Say goodbye to a man in your own words. Farewell SMS to a guy when parting

Darling, forgive me for my words

Sorry to your beloved guy in prose in your own words

My dear and most beloved guy in the world. Here I am to pool this letter from far away for you. And all because I can't stay with you anymore. I actually felt good with you, and I think you know that. But then everything turned out not at all as we expected it. Every day your sympathy for me decreased, and it became clear to me that I could no longer be with you for so long. And now I just want to ask your forgiveness for taking so much of your time. I think that you can find another person with whom you will be good. And now I would like to wish you happiness and good luck. May you have a happy and joyful life. Know that you were the best for me.

Happiness cannot be lasting, as everyone told me, but I strongly did not believe in it. And only after a while I really realized how much I was wrong. Because some time after we met you showed yourself from a completely different side. And that side scared me a lot. And one day I just realized that I do not love you at all. The reality scared me and surprised me. And then I realized that I no longer want to be with you. And now I want to apologize to you for everything. May you always be happy. And may you never worry about anything again. And may you be fine. Know that I will always be glad to help you in everything. So just live happily, and never regret what happened, because it still won't work.

Happiness with you and me did not last long. That first love passed so quickly that I didn't even have time to notice. When I first met you, I couldn't even think that you drew your attention to me. My amazement was so strong when you came up to me. And then everything spun and started spinning. And only now I'm going to part with you. And I do this because I have no strength, no desire to continue all this. I want you to be able to understand and forgive me. I wish you happiness and good luck in everything, whatever you do. And know that if you need anything, I will always be ready to help you. But don't expect anything more from me. And may the sun of good luck always shine over each of us. And may also no one ever be able to experience the same pain that I experienced. Let people, looking at us, understand that this is absolutely impossible to do. And that before you give up everything, and rush into the pool of love with your head, you need to think carefully about whether you have chosen the right person for yourself. Will you be happy with him. And only after careful thought, do what you decide to do.

Every day, more and more often I remember the times that have become a great lesson for me. I don't even want to remember them. But, there is nothing to do, and once again I remember everything again. When I met him, I didn't even think that we could do something with him. But, and then everything spun so unexpectedly that I didn't even have time to notice anything. Long months of meeting ended unexpectedly in separation. That's how it all ended. And now I can only ask you for forgiveness for wasting your time on me. But you know, I'm not sorry about anything. Everything that I have passed has become only a lesson. So I am grateful to you for absolutely everything. I wish You all the best. And I will try to live so happily that you can never hear anything about me. And may luck always accompany you in everything. Happiness to you in everything, whatever you do. And remember that under any circumstances remained a good man.

Life does not always happen exactly the way we want it. You must first go through many obstacles and greetings, so that, in the end, happiness smiles at you a little. So once happiness and luck smiled at me only for a moment. I met a person who became truly dear to me. We got real pleasure with him, which then ended in emptiness. And now I have absolutely nothing to remember good things. So I just want to tell you, excuse me for everything that went wrong. Whatever you say, I will still be glad that I met you. Since it became a good life lesson for me, which I can never forget. And finally, I want to wish you happiness and love. Let as little trouble as possible happen to you.

Autumn has come again. Now again, endless and lonely evenings await me, which I will again spend alone. I really don't feel like doing this at all, but I'll still ask your forgiveness. I'm really sorry that you and I didn't succeed. You and I parted so quickly that I didn't even have time to notice it. I ask you for forgiveness for the inconvenience caused, for always tormenting you with my whining, and bored you for no reason. And now I want to tell you that you are a good person. This means that you can quickly find the one that will make your life brighter and better. And know that in all your actions there should not be falsehood, everything that you do should be sincere. And may luck always be on your side, no matter what you do. I wish you happiness and love in everything. And even if something did not work out for you and me, may you manage to build relationships with someone else.

My dear boyfriend, I am now writing this letter to you, because I want to tell you what I did not dare to say for a long time. I actually had my doubts about this, but I'll tell you anyway, forgive me for everything. You know that I was too impatient with you, and often did not listen to you. But now everything has changed. I want you to be fine. And so I want to wish you as much joy as possible in your life. I tried to always remain a good person, and then you will succeed in life. Because only good deeds and deeds can people do for themselves everything that they will need later. And finally, I wish you to meet a person with whom you will always be good. May you be happy with your love, no matter what. And let the sun of hope, luck, and all the best not hide from you. Live happily.

Hello everyone!

Parting is a difficult period, but there are times when people do not fit together. And so that parting was understandable for both people - one is looking for the right words, and the other must perceive them correctly and react with dignity. How will it be in reality? Nobody knows. All people are different. But the situation can always be "ironed out".

If you decide to break up, then choose the appropriate farewell SMS for your boyfriend, written in your own words, so that he not only understands, but also remembers this moment, because he will never meet someone like you.

  • By sending this SMS, I will erase you from my life, and, overcoming my mental pain, I will look into the future with an open heart. And you go into the night ...
  • Until recently, I lost my mind from your touch, but today it is hard for me to remember everything that happened between us. Our dreams are not destined to come true and sadly, but this is the end!
  • I want to plunge into routine everyday life so that I can forget you as soon as possible. Thank you for the wonderful moments that you gave me, but my heart cannot give you a second chance.
  • The wind of change carried away my addiction, called love. The scarlet sail will no longer appear on the horizon, because I choose freedom - freedom from you!
  • After this SMS I will put up an invisible wall that will protect me from all the lies in which my love for you drowned. I'd rather say goodbye now than continue torturing my soul.
  • I am no longer happy with our relationship, in which understanding has disappeared. The love game ended on this SMS!

Farewell sms when parting with a loved one is difficult to come up with by yourself, because emotions affect quick wits. Choose ready-made words close to your soul ...

  • Let you get some other, not me. But our flower of love, which until recently was fragrant, was ruined by envious people. Now we have tickets for different life flights!
  • I no longer have the sensation of wings behind my back, which means that the waterfall of love is already dry. Now I am increasingly visited by the desire for loneliness and so be it. Goodbye!
  • The ball of our love ended, unwound to the end. My eyes no longer know the lively shine. The flowers of happiness released sharp thorns. I close the door to the world of our relations, already past.
  • A dam has collapsed at our river of love. I have no desire to restore anything. Sorry and goodbye!
  • The field bells no longer ring in my soul and the birds of paradise have ceased to sing loudly. It's all over, there are no more "us"!
  • The branches of our once seething lilac have withered every single flower. We will not see a rainbow together and we will not run towards each other. Love paints no longer have bright colors!

Farewell SMS when parting is more correct to say in your own words, because your beloved understand better those feelings that overwhelm your "scale".

Do not come to my doorstep any more and do not seek meetings with me. Go on your way in life, because we are not on the way.

I will never forget our dates, but I also don’t see the future next to you. My train left without waiting for you.

Love is the engine of life on Earth. But our mechanism of eternal feeling is broken and beyond repair. Be happy, but without me!

  • The exalted relationship crashed against the rocks of reality and left us with pain inside, which will still echo in the soul for a long time. Thanks for the experience and goodbye!
  • Our book of love will have to be closed and covered with dust on the shelf. The last chapter of the novel has already been completed and cannot be changed!
  • I imagined our love is completely different. Instead of a paradise oasis, I see an impenetrable jungle. Complete disappointment in you cuts me alive. I will extinguish the candle of the relationship forever and now!
  • I'm not looking for beautiful forms of loud words - it's already useless. The hour has come when our relationship has exhausted itself. I hope that the experience with you will help me to be happier.

You can also write a farewell message to the guy who hurt you. Still, SMS is better than words. Because with their help, you can convey your feelings as accurately as possible.

  • You broke the clock inside me and now time has stopped. I do not have enough strength to continue living even as before, before you, before your betrayal. But I can, definitely! Goodbye!
  • It pains me unbearably to look at you even at a chance meeting. I want to be on another planet in order to forget you and everything that was between us. This SMS will be the last, and tomorrow another life will begin, with a clean slate!
  • A quiet sadness overcomes my mind and it is so sad to understand that everything has already ended. It could have been different! But the reason for everything is your attitude. I won't taste your lips anymore, and you won't touch my hair ...
  • How could you hurt your loving heart ?! I was incredibly happy about our meeting and every day we spent together. Now your strong hands will not squeeze my body in a fit of passion, and our dawn will not come. Collapsed fairy tale, sorry and goodbye!
  • I can never forget you, but we no longer have a future. The pain that is still boiling inside me will eventually subside. But I no longer want to see your strange indifference - this is the end!

Always live positively. Know! Everything that happens is only for the best. Life does not stop, and everything that awaits you ahead will be better, because you have received a negative experience, and you will take this into account in the future. When breaking up, guys also worry, especially if your last farewell words imbued with vivid emotions. I think you will find the necessary SMS or come up with your own words based on them.

All positive and not upset!

Breakup lyrics

No one knew her sad secret
Only he was silent and kept the secret,
Nobody knew and he didn’t speak.
Its pages are all soaked in tears
And between the lines I read the pain.
She loved, but love did not inspire
And only just pricked the heart again and again ...
From tears, the last words blurred in an instant
And with these words the diary ended:
"... I'm not like all of them.
I really love him.
And someday he will only be mine
while I'm dying on ... "
But "someday" never came,
And she decided to jump off the roof
And her dying "love"
He probably didn't even hear.
She saw the star fall!
But the cherished wish did not come true.
I kept her diary
And along with it her memories.

Goodbye always loving
Always say goodbye in return
Goodbye like dawn
It burns selflessly in the fire.
To cover your palm
Into the cold vague cold
Love ran through my soul
Lighting up a clumsy path for you.
Feeling the blows of fate
And looking into the eyes of trials
Remembered earthly words
And goodbyes and spells.

Lord, how difficult it is to live!
I want to forget everything
A lump in my throat, but in my soul longing,
My heart is heavy with resentment
All my feelings are broken
I want to die
Why do I need this light?
I used to love him
And she always idolized
But he did not understand
I thought it was all a lie
Hurt and left
But I think about him
He is my dear man!
I love him forever!

I was left alone, that's the way it should be
I can't love him.
They put a fence in front of us with him,
It is very difficult for us to remove it.
And tears again, and again sadness, sorrow,
But only I decided everything for two,
I told him a terrible goodbye
He plunged into his thoughts,
All who haunted him
And I sobbed a bitter tear.
Well, I can’t deceive everyone!
I can't live like this, I hope you understand.
It's been two months, for the two of us
A long time has passed, but still
We miss you!
We miss and sad about
How did you steal me home,
But everything has passed, and I kill love to the end,
Forget which I am not yet able to!
Goodbye, we'll be happy separately!
Goodbye, forgive, let go ...
Forgive me for everything.
I'm sorry my love, I'm sorry!

As much as it hurts to say
I can't love you.
Yes, you are dear, but understand
I don't want to be with you.
I need someone else in life
Well, you, don't be bored.
Find yourself any "little thing"
Don't think about me!

Your hurt, my tears
And again I leave, silently into the darkness,
But why is it so hard
Everything is strange and serious.
I didn't tell you again
What I love...

Lightning will flash brightly
I can't stand parting.
We broke up suddenly.
Even though I love you.
I want to be with a guy
I still have to be.
I'm in separation delight
I can't find it.

Go away, please, -
Now you are not my match.
I fell in love very much
A man, not a guy.
And forget all the days with me
Don't call me anymore.
I marry him, -
You are now - only in the past.

Why such pain
Is your heart breaking apart?
Why such a passion
Where can we go from her?
Sorry, goodbye,
Us better friend without a friend,
Sorry, goodbye,
I'm not your friend anymore ...

We part, probably in vain
Again, at that pine tree
Where did you take me
And he offered to live together.
But you are my friend, alas, no more
And not concealing resentment,
Understand that there is more in life
I love someone else, not you!

We're parting again. Where are you going again?
Didn't you swear to me that you would be with me forever?
And I can only hope, wait
And believe that we will meet you again someday.
To believe that someday a broken circle will complete
That parting has an appointment for us ahead.
You are tired of the roads, but I am tired of parting.
I ask - do not leave any more, or do not come.

"Forget" everyone tells me
"Forget it and everything will be fine,
Forget because he doesn't need you
He will just use you "
He just talks about love
He just gives you flowers
But in fact, he does not know how to love
Because we love you!

Time heals but also ruins
Losing love, you give up.
Losing a loved one - you lose yourself
Losing faith and the abyss is close.
Sometimes you think that everything is lost ...
Around the current evil, tears and pain !!!
But there is light at the end of the tunnel,
And mid-spring to mid-April.
Each of us is losing someone
Someone finds it happens to everyone.
Just remember, besides evil and pain
There are wonderful things like will
There is love, happiness and faith in yourself,
Just a smile and family.
And all bad things will soon disappear
Don't lose faith and it will be easier !!!
Time kills, but it also heals
And from us eternity will not live ...
Relatives leave, you will leave too,
There is a goal to her and go !!!
Don't stop, don't look back!
You are still ahead !!!
Time heals but also ruins
Most importantly, don't give up!

But it hurts to stand next to you
And love, but not knowing a word like this
And dreaming to hug you very tight
And not the fear of losing, it's something else
And roar at the window, remembering him
Realizing that everything happened so in vain
Remembering that the night is cold as day
When next to you - can you fall in love again?
This fear of loss - this heart beats
But I can't stand this attitude
He sees me off, he still calls
And love is gone, it's something else
Will silence the phone, only with pain in the eyes
Stubbornly familiar eyes will respond
It doesn't hurt but I feel fear again
I'm afraid to be alone on these winter nights
A.A. Ukolova

The rain is dripping softly on the roof
And I am sitting alone.
And I can't even hear the rain now
There is only emptiness in the soul.
I was too proud before
But with him I lost everything
Everything that was before then
Before him ...
I am sitting now. and thinking,
How wonderful it would be to die.
It doesn't mean anything to him
Because of him, my ridiculous death ...
And now, I'm standing on the roof now,
I look down anxiously.
One more step, just about
Well, I'm already in paradise.
I look at him from high
But I was wrong
He died too
And it's all because of me.
But on the other hand, I'm happy here
I met him here.
And we are finally together
And I can't live without him ...

The stars sleep and the moon sleeps!
The whole earth falls asleep!
In order for us to go
On the deserted streets of the earth!
And the earth gives us peace,
And love wind fistula!
BUT, you said at the end -
BUT all goodbye, fly home
Fly, don't remember!
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye !!!

I will never fall in love.
I will never believe it.
That everyone who loves lives
And that there is a lot of faith in the nutria.
Why are there light on their way.
For which they have joy in their hearts.
And I can love, but only
Pain and not eternity.
They torture and bend me.
They kill me and only the night
On the way, he nods all the way.

Not love is the binding of the dispossessed,
A short leash of good will,
The handcuffs that clasped the wings
Keys from a cold heart ...
Not love - the fearfulness of a street cat,
Death of a snowflake from the warmth of the palm ...
As short as the word "love"
I will keep love!

Parting, parting.
Bustle, station, platform.
The eyes met goodbye
There is a carriage on the platform.

How many words, how many unsaid feelings,
How much pain is in your eyes ...
You and I are so different
And love is one for two.

I understand you without words,
People look around, so be it.
Just know that when parting with you,
I will certainly come back to you.

It's all over for us long ago
Farewell words are written
But we are waiting for something anyway:
Perhaps SHE is not over?

We part, and again, again
All thoughts and words lose their meaning
Why blame the mirror of love
Kohl disappeared, extinguished the former ardor.

We're destined to part forever
And forget the romance of dating
Were considered happy with you sometimes
And more often they thought about parting with you.

If there is nothing to say, it’s better to be silent.
I won't believe you anyway.
We have long been separated from you,
Although so far we dare not admit it.

Beautiful words - we ourselves know that! -
Real deeds do not replace themselves.
And before (how quickly we forget everything!)
We didn't need their ostentatious lightness.

Silence is unbearable for you
You want to fill the emptiness with something.
But I ask you as a sign of our farewell:
Do not break the silence with words!

Let us remember our parting
Like painful torment for two
But it's better to remember the sincerity of the silence,
Than the falsity of your empty words!

Separation is no more painful word!
How much it hurts, our life cripples.
And it seems we won't be reborn again
But everything in the world - time heals.

After all, our happiness is so short-lived
The holiday will die down, weekdays come.
Love can't last forever
Like a fire by a fire, water will cool.

But life shouldn't end there!
Love will come - insults will be forgotten.
After all, the holiday must continue again
And all the sorrows will be forgotten!

Love has its own palette
Parting is gray.
The gray color of that parting
That has no pain
No pain, just heart sounds.
Gray like the color of rain
Dark, gloomy and sad.
We're apart - you and me
And there is a piece of ice in my heart.

First date in the park in spring
Then love will rush like a river
Then parting is thorny roses
And after all the cold and frost.

We're destined to be together, I know for sure
And our relationship has no visible end.
We will always be together, I hope, I suppose.
My love for you is warm, tender, pure.

I'm walking in the night to the sound of wheels
It's lonely to the house -
We have just parted,
We parted so cruelly.

Oh woe to me, and how can I live
With love, without you?
Why, why, you tell me
Did we meet then?

To love and lose
Breaking a heart in a splash?
Why all this, how to understand
Why live without you?

A moment of happiness, a month of separation ...
Why do I need this torment?
I love you so much!
Squeezes the heart again grief,
How to remove such a curse?
Come back to me, I pray!

It hurts so much
That we parted forever.
Here tears are pouring in a fast river,
The guilt gnaws at everything, suffocating his throat.

Random quote:

Oh Nina, oh Nina, this flame of love

Will it really fade away with the last breath?

Soul, flying off to an unknown land,

Can it really leave that feeling in dust,

Who was equal to the gods on earth?

Could it be that in a moment of struggle with death -

That warmed in the cold evening

Gone and, as if he was not there ...

Understand - the good is already gone ...

I hope you can understand me

But we need to leave forever.

Only recently have I been able to realize

That all my feelings have gone nowhere.

But I want to say thank you

For love and affection, for a sincere look,

And don't be mad that I'm leaving

I believe in the future you will be happy about it.

Alleys, gardens, half-darkness of emptiness,

Forever you left and you told me: "don't wait!"

I believe you will come back and say: "I love"

And in my heart longing, and pulls into a noose.

Sharply pulling out a fragrant flower by the root

I look at him, I remember your breath

I can never stop loving you

I can't comfort my pain, maybe just kill?

When you left, you said, "Close the door behind me"

“Do you want me to leave? It's not difficult for me, believe me! "

Silence has come forever in my world

The play of feelings in our hearts is forever gone

Forever you left without giving up hope

but I love you all the same as before!

Thank you for the love you gave

Thanks for the smile, for the warm embrace,

For the fact that time has kept all this love,

But still, our concepts did not agree on the fate.

It's time for us to part, but don't be angry.

I know everything will be better in your life

With you, our paths, alas, parted,

And I think you will understand all my thoughts ...

Parting is not an easy time

But you and I should go through it

I will not say bitter words

But I hope that you can forgive me ...

We'll take different paths

I am on my own, and you are without me ...

It's time, for us, parting,

But you should know that I will not forget you.

Sometimes you don't need extra words

Flowers, bouquets, phrases, confessions.

Show you are ready

Endure all the bitterness of distance.

By your actions, make it clear

That my heart beats alone.

Though you are leaving again.

Love ... It stays!

I know somewhere in the distance

You will not seek my replacement.

Since our paths have already converged

There will never be treason.

And in turn I will say

That I will be faithful.

And where would you not be

Know: I'm waiting!

And I will not stop loving you!

You have become dear to me for all the time

But still I'll tell you

How to survive the feeling of loss

We will have to, and I ask -

You let me go without pain

But it's time for us to part

And that's just my will

For which I ask you to forgive me.

I let you go, ... don't hold me ...

It's time for us to part with you,

Even if we were so close, but already far away,

And I hope you will understand me.

Yes, I know it's hard to get through

But it's better for us

And happiness will come that hour.

I want to rewind time

Like an old favorite cassette.

And rejoice like a prisoner in the light.

I remember our first kiss

Memories and you shuffle

And you will remember everything, I believe, too.

I should not be judged in a rush

Forgive me if I am to blame!

I want you to remember me

And I will always remember you !!