Why dream of cheating a guy with a friend. “My girlfriend is dating my ex-boyfriend. This is normal?

What should I do? My boyfriend is a womanizer?

The real story of treason from my life.

INshe believed in his loyalty, did not doubt his love. Most likely, he just took advantage of it. There is no other way to name what he did!

We met for a little over six months. Everything was perfect, beautiful, super cool. I lived as if in the most beautiful dream. Once I invited a friend to a homemade pizza. Nastya came. And my boyfriend Seryozha arrived. Everything was great. Pizza, coffee, warm conversation, pleasant music, jokes. The evening approached its "lawful" darkness. Nastya needed to be escorted at least to the stop, because she was afraid to wander through unfamiliar terrain alone. Seryoga offered to do it. I didn't mind, because I trusted both her and him.

The guy cheated on me with my best friend.

I didn't think I could be wrong about them. Sergei accompanied Nastya not only to the stop. He drove her to the very door of the apartment. Then he stayed with her. Almost all night! Why then come back to me? What did he want to achieve by this? Probably came to confess everything. Conscience is a great thing. He told about everything. In detail. It's good that at least he kept the details of the betrayal.

I listened to him and cried. I listened and cried…. He tried to calm him down, but he realized that calm down was useless, all things considered. When the tears are over…. I got into action. I took his shoes and started hitting Sergei with them. Sergei fought back, but did not raise his hand against me. Then he just endured and waited for me to stop the "beating". I beat him until the moment when I again felt the appearance of tears on my cheeks and eyelashes.

Here's the conversation we had:

Seryozha: Have you calmed down a bit?

Me: Shut up!

Seryozha: Okay, I'll be silent.

Me: I only need an answer to one question.

Seryozha: Which one? Ask it to me!

Me: Why did you do this?

Seryozha: Sorry, it happened.

Me: You didn't answer…. What for? Why?

Seryozha: I don't know myself.

Me: You know everything! Are you ashamed to tell the truth?

Seryozha: I have already told and told you a lot.

Me: Answer the question and that's it.

Seryozha: What exactly? What does your "everything" mean.

Me: Do not deviate from the topic of the conversation!

Seryozha: I didn't even try. What will my truth change in our relationship with you?

Me: Say - you will find out.

Seryozha: I liked her. I liked it temporarily. When I changed, I realized how much better you are than her.

Me: That's it! You were comparing us!

Seryozha: This is typical of all men. You would also compare….

Me: I would not compare, because I am not attracted to girls!

Seryozha: I'm talking about men

Me: Call a taxi and leave. I don't want to see you again!

Seryozha: And what, will you forgive me? We've been together for so long….

Me: When you cheated on me…. You haven't thought about it!

Seryozha: Forgive me….

Me: Go away!

He took what I used to beat him in a fit of resentment and headed into the hallway. He walked along it in search of a radio tube. He discharged his mobile to zero again. And I cried and waited for him to leave. If he had not left, I would have left. I don't want to be with him. He disgusts me! I cut off my home phone and my mobile. I sympathize with the phones. I will change the number. I'll ask my mom for permission to change my home number. I will explain the situation. I hope that she will understand everything. Dad's word is also needed. He rarely calls. I don't think he will be against it.

Shedding tears in vain! And Nastya will communicate only when she really needs my help. I removed it from everywhere. But she left her mobile number. She called to apologize. It's stupid, of course, but she came to talk. It already seemed to me that she would dare, after making excuses, to tell in detail what and how they had. I will die if I hear all this.

She looked at me guiltily. I saw her tears, but I pretended not to notice them at all. It hurted me. I looked at one point. And this point was not in her direction. We sat practically in different corners of my room. I wanted her to leave, but I listened patiently to her. She said she regretted what happened. She said that she wants to change everything, although she knows that nothing can be changed in any way.

She is pregnant with him. I would like everything to work out well for them, but Sergey wants to be with me. Treason…. No, I will not allow this! He will not be with me anymore. Let him look for the third. Maybe someone else will be able to powder the brain. I will not fall for this bait again!

If he denies the paternity of Nastya's child, I myself will personally find money for DNA testing. I will not allow the child, not guilty of anything, to grow up without daddy. I could have - I would have forced Sergey to marry Nastya. I hope this will be the case later. It hurts, but the morality of pain is stronger. I have always been Mother Teresa, but it was my altruism that brought me to this. I can’t live when others feel bad. I can imagine how wonderful it will be if the child has a full-fledged family.

I will not forgive him. And if Nastya leaves the child, I will hate it. If he quits…. I don’t know what I’ll do with him! How can he be so frivolous about everything? He came to me with flowers. This is instead of going to the mother of your baby, asking for forgiveness, and staying with her. Well, I started with a bunch. Still, following, the words flew: “Leave and do not return! You won't get anything from me! " But Sergei still wanted it. Capricorns are unbearable people. If they beat something in their head, then no one will dissuade them from the idea. I tried, hoped for a miracle. But hope failed me.

I was supposed to be in Nastya's place. He chose her - a little track with a tablecloth! No more coming back to me. If he longs for a return, there is Nastasya who is waiting for him, who needs him. Now…. And always. She said that everything happened for them for love. I then drank a glass of vodka for courage. She did not insult her, did not rude her. There was some kind of lump in my throat, which did not disappear until Nastya left.

Sleep always saved me. It’s bad for me - I’ll lie down and sleep. I wake up contented and happy, as if I left all the troubles in my dreams. I want to return to my dreams and not meet my ridiculous past there. The diary will be empty. I will not describe this event. It dealt me \u200b\u200ba very piercing blow. Not for pride, not for heart, but for life. I will start writing what I felt - I will fill the whole diary with tears. If I write on a laptop, I regret the keyboard….

It hurts me. There is nothing more to say ...

Continuation. ... ...

What if the guy is a womanizer? -

Young girls are especially sensitive to their dreams, because they are sure that all night images are of colossal importance for the future, they truly determine their fate. For example, I dreamed that the guy changed; it means that soon there will be a final break in relations.

In fact, the nighttime image "The guy has changed" should not be taken literally, since we are talking not only about the romantic sphere, but also about the emotional experiences of the dreamer. Very often, such a dream speaks of impending troubles, which may be associated with litigation and proceedings. It is very important to consider all the nuances of a dream in order to be able to prevent such fatal events in reality.

If a beloved boyfriend has changed, then for an unmarried girl this is betrayal and deception, from which she can fall into a feeling of deep depression. When the image is a married lady, one should beware of a dirty trick, since the ill-wishers are up to something amiss. When a guy's cheating is accompanied by a nightmare, then after waking up, the first thing you need to do is to remember his behavior in detail, since these nuances also say a lot.

A guy exposed during a betrayal - this image indicates that the dreamer will be able to prevent a conspiracy, preserve his impeccable reputation and catch ill-wishers. If a woman did not see the fact of treason in a dream, then in reality it is worth taking a closer look at the suspicious behavior of her other half.

When treason does not bother the dreamer, then in reality some of the everyday problems will pass by. But tears from such a night adventure suggest that soon the sleeping person will have to go through an emotional shock.

Cheating on a guy in a dream eloquently indicates that a woman does not fully trust her other half. Such mistrust can shake a romantic relationship, and as a result, dooms the fairer sex to loneliness.

It is very important to consider all the participants in a night dream, only after that it is possible to draw conclusions and seek advice from a time-tested dream book.

Freud and Longo in their publications assure that a guy's betrayal testifies to the inner insecurity of a sleeping woman, who is too jealous, suspicious and oppressive in life. It is possible that this is a hint that it is time to change your attitude towards your beloved, otherwise his patience will not be enough for a long time.

Miller's dream book does not at all associate this night symbol with a romantic relationship, but it appears only in those cases when the dreamer is threatened with betrayal, setup, serious trouble at work and misunderstanding in the work collective.

But Hasse's dream book insists that this is a favorable sign for the future, which indicates a new start in life and great prospects in all areas. This is the best time for new ideas, the implementation of which will allow you to feel the flourishing of life in full force.

The esoteric Tsvetkov is sure that the night image has a radically opposite meaning, that is, there should be no doubts about the fidelity of the second half of a sleeping person. No hints of betrayal, only devotion in soul and heart.

Cheating with a stranger can predict the appearance of a rival. Here it is important to watch the dream to the end in order to know exactly what to watch out for in reality.

When a guy confesses to cheating, it means that in reality extremely unpleasant news awaits, capable of destroying far-sighted plans. This symbol is more related to work, so worrying about family life and its integrity is certainly not worth it.

Treason can affect not only the second half, but also the dreamer himself. In this case, the sign is clearly unfavorable, but indicates a wrong choice, an incorrectly made decision and the failure of the business started.

If a guy cheated with his best friend, then this means that the attitude of this girl is in reality not sincere, there is a selfish goal and catch. It is important to remember the face of a friend in order to know whom to treat with special caution after waking up.

If a guy is convicted of treason, but does not admit it, then this suggests that there is some reticence in family or romantic relationships that can cool the feelings of lovers.

When a sleeping girl cheats with best friend, then this is a hint that her feelings in reality are not so strong as to soon shackle herself into marriage.

There is an opinion: the old generation believes that such a nocturnal image for the bride becomes a sensible clue that she has chosen the wrong one. It is best to cancel the wedding, otherwise the married life will be full of sorrows, disappointments and betrayals.

Modern brides, on the eve of such an important event in their lives, try to ignore such dreams, do not attach serious importance to them. It is important not to forget that dreams always have their own semantic load and do not dream a person just like that.


Dream interpretation Cheating guy

Why dream of Cheating a guy in a dream from a dream book?

The dream book Felomena regards the guy's betrayal as the emerging preconditions for his real infidelity. It is also possible for you to display unfounded suspicions and jealousy.

Cheating on a guy with your girlfriend means a quick disappointment in love. Cheating an ex-boyfriend promises a cooling of feelings in a relationship with a current loved one.


A dream of treason speaks of the loyalty of your soulmate in reality. If you cheated in a dream, expect loss. A dreaming betrayal can be interpreted as an imminent conflict between the desired and the binding.

Whose betrayal did you dream about? Whom did you cheat on in a dream? How did you become aware of the betrayal in a dream?

Whose betrayal did you dream about?

Cheating husband Cheating wife Cheating girl Cheating beloved Cheating boy

Dreaming of his own betrayal

I dreamed of my own betrayal - a streak of failures and loneliness sets in in life, the duration of which depends on you. Reconsider your own values \u200b\u200band views on things.

Dreamed of dad's betrayal

Why dream of dad's betrayal? You have to find yourself in a difficult situation, and wise advice will help you to get out of it. In business, difficulties and obstacles are outlined that will not be easy to overcome.

Seeing a man's betrayal in a dream

Seeing a man's betrayal in a dream - you have to experience humiliation and shame. It’s your fault, so be careful to avoid negative emotions.

Dreaming of someone else's betrayal

A dream about someone else's betrayal foreshadows the onset of a delicate situation with your direct participation. You will have to get out of it by deception and betrayal.

See the betrayal of the deceased in a dream

The deceased is dreaming of betrayal - the dream indicates the pangs of loneliness experienced. You miss the departed loved one, due to depression, the state of health can deteriorate sharply.

Dreaming of betrayal of parents

The dream interpretation interprets betrayal of parents as a possible discord, conflict in your relationship with your partner. Probably a manifestation of infidelity in reality, both on your part and on the part of your beloved.

Whom did you cheat in a dream?

Change guy

I dreamed that they cheated on my husband

Why dream of cheating on her husband? In real life, reprimanding your spouse creates a tense atmosphere. Thinking about re-prioritizing can help build relationships.

Dreaming of treason to a loved one

To dream of treason to a loved one - there will be discord in relations with the second half, quarrels or a serious conflict will upset. Try to make concessions, otherwise you cannot avoid breaking up the relationship.

Seeing a girl cheating in a dream

A dream about cheating on a girl indicates your unwillingness to accept the prevailing circumstances. At the subconscious level, you feel the impossibility of fulfilling a certain promise. There are big changes in your personal life.

Change your wife in a dream

If you are dreaming of cheating on your wife - you are potentially ready to sideline due to sexual dissatisfaction. The secret erotic attraction you are experiencing or the forbidden passion haunt reality.

How did you become aware of the betrayal in a dream?

Confess to treason

Learn about cheating in a dream

If you dreamed that you learned about treason, the dream is designed to draw your attention to the smallest details. Try to remember names, phone numbers, addresses. Don't be surprised when these details surface in real life.

Talking about treason in a dream

Why dream of talking about treason? You are tormented by suspicions of your husband's infidelity. The former trust and complete mutual understanding seemed to have evaporated, you will have to work on restoring the old relationship.


Cheating, Cheating on a girl, Cheating on a wife, Cheating on a loved one, Cheating on a loved one, Cheating on a husband, Cheating on a husband, Cheating on a guy, Cheating, Rape

If in a dream you dreamed of your own Treason or you had to cheat on your soulmate in a dream, the Dream Interpretations assure that this is unlikely to happen in real life. Some Dream Interpretations believe that, having survived Betrayal in a dream, you can count on loyalty from your partner. However, not all Dream Interpretations support such an opinion, Believing that Treason appears in a dream at that moment, When you are on the verge of Treason or are subconsciously ready to Change in reality. And the Rape Seen in a dream has a completely different meaning. The final forecast will depend only on who exactly - a man or a woman - saw such a dream.

I dreamed of my own betrayal - to trouble; deceive someone's expectations.

Perhaps, by changing someone in a dream, you mentally replay a situation in which you had to really "change" a particular person. Moreover, we are not necessarily talking about physical betrayal - maybe you did not live up to someone's hopes or did not keep your promise to someone.

Cheating on your soulmate in a dream, Dreamed of cheating on a loved one or beloved - readiness for treason; sexual dissatisfaction; secret sexual attraction or forbidden passion.

One way or another, But what you see is based on some kind of unfulfilled sexual need. Perhaps you do not get the whole gamut of feelings and emotions after intimacy with your soul mate in reality. Sexual dissatisfaction, which has been accumulating for a long time, And provoked a similar dream, By offering you a plot of betrayal. However, another scenario is also possible. In real life, there is a person in your environment for whom you have a strong physical attraction. You cannot afford to have sexual contact with this person in reality for a number of reasons (for example, Be faithful to your significant other). As a result of this, the Subconscious Mind suggested that you experience forbidden intimacy in a dream. The result is that you Cheated on your partner, But only in a dream, And not in real life.

Dreamed of cheating on her husband or wife - to the fire.

In traditional and rather old interpretations, dreams of this kind foreshadowed a fire, Danger to life and property as a result of an open, uncontrolled fire.

I dreamed of betrayal of a girl or wife; dreamed of betrayal of her husband or loved one, Cheating of a guy in a dream - to real treason; otherwise, unfounded suspicions and jealousy; loyalty of a loved one in reality.

First of all, these kinds of dreams indicate your subconscious distrust and fear about the loyalty of your soulmate. Perhaps you really have a reason to worry about the physical fidelity of a loved one (for example, he or she has already cheated on you in reality). Interpretation according to the "shape-shifting" principle states that Betrayal of the second half in a dream portends you a trusting and sincere relationship in real life.

Dreamed of rape (for women) - psychological trauma; otherwise - pressure and aggression from the outside; a subconscious desire to go on an unusual experiment.

Perhaps the Dream of Rape was the result of mental trauma or real Rape in reality. A plot like this, repeated at regular intervals, requires the intervention of an experienced therapist. For those women who have not experienced sexual abuse in reality, the Dream may be evidence of a vague, Subconscious desire to experience sexual aggression. Perhaps you have fantasies in which a partner persuades you to have sex forcibly, Without affection and without showing love. In the symbolic interpretation of "Rape", Experienced by you in a dream, This is pressure, cruelty or aggression on the part of a person who uses you in their own interests.

Dreamed of rape (for men) - cruelty and pressure; otherwise, sexual fantasies and desires.

It is necessary first of all to determine who exactly acted as the Rapist in your dream. If in a dream someone raped you, Probably in reality there is a person Shamelessly exploiting your potential and opportunities. If it was you who played the role of the Rapist, the Dream can be considered a manifestation of the aggression and anger living in you. Probably, you tend to achieve what you want in reality in any way, Or you are actively using someone for your own purposes. However, the Dream of Rape is primarily sexual in nature. It should be analyzed - did you have fantasies and dreams on a subconscious level, in which you forcefully sought intimate contact with a certain person?


Why dream of a guy's betrayal?


* Blizzard *

So in real life he is faithful to you, but you still suspect him of treason. Love you! :)


If you dreamed that you changed, then be prepared for accusations of illegal actions. If a woman had such a dream, then this is a harbinger of the fact that with her grumpy disposition she will kill her husband's love. If at the same time she cheated on her husband with his best friend, then she should expect indifference from her husband. Having seduced a young man in a dream, in reality she will have to prepare for an early divorce caused by her frivolous behavior. A dream in which you managed to overcome temptation is a good messenger. Cheating on a loved one - to deception on your part. If you dreamed that they were cheating on you, then be prepared for the fact that your trust could be abused. However, if you cheat out of revenge, then your family life will be hassle-free. If a married man sees in a dream that he is cheating on his wife with a prostitute, this means that his behavior is ridiculed by others. If you dreamed that you regret the perfect betrayal, then this means that you are unhappy with the existing state of affairs and will make every effort to improve them.

I dreamed that a guy cheated with a friend, what would that mean?



This is a reverse dream. So in life your boyfriend is faithful to you.

"J [email protected]"

If you dream that your boyfriend is in love with another, this dream prompts you to critically reconsider the usual way of your life: is your life not monotonous? Such a dream often promises ordinary everyday troubles.

☜ ♡ ☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞

Cheating friends and loved ones in your dream warns of possible failures in some important business for you. Perhaps there are serious miscalculations in your plans for the future, or you are simply overestimating your capabilities. At the same time, such a dream does not at all mean that in reality you are surrounded by people capable of betrayal and treachery.

[email protected]

Indeed, the opposite is true :))
If you saw sexual intercourse in a dream - this is the leading symbol of fertility, a symbol of success!
If not, then - you are jealous :))
Good luck! May the Force be with you! Elleanelle



But I caught my girlfriend naked around the cockit guys 2 or well, they are half naked, I pressed her to the walls and started scolding and hitting her


i dreamed that she cheated on the current guy with her ex, but then she hated herself in a dream




I dreamed that my boyfriend was in the army, and I was dating another, but I couldn't and left my lover


I had a dream, as if my loved one was flirting with his classmate, and he was being rude to me. It hurts and hurts me and I start to cry a lot, but my beloved does not show any sign and continues to flirt with his classmate.


I had a dream where I see a photograph of a woman on my father's phone. I cry and tell him that you are cheating and he denies it and says that this is a picture.


I dreamed that my beloved at first did not spend the night at home with my sister, and then they returned from someone and told that they drank there, claimed that they did not sleep, but you can see everything in their eyes, at the end of the dream they got into an erotic position and began show these poses looking passionately into each other's eyes


hello. I have been dreaming for a week that I constantly argue with my girlfriend, we almost get a divorce, and then the second half of the dream I sleep with other girls, thereby changing my


My young man was sleeping in the bedroom and in a mess I went into the bedroom and there the girl jumps up from him all in tears, I went up to her and asked she said that he was molesting her, reaching into her crotch with his hands, seducing her to have sex, I called he and she confirmed it in front of him, he did not deny anything, I was silent in tears, began to rush, at first he was silent and smoked, I broke his phone in front of him and he started calling friends to go for a walk in clubs and yell at me and then I woke up in tears and sobbing, in cold sweat ... wild fear ....


i was given a dog in my arms to give her an injection I did then she ran through the same premises there were other dogs too black and a little later she gave birth to puppies

Lily of the valley:

Hello! I am 21. Since January 11, we have moved to a new apartment, we are renting. Before going to bed, I asked to show the face and appearance of my constituted in a dream. I dreamed that I was cheating on my husband. In addition, a neighbor comes, whom I hate and wanted to join. I felt so disgusted, I stood behind my lover and asked for help to protect me, nailed him. Then we quickly run away, go down the stairs at the entrance. I have a child in my arms. This neighbor is running after us, I ask my lover to knock on all doors, and when other neighbors come out, he lags behind. At first I thought that my aunt was in my place. But when I saw my husband, I realized that it was me. Then it seems like my lover and I agree to live. Although I was worried about the child, that it was better to stay with my own father, I was still more drawn to my lover, and I left my husband. And the lover was an oriental man. Help me please.


I dreamed that I was lying with another man in bed, but I had not slept yet, we were interrupted by the arrival of my boyfriend, he came with another woman and two children, introduced her to me and went into another room, I saw him kissing her and taking off a T-shirt with her


He discourages me like a psychic from meeting a man He says why he is to you if he is not faithful to you, leave him, do not mess around


Today I had a dream, how my young man was cheating on me from the beginning with one girl and told me about it, and then another dream where he was walking with the girls. And soon he leaves me. In two dreams, he behaves coldly with me, there is a bright, warm, summer weather around.


Hello, I dream very often how my boyfriend is cheating on me, and constantly with the same girl, this is his ex-girlfriend, in every dream, she leaves me and goes to her or meets in secret that I don’t know, such are my dreams already frightened.


i wanted to cheat on the girl, with the first person I met, everything went to that, but at the last moment I could not, I called and left the seductress to her


i dreamed that my husband wanted to cheat on me, I found out about it from a friend and decided to catch him ... and caught)


For the second day in a row, I dream that I am cheating on my boyfriend. The first day I dreamed that I was kissing my ex. On the second day I kiss and fall in love with the one who used to claim the right to be my boyfriend and return to the current one only when my parents begin to reproach that they left for another.


my classmate came to visit us, without informing me, and in the technical school I did not communicate much with her, infuriated me. she lay down on my husband's sofa and began to kiss him. when I went from the kitchen into the room after seeing such a picture , her husband and she had sex. after which I beat her, and she at least henna. refused to get out of the apartment. for which I had to force her out.


Hello. Yesterday I had a big fight with a guy and literally on the same night (from Thursday to Friday) I had a dream in which he calls me and answers a completely different girl. Can you please tell me what this can mean?


Hello! I dreamed that my boyfriend cheated on me right in front of me. Most interestingly, with my own permission. Copulated with another under a white sheet or blanket. It was not a pleasant dream. Even in my sleep I was not pleased with what I saw. What could this dream mean? Tell me please


my husband communicated openly at first according to messages, then for two days he is not at home and when I call he informs that he does not like that there is another and talks to me near her


i dreamed about my girlfriend who cheated on me with my former friend to classmates.


i dreamed how I came home early from work and saw how my wife was cheating on me on our bed with some man


My wife cheated twice in one dream, first with a former friend, she herself repeatedly admitted, as a mistress I shot a friend with a pistol, but he remained alive, in the second case I was sitting at home with my child, and she and her friend went for a walk and cheated on what she herself came drunk and confessed, in all cases we parted. the dream was as if in reality, I remember all the smallest details, and most importantly, I'm not jealous of my wife in real life, there is no reason!


i dreamed that my husband disappeared somewhere, and his friend at work began to pester me and said that no one would know about it, but I refused, then I met my friend, asked where my husband was and she answered the grill behind the house


I dreamed that my girlfriend was having sex with others, but the sex itself was invisible to what was it?


i have been dating a girl for almost 6 years and I am 100% sure that she has never cheated on me and that I am generally her first.
And today I had a dream that we were talking to her and she confesses to me that she had the first sex with my classmate when we started dating. After I was angry and upset, and I told her that it means you were no longer a virgin when we were, and added that she lied to me all the time that I was her first.


i had a dream from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that my husband was cheating and flirting with another ... and makes a choice in a dream, he also says in a dream that he does not know if he loves me ...


My girlfriend slept with another man in my presence, who is my best friend, and all this was in the agreement of all parties


dream that I'm cheating on a guy at the same time, this is the guy I love, and I'm very afraid that he will come and catch me
but he lies nearby
why this nonsense?


In a dream, I found my husband with his mistress in bed, she was on top, I cried a lot when I saw all this and then I beat my husband.



Roma .:

Hello, I can say, roughly speaking, constantly dreaming, what a girl is cheating on me. Honestly, we already got such dreams: D there is just such a picture and everyone is looking at it and the like.


My boyfriend kissed my neck while lying on the bed. Then he left the room and brought in a certain person with burgundy hair, the figure was somewhat similar to mine, the eyes were green-brown and rather large. By the time they entered the room, both personalities were not wearing any clothes. He did not introduce her to me, but simply offered to have a threesome. Who, what will do, it was immediately decided by my young man. Without asking my opinion, he, one might say, ordered this young lady to kiss him on the lips, and I give him a blowjob ... What is most interesting, my boyfriend's penis was removable and was in my hands (along with the testicles). I wondered why the roles were assigned in this way, undressed, took his penis and, in order to interrupt the kiss of my beloved with this woman, began to drive her with his penis on the cheek ... They did not like it. The guy after such a trick tried to take his penis from me with the words: "You will throw him." To which I replied: "Yes, I'll throw it." I grabbed my penis and threw it against the wall ... Then I got out of bed and decided that if I couldn't put his penis in this bitch’s mouth, I’ll interfere with them in another way ... I grabbed her hair and tried to hit her head against the wall, which I managed not to the first time ... Then I decided to slap the guy in the face, but for some reason my hands did not allow me to do this, and it turned out as if I put my hand on his cheek and moved his head ... Then I, upset, hysterical, ran to the bathroom, sat on floor, filled it with boiling water, but the water seemed a little warm to me ... And then I decided that since I myself cannot die, I must die for them .... I returned to the room, where I observed such an interesting picture: She was sitting on the edge of the bed and playing some very interesting game for me (she had never met me in my life, something from the category of races), my boyfriend's head was in the groin area this girl. I again grabbed her hair and began to beat and pinch ... after which I found crabs on her head and began to calmly take them off with the words: "Why did you take her hair if he likes to collect it in his hand during sex?" She: "I don't want regular sex, I will give him a blowjob." I reacted very calmly to this and took off the remaining crabs from it. Then she continued to beat her, but she took my hand and began to punch my arm with her fist, after a while we realized that I did not feel pain, and were disappointed. I once again tried to hit my boyfriend, but the hand seemed to be taken away .... On that note, I woke up at night in a panic, not feeling my body. The end!


I dreamed of my married lover in the same room with my girlfriend. He fastens the belt on his trousers and looks at me, from his face I understand that he doesn't care what I saw and realized that there was sex between them. She (friend) already dressed, turning away from me, leaves the room. I understand that there was sex between them and I wake up with a terrible feeling.


i dreamed of my ex that he was living with another, she washes and hangs up clothes, replacing the wicket at his house and in his house is a mess


videla vo sne kak peredo mnoi v pol pervogo notsi moemy parniy zvoniat i zenskii golos govorit.doexala, tseliy.on otvetil, xorosho i ia tebia.


I dreamed about how my mom and my friend were dating !!! the age difference of my mom is 46 to a friend 21 !! Mom has never seen him before !!! Mom has a husband ... and she is holding on to him and reaching out to him !!! but in a dream they (mom and friend) are drawn to each other and seem to have slept !!! What is it for ???


i was on the street with my girlfriend's best friend, we were waiting for the company and why was it good for me, I kissed her and she didn’t get rid of it after she sat in my arms and at that moment my girlfriend saw it all and rushed to her anxiety but she didn’t see me kissed her friend just what sits in his arms


i dreamed that he found a loved one with a lover the dream was very bright


i dreamed of a girl I know one day, in a dream we met for some reason and she was naked with another in the car, we were going to go somewhere and he touched her chest :) what is it for?


The husband brought a mistress pregnant with her third child to the house. We have one child with him and never participated in treason, and neither he nor I. In a dream, everything ended in divorce and I won the court in the apartment.


i dreamed that I knew what it was like for me, but my lads have a problem, because I can't ring at night ... what can it mean?


i went into the room and saw how my husband was sleeping with another woman, I took her out of bed, dragged her to the bathroom, took a knife and hit her in the stomach, but she was alive and was not going to leave, I started to kick my husband out of the house, but he didn’t I wanted to leave with her, then a lot of people appeared at the entrance and there another woman dropped her head on the asphalt and I woke up from this


Hello! In general, a dream where I and my girlfriend (with whom we have been for more than 2 years) walk, have fun and decide to rent an apartment in order to have sex. But, suddenly we somehow called up with my friend (whom I do not really respect, but I have known for a very long time) we find ourselves in his apartment. And then the three of us lie in bed, almost naked, and take turns doing this with my girlfriend and I don't seem to understand it. but after all, when I woke up ... I begin to regret, scream, sweep away everything in the way, in general, anger and tears overwhelmed me .... and then the evil one said goodbye…. I don't really remember the details of my dreams ... although 4 hours have passed since I said goodbye. On a side note, the last time quarrels with the girl were motivated by mutual jealousy and distrust ... both were mowing a little. I want to know what this means, maybe my fears are not in vain and my girlfriend has changed or is capable of it ... I want to figure it out because the further the worse it can be. Thanks you!


i dreamed that my common-law husband left me and started flirting with another in front of my eyes


hello my boyfriend cheated on me with my mom, what could it be


Mine invited his ex to work and said like he helped her with work and I found them in bed in an embrace and cried a lot, and my mom says and I warned you that she would change


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I cheated on my girlfriend with a stranger at her house, and my girlfriend left me


In reality, a month ago there was a situation when a girl wrote to my husband on Sunday morning that she missed him. With long inquiries, it became known that he called her for three days, talked. But according to him, there was nothing except communication between them.
And now, from Friday to Saturday, I have a dream that I am at this girl's house, she tells me all the details of their communication, and that they had sex twice. And it shows the remedy used to show the correspondence of them. And when he enters the room, I cry, and he says that this is a lie. that he is faithful to me.
Now I am a month pregnant, and I heard that prophetic dreams in pregnant women, I am doubly worried


I dream that my husband is cheating on me, such a dream has been dreamed already 2 times, as if he brought this lady to our home, I make repairs in a dream, he sleeps with her, at first I lead myself coldly without paying attention, and then I break down and start I beat him, scream, I call the name of that lady in a dream, either Galya, or Valya, she is full and the color is fair or light blond, and his terrible cold look, and it hurts so badly in my insides, as if I were driving a cold dull stake into the chest , I feel the crunch of this pain, I cannot scream in a dream, my voice is hoarse all the time, I wake up in horror from this dream, then I cannot collect my thoughts for a long time, and this dull pain does not go away for several more days, although outwardly there is nothing it hurts, there is nothing preceding such dreams, there are no quarrels and offenses, and the husband is a terrible homebody. I ask for understanding and help.


Hello, today I had an incomprehensible dream. I went to the guy on the page in contact, some girl wrote to him: thanks dear with a kiss and I did not have time to open the messages, they were deleted, i.e. the guy, I beat him very hard in a dream for a bed, it seemed that I tried with all my might to hurt him how it hurt me


The husband cheats and leaves for another, sleep from Thursday to Friday. I fight, I want to talk to him, nothing comes of it, I take offense and leave, it hurts and insults me a lot


i had a dream where i change young man... at the same time, I was very sorry, because I promised not to cheat on him in reality. he just didn’t come to visit me, but I wanted sexual intercourse with the martyr, so I tried to console myself with my friends.


Last night, i.e. from Wednesday to Thursday, I dreamed that I learned that my fiance still has a relationship with some girl named Yana. In a dream, I saw on his phone either their correspondence, or calls. Immediately I approached my beloved in a dream and asked: "Who is Yana Takad?" There was no feeling of jealousy, only terrible anger at him. He began to apologize, saying that it happened, but he would not stop communicating with her, he would be with me and with her. I sent him to hell and left.
Please tell me what this dream can mean? I just can't get him out of my head, obsessive. And with our beloved we are planning a wedding, however, I am in doubt whether it is worth marrying him or not.


i have a friend, we communicate, it seems, well. I like him. I don't know, but maybe he likes me a little too, or maybe he doesn't like me at all. I dreamed that my friend (colleague) tells me how she slept with a friend .. and a moment spun in my head .. that he was supposedly with me in the evening, but after I left he called her to a restaurant. then they slept together .. she told me that he allegedly forced her to sleep a little ... I was surprised ...


i dreamed that he was celebrating some kind of holiday from work with colevtivs and I want to take him to a lady and he’s not in any one and tells me to go as a lady, I have sex with one girl ... and I cry and ask him to go as a lady and he tells me that so it should


My name is Marina. I have two friends, but at the moment I communicate with only one, One of my friends is 13 years old, well, she is not a very beautiful face, but she has a beautiful figure. And the other is short, fat, and she recently turned 12. I also have a boyfriend, Dima, my friends, by the way, are called Polina and Ksyusha, I can say I hate Ksyusha, recently a guy told a dream that he got off the train, there were a lot of them everywhere, some of them were old and some were burning ... So, he forgot in one of the trains his passport and bag, and began to look for it, and he was scared, I believe that trains in a dream are a relationship, and this dream is not very good .. But he says he loves me, and he doesn't care for dreams. Although I'm superstitious. The last month I have not been calm in my soul, and I also had a dream that Ksyusha called me on Skype, there Dima looked at her, smoked, smiled, and danced, but he was already doing this when another came up, and they began to shoot with sweaters, Polina was wearing a bra, and Ksyusha took it off, then they turned away, then turned and began to smile, then they began to put on blouses, I was so ashamed, the main thing is that I dropped and called Dima, but he did not pick up the phone, now I hate Ksyusha even more, I don’t love Polina either, I sometimes cease to respect Dima because of dreams, but this is for a while .. I had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, Is that something that means not good? I love Dima very much, and I don’t want to lose ... I’m always jealous, and cry, and we have been meeting in different cities for 2 years already, and he is 2 times older than me, but he is good, kind, funny, cute, and said that when I will become older, we will definitely see each other and hug each other, but I'm not really rushing the time…. I'm very afraid of losing him .. what do all these dreams mean? (((


i dreamed that I was marrying my common-law husband, at first I resisted, but in the end I agreed, after the wedding I kissed a man I did not know, I did not say anything to my husband.


My boyfriend and I were on the bus, there were a lot of people, we sat in the back seats, suddenly he got out at one of the stops and I saw him kissing another girl, I asked the driver if we were going to stand here and ran out of the bus , I saw him with the company of his classmates like, took him aside and he began to show me the video, and explain, smiling, that the kiss was needed, as it were for the video, when I saw this again I went into a rage and began to beat him


My husband says that because you didn't trust me, now I will really cheat
I went crazy, I'm still pregnant, but he doesn't care


I came home and found my husband with her lover! They did not have time to undress completely, they were lying on the couch in shorts, both in dark blue, my husband was on top. Seeing me, they got up, my husband said that he needed new sensations, which he did not get with me., To which I replied that I was not against his relationship with a man ... Then his lover began to measure the temperature orally, and he gave me a cap from a thermometer to hold, with which I tried to measure my temperature rectally, but only smeared it, then went to wash it and returned it to my husband's lover. Then my husband showed me his semi-erect penis and said that he needed to finish and for some reason I licked the head from which he immediately finished on my face ... I didn't feel disgusted, I immediately went to the bathroom and washed, the water was clean, comfortable temperature and washed off everything is easy and fast. Then I dreamed how they rearranged our sofa, which consists of six sections. Rearranged successfully.

Valeria Ternikova:

Hello, I had such a dream that I fell in love with a builder and we were going to play a wedding, but also my best friend had a boyfriend, but it turns out that my fiance loved my best friend and showed her more attention and I just closed the door and that's it I woke up.


Hello, Tatyana, I dreamed of my wife's betrayal on Thursday night ... I did not see the betrayal itself. I learned about the infidelity from my son.


Hello, I dreamed that during a vacation at sea with my parents I learned about the betrayal of my boyfriend. He himself tells me about this in a conversation and one feels that he regrets, says that everything happened by chance, friends invited me to walk to another city, and everything happened there. I hang up and go to the sea, enter it and just lie down on the water and cry.
In real life, I am very much afraid that he will betray me, it happens that I can train his brain too. What can this dream mean? Or am I just winding myself up?


My wife begins to be friends with another man ... he lives with us for some reason insolently and at the same time I can’t do anything, as if it should be so. They are clamped on the bed ... we are also on good terms with her ... and I begin to understand that this should not be so and I am trying to stop their relationship. She assures me that this is normal, but I'm in a panic - how did I allow this ???! And she is so vulgar in a dream, with bad habits, etc. Such dreams are often dreamed of.


i dreamed that the father of my child was being cheated on by his beloved, that is, not me, in a dream I received the correspondence of the cheater with her lover, and there it was said that she was dating my husband for money, and after that I left him. But in fact (in life) he really loves another, but he left me with a child


i have a difficult story in my life, I got pregnant, he agreed to be dubious, but I didn't want to and found another, and then the other one left me, and I decided to go to the child's own father, but he found another one, he doesn't refuse me, but says that he loves her .. and I dreamed that the one he loves to meet with him because of money.


I dreamed how my sister was cheating on her husband, and I was trying in every possible way to pull her away, whatever she did, a strange dream, and in their relationship everything is fine, why dream like that?


I dreamed how my sister was cheating on her husband, and I was trying in every possible way to pull her away, whatever she did, and the man, this is her ex-lover, with whom they had a rich relationship, all the action takes place at night, the atmosphere of the place is something I am not I remember, but since this is the southern city in which we rested (in 2014), the premises were open, the whole place was familiar to me, since we were there…. It’s very interesting, why did this dream?


At first, colleagues dreamed of but did not swear, then ticks crawled over other people and came home there cheating


Hello. I had such a dream - I came to my boyfriend's home. She clicked his phone as usual, played games, etc. And then he received an SMS from an unfamiliar number - “Thank you for such a wonderful evening, you are very attentive, sensitive, I really liked everything.” More or less like this.
Then I got upset in my sleep. And the dream ended.




Hello! I dreamed that my husband was trying to cheat on me with my mother, and she didn't even mind. They flirt nicely with each other. I even threatened to tell my dad everything, but they just laughed at me


hello, I dreamed that my boyfriend cheated on me, now we are in a quarrel

  • “One of my best friends is dating my ex. We parted with him almost six months ago, and I do not want to return him at all. At first he seemed very nice and wonderful, but then he turned out to be a perfect brute, treated me very badly and spoke down to me. I was terribly hurt. I do not wish this on anyone, I still feel painful and I feel betrayed because my girlfriend is dating him - especially after he caused me so much pain.

    I tried to talk to her, to warn her, but she bristled, and everything only got worse. I don’t want to lose my friend over this person, but I feel that our friendship will never be the same. Maybe I'm wrong? Who am I to interfere with their happiness? But I feel betrayed. How can you date your girlfriends ex-boyfriends? "

  • You and him

    Dreamed: why "divorced woman with a trailer" will never marry you

  • You and him

    It's not about sex: the psychologist named 5 real reasons why they cheat on us

Your feelings are understandable. This guy offended you and you want your girlfriend to be on your side. When she started dating him, you took it as if she did not consider your feelings and underestimate your pain. You think she took his side.

But the truth is, she didn't take sides. She just likes this guy.

Her right to date a free man she likes. And make your own mistakes. It is very good that you spoke openly about this and that you shared your feelings with her. But she is an adult and has the right to decide for herself.

Mutual attraction is a mystery, and it's hard to say what attracted her to the person who mistreated her friend. You do not write in what exactly his bad attitude was manifested besides the fact that he was arrogant with you (we sincerely hope that this is not about violence). To some extent (of course, if it's not about socially dangerous behavior) people change and behave differently with different partners. A person is able to speak through clenched teeth with one girlfriend and forget about her birthday, and pamper the other with surprises and shower with compliments. Partly because she managed to find an approach to him. Partly because he did not save the previous relationship, he drew from this and decided to change his behavior.

It’s likely that you’ll be right, and this guy will take up the old with her. But she will not hear you until she is convinced of it.

In a word, yes, she has the right to date your ex boyfriend... And yes, it will make you uncomfortable. You might even be better off not communicating for a while until you can come to terms with the thought. By the way, you don't need to see each other.

But your feelings are quite understandable, and you are right to warn her. Maybe she will not appreciate it now, but she will be wary if everything goes wrong for them too.