What are the features of the composition of the comedy auditor. Test on the comedy "Inspector General

The famous and most interesting Gogol comedy The Inspector General has an unusual literary composition for that time. The main difference is that it does not give a detailed history of all those actions that lead to the main event, which is reflected in the comedy and underlies the entire artistic narrative. In literature, the absence of prehistory is called exposition. Some researchers believe that as such an exposition for Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" one can take a small digression in the comedy of the author himself - "Remarks for gentlemen of the actors." But this fact is not confirmed by anything, so all this remains at the level of speculation and conjecture.

What can you learn from this author's digression even before you start reading the entire Gogol comedy? In this short story, the author describes the characters of his characters in more detail, allowing the actors to understand them to the end and correctly and competently play them later on stage. There is another distinguishing feature of Gogol's comedy: the whole action of the work begins immediately with the plot, and it is already contained in the phrase of the Governor, who informs the city officials about the purpose for which he gathered them. And then the Governor says that the auditor is to come to the city soon, and this news, both for him and for all city officials, is unpleasant. One sentence, but from it much becomes clear and the reader can only wait to see what the outcome of this whole action will be.

The main driving force of Gogol's comedy, which helps the action to develop quickly, replacing them, is the fear of city officials. It is so strong with them that it is easy for them to see an auditor in a passing petty official. But Khlestakov has long proved himself in the city, living in the most seedy tavern in the city. By the way, in the course of the story, the reader learns that he has been living there for the second week, but he has nothing to pay. Therefore, he cannot move further, since he does not have enough funds for this. But no one even thinks about it, the fear of the mayor and his assistant officials is much stronger. It is he who has such a strong effect on the officials of the county town that everyone is trying to serve the imaginary auditor, not even seeing that he is of a completely different level. Officials are afraid of exposure, and this fear pushes them to rash acts that look stupid and ridiculous in the course of Gogol's narrative.

BUT the protagonist so stupid and ignorant that he does not immediately understand why the attitude towards him suddenly changes and everyone shows great zeal to serve him. Even his servant begins to understand this faster than the master himself. But most highest point The development of all actions in Gogol's narrative becomes a scene when Khlestakov begins to lie and it is already impossible to stop. Gogol shows this as the culmination of his work. The author ironically describes how a man from the low class of officials is trying to prove to everyone that he occupies a high place. And with each phrase of the protagonist, it becomes higher and higher, and there are more lies. The imaginary auditor sees how city officials are listening to him and is ready to lie even more, just to remain in the spotlight.

Finally, he also achieves his fame, stands at its peak, and does not see it at all, and does not want to notice that his own words are different, that it is impossible to line them up in some kind of logical chain. And the more Khlestakov drinks, the higher his pedestal becomes. He triumphs and enjoys the fact that I finally listen to him and, the strangest thing, they believe him. But in comedy, the denouement is the moment when everyone: both the mayor and his officials read a letter written by Khlestakov themselves. He writes to his friend a certain Tryapichkin and tells what an interesting adventure happened to him. This is how the truth is revealed and this is the outcome of the entire Gogol event.

Everyone will learn that Khlestakov is not an inspector, and the way he describes in his letter the society of the county town, where he spent some time, amuse even the officials themselves. Only not those about whom they begin to read the characteristic. And here everyone clearly realizes that they, people who consider themselves smart, mistook the most insignificant person for the auditor. Are they surprised at how everyone could take him for an auditor? But Gogol's skill is emphasized by the fact that at the end of his play he also inserts a "silent scene", which gives the work a certain peculiarity in the composition.

And when all the heroes are fascinated by the revealed truth, a gendarme appears who informs the mayor and city officials that a real auditor has arrived in their dirty county town. So the action ends, as if creating a circle. After all, now the urban society, which is in power, is again returning to its former state, and they are overcome by fear. And this is a kind of Gogol's hint that now all the inhabitants of the county town, who did not do their job, will face retribution. That is why the dramatic skill of Nikolai Gogol was so highly valued, who in a completely new way wrote the most original work of Russian literature, which became the treasure of the Russian theater.

N.V. Gogol built his comedy "The Inspector General" on the plot basis of an everyday anecdote, where, due to imposture or an accidental misunderstanding, one person is mistaken for another. This plot was of interest to A. S. Pushkin, but he himself did not use it, losing it to Gogol.

Working diligently and for a long time (from 1834 to 1842) on The Inspector General, reworking and rearranging, inserting some scenes and throwing out others, the writer developed the traditional plot with remarkable skill into an integral and coherent, psychologically convincing and logically consistent interweaving of events. "Unpleasant news" about the arrival of the auditor; commotion among officials; an accidental coincidence - the arrival of Khlestakov, in a hurry taken for the expected auditor, and as a result of this - a number of comic situations and incidents; general awe of the imaginary auditor, bribes under the guise of borrowing money when receiving officials, matchmaking for the daughter of the mayor and the “triumph” of the happy Skvoznik Dmukhanovsky family; the safe departure of the “groom” and, finally, the unexpected exposure of everything that had happened thanks to Khlestakov’s intercepted letter, the disgrace of the “triumph”, the thunderous news of the arrival of a real auditor, which turned everyone into a “petrified group”, - such is the plot outline on which Gogol embroidered the unfading images of his heroes, gave types of characters, endowing at the same time his comedy satire with a sense of great social value.

The whole course of events, all the behavior of the characters, strictly motivated and following with full plausibility from the personal qualities of these people and the situations that have developed, are connected in The Inspector General by the unity of the plot. The plot is the expected arrival of the auditor and the "mistake" due to which Khlestakov is accepted as the one who was expected. Gogol thoughtfully fulfilled the task of constructing his play, expressed in his own words: “Comedy must knit by itself, with all its mass, into one big common knot. The tie should embrace all faces, not just one or two, touch the one who excites more or less all the actors. Everyone here is a hero...

Gogol's innovation as the author of the comedy was that in The Inspector General there is no obligatory love affair, there are no traditional virtuous persons and reasoners, and an unusually shown vice, which, at the request of the old literary laws, must certainly be punished: the frivolous "dummy" Khlestakov escaped any punishment, and rogue officials, although "petrified", but the viewer knows what awaits them with the arrival of a real auditor. The author himself disparaged his heroes with the truth of their depiction, deeply faithful showing their beings with that same humor and laughter, which, according to Gogol himself, is the only “honest”, “noble person” in The Government Inspector.

Subject: N. V. Gogol "The Inspector General". Features of the compositional structure of comedy - page №1/1

Literature lesson in grade 8

Subject: N.V. Gogol "Inspector". Features of the compositional structure of comedy.

Target: Summarize the knowledge gained in the study of comedy.


To reveal the features of the construction of a dramatic work;

Raising a love for Russian classical literature;

Development of skills in the analysis of a work of art.

Equipment: laptop, projector, camera, cards.
During the classes:

  1. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.
(the topic is written on the board)

II Warm-up

Scenery, backstage, prompter, intermission, tragedy, comedy, stage direction, monologue, dialogue.

What unites these words? (they all refer to a dramatic work)
- What is drama? (a work intended to be staged).

Explain the meaning of each word

III introduction teachers. (slide 1)
The author of The Inspector General is N.V. Gogol dreamed of a comedy "with malice and salt."

He attached great educational importance to the theater. Dreamed of the theater as a school for society

“In The Inspector General, I decided to collect everything bad in Russia, which I then knew, in the injustice that is done in those places and in those cases where justice is most required of a person, and at one time laugh at everything.”

In what historical period was comedy created, why did it become so relevant?

(message "Nikolaev Russia in the time of Gogol")

IV Practical work
Today we will try to plunge into the theatrical life and start preparing for the performance

Many people are involved in the creation of the play. What professions will we meet in the theater? (director, decorator, dresser, illuminator, etc.)

I propose to choose a critic who will evaluate everything that happens.
1.Let's look at the features of the comedy composition

5 actions, each with 6 to 16 events, 25 specific characters

-What is a tie? (letter from Chmykhov, appearance of Dobch. and Bobch.)

What is comedic conflict based on? (miss of the mayor and officials)

Climax? (Khlestakov's lies in Phenomenon 4, in act 3)

What is a disconnect? (Postm. Brings a letter. Phrase about the arrival of a real auditor)

- Comedy has an epigraph. Which? (3 editions 36, 41, 42)

Why did Gogol take it?

2. Actors, characters.

Gogol attached great importance to the acting. He himself attended rehearsals, gave instructions to the actors.

Carefully prescribed the characters and costumes of the main people.

Let's list the heroes and give a brief description of them.

While we are giving a description, Christina will be a dresser, and Nurlan will be a decorator. Think about how you see the sets and costumes.

(After the description of the heroes, the floor is given to Nurlan and Kristina)

What does the critic disagree with?
3. Rehearsal of individual scenes

Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna. (Lena, Saule)

Khlestakov's monologue (Andrey)

Who is the main character of the comedy?

(Khlestakov is the most difficult image in the play, p.ch., having become the culprit of deceit, Khlestakov did not deceive anyone. He has no remarks to the side)
Monologue of the Governor

Why did the mayor mistook Khlest for an auditor? Fear set the stage for deceit, the mayor may lose everything

  • . Image of a silent scene. (to photograph)

  • . Christina's message about the silent scene (while Christina is talking, upload the photo to the computer)

  • Image analysis of a silent scene from a photograph. Correlation with the text of comedy
V. Summary of the lesson.

Nurlan's message "Inspector at the Maly Theater"

VI D.z. Textbook Questions


Topic: “Features of the composition of the comedy by N.V. Gogol's "Inspector". Work on the first and second act "

Goals: consider the features of the composition of the comedy, work out the first and second acts in detail.

Educational and methodological support:

  1. Literature. Initial course. 8th grade. Textbook - reader for educational institutions. Authors: Korovina V.Ya., Zhuravlev V.P., Korovin V.I. Moscow: Enlightenment, 2013
  2. Korovina V.Ya. "Methodological advice for the textbook-reader for grade 8", M .: Education, 2012.
  3. Journal "Russian language and literature in the schools of the USSR", Kyiv, 1985.
  4. Zolotareva I.V., Krysova T.A. "Lesson developments in literature", M.: Wako, 2015.
  5. Maymin E.A., Slinina E.V. "Theory and practice literary analysis”, M.: Enlightenment, 1984

Equipment: textbook, workbooks, explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegov, a portrait of the writer, illustrations for the first and second acts, cards with the main actors of the comedy.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Two students work individually on cards, answering a question about the content of the first two acts of the comedy.

Teacher's word:

Today we are working on the content of 1 and 2 actions. In criticism, it is customary to assert that there are two plots in comedy.

Let's think about what can be attributed in the first action to the plot? (Reading Chmykhov's letter and the appearance of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky).

What is the purpose of the link? (A conflict begins with the plot, the action is tied up and begins to develop).

Gogol strives to ensure that the plot touches all the characters. Let's now return to the poster. (Cards with the main characters are hung out on the board in a circle).

Which words are the link itself? (“The auditor is coming to us”) (This phrase is placed in the center of the circle with cards of the main characters).

Does it really affect everyone?

Gogol wanted "the wheel to turn".

What drives everyone?

Therefore, I chose the epigraph for today's lesson:Fear has big eyes, but they see nothing. (Proverb)

First action.

In the process of reading the letter and in the process of instructions given by the mayor, the “face” of the city N opens before us. It is no coincidence that the evaluative word here is the face.

Table "Physiognomy of the city N"


charitable establishments


Educational establishments


He wants to hide all the shortcomings, gives hasty instructions to officials.

Patients walk "at home" and are very similar to "blacksmiths"; strong tobacco is smoked in the wards; they do not use expensive medicines, they treat patients "closer to nature."

“In the anteroom of the watchman, domestic geese with small caterpillars were brought in, which dart under their feet; a hunting rapnik hangs over a cupboard with papers, the assessor has such a smell, as if he had just left the distillery.

Teachers are inadequate people: one teacher “cannot do without having ascended the pulpit and not make a grimace”, the other in a fit of emotion, showing Alexander the Great, runs away from the pulpit and, with all his strength, grabs a chair on the floor.

All letters are carefully read by the postmaster, and he leaves the most interesting ones as a keepsake.

Here is the picture from the first act.

What is causing the tension? (The mayor in a hurry gives instructions, but he is constantly distracted, then the judge - Ammos Fedorovich, then the postmaster, which exacerbates the tension).


Everything is like a spring, the tighter you squeeze the spring, the more it decompresses and the tension grows. The plot develops not only "in length, but also in depth." One is in a hurry, the rest are slowing down, due to this we learn more about these people. Everyone is driven by fear. But there are other actors who are driven by something else (curiosity, secret hope, perhaps love) - this is a daughter and a mother. Here comes the comic situation. While men are shaking, women have other interests.

Second action.

We see Osip, who collapsed while the master is gone.


Osip Khlestakov

impudently leads cowardly, rude fawns with

himself, while he is hypocritical with the mayor's servant,

no one is lord of shyness,


Compare their behavior (It is the same). These qualities: arrogance towards the lower, cowardice and lies in front of the higher - an attribute of morality and the behavior of small and large bosses, their subordinates and servants.

And this is typical only for the county town? (No, Khlestakov is not a local, he is from St. Petersburg, so it's the same there).

How does Khlestakov behave when the mayor comes?

What does it say?

Reading by roles of the eighth phenomenon of the second act.

Why are there so many remarks? (“The work of the mind” of the mayor, the goal: to find out more about the unexpected guest and understand whether Khlestakov managed to notice what should not have been noticed). The replicas began to play in other senses (the apartment is a prison). Khlestakov begins to settle down.

Let's recap. What can be said about the city, about the inhabitants? (the city is terrible, the mayor does everything so that all the sins of management are invisible)

Who is Khlestakov? (Khlestakov is empty, he lies just like that, that it comes into his head, he is not a skillful liar, everything is from stupidity).

Does fear really have big eyes?

The mayor, out of fear, does not see the obvious.

Why do they take Khlestakov for an auditor (Arguments: his “not bad appearance”, “particular dress”, “in the face of a sort of reasoning ... physiognomy ... actions”, and most importantly, that he has been living in the city for another week, he does not go from the tavern. He takes everything to the bill and does not want to pay a penny, and even looks into other people's plates. " The latter is the most significant, and all the characters agree that Khlestakov is the auditor.

Let's look at the dictionary definition of the word "particular"? (Working with the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov: PARTICULAR, -th, -th (outdated). Non-military, civilian, private. Particular costume).

Summing up the lesson, grading for the work in the lesson and on individual cards.