Presentation on the theme of circus as an art form. Presentation - What is a circus? Many circus performers perform with their families

Irina Tokareva
Presentation of the project "Circus, circus, circus!"

On the eve of April Fool's Day, held on April 1, I decided to implement with children junior group project, the purpose of which was to expand the horizons of children and, of course, create an atmosphere of a bright, unforgettable holiday. During project I introduced the children to circus professions(clown, acrobat, trainer and others).I suggested to parents, together with their baby, to make a craft "Funny Clown" from improvised and waste material, the clowns turned out to be funny and funny - we have a bright one on the shelf. colorful exhibition. As the theater begins with a hanger, so the children learned that the circus starts with a poster, which was made independently, with a little help from a teacher. The children enjoyed watching the cartoons "Vacation of Boniface" and "The Girl in circus"Draw and color a clown, made an application" Clown Barbariska. "The children were delighted with the hero of the cartoon losharik. They dressed up in a clown costume and made each other laugh. The final event of my the project was fun"Visiting the clown Timoshka. I propose to see presentation of this project.

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Description of the slide:

Circus (from the Latin circus - circumference, circle) is one of the most beloved art forms. At the core circus art lies a trick - a difficult to perform and emotionally impressive action. The totality of such actions-stunts in combination with music, choreography, in a word, external design forms a circus act, and their combination - a program; in the presence of a plot outline - a circus performance.

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Like the theater, it arose from the labor, ritual, military activities of people (see the article “Ancient forms of theatrical performances”). In Europe XI - XVI centuries. wandering comedians amused the people at the fairgrounds. In a circle formed by the audience, the artists showed the skill of acrobatics, gymnastics, juggling, played out comic scenes. From the 16th century in Europe, riding schools became widespread - the origins of one of the types of the future circus - equestrian.

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From the middle of the XVIII century. a higher riding school appears, where the mastery of horse management and the art of horse training reach special perfection. Riders are advanced - riders, trainers, who, at the head of small equestrian acrobatic groups, perform at temporary arenas for the public.

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In 1770, the former English cavalryman Philip Astley (1742 - 1814) built a Riding School in London, which he transformed in 1780 into a special Astley Amphitheatre. Historians lead the beginning of the modern professional circus from it. In the same year, Astley built a branch of this school - the "English Amphitheater of the Faubourg Temple" in the Paris region. In addition to equestrian numbers, the program included performances by acrobats, gymnasts, clowns; pantomimes were staged. Pantomimes became widespread in the 19th century, attracting with plots that responded to the most important events of their time.

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How did the professional circus develop in Russia? V early XIX v. most circus entrepreneurs and performers were foreigners. From the second half of XIX v. domestic circuses appear. The creators of the first Russian circus were the brothers Akim (1843 - 1917), Dmitry (1835 - 1918) and Peter (1846 - 1921) Nikitin, who came from the family of the former serf Alexander Nikitin. They began their journey as artists, performing on the streets to the music of the hurdy-gurdy, which was played by their father. In 1873 they opened a small circus in Penza, which was a success

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In the circuses of Russia of that period (S. Ciniselli in St. Petersburg, A. Salamonsky in Moscow, on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Truzzi in large provincial cities), whole generations of outstanding Russian artists were formed, many of whom subsequently entered memorable pages in the history of the Soviet circus. These are famous satirical clowns, trainers brothers Vladimir Leonidovich (1863 - 1934) and Anatoly Leonidovich (1864 - 1916) Durov How did the professional circus develop in Russia?

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The performances of Vitaly Efimovich Lazarenko (1890 - 1939) enjoyed great success with the public. He combined satirical clownery with acrobatics. Popular in the Russian circus, next to the Durovs and Lazarenko, were the Alperov clowns, the Tahiti brothers, Bim-Bom. Russian artists in all genres successfully performed at the arenas of the country. Among them were widely known tightrope walker F. F. Molodtsov, horsemen of various profiles: the Gamsakhurdia family, P. S. Krutikov, V. T. Sobolevsky, N. L. Sychev, P. A. Fedoseevsky; athletes and wrestlers: I. M. Poddubny, I. M. Zaikin, N. A. Vakhturov, P. F. Krylov, I. V. Shemyakin, who emerged victorious from competitions with renowned world and European champions; acrobats Winkina; cyclists Podrezovs (according to the scene of Poldi); jugglers K. and M. Pashchenko, a juggler on a horse N. A. Nikitin and others. How did the professional circus develop in Russia?

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The October Revolution is a historical milestone in the history of the Russian circus, which marked a sharp turn in the organization of the creative activity of the arena masters. In January 1919, the Circus Section was created in the theatrical department of the People's Commissariat for Education. On August 26, 1919, V. I. Lenin signed the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the unification of theatrical business." By declaring the nationalization of circuses, the decree forever predetermined the democratic essence of the circus as an art form, which, along with theaters, is necessary for the people, needs constant organizational, ideological and creative leadership of the Soviet state. Indeed, the USSR circus has become a qualitatively new phenomenon. How did the professional circus develop in Russia? Acrobats-equilibrists N. and P. Mayatsky

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Target: Familiarization of children with the professions of people performing in the circus.



  • To enrich and expand children's knowledge about the professions of people performing in the circus, to provide them with the opportunity to feel the significance of each profession.
  • Continue to enrich and activate the vocabulary of children, develop their speech.
  • Exercise in the ability to convey various emotions with the help of facial expressions, gestures.


  • To develop the creative independence of children in creating an artistic image.
  • Develop memory, thinking, imagination, emotional responsiveness.


  • To instill in children respect for artists performing in the circus.

Dictionary work: illusionist, equilibrist.

Methods and techniques used in the lesson:

  • verbal: teacher's story, conversation, artistic word.
  • Visual: A slide show of circus performers.
  • Practical: exercises for working out facial expressions, gestures.

Methods of stimulating and motivating children's activities: verbal encouragement, game motivation.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversation with children about the professions of people performing in the circus.
  • Examination of illustrations, photographs depicting circus performers.
  • Conducting exercises on the development of various emotions in children.
  • Production of tickets, posters, presentation programs.
  • Hall decoration.

Materials and equipment:

  • multimedia system;
  • Musical accompaniment;
  • Photos depicting circus performers;

Lesson progress

The bell rings, the audio recording of the song “Circus, circus, circus” sounds.

1. Game motivation. (clown) slide show 1

Circus on stage, circus on stage
Here is the clown in the arena.
Hello kids,
Girls and boys!
Hello all honest people!
You recognized me?

Clown: I am the clown Goshik! Today we have an extraordinary performance. What do you think?

Clown: That's right, circus. Do you want to participate in it? Let's talk about the circus first.

A circus is a kind of spectacular art, according to the laws of which an entertaining performance is built, as a rule, in the arena of a special building (round in shape with a high dome). The basis of circus art is considered to be a demonstration of the unusual (eccentric) and funny.

2. The story-talk of the educator with the children.

The performance of circus performers takes place in the building. It is sometimes built of brick, but sometimes it is mobile and is called Chapiteau.

Slideshow 2 and 3.

And all performances take place in the arena. slide show 4

Circus arena - round radius of the arena - consistently thirteen meters. Human life is by nature subject to a circle: the sun is a circle, the earth is round, the wheel, the basis of civilization, is also a circle. The circus, as a miniature model of the universe, is still the same unchanging circle .

How do you think people find out about a circus show? (from poster)

Slide show 5 and 6

Clown: Tell me, people, what professions perform in the circus?

Clown: Well done boys! I want to talk about them today.

Clown: Guys, did you recognize these artists? That's right, these are aerial gymnasts. They are real athletes, performing various exercises at high altitude under the dome of the circus. See how flexible, plastic they are, and what brave people they are. Do you agree that they are brave?

Show slide 7, 8, 9 depicting aerialists. Conversation about the profession of a gymnast.

Circus gymnastics is a genre, the essence of which is to demonstrate in an artistic and figurative form the achievements of the physical development of the human body. In this case, gymnastic equipment used in the circus is used.

A gymnast hangs on his teeth,
How sharp he is!
That would be such a gymnast
Sell ​​toothpaste!

Show 10 (clown) Do you know that not only people, but also animals perform in the circus.

Clown: Guys, tell me, who trains animals in the circus? (trainer)

Slide show 11

TRAINING - A circus genre based on showing animals, beasts, birds, doing various actions, achieved as a result of developing stable conditioned reflexes in them to the trainer's commands.

Here are the cage doors opened.
Animals enter one after another.
Mary cracks her whip.
The lion angrily beats his tail.

Clown: The trainer works with different animals. They usually take animals as babies, take care of them, educate them, know the habits of animals well and love them very much.

Slide show 12

People in the circus contrived
Teach a bear to do laundry.
And the sea turtle
Iron a washed shirt.

Clown: These are very patient, brave people. Imagine, guys, they are not afraid to enter a cage with tigers, what brave people they are. Trained animals understand and love their owner-friend, fulfill his requirements.

Physical warm-up: “Animal exercise”.

Once - an oath,
Two - jump.
This is a rabbit load.
And the foxes how to wake up (rub eyes with fists)
They like to stretch (stretch)
Be sure to yawn (yawn, covering mouth with hand)
Well, wag your tail (moving hips to the side)
And the wolf cubs bend their backs (bend forward in the back)
And lightly jump (light jump up)
Well, the bear is clubfoot (arms bent at the elbows, palms joined below the belt)
Paws wide apart (feet shoulder width apart)
One, then both together (stepping over and feet to foot)
Long time treading water (swinging the torso to the side)
And for whom charging is not enough -
Starts all over! (spread your arms to the sides at waist level, palms up)

Slide show 13 and 14 (athletes)

ATHLETICS - A circus genre in which a demonstration of well-developed muscles and stunt exercises with weights (weights, shots, barbells, etc.) are shown by the artist in an artistic and figurative form as a glorification of the power of a person, his physical and spiritual qualities.

The only ones in the world
Throw weights,
Like baby balls.

Slide show 15. And now I want to tell you, try to guess who? (reads a verse)

I'll just go out -
And hear the laughter!
I can make everyone laugh.
You can barely see my cap
You can't be serious!
Well done! About my clown friends.

Slideshow 16, 17

CLOWN - A traditional circus character performing with comic reprises and comic scenes.

caregiver: In the circus, guys, people of different professions work. They are specially trained for these professions. They are brave, determined and kind people. With their work, they bring joy, fun and good mood to the audience.

3. Conducting exercises to work out facial expressions and gestures.

caregiver: Guys, do you want to turn into circus performers and take part in a circus performance?

caregiver: But for this you need to work hard. Artists in the circus rehearse a lot, work out movements, facial expressions, gestures. Please show me what a clown's face looks like when he is sad (surprised, angry, happy).

Children perform facial exercises.

caregiver: Well done boys! It looks like real clowns. And now, I will say the task, and you try to show me them with a gesture: “how the clown greets”, “how he bows”, “how he says goodbye to the public”. Well done, you coped with the task, now you are real artists who are ready to perform in the arena of our circus.

Clown: Guys, look, I'll show you something now.

In the lesson, the teacher shows the children a focus.

To show the focus, you need a glass vase, a rubber ball, a rope. Cover a glass vase with a narrow neck with dark gouache on the inside. Push the ball into the vase.

Focus display.

We lower the rope at one end into a vase. We make “magic” movements with our hands, turn the vase upside down, the rope from the vase does not fall (it is held by the ball inside the vase). Focus turned out.

The teacher in class can show any trick.

caregiver: Guys, what is the name of what I was doing now?

I am a fakir and a sorcerer!
Two hundred years of my turban!
In the world, everything is under the power of a magician,
Everything is on the shoulder.
I can show tricks
I'll show you whatever.

Show slide 18.

ILLUSIONIST - An artist who demonstrates various tricks with the help of special props, devices equipped with secret devices hidden from the audience. Namely: intricate appearances, disappearances, transformations, movements of various objects, animals, people, based on optical illusion, the use of distracting maneuvers and the dexterity of the performer himself, his assistants.

Today in the circus full collection:
Chinese magician, juggler,
Participates in the program
Juggles balls.

He throws it into the air
And he immediately catches
twelve balls
And a Chinese vase.

colored glasses
He puts it on a platter.
And along with the tray
Dishes fly.

He throws into the air
Any items:
Balls and rockets
Flags and bouquets,
Colored glasses and saucers
And everyone is clapping and laughing.

Slideshow 19, 20.

After watching, the teacher offers a ball game “Pass and don’t drop” (in a circle)

Educator: The story of the clown Gosha about the circus ends equilibrist.

On the wire lady
It goes like a telegram.

Balancing - A circus genre based on a demonstration of the art of maintaining balance in various conditions, complicated by the use of special props and shells.

Slideshow 21, 22, 23, 24.

Show slide 25.

Now it's time to say goodbye.

Today, in a circus performance, you saw - (children list) funny clowns, tightrope walkers, a magician, a trainer, etc.

The teacher invites the children to play the circus.

Children choose a role at will, go backstage and prepare for the performance.

Conducting a presentation.