Alexander Burdonsky: “They do not let me forget that I am Stalin's grandson. Vasily Stalin's children their fate Black chicken on the escalator

Alexander Burdonsky

Theater director, People's Artist of Russia and grandson of Joseph Stalin, Alexander Burdonsky died in Moscow. He was 75 years old.

As RIA Novosti was told at the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, where Burdonsky worked for several decades, the director died after a serious illness.

The theater clarified that the civil funeral service and farewell to Bourdonsky will begin at 11:00 on Friday, May 26.

“Everything will take place in his native theater, where he has worked since 1972. Then there will be a funeral service and cremation at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, ”said a representative of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army.

"A real workaholic"

Actress Lyudmila Chursina called Burdonsky's death a huge loss for the theater.

“A man who knew everything about the theater left. Alexander Vasilyevich was a real workaholic. His rehearsals were not just professional pursuits, but also life reflections. He brought up a lot of young actors who adored him, ”Chursina told RIA Novosti.

“For me, this is a personal grief. When parents die, orphanhood sets in, and with the departure of Alexander Vasilyevich, I became an actor's orphanage, ”added the actress.

Chursina worked a lot with Burdonsky. In particular, she starred in the performances “A Duet for a Soloist”, “Elinor and Her Men” and “Playing on the Keys of the Soul”, which were directed by the director.

“We had six joint performances and have already started working on the seventh. But there was an illness, and he burned out in four to five months, ”- said the actress.

People's Artist of the USSR Elina Bystritskaya called Burdonsky a man of unique talent and iron will.

“This is a wonderful teacher, with whom I happened to teach for ten years at GITIS, and a very talented director. His departure is a great loss for the theater, ”she said.

"Knight of the Theater"

The theater and film actress Anastasia Busygina called Alexander Burdonsky “a real knight of the theater”.

“With him we had a real theatrical life in its best manifestations,” the “360” TV channel quotes Busygina's words.

According to her, Burdonsky was not only a magnificent person, but also "a true servant of the theater."

Busygina first encountered Burdonsky when staging Chekhov's "The Seagull". She noted that the director was sometimes despotic in his work, but his "love united the actors into one team."

How Stalin's grandson became a director

Alexander Burdonsky was born on October 14, 1941 in Kuibyshev. His father was Vasily Stalin, and his mother was Galina Burdonskaya.

The family of the leader's son broke up in 1944, but Burdonsky's parents never filed for divorce. In addition to the future director, they had a common daughter - Nadezhda Stalin.

From birth, Burdonsky bore the surname Stalin, but in 1954 - after the death of his grandfather - he took his maternal name, which he retained until the end of his life.

In an interview, he admitted that he saw Joseph Stalin only from afar - on the podium and only once with his own eyes - at the funeral in March 1953.

Alexander Burdonsky graduated from the Kalinin Suvorov School, after which he entered the directing department of GITIS. In addition, he studied at the acting course of Oleg Efremov in the studio at the Sovremennik Theater.

In 1971, the director was invited to the Central Theater of the Soviet Army, where he staged the play "The One Who Gets a Slap". After success, he was offered to stay in the theater.

During his work, Alexander Burdonsky has staged the performances "The Lady with the Camellias", Alexander Dumas's son, "The Snows Fell" by Rodion Fedenev, "The Garden" by Vladimir Arro, "Orpheus Descends into Hell" by Tennessee Williams, "Vassa Zheleznova" by Maxim on the stage of the Theater of the Russian Army Gorky, “Your Sister and a Prisoner” by Lyudmila Razumovskaya, “Mandate” by Nikolai Erdman, “The Last Ardently in Love” by Neil Simon, “Britannica” by Jean Racine, “Trees Die Standing” and “The One Who Does Not Expect…” Alejandro Casona, “Harp greetings ”by Mikhail Bogomolny,“ Invitation to the Castle ”by Jean Anuya,“ The Queen's Duel ”by John Murrell,“ Silver Bells ”by Henrik Ibsen and many others.

In addition, the director has directed several performances in Japan. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun could see Anton Chekhov's The Seagull, Vassa Zheleznova by Maxim Gorky and Orpheus Descends into Hell by Tennessee Williams.

In 1985 Burdonsky received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1996 - People's Artist of Russia.

The director also actively participated in the theatrical life of the country. In 2012, he took part in a rally against the closure of the Gogol Moscow Drama Theater, which was reformatted into the Gogol Center.

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All his life he was striving to get out of the shadow of the tyrant who was his grandfather, and not only his last name, but also a prestigious apartment on ...

In the unintelligent childhood of his grandfather, my interlocutor didn’t pull his mustache, he didn’t try to take his favorite pipe away from him, and he never even called “grandfather” with a warm home word - it was not accepted in the family. The person who was present in the life of his grandson by some unattainable symbol was called Joseph Vissarionovich, the father of my counterpart was, respectively, Vasily Iosifovich, and the metric given to him included the surname Stalin, which made millions tremble.

His sister Nadezhda remained Stalin until the end of her life - out of principle, and her daughter, born in a short marriage with the son of the writer Alexander Fadeev, bears the same surname, but Alexander, at the age of 16, when receiving a passport, presented his mother's documents and became Bourdonsky. Hoped in this way from the fear of isolating himself in the atmosphere of which he grew up? Or maybe it was an intuitive attempt to deceive the fate of the Stalinist descendants?

Be that as it may, he did not want to portray the crown prince, whom the curious crowd longed to see in him, the grandson of the leader preferred the bohemian red sweaters of the actor, the servant of Melpomene, to the heavy imperial purple. Later, his teacher Maria Osipovna Knebel wrote about Alexander Burdonsky: “When he came to GITIS, he was squeezed, unsure of himself, he was afraid of offending someone, but nevertheless, breaking his timidity, he always spoke correctly, sincerely ... of the freshman is formed the one to whom the whole course agrees to obey? Here, and abilities decide a lot, and human qualities, and sensitivity, and manner of communication, and endurance, and will "...

Unbelievable, but true: student friends nicknamed Alexander the Count - either because of manners, or because of his surname (as it is on the nickname Vasya Krasny, which was given to his father, does not look like it!). After graduating from GITIS, Efros invited Romeo to play at the Malaya Bronnaya Theater, Zavadsky and Anisimova-Wulf invited him to the Mossovet Theater for the role of Hamlet, but fate seemed to think that Shakespeare's tragedies and passions had already fallen to his lot.

Nowadays, Alexander Vasilyevich is a famous director, People's Artist of Russia and can rightfully say that he made himself. Ironically, he has been serving in the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army for more than 40 years - in a huge building built in the Stalinist Empire style in the shape of a five-pointed star, and on the other hand, where he would still feel at home, the grandson of the Generalissimo and the son of the General - lieutenant?

Of course, Burdonsky tried to figure out what we call Stalin's phenomenon, but among his fifty performances there is not a single one dedicated to his grandfather.

The maximum that Alexander Vasilyevich allowed himself was to put Nikolai Erdman's play "Mandate" on the perestroika wave and put a mannequin in a well-recognized cap on the background of the Kremlin wall as a decoration in the foreground against the background of the Kremlin wall.

From his great-power womb, all the characters personifying lack of spirituality and philistinism came out onto the stage, including those played by the director personally - they say, this is where she is, the breeding ground for the prosperity of the bureaucracy, for the emergence of leaderism and the cult of personality ... Bourdonsky's age is probably painful from such a frontal decision - and not only for him! - topics, I think, would have abstained.

All his life, he strove to get out of the shadow of the tyrant who was his grandfather, and not only his last name, but also a prestigious apartment on Tverskaya with a view of the Kremlin changed.

Unlike his cousin Yevgeny Yakovlevich Dzhugashvili (they once studied at the Suvorov Military School: one in the elementary grade, the other in the graduation school), Alexander Vasilyevich never lays flowers at the grave at the Kremlin wall, and he never lays interviews if they are not about theater, avoids.

And yet ... Burdonsky, by his own admission, forgets about the surname received at birth only when he is rehearsing or, when he comes home, locks the door behind him, and when he is pestered with questions about what he has experienced, he answers with his favorite quotation from the Bible: “ A person is born to suffer, like sparks to rush upward. "

"It didn't seem to me that on the tail of the surname Stalin it was necessary to enter art"

- Alexander Vasilyevich, today I must step aside from tradition and introduce you to readers outside of your occupation. It's great, of course, that you are a famous theater director, that you have many iconic performances on your account, but, forgive me, this is not the main thing: it seems to me that it is much more important that your grandfather was Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. You, the first-born of his youngest son Vasily, were born in October 1941, and this happened - since the Germans were on the outskirts of Moscow and the leading personnel, as well as their families were evacuated to the Volga - in Kuibyshev, as Samara was then called. Tell me, what did your mother Galina Burdonskaya do? What is her profession?

She wrote poetry, wrote some essays - she studied at the editorial and publishing faculty, but she never finished it: first I was born, then my sister, then the war began, and so it all came to naught ...

Mom left her father in 1945, and there was no time for studies, although she tried, she entered the legal profession ... I wanted to become a lawyer in order to fight for the truth, because the father did not give us children to her, but nothing of that didn't work out. Then she worked as a technical editor.

- How many bloods are mixed in you?

A lot, perhaps unnecessarily. Among the relatives on the paternal side are Georgians, Ukrainians, Gypsies ...

- Even the gypsies?

Well, great-grandfather Sergei Yakovlevich Alliluyev was a gypsy ... There are also Germans, because his wife Olga Evgenievna, my great-grandmother, by her mother's, actually, Aichgolts, is from the land of Baden-Württemberg in Germany. Her ancestors moved to Russia at the end of the reign of Catherine II, and the maiden name of her great-grandmother (on her father's side) was Fedorenko: in their family they spoke German and Georgian) ...

- Well, there were Ossetians, probably?

Apparently, although I won't say that this question interested me a lot: Georgians, Ossetians - God be with him! Well, on my mother's side - the Russians and the French. Her surname comes from the name of the town of Bourdone in the south of France, my mother's great-great-grandfather was wounded here during the war with Napoleon, then he stayed, and when he married a Russian woman, he was recorded in the church in the local manner.

- Is this blood boiling in you?

And how! - my temperament is pretty wild ...

- Why do you wear your mother's surname?

Not that I was afraid of something or hesitated - it somehow never crossed my mind, I just wanted to do theater from a young age, to do art, and it didn’t seem to me that on the tail of the name Stalin it was necessary to enter it. I grew up quite early, and my mother really supported me in this decision, so everything that I achieved in my life: I became a People's Artist, an Honored Art Worker, staged in Japan, in Hong Kong, Israel, in Italy I gave master classes - after all this is the work of my hands, and not a surname, to which to some extent I belong. I’m not saying that I am proud of something, but sometimes I can tell myself that I made myself.

- Did your mother tell you how she and her father met?

On the rink. In Moscow on Petrovka (only not 38, where some organization is located, but 26) there was a famous skating rink where all, so to speak, golden youth went.

- Then it was fashionable ...

Well, yes. Recently, the film "The Son of the Father of Nations" was shot, so everything is wrong there - they, however, for some kind of advice did not turn to me. Mom had a fiancé - the famous hockey player Volodya Menshikov ...

- ... and it was already going to the wedding?

Yes, so he, in fact, introduced her to her father ...

- ... to my misfortune ...

Mom, if you are interested, she loved Protazanov's film "The Dowry" very much ...

- ... with Nina Alisova in the title role ...

Yes, there was a gorgeous picture at one time - with good actors, she received all sorts of awards ... Do you remember how Ktorov-Paratov with a wide gesture in front of Alisova throws a fur coat into the mud so that she could get out of the carriage? - so, dad to mom to some extent resembled Paratov. He rode a motorcycle on its hind legs around the Kirovskaya metro station (my mother lived opposite, now it is Myasnitskaya Street), or flew low and low over the house and dropped flowers. Fortunately, then it was possible to fly over Moscow ... It is too difficult to talk about it, but unfortunately their characters were similar ...

- Was she dashing too?

Desperate, brave, incredibly witty - they were sometimes mistaken for brother and sister, they thought it was Svetlana. They even outwardly were somewhat similar, not only in characters, and in general, the father was a little bit different than the one with whom I remember him, because the war changed him very much, very much!

- Have your parents registered their marriage?

Yes, in the 40th, on New Year's Eve.

- How long did they live together?

So, 41st, 42nd, 43rd ... Five-something years.

- Then divorced?

No, their marriage was not terminated. My father never gave my mother a divorce, and although he seemed to be recording with someone, but unofficially.

"When we were separated from my mother, she tried to lay hands on herself, she threw herself in the subway under the train."

- Where did you live after your parents broke up?

With my father - he did not give us away.

- When you were separated from your mother, did you worry?

Of course, it was so hard! .. The case, as you understand, is old, but it is painful to remember.

- She suffered when her children were taken away?

Not that word! - I tried to lay hands on myself ...

- What are you doing ?! How?

I threw myself in the subway under the train. She didn't see my sister and me for eight years - eight years! Then - again, if you are curious! - she came to my school ... I, in my opinion, was already in the second grade, a woman approached me - it was my grandmother, my mother's: “Are you Sasha?”. I nodded. “Do you remember,” she asked, “that you have a mother, that her name is Galya?” I, of course, shrank into a ball - now I'll start worrying (sighs). “She’s at the entrance of the next house, come here” - well, she took me there. Mom and I didn't say anything - we just cried. Then I came home, and a few days later my father called me into his office and worried me terribly ...

- Beaten up? With your hands, with a belt?

There was no need for a belt - his hand was heavy, like mine (when I touched my mother, she shuddered: “Don't touch, these are my father's hands”). I beat them, in general, and sent them to the Suvorov School - that's how I ended up in the military.

- And how did he know that you and your mother met? Did the guards follow you or were they just under surveillance?

Apparently. I didn't know, but judging by how sad it all ended, someone, I think, was watching.

- Mom probably had a phone, but you could not call her?

No, and in general, what a telephone is, to be honest, I did not know.

- Why did the parents split up? Did your mother ever tell you about the reason?

Her father became unbearable ... For her ... (In memory of family life, Galina Aleksandrovna had a scar on her head - seven centimeters: her husband pushed her, pregnant, jealous of Mark Bernes, who, after the release of the movie "The Fighters", was very popular. - D.G.). Although she loved him all her life ... In her last years, I sometimes asked: “Mom, if life had turned out differently? ..”, and she answered invariably: “You know, no, I would have met Vasily anyway, I would love him anyway and marry him. "

Mom considered him a victim, and, in general, I also think that there is a great deal of truth in this. Once, when my father was playing tricks, drinking and everything else, she said to him: "Vasya, think, you are not a stupid person." He stood at the window and, without turning around, said: "Jackdaw, don't you understand that I am alive, as long as my father is alive, he will not be - and I will not be," but words are words, and it was difficult to bear it, I understood ...

- ... and regretted, for sure ...

Well, of course. During these eight years, I will note that my father had two wives, and I, respectively, had two stepmothers. One monstrous ...

- Daughter of the former People's Commissar of Defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union Tymoshenko?

Yes, but she is a sick person, her psyche was not all right ... However, I forgave her everything. Many years later - my father was no longer alive - I talked to her: I remember that I came to her dinner at two o'clock, and left the next day at six in the evening - we were sitting in the kitchen with her ...

- Has the unspoken accumulated?

- (Sighs). After all, he also beat her, did not love and beat her, and she naturally took it out on us.

- Did not love? Why then did he get married?

I think he was pushed to this. As I know, from Svetlana Alliluyeva, my aunt, too, there was a company there ... My mother was once, by the way, very much praised by many Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik, the head of Stalin's security, said: “Galechka, we need to inform Vasya is talking at the table, "and she sent him back, not very well, in plain text. He got angry: "You will regret it!" Most likely, there were some kind of undercover games played in order to ...

- ... to control the situation ...

Yes. I repeat, my mother had such a character ... not eccentric, but how can I tell you ... She could never seem to be someone, she did not know how to dissemble, she always remained herself, but she could be very different: either thin and tender, or and harsh to the point of rejection. This, of course, could not please, and Katya Timoshenko seemed to be from the Kremlin environment ... However, this marriage was short, bad - here Kapitolina (Kapitolina Vasilyeva, champion and record holder of the Swimming Union. - D.G.), his last his wife, a smart woman, understood everything well enough, and her father's life became normal with her.

“Mom's leg has been amputated and hasn't looked at herself in the mirror for 14 years.


- None of the NKVADists, except Vlasik, tried to recruit your mother?

No, and she generally believed that Stalin once allegedly ordered: "Do not touch Galina!" Mom thought so because she was not imprisoned and there was no repression against her.

- By the way, yes...

This fate passed her, although, after she left for her mother, the father came to her for a year or a year and a half, when he got drunk. Their apartment seemed to be located on the mezzanine level - on such a high ground floor: so he fired at the windows. My grandmother even had a piece of her earlobe torn off - she had diamonds in her ears, and, fortunately, a bullet hit the earring (my mother, as a rule, ran away through the back door) ...

- Vasily Iosifovich wanted to return your mother?

Who knows...

- But if he asked, would Galina Aleksandrovna accept him?

Oh, I don’t know ... When he was released from prison in 61, he naturally came to us. Mom did everything to greet him, the table was laid, but as soon as the father started a conversation about the fact that, they say, Galya, we should get back together for the sake of the children, she got ready at the same moment and went to her grandmother - so more and did not appear.

- Look, loving him ...

Yes. “Better,” she said, “in a cage with a tiger. I feel sorry for him, I sympathize with him, I understand how unhappy he is, but I cannot share it. "

At the same time, she went to Vladimir to him ...

- jail...

I drove something - well, we, of course, drove and also drove something.

It's hard, very hard. When her father did not give us to her, after a while she began to drink - absolutely terribly ... My grandmother had a neighbor who advised: "Galya, you need to fill your grief with wine." Fortunately, it seemed to have passed ... You see, when her parents parted, she was 25 years old.

- No experience, nothing ...

Of course, she was a broken person. I loved my mother very much, very much ... She lived 69 years ...

- Few!

- (Sad). I was a golden man, but that's not the point ...

For the last 14 years, literally according to Vysotsky, "you and the Lord have been kept" - by me and the Lord. She had a terrible obliterating endarteritis - she smoked too much, suffered an amputation of her leg, and never once looked at herself in the mirror during these 14 years. Never!

- Was Galina Alexandrovna beautiful?

How to say ... After all, they say about their children that they are incredible, and with their parents the same story ... I think she was in the style of the time, this is the type of Vali Serova, with whom my mother was friends, Lyubov Orlova is blond an athlete (she was fond of sports), very lively, witty, she drove a car gorgeous.

- Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev, the son of the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Khrushchev, to my question whether he saw Stalin, answered: “Yes, once, at the May Day demonstration, that is, I saw him, but he didn’t me” ... Well, you have you seen grandfather?

Same way...

- Also at the demonstration?

At the parades on May 9 and November 7 - we went there every year. In the center - the Mausoleum, and on the sides - the guest stands, and we stuck out there somewhere, I watched Stalin climb up the side stairs.

- That he is your grandfather, did you understand?

To be honest, it didn't bother me.

- What are you doing ?!

What's so surprising? When he died, I was at the Suvorov School in Tver - in exile for meeting my mother. Two uncles of the military came for me, took me by plane to Moscow and, without stopping home, without feeding or drinking, they took me to the Hall of Columns, took me by the hand onto the stage and sat on a chair. I saw people walking, crying, throwing themselves into each other's arms, and I was ashamed that I had no tears, but I could not squeeze them out of myself ... It's the same as now some shepherd Chebarkulia would be buried, whom I don't even know, and I should have mourned for him. For me, Stalin still stayed there somewhere, all my life, do you understand?

- That is, you did not feel yourself as a grandson of the great Stalin?

No no. We lived very modestly, we were in rather harsh conditions, they kept us in tight-knit gloves, so I had no idea that I could afford to say: "Do you know whose grandson I am?" or: "Do you know who my grandfather is?" It couldn't even enter my head from any side ...

"About mom, Stalin said to Svetlana:" All of you women are durras, and she is durra. "

- Well, well, you are eight-nine-ten years old - this is a conscious age when you can already understand everything and even partly analyze it ...

No, I was a boy who, after all, how can I tell you, grew up on the estate. Have you ever passed through Rublyovka? Where there is a right turn, Mikoyan's dacha was next to her father's - I once fled from this dacha with a knapsack, because I had read Garin-Mikhailovsky's Childhood of the Theme. I gathered my knapsack, cut out my wand, hung my boots on it ...

- They were impressive ...

I got to the first policeman - there they took me by the collar and brought me back. We mostly lived there, but in Moscow, when I went to school, they settled us in a mansion on Gogolevsky Boulevard - behind a fence, do you understand? I was jealous of my friend Volodya Shklyara - his dad was a tailor in sidelocks, with this (points to the back of his head) ...

- ... kippah?

Yes, with her. They lived in a wooden house, and there were some balsams on their windows, a cage hung with a canary - it seemed to me such happiness, such comfort ... I envied him very much, but I could hardly bring anyone to me ...

- Well, well, your grandfather climbs the steps to the podium of the Mausoleum - a man whom half the world is afraid of, the leader of the most powerful nuclear power, occupying a sixth of the land ...

I didn't understand it ...

- And pride did not overwhelm, the feeling of some kind of kinship: I and he - one blood - were not there? ..

No. Feelings, since we are talking about them, were - responsibilities, for example ...

- ... do not shame!

I knew that I must behave well, study well ... I must, I must, I must - I learned this from a young age, and I can’t afford anything superfluous, I can’t afford any liberties.

- Did Stalin ever feel like meeting you?

You know, there is quite an interesting story ...

When the war was going on, he did not want to meet anyone at all, as you understand ...

- ... it was not up to that ...

And after the war, he had a stroke, so he was not up to it either. Then dad arranged a leapfrog of wives ... In 1943 he got carried away with Nina Carmen - the wife of cameraman Roman Karmen: she was a very beautiful woman (her mother also knew her from her youth). When the romance began there, my mother was just pregnant with my sister, and Svetlana told Stalin about this. He ordered his daughter-in-law to provide an apartment, they settled her in the House of Government, they allocated a car - everything was given ...

- ... deed, look ...

So that she and the children: both the born child and the growing up - live in peace.

- Did you get a good apartment?

Good! Well, dad and Nina turned around, then ran to mom, and she let him in ... When Svetlana happily told her father: "Galya and Vasya made up," he muttered: "All of you women are fools, and she is a fool."

- And he was right ...

In 1945, Svetlana also tried to persuade her father to influence her brother, who did not give us, the children, to the mother, but Stalin said: “Don't. She herself wanted such a life for herself - now let her disentangle herself. Cruel, but it was so ...

- Surely he didn't have the slightest desire to see his legitimate grandson?

He saw Osya Svetlanin (Iosif Grigorievich Alliluyev is a Soviet and Russian cardiologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences. - D.G.), but my sister and I did not, because with Katya (Vasily's second wife Ekaterina Timoshenko. - D.G.) father did not accept, with his next wife ... Kapitolina said that it seemed that the two of them once came to some dacha ... I don’t know the details, there was never any talk about this in the house, Naturally, they brought them to the Kremlin to live - they had their own half there with their father, but she did not want all this so much ... Therefore, when Stalin invited her, she dived into bed under the covers and asked the adjutant to say that she was sleeping. “I wasn’t even curious,” she recalled. - What should I talk to him about? That I, like a fool, would stand there? "

"Red-haired Zyama Adamson considered himself Russian, but he said to me:" You are a furry Jew, you have to be beaten. "

- Today, after so many years, you have no purely human resentment against your grandfather - not against Generalissimo Stalin, just against your grandfather! - for not even wanting to see you?

If I considered him my grandfather, I probably would, but try to understand me: the ashes of Claes do not knock in my heart. You know, Stalin for me is a great figure of the twentieth century, a tyrant, if you like, but a man unambiguously smart, very gifted ...

- ... genius, listen!

Undoubtedly, with all the characteristics that follow from this ... I give all of this its due, I am even amazed at something: for example, I do not understand how he could to his assistant from memory a list of books necessary for the library, and the names there are such that I I would simply not have spoken them out, probably until he reached Stalin's age. I repeat: I give it my due, but for some kind of family ties - no, no! When, in the 53rd year, after his death, my mother finally took us, we lived with her, and her friends, friends from the camps returned, and the conversations were appropriate ... Stalin's idol was never in the house, so I like I didn’t pretend ... Well, it was customary, or something: no one ever flew with this flag.

- Did you know at school that you were Stalin's grandson?

Some knew, some did not.

- Did the teachers and classmates in this regard somehow especially treat you?

Well, guys never pay attention to such things ... No, I had no problems with that, however, complications arose due to the fact that I was a “Jew”. In my class, the red-haired Zyama Adamson was a student, who gathered a company, - so he considered himself Russian, and he said to me: "You are a furry Jew, you have to be beaten."

- He could have ended up in places not so distant ...

I could not, it is possible - Stalin was no longer there, this happened after his death. Ah-ah, no, there was a case ... Our class was taken to the theater, and there my place next to the girl turned out to be, whose name was Laura Polskaya - I remembered this for the rest of my life. After the performance, I took the number from her and handed her the coat - because of this, my mother was called to school. The headmistress said that I had no childish attitude, that I did not look at the girl that way, although she did not go or walk from any direction to me. In general, a whole intrigue was brought up - it was like that, but I think it was not so much with the number as with the exposure of Stalin's personality cult, which was going on at that time.

- Did the family have any privileges during the life of the grandfather: cooks, housekeepers?

Well, there was, of course, some kind of service ...

- Food rations, machines?

There must have been something, although we were very modest, I would say, they were fed ... Maybe they gave my father something, but they did not invite us to these tables. I was not spoiled, pheasants so that later, when this feast was over, I would suddenly gasp: "Where are the pheasants?"

- Stalin died poor?

Recently I found myself at his dacha - some documentary film was being filmed and they persuaded me to say something on camera, but I hadn’t been there for so many years ... Our father brought us there after Stalin’s death, or maybe the day before his body was taken away, I I vaguely remember everything ... I was amazed then that there was a kitchen towel on the TV - you know, they were so harsh ...

- Have you already had a TV set?

Yes, and this kitchen towel surprised me, and when I went to this dacha a few years ago ...

- Heart, excuse me, skipped a beat?

No, I was terribly scared. While filming, I walked around the house, they showed me every corner there ...

- Everything has been preserved as it was?

In his rooms - yes, the only thing, in the attached terrace (when he was old, he did not walk along the street in winter, but went out onto the terrace), gifts were set for “Comrade Stalin”. It can be seen that part of the exposition is from the museum: crystal vases, souvenirs - like a shop of some kind, but in general ...

I was not scared because, oh, my God, where were the submachine guns and machine guns kept here? - the thought became creepy how a person could live in this house. Each room has the same thing - a table with chairs and two sofas ...

- Is the furniture the same?

Yes, in the bedroom - and this is a huge room - there is one narrow bed, next to a chair, on which a table lamp stood, as if even a table was an unaffordable luxury; in the corner, at the other end, there was a small wardrobe. It was not even such asceticism that struck me, but some wildest loneliness - what happiness, I thought that I had nothing to do with the kings. A gloomy life - that was what was scary!

- That is, Stalin died all the same poor?

Pf-f-f! With a bare bottom, I think, and we were left with a bare bottom - after all, it was state-owned.

- Amazing, huh? Now imagine the leader of even a poor country ...

I don't even want to introduce! - we had none of this. Knee in the ass! - in what they stood, in that on the street and kicked out.

Alexander Vasilievich Burdonsky direct grandson of I. V. Stalin, the eldest son of Vasily Stalin.

He is the only descendant of Stalin to publish his DNA.

The grandson of Joseph Stalin, Alexander Burdonsky: "My grandfather was a real tyrant. I can't see someone trying to invent angel wings for him, denying his crimes."

The grandson of Joseph Stalin, Alexander Burdonsky: "My grandfather was a real tyrant. I can't see someone trying to invent angel wings for him, denying his crimes."

After the death of Vasily Iosifovich, seven children remained: four of their own and three adopted. Nowadays, of his own children, only 75-year-old Alexander Burdonsky is alive - the son of Vasily Stalin from his first wife Galina Burdonskaya. He is a director, People's Artist of Russia - he lives in Moscow and heads the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army.

Alexander Burdonsky met his grandfather for the only time - at a funeral. And before that I saw him, like other pioneers, only at a demonstration: on Victory Day and on the October anniversary. The always busy head of state did not express any desire to communicate with his grandson. And the grandson was not too eager. At the age of 13, he basically took the name of his mother (many relatives of Galina Burdonskaya died in Stalin's camps).

- Is it true that your father - "a man of crazy courage" - beat off your mother from the famous in the past hockey player Vladimir Menshikov?

- Yes, they were then 19 years old. When my father looked after my mother, he was like Paratov from "Dowry". That only cost his flights on a small plane over the metro station "Kirovskaya", near which she lived ... He knew how to show off! In 1940, the parents got married.
My mother was cheerful, she loved the color red. I even made a red wedding dress for myself. It turned out to be a bad omen ...

- The book Around Stalin says that your grandfather did not come to this wedding. In a letter to his son, he sharply wrote: "He got married - to hell with you. I pity her that she married such a fool." But after all, your parents looked like an ideal couple, even outwardly they were so similar that they were mistaken for brother and sister ...

- It seems to me that my mother loved him until the end of her days, but they had to part ... She was just a rare person - she could not pretend to be someone and never cunning (maybe that was her trouble) ...

- According to the official version, Galina Aleksandrovna left, unable to withstand the constant drunkenness, assault and betrayal. For example, Vasily Stalin's fleeting relationship with the wife of the famous cinematographer Roman Karmen Nina ...

- Among other things, my mother did not know how to make friends in this circle. The head of security Nikolai Vlasik (who raised Vasily after the death of his mother in 1932), an eternal intriguer, tried to use her: "Checkmark, you must tell me what Vasily's friends are talking about." His mother is obscene! He hissed, "You're going to pay for this."

It is quite possible that the divorce from my father was the price. In order for the leader's son to take a wife from his circle, Vlasik twisted the intrigue and slipped him Katya Timoshenko, the daughter of Marshal Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko.

- Is it true that your stepmother, who grew up in an orphanage after her mother ran away from her husband, offended you, almost starved you?

- Ekaterina Semyonovna was a domineering and cruel woman. We, other people's children, apparently annoyed her. Perhaps that period of life was the most difficult. We lacked not only warmth, but also elementary care. They forgot to feed us for three or four days, some were locked in a room. Our stepmother treated us terribly. Sister Nadia was severely beaten - her kidneys were beaten off.

Before leaving for Germany, our family lived in the country in winter. I remember how we, small children, crept into the cellar at night in the dark, stuffed beets and carrots into our pants, peeled unwashed vegetables with our teeth and gnawed them. Just a scene from a horror movie. Povarikha Isaevna had a great hit when she brought us something ...

Catherine's life with her father is continuous scandals. I don't think he liked her. Most likely, there were no special feelings on both sides. Very calculating, she, like everyone else in her life, just calculated this marriage. You need to know what she wanted. If well-being, then the goal can be said to have been achieved. Catherine brought in a huge amount of junk from Germany. All this was kept in a barn at our dacha, where Nadya and I were starving ... And when my father put my stepmother out in 1949, she needed several cars to take out the trophy goods. Nadya and I heard a noise in the yard and rushed to the window. We see: "Studebakers" go in a chain "...

- Stalin's adopted son Artem Sergeev recalled that when he saw your father pouring himself another portion of alcohol, he told him: "Vasya, that's enough." He replied: "I have only two choices: a bullet or a glass. After all, I am alive while my father is alive. And as soon as he closes his eyes, Beria will tear me apart the next day, and Khrushchev and Malenkov will help him, and Bulganin there They will not tolerate such a witness. Do you know what it is like to live under an ax? So I get away from these thoughts "...

- I visited my father both in the Vladimir prison and in Lefortovo. I saw a man cornered, who could not stand up for himself and justify himself. And his conversation was, of course, mainly about how to get out of freedom. He understood that neither I nor my sister could help in this (she died eight years ago). He was tormented by a sense of injustice done to him.

- You and your cousin Yevgeny Dzhugashvili are fantastically different people. You speak in a low voice and love poetry, he is a loud military man, regretting the good old days and wondering why "the ashes of this Klaas are not knocking into your heart" ...

- I do not like fanatics, and Evgeny is a fanatic who lives in the name of Stalin. I cannot see how someone adores the leader and denies the crimes he has committed.

- A year ago, another of your relatives in Yevgeny's line - 33-year-old artist Yakov Dzhugashvili - turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to investigate the circumstances of the death of his great-grandfather Joseph Stalin. Your cousin nephew claims in his letter that Stalin died a violent death and this "made possible the coming to power of Khrushchev, who imagines himself a statesman, whose so-called activities turned out to be nothing more than a betrayal of state interests." Confident that a coup d'etat took place in March 1953, Yakov Dzhugashvili asks Vladimir Putin "to determine the degree of responsibility of all persons involved in the coup."

- I do not support this venture. It seems to me that you can do such things only if you have nothing to do ... What happened happened. People have already passed away, why stir up the past?

- According to legend, Stalin refused to exchange his eldest son Yakov for Field Marshal Paulus, saying: "I am not changing a soldier for a field marshal." Relatively recently, the Pentagon handed over to Stalin's granddaughter - Galina Yakovlevna Dzhugashvili - materials about the death of her father in Nazi captivity ...

- It is never too late to take a noble step. I would be lying if I said that I shuddered or that my soul ached when these documents were handed over. All this is a matter of the distant past. And it is above all important for Yasha's daughter Galina, because she lives in the memory of her father, who loved her very much.

It is important to put an end to it, because the more time passes after all the events associated with Stalin's family, the more difficult it is to reach the truth ...

- Is it true that Stalin was the son of Nikolai Przhevalsky? A well-known traveler allegedly in Gori was staying in the house where Dzhugashvili's mother, Ekaterina Geladze, worked as a maid. These rumors were fueled by the amazing external similarity between Przhevalsky and Stalin ...

In the last year of his life, Vasily Stalin began his day with a glass of wine and a glass of vodka

“I don’t think it’s so. Rather, the point is different. Stalin was fond of the teachings of the religious mystic Gurdjieff, and it suggests that a person must hide his real origin and even shroud his date of birth with a kind of veil. The legend of Przewalski, of course, poured water on this mill. And what looks like, so please, there are still rumors that Saddam Hussein was the son of Stalin ...

- Alexander Vasilyevich, have you ever heard suggestions that you inherited the director's talent from your grandfather?

- Yes, I was sometimes told: "I understand why the Bourdon director. Stalin was also a director" ... Grandfather was a tyrant. Let someone really want to attach angel wings to him - they will not hold on to him ... When Stalin died, I was terribly ashamed that everyone around was crying, but I was not. I sat near the coffin and saw crowds of people crying. I was rather frightened by this, even shocked. And what good could I have for him? What to thank for? For the crippled childhood I had? I do not wish this to anyone .... To be Stalin's grandson is a heavy cross. I will never go to play Stalin in a movie for any money, although they promised huge profits.

- What do you think about the sensational book "Stalin" by Radzinsky?

- Radzinsky, apparently, wanted in me as a director to find some other key to Stalin's character. He allegedly came to listen to me, and he himself spoke for four hours. I sat and listened with pleasure to his monologue. But he did not understand the true Stalin, it seems to me ...

- The artistic director of the Taganka Theater, Yuri Lyubimov, said that Iosif Vissarionovich ate and then wiped his hands on a starched tablecloth - he's a dictator, why should he be ashamed? But your grandmother Nadezhda Alliluyeva, they say, was a very educated and modest woman ...

- Once in the 50s, grandmother's sister Anna Sergeevna Alliluyeva handed us a chest where Nadezhda Sergeevna's things were kept. I was struck by the modesty of her dresses. An old jacket, darned under the arm, a worn skirt of dark wool, and patches on the inside. And it was worn by a young woman who was said to love beautiful outfits ...

"Alexander Vasilyevich died tonight," the theater, where the director worked, told Interfax. Alexander Burdonsky has served in the Theater of the Russian Army since 1972. Here he received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1985) and People's Artist of Russia (1996).


Colleagues express their condolences over the bitter event. People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Chursina was the first to speak.

“A man who knew everything about the theater left. Alexander Vasilyevich was a real workaholic. His rehearsals were not just professional pursuits, but also life reflections. He brought up a lot of young actors who adored him. this is a personal grief. When parents die, orphanhood sets in, and with the departure of Alexander Vasilyevich, an actor's orphanhood has come, "RIA Novosti quotes Chursina.

As they wrote, Alexander Vasilyevich Burdonsky was born on October 14, 1941 in Kuibyshev (now Samara). In 1951-1953 he studied at the Kalinin Suvorov School. After completing an acting course at the Sovremennik theater with Oleg Efremov, in 1966 he entered the directing department of GITIS to Maria Knebel.

Alexander Burdonsky died on the evening of May 23 in the hospital after a serious illness. The cause of death is heart problems.

Theater director.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (07/29/1985).
People's Artist of Russia (02.21.1996).

The direct grandson of I. V. Stalin, the eldest son of Vasily Iosifovich Stalin (1921-1962) from his first wife Galina Burdonskaya (1921-1990).
He recalled: “The parents' life together did not work out. I was four years old when my mother left my father. She was not allowed to take her children with her. We were separated for eight years. "
In 1951-1953 he studied at the Kalinin Suvorov School.
Later he entered the acting course of the studio at the Sovremennik Theater to Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov. In 1966 he entered GITIS (now RATI) at the directing department of the course of Maria Osipovna Knebel, at the same time graduating from school as an external student and receiving a certificate of maturity.
After graduating from GITIS in 1971, he was invited to play Shakespeare's Romeo Anatoly Efros in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Three months later, Maria Knebel invites her student to the Army Theater to stage the play "The One Who Gets Slaps" by Leonid Andreev, in which Andrei Popov and Vladimir Zeldin played. After the implementation of this production, in 1972 the chief director of the TsTSA Andrei Alekseevich Popov suggested A.V. Burdonsky to stay at the Army Theater.

Director of the Central Academic Theater of the Soviet (Russian) Army.
Staged two performances at the Maly Theater and in Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun saw "The Seagull" by A. Chekhov, "Vassa Zheleznova" by M. Gorky and "Orpheus Descends into Hell" by T. Williams.

He taught at GITIS (RATI).

He was married to his classmate Dala Tamulyavichiute (1940-2006), director of the State Youth Theater of Lithuania.

theatrical works

Performances staged at TSATRA:
"The one who gets slapped" L. Andreev
"Lady of the Camellias" by A. Dumas-son
"The Snows Have Fell" by R. Fedenev
"Garden" by V. Arro
"Orpheus Descends to Hell" by T. Williams
"Vassa Zheleznovu" by M. Gorky
"Your sister and captive" L. Razumovskaya
"Mandate" N. Erdman
"Conditions are dictated by a lady" by E. Alice and R. Reese
"The Last Ardently in Love" by N. Simon
"Britannic" by J. Racine
"Trees die while standing" by A. Casona
"Duet for a soloist" T. Kempinski
"Charades of Broadway" by M. Orr and R. Denham
"Harp of Greetings" by M. Bogomolny
"Invitation to the Castle" by J. Anouil
"The Queen's Duel with Death" based on the play "Laugh of the Lobster" by D. Murrell
"The one that is not expected ..." based on the play "The Morning Fairy" by A. Casona
"The Seagull" A.P. Chekhov
"Elinor and Her Men" by J. Goldman