Ukrainian folk tale about a hare. Fairy tale "Zaikin's hut": a brief description and basic information

Kapshurova Tatiana
Puppet show "Zaikin's hut"


Lesson summary

puppet show« Zaikin's hut»

Prepared and conducted

caregiver: Kapshurova T. N.

October 2017


The development of children's stage creativity by means of theatrical games and theatrical performances.


To consolidate the child's interest in theatrical art.

Unleash the creativity of children and develop artistic possibilities.

Develop the sphere of feelings, complicity, empathy.

Activate the cognitive interests of children, broaden their horizons.

Form friendly relationships

Members: children 3-12 years old

Number of children 20 people

Duration: 35-40 minutes

Time spending: 05.11.2017

preliminary work:

1. Reading and telling a fairy tale « Zaikin's hut»

2. Selection of illustrations for a fairy tale

3. Theatrical activities

4 Preparing attributes for display puppet show


Image bast and ice huts, a braid for a rooster, a bundle with things and a stick for a hare, puppets for the theater, musical accompaniment.

Methodological techniques:

Game (use of surprises).

visual (use of illustrations).

Verbal (indication, children's individual responses, reminder).

Encouragement, analysis of the lesson.

Main stages (move):

The initial stage is an organizational moment;

-Main part:

Performance puppet theater« Zaikin's hut»

Dance warm-up

The final stage


1. Organizing moment

The children enter the room.

caregiver: Guys, today I came to work at our center and saw this chest near the door. Let's see what's in it. Something it does not open, probably, it is necessary to say the magic word. And what, you tell me. (Children say "please" and the chest opens, the teacher takes out a letter and reads it).

Guys, it says here that the chest is from a fairy tale, and it contains enchanted riddles about animals. To disenchant them, you need to solve riddles.

cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty,

And her name is (a fox)

In winter, white

Summer gray (hare)

That's right guys. Oh what a noise. Probably, it is our heroes who came to life and come to visit us.

Meet our actors. Listen carefully, remember, and at the end of our performance I ask you what new things have been learned.

In his performance the guys will use the b-ba-bo theater. The doll must be put on the hand, where the index finger is the head, and the fingers on the right and left are the hands.

Do you know that actors the performance is being rehearsed?

Let's rehearse and play a game "Transmitters". Be careful and clearly follow my tasks Rules of the game. We convey everything silently, through the expression of the eyes, face, lips, shoulders, hands, and in general, all this is called facial expressions and gestures. I start and pass next:

Pass on a smile;

Pass it on "serdilka";

Pass on the fright;


Our rehearsal is over, let's thank our guests for participating. So let's start our show.

2. Main body

Zaikin's hut


The narrator

Act one

In the foreground on the left and right are several snow-covered trees. In the background is a winter forest.

Zaikin's hut. View of the scene at the beginning performance.

The narrator

Like from our village

The trail freezes along the edge,

Blizzard ruffled,


All day the blizzard sweeps

Weaves good stories.

A blizzard wove into a braid -

The story will be about Lisa.

Fox appears from behind the trees on the left and starts to roll a snowball.

I dream of one

fashion beautiful house,

To be as strong as a stone

So that it is light in it at night,

To sparkle like a gem!

After all, there is no such thing anywhere!

From behind the trees on the right, the Hare comes out towards the Fox and bows.

Hello good neighbor!

Too bad we rarely see each other.

What are you sculpting - a bull,

Christmas tree or snowman?

A fox (boastfully)

I will finish this com

And build myself a house

shining under the moon,

Star reflective!

not like yours hut.

Get your ears out of here!

Hare (admiringly)

You work wonders here!

Goodbye, Lisa!

The hare bypasses the Fox and hides behind the trees on the left. Fox continues to build a house.

A fox (sings)

The bear sleeps in the den -

Paws on the doorstep

In a terrible cramped

Squirrels sleep in a hollow -

Animals toil

In tiny huts,

If only the day is rainy

Spend it warm!

But the beautiful fox

Dreaming of another:

To have a castle to heaven,

Like fairy princesses

With towers, columns,

With windows, balconies,

With fireplace shelves

With long stairs

From diamond-crystal

More beautiful than the king!

For everyone to envy

Coloring fox!

But palaces-chambers,

Oh expensive!

And not affordable

Poor animal.

Wolves, hares, pigs

Everyone lives in huts.

I will stand up with my chest

For your dream.

I am a beautiful fox

I will live as I like:

In a wonderful castle to heaven,

Like fairy princesses

With towers, columns,

With windows, balconies,

With fireplace shelves

With long stairs

From frosty crystal

More beautiful than the king!

Everyone will envy

Coloring fox!

Sheet music for this song you can download here: Song of the fox about the ice palace.

An ice house slowly appears in the clearing in the middle.

Zaikin's hut. View of the ice palace scene.

The narrator

The fox tried all day

To finish the house on time.

And she left to put

Only on the roof of the weather vane.

The cockerel blinded skillfully

She climbed up there.

The fox climbs onto the roof.

A fox (proudly)

I blinded what I wanted -

A whole castle made of ice!

The fox hides behind the house and appears in the window.

The narrator

Never before

No one saw in the forest.

About the new crystal castle

And about the fox lady

Forty news were spread.

And see the wonder

Gathered at home together

Bull, dog and bear.

A bear, a dog and a bull come out from behind the trees on the right into the clearing.

Wow, a lair is what you need!

The whole herd will fit here!

Yes! Such a kennel

Do not change to a hole!

The bear approaches the palace and touches it with its paw.

Very strong wall

She will weather the storm.

A fox (arrogantly)

Paws off! Who did you say!

I didn't invite you to visit.

Don't follow the porch!

Get out of my palace!

Bear and Bull look at each other. The dog walks away. The fox hides in the window.

Eh, the mansions are so mansions

Raised a godfather.

It's good for her to stay at home

It's winter outside.

I'm in my lair now

It's a shame to live next to her.

Is there a rug on the doorstep

Put from chinchilla!

Yes, now we are no match for her,

Look how you turned up your nose!

Should I go to the barn,

Should I hang mirrors?

You say, Borka, business,

You have to decorate your home.

Here is Lisa, she managed.

Bull (with a sigh)

Too bad he doesn't want to be invited.

To see the situation

Learn the experience of foxes.

What's in the bedroom, what's in the closet...

You can't see through the wall!

Here's a repair in the spring,

I will call woodpeckers, beavers ...

I can build a palace

For my seven cows.

I'll build it on the hill

I will gild the horns of all.

I'll set it up there...

Yes, I want a palace!

Okay, well, I'll go to the lair,

I'll sleep until spring.

Yes, it's time for me to go

Come join us for pancakes!

Action two

Front left Zaikin's hut, on the right are several spring trees, in the background is a forest.

Zaikin's hut. View of the scene with a bast hut.

The narrator

The fox tried all winter,

Remodeled the house.

Decorated, tidied up

She was good in it.

But spring has come, from home

There was no trace left.

All fox mansions

Melt water washed away.

At the same moment the fox found

Easy way out

And went to beg

Wait at the neighbor's house.

Fox with a bundle comes out of the trees on the right into the clearing and goes to Zaikin's hut. Fox knocks on the door.

A fox (ingratiatingly)

Bunny, you open the door for me,

I am homeless now.

Sun harmful beam

Destroyed my house.

Bunny, honey, let me go.

If there is something, I'm sorry!

The hare looks out of the window.

Since trouble happened to you,

I will save you from her!

Come on, do me a favor.

You are the kindest in the forest!

I have a simple hut

With a broken pipe.

But it doesn't melt in the spring.

We will live together with you.

Fox enters the house. The hare hides, and the fox looks out of the window.

Ah, thank you, dear bunny,

We will live together with you.

Your house is really ugly

But he is the whole house!

Bunny, I see, in the pantry

You don't have stock.

You go pick carrots

We have a festive dinner.

The hare leaves the house and heads to the right of huts. The fox disappears through the window.

The hare hides behind the trees on the right, after a while he reappears with a large bag and returns to hut.

The narrator

At the ready with a large bag,

stuffed with alder bark,

Hare returned home

It knocks and the door is closed.

Open Lisa! Open, please!

Lisa looks out of the window.

A fox (indignantly)

This is how I bite you!

Hey, there, what else impudent

Looking to get into the house?

Look, what fashion he took -

Break into someone else's door!

Well, actually

Leave before you eat!

Hare (sobbing)

Everyone says the fox is cunning

And don't expect any good from her.

Well, how could I, the unfortunate one,

Let the fox on the threshold?

The hare is crying.

The narrator

In the thicket of the dark forest

It's scary to be homeless.

The bunny is crying, and the fox

Never mind those tears.

Cry until dawn

She has no business.

A dog appears from behind the trees in the clearing.

Hello oblique! How is your life?

Why are you shedding tears in three streams?

Something happened, I'll see.

I will serve if needed.

Everyone in the forest will laugh -

I let a fox into my house.

She didn't even have a day

Kicked me out of the house!

I'll fix your trouble

I'll make Lisa leave!

The dog approaches hut.

Woof! Woof! Well, get out!

Who else is there? Wait for it!

I'll go out for you now

I'll show you my fangs.

And ruthlessly clawed

I'll tear you to pieces!

The hare presses his ears, and the dog runs to the right behind the trees. The fox disappears into the house.

Hare (crying again)

The fox is cunning - she closed the door!

And even though you climb out of your skin,

Nobody in the forest, nobody now

It won't help me in trouble.

The hare slowly walks away from the house to the forest, the Bear comes out from behind the trees to meet him.

Bear (funny)

Hello Bunny! What are you sad about

When is Bear so cheerful?

Well, why are you trembling like a mouse,

What ears hung to one side?

Hare (sighing)

Everyone in the forest will laugh -

I let a fox into my house.

She didn't even have a day

Kicked me out of the house!

I'll take care of you, brother,

Keep your ears up!

Lisa now I'll show

How to take away huts!

The dog tried to drive her away,

Now I don't know where to look.

Well, I'll try

Foxes are not afraid!

(shouting to the fox)

Lisa, come on out!

Fox looks out the window.

Who is there again? Wait for it!

I'll go out for you now

I'll show you my fangs.

And ruthlessly clawed

I'll tear you to pieces!

The hare presses his ears, and the Bear runs away behind the trees. The fox is hiding.

Hare (doomed)

The fox is as strong as a hundred beasts

She cannot be defeated.

So as not to die, I rather

Will have to leave.

The hare again goes from the house to the forest, the Bull comes out from behind the trees to meet him.

Bull (sings)

At the horned bull

Life is nice and easy

Kohl his cow

Alive and well!

And the cows in the spring

Good, as in a wonderful dream -

They walk from the barn,

Like queens!

I will climb a pine tree

I'll scream: "I love spring!"

This time of year

The best weather!

Notes and midi file for this song you can download here: Song "At the horned bull".

Bull (to a hare)

Hello Friend. Tell me

Aren't you glad for spring?

Did bad news come?

What's with wet eyes?

Hare (looking around)

Everyone in the forest will laugh -

I let a fox into my house.

She didn't even have a day

Kicked me out of the house!

What, does not let, redhead?

We will drive the shameless!

I'm happy to help

Well, let's go fight!

The dog tried to drive her away,

Now I don't know where to look.

The bear tried to drive away,

But he was also scared.

I am very afraid for you.

As long as I'm around, don't be afraid!

(shouting to Lisa)

Fox, come out quickly!

Fox looks out the window.

And you, Bull, are you here? Wait for it!

I'll go out for you now

I'll show you my fangs.

And ruthlessly clawed

I'll tear you to pieces!

The hare presses his ears, and the Ox runs away behind the trees. The fox is hiding. The hare stands and cries.

Hare (sings)

The poor hare is crying

Gray and small!

Tears fall to the ground -

I will not return to the house.

Cap! Cap! Cap!

Cap! Cap! Cap!

Everything is gone - the table and the stove,

Nowhere to sit and nowhere to lie!

Crying, crying hare

Gray and small!

Cap! Cap! Cap!

Cap! Cap! Cap!

How not to cry, not to grieve,

If nowhere bunny live?

Tears fall to the ground -

I will not return to the house.

Cap! Cap! Cap!

Cap! Cap! Cap!

You can download sheet music for this song. here: Crying hare for bast hut.

Fox appears in the window

A fox (to a hare)

When will you come

And bring someone

I do not vouch for myself.

Eat you, stubborn Hare!

The hare starts to run in fear.

The narrator

scared bunny

New mistress.

No control over the fox

There are no intercessors in the forest!

Hide under an old stump

And cry all day!

The hare almost reaches the forest, when the Rooster comes out from behind the trees into the clearing and stops him.

Hey, where are you running to?

Stop, pause!

Well, why are you trembling

Little bunny?

Maybe someone offended suddenly?

He will cry for us!

What happened dear friend

What does all of this mean?

The hare tries to run away, but the Rooster holds him back.

Probably everyone in the forest knows

That I let the fox in.

She didn't even have a day

Kicked me out of the house!

You return to the perch.

She threatened to eat everyone!

I thought the massacre had begun

Breaks the tornado of the forest.

And you moved into the house

Some fox!

Let the godfather threaten to eat us,

Let's save your hut!

If the fox does not leave by itself,

I will close it!

The dog tried to drive her away,

Now I don't know where to look.

The bear tried to drive away,

But he was also scared.

And the Bull wanted to butt her,

But he barely managed to escape.

You, Petya, don't try

Save Hut for the Hare.

Well, bunny, calm down!

Don't be afraid for me.

The rooster comes to the house.

I carry a scythe on my shoulder,

I will cut the fox

It hurts, it's merciless

In order not to be habitual

It was to open her mouth

And steal other people's houses!

I'll go out for you now

I'll show you my fangs.

And ruthlessly clawed

I'll tear you to pieces!

The hare presses its ears and trembles.

Rooster (sings menacingly)

I carry a scythe on my shoulder,

I will cut the fox,

And the infantry follows me -

A company of clumsy bears,

One hundred hungry bad wolves

Two hundred mad bulls.

We will trample the Fox,

fox fur coat to shreds

It hurts, it hurts, mercilessly,

To-to not habitually

It was to open her mouth

And steal other people's houses!

here: Song of the rooster "I carry a scythe on my shoulder".

The fox jumps out in terror hut and runs to the forest.

Oh save! Oh, they killed!

They let me in the world!

The narrator

fox frightened

For furs and bodies,

Jumped out the window

Good riddance!

The fox hides behind the trees. The Hare hugs the Rooster.

Hare (joyfully)

Thanks, cockerel

You rubbed the fox into powder

And my saved the hut!

We'll go there now.

We will be friends forever

And in one hut live.

Let's live happily together

Let's fix the old house

A friend to your enemies

No more offending!

Hare and Rooster (sing in chorus)

The snow turns into a puddle

Water flows away

Only friendship, our friendship

Will never disappear!

As the jug does not break,

Will not wither like a flower.

If there is a friend in the world,

So you are not alone.

The balloon will deflate,

A star will fall from heaven

Only friendship, our friendship

Will never disappear!

With a friend, misfortunes are not terrible,

Life is more fun with a friend.

There is no more happiness in the world

Than to be friends with you all my life.

Everything will pass the heat and cold,

Days, weeks and years.

Only friendship, our friendship

Will never disappear!

Sheet music and midi file for this song you can download here: song "Our Friendship".

Rooster and Hare enter hut.


What have you learned?

Did you like the event?

Scenario for staging
Russian folk tale
in the puppet theater

Performance duration: 30 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 7.


A fox
The narrator

Act one

In the foreground on the left and right are several snow-covered trees. In the background is a winter forest.

The narrator

Like from our village
The trail freezes along the edge,
Blizzard ruffled,
All day the blizzard sweeps
Weaves good stories.
A blizzard wove into a braid -
The story will be about Lisa.

Fox appears from behind the trees on the left and starts to roll a snowball.

I dream of one
Sculpt a beautiful house
To be as strong as a stone
So that it is light in it at night,
To sparkle like a gem!
After all, there is no such thing anywhere!

From behind the trees on the right, the Hare comes out towards the Fox and bows.

Hello good neighbor!
Too bad we rarely see each other.
What are you sculpting - a bull,
Christmas tree or snowman?

Fox (boastfully)

I will finish this com
And build myself a house
shining under the moon,
Star reflective!
Not like your hut.
Get your ears out of here!

Hare (admiringly)

You work wonders here!
Goodbye, Lisa!

The hare bypasses the Fox and hides behind the trees on the left. Fox continues to build a house.

Lisa (singing)

The bear sleeps in the den -
Paws on the doorstep
In a terrible cramped
Squirrels sleep in a hollow -
Animals toil
In tiny huts
If only the day is rainy
Spend it warm!
But the beautiful fox
Dreaming of something else:

To have a castle to heaven,
Like fairy princesses
With towers, columns,
With windows, balconies,
With fireplace shelves
With long stairs
From diamond-crystal
More beautiful than the king!
For everyone to envy
Coloring fox!

But palaces-chambers,
Oh expensive!
And not affordable
Poor animal.
Wolves, hares, pigs
Everyone lives in huts.
I will stand up with my chest
For your dream.
I am a beautiful fox
I will live as I like:

In a wonderful castle to heaven,
Like fairy princesses
With towers, columns,
With windows, balconies,
With fireplace shelves
With long stairs
From frosty crystal
More beautiful than the king!
Everyone will envy
Coloring fox!

An ice house slowly appears in the clearing in the middle.

The narrator

The fox tried all day
To finish the house on time.
And she left to put
Only on the roof of the weather vane.
The cockerel blinded skillfully
She climbed up there.

The fox climbs onto the roof.

Fox (proudly)

I blinded what I wanted -
A whole castle made of ice!

The fox hides behind the house and appears in the window.

The narrator

Never before
No one saw in the forest.
About the new crystal castle
And about the fox lady
Forty news were spread.
And see the miracle
Gathered at home together
Bull, dog and bear.

A bear, a dog and a bull come out from behind the trees on the right into the clearing.

Wow, a lair is what you need!

The whole herd will fit here!

Yes! Such a kennel
Do not change to a hole!

The bear approaches the palace and touches it with its paw.

Very strong wall
She will weather the storm.

Fox (arrogantly)

Paws off! Who did you say!
I didn't invite you to visit.
Don't follow the porch!
Get out of my palace!

Bear and Bull look at each other. The dog walks away. The fox hides in the window.

Eh, the mansions are so mansions
Raised a godfather.
It's good for her to stay at home
It's winter outside.
I'm in my lair now
It's a shame to live next to her.
Is there a rug on the doorstep
From chinchilla put?!

Yes, now we are no match for her,
Look how you turned up your nose!
Should I go to the barn,
Should I hang mirrors?

You say, Borka, business,
You have to decorate your home.
Here is Lisa, she managed.

Bull (with a sigh)

Too bad he doesn't want to be invited.
To see the situation
Learn the experience of foxes.
What's in the bedroom, what's in the closet...

You can't see through the wall!

Here's a repair in the spring,
I will call woodpeckers, beavers ...
I can build a palace
For my seven cows.
I'll build it on the hill
I will gild the horns of all.
I'll set it up there...

Yes, I want a palace!
Okay, well, I'll go to the lair,
I'll sleep until spring.

Yes, it's time for me to go
Come join us for pancakes!

Action two

In the foreground on the left is Zaikin's hut, on the right are several spring trees, in the background is a forest.

The narrator

The fox tried all winter,
Remodeled the house.
Decorated, tidied up
She was good in it.
But spring has come, from home
There was no trace left.
All fox mansions
Melt water washed away.
At the same moment the fox found
Easy way out
And went to beg
Wait at the neighbor's house.

Fox with a bundle enters the clearing from behind the trees on the right and heads towards Zaikin's hut. Fox knocks on the door.

Fox (ingratiatingly)

Bunny, you open the door for me,
I am homeless now.
Sun harmful beam
Destroyed my house.
Bunny, honey, let me go.
If there is something, I'm sorry!

The hare looks out of the window.

Since trouble happened to you,
I will save you from her!
Come on, do me a favor.

You are the kindest in the forest!

I have a simple hut
With a broken pipe.
But it doesn't melt in the spring.
We will live together with you.

Fox enters the house. The hare hides, and the fox looks out of the window.

Ah, thank you, dear bunny,
We will live together with you.
Your house is really ugly
But he is the whole house!
Bunny, I see, in the pantry
You don't have stock.
You go pick carrots
We have a festive dinner.

The hare leaves the house and heads to the right of the hut. The fox disappears through the window.

Stock up, really.
Necessary. What am I going to get?
I will find now, in April,
Last year's boots.
But I'm a fox savior
You have to feed the fox.
Okay, I'm aspen bark
I'll bring it to us for lunch.
(to the audience)
From edge to edge
Ears catch every rustle -
The elk is walking, the pine tree is creaking,
And spring sings in the streams!
If you have ears
Listen to this song:
Hazel wakes up
The snowdrop is blooming
And a bee buzzes over it.
Snow is melting! Spring came!

On gray marsh hummocks
leaves break through,
Mirror ice melts
And they ring: Spring has come!

The sun shines brighter in the sky
A fair wind beckons the birds,
The squirrel came out of the hollow!
Everyone is happy! Spring came!

Happy birds and animals!
My tail is happy, ears are happy!
Festival of light and warmth
Has come! Spring came!

The hare hides behind the trees on the right, after a while he reappears with a large bag and returns to the hut.

The narrator

At the ready with a large bag,
stuffed with alder bark,
Hare returned home
It knocks and the door is closed.

Open Lisa! Open, please!

Lisa looks out of the window.

Fox (angrily)

This is how I bite you!
Hey, there, what else impudent
Looking to get into the house?
Look, what fashion he took -
Break into someone else's door!
Well, actually
Leave before you eat!

Hare (sobbing)

Everyone says the fox is cunning
And don't expect any good from her.
Well, how could I, the unfortunate one,
Let the fox on the threshold?

The hare is crying.

The narrator

In the thicket of the dark forest
It's scary to be homeless.
The bunny is crying, and the fox
Never mind those tears.
Cry until dawn
She has no business.

A dog appears from behind the trees in the clearing.

Dog (singing)

I am a dog, tail and mouth,
Take a step and don't fall!
But if you give a double-barreled shotgun,
I'll go for the wolf!

Everyone around me is telling me
What is a dog best friend.
Here to catch a cat -
"Make friends" a little!

I had an owner
Yes, I forgot in the forest!
I am now a dog
Wild, however!

You can download the sheet music and midi file for this song here: Song of the Dog.

Hello oblique! How is your life?
Why are you shedding tears in three streams?
Something happened, I'll see.
I will serve if needed.

Everyone in the forest will laugh -
I let a fox into my house.
She didn't even have a day
Kicked me out of the house!

I'll fix your trouble
I'll make Lisa leave!

The dog approaches the hut.

Woof! Woof! Well, get out!

Who else is there? Wait for it!
I'll go out for you now
I'll show you my fangs.
And ruthlessly clawed
I'll tear you to pieces!

The hare presses his ears, and the dog runs to the right behind the trees. The fox disappears into the house.

Hare (crying again)

The fox is cunning - she closed the door!
And even though you climb out of your skin,
Nobody in the forest, nobody now
It won't help me in trouble.

The hare slowly walks away from the house to the forest, the Bear comes out from behind the trees to meet him.

Bear (singing)

All bears know
Not on the whole planet
Sweeter words than these:
Honey, honey, honey!

Sweeter than chocolate
Sweeter than marmalade
Sweeter than refined sugar
Honey, honey, honey!

He's so stretchy
Delicious and sticky
The very best
Honey, honey, honey!

It is assembled with love
Important for health
I have it ready
All year round!

Bear (fun)

Hello Bunny! What are you sad about
When is Bear so cheerful?
Well, why are you trembling like a mouse,
What ears hung to one side?

Hare (sighing)

Everyone in the forest will laugh -
I let a fox into my house.
She didn't even have a day
Kicked me out of the house!

I'll take care of you, brother,
Keep your ears up!
Lisa now I'll show
How to take away the huts!

The dog tried to drive her away,
Now I don't know where to look.

Well, I'll try
Foxes are not afraid!
(shouting to the fox)
Lisa, come on out!

Fox looks out the window.

Who is there again? Wait for it!
I'll go out for you now
I'll show you my fangs.
And ruthlessly clawed
I'll tear you to pieces!

The hare presses his ears, and the Bear runs away behind the trees. The fox is hiding.

Hare (doomed)

The fox is as strong as a hundred beasts
She cannot be defeated.
So as not to die, I rather
Will have to leave.

The hare again goes from the house to the forest, the Bull comes out from behind the trees to meet him.

Bull (singing)

At the horned bull
Life is nice and easy
Kohl his cow
Alive and well!

And the cows in the spring
Good, as in a wonderful dream -
They walk from the barn,
Like queens!

I will climb a pine tree
I will shout: “I love spring!”
This time of year
The best weather!

Bull (Hare)

Hello Friend. Tell me
Aren't you glad for spring?
Did bad news come?
What's with wet eyes?

Hare (looking around)

Everyone in the forest will laugh -
I let a fox into my house.
She didn't even have a day
Kicked me out of the house!

What, does not let, redhead?
We will drive the shameless!
I'm happy to help
Well, let's go fight!

The dog tried to drive her away,
Now I don't know where to look.
The bear tried to drive away,
But he was also scared.
I am very afraid for you.

As long as I'm around, don't be afraid!
(shouting to Lisa)
Fox, come out quickly!

Fox looks out the window.

And you, Bull, are you here? Wait for it!
I'll go out for you now
I'll show you my fangs.
And ruthlessly clawed
I'll tear you to pieces!

The hare presses his ears, and the Ox runs away behind the trees. The fox is hiding. The hare stands and cries.

Hare (singing)

The poor hare is crying
Gray and small!
Tears fall to the ground -
I will not return to the house.
Cap! Cap! Cap!
Cap! Cap! Cap!

Everything is gone - the table and the stove,
Nowhere to sit and nowhere to lie!
Crying, crying hare
Gray and small!
Cap! Cap! Cap!
Cap! Cap! Cap!

How not to cry, not to grieve,
If there is no place for a bunny to live?
Tears fall to the ground -
I will not return to the house.
Cap! Cap! Cap!
Cap! Cap! Cap!

Fox appears in the window

Fox (Hare)

When will you come
And bring someone
I do not vouch for myself.
Eat you, stubborn Hare!

The hare starts to run in fear.

The narrator

Scared the bunny
New mistress.
No control over the fox
There are no intercessors in the forest!
And he decided in the thicket
run away,
Hide under an old stump
And cry all day!

The hare almost reaches the forest, when the Rooster comes out from behind the trees into the clearing and stops him.

Hey, where are you running to?
Stop, pause!
Well, why are you trembling
Little bunny?
Maybe someone offended suddenly?
He will cry for us!
What happened dear friend
What does all of this mean?

The hare tries to run away, but the Rooster holds him back.

Probably everyone in the forest knows
That I let the fox in.
She didn't even have a day
Kicked me out of the house!
You return to the perch.
She threatened to eat everyone!

I thought the massacre had begun
Breaks the tornado of the forest.
And you moved into the house
Some fox!
Let the godfather threaten to eat us,
Let's save your house!
If the fox does not leave by itself,
I will close it!

The dog tried to drive her away,
Now I don't know where to look.
The bear tried to drive away,
But he was also scared.
And the Bull wanted to butt her,
But he barely managed to escape.
You, Petya, don't try
Save the hut for the Hare.

Well, bunny, calm down!
Don't be afraid for me.

The rooster comes to the house.

I carry a scythe on my shoulder,
I will cut the fox
It hurts, it's merciless
In order not to be habitual
It was to open her mouth
And steal other people's houses!

I'll go out for you now
I'll show you my fangs.
And ruthlessly clawed
I'll tear you to pieces!

The hare presses its ears and trembles.

Rooster (singing menacingly)

I carry a scythe on my shoulder,
I will cut the fox,
And the infantry follows me -
A company of clumsy bears,
One hundred hungry bad wolves
Two hundred mad bulls.
We will trample the Fox,
fox fur coat to shreds
It hurts, it hurts, mercilessly,
To-to not habitually
It was to open her mouth
And steal other people's houses!

The fox jumps out of the hut in horror and runs towards the forest.

Oh save! Oh, they killed!
They let me in the world!

The narrator

fox frightened
For furs and bodies,
Jumped out the window
Good riddance!

The fox hides behind the trees. The Hare hugs the Rooster.

Hare (joyfully)

Thanks, cockerel
You rubbed the fox into powder
And saved my hut!
We'll go there now.
We will be friends forever
And live in the same hut.

Let's live happily together
Let's fix the old house
A friend to your enemies
No more offending!

Hare and Rooster (sing in chorus)

The snow turns into a puddle
Water flows away
Only friendship, our friendship
Will never disappear!
As the jug does not break,
Will not wither like a flower.
If there is a friend in the world,
So you are not alone.

The balloon will deflate,
A star will fall from heaven
Only friendship, our friendship
Will never disappear!
With a friend, misfortunes are not terrible,
Life is more fun with a friend.
There is no more happiness in the world
Than to be friends with you all my life.

Everything will pass the heat and cold,
Days, weeks and years.
Only friendship, our friendship
Will never disappear!

The Rooster and the Hare enter the hut.

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an icy hut, and the hare had a bast hut. Spring has come - red, the fox's hut has melted, and the hare's is in the old way. Here the fox asked him to spend the night, and kicked him out of the hut!

There is an expensive bunny, crying. To meet him - a dog:

— Tyaf-tyaf-tyaf! What, bunny, are you crying?

- Woof! Don't cry, bunny! I will help your grief! They approached the hut, the dog began to wander:

- Tyaf - tyaf - tyaf! Come on, fox, get out! And the fox to them from the oven:

- As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets! The dog got scared and ran away.

The bunny is walking the road again, crying. To meet him - Bear:

- What are you crying about, bunny? - How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, she asked me to spend the night, but she kicked me out! - Don't cry! I will help your grief!

No, you can't help! The dog drove - it didn’t kick out and you can’t kick it out! - No, I'll drive you out! - They approached the hut, the bear would scream:

- As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets! The bear got scared and ran away.

There is a bunny again, a bull meets him:

- Moo-o-o-o! What, bunny, are you crying?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. She asked me to spend the night, but she kicked me out!

— Mu-u-u! Let's go, I'll help your grief!

- No, bull, you will not help! The dog drove - didn’t drive out, the bear drove - didn’t drive out, and you won’t drive out!

- No, I'll kick you out! They approached the hut, as the bull roared:

- Come on, fox, get out! And the fox to them from the oven:

- As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets! The bull got scared and ran away.

The bunny is walking again dear, crying more than ever. He meets a rooster with a scythe:

— Ku-ka-re-ku! What are you crying about, bunny?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. She asked me to spend the night, but she kicked me out!

- Come on, I'll help your grief!

- No, rooster, you will not help! The dog drove - didn’t drive out, the bear drove - didn’t drive out, the bull drove - didn’t drive out, and you won’t drive out!

- No, I'll kick you out! They approached the hut, the rooster stamped its paws, beat its wings.

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare in the forest. They lived not far from each other. Autumn came. It became cold in the forest. They decided to build huts for the winter. The chanterelle built herself a hut from loose snow, and the bunny built herself from loose sand. They overwintered in new huts. Spring has come, the sun has warmed. The chanterelles on the hut have melted, and the hare is standing as it was. The fox came to the bunny's hut, drove the bunny out, and she herself remained in his hut.
The hare went out of his yard, sat down under a birch and cries. The wolf is coming. He sees the bunny crying.
- Why are you crying, bunny? - asks the wolf.
- How can I, bunny, not cry? We lived with the fox close to each other. We built ourselves huts: I - from loose sand, and she - from loose snow. Spring has come. Her hut has melted, but mine stands as it stood. A fox came, kicked me out of my hut, and stayed in it to live. Here I sit and cry.

They went. They came. The wolf stood on the threshold of the hare's hut and shouted at the fox:
- Why did you climb into someone else's hut? Get down, fox, from the stove, otherwise I'll throw it off, beat your shoulders. The fox was not afraid, answers the wolf:
- Oh, wolf, beware: my tail is like a rod, - as I give, so is death to you here.
The wolf got scared and ran away. And left the bunny. The hare sat down again under the birch and wept bitterly.
A bear is walking through the forest. He sees - a bunny sits under a birch and cries.
- What, bunny, crying? - asks the bear.
- How can I, bunny, not cry? We lived with the fox close to each other. We built ourselves huts: I - from loose sand, and she - from loose snow. Spring has come. Her hut has melted, but mine stands as it stood. A fox came, kicked me out of my hut and stayed there to live. So here I sit and cry.
- Don't cry, bunny. Let's go, I'll help you, I'll drive the fox out of your hut.
They went. They came. The bear stood on the threshold of the hare's hut and shouted at the fox:
- Why did you take the hut from the bunny? Get down, fox, from the stove, otherwise I'll throw it off, beat your shoulders.
The fox was not afraid, he answered the bear:
- Oh, bear, beware: my tail is like a rod, - as I give, so is death to you here.
The bear was frightened and ran away and left the bunny alone. Again the hare went out of his yard, sat down under the birch and wept bitterly. Suddenly he sees - a rooster is walking through the forest. I saw a bunny, came up and asked:
- What, bunny, crying?
- Yes, how can I, bunny, not cry? We lived with the fox close to each other. We built ourselves huts: I - from loose sand, and she - from loose snow. Spring has come. Her hut has melted, but mine stands as it stood. A fox came, kicked me out of my hut and stayed there to live. Here I sit and cry.
- Do not cry, bunny, I will drive the fox out of your hut.
- Oh, petenka, - the bunny cries, - where do you kick her out? The wolf drove - did not drive out. The bear drove - did not drive out.
- I'll kick you out. Come on, says the rooster. Went. A rooster entered the hut, stood on the threshold, crowed, and then screamed:
- I am a chebetukh rooster,
I am a babbler,
On short legs
On high heels.
I carry a scythe on my shoulder,
I'll take the fox's head off.

And the fox lies and says:
- Oh, rooster, beware: my tail is like a rod, - as I give, so is death to you here.
The cockerel jumped from the threshold into the hut and again shouts:
- I am a chebetukh rooster,
I am a babbler,
On short legs
On high heels.
I carry a scythe on my shoulder,
I'll take the fox's head off.

And - jump on the stove to the fox. He pecked the fox in the back. How the fox jumped up and how it ran out of the hare's hut, and the hare slammed the doors behind her.
And he remained to live in his hut with a cockerel.

The tale of Zaikin's hut is loved by more than one generation of readers. There are several versions of it, there is an interesting poetic version of the fairy tale, a play was written based on the plot, about ten multi- and video variations were created. But it is your reading of the fairy tale online and discussion with the baby that will be the most effective for the child to learn the first life lessons. true friendship and mutual assistance.

Fairy tale Zaikin's hut read

Zaikin's hut - instructive tale. When winter came, in order not to freeze, Bunny built himself a hut from sand, and Chanterelle from snow. In the spring, Lisichkin's hut melted away, Zaichik's trickery drove him out of his house, and she herself settled in it. The animals wanted to help Zaikin's grief. First the Wolf, then the Bear came to expel the Chanterelle, but the animals could not cope with her. Frightened by Lisichkin's threats, they ran away. When the Cockerel offered his help to the Bunny, he began to dissuade him, they say, the Wolf and the Bear could not cope with the red-haired robber! The Cockerel turned out to be brave, was not afraid of the Fox's cry, jumped onto the stove and pecked her in the back. From surprise, Chanterelle jumped out of the hut. And Bunny and Cockerel became friends and began to live in it together. You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Zaikin's hut

According to Zaikin's genre, the hut is a fairy tale about animals. With the help of images familiar and understandable to children, it reveals the theme of good and evil. What does the fairy tale Zaikin's hut teach? The fairy tale teaches children to help each other in trouble, to protect the weak, brings up kindness and responsiveness.

Moral of the fairy tale Zaikin's hut

It is important that the children learn the lesson that the Chanterelle was taught by the Cockerel. The moral of the tale will help in this: dishonesty and meanness will always find a force that can restore justice. Also, with the help of the fairy tale Zaikin's hut, children will learn to distinguish the bad from the good. This fairy tale about animals is easily projected on human society and relations between people. Adults also benefit from fairy tales. Read it thoughtfully, and you will have a reason to think about friends, colleagues, neighbors and friends. Are the people who surround you ready to give you a shoulder or a leg in a difficult moment?