Low-flying bird meaning of phraseology. Slavic mythology: a bird with a human face

In the mythology of different nations there is a bird with a human face. This fabulous creature can be both good and evil, help people or, conversely, prevent them from achieving their goal. We all know about Odysseus, the ancient Greek hero of the Trojan War. On his way home, he sailed past the island of sirens, half-women, half-birds. And only cunning and ingenuity helped him save the ship and his comrades from death. But our Slavic ancestors also had mythical birds.

Birds among the Slavs

The Slavs also had a bird with a human face or head, and more than one. Such creatures differed from each other in plumage color, habitat, and other features. But in mythology, birds were given a special role: it was the duck(s), according to legend, that took part in the creation of the world. They, born from the foam of the ocean or hatched from the acorns of heavenly oaks, dived into the depths of the sea and reached the earth. According to one version, they held together twigs and leaves with silt, thus building a nest, and according to another, the magic alatyr stone was raised to the surface, where it began to grow and turned into the earth’s firmament. The souls of the dead often took the form of birds; the duck, for example, was strongly associated with the goddess Makosh.

Magic birds

A bird with a human face is a special character. But, besides them, the world was also inhabited by other birds. or Finist, Firebird, as well as a number of other creatures with outlandish names: Mogul, Griffin, Osprey, Kuva, Drebezda, Chireya, Nogai... Let's dwell on the most famous of them.

Phoenix. No, this is not a bird with a human face, but, nevertheless, the character is quite interesting and symbolic, however, like everything in our fairy tales and legends. She personifies immortality, eternal happiness and youth. Her plumage is fiery red, golden, she is fast, like lightning, like a ray of light. Finist symbolizes renewal and rebirth - nature, man, everything. According to legends, the Phoenix takes the form of a bird during the day, but at night it appears as a beautiful prince. Sometimes he falls asleep and wakes up only from the tears of a girl in love. Finist is a warrior, fighter, defender, guardian of justice and traditions, messenger of the gods and their assistant. Having grown old, he burns himself in order to be reborn and become even more beautiful, even younger.

The Firebird is another character from Slavic fairy tales. She lives in Heavenly Iria, has golden plumage that sparkles throughout the entire area, and crystal eyes. This radiance blinds, but does not burn. This bird sings wonderfully, sometimes speaks in a human voice, and sometimes turns into a beautiful girl. The creature can bewitch a person with its gaze or voice, but in captivity it rarely pleases people with its singing, it can make a wish come true, and its feather brings happiness. The Firebird guards a tree with golden apples in the Garden of Eden, which it feeds on.

Prophetic Gamayun

This is with a human face. She is the messenger of the gods, the messenger of heaven, that is, she conveyed the highest will to people. Gamayun was born along with our planet, so she knows everything and can even foretell the future. People go to her for advice, but you need to be able to ask her, and you need to understand the answer. And this fabulous bird with a human face lives near the sea, near When it flies across the sky, a storm arises on the earth. Her cry promises happiness to every person.

Bird Alkonost

This is another bird of paradise with a human face. Please note: it must be light! Has the head of a beautiful woman and rainbow plumage. Symbolizes joy and happiness, treats people well, helps, warns of misfortunes. She sings so melodiously that the listener forgets about all the troubles in the world. Alkonost - a fabulous bird of paradise with a human face - spends the winter in Heavenly Iria, and in the spring returns to earth along with strange flowers. The one who sees her will find happiness, but she is very fast and flies away instantly.


This dark bird with a human face symbolizes grief, sadness, it is the messenger of the king of the underworld. If a person meets her, it means that he is in danger of trouble in the near future. Sirin has a woman’s head, her face is beautiful, but her body is that of a bird. Her song is a consolation in grief, because it causes oblivion and can predict fate. At the same time, Sirin’s singing is dangerous for humans, although it is very melodic. This bird is similar to Alkonost, and they often travel together.

Stratim, or Strafil

Another bird with a human face is known in Slavic mythology - Stratim, or Straphil. This is a kind of progenitor of all mythical birds. She is gigantic and very mysterious, lives on the sea and can obscure the whole world with her right wing. When it flaps its wings, waves cover the surface of the water, and the cry of the bird causes a storm. Straphili's flight causes a terrible flood, a deluge that is dangerous not only for ships, but also for cities.

Instead of an afterword

We looked at only the most famous miracle birds that were believed in in Rus'. As can be seen from the article, a meeting with each of them promised a person change. Whether they were kind or not, depended on fate, as well as on the ingenuity of the traveler. If he managed to understand the song correctly, he was saved; if not, well, that was his destiny.

Many birds of paradise are familiar to us from fairy tales, epics, and legends. But there are also characters who were mentioned in the chronicles. They flew into cities, sat on temples or huts, and sang their enchanting songs. They came to the rulers in dreams and warned about changes in the state. Maybe some of the readers will be able to hear the sweet singing of one of them. Just be careful not to scare away the fairy-tale creature!

High flying bird Who. Razg. Express About an influential person. [ Mayor:] However, really, what do you think, Anna Andreevna, what high-flying birds we are, damn it!(Gogol. The Inspector General). I recognized him early as a high-flying bird... Friendship with him was honorable and useful: a man in office, with connections, and rich in services(S. Esin. Imitator).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “High-flying bird” is in other dictionaries:

    High flying bird- Razg. An influential person who occupies a high position in society. FSRY, 368; ZS 1996, 31 ...

    FLIGHT- FLIGHT, huh, husband. Movement, movement through the air. P. bees. P. projectile. P. to the moon. Have a good flight! (wish). P. on skis (ski jump). P. thoughts (translated). High-flying bird (translated: about a person occupying an important position; colloquial ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    flight- FLIGHT, a, m. Movement, movement through the air. P. bees. P. projectile. P. to the moon. Have a good flight! (wish). P. on skis (ski jump). P. thoughts (translated). High-flying bird (translated: about a person occupying an important position; colloquial... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    BIRD- Who cares about the birds? Jarg. they say Joking. Absolutely indifferent, all the same. Vakhitov 2003, 119. An important bird. Razg. Iron. About a person occupying a high social position. BTS, 109; ZS 1996, 31, 219; SPP 2001, 358. Free bird (birdie). Razg. ABOUT … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    flight- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? flight, what? flight, (see) what? flight, what? flight, about what? about flight; pl. What? flights, (no) what? flights, what? flights, (I see) what? flights, what? flights, about what? about flights 1. Flight... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    BIRD- BIRD, s, female. 1. A feathered and downy vertebrate with wings, two limbs and a beak. Songbirds. Migratory birds. Waterfowl. How to live like heaven (without worrying about anything). 2. collected Such animals as an object... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    flight- A; m. see also. flight 1) a) Movement, movement through the air in what form. direction. Follow the flight of the spaceship. Flight range of an aircraft or projectile. b) ott. The manner, character, peculiarity of such movement. Each bird has its own... Dictionary of many expressions

    bird- noun, f., used. very often Morphology: (no) whom? birds, anyone? bird, (see) who? bird, by whom? bird, about whom? about a bird; pl. Who? birds, (no) who? birds, anyone? birds, (see) whom? birds, by whom? birds, about whom? about birds 1. A bird is called... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    bird- s; and. 1. A downy and feathered vertebrate with wings, two legs and a beak. Migratory, wintering birds. Waterfowl, songbirds. How to live like heaven (without worrying about anything). Blue item (symbol of elusive happiness). 2. Such... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    bird- s; and. see also bird, avian, bird 1) A vertebrate animal covered with down and feathers with wings, two legs and a beak. Migratory, wintering birds. Waterfowl, songbirds. How to live like a bird of heaven (without worrying about anything) ... Dictionary of many expressions

High flying bird

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