The image of Tatiana Larina in Eugene Onegin (with quotes). The image of Tatiana Larina in the novel "Eugene Onegin The qualities of Tatiana Larina in the novel Eugene Onegin

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin managed to present all the diversity of life in contemporary Russia, to depict Russian society "in one of the most interesting moments of its development", to create typical images of Onegin and Lensky, in whose person the "main, that is, the male side" of this society. “But the feat of our poet is almost higher in that he was the first to reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman,” wrote Belinsky.

Tatyana Larina is the first realistic female image in Russian literature. The outlook of the heroine, her character, mental makeup - this weight is revealed in the novel in great detail, her behavior is psychologically motivated. But at the same time, Tatiana is the poet's "sweet ideal", the "novel" embodiment of his dream of a certain type of woman. And the poet himself often talks about this in the pages of the novel: “Tatiana's letter is before me; I cherish it ... "," Forgive me: I love my dear Tatiana so much! " Moreover, the personality of the heroine, to a certain extent, embodied the attitude of the poet himself.

Readers immediately felt these author's accents. Dostoevsky, for example, considered Tatyana, and not Onegin, to be the protagonist of the novel. And the writer's opinion is quite reasonable. This is a whole nature, outstanding, exceptional, with a truly Russian soul, with a strong character and spirit.

Her character remains unchanged throughout the novel. In various life circumstances, Tatyana's spiritual and intellectual horizons expand, she gains experience, knowledge of human nature, new habits and manners characteristic of another age, but her inner world does not change. “Her portrait in childhood, painted so masterfully by the poet, is only developed, but not changed,” wrote V. G. Belinsky:

Dick, sad, silent,

As a forest doe is fearful,

She is in her family

She seemed like a stranger to a girl ...

Child herself, in a crowd of children

I didn't want to play and jump

And often all day alone

She sat silently by the window.

Tatyana grew up as a thoughtful and impressionable girl, she did not like noisy children's games, funny entertainment, she was not interested in dolls and needlework. She loved to dream alone or listen to the babysitter's stories. Tatyana's only friends were fields and forests, meadows and groves.

It is characteristic that, describing village life, Pushkin does not depict any of the "provincial heroes" against the background of nature. Habit, "prose of life", preoccupation with household chores, low spiritual needs - all this left its mark on their perception: local landowners simply do not notice the surrounding beauty, as Olga or old woman Larina does not notice it,

But Tatyana is not like that, her nature is deep and poetic - she is given to see the beauty of the surrounding world, it is given to understand the "secret language of nature", it is given to love God's light. She loves to meet the "dawn sunrise", with her thoughts to be carried away to the shimmering moon, to walk alone among the fields and hills. But Tatyana especially loves winter:

Tatiana (Russian soul.

Without knowing why)

With her cold beauty

I loved the Russian winter

Frost in the sun on a frosty day,

And the sleigh, and the late dawn

Shining pink snows

And the darkness of Epiphany evenings.

The heroine thus introduces the motive of winter, cold, ice into the narrative. And winter landscapes then often accompany Tatiana. Here she is wondering on a clear frosty night for baptism. In a dream, she walks "through a snowy clearing," sees "motionless pines" covered with clumps of snow, bushes, rapids covered by a blizzard. Before leaving for Moscow, Tatiana is "afraid of the winter path." VM Markovich notes that the "winter" motive here "is directly close to that harsh and mysterious sense of proportion, law, fate, which made Tatyana reject Onegin's love."

The heroine's deep connection with nature persists throughout the entire story. Tatiana lives according to the laws of nature, in complete harmony with her natural rhythms: “It's time to come, she fell in love. Thus, the seed of Spring that has fallen into the earth is revived by fire. " And her communication with the nanny, her faith in the "traditions of the common people of antiquity", dreams, fortune telling, omens and superstitions - all this only strengthens this mysterious connection.

Tatyana's attitude to nature is akin to ancient paganism, in the heroine the memory of her distant ancestors, the memory of the family, seem to come to life. “Tatiana is all dear, all from the Russian land, from Russian nature, mysterious, dark and deep, like a Russian fairy tale ... Her soul is simple, like the soul of the Russian people. Tatiana is from that twilight, ancient world where the Firebird, Ivan Tsarevich, Baba Yaga were born ... ”- wrote D. Merezhkovsky.

And this “call of the past” is expressed, among other things, in the inextricable connection of the heroine with her family, despite the fact that there she “seemed like a stranger to a girl”. Pushkin depicts Tatiana against the background of the life history of her family, which acquires an unusually important meaning in the context of comprehending the fate of the heroine.

In her life story, Tatiana, not wanting to, repeats the fate of her mother, who was taken to the crown, “without asking her advice,” while she “sighed for another, Who with her heart and mind she liked much more ...”. Here Pushkin seems to anticipate Tatyana's fate with a philosophical remark: "A habit from above has been given to us: it is a substitute for happiness." They may object to us that Tatiana is deprived of a spiritual connection with her family (“She seemed like a stranger to her family in her own family”). However, this does not mean that there is no connection of an inner, deep, that very natural connection that is the very essence of the heroine's nature.

In addition, Tatiana was raised by a nanny from childhood, and here we can no longer talk about the absence of a spiritual connection. It is to the nanny that the heroine confides in her heartfelt secret by handing over the letter to Onegin. She recalls the nanny with sadness in St. Petersburg. But what is the fate of Filipievna? The same marriage without love:

"But how did you get married, nanny?" -

So, apparently, God told me to. My Vanya

I was younger, my light,

And I was thirteen years old.

The matchmaker went for two weeks

To my family, and finally

My father blessed me.

I cried bitterly with fear

They unraveled my braid with a cry,

Yes, they took me to church with singing.

Of course, the peasant girl is deprived of freedom of choice here, unlike Tatyana. But the very situation of marriage, its perception are repeated in the fate of Tatiana. Nurse "So, apparently, God ordered" becomes Tatiana "But I was given to another; I will be faithful to him forever. "

The fashionable hobby for sentimental and romantic novels also played an important role in the formation of the heroine's inner world. Her very love for Onegin is manifested "in a bookish way", she arrogates to herself "someone else's delight, someone else's sadness." The men she knew were not interesting to Tatiana: they "imagined so little food for her exalted ... imagination." Onegin, however, was a new man in the "wilderness of the countryside." His mystery, secular manners, aristocracy, indifferent, bored look - all this could not leave Tatyana indifferent. “There are creatures in whom fantasy has a much greater influence on the heart than how they think about it,” wrote Belinsky. Not knowing Onegin, Tatiana imagines him in the images of literary heroes well known to her: Malek-Adel, de Dinard and Werther. In essence, the heroine loves not a living person, but the image created by her “rebellious imagination”.

However, gradually she begins to discover the inner world of Onegin. After his harsh preaching, Tatiana remains at a loss, resentment and bewilderment. Probably, she interprets everything she heard in her own way, realizing only that her love was rejected. And only after visiting the “fashionable cell” of the hero, looking into his books, which keep the “sharp mark of nails,” Tatiana begins to comprehend Onegin's perception of life, people, and fate. However, her discovery does not speak in favor of the chosen one:

What is he? Is it an imitation

An insignificant ghost, or else

Muscovite in Harold's cloak,

Interpretation of other people's quirks,

Full vocabulary of fashionable words? ..

Isn't he a parody?

Here the difference in the outlook of the heroes is especially vividly exposed. If Tatiana thinks and feels in line with the Russian Orthodox tradition, Russian patriarchy, patriotism, then Onegin's inner world was formed under the influence of Western European culture. As V. Nepomniachtchi notes, Eugene's office is a fashionable cell, where instead of icons there is a portrait of Lord Byron, on the table is a small statue of Napoleon, the invader, conqueror of Russia, Onegin's books undermine the basis of the foundations - faith in the Divine principle in man. Of course, Tatiana was amazed, discovering not only the unfamiliar world of someone else's consciousness, but also a world deeply alien to her, basically hostile.

Probably, the ill-fated duel, the outcome of which was the death of Lensky, did not leave her indifferent. A completely different, non-bookish image of Onegin was formed in her mind. Confirmation of this is the second explanation of the heroes in St. Petersburg. Tatiana does not believe in the sincerity of Evgeny's feelings, his persecutions offend her dignity. Onegin's love does not leave her indifferent, but now she cannot answer his feelings. She got married and devoted herself entirely to her husband and family. And an affair with Onegin in this new situation is impossible for her:

I love you (why dissemble?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever ...

A lot was reflected in this choice of the heroine. This is the integrity of her nature, which does not allow lies and deceptions; and the clarity of moral concepts, which excludes the very possibility of causing grief to an innocent person (husband), frivolously dishonoring him; and book-romantic ideals; and faith in Destiny, in the Providence of God, implying Christian humility; and the laws of popular morality, with its unambiguous decisions; and unconscious repetition of the fate of the mother and nanny.

However, in the impossibility of uniting heroes, Pushkin also has a deep, symbolic implication. Onegin is a hero of "culture", of civilization (moreover, of the culture of Western European, which is alien to the Russian people in its very essence). Tatiana is a child of nature who embodies the very essence of the Russian soul. Nature and culture in the novel are incompatible - they are tragically separated.

Dostoevsky believed that Onegin now loves in Tatiana “only his new fantasy. ... Loves fantasy, but he himself is a fantasy. After all, if she follows him, then tomorrow he will be disappointed and will look at his infatuation with mockery. It has no soil, it is a blade of grass carried by the wind. She [Tatiana] is not like that at all: in her despair and in the suffering consciousness that her life has perished, there is still something solid and unshakable on which her soul rests. These are her childhood memories, memories of her homeland, rural wilderness, in which her humble, pure life began ... "

Thus, in the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin presents us with "the apotheosis of the Russian woman." Tatiana amazes us with the depth of nature, originality, "rebellious imagination", "mind and will of the living." This is a whole, strong personality, capable of rising above the stereotyped thinking of any social circle, intuitively feeling the moral truth.

"Eugene Onegin" is a novel in verse. If not the best, then one of the best works of the great Russian classic. A.S. For the first time, Pushkin reveals Tatyana Larina, which is an ideal for him, which he gently, lovingly sings.

It is believed that the prototype of the heroine was a real woman who left after her husband exiled to Siberia.

The ideal image of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Pushkin calls his heroine a simple and at the same time very common name - Tatiana. Her character is sincere, folk, natural, but nevertheless she cannot be called a simpleton. The heroine's sincerity is combined with the extraordinary depth of her soul.

She is a great lover of books, brought up on them and the stories of her nanny, differs from her environment. Tatiana is not used to fondling her parents and playing with other children, like all her peers. She appears before the readers as a girl somewhat detached from the whole society. For Pushkin, this is the ideal image of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

She loves nature and lives according to its rhythms and laws, feeling her unity with her.
Public opinion is not so important for a girl. But she lives in a world of ideals, sincere soulfulness, high spiritual morality and purity.

She likes more country life, closeness to nature, which she feels and loves. Then, having married, living in St. Petersburg and leading a secular life, she will longingly remember the life that she had in her beloved village.

A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin": heroes and their love

Pushkin describes in his novel two vivid images of the main characters. These are Tatyana Larina, Eugene Onegin, who oppose each other and at the same time attract. The pure and sincere soul of a girl comes into contact with a young man who has already seen a lot in his lifetime and is disillusioned with life. Onegin's spiritual emptiness and Larina's soul filled to the brim are dramatically revealed in the novel.

It would seem that love should work miracles, and the strong and sincerely in love Tatiana can definitely change everything. Eugene Onegin, however, rejects her after recognition and leaves her in complete confusion. Was it love or passion? Tatyana, being a dreamy girl, fell in love not with a real person, but with the image she invented, which she painted in her dreams.

The young man, who attracted her with his aloofness and mystery, with those features that were inherent in herself, nevertheless, inside, nevertheless turned out to be not that romantic hero from her dreams and dreams. He turned out to be empty, disappointed and even corrupted by the secular life of the capital. But, despite this, the noble nobility deeply lived in him, and Tatyana did not become deceived. Eugene Onegin left, leaving the girl in complete disarray.

He had a chance to change and find the soulfulness that once was. But it was too complicated and incomprehensible for him, and the young man or "young old man" as critics sometimes called him, decided to simply retire and continue his usual way of life.

Much later, Tatyana Larina, Eugene Onegin will meet in St. Petersburg. And then the fire of passion will burn not her, but Onegin. Tatyana, in turn, having become a lady of high society, will not lose her ability to love. However, this time she will reject Eugene - not in order to take revenge or follow the norms accepted in society.

She loves him, no matter what, and does not hide it from him. But she continues to be guided in life by her high spiritual and moral principles and cannot break the vow given to her husband destined by fate. At the same time, she understands that it is not passion and selfish pride that drives Onegin. And how can she answer otherwise? Deciding on an extramarital affair? By doing so, she would not only defile her love, but also betray herself, giving up her inner rules of life.

V.G. Belinsky about Tatiana

The ideal image of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin" was described in detail by V.G. Belinsky, calling him the image of the truth of a Russian woman, and the novel is a real encyclopedia of Russian life.

Tatiana in his perception is a deep and strong woman, without the suffering contradictions of complex souls, in which sometimes they themselves are not able to figure it out. She is whole, one and pure in nature. And it doesn't matter who she is today: a society lady or a simple girl from the village. Wherever she is, a high spiritual integrity does not leave her, and no matter what happens to her, she is guided by the values ​​living inside her.

Tatiana and Olga

Tatiana, the ideal image of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin", is the complete opposite of her sister Olga. The latter is a windy girl with a careless and narrow-minded disposition. Her image in its entirety is revealed in a disdainful attitude towards the young man who fell in love with her - Lensky, who, because of her frivolous behavior, challenges Onegin to a duel and dies there.
Tatiana cannot be mentally friendly with her windy sister, she needs depth and meaningfulness of her own and others' thoughts and actions, which Olga cannot give her.

Natural image

Tatiana is able to contemplate beauty, feel harmony, understand the language of nature and love the world around her. She loves to meet the sunrise and think about the moon, walk through the fields and meadows, admire the beautiful natural landscapes, especially in winter, and even

Her image is close to the pagan, when people lived in unity with the outside world, with nature, without separating themselves from it and finding in nature all the answers to their questions. Tatiana believes in superstitions, omens, fortune-telling and dreams. And this belief further strengthens her connection with nature.

Social image

Social life weighs on the girl. Her deep inner being resists falsehood, but she is forced to come to terms with her and live as fate ordered her. By the end of the novel, a naive country girl learned to put on a secular cold mask and walk in it, like all people around her. But, despite this, she does not lose her essence and spiritual qualities.

Favorite quotes

Those who read, taught and studied at school the novel "Eugene Onegin", quotes from it can remember all their lives. Thanks to the wonderful and light style of the great Russian poet, the poems are remembered quickly and for a long time: "Dika, sad, silent, like a forest deer fearful ..."

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" quotes characterizing the image of Tatiana, brightly and simply drawing Russian, remaining in the memory of young people, help in comprehending the mysterious Russian soul and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

We bring to your attention a brief description of Tatyana Larina from the novel "Eugene Onegin", on which Alexander Pushkin worked for about eight years from 1823-1831.

The image of Tatyana Larina is very interesting, and it is clear that Pushkin worked a lot on it, as well as on the rest of the main characters of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

The image of Tatyana Larina Pushkin draws to the reader very clearly - Tatyana Larina is a simple provincial girl, she is "wild, sad and silent." Tatiana is brooding and lonely, and it is interesting that the environment does not have a strong influence on her, because she is not proud of her connections, her parents' belonging to nobles, guests who visit their house.

The characteristics of Tatyana Larina are formed by completely different circumstances and events of her life. For example, Tatiana adores nature, she is romantic and is inspired by the novels of Russo and Richardson.

Characteristics of Tatyana Larina when Eugene Onegin appears

In drawing the image of Tatyana Larina, Pushkin does not resort to irony, and in this respect, Tatyana's character is the only and exclusive, since from her appearance on the pages of the novel to the very end of the story, the reader sees only the poet's love and respect.

You can recall the following lines by Pushkin: "I love my dear Tatiana so much."

In Alexander Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", of course, Tatyana Larina is the main female character. The love story of this girl was later sung by both playwrights and composers. In our article, the characteristics of Tatyana Larina are built from the point of view of her assessment by the author and in comparison with her sister Olga. Both of these characters are shown in the work as completely opposite natures. Of course, we must not forget about the romance line of the novel. In relation to Onegin, the heroine also shows us certain aspects of her character. We will analyze all these aspects further so that the description of Tatyana Larina is as complete as possible. First, let's get to know her sister and herself.

You can talk about the main character of the novel for a very long time and a lot. But the image of her sister - Olga Larina - Pushkin showed quite succinctly. The poet considers her virtues to be modesty, obedience, innocence and gaiety. The author saw the same character traits in almost every village young lady, so he makes it clear to the reader that he is bored with describing her. Olga possesses a banal country girl. But the author presents the image of Tatyana Larina as more mysterious and complex. If we talk about Olga, then the main value for her is a cheerful, carefree life. She, of course, contains Lensky's love, but she does not understand his feelings. Here Pushkin is trying to show her pride, which is absent if we consider the character of Tatyana Larina. Olga, this simple-minded girl, is unfamiliar with the difficult mental work, so she took the groom's death lightly, quickly replacing him with the "love flattery" of another man.

Comparative analysis of the image of Tatyana Larina

Against the background of the village simplicity of her sister, Tatyana seems to us and the author to be a perfect woman. Pushkin declares this quite bluntly, calling the heroine of his work "a sweet ideal." A brief description of Tatyana Larina is inappropriate here. This is a multifaceted character, the girl understands the reasons for her feelings and actions, and even analyzes them. This proves once again that Tatiana and Olga Larins are absolute opposites, although they are sisters and were brought up in the same cultural environment.

Author's assessment of Tatiana's character

How does Pushkin present the main character to us? Tatiana is inherent in simplicity, leisurely, thoughtfulness. The poet pays special attention to such a quality of her character as belief in mysticism. Signs, legends, changes in the phase of the moon - all this she notices and analyzes. The girl is very fond of guessing, and also attaches great importance to dreams. Pushkin also paid attention to Tatyana's love for reading. Raised on typical women's fashion novels, the heroine sees her love as if through a book prism, idealizing her. She loves winter with all its faults: darkness, twilight, cold and snow. Pushkin also emphasizes that the heroine of the novel has a "Russian soul" - this is an important moment for the characterization of Tatyana Larina to be as complete and understandable to the reader.

The influence of village customs on the character of the heroine

Pay attention to the time in which the subject of our conversation lives. This is the first half of the 19th century, which means that the characteristic of Tatyana Larina is, in fact, the characteristic of Pushkin's contemporaries. The character of the heroine is closed and modest, and reading her description given to us by the poet, it can be noted that we practically do not learn anything about the girl's appearance. Thus, Pushkin makes it clear that it is not external beauty that is important, but internal character traits. Tatiana is young, but looks like an adult and mature personality. She did not like children's games and playing with dolls; she was attracted by mysterious stories and love suffering. After all, the heroines of their favorite novels always go through a series of difficulties and suffer. The image of Tatiana Larina is harmonious, subtle, but surprisingly sensual. Such people are often found in real life.

Tatyana Larina in a love relationship with Eugene Onegin

How do we see the main character when it comes to love? She meets Eugene Onegin, already being ready for a relationship internally. She "is waiting ... for someone," Alexander Pushkin cautiously points out to us. But do not forget where Tatyana Larina lives. The characteristics of her love relationship also depend on the strange village customs. This is manifested in the fact that Eugene Onegin visits the girl's family only once, but around the people are already talking about engagement and marriage. In response to these rumors, Tatyana begins to consider the main character as an object of her sighs. From this we can conclude that Tatyana's experiences are far-fetched, artificial. She carries all her thoughts in herself, longing and sadness live in her soul in love.

The famous message of Tatiana, its motives and consequences

And the feelings turn out to be so strong that there is a need to express them, continuing the relationship with Eugene, but he no longer comes. It was impossible for a girl to take the first step in accordance with the requirements of the etiquette of those times, it was considered a frivolous and ugly act. But Tatiana finds a way out - she writes a love letter to Onegin. Reading it, we see that Tatiana is a very noble, pure person, high thoughts reign in her soul, she is strict with herself. Evgeny's refusal to accept her love for a girl, of course, is discouraging, but the feeling in her heart does not go out. She tries to understand his act, and she succeeds.

Tatiana after unsuccessful love

Realizing that Onegin prefers fast hobbies, Tatiana goes to Moscow. Here we already see a completely different person in her. She overcame in herself a blind unrequited feeling.

But in Tatiana she feels like a stranger, she is far from his fuss, brilliance, gossip and attends dinners most often in the company of her mother. Unsuccessful made her indifferent to all subsequent hobbies of the opposite sex. That solid character that we observed at the beginning of the novel "Eugene Onegin", towards the end of the work is shown by Pushkin broken and destroyed. As a result, Tatyana Larina remained a “black sheep” in high society, but her inner purity and pride could help others see her as a true lady. Her detached behavior and, at the same time, an unerring knowledge of the rules of etiquette, politeness and hospitality attracted attention, but at the same time forced her to stay at a distance, so Tatiana was above gossip.

The ultimate choice of the heroine

Towards the end of the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin, completing the plot, gives his "sweet ideal" a happy family life. Tatyana Larina has grown spiritually, but even in the last lines of the novel, she confesses her love to Eugene Onegin. At the same time, this feeling no longer dominates her, she makes a conscious choice in favor of loyalty to her lawful husband and virtue.

Onegin also draws attention to the "new" for him Tatiana. He does not even suspect that she has not changed, she simply "outgrew" him and "got sick" with her old painful love. Therefore, she rejected his advances. This is how the main character of Eugene Onegin appears before us. Her main character traits are strong will, self-confidence, kind character. Unfortunately, Pushkin showed in his work how such people can be unhappy, because they see that the world is not at all what they would like. Tatyana has a difficult fate, but her craving for personal happiness helps her overcome all adversity.

Tatyana Larina's fervent monologue about feelings for a young rake is part of the compulsory school curriculum. Memorizing the lines about the first love and impulses of the soul, it is easy to catch the courage and openness, which is so uncharacteristic for young ladies of the century before last. This is what distinguishes Tatiana from most literary images - naturalness and loyalty to ideals.

History of creation

The poetic novel, which he considered a feat, was first published in 1833. But readers have been following the life and love affairs of a young reveler since 1825. Initially, "Eugene Onegin" was published in literary almanacs, one chapter at a time - a kind of 19th century serial.

In addition to the main character, Tatyana Larina, a rejected lover, attracted attention to herself. The writer did not hide that the female character of the novel was written from a real woman, but the name of the prototype is not mentioned anywhere.

Researchers put forward several theories about the alleged muse of Alexander Sergeevich. First of all, they mention Anna Petrovna Kern. But the writer had a carnal interest in a woman, which differs from the author's attitude to the dear Tatyana Larina. Pushkin considered the girl from the novel to be a beautiful and gentle creature, but not an object of passionate desires.

The heroine of the novel has similarities with Elizaveta Vorontsova. Historians believe that the portrait of Onegin was painted from an admirer of Countess Raevsky. Therefore, the role of the literary lover went to Elizabeth. Another weighty argument - Vorontsova's mother, like Larina's mother, married an unloved one and suffered from such injustice for a long time.

Twice the wife of the Decembrist, Natalya Fonvizina, claimed that she was the prototype of Tatiana. Pushkin was friends with Natalia's husband and often communicated with a woman, but there is no other evidence to support this theory. The poet's school friend believed that the writer put into Tatiana a particle of his own hidden traits and feelings.

The negative reviews and criticism of the novel did not affect the image of the main character. On the contrary, most literary scholars and researchers note the integrity of the character. calls Larina "the apotheosis of the Russian woman", speaks of Tatiana as "a genius, unaware of her genius."

Of course, Eugene Onegin shows the female ideal of Pushkin. Before us is an image that does not leave indifferent, delights with inner beauty and illuminates with bright feelings of a young innocent young lady.


Tatyana Dmitrievna was born into a military family, a nobleman, who after service moved to the countryside. The girl's father died several years before the events described. Tatiana remained in the care of her mother and the old nanny.

The girl's exact height and weight are not mentioned in the novel, but the author hints that Tatiana was not attractive:

“So she was called Tatiana.
Not her sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not have attracted eyes. "

Pushkin does not mention the age of the heroine, but, according to the calculations of literary critics, Tanya recently turned 17 years old. This is confirmed by the poet's letter to a close friend, in which Alexander Sergeyevich shares his thoughts about the girl's emotional impulse:

“… If, however, the meaning is not entirely accurate, then all the more the truth in the letter; a letter from a woman, who is also 17 years old, and who is also in love! "

Tatiana spends her free time talking with the nanny and reading books. Due to her age, the girl takes to heart everything that the authors of romance novels write about. The heroine lives expecting a pure and strong feeling.

Tatiana is far from the girlish games of her younger sister, she does not like the chatter and noise of frivolous girlfriends. The general characteristic of the main character is a balanced, dreamy, extraordinary girl. Relatives and acquaintances have the impression that Tanya is a cold and overly judicious young lady:

“She is in her family
She seemed like a stranger to a girl.
She did not know how to caress
To his father, not to his mother. "

Everything changes when Eugene Onegin comes to the neighboring estate. The new inhabitant of the village is not at all like Tatyana's former few acquaintances. The girl loses her head and after the first meeting she writes a letter to Onegin, where she confesses her feelings.

But instead of a stormy showdown, for which the girl's favorite novels are so famous, Larina listens to a sermon from Onegin. Say, this behavior will lead the young lady in the wrong direction. In addition, Eugene is not at all created for family life. Tatiana is confused and confused.

The next meeting between the heroine in love and the selfish rich man takes place in winter. Although Tatiana knows that Onegin does not respond to her feelings, the girl cannot cope with the excitement of the meeting. Tanya's own name day turns into torture. Eugene, noticing Tatyana's languor, devotes time exclusively to the younger Larina.

This behavior has consequences. The younger sister's groom was shot in a duel, she quickly married another, Onegin left the village, and Tatiana was again left alone with her dreams. The girl's mother is worried - it's time for her daughter to be married, but dear Tanya refuses all applicants for a hand and heart.

Two and a half years have passed since the last meeting between Tatyana and Eugene. Larina's life has changed markedly. The girl is no longer sure if she really loved the young rake so much. Perhaps it was an illusion?

At the insistence of her mother, Tatyana married General N, left the village where she had lived all her life, and settled with her husband in St. Petersburg. An unscheduled date at the ball awakens forgotten feelings in old acquaintances.

And if Onegin is seized with love for a once unnecessary girl, then Tatiana remains cold. The charming general does not show favor to Eugene and ignores the man's attempts to get closer.

Only for a short moment, the heroine, who withstands the onslaught of Onegin in love, removes the mask of indifference. Tatyana still loves Eugene, but she will never betray her husband and defame her own honor:

“I love you (why dissemble?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever. "

Screen adaptations

The love drama from the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a popular subject for musical compositions and film adaptations. The premiere of the first film of the same name took place on March 1, 1911. The black and white silent motion picture touches on the main moments of the story. The role of Tatiana was performed by the actress Lyubov Varyagina.

In 1958, the film-opera told the Soviet audience about the feelings of Onegin and Larina. She embodied the image of the girl, and performed the vocal part off-screen.

The British-American version of the novel appeared in 1999. The film was directed by Martha Fiennes, played the main role. The actress was awarded the Golden Aries for the image of Tatiana.

  • Pushkin chose a distinctive name for the heroine, which at that time was considered simple and tasteless. In the drafts, Larina is referred to as Natasha. By the way, the meaning of the name Tatiana is the organizer, the founder.
  • According to scientists, the year of birth of Larina is 1803 according to the old style.
  • The girl speaks and writes poorly in Russian. Tatiana prefers to express her thoughts in French.


And happiness was so possible, so close! ..
But my fate has already been decided.
I am writing to you - what more?
What else can I say?
I can't sleep, nanny: it's so stuffy here!
Open the window and sit with me.
He is not here. They don't know me ...
I'll take a look at the house, at this garden.