According to Paustovsky's text, Katerina Ivanovna never complained about anything (USE in Russian), Katerina Ivanovna never complained. According to the text by Paustovsky


  • to consolidate the skills and abilities of working with text;
  • to develop the thinking and speech activity of students, the ability to analyze, generalize, logically correctly express their thoughts;
  • to educate a system of value attitudes towards learning, work, and others.


  • writing on the board;
  • memo "Composition of the essay";
  • texts on each desk;
  • presentation with slides on which tasks aimed at preparing students for writing an essay-reasoning (part C1 of the exam);
  • tables with criteria for evaluating the stages of writing

During the classes

I. Motivation to learning activities.

What happens if you don't prepare for the exam?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your writing preparation?

(“Must”, “want”, “can”)

II. Knowledge update stage.

Today in the lesson we will try to consolidate the skills and abilities of working with text. Write the lesson topic: "From text analysis to composition." What we need to know and be able to do in order for the lesson to be successful. (Answers of students).

III. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulties.

Remember the stages of writing an essay - reasoning. If you have forgotten, look at the memo “Composition for an essay” (on the desk).

What do you think is difficult or difficult? What are you afraid of? (student answers)

IV. Building a project for getting out of difficulties.

Define the general purpose of the lesson, the topic of the lesson.

What actions and in what sequence should be carried out (i.e., we will build a plan for achieving the goal)

Choose a way to resolve difficulties (solving exercises, assignments by text)

V. Implementation of the completed project using a multimedia board.

1) Reading text

Read the suggested text carefully.

(1) Katerina Ivanovna never complained about anything except senile weakness.

(2) But I knew from my neighbor and from the stupid kind old man Ivan Dmitriev, the watchman at the fire shed, that Katerina Ivanovna was alone in this world.

(3) Daughter Nastya has not come for the fourth year now - she forgot her mother, and Katerina Ivanovna has only a few days.

(4) The hour is not even, and she will die without seeing her daughter, without caressing her, without stroking her blond hair of “charming beauty” (so Katerina Ivanovna said about them).

(5) Nastya sent money to Katerina Ivanovna, but even that happened with interruptions.

(6) No one knows how Katerina Ivanovna lived during these breaks.

(7) Once Katerina Ivanovna asked me to take her to the garden, where she had not been since early spring, everything did not let her weak.

(8) - My dear, - said Katerina Ivanovna, - you will not exact from me, from the old one.

(9) I would like to remember the past, finally see the garden.

(10) in it, I was still a girl who read Turgenev.

(11) Yes, and I planted some trees myself.

(12) She dressed for a very long time.

(13) She put on an old warm cloak, a warm scarf and, holding tightly to my hand, slowly descended from the porch.

(14) It was already getting dark.

(15) The garden flew around. (16) Fallen leaves prevented walking.

(17) They cracked loudly and moved underfoot, at the green dawn the dawn lit up. (18) A sickle of the month hung far over the forest.

(19) Katerina Ivanovna stopped near a weathered linden tree, leaned her hand on it and began to cry.

(20) I held her tightly so that she would not fall.

(21) She cried like very old people, not ashamed of her tears.

(22) - God forbid you, my dear, - she said to me, - to live to such an old age!

(23) God forbid you!

(24) I carefully took her home and thought: how happy I would be if I had such a mother!

(according to K.G. Paustovsky)

2) Tasks for text analysis

  1. The problem of motherhood
  2. The problem of personality formation
  3. The problem of family relationships
  4. The problem of heartlessness and mental callousness
  5. Loneliness problem

2. To what category can this problem be attributed?

  1. Philosophical
  2. Social
  3. Political
  4. Moral

3. Select from the suggested introductions the one that informs about the main problem of the source text.

1. Many people meet a person on the path of life. Someone becomes a real friend, someone has to part with. But there will never be a person closer than his own mother. She gives life, gives her warmth, love and care.

2. Russian woman ... Her image is sung in many works of Russian literature. Hardly anything can compare in beauty, strength of endurance with this image. This was noticed by the writer ________, who, turning to the female image, makes the reader think about the problem of ______.

Why did you choose the second option? (teacher's answers)

Yes, you noticed it right

4. Comment on the following situation (method "Brainstorming")

: (22) - God forbid you, my dear, - she told me, - to live to such a lonely old age! (23) God forbid you

Vi. Independent work.

5. Find 4 spelling and 2 punctuation errors in the commentary on the main problem of the text.

Work as experts in groups of 2: rate the commentary on the main issue of the text. Check and correct spelling and punctuation errors.

K. Paustovsky reveals the problem of the heroine's feeling of loneliness on the example of the fate of Katerina Ivanovna, who raised her daughter and remained a single woman. It is no accident that the author emphasizes that we are talking about the fate of an unfortunate woman. Walking through the garden, she, like a lonely weathered linden in the flown garden of life, warms herself with memories of spring, when the young woman read Turgenev, how she planted these trees. The narrator admits how happy he would be if he had such a loving mother, no matter what.

6. Write how K. Paustovsky expresses his attitude to the depicted. If necessary, use the following language clichés (right of choice)

  • The author defines his attitude to the raised issue as follows: ...
  • The author believes that ...
  • The author brings the reader to the idea that ...
  • The author strives to convey to the reader the idea that ...

7. Choose from the list of works those in which the heroes, like Katerina Ivanovna, are lonely and unhappy.

1. A. Chekhov "Vanka", "Tosca"

2. A. Aleksin "Division of property"

3. V.Rasputin "French Lessons"

4. E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea"

5. L. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

6. M. Gorky "At the bottom"

Independent work

8. Express your opinion on the problem of the source text, give reasons for it. Please note: without evaluative words that help convey the impression of the reading, your position is not considered formulated.

  • one cannot remain indifferent ...
  • unfortunately...
  • upset that ...
  • sharing the author's feelings, I want to say that ...

9. Write the final part of the essay so that the quote below forms the subordinate clause of a complex sentence.

Today a man, only he alone is responsible for everything on earth ... His actions must be reasonable and humane. D.S. Likhachev

Test yourself (answer on interactive whiteboard)

Read a fragment of the essay. An illustration of what in the original text can serve as its content (commentary, position of the author, own position, conclusion).

We leave our father's homes in search of our own path. And the parents are left behind, following us with a loving look. There is no greater happiness for them than to love their children and rejoice in their success.

Vii. Reflection of educational activity (method "Wise advice")

VIII. Homework

Using the assignment materials, write an essay-reasoning from the source text.

When we are young, full of strength and hope, faith in the future, we usually do not think about what awaits us in old age. But, reflecting on the fate of the heroine K.G. Paustovsky, you begin to understand how bitter it is for a person doomed to live out his life alone ... The problem of lonely old age, the problem of breaking the ties between generations - these are the most important problems posed by the author in this passage.

The urgency of the problem is due to the realities of our modern life. From century to century people are faced with the same situation, just like the heroine K.G. Paustovsky, sadly remark: "God forbid you live to such a lonely old age!" Very often I see elderly people who gloomily wander the streets, carry heavy bags, resigned to their loneliness. In his story, the writer tries to show how sadly forgotten old people live, tries to evoke the sympathy of readers for his heroine, appealing to our best feelings.

In this work, the author tells about an old woman who “never complained”, receiving nothing from her beloved daughter “except money”, “but even then, it happened, with interruptions”. The old woman wanted only one thing: to see her daughter, to caress her, "to stroke her blond hair of" charming beauty. " However, Nastya “hasn’t come for four years now, so she forgot her mother”. Katerina Ivanovna is so lonely that she asks a person who is by no means her own person to walk with her into the garden. But there the heroine could not resist and cried, "like very old people, not ashamed of their tears." Complaining about the selfishness of youth, the author condemns the insensitivity and moral deafness of children in relation to their parents. The author writes with bitterness about blind maternal love, love forgiving and giving rise to selfishness and mental coldness in children. At the same time, the writer admires the spiritual steadfastness of this old woman, her ability to endure her grief with dignity, her kindness and generosity. Sympathizing with his heroine, he exclaims: "... how happy I would be if I had such a mother!"

Creating the image of Katerina Ivanovna, K.G. Paustovsky uses various means of artistic expression: metaphors ("the sickle of the month hung"), epithets (hair of "charming beauty", "at the greening dawn"), phraseological units ("the hour is not even," "alone in this world"). By the type of speech, this text is a narrative with description elements.

I fully share the point of view of K.G. Paustovsky. This attitude towards parents is cruel and immoral. And it, as a rule, turns into a loss of loved ones, belated repentance of children. A.S. wrote about this. Pushkin in the story "The Station Keeper". The heroine of the story, a young lady, arranging her own happiness, leaves her father, the unfortunate caretaker, who eventually gets drunk and dies. The two worlds in this story (the world of the brilliant hussar Minsky and the world of the "little man" Samson Vyrin) are incompatible, they cannot have any points of contact. Is there any fault for Dunya? In the story, the author does not make a final verdict. However, in my opinion, there certainly is. And in the finale, the heroine realizes this. Like the prodigal son from the biblical parable, she comes to her home and weeps bitterly at her father's grave.

Alienation, mental callousness in family relations is also portrayed by A. Aleksin in the story "In the meantime, somewhere", conveying the difficult story of a woman who once adopted a child from an orphanage. And a few years later, he suddenly found parents. And this same Shurik easily leaves his foster mother, not even wanting to say goodbye to her. It turns out that he considers her an innocent, naive person who has not been able to properly arrange his life. I think that such an attitude towards parents is unacceptable. It will return to us a hundredfold, creating this alienation in relations with our own children.

Thus, telling the ingenuous story of his heroine, K.G. Paustovsky appeals to our sensitivity and kindness. And here the long-forgotten words of P. Vyazemsky involuntarily come to mind: "Love for one's neighbor must be imprinted in the heart."

according to Paustovsky's text, Katerina Ivanovna never complained about anything (USE in Russian)

Why are we indifferent to each other? K.G. Paustovsky ponders this question.

This problem is revealed on the example of the story of the life of Katerina Ivanovna. The heroine is very old, but “in this world” she was left alone. Katerina Ivanovna's own daughter, Nastya, has not come for 4 years already (sentence 3). K.G. Paustovsky draws our attention to how Katerina Ivanovna, “not ashamed of her tears,” hugging a tree in the garden, addresses her interlocutor: “Don't let you God live to such a lonely old age! God forbid. ”Of course, the author condemns Nastya's act.

The author, with pain in his heart, tells us about Nastya's indifference from her own mother. K. Paustovsky believes that close people, parents are irreplaceable people. We must take care of them and help them in difficult situations.

I am ready to confirm my position with arguments from literature.

From the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Stationmaster" I recall the main characters Samson Vyrini his daughter Dunya. Having fallen in love with a young hussar, Dunya leaves home without saying anything to her father. Samon Vyrin is distraught by the act of drcheri, from grief and despair he dies and dies. Upon learning that Dunya's father has died, the daughter goes to her father's grave, over which she cries all night.

In the work of L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Maria Bolkonskaya shows endless love and care for her father. The father of Princess Maria Bolkonskaya is very happy with his daughter. He reproaches her for reading all the letters that Maria writes to her friends. Despite her father's strictness and reproaches, Maria Bolkonskaya still loves and respects her father, showing care and attention to him.

This text made me think that parents are the closest people, we must not forget about them. You should always give them love, affection and great attention.

The site is for informational and educational purposes only. All materials are taken from open sources, all rights to texts belong to their authors and publishers, the same applies to illustrative materials. If you are the copyright holder of any of the materials presented and do not want them to be on this site, they will be removed immediately.

(1) Katerina Ivanovna never complained about anything except senile weakness. (2) But I knew from my neighbor and from the stupid kind old man Ivan Dmitriev, the guard at the fire shed, that Katerina Ivanovna was alone in this world. (3) Daughter Nastya has not come for the fourth year now - she forgot her mother, and Katerina Ivanovna has only a few days. (4) Not even one hour, so she will die without seeing her daughter, without caressing her, without stroking her fair-haired hair of "charming beauty" (so Katerina Ivanovna spoke of them). (5) Nastya sent money to Katerina Ivanovna, but even that happened with interruptions. (6) No one knows how Katerina Ivanovna lived during these breaks. (7) Once Katerina Ivanovna asked me to accompany her to the garden, where she had not been since early spring, everything did not let her weakness. (8) - My dear, - said Katerina Ivanovna, - do not exact from me, from the old one. (9) I would like to remember the past, finally see the garden. (10) In it, I was still a girl who read Turgenev. (11) Yes, and I planted some trees myself. (12) She dressed for a very long time. (13) She put on an old warm cloak, a warm scarf and, holding tightly to my hand, slowly descended from the porch. (14) It was already evening. (15) The garden flew around. (16) Fallen leaves interfered with walking. (17) They cracked loudly and moved underfoot, a star lit up at the greening dawn. (18) A sickle of the month hung far above the forest. (19) Katerina Ivanovna stopped near a weathered linden tree, leaned her hand on it and burst into tears. (20) I held her tightly so that she would not fall. (21) She cried like very old people, not ashamed of her tears. (22) - God forbid you, my dear, - she said to me, - to live to such a lonely old age! (23) God forbid you! (24) I carefully took her home and thought: how happy I would be if I had such a mother! (by K.G. Paustovsky).

Show full text

Can a lonely person be happy? Probably, this can be said about creative and talented people who create their masterpieces in solitude, but not about those lonely old people about whom K.G. Paustovsky writes. In the text, he raises the problem of lonely old age.
Reflecting on this question the author cites as an example an episode from the life of Katerina Ivanovna, old, lonely women. With sympathy, he notes that she is "alone in this world," but at the same time, the writer admires the heroine's spiritual resilience, saying about her that "Katerina Ivanovna never complained about anything except senile weakness." K.G. Paustovsky draws our attention to how Katerina Ivanovna, not ashamed of their tears cries, hugging a tree in the garden, and with bitterness utters words that echo with pain in the heart of every caring person: "God forbid, my dear, to live to such a lonely old age! God forbid you!"
The author's position is simple and clear. K.G. Paustovsky informs each of us that the lonely art

Option 24

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3

(1) Misinformation is not a lack of (zero) information. (2) This is a special type of information, the essence of which is that due to the inadequacy of the texts (semantic, syntactic, pragmatic), it creates a false orientation system in the audience, forms an incorrect picture of reality, distorted values \u200b\u200band goals.

(3) The formed wrong consciousness, in turn, generates inadequate aspirations and forms of behavior, corresponding to the goals and plans of the disinformer.

1.Specify two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Disinformation is the absence (zero) of information.

2) The task of disinformation as a special type of information consists in the formation of the wrong consciousness and the generation of inadequate aspirations and forms of behavior, which is the ultimate goal of the disinformer.

4) Disinformation is a special type of information that forms an incorrect consciousness, generates inadequate aspirations and forms of behavior, which corresponds to the intention of the disinformer.

5) The task of any disinformer is to form the wrong consciousness in the audience, to cause inadequate aspirations and forms of behavior.

2. Which of the following words (word combinations) should stand still

gaps in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word down.

in this way

in other words

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word

PLAN. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3)

sentence text. Write down the figure corresponding to this value in

the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

PLAN, -a, husband.

1) A drawing depicting some kind on a plane. terrain, structure.

P. city. P. of the building (its image in horizontal section).

2) A predetermined system of activities that provides for the procedure

sequence and timing of work. Production p.

Work according to plan. Strategic item Calendar item

3) Mutual arrangement of parts, brief program of some... presentation. P. report.

4) Location, location of some n. subject in perspective. Front, rear p. Pull out something. on the first p. (also translated: to give something important, essential meaning).

5) The scale of the image of someone. Give faces in close-up (in the frame of a film or television movie: in the foreground, closer to the viewer).

6) The area of \u200b\u200bmanifestation of something. or a way of looking at something, a point of view (book). The action in the play develops in two ways. In theoretical terms.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting the percussive sound was selected incorrectly. Write this word down.





5. In one of the sentences below WRONGused the highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by choosing to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Brother lost PASS to the pool.

On the high bank of the Volga, a CENTURY pine forest rustled.

We need to analyze ANNUAL costs to understand which quarter the biggest savings are possible.

Business correspondence I have it in this folder.

It was a truly noble misconduct that was appreciated by all the neighbors.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly

Lie down on the rug

beautiful tulle

pair of MITTENS



7. Set correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Grammatical errors


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with an participial turnover

B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with

inconsistent application

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

E) violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms

1) Depicting Petersburg, Gogol uses the synecdoche.

2) Each person should not only love, but also take care of the world around him.

3) Turgenev wrote that "Bazarov is my favorite brainchild, on which I have spent all the paints at my disposal."

4) Those who achieve the greatest success in art become role models.

5) Orders of the first degree in pre-revolutionary Russia were worn on a wide ribbon, worn over the shoulder.

6) Homer in the poem "Odyssey" mentioned the use of amber as decoration.

7) At the end of the exams, you will receive a certificate.

8) A stream ran out of the forest and fell apart into a small lake in a clearing, along the banks of which bright yellow primroses grew.

9) Reflecting on the work read, you see that how much main character has changed for the better.

8. Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable root vowel. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

m .. undarin,

benevolence ...

compressor ... miss,

touching ... sleeping,


9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

sights..remarkable, pr..table,

tenant .. borrower, piano .. old,, inter..institutional,

no ... duty, di..balance

o..throw, on..write

10. Write down a word in which a letter is written at the place of the gap E.

you are ...

simple .. fallen

aluminum .. out

paint ...


11. Write down a word in which a letter is written at the place of the gap E

you love


12. Identify a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

Raisky considered himself by no means (not) a backward person.

In his dreams, he discovered the yet (not) explored lands.

The old manor stood on a (not) high hill.

Some exercises are (not) completed.

Timothy the cat is (not) less than ten years old.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written MUCH... Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

(ON) THIS path has not been driven for a long time, (FROM) THIS road is overgrown with thick grass.

Bashkirtseva's passion for reading was insatiable, her ability to work was enormous, (WITH) THAT food for her mind was (AS) all objects.

Ranevskaya comes from Paris to repent of her sins, and SO (SAME) to find peace in her own estate.

The first few years that he lived in Vienna became for Beethoven (BY) the happiest time of his life, BECAUSE (THAT) it was here that he acquired real fame.

(ON) VISIBLY, Botticelli was a student of the famous painter Philippe Lippi, and (SAME) Florentine painter and sculptor Andrea Verrocchio.

14. List all numbers where it is written NN.

Long (1) row of non-visible (2) paintings in old (3) frames, hanging (4) on unpainted (5) walls, delighted the eye with a riot of colors.

15. Arrange punctuation marks.Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONEcomma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Modern states in the form of a national state structure are unitary or federal.

2) Frost decorates the city with diamonds and pearls and paints white patterns on the windows of houses.

3) The garden and field and forest are bathed in the morning sun.

4) There was a shortage of specialist drivers both in the rear and at the front.

5) A bright lightning distorted the sky () and I saw a smoky cloudy shaft above the window.

16. Arrange punctuation marks:

Seeing in his room a man (1) carrying away a sealed chair (2) Absalom Vladimirovich waved (3) the trousers (5) ironed by the tailor (4) and jumped.

17. Arrange punctuation marks:specify all numbers, in the place of which commas should be in sentences.

The leaves on the trees do not move, on a hot summer day they (1) seem to (2) shine with emeralds, so that the lace veins are visible. Only individual leaves suddenly sway (3) apparently (4) from a bird suddenly fluttering from a branch.

18. Arrange punctuation marks:specify all numbers, in the place of which commas must be in the sentence.

Khlestakov managed to carry out (1) even the mayor (2) cheating (3) whose (4) was known throughout the city.

19. Arrange the punctuation marks: include all numbers that must be followed by commas in the sentence.

In the parental home, everything was the same (1) and (2) if Volodya felt the home space seemed to be narrowed (3) then this is only because (4) that during the years of absence he had matured and grown a lot.

Read the text and complete assignments 20-25

1) Katerina Ivanovna never complained of anything except senile weakness. (2) But I knew from my neighbor and from the stupid kind old man Ivan Dmitriev, the watchman at the fire shed, that Katerina Ivanovna was alone in this world. (3) Daughter Nastya has not come for four years now - she forgot her mother, and Katerina Ivanovna's days are few. (4) Not even an hour, so she will die without seeing her daughter, without caressing her, without stroking her blond hair of "charming beauty" (so Katerina Ivanovna said about them).

(5) Nastya sent money to Katerina Ivanovna, but even that happened with interruptions. (6) No one knows how Katerina Ivanovna lived during these breaks.

(7) Once Katerina Ivanovna asked me to accompany her to the garden, where she had not been since early spring, everything did not let her weakness.

(8) - My dear, - said Katerina Ivanovna, - you will not exact from me, from the old one. (9) I would like to remember the past, finally see the garden. (10) In it, I was still a girl who read Turgenev. (11) Yes, and I planted some trees myself.

(12) She dressed for a very long time. (13) She put on an old warm cloak, a warm scarf and, holding tightly to my hand, slowly descended from the porch.

(14) It was already getting dark. (15) The garden flew around. (16) Fallen leaves prevented walking. (17) They cracked loudly and moved underfoot, a star lit up at the greening dawn. (18) A sickle of the month hung far over the forest.

(19) Katerina Ivanovna stopped near a weathered linden tree, leaned her hand on it and began to cry.

(20) I held her tightly so that she would not fall. (21) She cried like very old people, not ashamed of her tears.

(22) - God forbid you, my dear, - she said to me, - to live to such a lonely old age! (23) God forbid you!

(24) I carefully took her home and thought: how happy I would be if I had such a mother!

(according to K.G. Paustovsky)

20. Which sentence speaks about the author's attitude to Katerina Ivanovna?

1)22 2)2 3)24 4)4

21. What types of speech are presented in sentences 12 - 21?

1) reasoning

2) reasoning and description

3) narration and reasoning

4) narration and description

22. Indicate the sentence in which phraseological unit is used.

1) 5 2) 7 3) 17 4) 4

23. Among sentences 13-18, find one that connects with the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence.

Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in completing tasks 20 23. This passage examines the linguistic features of the text.

Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter. Write down the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form

24. "K.G. Paustovsky does not lecture his readers, he only strives to be understood. Already in the second sentence A ___ is used. This is of great importance for the characterization of the heroine. Features of Katerina Ivanovna's speech: addresses, B ___, B ___ - also emphasize the author's intention.

Г ___ "sickle of the month" creates a vivid image. The description of the autumn evening enhances the special intonation of the text. "

List of terms:

1) comparative turnover

3) phraseological unit

5) metaphor

6) parceling

7) question-answer form of presentation

8) expressive repetition

9) exclamation sentences

Part 2

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write, do you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your answer, relying primarily on the reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Answers to option

Option 24

In this way



Pair of mittens


Duty free imbalance




To also