Manor and household Nostride in the poem Dead souls of Gogol Essay. The image of Chichikova - "Knight of the Nazi" in the poem N.V

In the sixth chapter of the poem "Dead Souls", the author introduces us with a new character - landlord plush. Description of the village of Plushina is a bright reflection of the life and mistake of the host itself, it is especially important for the characteristics of Russian reality and human vices.

At the entrance to the village of Plushkin

Handing to the village, Chichikov was dumbfounded by the views that he opened: the old dilapidated huts, abandoned houses with rods in the roofs, two churches, the same dull and gloomy, as well as the overall impression of the village. But the church is the soul of the village, her condition speaks of the spirituality of the parishioners, about what people live. About the attitude of the owner to its estate also speaks and entry into the village - a log bridge, driving that could be fill the bump, bite the tongue or hit the teeth. Such a warm meeting expected everyone who crossed the border of the village of Plushkina.

The peasant houses were reminded of the disgraced narrowed old people: their walls like the edges stuck terribly and non-zero. Old, covered with green moss, blackened sleeves looked smoothly and dreamed. Gogol notes that the roofs of some houses were, as a sieve, windows shut up with rags, there was no brake. The author with understanding and bitter humor explains this fact the opportunity to spend time in the kabaska, if his home is not sweet and hands are not taken to put in it. The absence of a master's hand, the unwillingness to care for his housing was read in every yard. Plushkin peasants were aware of, the greed and painful economy of the owner were guilt.

House landowner

At the entrance to the house of the landowner himself, the picture did not change at all for the better. Manor, economic buildings, their number and scope were told that the life was boiling here, a huge farm (Plushina has about 1000 souls!). Despite such a number of souls, the village seemed to be a dead, nowhere was the work, there was no human votes, did not meet passersby. Nonsense and the abandonance of the fact that once was the landlord estate, the master's fortress was so scared Chichikova that the desire to resolve the issue to resolve and leave this place did not give him peace.

The garden, which is beyond the buildings, was the only pleasant spectacle, despite non-accident and insightness. He was a collection of trees who remained without care, broken, confused, forgotten by man. The old gone gazebo in the depths of the overgrown tent from a variety of trees said that there was once life here, and now everything dies. Rota and Tlen - the future, which was expected to be, all around slowly faded.

Gogol - Master of Landscapes and Human Souls

The picture drawn by the author, masterfully emphasizes the atmosphere and prepares the reader to the character with which even seeing any chicker, gets acquainted and is extremely impressive. The owner of the village - Plushkin is so terrible in his vice, which has lost not only the soul, but also a human appearance. He broke off tie to children, lost understanding of honor and morality, lives primitive, meaningless and forces others. This attitude to his life is also characteristic of the poor, and for the prosperous layers of the population of Russia of the time. The peasants of this village have no opportunity to conduct a decent way of life, they became like their owner, humble and live as it turns out.

The description of the estate and economy of Nozdrev, the third landowner, to whom the chief hero falls is one of the important details characterizing the image of the county landlord.

Manor Nozdrev is represented by a writer in the form of a huge field of fields, a pond, stables, workshops. The image of peasant lips, the Lord and other buildings on the territory of the estate in the work is absent.

The landowner does not deal with the affairs of his estate, because he has a clerk who calls the scoundrel and constantly scolds.

The main attraction of the Nozdressian estate is the stables, which at the time of the description halfway are empty, since the owner lowered some good horses, and retained only two mares in the form of a canowy and gray in apples, as well as a non-zero jelly stallion. In addition to a few to herd used only for riding, a goat is located in the stables on old traditions.

Nozdrev is proud of another pet in his farm, a wolfboard contained by a rope and nutritionally food in the form of raw meat, since the owner wants to see his animal nature in the future.

In addition to the above-mentioned pets, Nozdrev owns a huge caviar, which includes messenger and diverse dogs, which the landowner loves immensely, not remembering even their own children.

An former workshops, a water mill, in a broken state, as well as an abandoned pond, in which the boral owner are also located, are also located on the territory of the nostride, and the breeds of valuable fish are located.

Depicting the field grounds of the Nozdrev, the bypass of which the owner performs along with the main character, the writer describes them in a non-negative state, located in the swampy terrain and in the urban, wild dirt combined with bumps.

When considering the home environment, which is a direct reflection of the owner's sobbular nature, the writer describes the stupidity of the furniture alignment and interior items, pointing to building materials in the middle of the dining room, the absence in the office of books, papers, clearly the hobby of the nostril hunt, expressed in a huge number of various weapons, Including sabers, rifles, Turkish daggers. The most remarkable in the house, according to the main character, is the presence of a scarmer, repeating the essence of the name of the owner.

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To work on its main work - the poem "Dead Souls" - N.V. Gogol began in 1835 and did not stop her until the death. He put in front of him the task - to show the backward relief and serfdom of Russia with all its vices and shortcuts. A large role in this was played by masterks created by the author of the image of representatives of the nobility, which made the main social class in the country. Description of the village of Manilov, Boxes, Sobeshevich, Nozdrev, Plushhina makes it possible to understand how different, but at the same time are typical, the people who were the main support of power were poor. This is despite the fact that each of the presented landowners considered himself the best among the rest.

The role of interior

Five heads of the first volume dedicated to the landowners, Gogol builds on one principle. He characterizes each owner through the description of his appearance, to behave with the guest - Chichikov - and relatives. The author talks about how life has been arranged in the estate, which manifests itself through attitudes towards peasants, all over the estate and their own home. As a result, there is a generalized picture of how "the best" representatives of serfs in the first half of the XIX century lived.

The first is a description of the village of Manilov - very cute and benevolent, at first glance, landlord.

Long road

Not a very pleasant impression leaves the way to the estate. When meeting in the city of the landowner, inviting Chichikov to visit, noted that he lives the versts in fifteen from here. However, they traveled all sixteen and even more, and the road seemed not to end. Two people who met a man pointed out that there would be a turn through the mile, and there is Manilovka. But this little was like truth, and Chichikov did the conclusion for himself that the owner, as it was often found, in a conversation cut the distance have. Perhaps in order to lure - remember the name of the landowner.

Finally, the estate seemed ahead.

Unusual location

The first two-story Lord's house rushed into the eyes, which was built on the elevation - "on Yura", as the author indicates. It is from him to begin a description of the village of Manilov in the "Dead Souls" poem.

It seemed that the alone standing house was blown away from all sides, which only happened in these places. The slope of the hill on which the building stood, covered trimmed turf.

The ridiculous location of the house supplemented flower beds with bushes and lilacs, broken in English style. Nearby grew segments of birch - no more than five or six - and there was a gazebo with funny for these places the name "Church of the Second Reflections". A small pond, which, however, was not an uncommon in the estates of landowners who were fond of English style.

Lightness and impracticality is such a first impression from the landlord's economy.

Description of the village of Manilov

"Dead Souls" continues the story of a series of poorly, gray peasant lips counted them at least two hundred. They were located along and across the foot of the hill and consisted of some logs. Between the sleeves, the guest did not see a tree, nor the other greenery, which did a village and not at all attractive. In the distance, such a boring temporary description of the village of Manilov.

"Dead Souls" contain a subjective assessment of chikchikov seen. Manilova did everything seemed to him with some gray and incomprehensible, even "the day was not the clear, not that gloomy." Only two swearing women who pulled wrapped in a pond with crayfish and roach, and a rooster with encouraged wings, screamed in all the throat, somewhat revived the picture that appeared.

Meeting with the owner

The description of the village of Manilov from the "Dead Souls" will be incomplete without familiarizing with the owner himself. He stood on the porch and, having learned the guest, immediately broke up in the most cheerful smile. At the first meeting in the city of Manila, Chichikova struck in his appearance, there was a lot of sugar. Now the first impression only intensified.

In fact, the landowner first appeared man very kind and enjoyable, but after a minute, this impression was completely changed, and now I have already arisen: "Damn it knows what!". Further behavior of Manilov, overly incorrecting and built at the desire to please, fully confirms. The owner has concerned with the guest, as if they were buddies of a whole century. Then he invited to the house, in every way trying to show respect for him by the fact that he did not want to enter the door before Chichikova.

Interior decor

Description of the village of Manilov from the poem "Dead Souls" causes a feeling of absurdity in everything, including the decoration of the Lord. Let's start with the fact that a couple of chairs were located near the road and even elegant furniture, which had not enough fabrics in due time. And for several years, the owner warned the guest every time that they were not yet ready. In the other room of furniture was not at all for the eighth year - from the moment of marriage Manilov. In the same way as dinner on the table could have a luxurious bronze candlestick, made in an antique style, and some "disabled" from copper, everything in Sale. But none of the home

The host's office also looked ridiculous. He was, again, incomprehensible gray-blue color - something similar to the fact that the author has already mentioned, giving a general description of the village of Manilov at the beginning of the chapter. On the table of the year, two lay a book with a bookmark on the same page - no one has never read her. But across the room was laid out tobacco, and rows of slides laid out of ash remained in the tube appeared on the windowsill. In general, to dream and smoke - it was the main and moreover favorite landowner classes, absolutely not interested in their possessions.

Familiarity with family

Manilov's wife is like him. Eight years of living together changed the relationship between the spouses: they all also treated each other with a piece of apple or interrupted classes to capture a kiss. Manilova received a good upbringing, learning everything that was necessary for a happy spelling in French, playing the piano and embroider a beads of some unusual cover to make a surprise husband. And it's like that in the kitchen was preparing bad, there were no stock in the storerooms, the Klyuk was stolen a lot, and the servants were increasingly slept. The pride of spouses were their sons, called strange and promising in the future to show great abilities.

Description of the village of Manilova: the position of the peasants

Of all the above, one conclusion is already suggested: everything in the estate went somehow so, as a man, and without any intervention of the owner. This idea is confirmed when Chichikov starts a conversation about the peasants. It turns out that manilov does not even represent how much his shower has died lately. Can not answer and his cradle. He only notes that a lot, with which the landowner immediately agrees. However, the word "much" is not surprised by the reader: Description of the village of Manilov and those conditions in which it lived, they make it clear that for the estate, in which the landowner does not care at all about the peasants, it is common.

As a result, the unavailable image of the chief hero of chapter is evapored. A mismanive dreamer did not occur to go to the fields, find out what people depend on him need, or at least simply recalculate how many of them. Moreover, the author adds that the man could easily be deceived by Manilov. He asked to allegedly earn money, but he himself was calmly drunk, and before that no one was doing anyone. In addition, all the servants, including the clerk and the key, were unclean in hand, which was not disturbed by Manilov, nor his spouse.


The description of the village of Manilov quotes is completed: "There is a genus of people ... None neither either in the city of Bogdan in the village of Selifan ... they should join and Manilov." Thus, from which, at first glance, there is no harm to anyone. He loves everyone - even the most sewed fraudster he has an excellent man. Sometimes it dreams of how to arrange benches for peasants, but these "projects" are very far from reality and will never be embodied in practice. Hence the general understanding of "Manilovshchina" as a social phenomenon is a tendency to pseudophilosophy, the lack of any benefit from existence. And with this, degradation begins, and then the collapse of the human person, what Gogol draws, giving a description of the village of Manilov.

"Dead Souls", therefore, become a sentence of society, in which the best representatives of the local nobility are similar to Manilov. After all, the rest will be even worse.

To work on their main work - the poem "Dead Souls" - N.V. Gogol began in 1835 and did not stop her until the death. He put in front of him the task - to show the backward relief and serfdom of Russia with all its vices and shortcuts. A large role in this was played by masterks created by the author of the image of representatives of the nobility, which made the main social class in the country. Description of the village of Manilov, Boxes, Sobeshevich, Nozdrev, Plushhina makes it possible to understand how different, but at the same time are typical, the people who were the main support of power were poor. This is despite the fact that each of the presented landowners considered himself the best among the rest.

The role of interior

Five heads of the first volume dedicated to the landowners, Gogol builds on one principle. He characterizes each owner through the description of his appearance, to behave with the guest - Chichikov - and relatives. The author talks about how life has been arranged in the estate, which manifests itself through attitudes towards peasants, all over the estate and their own home. As a result, there is a generalized picture of how "the best" representatives of serfs in the first half of the XIX century lived.

The first is a description of the village of Manilov - very cute and benevolent, at first glance, landlord.

Long road

Not a very pleasant impression leaves the way to the estate. When meeting in the city of the landowner, inviting Chichikov to visit, noted that he lives the versts in fifteen from here. However, they traveled all sixteen and even more, and the road seemed not to end. Two people who met a man pointed out that there would be a turn through the mile, and there is Manilovka. But this little was like truth, and Chichikov did the conclusion for himself that the owner, as it was often found, in a conversation cut the distance have. Perhaps in order to lure - remember the name of the landowner.

Finally, the estate seemed ahead.

Unusual location

The first, the two-story Lord's house rushed into the eyes, which was built on the elevation - "on Yura", as the author indicates. It is with him that it is worth a description of the village of Manilov in the poem "Dead Souls".

It seemed that the alone standing house was blown away from all sides, which only happened in these places. The slope of the hill on which the building stood, covered trimmed turf.

The ridiculous location of the house supplemented flower beds with bushes and lilacs, broken in English style. Nearby grew segments of birch - no more than five or six - and there was a gazebo with funny for these places the name "Church of a secluded reflection." A small pond, which, however, was not an uncommon in the estates of landowners who were fond of English style.

Lightness and impracticality is such a first impression from the landlord's economy.

Description of the village of Manilov

"Dead Souls" continues the story of a series of poorly, gray peasant lips counted them at least two hundred. They were located along and across the foot of the hill and consisted of some logs. Between the sleeves, the guest did not see a tree, nor the other greenery, which did a village and not at all attractive. In the distance, such a boring temporary description of the village of Manilov.

"Dead souls" contain a subjective assessment of chikchikov seen. Manilov did everything seemed to him with some gray and incomprehensible, even "the day was not the clear, not that gloomy." Only two swearing women who pulled wrapped in a pond with crayfish and roach, and a rooster with encouraged wings, screamed in all the throat, somewhat revived the picture that appeared.

Meeting with the owner

Description of the village of Manilov from the "Dead Souls" will be incomplete without familiarizing with the owner himself. He stood on the porch and, having learned the guest, immediately broke up in the most cheerful smile. At the first meeting in the city of Manila, Chichikova struck in his appearance, there was a lot of sugar. Now the first impression only intensified.

In reality, the landowner first appeared a very kind and pleasant man, but after a minute, this impression was completely changed, and now I have already arisen: "Damn it knows what!". Further behavior of Manilov, overly incorrecting and built at the desire to please, fully confirms. The owner has concerned with the guest, as if they were buddies of a whole century. Then he invited to the house, in every way trying to show respect for him by the fact that he did not want to enter the door before Chichikova.

Interior decor

Description of the village of Manilov from the poem "Dead Souls" causes a feeling of absurdity in everything, including the decoration of the Lord's home. Let's start with the fact that a couple of chairs were located near the road and even elegant furniture, which had not enough fabrics in due time. And for several years, the owner warned the guest every time that they were not yet ready. In the other room of furniture was not at all for the eighth year - from the moment of marriage Manilov. In the same way, behind dinner on the table could be put near the luxurious bronze candlestick made in an antique style, and some "disabled" from copper, everything in Sale. But none of the home

The host's office also looked ridiculous. He was, again, incomprehensible gray-blue color - something similar to the fact that the author has already mentioned, giving a general description of the village of Manilov at the beginning of the chapter. On the table of the year, two lay a book with a bookmark on the same page - no one has never read her. But across the room was laid out tobacco, and rows of slides laid out of ash remained in the tube appeared on the windowsill. In general, to dream and smoke - it was the main and moreover favorite landowner classes, absolutely not interested in their possessions.

Familiarity with family

Manilov's wife is like him. Eight years of living together changed the relationship between the spouses: they all also treated each other with a piece of apple or interrupted classes to capture a kiss. Manilova received a good upbringing, learning everything that was necessary for a happy spelling in French, playing the piano and embroider a beads of some unusual cover to make a surprise husband. And it's like that in the kitchen was preparing bad, there were no stock in the storerooms, the Klyuk was stolen a lot, and the servants were increasingly slept. The pride of spouses were their sons, called strange and promising in the future to show great abilities.

Description of the village of Manilova: the position of the peasants

Of all the above, one conclusion is already suggested: everything in the estate went somehow so, as a man, and without any intervention of the owner. This idea is confirmed when Chichikov starts a conversation about the peasants. It turns out that manilov does not even represent how much his shower has died lately. Can not answer and his cradle. He only notes that a lot, with which the landowner immediately agrees. However, the word "a lot" is not surprised by the reader: Description of the village of Manilov and those conditions in which it lived, it is possible to understand that for the estate in which the landowner does not care at all about the peasants, it is common.

As a result, the unavailable image of the chief hero of chapter is evapored. A mismanive dreamer did not occur to go to the fields, find out what people depend on him need, or at least simply recalculate how many of them. Moreover, the author adds that the man could easily be deceived by Manilov. He asked to allegedly earn money, but he himself was calmly drunk, and before that no one was doing anyone. In addition, all the servants, including the clerk and the key, were unclean in hand, which was not disturbed by Manilov, nor his spouse.


They trust the description of the village of Manilov quotes: "There is a genus of people ... None of anyone, nor in the city of Bogdan in the village of Selifan ... They should join and Manilov." Thus, this is a landowner, from which, at first glance, there is no harm to anyone. He loves everyone - even the most sewed fraudster he has an excellent man. Sometimes it dreams about how to arrange a bests for the peasants, but these "projitts" are very far from reality and will never be embodied in practice. Hence the general understanding of "Manilovshchina" as a social phenomenon is a tendency to pseudophilosophy, the absence of any benefit from existence. And with this, degradation begins, and then the collapse of the human person, what Gogol draws, giving a description of the village of Manilov.

"Dead Souls", therefore, become a sentence of society, in which the best representatives of the local nobility are similar to Manilov. After all, the rest will be even worse.

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