Muslim Magomayev year of birth and death. Muslim Magomayev - biography, personal life, children

Childhood and youth

Muslim Magomaev was born on August 17, 1942 in Baku. His father is Mohammed Magomayev, a theater artist, died at the front 15 days before the Victory, mother - Aishet Magomayeva (stage name - Kinzhalova), dramatic actress, Stalinist scholar. Paternal grandfather - Abdul-Muslim Magomayev, an Azerbaijani composer, whose name the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Society bears, is one of the founders of Azerbaijani classical music. About the origin of the mother, Muslim Magomayev wrote that she was born in Maykop, her father was a Turk by nationality, and her mother was half Adyghe, half Russian. About the origin of his father, he said that his mother was Tatar (his grandmother Bagdagul-Jamal was the sister of Ali and Hanafi Teregulov), and it is not known who the ancestors of his father were by origin. The journalist Said-Khamzat Gerikhanov writes in one of his articles that the ancestors of his father, from the teip, were your endor of the Chechen tukkhum Shotoy. Muslim Magomayev himself always considered himself to be an Azerbaijani, and about his citizenship he said: "Azerbaijan is my father, Russia is my mother."

The mother, having lost her husband, chose a theatrical career, leaving for Vyshny Volochyok, and left her son to be raised by her uncle Jamal Muslimovich Magomayev. Muslim studied at the music school at the Baku Conservatory (now the Bulbul Secondary Special Music School) in piano and composition. The talented student was noticed by the professor of the Conservatory, cellist V. Ts. Anshelevich, who began to give him lessons. Anshelevich did not play his voice, but showed how to fillet it. The experience gained in the classroom with the professor-cellist came in handy when Magomayev began working on the part of Figaro in The Barber of Seville. Since the school did not have a vocal department, Muslim in 1956 was admitted to the Baku Musical College named after Asaf Zeynalli, studied with the teacher A. A. Milovanov and his long-term accompanist T. I. Kretingen (graduated in 1959).

Creative activity

His first performance took place in Baku, in the House of Culture of Baku sailors, where fifteen-year-old Muslim went in secret from his family. The family was against the early speeches of Muslim because of the risk of losing their voice. However, Muslim himself decided that his voice had already formed and he was not threatened with loss of his voice.

In 1961, Magomayev made his debut in the professional Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Military District. In 1962 Magomayev became a laureate of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki for his performance of the song "Buchenwald Alarm".

All-Union fame came after his performance in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses at the final concert of the festival of Azerbaijani art in 1962.

The first solo concert of Muslim Magomayev took place on November 10, 1963 in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky.

In 1963 Magomayev became a soloist of the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Akhundova, continues to perform on the concert stage.

In 1964-1965 he trained at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan (Italy).

In the 1960s he appeared in the largest cities of the Soviet Union in the performances "Tosca" and "The Barber of Seville" (among the partners - Maria Biesu). He did not accept the offer to join the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, not wanting to limit himself to the framework of opera performances.

In 1966 and 1969 Muslim Magomayev toured the famous Olympia theater in Paris with great success. The director of Olimpia, Bruno Kokatrix, offered Magomayev a contract for a year, promising to make him an international star. The singer seriously considered such a possibility, but the Ministry of Culture of the USSR refused, explaining that Magomayev should perform at government concerts.

In the late 1960s, upon learning that the Rostov Philharmonic was in financial difficulties, and the Don Cossack Song and Dance Ensemble did not have decent suits for the planned tour in Moscow, Magomayev agreed to help by performing at the overcrowded local stadium with a capacity of 45 thousand people. It was planned that Magomayev would perform in only one section, but he spent more than two hours on the stage. For this performance he was paid 606 rubles, instead of 202 rubles, which were then laid down by law for a performance in one section. The administrators assured him that such a rate was completely legal and approved by the Ministry of Culture, but this was not the case. The performance in Rostov-on-Don was the reason for the initiation of a criminal case under the OBKhSS.

When Magomayev, who spoke at the Olympia in Paris, was informed about this, the emigre circles invited him to stay, but Magomayev chose to return to the USSR, since he could not imagine life far from his homeland and understood that emigration could put his relatives in the USSR in a difficult position.

Although the proceedings did not reveal any guilt of Magomayev, who signed for the money received in the official statement, nevertheless, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR forbade Magomayev to perform on tour outside Azerbaijan. Using his free time, Magomayev passed all the exams and graduated from the Baku Conservatory in the singing class of Shovket Mamedova only in 1968. The disgrace of Magomayev ended after the chairman of the KGB of the USSR, Yu.V. Andropov, personally called Ekaterina Furtseva and demanded that Magomayev perform at a concert on the occasion of the anniversary of the KGB, stating that everything was clean for Magomayev through the KGB.

In 1969, at the International Festival in Sopot, Magomayev received the 1st prize, and in Cannes in 1968 and 1970 at the International Festival of Recordings and Musical Publications (MIDEM) - "Golden Disc", for millions of copies of gramophone records.

In 1973, at the age of 31, Magomayev received the title of People's Artist of the USSR, following the title of People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR.

From 1975 to 1989, Magomayev was the artistic director of the Azerbaijan State Pop Symphony Orchestra, which he created, with which he toured the USSR a lot.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Magomayev's popularity in the USSR was limitless: thousands of stadiums, endless tours throughout the Soviet Union, frequent television appearances. Records with his songs came out in huge numbers. To this day, he remains an idol for many generations of people in the post-Soviet space.

Has toured abroad (France, Bulgaria, East Germany, Poland, Finland, Canada, Iran, etc.).

In the concert repertoire of Magomayev there were more than 600 works (arias, romances, songs). Muslim Magomayev is the author of over 20 songs, music for performances, musicals and films. He was also the author and host of a series of television programs about the life and work of the stars of the world opera and pop scene, including the American singer Mario Lanza, wrote a book about this singer.

In 1997, one of the minor planets of the solar system, known to astronomers under the code 1974 SP1, was named in honor of Magomayev, 4980 Magomaev.

In 1998, Muslim Magomayev decided to stop his creative activity. The last years of his life he lived in Moscow, refusing concert performances. He was engaged in painting, corresponded with his fans through his personal website on the Internet. Regarding the termination of speeches, Muslim Magomayev said: “God has assigned a certain time for each voice, for each talent, and there is no need to step over it,” although there have never been problems with the voice. He was a personal friend of Heydar Aliyev. He was a member of the leadership of the All-Russian Azerbaijan Congress.

One of the last songs of Muslim Magomayev was the song "Farewell, Baku" on the verses of Sergei Yesenin, recorded in March 2007.

Leaving life

Muslim Magomaev died on October 25, 2008 at the age of 66 from coronary heart disease, in the arms of his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya. The statesmen of Russia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Belarus expressed their condolences on the death of the truly great artist. Many well-known figures of culture and art, who knew Muslim Magomayev closely and worked with him, also expressed their condolences. On October 28, 2008 in Moscow, at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, and on October 29, 2008 at the A. M. Magomayev held a farewell ceremony for the singer in Baku. On the same day, he was buried on the Alley of Honor in Baku next to his grandfather. Thousands of people came to say goodbye to Magomayev. The coffin with the body of the deceased was carried out to the sounds of the song "Azerbaijan" written and performed by him. The funeral procession was attended by the President of the country Ilham Aliyev, the widow of the singer Tamara Sinyavskaya and daughter Marina, who flew in from the United States.


On October 22, 2009, a monument to Muslim Magomayev was unveiled at his grave in the Alley of Honorary Burial in Baku. The author of the monument is Omar Eldarov, People's Artist of Azerbaijan, Rector of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Arts. The monument is made in full height, and white marble for it was brought to Baku from the Urals.

On October 25, 2009, the Crocus City Hall named after Muslim Magomayev was opened on the territory of Crocus City in Krasnogorsk. In October 2010, the first Muslim Magomayev International Vocal Competition was held in Moscow.

On July 6, 2011, a memorial plaque was erected on the house where the singer lived in Baku, and one of the schools in Baku was named after Muslim Magomayev ..

The Moscow City Duma Commission on Monumental Art decided to erect a monument to Muslim Magomayev in the park on Leontyevsky Lane, opposite the building of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Moscow. The monument was to be erected at the expense of Crocus-International CJSC with subsequent donation to the city. On February 3, 2010, a solemn ceremony of opening the foundation stone at the site of the future monument took place in Moscow. The authors of the monument are sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov and architect Igor Voskresensky. On September 15, 2011, the monument to M. Magomayev was solemnly opened.


He was married to Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya, singer, People's Artist of the USSR. From his first marriage with Ophelia (1960), which broke up a year later, Magomayev has a daughter, Marina. Marina currently lives in the United States with her family - husband Alexander Kozlovsky and son Allen.

Awards and titles

Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1964)
People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1971)
People's Artist of the USSR (1973)
Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
Order of Honor (August 17, 2002) - for his great contribution to the development of musical art
Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971)
Order of Friendship of Peoples (1980)
Order "Independence" (Azerbaijan, 2002) - for great services in the development of Azerbaijani culture
Order of Glory (Azerbaijan, 1997)
Badge "For Services to Polish Culture"
Badge "Miner's Glory" III degree
Order "Heart of Danko" ("International Center for Spiritual Unity" and "Council of Public Organizations of St. Petersburg and Moscow"), for outstanding achievements in the development of Russian culture
Order of M.V. Lomonosov (Academy of Security, Defense and Law and Order Problems, 2004)
Peter the Great National Prize (2005) - for outstanding personal contribution to the development of Russian culture
Russian national award "Ovation" in the category "Legend" (2008).
Elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR.

Roles in the opera houses of the USSR

"The Wedding of Figaro" by W. Mozart
"The Magic Flute" by W. Mozart
"Rigoletto" by G. Verdi
The Barber of Seville by G. Rossini
Othello by G. Verdi
"Tosca" by G. Puccini
"Pagliacci" by R. Leoncavallo
"Faust" by C. Gounod
"Eugene Onegin" by P. Tchaikovsky
"Prince Igor" by A. P. Borodin
"Aleko" S. V. Rachmaninov
"Korogly" U. Hajibeyov
"Shah Ismail" A. M. M. Magomayev
"Veten" by K. Karaev and D. Gadzhiev.

Variety repertoire

"Azerbaijan" (M. Magomayev - N. Khazri)
"Atomic Age" (A. Ostrovsky - I. Kashezheva)
"Bella Chao" (Italian folk song - Russian text by A. Gorokhov) - sounds in Italian and Russian
"Take care of your friends" (A. Ekimyan - R. Gamzatov)
"Thank you" ((A. Babadzhanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky))
"Be with me" (A. Babadzhanyan - A. Gorokhov)
"Buchenwald alarm" (V. Muradeli - A. Sobolev)
"Evening on the Road" (V. Solovyov-Sedoy - A. Churkin)
"Evening Sketch" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"Give me back the music" (A. Babadzhanyan - A. Voznesensky)
"Return of the Romance" (O. Feltsman - I. Kokhanovsky)
"Wax Doll" (S. Gainsbourg - Russian text by L. Derbenev)
"Time" (A. Ostrovsky - L. Oshanin)
"Heroes of Sports" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"Blue Taiga" (A. Babadzhanyan - G. Registan)
"A long time ago" (T. Khrennikov - A. Gladkov)
"Far, far away" (G. Nosov - A. Churkin)
"Twelve months of hope" (S. Aliev - I. Reznik)
"The girl is called a seagull" (A. Dolukhanyan - M. Lisyansky)
"Dolalay" (P. Bul-Bul ogly - R. Gamzatov, translated by Y. Kozlovsky)
"Donbass Waltz" (A. Kholminov - I. Kobzev) (in duet with E. Andreeva)
"Flowers have eyes" (O. Feltsman - R. Gamzatov, trans. N. Grebnev)
"Make a Wish" (A. Babadzhanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"The Star of Artificial Ice" (A. Oyt - N. Dobronravov)
"Star of the Fisherman" (A. Pakhmutova - S. Grebennikov, N. Dobronravov)
"Winter Love" (A. Babadzhanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Horses-Animals" (M. Blanter - I. Selvinsky)
"Queen of Beauty" (A. Babadzhanyan - A. Gorokhov)
"Queen" (G. Podelsky - S. Yesenin)
"Who Will Answer" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"Moonlight Serenade" (A. Zatsepin - O. Gadzhikasimov)
"The best city in the world" (A. Babadzhanyan - L. Derbenev)
"Quiet Words of Love" (V. Shainsky - B. Dubrovin)
"Beloved Woman" (I. Krutoy - L. Fadeev)
"Favorite City" (N. Bogoslovsky - E. Dolmatovsky)
"Small Land" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"Maritana" (G. Sviridov - E. Askinazi)
"March of the Caspian Oilmen" (K. Karaev - M. Svetlov)
"Masquerade" (M. Magomayev - I. Shaferan)
"Melody" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"Peace to your house" (O. Feltsman - I. Kokhanovsky)
“I don’t understand you” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"My home" (Y. Yakushev - A. Olgin)
"We were born for a song" (M. Magomayev - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"We cannot live without each other" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"The Beginning of Beginnings" (A. Ostrovsky - L. Oshanin)
"Our destiny" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"Take your time" (A. Babadzhanyan - E. Evtushenko)
"No, this does not happen" (A. Ostrovsky - I. Kashezheva)
"There is a silver lining" (Y. Yakushev - A. Domohovsky)
"New Day" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) - with the Great Children's Choir of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company directed by V. Popov
"Nocturne" (A. Babadzhanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Fire" (O. Feltsman - N. Olev)
"Huge sky" (O. Feltsman - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"The bell is ringing monotonously" (A. Gurilyov - I. Makarov) - duet with his wife - Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya
"Snow is Falling" (S. Adamo - L. Derbenev)
"The Front End" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"Song of the Ingenious Detective" (G. Gladkov - Yu. Entin)
"Song of Lepeletie" (T. Khrennikov - A. Gladkov)
"Paganel's Song" (I. Dunaevsky - V. Lebedev-Kumach)
"Believe in my song" (P. Bul-Bul oglu - M. Shcherbachenko)
"Song of Friendship" (T. Khrennikov - M. Matusovsky)
"Song of Forgiveness" (A. Popp - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Moscow Nights" (V. Solovyov-Sedoy - M. Matusovsky)
"Late Happiness" (Y. Yakushev - A. Domohovsky)
"Call me" (A. Babadzhanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Understand me" (N. Bogoslovsky - I. Kokhanovsky)
“As long as I remember, I live” (A. Babadzhanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Because you love me" (P. Bul-Bul oglu - N. Dobronravov)
"Beautiful as youth, the country" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) - duet with his wife - Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya
"A Dreaming Song" (M. Magomayev - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Goodbye Baku!" (M. Magomayev - S. Yesenin)
"Is that a man" (O. Feltsman - R. Gamzatov, translated by Y. Kozlovsky)
"Meditation" (P. Bul-Bul oglu - N. Khazri)
Lapin's Romance (T. Khrennikov - M. Matusovsky)
"With love for a woman" (O. Feltsman - R. Gamzatov, translated by Y. Kozlovsky)
"Wedding" (A. Babadzhanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Heart in the Snow" (A. Babadzhanyan - A. Dmokhovsky)
"Serenade of Don Quixote" (D. Kabalevsky - S. Bogomazov)
"Serenade of the Troubadour" ("A ray of golden sun ...") (G. Gladkov - Yu. Entin)
"Blue Eternity" (M. Magomayev - G. Kozlovsky)
"Tell your eyes" (P. Bul-Bul oglu - R. Rza, translated by M. Pavlova)
"Listen, heart" (A. Ostrovsky - I. Shaferan)
"Intoxicated by the Sun" (A. Babadzhanyan - A. Gorokhov)
"Stadium of my dreams" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
Green Twilight (A. Mazhukov - E. Mitasov)
"Sons of the Revolution" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"Solemn Song" (M. Magomayev - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"You will not return to me" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
"Smile" (A. Babadzhanyan - A. Verdyan)
"Colored Dreams" (V. Shainsky - M. Tanich)
"Ferris wheel" (A. Babadzhanyan - E. Evtushenko)
"What made you sad" (M. Blanter - I. Selvinsky)
"Scows full of mullet" (N. Bogoslovsky - N. Agatov)
“My native land is wide” (I. Dunaevsky - V. Lebedev-Kumach)
"There was a letter" (V. Shainsky - S. Ostrovoy)
"Elegy" (M. Magomayev - N. Dobronravov)
"I sing about the Motherland" (S. Tulikov - N. Dorizo)
"I am very glad, because I am finally returning home" (A. Ostrovsky)

Songs to music by M. Magomayev

"The Ballad of the Little Man" (R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Eternal Flame" (A. Dmokhovsky)
"Sadness" (V. Avdeev)
"Far-close" (A. Gorokhov)
"The road of separation" (A. Dmokhovsky)
"If there is love in the world" (R. Rozhdestvensky)
"If there is love in the world" (R. Rozhdestvensky) with V. Tolkunova
"My life is my Fatherland" (R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Once upon a time" (E. Pashnev)
"The Earth is the homeland of love" (N. Dobronravov)
The Bells of Dawn (R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Lullaby of Falling Stars" (A. Dmokhovsky)
"Masquerade" (I. Shaferan)
"We were born for a song" (R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Song of the Dzhigit" (A. Dmokhovsky)
"The Last Chord" (G. Kozlovsky)
"A Dreaming Song" (R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Sunrises Come" (R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Snow Princess" (G. Kozlovsky)
"Goodbye, Baku" (S. Yesenin)
"Rhapsody of Love" (A. Gorokhov)
"Jealous Caucasus" (A. Gorokhov)
"Blue Eternity" (G. Kozlovsky)
"Nightingale Hour" (A. Gorokhov)
"Old motive" (A. Dmokhovsky)
"Solemn Song" (R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Anxiety of a fisherwoman" (A. Gorokhov)
"At that window" (R. Gamzatov)
Hiroshima (R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Scheherazade" (A. Gorokhov)
"Elegy" (N. Dobronravov)


Thank you Melody 1995
Arias from operas, musicals (Neapolitan songs), Melody, 1996
Love is my song (Dreamland), 2001
Memories of A. Babadzhanyan and R. Rozhdestvensky ("Stars that Don't Fade" Series), Park Records, 2002
Muslim Magomayev (Selected), Bomba Music, 2002
Arias from Operas, Park Records, 2002
Songs of Italy, Park Records, 2002
Concert in the Tchaikovsky Hall, 1963 (Rashid Behbudov Foundation, Azerbaijan), 2002
Great performers of Russia of the XX century (Muslim Magomayev), Moroz Records, 2002
With Love for a Woman, Park Records, 2003
Performances, Musicals, Movies, Park Records, 2003
Rhapsody of Love, Park Records, 2004
Muslim Magomaev. Improvisation, Park Records, 2004
Muslim Magomaev. Concerts, concerts, concerts., Park Records, 2005
Muslim Magomaev. Arias by P. Tchaikovsky and S. Rachmaninoff. Piano part - Boris Abramovich. Park Records, 2006

Vinyl records

More than 45 discs with Magomayev's songs were published. There is no information on the exact circulation of these publications.


Movie roles

1962 - "Autumn Concert" (film - concert)
1963 - "Blue Light-1963" (film-concert) (performs "Song of Love")
1963 - "Until next time, Muslim!" (musical film)
1964 - "Blue Light-1964" (musical film)
1964 - "When the song does not end" - singer (performs the song "Our song does not end")
1965 - "In the First Hour" (performs the songs "Be with Me" and "Intoxicated by the Sun")
1966 - "Tales of the Russian Forest" (performs the song "I Love Only You", with L. Mondrus)
1967 - "I love you, life! .." (short) - singer
1969 - "Moscow in Notes" (performs the songs "Along the Piterskaya Street", "Ferris Wheel")
1969 - "Abduction" - artist Magomayev
1970 - "Margarita" is raging "(performs the song)
1970 - "Rhythms of Absheron" (film - concert)
1971 - "Concert program" (film - concert)
1971 - "Muslim Magomayev sings" (film - concert)
1976 - Melody. Songs of Alexandra Pakhmutova "(short) (performs the song" Melody ")
1979 - "Interrupted Serenade" - artist
1982 - "Nizami" - Nizami
2002 - "Muslim Magomayev".


1963 - "Loves - Doesn't Love?" (performs the song "Gulnara")
1968 - "White Piano" (performs the song "Let it shine for everyone, like a magic lamp in the night ...")
1968 - "Smile at the Neighbor" (performs the songs "Larissa", "Love Triangle")
1971 - "In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians" (Troubadour, Atamansha, Sleuth)
1972 - Ruslan and Lyudmila
1973 - "The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia"
1981 - "Oh sport, you are the world!"
1988 - "Needle" (the song "Smile" is used in the film)
1999 - “Streets of Broken Lanterns. New adventures of cops "(" The Queen of Beauty ", 7th episode)
2000 - "Two comrades".

Music for films

1979 - Serenade Interrupted
1984 - The Legend of the Silver Lake
1986 - "Whirlpool" ("Country Walk")
1989 - Sabotage
1999 - "How beautiful this world is"
2010 - "Istanbul Flight".

Participation in films

1977 - "Composer Muslim Magomayev" (documentary)
1981 - Singing Land
1979 - "Ballad of Sports" (documentary)
1984 - "Pages of the life of Alexandra Pakhmutova" (documentary) (performs the song "You will never return to me")
1989 - Song of the Heart (documentary)
1996 - "Rashid Behbudov, 20 years ago."

He is the golden voice of the era. Popular pop performer. He possessed a unique baritone, high artistry, and spiritual generosity. With these qualities, Muslim Magomayev conquered the listeners of the territory of the Soviet Union. Each listener found something of his own in his work. Muslim Magomayev had a wide range of possibilities. He performed opera and pop repertoire equally well. For many decades, the popular performer was and is considered an idol for millions of listeners. It is one of the symbols of the art of the USSR, Russia and Azerbaijan.

The singer's voice was truly divine, beautiful and extraordinary. Each song he performed was unique, because he put part of his soul into it. Who does not know in his performance "The Queen of Beauty" or "Ray of the Golden Sun" (Aria Troubadour from "The Bremen Town Musicians"), which are admired by more than one generation.

Height, weight, age. Muslim Magomayev's life years

"Height, weight, age and years of life of Muslim Magomayev" - this information for true connoisseurs of the work of a popular artist is not a secret behind seven seals. He died in 2008 at the age of 64, and after doing some simple mathematical calculations, we can calculate that he would have turned 73 this year. Until the last day, Muslim Magomayev went in for sports, did gymnastic exercises in the morning. In the last year of his life, due to illness, he switched to diet food.

Muslim Magomayev's height was 170 cm with a weight of 75 kg. The parameters have not changed for many years. The popular singer and performer was very careful to ensure that his weight was in the same category. Muslim Magomayev stated that the changes would negatively affect his vocal data, so the artist tried not to change the weight in any way.

Biography of Muslim Magomayev. Cause of death and burial

Muslim Magomayev was born during the Great Patriotic War in Baku. For some time he lived in the center of the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, and was brought up by his uncle. After his mother took him to her, in Vyshny Volochek, Muslim began to often visit behind the scenes of the theater in which Aishet worked.

After leaving school, Muslim enters the Baku Music College named after Asaf Zeynali. He studied with an experienced vocalist A.A. Milovanov, who at one time was a soloist at the V.A. Popchenko Baku Opera House. In his free time, the extraordinary young man studied with the accompanist T.I. Kretingen.

Since 1961, Muslim Magomayev has been working in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Military District, with which he traveled all over the Caucasus. A year later, he won the Helsinki World Festival of Youth and Students with the song "Buchenwald Alarm". In the same year he was invited to the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after Akhundov, where he became a soloist. A year later, Magomayev's first solo concert took place, after which he was invited to train at one of the best theaters in the world - La Scala. Magomayev performed in Paris with great success.

He began performing with great success throughout the USSR. The biography of Muslim Magomayev has been becoming interesting to everyone since the end of the 60s. He performs pop songs, opera arias, Russian romances, popular hits of Western composers, and also performs songs of patriotic pathos.

He toured a lot until the last days of his life, although he wanted to stop singing at the age of 60. For his wife and the general public, his death came as a complete surprise. Buried in Baku on the Walk of Fame.

Personal life of Muslim Magomayev

The personal life of Muslim Magomayev has never been fully known to the general public. There are still rumors about the singer's relationship. Whoever was not attributed to the number of his lovers, even Maya Kristalinskaya and Edith Piekha, but none of these singers confirmed this information. It is known for certain that Muslim Magomayev's first love happened at the age of 13. He fell in love with his classmate Marina, wrote her a song and performed it at his concerts. This love left a big mark on the performer's personal life; he even named his daughter after his first beloved. But falling in love was platonic.

At the age of 18, the young musician fell in love so passionately that he decided to legalize the relationship. His mother and grandmother hid their passports so that Muslim would not make a mess, but the feelings were so strong that the marriage took place anyway. A few years after the birth of their daughter Marina, the couple divorced, but remained on good terms until the end of Muslim Magomayev's life.

The last lover of Muslim Magomayev was the young actress Tamara Sinyavskaya. She became the woman who was able to warm a popular singer with her love for the last 30 years.

Muslim Magomayev's family

Muslim Magomayev's family is the subject of his pride for many years. Until the end of his days, the popular pop singer recalled his ancestors, who became famous long before the boy was born.

Grandfather Muslim, after whom the future performer was named, is a nugget of its own kind. He is a composer and conductor, the founder of the development of classical national music. He died a few years before the birth of his grandson; the future great performer became acquainted with his work already in his youth.

Muslim Magomayev's father, Mohammed, is a talented artist who inherited his dad's genius. He is a theater set designer who was famous in Baku and Maykop. He drew posters-appeals at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. I went to the front as a volunteer. He died in the battle for Berlin just a few days before the end of the war.

Mother - Aishet - a dramatic actress who danced and sang equally well. Aishet left her son to the brother of her deceased husband and began to work in the Maikop drama theater. Uncle - Jamal Muslimovich tried to replace Muslim's father. He was strict but fair. The boy did not feel at all that he was orphaned. He raised Muslim to be proud and loyal to his homeland. My uncle did not have a musical education, but he did everything to teach his nephew to play the piano, which he himself played quite well.

Children of Muslim Magomayev

The children of Muslim Magomayev and Tamara Sinyavskaya were not born. At first this was due to the great employment of popular artists, and then it was too late. Now, after the death of her husband, Sinyavskaya is very sorry that she did not give birth to a son or daughter, because she was left alone. For a long time, the child was replaced by the happy spouses with a silver poodle, which they named Charlie.

The only officially recognized child of Muslim Magomayev is his daughter Marina, who was born from the first wife of a popular artist.

After the death of Muslim Magomayev, it turned out that some young people declared that they were his children. Nobody knows for sure. One thing is clear that Muslim Magomayev himself said that he had only one daughter, Marina, whom he loved very much.

Muslim Magomayev's son - Daniel Figotin

The illegitimate son of Muslim Magomayev, Daniel Figotin, was not recognized as a singer. According to her statement, Muslim Magomayev said to his daughter that he would never have left his child, even if his mother had not become his (Muslim Magomayev) wife. He now lives in New York. Many who knew the popular singer say that they knew about the relationship between Muslim and Daniel's mother, but the birth of a child is a mystery to them.

For the press, the singer, shortly before his death, made a statement that he was in a relationship with Daniel's mother, but denies the birth of a child. The singer said that he would be proud of his son if he was born to him.

After the death of Muslim Magomayev, his pseudo-son visited his grave. After that, Daniel presented the rights to the inheritance of a popular singer, but he could not prove his relationship. Now the young man does not communicate with the press, saying that he is forced to recognize the will of his father, but he will always remember him.

Muslim Magomayev's daughter - Marina Magomayeva

The daughter of Muslim Magomayev, Marina Magomayeva, was born from the first wife of the great performer. The girl was only a few years old when her parents divorced. For some time she lived in Baku, at the age of 16 she moved with her mother Ophelia to the United States, where she still lives.

In her youth, the girl showed great hopes of becoming a famous pianist, but she chose a different specialty for herself, not in any way connected with creativity.

Marina and Muslim Magovaevs communicated well all the time. The father sent large alimony for his daughter, believing that he had to do everything for his only child. Marina gave birth to a child, one of whose names contains the name of a popular grandfather.

Marina came to the funeral, she supported Muslim's widow in her grief, saying that she would help her. She and Tamara Sinyavskaya are the heirs of the great musician.

Daughter of Muslim Magomayev - Veronika Korotkova

In 2016, a girl suddenly appeared who said that she was the illegitimate daughter of Muslim Magomayev. The illegitimate daughter of Muslim Magomayev, Veronika Korotkova, came to Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk”. The girl came not alone, but together with her mother, who stated that she was the secret mistress of the popular singer. The woman did not begin to tell the details of her life, she said that this concerns both of them (her and Muslim Magomayev) and no one else.

In the studio, a DNA test was taken from the pseudo-daughter of a popular artist. They compared it with the DNA of Muslim Magomayev's nephew, Yuri. But the test came back negative. The girl said that this was so, because the father of Yuri and Muslim Magomayev had different fathers, so the test did not become reliable. Through the program, she turned to the artist's own daughter Marina, saying that she wanted to communicate with her. But after a while, information appeared in one of the publications that Marina was not going to meet with a pseudo-sister, she called her just a predator who rolled her lip into a large inheritance.

The ex-wife of Muslim Magomayev - Ofelia Magomayeva

At the age of 19, the young man Muslim Magomayev got married against the will of him and her parents. As the wedding grew, they began to live in the house of Ophelia's parents. Her father was a chemist, worked at the Baku Academy of Sciences. He was not against the young family, Ophelia's mother was against it, who began to set her daughter up that her husband should support his wife in everything, including financially. Scandals began to arise. The young family was falling apart before our eyes. But then a daughter was born, whom the young father named Marina. Muslim wanted to perform at the opera house, but Marina's family and she herself were against it.

After Muslim began to literally disappear on tour, she decided to divorce him, which she soon did.

The ex-wife of Muslim Magomayev, Ophelia Magomayeva, now lives with her daughter Marina and son-in-law Alexander Kozlovsky in America and helps raise Marina's son, named after her grandfather. She is an absolutely non-public person, she is not going to talk to the press.

Muslim Magomayev's wife - Tamara Sinyavskaya

Tamara and Muslim met in Baku at the end of the 60s. She was married at that time. But Muslim was so persistent that she divorced and in 1974 became his legal wife. They wanted to get married secretly, but it didn't work out. Unexpectedly for themselves, they found themselves on a grandiose celebration, striking in its scope. The wedding was attended by about a hundred people, and more than two hundred languished in the street to congratulate the young.

Muslim Magomayev's wife, Tamara Sinyavskaya, was a popular opera diva, her voice drove many admirers of her talent crazy. She left creative activity in 2003, but after the death of her husband she returned to the profession as a teacher.

Tamara and Muslim - both had a very explosive character, sometimes because of disagreements they were on the verge of divorce more than once, but managed to save the marriage until the death of Muslim Magomayev. Now Tamara Sinyavskaya lives in Moscow, often communicating with her husband's daughter, Marina, who helps her stepmother with her personal affairs.

Instagram and Wikipedia Muslim Magomayev

The page on Instagram and Wikipedia of Muslim Magomayev is not, and it cannot be, since during the life of the popular artist of this social network there was not even a trace. But he has an official website, which was opened during the life of the great artist. Here you can hear songs performed by a popular singer, enjoy his strength and splendor. On the site you can read information detailing the life and work of a popular artist. All data is widely illustrated with various photographs, which show the brightest moments of the artist's life.

Some information about the life and work of Muslim Magomayev can be found on the official website of Tamara Sinyavskaya, where some rare pictures of two stars are presented.
Muslim Magomayev was born in Baku, Azerbaijan on August 17, 1942. Muslim's parents - Magomet Magomayev, a theater artist, died at the front two days before the Victory, and Aishet Magomayeva (nee - Kinzhalova), a dramatic actress. His grandfather is Muslim Magomayev, a famous Azerbaijani composer, whose name the Azerbaijan Philharmonic Society bears.

He studied at the music school at the Baku Conservatory in piano and composition, graduated from the Azerbaijan Conservatory in the singing class of Sh. Mamedova (1968).

All-Union fame came after his performance in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses at the final concert of the festival of Azerbaijani art in 1962. The first solo concert of Muslim Magomayev took place on November 10, 1963 in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

In 1963 Magomayev became a soloist of the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Akhundova, continues to perform on the concert stage. In 1964-1965, he trained at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, but after completing his internship, he refused to work with the Bolshoi Theater troupe.

In 1966 and 1969 Muslim Magomayev toured the famous Olympia theater in Paris with great success. Olympia director Bruno Kokatriz wanted to get Magomayev for one more year and offered him a contract, promising to make him an international star. The singer seriously considered such a possibility, but the Ministry of Culture of the USSR refused, explaining that Magomayev should perform at government concerts.

In 1969, at the festival in Sopot, Magomayev received the 1st prize, and in Cannes - the Golden Record.

In 1973, at the age of 31, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. From 1975 to 1989, Magomayev was the artistic director of the Azerbaijan State Pop Symphony Orchestra, which he created, with which he toured the USSR a lot.

In the 60s and 70s, Magomayev's popularity in the USSR was limitless: thousands of stadiums, endless tours throughout the Soviet Union, constant television appearances. Records with his songs came out in huge numbers. To this day, he remains an idol for many generations of people in the post-Soviet space.

In the concert repertoire of Magomayev there are more than 600 works (Russian romances, classical, pop and Neapolitan songs); he starred in the films: "Nizami", "Muslim Magomayev Sings" and "Moscow in Music". Muslim Magomayev is the author of more than 20 songs, music for films. He is also the author and host of a television series about the life and work of the American singer Mario Lanza; wrote a book about this singer.

Life years of one of the most beloved singers of the Soviet Union Muslim Magomayev: 1942-2008. He began his musical career at a very young age, and almost immediately became popular thanks to his unique voice. What did Magomayev die from, and where is he buried?

The cause of death of Muslim Magomayev was coronary heart disease. “It was simple and at the same time great, predictable and unexpected ...” - these are the words used by one of the oldest American men's magazines, Esquire, to describe the departed maestro.

When the singer died

Date of death of Muslim Magometovich Magomayev October 25, 2008 The pop and opera singer, who performed compositions in a low-sounding lyric baritone, died at the age of 66 in the arms of his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya in Moscow.

Cause of death

On November 11, 2008, Muslim Magomayev had to undergo a difficult operation, as a result of which his heart would be able to work for a long time. However, he did not reach her for several days.

The musician bravely endured the disease, but it progressed, and in recent days Muslim Magometovich felt very bad. Disruption of the circulatory system caused the fresh blood flow to stop flowing to a separate area of ​​the heart. The last examination at the Bakulev cardiology center revealed a number of deviations that at any time could cause the death of the artist:

  • tachycardia;
  • hypertension;
  • pathology of the heart muscle.

Shortly before that, an operation was performed on his vessels, but it did not give the expected results. The only way out was the introduction of catheters to the circulatory system, which was undertaken.

The performed series of procedures did not make Magomayev's life easier, as before, he was tormented by terrible headaches. In order to save the life of the great composer, it was decided to perform the most difficult operation - coronary artery bypass grafting. Preparatory work began at the cardio center, but Muslim Magometovich could not live to see its completion.

“We planned to insert a shunt into the blocked vessel and redirect the blood bypassing the plug. Long thought was due to the fact that the operation must be done using local anesthesia, which is a significant risk for his venerable age. There is no certainty that a worn-out heart will withstand the load. But there was no other way out ... ”- this is how one of the attending physicians recalls the situation.

Farewell and funeral

The farewell ceremony of the departed Russian Orpheus was held in the capital of the historical homeland of his ancestors, Baku, on October 29. The coffin with the body was installed in the State Philharmonic of Azerbaijan, the day before, on October 28, 2008, he stood in Moscow, in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

Thousands of fans, friends and even those who had never heard his voice came to say goodbye to the deceased. Young girls were unlikely to be admirers of his talent, but like everyone else, they stood in line to honor the memory of the great Azerbaijani, who became the very first people's artist from their small homeland.

The procession that followed along Svoboda Avenue left behind a path strewn with flowers. Arriving at the memorial cemetery, intended for the burial of honorary citizens of the country, they said a prayer. After the mullah finished, the coffin was lowered into the ground to applause. The grave of Muslim Magometovich Magomayev is located next to the grave of his grandfather, a famous Soviet composer and conductor.

short biography

People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomayev was born during the war, on August 17, 1942 in Baku. A terrible time for the country and all mankind affected the boy. From childhood he was raised an orphan: his father died during the capture of Berlin, his mother was forced to leave for Maikop, then to Vyshny Volochek.

Muslim childhood

Until the age of 9, little Muslim was brought up by his father's brother Jamail Muslimovich. Uncle did everything he could for him: he brought up love for the homeland and music, reverence for elders. In general, he did everything necessary to ensure that the child does not feel like an orphan.

In 1951, his mother took him to her in Volochek. Here the child continues to go to school, plays music, plays the piano. However, a year later he returned back to Baku.

Somehow after finishing school, Muslim entered the music school in Baku named after Asaf Zeynalli, which he successfully graduated in 1959. Surprisingly, during the period of study, the teenager's voice does not change, which significantly affected his further popularity.

Muslim Magometovich himself recalls his school years with the following words: “Everything that was related to music: piano, solfeggio, choir, musical literature is an ideal perception. In other subjects, I barely pulled out to the top three. Sometimes I got the impression that when I see a formula, my brains turn off. "

First performances

The date of the first performance on the stage falls on 1957. In adolescence, he secretly sang from his uncle and grandfather at the local House of Culture. The adults were against this, as they feared that the boy's unformed voice could be lost forever.

Later in 1961 he made his debut in the song and dance ensemble and became a laureate of the world youth festival in Finland.


The soloist became famous after he performed in Moscow at a concert of Azerbaijani art. Subsequent recitals led to the fact that a young, promising boy was sent for an internship in Italy. From there he goes on tour to Paris. The unique voice becomes the subject of admiration of the local public, as a result of which the singer receives an offer to stay and become a global star. The young man did not mind, but the intervention of the Ministry of Culture of the Soviet Union did not allow him to stay.

Upon reaching the age of 31, he was awarded the title of People's Artist, which became a kind of record for the Azerbaijan SSR. 2 years later, in 1975, the singer created the Azerbaijan Pop Symphony Orchestra and headed it until 1989. Throughout his life, Muslim Magometovich was popular, admired and invited to the most significant events in the country.

last years of life

In the past 10 years, Magamaev practically did not sing. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the 2000s the maestro began to feel bad, the years of everyday stress affected. He devoted more time to drawing and writing an autobiography.

After the musician retired in 1998, he no longer returned to the stage, only occasionally took up the performance. One of his last works was regarded by critics as a farewell to the world, it was called "Farewell, Baku".


A handsome young man with a unique voice, was very popular among his peers, he had many fans. Magomayev married one of them in 1960. The marriage with fellow student Ophelia, which lasted only a year, gave Muslim his only child, Marina.

The woman with whom he lived all his life, Tamara Sinyavskaya, People's Artist of the USSR, was 1 year younger. They met at one of the concerts in 1972, after 2 years the young got married.

The news that the great Magomayev had died shocked the whole world. There are connoisseurs of his work in almost every civilized country. The maestro's repertoire includes famous opera arias, pop songs, romances and foreign hits.


Video clip dedicated to the life, work and death of a musical genius

On the stage, Magomayev had no equal in popularity. The very idea that an opera singer with a luxurious baritone polished at La Scala descended to the stage was bold and unexpected for Soviet art.

It is all the more incomprehensible why Magomayev left the stage so early - at more than fifty years of age and while still in demand - although his voice still sounded great. We asked about this his close friend - People's Artist of Russia Vladislav Verestnikov.

He was too critical of himself, - says Vladislav Arkadyevich. - If he could not play at least one note, he refused to sing the whole part. He did not work in the staff of any opera house, despite the fact that he sang not only pop songs, but also the classical repertoire.

For all his popularity in life, Muslim was a very accessible, pure and even naive person. In Chechnya, he was considered a Chechen because his ancestors moved to Baku from Chechnya. Accordingly, in Azerbaijan he was called an Azerbaijani. And he, despite the fact that he was born into a Muslim family, was seriously interested in Orthodoxy. He had a huge film library on religious topics at home, he was especially fascinated by stories about the life of Jesus Christ. In this sense, Magomayev was a man of the world.

In his youth, Muslim Magometovich was compared to the agent 007 by actor Sean Connery - there was something in common in their appearance. And Magomayev liked to act in films, although he spoke about his work as a joke. He was offered the role of Vronsky in "Anna Karenina" by Alexander Zarkhi. He refused in favor of Vasily Lanovoy. But he agreed to play the Persian poet Nizami.

In recent years, Magomayev had serious problems with blood vessels, his legs ached, he suffered from tachycardia, his blood pressure constantly jumped, so it was impossible to wake up without a cup of coffee.

In the evenings we walked along Tverskoy Boulevard, recalls Vladislav Verestnikov. - Muslim had to walk, and I persuaded him to buy a simulator with a treadmill. But this idea did not delight him. Doctors told him that by smoking (Magomayev smoked three packs a day - Ed.) He stole fifteen years of his life from himself. But he did not agree to quit smoking or change his lifestyle. He said: "I will not quit smoking even on pain of death." And he was not interested in living a different, correct life. In my opinion, something weighed on him. He said more than once: "Let them remember me as a young man." This concerned not only the early departure from the stage, but also life in general. He believed that he had already done everything, all-Union fame and public love came to him at the age of 19. The only thing he asked of God was a quick death.

Magomayev died suddenly at the age of 66 ...

Best of the day


Tamara SINYAVSKAYA: "I no longer have anyone to conduct a dialogue with ..."

Tamara Sinyavskaya has kept a vow of silence all year after the death of Magomayev. The Azerbaijani government has granted the widow the right to fly to Baku to her husband's grave for free (Magomayev is buried in the Alley of Honor) at any time she wants.

(There were reasons for the decision to transport Magomayev's ashes to his historical homeland. In Azerbaijan, the singer is a national hero, to whose grave the folk path will not literally overgrow. the crime lads bow to their authorities. Such a neighborhood seemed at least strange to the singer's relatives ...)

Tamara Sinyavskaya told me that their long-standing alliance with Magomayev was held not only thanks to love:

We had many common interests. Especially when it came to music, singing. As soon as Muslim saw on TV someone's performance, which caused him an explosion of emotions, he immediately to me: "Did you hear that ?!" And the evening begins of "questions and answers", enthusiasm or indignation. Muslim was a very emotional person, although our tastes and assessments almost always coincided. Now I have no one to conduct this fascinating dialogue with ...


Daughter married the son of a close friend

Marina, the daughter of Muslim Magomayev from her first marriage with Ophelia (she was his classmate at the music school), moved to America long ago. While she lived in Baku with her mother, she rarely saw Muslim, but maintained a relationship. The singer was very fond of Marina. And when the question of marriage arose, he introduced her to the son of his old friend and impresario Gennady Kozlovsky, Alik. Marina married Alik and moved with him to America.


The dacha on Nikolina Gora was never built

Close friends of Magomayev told me that Muslim was building a dacha on Nikolina Gora for his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya. Three-story mansion. But I never finished building it. Why? According to one version, he was prevented from doing this by a conflicted and restless neighbor - the son of the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Nikolai Shchelokov. According to another version, there were not enough funds. By the standards of Soviet times, Muslim Magomayev earned good money (of course, not to be compared with the fees of today's stars), but his money did not linger. If the singer was asked for a loan, he gave it without hesitation. He shared everything - down to building materials. As a result, this building material was not enough for our own dacha. Near Zvenigorod, he built a more modest one-story house. The country life for him and Tamara Sinyavskaya gave great pleasure. But he could not get stuck outside the city for a long time - there was not enough communication with friends and the Internet (Magomayev had his own website, his own Internet community).