married!" And he said: "Nothing, you will get divorced." She got divorced and did not regret it for a single day.

- What does your daughter do?

Nastya graduated from the Kiev Institute of International Relations with a degree in International Economics and is a postgraduate student. I'm not in a hurry to get married. Unlike my mother, I say: "It's still early!"

- She sings?

No. She graduated from a music school in piano with honors, danced in Virsky's ensemble, and recorded a song in the studio with Tishchenko Jr. But this is not her: she went to dad, mathematician.

We have Tolik, Sonin's grandson, is fond of music. He's a DJ. A very stubborn guy. After school, go to the studio and work. Little Sonechka sings cleanly, works with teachers. Wait and see...

- Rumor has it that you have a strained relationship with Nikolai Mozgov. This is true?

No-no, fiction. We never fought with him. But we did not fraternize either, although we are from Marshinets, and he is from Novoselitsa - it is two kilometers away. They just somehow did not intersect. Previously, when he sang more, we met more often at concerts, but now we practically do not see each other.


- In general, friendship in the pop circle is possible, do you think?

- Why not? I communicate with Sasha Tishchenko, with the Bilonozhko family, Pasha Zibrov.

- Do you often see Sofia Mikhailovna?

Everyday! Because we live in the same entrance. True, she recently moved into a house in Koncha-Zaspa, which she finally completed. And now I am bored and she is. We call each other every day. It was very convenient for us: you can run in for salt, and just drink tea, and play cards ...

When my husband was gone, Sonya pulled me out of depression. She didn’t leave a step: “Don't stay at home, let's work ...”. She herself experienced such a terrible grief, having lost Tolya, and tried in every way to protect me. Sonya was saved by her work - this is the best medicine for her.

We are almost always together. We go to rest, we tour. We sunbathed in the Maldives this year: I love the sea. True, they thought there weren't as many of ours as in Turkey or Egypt, but it turned out - full! When they returned, Sonin's grandson Tolik asked: “Sonia, did you live in such and such a hotel? It's just that my classmate's dad was there too, he saw how you and Aurica collected shells on the beach ... ".

- Does Tolya call you by name?

That's better. All these "aunts" and "grandmothers" are useless. And do we really look like grandmothers? I think not yet! ( Laughs).

- You lived in rented apartments for a long time ...

Yes, I've only been living in mine for 10 years. All there was not enough money. I want to make it cozy at home, but in a removable one will you redo something? You can't hammer in a nail without asking, you can't get a cat ... And now I have a chow-chow dog and a redhead, impudent cat, seven kilograms of live weight - everything is as it should be!

- I know you have a large collection of cow figurines. Why did you decide to collect them?

This is the nurse. We had no idea how to live without a cow. I have about 500 cows, and I don't even count. I’ll finish building the dacha and make a special room for them. I also keep the outfits, because I sew to order. Now I work with Alena Oleinik. And once in the Chernivtsi region, in the village of Melievo, there lived a craftswoman who hand-embroidered my, Sonina and Lidina's dresses. Until now, I have not seen such patterns anywhere!

It would be great if someday there was a benefit for the Rotaru family. People would see and hear Lydia, Eugene again ...

The idea is good, but it's a pity, there is no person who would implement it. Especially now, during the crisis, when organizing concerts has become a problem. And we can sing, don't worry about it: I, and Lida, and Zhenya, and Zina. And Sonya, of course. Tolya, brother, sings here too, but when we all went to the stage, he said: “You know, I'm staying at home. You will sing, sing, and still return home. Someone has to wait for you? "

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Novoselytsky district, Chernivtsi region.

After graduation, he enters the conductor-choral department of the Chernivtsi Musical College named after Vorobkevich and continues to take part in amateur performances. The first ensemble, in which Aurika performs, is the Novoselytsky amateur ensemble “Scarlet Poppies”.

During this period, the Cheremosh ensemble was created in the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, in which one of the older sisters, Lydia Rotaru, performs. Aurika comes to her sister's concert and one of the leaders of Cheremosh, Leonid Zatulovsky, has an idea to listen to the sisters together. The joint performance of the song "Primavara" exceeds all expectations and at the same concert they are already performing together - this is how the duet of the Rotaru sisters was created. And Aurika begins her professional concert career.

Continuing her studies at the music school, she works at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic - the selection of the repertoire, the preparation of concert costumes begins.

The duet's first well-deserved success came at the Komsomolskaya Pesnya competition, which took place in the Khmelnytsky region. The sisters were awarded first place in the competition. After that, they take first place in another competition - "Young Voices" in Chernivtsi.

After graduating from college, Aurika continues vocational training and enters the Odessa Pedagogical Institute. K. D. Ushinsky.

The Rotaru sisters duet as part of the "Cheremosh" ensemble is very popular and the sisters tour a lot - in Ukraine and the Soviet Union, giving 3-4 concerts a day, they constantly take part in the filming of television programs, record songs that are included in the compilations released by the All-Union Studio recordings "Melody". In their repertoire there are many folk songs - Ukrainian and Moldovan, as well as songs by the Teodorovich brothers, Pavel Dvorsky, the Petra brothers, Jan Raiburg, Mihai Dolgan, Anatoly Kiryak, Gamma Skupinsky and many others. Popular songs and business card of the Rotaru sisters' duet are the songs "Primavara", "Ty - the sun in the sky", "Yaksho love, kohai".

Personal life

In 1987 she married Vladimir Pigach, gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia.


In 1997 she received the title of "Honored Artist of Ukraine". Order "Holy Princess Olga", Ukraine


Aurika Mikhailovna began her singing career at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, where she sang with her sister Lydia in the Cheremosh ensemble and toured all over Ukraine.

She continued her creative activity in the Vinnitsa, then in the Crimean Philharmonic. She toured with her sister Sofia Rotaru. She took part in festivals: "Crimean Dawns" (Yalta), "Kiev Spring" (Kiev), "White Nights" (St. Petersburg), "Shire Krug", "Song of the Year" (Moscow, Kiev). Sang the song "New Year's Toys" with Arkady Khoralov.


  • 1994 - Album of Strelets' Songs
  • 1995 - Collection of "Primavar"
  • 1998 - Album "I can not live without you"
  • 2000 - Collection "Day by Day"
  • 2003 - Collection "I do not live without love"
  • 2006 - Album "Happiness is a free bird", JRC

Video clips

  • "For love"
  • "Happiness is a free bird"
  • "I can not live without you"
  • "Letter"
  • "I don’t know you anything"
  • "Guess Me"
  • "I'm leaving"

Aurelia Mikhailovna Rotaru (mold.Aurelia Rotaru). She was born on October 22, 1958 in the village of Marshyntsy, Novoselytsky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR. Soviet and ukrainian singer... Honored Artist of Ukraine (1996). Younger sister of Sofia Rotaru.

Aurica (Aurelia) Rotaru was born on October 22, 1958 in the Ukraine in the village of Marshyntsy, Novoselytsky district, Chernivtsi region, into a Moldovan family.

Father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar (1918-2004), a war veteran, reached Berlin as a machine gunner, worked as a foreman of winegrowers.

Mother - Alexandra Ivanovna Rotar (1920-1997).

Brothers - Anatoly Mikhailovich Rotar and Evgeniy Mikhailovich Rotar (bass players and singers), worked in the Chisinau VIA "Horizont".

Senior sisters - Zinaida Mikhailovna Rotar,.

Regarding the surname, she explained: "Rotaru is originally our surname. It is not even Moldavian, but Romanian." Rota "is a wheel, and" rotaru "is a wheel. When Bessarabia, which was part of Romania, was annexed to Ukraine, the inhabitants were rewritten. Pope ours became Rotar Mikhail Fedorovich. And then we changed the surname back. "

My father sang well, he dreamed of becoming a singer, but the war prevented him. He grew grapes, made wonderful wine. The brothers are now continuing this tradition.

The family spoke only Moldovan, as did the other villagers. In Marshyntsi there was only a Moldavian school, where Ukrainian was not taught at all. Mother Alexandra Ivanovna did not understand Ukrainian and Russian at all.

During her school years, Aurika was engaged in acrobatics.

In 1980 she graduated from the Vorobkevich Chernivtsi Musical College, conductor and choir department. And in 1985 - the Odessa Pedagogical Institute. K. D. Ushinsky.

She began performing while studying at the Chernivtsi School of Music (she studied with the same teacher as her sister Sofia Rotaru). She lived with her sister Lida, who by that time was already singing with Leonid Zatulovsky in the Cheremosh ensemble. Once she went with Lydia just to listen to a concert. She recalled: “Before the concert there was time, Leonid Borisovich sat down at the piano and said:“ Come on, girls, sing something together. ”We sang“ Primavera. ”At the same concert they found me some kind of blouse, skirt, and we performed as a duet. So I stayed in "Cheremosh" - I was taken to the Chernivtsi Philharmonic ".

They performed a duet with their sister Lydia in the "Cheremosh" ensemble, toured all over Ukraine.

Later she continued her creative activity in the Vinnytsia, then in the Crimean Philharmonic.

She also toured with her star sister Sofia Rotaru.

Lydia, Aurica and Sofia Rotaru

She took part in festivals: "Crimean Dawns" (Yalta), "Kiev Spring" (Kiev), "White Nights" (St. Petersburg), "Shire Krug", "Song of the Year" (Moscow, Kiev).

Sang the song "New Year's Toys" with Arkady Khoralov.

In 1996 she received the title of "Honored Artist of Ukraine".

Sofia, Lydia and Aurica Rotaru - Spring

Personal life of Auriki Rotaru:

She was married twice.

The second husband, Vladimir Pigach, was engaged in business, incl. banking. They got married in 1987.

The daughter Anastasia Vladimirovna Rotaru (born 1987) was born in marriage, she graduated from the Kiev University of International Relations with a degree in International Economics.

The husband died at the age of 45 in 2005 from a massive stroke. Vladimir went to take a bath, where he felt bad. Unfortunately, he was not able to quickly provide assistance, since the door was locked from the inside. While it was being hacked, he died.

Has two granddaughters. The eldest - Aurelia Andreevna Knyazeva - was born on January 15, 2013. On March 14, 2017, the singer's second granddaughter was born.

The Rotaru sisters live on different floors of the same house in the center of Kiev, Sofia Mikhailovna on the second, and Aurika on the third. Lydia lives in Chernivtsi, Zinaida - in Chisinau, brothers Eugene and Anatoly - in their native village Marshintsy in Bukovina.

Discography of Auriki Rotaru:

1994 - Album of Strelets' Songs
1995 - "Primavara" (collection)
1998 - "I Can't Live Without You"
2000 - "Day by Day" (collection)
2003 - "I do not live without loving" (collection)
2006 - "Happiness is a free bird"

Auriki Rotaru's video clips:

"For love"
"Happiness is a free bird"
"I can not live without you"
"I don’t know you anything"
"Guess Me"
"I'm leaving"