Poem genre Dead souls. Dead Souls: Genre, Plot, Heroes

Creativity N.V. Gogol is enveloped by many secrets and mysteries. The personality of the writer itself was unique and mysterious. Since childhood, he was a special person: because of his illness, he communicated little with peers, very sensitively perceived the offense and failure. Sensitivity of nature got him from his mother. However, together with the emotionality, the family in his soul was laid the deepest love for the Fatherland and incredit

The idea was presented to Gogol A.S. Pushkin. The most unusual in the work is perhaps this is a genre. " Dead Souls"Denotected by Gogol as a poem. Literary sources give a rather clear definition of the poem - Laro epic worktelling about any events having a poetic shape. It should be noted that initially the poems were exclusively heroic, remotely resembling Russian epics. They will certainly be a storyline with heroes, events, but at the same time a lyrical beginning should be present.

Why N.V. Gogol chose this genre exactly? "Dead souls" are in which the adventures of some Chichikov are described. From the point of view of the plot, the work closer to the Plutovsky novel. However, the goal is to the author completely different. He seeks not just to tell about Chichikov's adventures, but show the absurdity and ridiculousness of serfdom. The name is the name of the oxymoron (combination of incompatible things). The genre of the "Dead Souls" Gogol partially reveals the writer of the author. It contains installation on scale, the inclusion image of the events. Gogol seeks to show all Russia. In the work there should also be a lyrical beginning - this indicates the genre. "Dead souls" - a work, complete lyrical retreats of the author, reasoning about Russia, about the road, about nature. Extensive retreats from the main line of the narration contribute to the poem of the philosophical principle. They tell us about what the work has written. Gogol writes about how Russia dies due to the existing injustice, slavery, the lowesty and inflow of landowners and officials. Chichikov rides from one landlord to another, and each of them personifies one or another vice. Yes, and chikchik himself - it is rather an antiger with clearly traceable demonic features.

Gogol skillfully transforms the genre. "Dead Souls" is not a poem about the hero, not a novel, not a story. This is a synthetic product connecting several elements in itself. Especially standing out in its structure insertion element - "Tale of Captain Copekin". She is in no way connected with Chichikov, this is a retreat in which Gogol expresses its attitude to the current socio-political situation in Russia. Gogol can not be called a revolutionary, he did not utter a coup. But he wanted to never forget about major moral laws. To show the Miscellency of Russia, Gogol creates its "dead souls". Genre created by Gogol and the named "Poem" helps the writer in this. The third volume of the books he burned, and the second left unaccepting. By the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author in the last parts of the poem was to "shift" a more optimistic look at the future of Russia.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the most mysterious writers of the 19th century. His life and creativity are full of mysticism and secrets. Our article will help qualitatively prepare for the lesson of literature, to the exam, test tasks, creative work on the poem. When analyzing the work of Gogol "Dead Souls" in grade 9, it is important to rely on additional material to familiarize yourself with the history of creation, problematics, to deal with what artistic means is using the author. In the "dead souls", the analysis is specific due to the meaningfulness and composite features Works.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1835 -1842. In 1842 the first volume was published.

History of creation - The idea of \u200b\u200bthe plot was prompted by Gogol Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The author of about 17 years worked on the poem.

Subject - Morals and the life of landowners in Russia of the 1930th century, the gallery of human vices.

Composition - 11 heads of the first volume, the united manner of the chief hero - Chichikova. Several heads of the second volume that survived and were found and published.

Direction - Realism. In the poem there are romantic traits, but they are secondary.

History of creation

Nikolay Vasilyevich wrote his immortal brainchild about 17 years. He considered this work as the most important mission in his life. The history of the creation of the "dead souls" is full of gaps and mysteries, as well as mystical coincidences. In the process of working on the product, the author fell ill, being on the verge of death, he suddenly healed miraculously. Gogol accepted this fact for a sign of over, who gave him a chance to finish his main work.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"dead souls" and the very fact of their existence as a social phenomenon suggested by Gogol Pushkin. It was Alexander Sergeevich, according to the author, he pushed him to the idea to write a large-scale work, able to reveal the entire essence of the Russian soul. The poem was conceived as a work in three volumes. The first volume (published in 1842) was conceived as a collection of human defects, the second - gave the heroes to realize their mistakes, and in the third volume they change and find the way to the right life.

Being in the work, the work was ruled many times by the author, his main idea, the characters, the plot, remained only the essence: the problem and the plan of the work. The second volume of the "dead souls" Gogol finished shortly before his death, but for some information he himself destroyed this book. According to other sources, she was transferred by the author to Tolstoy or someone from close acquaintances, and after - lost. It is believed that this manuscript is still kept by the descendants of the Supreme Society of the Gogol environment and someday will be found. The third Tom the author did not have time to write, but his estimated content has information from reliable sources, the future book, its idea and general characteristicsdiscussed in literary circles.


Meaning of the name "Dead souls" double: this is the phenomenon itself - the sale of dead fortress shower, rewriting them and transferring to another owner and the image of people like Plushhina, Manilov, the Society - their souls are dead, the heroes are deeply lenty, vulgar and immoral.

main topic "Dead souls" - vices and morals of society, the life of the Russian man of the 1830s of the 19th century. The problems that the author raises in the poem, the old, as the world, but are shown and disclosed, as they are typical of the researcher of human characters and souls: thin and largely.

The main character - Chichikov bores at the landowners of the dead, but still listed serfs that need him only on paper. Thus, he plans to get rich, receiving payment for them in the guardianship. The interaction and cooperation of Chichikov with the same fraudsters and charlatans, as he himself becomes central theme Poems. The desire to get rich in all possible ways is characteristic not only by Chichiku, but also many of the heroes of the poem is a disease of the century. What Gogol's poem teaches, is located between the lines of the book - the Russian person is characteristic of adventurism and thrust to "easy bread."

The conclusion is unequivocal: the most correct way is to live according to the laws, in Lada with conscience and heart.


The poem consists of a complete first volume and several preserved heads of the second volume. The composition is subordinate to the main goal - to reveal the picture of Russian life, a modern author, to create a gallery of typical characters. The poem consists of 11 chapters, is saturated with lyrical deviations, philosophical reasoning and wonderful descriptions of nature.

All this, from time to time, breaks through the main plot and gives the work unique lyricity. The work ends with colorful lyrical reflection on the future of Russia, its strength and power.

Initially, the book was conceived as a satirical work, it affected the overall composition. In the first chapter, the author introduces the reader with the inhabitants of the city, with the main character - Pavl Ivanovich Chichikov. From the second on the sixth chapter, the author gives a portrait characteristic of landowners, their unique way of life, a kaleidoscope of quiet and morals. The following four chapters describe the life of officialhood: bribery, self-government and self-employment, gossip lifestyle of a typical Russian city.

main characters


To determine the genre of the "dead souls", you need to turn to the story. Hogol himself determined him as a "poem", although the structure and scale of the narration is close to the story and the novel. Prosecical work is called the poem due to its lyrity: a large number of lyrical deviations, comments and comments by the author. It is also worth considering that Gogol held a parallel between his children and Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin": the latter is considered a novel in verses, and the "Dead Souls" - on the contrary, the poem in prose.

The author emphasizes the equivalence in its product of the epic and lyrical. Criticism adheres to another opinion on the genre features of the poem. For example, V. G. Belinsky called the work of Roman and with this opinion it is considered to be reckoned, as it is quite substantiated. But according to tradition, the Gogol work is called the poem.

Test on the work

Rating Analysis

Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 3895.

Genre peculiarity of "dead shower"

Under the genre, you can understand the folding type of product, which is inherent in certain features. "Neither a novel nor a story. Something completely original, "L. N. Tolstoy wrote about the" dead souls ". This work embodied in himself and irony, and the artistic sermon, and the novel, and the poem. Gogol harmoniously connected the traits inherent in different genres.

N. V. Gogol called "Dead Souls" by the poem. On the well-known cover of the first edition, made according to Gogol, the word "poem" dominates above the title, and above the author's name. The word "poem" indicated during the times of Gogol various types of works.

The poem was called "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Homer - a genre that Gogol considered unbelievable in the staff time. Nevertheless, some critics believed that the "dead souls" were written on the sample "Iliad" and "Odyssey". Analogy with the wanders of Odyssey is obvious. Gogol added to the main name of the work another one - "Chichikov's adventure". Adventures, journey, Odyssey travel and described Homer. So, for example, an analogy of these two works can be traced in an episode with a box where chikhiki is similar to Odyssey, the box is the queen of a cignce. "Ah, sir-father, and you have, like a borov, the whole back in the mud." As you know, the circce is welcomed by satellites Odyssey and turns them into real pigs. In addition, Odyssey and Chichikov travel, we are wound.

The word "poem" caused Association and with the creation of Dante. This tradition had a special meaning for the author of the "dead souls". In the minds of Russian society " The Divine Comedy"There existed at that time exactly as the poem. Usually, due to the Danov tradition, the poem should have been composite to consist of three parts by analogy with "hell", "purgatory" and "paradise". Separate chapters of the "dead souls" are circles of hell. Compare Russia with hell in the first volume of his work, Gogol makes it clear that Russia should permeate the spirit and from hell to go into purgatory, and then to heaven. "I want to show in this novel at least one side of Russia," the famous letter of Gogol to Pushkin said. But after some time, Gogol emphasizes in a letter to let him go that his work is not a story, not a novel, but a poem. Probably, in the desire to create a modern Poem-Trilogy Gogol could be guided by a philosophical understanding of the genre. In other words, the division of the poem into three parts could be supported by the philosophical tradition.

As you know, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a similar work Gogol belonged to Pushkin. "A large essay", for which Gogol began, was drawn up, on the one hand, as a Plutovsky novel. So, for example, the central figure is not a hero, but anti-peer. Pluto type, an adventurerist turned out to be one of the most suitable for the role that Gogol Chichiku took. In the novel, all persons are presented in advance before their action. In the "Dead Souls", most of the actors appear in front of the reader in the first chapter: almost all officials of the city, chikchik and his companions. In the novel, the development of the plot follows after the presentation of the acting persons and implies an unusual task. In the "dead souls" after the exposition reported on the "one strange property" of a guest and an enterprise. In the novel, the "wonderful incident" affects interests and requires the participation of all actors. In the "dead souls", Chichikov's scam unexpectedly determined the life of hundreds of people, becoming in the center of the attention of the city NN. It seems that in the development of the plot is the history of the development of character, that is, the change in the work of Gogol puts the "dead souls" on a special place as a work of the epic.

Gogol, like Pushkin, is the narration of the author. However, in Evgenia Onegin, as in the "Hero of our time", the author's presence is still combined with copyright in action. In the "dead souls" the narrative is different: the author of the narrator is not a participant in events, does not enter into relationships with the characters. He only sets out events, describes the life of heroes. Thus, the permanent presence of the author makes the "Dead Souls" by the work of lyrol-epic. Speaking about the epic work, it means a story concentrated on the fate of an individual, on attitude to the world around. It is the image of the author who helps determine the character of heroes, their worldview. This image is created using lyrical deviations, comments of certain actions, thoughts, events in the life of heroes.

So, in the work of Gogol "Dead Souls" can be seen a combination of many genres. Such a combination of the feature gives the work of parables or teaching.

Read the fragment of the piece and execute 1-9 tasks.

But Chichikov said simply that such an enterprise, or denominations, will not be inappropriate to civil regulations and further species of Russia, and after a minute later added that the treasury would even benefit, because they will receive legal duties.

- So you consider?

- I suppose it will be good.

- And, if well, it's another thing: I am against it anything, - said

Manilov and completely calmed down.

- Now it remains to be in price.

- How in price? Said Manilov again and stopped. - Do you really think that I will take money for the souls, which in some way graduated from your existence? If you really came to you, so to speak, a fantastic desire, then on my part I give them a randomly and bumping to myself.

The great reproach would be the historian of the proposed events, if he missed that pleasure was overcome by the guest after such words pronounced by Manilov. As he was demenenial and judged, but here almost produced even a jump on the sample of a goat, which, as is known, is made only in the strongest pleasures of joy. He trembled so much in the chairs that he burst into a woolen matter, who wrapped the pillow; Manilov himself looked at him in some perplexity. Impressed by appreciation, he spent immediately so much thanks that he was mixed, all reddished, made a head negative gesture and finally put it, that this is nothing that he, for sure, would like to prove anything heart attraction, the Magnetism of the Soul, and the Dead Souls in some way perfect rubbish.

"I'm not very rubbish," said Chichikov, shook his hand. A very deep breath was emitted here. It seemed that he was tuned to heartcuts; Not without feeling and expression, he finally said the following words: - If you know that this service, it seems to be a rubbish man without a tribe and family! And indeed, what did I not suffer? As a barca, some among the ferocious waves ... What persecutions, what persecution did not experience, what kind of grief did not taste, but for what? For the fact that I followed the truth that I was clean on my conscience, which I filed a hand and plenty of helpless, and the Syrote-Gorryka! .. - There is even a scarf to the tears with a handkerchief.

Manilov was completely raster. Both buddies have long stood with each other and long watched silently in each other in the eyes, in which they were visible tears. Manilov did not want to release the hands of our hero and continued to press her so hotly that he had no longer knew how to help her. Finally, having fluttering her slowly, he said that it would not be good to make a bumping quickly and it would be nice if he had heard himself in the city. Then he took a hat and began to leave.

(N. V. Gogol, "Dead Souls")

The plot and the composition of the "dead souls" are due to the subject of the image - the desire of Gogol to comprehend the Russian life, the nature of the Russian man, the fate of Russia. We are talking about a fundamental change in the object of the image compared with the literature of the 20-30s.: The attention of the artist is transferred from the image of a separate person to the portrait of society. In other words, the novelty aspect of genre content (the image of the individual personality) is replaced by an emborative (portrait of society in the unclear moment of its development). Therefore, Gogol is looking for a plot that would have given the opportunity as widely as possible coverage of reality. Such an opportunity opened the plot of travel: "Pushkin found that the plot of the" dead souls "is good for me," said Gogol, "which gives full freedom to make it up with the hero of all of Russia and withdraw many of the most diverse characters." Therefore, the motive movement, roads, the path is the leitmotif of the poem. A completely different meaning receives this motive in the famous lyrical retreat of the eleventh chapter: the road with a barrice turns into the path for which Russia is flying, "and, asleep, and give her other nations and states." In this leitmotif - and the unknown ways of Russian national development:

In the image of the road is embodied and the everyday path of the hero ("but with all that it was difficult to be his road ..."), and creative way Author: "And for a long time still defined by a wonderful authority to go in hand with my strange heroes ..." Not only that Chichotes travel in it, that is, thanks to it, it turns out to be a plot of travel; Broke motivates the appearance of Selifana characters and horses; Thanks to her, it is possible to escape from Nozdrev; The bridge faces the governor's daughter's carriage and thus the lyrical motive is introduced, and at the end of the Poem Chichiki even appears as a kidney of the governor's daughter. BRICH as it should endowed his own will and sometimes he does not listen to Chichikova and Selifana, goes by his way and at the end falls out of the seeds in impassible dirt - so the hero does not get to the box, who meets his tender words: "Eh, my father, yes You, like a borov, the whole back and side in the mud! Where did you choose it? " In addition, a bridge, as it were, determines the ring composition of the first volume: the poem opens with a conversation of two men about how firmly the wheel of the brush, and ends the breakdown of the very wheel, because of what Chichiku has to stay in the city. The plot of travel gives Gogola the opportunity to create a gallery of the images of landowners. At the same time, the composition looks very rational: the exposition of the plot of travel is given in the first chapter (Chichikova gets acquainted with officials and with some landowners, receives their invitations), followed by five chapters, in which "sit" landlords, and Chichikov drives from head to chapter, Walking dead souls. Gogol in the "Dead Souls", as in the "Auditor", creates an absurd artistic world in which people lose their human essence, turn into a parody of the opportunities laid out in them by nature. In an effort to detect in the characters, signs of death, the loss of spirituality (souls), Gogol resorts to the use of objective detail. Each landowner is surrounded by a plurality of items capable of characterizing it. Details related to certain characters, not only live autonomously, but also "add up" in a kind of motifs. For example, a plush is connected by the motive of desolation, death, degradation, as a result of the discharge of which arises a grotesque metaphorical image of "cutters in humanity." With Manilov - the motive of the posture, creating a kind of parody of the hero of sentimental novels. The position in the gallery of the images of the landlords also characterizes each of them. It is common that each subsequent landowner is "dead" of the previous one, that is, according to Gogol, "I follow me the heroes of the other than the other." But is it meant Gogol? Is Plushkin the worst of all? That's it single herowho has a prehistory, only his face shifted on his face, "suddenly some warm beam slipped, it was not a feeling, but some pale reflection of the feeling." Therefore, it is impossible to judge Plushkina as the worst - just the measure itself becomes unbearable to the sixth chapter. The sixth chapter Yu. Mann considers a turning point. The evolution of Plushkin introduces changes to the worst in the poem. After all, Plushkin is the only one's only "alive" appear in the very disgusting dead soul. With this way, the lyrical retreat in the sixth chapter on the flame young man, who would bounce with horror, if he had shown his own portrait in old age. " Therefore, the sixth chapter we can call the culmination in the poem: representing the tragic topic for Gogol amend to the worst, she completes the plot of travel, because Plushkin is the last of the landowners who visited Chichikov. So, the plot of travel has been exhausted, but there are still five chapters in the poem: therefore, the work is at the heart of the work still some plot. Such a plot, from the point of view of Y. Manna, is a miracle intrigue. In fact, the goal of the journey of Chichikova Mižnaya in the most direct sense of the word: he buys "one intangible sound feelings." Major intrigue tag takes place during a conversation with Manilov, when a strange guest offers the owner of "Nezenia". At that moment, the goal of the Chichikov's travel is clarified. The purchase of "dead", which, however, would be on revision as living, "the hero is being taken to commit fraud on the legal basis: he wants not only to purchase weight in society, but also lay out his strange purchase to the guardian council, that is, to get money. In essence, the journey of Chichikova is an endless chase for a mirage, behind the void, for people who have left the lives, be that he cannot be in the will of human.

And according to the laws of the Gogol Art World, the Mirage begins to materialize, gain real features. The more the dead buy chikchik, the all the weighty is its purchase: the dead souls come to life becoming a reality. In fact, why dogs begins to praise his dead peasants and says a complete nonsense: "Another fraudster will deceive you, sell you a rubbish, not the soul; and I have a poorest nut, everything is on the selection." Whether he wants, painting the advantages of Karetnik Mikheev, Carpenter Stepan Cork, Maxim Trulyanov's shoemaker, Milushkina's brick, just fool Chichikov? But it is impossible, both perfectly understand that they simply do not have all their qualities in the past. The case is rather not in deception, but in the unintentionalness of the companion: in the same way, he will describe the merits of his peasants and in the city, after making the bomp depths, when no deception is needed: bought Chischikov Dead The souls are becoming alive in our eyes, and the landowners talk about them as alive. "Rebel" bought by the peasants and at the beginning of the seventh chapter, when Chichikov is documents for making a bomp of the fortress, and "the strange, incomprehensible feeling of the very feeling of Him." "It seemed as if the men were still alive yesterday." The author, as it were, intercepts the inner monologue of his hero, tells about the fate of the peasants, in which all parties of Russian folk nature were embodied.

By the beginning of the seventh chapter, the plot of travel is exhausted - Chichikov arrives in the city for registration of the bundice. This moment, the happy junction of the story of the journey, turns out to be the culmination of the Mirage Intrigue: Mirage, in the pursuit of which chikhiki was directed, materializes it legally, the hero becomes the Kherson landlord and forgets himself that "that the soul is not quite real." Emptiness, fiction, bought by chikchikov, gets a full legal status! He begins to live his life, gives rise to many rumors in the city, becoming more and more believable details. Peasants bought without land turns out to be bought on withdrawal to the Kherson province; there is a river and pond; Noting the purchase, drank for the prosperity of peasants and their lucky relocation; Upon returning Chichikova, Selifan receives some economic orders: "To collect all the newly moving men to make everyone personally a vigorous roll ring." And at that moment, when the hero himself forgets about the nature of his "denominations", the city appears in the city and the box that the Chichikov's crystal Mirages are broken. But crashing, a mirage, like a sprinkling mirror, forms many fragments, which reflects in the distorted light of his Creator - Chichikov. He is in the judgments of the inhabitants of the city, turns out to be a millionmaker, the made fake appliances, a kidnapper of the governor's daughter, Napoleon, who fled from the island, Captain Copeikin. It was in the last four chapters of the poem that the image of the provincial city of N. In the draft times of work on the first Tom Tom, the writer formulated the meaning of this image "the idea of \u200b\u200bthe city, which arose to the highest degree of emptiness. Void, gossip, which passed the limits, how it all arose from idleness and accepted the expression Funny to the highest degree. " "The Miral Intrigue is completed at the moment when all gossip about Chichikov ceases. The end of them puts the death of the prosecutor. All the attention of the citizens switches to this event. Only after that chikhiki, forgotten, leaves from the city. Idean-composite role Chichikov's image is predetermined primarily the fact that he belongs to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scam, for its implementation, it is provided with the right of free movement on artistic space Poems, the author with him does not part almost never. It should be noted that, do not be Chichikov, there would be neither the plot of the dice, nor the poem itself. But not they, not his fate are the main subject of the image in Gogol. It is the specifics of the object of the image forcing us to contact genre peculiarity Work

The genre nature of Gogol's work is difficult and not easy to determine. The writer himself tried to indicate on the originality of the "dead souls", calling his book by the poem, but he did not give deciphering this concept, which forces readers and researchers from Gogol - from the moment of the release of the book to this day - to seek the key to the interpretation of her genre appearance. Is it possible to consider "dead souls" novel? Speaking about the novel, usually mean the epic work of a large artistic form, in which the story focuses on the fate of a separate person in its attitude towards the world around the world, on the formation, development of its nature and self-consciousness.

In the event that a story about the origin, upbringing and trying to hold a hero to provide "Life in all contents, with all the sufficrators" would appear at the beginning of the story, the face and events would unite around the hero, would be in touch with his fate, turning " Dead souls "in the novel, Roman of the Plutovsky type, where the antiger is passed through a series of successes and lesions. But Chichikov's adventures for Gogol - only the way to solve another, the main task for him. What was it in? Let us return to the definition that Gogol himself gave "dead souls." He called his work as a poem, just as Pushkin considered "Eugene Onegin" "Roman in verses." The work of Gogol can rightly be called the poem. This right is given to him by poetry, musicality, expressiveness of a language, saturated with such figurative comparisons and metaphors, which can be found perhaps in poetic speech. And the main thing is to the permanent presence of the author, which makes the "Dead Souls" by the work of lyrol-epic. The whole reality shown in it passes through the prism of the author's consciousness. In lyrical retreats, Gogol puts and solves literary issues.

The peculiar genigra structure of the "dead souls" allows Gogol to portray the picture of the morals of all Russia, showing the general, and not the private, not the history of the life of one person, but the "diverse bunch" of Russian characters. The lyrical start displays these observations to the level of philosophical reflection on the fate of Russia in the family of humanity.

№46 The philosophy of the Russian world and the originality of the hero in the poem "Dead Souls"

Creativity N. B, Gogol is multifaceted and varied. The writer has the talent to carry the reader, makes it together with the heroes cry and laugh, experience failures and enjoy success. He encourages a person to think about the fate of the Motherland, over himself, exposes the shortcomings of society and every citizen. In my opinion, the author is perfectly able to reveal the soul of the hero, his inner world. It is in the poem "Dead Souls", the author put the most sick and topical questions to the modern life of him. He pronounced the decomposition of a fortname, the doomes of his representatives. Already the very name of the poem had a huge exposure force, carried the "something like a horror" in himself. It is impossible to disagree with A. I. Herzenom, who said that "otherwise he could not call her; not the audit dead souls, but all these nostrils, Manilov and all others are the dead souls, and we meet them at every step." Who are these heroes about whom the great critic spoke?

A very courteous Mr. P. I. Chichikov arrives in a certain city. In his appearance, we are initially affected by the sophistication of taste, accuracy, pupil. True, about the purpose of his arrival, we still only guess. Chichikov inflicts visits to local landlords. So he comes to Manilov. This landower reminds me of Chichikov himself. He considers himself brought up, noble and very educated. However, look at it to the office. A dusty book, which has been opened on the fourteenth page for 2 years, everywhere a handful of ashes, dust, mess. Manilov selflessly dreams of "well-being friendly life," builds fantastic plans for future improvements. But it is an empty phrase; His words and actions do not jibe. And we see that in the description of the owners of the places, their hobbies and interests, the ability of the author is manifested by several details of the situation show the idleness and the pettyness of the aspirations, the emptiness of the soul.

From one chapter to another, the indifference-satirical pathos of Gogol is growing. From Manilov to the Sobevich, the sense of death of the landowner souls is enhanced. Sobesevich, according to Gogol, "damn fist." The unrestrained passion for enrichment pushes him to the cunning, makes you finding all new and new facilities of the profit. This is why it makes him actively apply innovations: in his estate he introduces money marks. Oddly enough, but the purchase and sale of dead souls is not surprising at all. He is only interested in how much he will receive for them.

Another representative of the landowners is nostrils. It is fidget, the hero of the fairs, popcup and the card table. His economy is extremely launched. In excellent condition there is only a dog. Among the dogs, he is as "father of his native" among the big family. Revenues received from the peasants, he immediately dies. This speaks of his moral fall, indifference to people.

A completely different attitude towards the household at the box. She has a pretty village, she is full of bird courtyard, there are "spacious gardens with cabbage, onions, potatoes," there are apple trees and other fruit trees. The box does not see anything on your nose. All new scares it. This is a typical representative of small-skilled landowners leading natural economy. Her behavior also leads a passion for profit.

Complete moral cruise and loss of human qualities are characteristic of Plushin. I suppose the writer was right when he dubbed his "knife on humanity." Speaking about Plushina, Gogol exposes the horrors of serfdom. The chapter he considered one of the most difficult. After all, Plushkin not only completes the gallery of the landlord "dead souls" - this person carries the most obvious signs of incurable mortal Disease... once Plushkin was a hardworking owner, not deprived of mind and everyday zorka. But everything went to the rush: his family collapsed and he remained the only keeper and the most expensive domineering of his treasures. Permanent loneliness strengthened its suspicion and misfortune. He descended all the lower and lower, until he turned into "rush in humanity." What happened because of what happened? I think that there was not only chance, but also the living conditions. Gogol reports that Plushkin is a fraudster, all people argue with hunger, that in prison, the wells live better than him

Gogol Satira is addressed to the contradictions of the reality itself. The degrading class of society is clearly contacted in different groups of characters: county nobility, provincial officials and nobility, entrepreneurs of new type, yard, servants, peasants, metropolitan officials and nobility. Gogol detects brilliant artistic skills, finding witty techniques of exposure of "antiheroev": speakers of the external appearance of the hero, correlating it with a certain type of person. I am amazed by Gogol's ability to invest in the mouth of typical inhabitants, exposing speeches. They themselves do not even suspect that the usual and habitual ragings are revealing primarily their rudeness and hopeless nonsense. In the poem, even ordinary household items perform a sharply accusatory function. Meditas writer addressed to the general processes of reality. He emphasizes a terrible confusion, the futility of public undertakings.