A conspiracy to see the future. Conspiracy for a prophetic dream

A conspiracy that will help you learn to see prophetic dreams

The most important element of the ceremony is that in order to invoke prophetic sleep all evening and all night, while you sleep, you must be completely alone. When you go to bed, try to relax as much as possible, clear your thoughts of all extraneous things and think only about what you want to know. Take a break from all the guesses, you do not need to try to guess the answer to the desired question, otherwise you may not get a prophetic dream, but a projection of your own conjectures.

In this article:

A conspiracy or ritual for a prophetic dream is a great opportunity to find out your future. A prophetic dream can give a person the information he just needs to make the right decision.

But just the desire to see him is not enough. There are many magical practices that allow a person to learn to dream prophetic dreams, some of them include training for the body and spirit, and in others, you need to use magical rituals for a single dream call.

It is possible to conduct ceremonies to invoke a prophetic dream only in the last few days of the waxing moon period.

Ritual for a prophetic dream

In order to see your future or discover any hidden events, you need to conduct a special magical ceremony. Before performing the ritual, take a relaxing bath, add a few drops of peppermint, rosemary and lavender oil to the water. While you bask in warm water, the room in which you will sleep should be fumigated with dry sleep-grass or dried aloe stalk.

The most important element of the ceremony is that in order to invoke a prophetic sleep all evening and all night, while you sleep, you must be completely alone.

When you go to bed, try to relax as much as possible, clear your thoughts of all extraneous things and think only about what you want to know. Take a break from all the guesses, you do not need to try to guess the answer to the desired question, otherwise you may not get a prophetic dream, but a projection of your own conjectures.

When you feel that you are starting to fall asleep, whisper the words of the conspiracy five times:

“Let me dream of something that should come true. I want it so! "

A simple ritual with a mirror

Shortly before going to bed, place a small mirror under your pillow and say the words:

“As in a mirror everything is displayed, both light and darkness, so in the dream of God's servant (name) her future will be displayed. Let it be so. Amen".

One condition: you should not wake up on the alarm clock in the morning.

On the same night, you should dream of a mirror in which your future will be reflected, or the answer to your question. If you get an answer, when you wake up in the morning, hide the used mirror in a secluded place and store it there. In no case tell anyone about the ceremony, otherwise the future may change.

Conspiracy before bed

This powerful and effective conspiracy should be read shortly before bed. Conspiracy Words:

“I, the servant of God (name), hurried into the light beam, as I could, as I heard the ringing of heavenly bells for mass. The Lord God himself served that dinner, with his angels and archangels.

In one hand the Lord held a small rod, and in the other hand the keys to the gates of heaven. So let the heavenly gates open, and shut forever, the door of hell.

The sacred child is coming to Mother, Mother Mary the Mother of God. Asks the child from whom the light goes bright, the light is Divine.

The Mother of God answers him, that from her son, that they were crucified on a tree, because they were nailed with an iron nail, that they were stabbed right into the merciful heart.

Let me, the servant of God (name), see through a dream a blue cross, a red cross, on which the Lord God was crucified. Amen".

To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can light incense, for example, sandalwood or patchouli, before going to bed.

Conspiracy of 77 Druids

This is an effective rite of passage to be performed right before bed. Sit on the edge of the bed and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I conjure, the servant of God (name), you, Venus, by the names of the angels of sleep, the names of the third legion. I conjure you, Great Angel Anael, representing the day of the sixth creation of the world. I conjure with the seal of the sacred King Solomon and King David. I conjure saints, powerful, Divine angels with the names: Adonai, im, Ey, Asim, Hey and Sadai. I conjure the Star of Saturn, by the names of all the stars of heaven, by all their powers and light, by all their mighty power.

All the names of the angels of the second legion, the name of the Creator, the names of all who are in mercy with our Savior. I conjure the earth on which all trees and herbs grow. I conjure the earth, in which lies the ashes of the ancestors of all people, Adam and Eve. In the names of everyone who was, and who will only conjure. With Mother's milk I conjure all mothers, all the torments of hell and the most terrible torments of women in labor. By the power of the keys of Solomon, in the name of the throne of the six-winged beings.

Prophetic dreams predict our future, good or bad, as luck would have it. But not everyone is able to see them, and someone, seeing, cannot remember or interpret. In order to dream about your future, you can use a conspiracy.

The conspiracy for the prophetic dream of the Virgin

The conspiracy is read before going to bed, going to bed, you must quietly say it to yourself: I am going to another world, I am going for knowledge. The Mother of God will lead me along the heavenly roads, so that I know all unknown events, so that the future becomes a reality, and life is pleasant.

Conspiracy on a prophetic dream on a guy read before bedtime

In the evening, lay a tablecloth on the table near the bed, put a glass of water and a candle on it, read the conspiracy before going to bed: Christmas candle, wedding ring, show my husband, show his image. Whoever dreams in a dream will become a husband.

Conspiracy on a prophetic dream read on Friday, Tuesday

To carry out the ritual, you need holy water, it is poured into a glass and drunk before going to bed, saying to yourself: Clean water, holy water, help the prophetic dream to see the servant of God (name), so that she dreamed of everything that would come true and happen so that she remembered everything to know. My word is law, as I said, so it will be.

How to see a prophetic dream in the near future conspiracy

To see a prophetic dream about the near future, you need to conduct a small ritual. In the evening, take a relaxing bath, fumigate the room with sleep-grass and go to bed alone. Falling asleep, say to yourself: Let the dream come true.

Conspiracy on a prophetic dream read I go to sleep

A conspiracy that allows you to see the near future: I go to bed, servant of God (name), to sleep on the Zion mountains - three angels in their heads: one hears, the other sees, and the third will tell me everything. Amen.

The conspiracy for a prophetic dream for baptism read at home

For baptism, you can use such a simple ritual: write your wishes on 12 sheets of paper and put them under your pillow, those that you dream about will definitely come true this year.

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream so that the one who caused damage to dream

Before going to bed, a conspiracy is read: Lord, forgive, forgive your slave's sins. Just leave the love in me, who spoils my blood, imagine. Amen.

The answer to the question in a dream conspiracy

For this conspiracy, you need to use water. Pour it into a glass and put it near the bed, going to bed, say the following words: Clean water, holy water, help the prophetic dream see the servant of God (name), So that she dreamed of everything that comes true and happens, So that she remembers everything, so that she knows. My word is law, as I said, so it will be. Amen!

Prophetic dreams are nothing more than encrypted information about the future, which often turns out to be very valuable to us. However, such prophetic dreams are usually extremely rare. As a rule, places or events, as well as people, are dreamed of because of our obsession with some problem. And vice versa, you saw your beloved (beloved) in a dream only because your subconscious mind at the moment is completely carried away by the person dear to you. Not everyone is given to see prophetic dreams - usually such people have certain inclinations for clairvoyance.

Types of prophetic dreams

All prophetic dreams can be roughly divided into two types: symbolic and literal. The fact that you saw a "literal" prophetic dream can only be said when the events in the dream were repeated in reality. For example, in a dream you lost your wallet, and literally the next day it really happened.

A symbolic dream does not show us the future directly, but to decipher it, you need to resort to a dream book. So, for example, a cup broken in a dream means a possible deterioration in health.

We order a prophetic dream

There are situations in life when it is necessary to quickly make a responsible decision by making right choice... In such a situation, you can make a prophetic dream. But how to do that? There are many different rituals and conspiracies for a prophetic dream that have come down to us from ancient times, by heritage. It is important to know that the decisive role in this case depends on your mental attitude before bed.

You need to focus as much as possible on the issue on which you want to receive the prophecy. For yourself, you should make an installation in advance: if you receive something in a dream, then the answer to the question being asked is positive, and if you give it, the answer is negative. Such an installation will help you easily decipher a prophetic dream, and in the event that it raises doubts, you will be able to accurately understand its meaning.

Before making a dream, it is advisable to use the lunar calendar. After all, there are certain days of the lunar cycles when only empty dreams are dreamed. For example, a dream on the night of the twenty-fifth is absolutely nothing, but a dream on the third can tell a lot about your future life. Dreams from Thursday to Friday are considered one of the most truthful. They will also talk about future dreams from Monday to Tuesday. The most favorable time for ordering dreams is Christmastide. This is the name of the period from Christmas to Epiphany. A prophetic dream can also be dreamed on any other church holiday, but in this case it is performed before lunch.

Conspiracy for a prophetic dream

A mirror is used for the conspiracy, this is not accidental. Many magical rituals are performed using a mirror. From time immemorial, the mirror was considered the door that connects parallel worlds. As a result, mirror rituals are the most effective.

Before going to bed, put a small mirror, always round, under the pillow. The circle is a ring, a magical figure that symbolizes a closed space that has no beginning or end, it will allow you to see what is hidden.

As you put the mirror under your pillow, say the following words: "As darkness and light are reflected in this mirror, so my future will be reflected in it."

During sleep, you should dream of this mirror, which reflects your future. By the way, this mirror should never be used for its intended purpose again. It must be hidden from prying eyes, and its location must be kept secret. Also, do not allow anyone other than you to touch the mirror with your hands.

How to remember a dream?

To remember a dream, you just need to follow some simple recommendations. First, place a stone under your pillow before going to bed. Second, as soon as you wake up, bite the corner of the pillow. Third: upon awakening, avoid looking out the window and at the fire. Finally, sleep on your right side only, and do not sleep on your stomach.

For a good dream to come true, it is better not to tell anyone at all (as a last resort, refrain from it for three days). Conversely, if you have nightmares, talk about them before noon. It is also helpful on waking to say "Where the night is, there is a dream"and look out the window.

Even in Ancient Times, people devoted a lot of time to their dreams and attached great importance to dreams. It is usually said that what a person is thinking is dreaming; what exists and is "processed" in his subconscious. If a person is disturbed by any thoughts, he thinks about events that have occurred in life - all this will be in a dream.

There are also prophetic dreams. What does it mean? A prophetic dream is seen by a person "in all colors and details", and then these events take place in life. This dream will be prophetic. Not many people have the ability to see prophetic dreams. But those lucky ones who succeed can prepare themselves for some important or unpleasant events in life.

You can also turn to magic and its rituals to see a prophetic dream. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to know the features and principles of conducting a particular magical rite. You can also ask a question, make a wish, and in a dream receive an answer to this question, the "denouement" of your wish - will it come true or not. The subconscious mind, if you set it up correctly by asking a question, will give you all the answers. But sometimes it is very difficult to interpret them on your own, you need to turn to dream books for clues.

When you can read a conspiracy for a prophetic dream

Sometimes I really want to see my future, find out what to expect from this or that event, person, action, what the result will be. Not all people can decide on the same fortune-telling. Many are simply afraid of this ritual. After all, in order to look into your future with the help of, for example, fortune-telling or playing cards, you need to contact a fortune-teller or magician. It is also possible to carry out such rituals on your own, but it is important to know how to do everything so that fortune-telling is true. But dreams, there is nothing dangerous and difficult here. Yes, you need to own information, but you don't need to have certain skills in this.

In order to properly carry out a conspiracy for a prophetic dream, it is important to properly prepare for this ceremony. First of all, you must prepare yourself, bring the room into proper form. What is needed for that? Let's figure it out. The evening before bed should be spent in a quiet, comfortable atmosphere. You shouldn't be nervous or fight with anyone. Try to achieve peace. You can listen to light, relaxing, favorite music or watch a good movie. Someone prefers to meet with friends in the evening. This can also be done. But remember that there is no need to tell anyone that you are going to conduct the ceremony! Everything should be confidential.

Set yourself up to be positive and kind. To do this, you can take a warm relaxing bath, have a good dinner, read a book. You can take a bath with the addition of aromatic oils. Fir oil, extract of rosemary, lavender, mint are very good for this. They are all wonderful soothing. You can drink warm milk with butter or tea with honey before going to bed. In general, anything that can help you relax. It is important.

The room must be well ventilated and fumigated with smoke. A dream herb or dried aloe is suitable for this. These can all be bought at a pharmacy or specialized stores. It would be nice to change the bed too. For a full sleep, clean linen must be prepared in advance. Iron and cover everything. By the way, it is better to sleep on this night alone, so that no one distracts or interferes with you.

It is important to remember that you can make a prophetic dream only on days when the moon is full. These must be the last days of the full moon. Adequate, healthy and sound sleep is also important. You will need to sleep at least nine hours. The success of this ritual will depend on how well you prepare for everything. If the dream is sensitive and short, then you will hardly be able to see a prophetic dream. Falling asleep before midnight is important. It is after 12 at night that the body begins to rest, fall into deep phase sleep, and that's when the imagination "works" best!

If you saw a good, very important dream for you on another day, then you should seek help from the lunar calendar. You can also take Muller's dream book, read what the "viewed" dream promises you. Sometimes even the most beautiful dream can be just a "work" of your subconscious mind, if you do not see it in the last days of the full moon.

What conspiracy can be read to see a prophetic dream right today (in the near future)

As we said, before bed, it is important to relax well and as much as possible. During the day, it is better, of course, to avoid conflict situations, quarrels, disagreements and showdowns. When you have already gone to bed, after having done everything that we wrote about above, you need to read the conspiracy once. Its text will be as follows:

“I go to sleep on the Siena Mountains, three angels stand in my chapters, one sees, the other hears, and the third will tell me the whole truth - what I’ll buy, and what I’ll find, maybe I’ll accept a gift, let it come true, and if in a dream I lose , sell or give, then let such a dream dissolve. "

Such rituals and conspiracies belong to white magic, therefore, they do not carry any (negative) consequences for a person.

What conspiracy is suitable for a prophetic dream on Friday

This ceremony is recommended at midnight. For it, you need a piece of cotton fabric, you need to cut it out in the shape of a square. Then salt (a little) must be poured into the fabric. Do everything with your right hand only! It is important. Put a small piece of rye bread there. Wrap everything in cloth and place the "bundle" under the pillow. Before falling asleep, you need to read the conspiracy. The text will be like this - “Sunday with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and you, Saturday, have no buddy. Here is bread and salt for you, and give me a lucid dream.

In the morning you wake up and start the day by saying "thank you" Saturday for your sleep. From the package, everything must be transferred to a napkin and hidden at home. Nobody should find your "secret". Do not discard the bag until the dream comes true. On the night from Friday to Saturday, if you performed the ritual correctly and carefully read the text of the conspiracy, you should definitely dream of a dream.

After your dream has come true, the salt will need to be used to prepare a dish. But feed the bread to the birds. All this must be done, if the dream was good, you are happy with the result. Everything you wish came true, you are happy. If the dream was negative, even tragic, and these events happened in your life, then the actions change slightly. You don't need to cook anything from salt, you don't need to feed the birds either. Throw everything, together with the package, into the trash can. It is on the street in the bin, not in the garbage chute. You need to get rid of all bad things as soon as possible.