Personal qualities of a successful teacher. Professional and personal qualities of a teacher

A teacher is a person who teaches and educates students. But, of course, such a definition cannot reveal all that a teacher needs to do and for which he is responsible during the educational process. And not everyone can become one. It is necessary that a person has a special type of personality. What qualities of a teacher help him in transferring knowledge to other generations?

Professional readiness

Briefly list the qualities of a teacher, they will be as follows:

  • love for children;
  • humanism;
  • intelligence;
  • creative approach to work;
  • high civic responsibility and social activity;
  • physical and mental health.

Together, they constitute professional readiness for pedagogical activity. It distinguishes psychophysiological and theoretical and practical aspects. They describe the requirements for determining the competence of a teacher. Pedagogical competence is the definition of the theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher to carry out his professional activities. At the same time, the requirements for an elementary school teacher are somewhat different from other teachers.

Qualities of the first school teacher

In the modern education system, the concept of "elementary school teacher" has become more widely used than before. If once its functions were limited only by the fact that it gave basic knowledge to children, now its field of activity has expanded significantly.

Therefore, the requirements for the qualities of a primary school teacher are now the following:

  • he is not only a teacher, but also an educator;
  • must know the psychophysiological characteristics of children;
  • he must be able to organize the activities of his wards;
  • the teacher actively interacts with children and their parents;
  • readiness for constant self-development;
  • the teacher must create optimal conditions for learning;
  • helps students interact with the environment;
  • owns modern teaching methods.

The primary school teacher is not comparable with the teachers of the middle and senior levels. His functions are even wider, since he is always the class teacher and teaches several disciplines. Of course, the qualities of a teacher, both professional and personal, are important.

What skills and abilities does the teacher have?

What should a teacher be like? This is determined by the standards that are prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as the qualities listed by other famous personalities in pedagogy. For example, such an employee must constantly educate himself and improve his skills. The professional qualities of a teacher are as follows:

  • a broad outlook and the ability to correctly present the material;
  • training taking into account the individual characteristics of students;
  • competent, delivered speech and clear diction;
  • the ability to use facial expressions and gestures during performances;
  • focus on working with students;
  • the ability to quickly respond to situations, resourcefulness;
  • the ability to correctly formulate goals;
  • must have organizational skills;
  • quality control of students' knowledge.

Important qualities of a teacher are his knowledge and skills acquired during his studies and during his professional activities. He should also be able to apply them in his work as a teacher.

Personal qualities of a teacher

It is very important that the teacher had a theoretical base, which is the basis of the educational process. But even if a person knows everything about raising and educating children, he may not become a good teacher. What should be a teacher from a personal point of view? A qualified specialist is defined by the following qualities:

Leading abilities in pedagogical activity

  1. The activity of the teacher is of a successive and promising nature. Having the knowledge of past generations, he must master modern techniques and follow new trends. Also, the teacher must see the personal potential of students.
  2. Interactions between a teacher and a student are subjective-subjective in nature. The "object" of the teacher's activity is a group of students or a pupil, who at the same time are the subject of their own activity with their own needs and interests.
  3. In the educational process, it is difficult to evaluate the contribution made by everyone involved in the upbringing and education of the child. Therefore, pedagogical activity has a collective character.
  4. The process of upbringing and education takes place in a natural and social environment in which it is difficult to take into account all factors. Therefore, the teacher has to constantly create optimal conditions for learning.
  5. Pedagogical activity is creative. The teacher has to constantly look for non-standard solutions for the tasks set, various ways to increase the motivation of pupils. Also, the mentor must be proactive, observant, he must strive for excellence.
  6. All professional activities of a teacher are based on humanistic principles: respect for the individual, trust, the ability to empathize with students, faith in the child's abilities.
  7. The teacher cannot immediately see the result of his work.
  8. The teacher is constantly engaged in self-education and improves the level of his qualifications, that is, there is continuous learning.

The teaching profession involves constant interaction with a large number of people, namely children. He must be able to organize their activities and keep their attention in class. The teacher must know the psychophysiological characteristics of each age period of children and apply them in practice. Also, the teacher must be able to cope with a large amount of information.

Or maybe it's a calling?

It is difficult to determine what is more important: to get a pedagogical education or to love children and have a sincere desire to teach and educate them. For many, teaching is not a job, it's a calling. Because if you want to build trust with your child, you have to be a little small yourself.

A teacher should be like a child who is always interested in everything, who is always in search of something new. And being a teacher is a great talent, you need to be able to discern in each pupil his potential and help realize it. Also, the teacher must be a highly spiritual and cultured person in order to bring up the right life guidelines in his wards.


Personal criteria for teacher success

Features of the personal and individual qualities of the teacher

Compliance of the teacher with pedagogical activity

Style of pedagogical activity

Model of personal and business qualities of a teacher.



Among them, the profession of a teacher is not quite ordinary. Teachers are busy preparing our future, they are educating those who will replace the current generation tomorrow. They are, so to speak, working with "living material", the deterioration of which is equated almost to a catastrophe, since those years that were spent on training were missed.

The profession of a teacher requires comprehensive knowledge, boundless spiritual generosity, wise love for children. Only every day, with joy, giving oneself to children, one can bring them closer to science, make them willing to work, and lay unshakable moral foundations.

The activity of a teacher is every time an intrusion into the inner world of an ever-changing, contradictory, growing person. We must always remember this so as not to injure, not to break the fragile sprout of the child's soul. No textbooks can replace the commonwealth of a teacher with children.

Teaching is one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. The teacher has a large circle of responsibility for improving the younger generation, shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word, to read books.

Many of us remember the school with warmth and delight. However, different teachers left different traces in our soul. You want to meet with some of them and even discuss life plans, you can congratulate someone on a holiday or go to him for a cup of tea, and it also happens that you don’t want to remember someone, but someone just disappeared from memory…

It is not enough for a teacher to know his subject well, he must be well versed in pedagogy and child psychology. There are many specialists in different fields, but not everyone can become good teachers.

1. Personal criteria for teacher success

A specific feature of the teacher's activity is the high involvement of the teacher's personality in it. This means that the personal characteristics of the teacher act as an instrument of his professional activity. The object of evaluation is not the whole set of personal characteristics of the teacher, but only that part of the personal qualities that is professionally significant.

Such qualities were structured in the works of Yu. K. Babansky, V. A. Slastenin, N. V. Kuzmina and others.

From the numerous existing diagnostic methods, we have identified such qualities of the teacher's personality, which, in our opinion, have a significant impact on the teacher's pedagogical activity.


This quality includes:

intensity of emotions, their stability, depth of feelings;

the adequacy of the emotional state of the teacher to the activities of students;

the goodwill of the teacher's reaction to excitement;

confidence in their pedagogical thoughts and actions, satisfaction from the result of their work.

Expressiveness of speech.

This quality characterizes the content, brightness, imagery and persuasiveness of the teacher's speech.

Unfortunately, almost all teachers acquire a "professional" voice coloring: nervous monotony with elements of metal. This teacher's property, as established by psychologists, irritates and depresses students.

To set the voice, to master the means of external expressiveness, it is necessary to use the reflection of one's behavior and special exercises for oratory, and to enrich the vocabulary and imagery, the "Three O" rule applies:

Communication - with good literature, art, nature;

Communication - with interesting people, love, friendship;

Communication - with oneself - self-development - a time of sadness, creativity, reflection.

Creativity of personality.

The teacher, like the writer, must build his "external" and "internal" biography. It seems to be simple: think, write, read, memorize, decide, do it yourself, experiment daily... But if this is done without creativity, without the wit of the soul, then there will be no original judgments, no wonderful lessons, no witty jokes, no extraneous interests. As a result, the students are not interested in the teacher, they do not want to be with him. And the verdict: "The lesson is boring!"

One verse: I can create and do things.

Organizational skills.

They are necessary both to ensure the work of the teacher himself, and to create a good student team.

One verse: I will move mountains in an instant with the guys (I would still like to know why). I can plan, I can do.

Sense of humor.

Children love different teachers, but most of all cheerful ones - those who will not go into their pocket for a word and will find a way out of any difficulty.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky argued: “The teacher’s lack of a sense of humor raises a wall of mutual misunderstanding: the teacher does not understand the children, the children do not understand the teacher. The consciousness that the children do not understand you is annoying, and this irritation is a state from which the teacher often does not find a way out. A significant part of the conflicts between students and teachers could be prevented if the teacher were able to treat the cause of the confrontation with humor, turn everything into a joke.

One verse: I was mixed with humor in my childhood milk.

Perseverance, discipline.

These two qualities characterize the development of the teacher's will.

By perseverance, we mean the ability to achieve the set goal and bring the decisions made to the end.

Teacher Success Criteria

Pedagogical activity:

The level of education of ZUN.

The level of formation of the OUUN.

Innovative work.

Self-education, research work.

Education, qualification.

Self-analysis, self-diagnosis.

Psychological and pedagogical communication:

interest, motivation.

Conscious learning.

The teacher-student relationship.

Accounting for the individual characteristics of the student.

Teacher personality:


Expressiveness of speech.

Creativity of personality.

Organizational skills.

Sense of humor.

Perseverance, discipline.

2. Features of the personal and individual qualities of the teacher

Consider the personal and individual qualities of the teacher also from the standpoint of the requirements that the school makes today for the teacher. We believe that a teacher must simultaneously meet three levels of requirements for this profession. The requirements of the first level are presented to the teacher in general as a carrier of the profession and to the teacher in particular. They are irrelevant to social conditions, social formations, educational institution, academic subject. Any real teacher must meet these requirements, regardless of whether he works under capitalism, socialism, in a rural or urban school, whether he teaches mathematics, labor, language, etc. The requirements of the second level are imposed on an advanced teacher in general, regardless from the subject he teaches. And the third level is the level of requirements only for the teacher. Accordingly, a teacher in a modern school must meet all levels of such a narrowing pyramid of requirements.

So, a teacher in general as a teacher, a person who organizes and manages the educational activities of a student in any learning environment, should characterize:

a) high professionalism in the field of the language being taught, which gives him the moral right and the substantive opportunity to teach others,

b) the true objectivity of the evaluation of the results and the course of training,

c) didacticity, i.e. possession of pedagogical skills that allow organizing the educational process.

This is the level of his professionalism, which, as a matter of course, should characterize any real teacher: Teachers of our school should be distinguished (by virtue of those methodological and general theoretical principles on which the advanced pedagogical theory and practice of teaching is built, for example, the principle of humanism, activity, consciousness, the principle developmental education, etc.) high social activity, humanity, love for children and the educational nature of pedagogical influence. Indicative in this regard is not only the content, but even the very title of the book by V. A. Sukhomlinsky “I give my heart to children”. Guided by these requirements, an advanced teacher in a secondary school treats the student as an active subject of educational activity, a partner in pedagogical communication, which is organized according to the scheme: subject - subject. Here both subjects are mutually respecting, interacting sides of communication. This is a plan for the social characteristics of the teacher.

The teacher as a subject, characterized by all the features inherent in the teacher of any other academic discipline in school conditions, is also determined by specific features. So, according to A. A. Alkhazishvili, the teacher must be able to find, choose the subject of communication, direct it in such a way that students do not feel his humiliating superiority either in knowledge, or in age, or in the social role of the teacher. Moreover, A. A. Alkhazishvili emphasizes that the teacher, being a partner of communication, should be interested in the process and result of this communication. If at some point in the training session, for some reason, he does not have this interest, then he must be so artistic as to be able not to reveal his absence.

The teacher should have another feature that often manifests itself in teaching - the ability to be both a partner and a teacher, directing verbal communication and correcting its shortcomings. This is a complex pedagogical skill that is not authoritarian, not imperative, but supportive, interested in managing communication with students. This skill is a professional-subject quality of a teacher.

3. Compliance of the teacher with pedagogical activity

success teacher pedagogical self-knowledge

The general psychological characteristic of a teacher can also include an indicator of his compliance (as a subject) with the pedagogical activity itself. We distinguish three plans for such correspondence. The first is predisposition to pedagogical activity (and suitability for it). It is revealed in the absence of anatomical, morphological, physiological and psychological contraindications to the profession, such as hearing loss, tongue-tied tongue, etc. abilities. Considering the importance of the correct organization of pedagogical communication with students by the teacher, it is necessary to pay special attention to the presence or special formation of these particular abilities.

The second plan for the correspondence of a teacher to his profession is his personal readiness for pedagogical activity. Readiness implies broad and systemic professional competence, a person's strong conviction, a socially significant orientation of the individual, as well as the presence of a communicative and didactic need, the need for communication, and the transfer of experience.

Inclusion in pedagogical communication and teaching it reveals the third plan of the correspondence of a person to the activity of a teacher. It is expressed in the ease, correctness of establishing contact with the interlocutor, the ability to monitor the interlocutor's reaction and respond adequately to it. Personally, “a teacher who teaches oral speech should be of the type of people with whom it is easy and interesting to talk”

It is also important to note that the pedagogical activity itself, being determined by the individual psychological characteristics of a person, forms a certain style of behavior peculiar to it, the contour of the teacher's communicative actions. “Under the influence of the specifics of pedagogical communication, the negative manifestations of such individual psychological characteristics as extroversion or introversion are leveled, as a result of which the method of solving the teacher’s communicative tasks in pedagogical communication is optimized, regardless of whether he belongs to one of the two types,” emphasizes the researcher of this problem. L. A. Kharaeva.

4. Style of pedagogical activity

Each person, depending on his individual psychological characteristics, and in particular on the type of nervous activity, develops his own individual style of pedagogical activity. On the basis of a combination of dynamic, meaningful and productive characteristics of pedagogical activity, A. K. Markov, A. Ya. Nikonova identified four types of such styles: emotional-improvisational, emotional-methodical, reasoning-improvisational and reasoning-methodical. The teacher will have to determine his style and, if necessary, improve it. Here is the description of the emotional improvisational style given by the authors. “You have many advantages: a high level of knowledge, artistry, contact, insight, the ability to present educational material in an interesting way. However, your activity is characterized and determined by shortcomings: lack of methodology, insufficient attention to the level of knowledge of weak students, insufficient exactingness, overestimation of self-esteem, hypersensitivity, causing excessive dependence on the situation in the lesson, etc.

On the material of the above characteristics, the dependence of the educational process on the style of the teacher is clearly visible. As a result, your students have a persistent interest in the subject being studied and high cognitive activity with fragile knowledge, insufficiently formed skills ... ”and a number of its individual psychological characteristics.

It is essential that the above characteristics of a teacher correlate with those features that determine the success of communication in general, according to V. Levy, V. A. Kan-Kalik. These features are; interest in people, quick and accurate reaction to the interlocutor, artistry, kind, optimistic, open attitude towards people without aggression, lack of bias and anxiety. It is obvious that it is the teacher, due to the specifics of the subject, which requires the organization of pedagogical communication as a means (conditions) and the goal of learning, who needs to purposefully form these qualities in himself if they are not sufficiently identified.

5. Model of personal and business qualities of a teacher

The teacher brings to children not only knowledge. From the very threshold of the class, on which his figure appears, begins the complex interaction of his personality with the personalities of the students. The psychological result of this interaction depends on the personality of the teacher, on his conscious attitudes, on his attitude towards people in general, towards himself, towards the younger ones, on how this attitude is expressed! That is, first of all, from his character, personal qualities. The condition of the teacher also plays a role, but again, depending on his character and conscious attitudes.

No matter how professionally prepared a teacher is, he must constantly improve his personal qualities, which largely contribute to success in work. First of all, these are psychological and pedagogical qualities, focused on creating the effect of the teacher's personal charm: sociability, empathy, visuality, eloquence.

Sociability - the ability to quickly establish contact with people, "enter" the team. Man is a social being, and it can be said that this applies doubly to the teacher. Its essence is not just a totality, but a complex ensemble of social relations, i.e. their coherence, subordination, commonwealth, harmonious unity.

The main meaning of communication is the achievement of a spiritual community of a teacher and students, a teacher and work colleagues, which contributes to the formation of value consciousness, its attitude towards other people and towards oneself. The teacher should improve communicative competence - the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people, to develop a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the flow of the communicative process.

Empathy - capturing the moods of people, identifying their attitudes and expectations, empathy with their needs. Empathy means understanding any feeling, anger, sadness, joy experienced by another person, and responding to your understanding of these feelings.

Thanks to empathy, the process of knowing the feelings of another person becomes more complete, real emotional empathy appears, which becomes the main reason for the emergence of inner closeness.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “A person develops one of the most subtle needs - the need for a person.”

We have become sometimes economical in terms of kind and affectionate words. And at the same time, we wait for them with hope, without necessarily admitting it to ourselves. Learning to be involved in another person, actively and continuously looking for appropriate, adequate ways and forms is a work ultimately aimed at creating the desired joys of communication.

D.I. Pisarev wrote: “In order to understand a person, one must be able to put oneself in his position, one must feel his grief and joy.”

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds, especially when it comes to a small person. Every year in our country, before reaching the age of one, 130 thousand children die, 44 thousand children are born with a diseased heart. Not many can count on the operation. “Only a sick soul can be deaf to someone else's misfortune,” the ancients said. Our state, judging by the situation of our children, really has a sick soul.

Empathy is a quality especially needed by a teacher. Without it, the thread connecting him to the student is paralyzed. To be able to feel the mood, the state of the child at the moment and choose the necessary pedagogical tools is not an easy task, but it is optimal a hundredfold - with the light of radiant grateful eyes.

To develop this quality, it will be useful for the teacher to get acquainted with the individual advice of D. Carnegie, placed in his book.

Here are some of them:

be genuinely interested in other people;


remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language;

be a good listener, encourage others to talk about themselves;

talk about what interests your interlocutor;

inspire your interlocutor with the consciousness of his significance and do it sincerely.

Visuality is the external attractiveness of a person. People present themselves through verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Even Cicero considered it necessary to pay attention not only to what everyone says, but also to the outward expression of feelings in facial movements.

A teacher who has pleasant manners, and this includes facial expressions, gestures, posture, and communication skills, wins people over. Good manners help to quickly adapt to any environment, make it easier to establish communicative links with people, and increase the possibility of influencing them. The formation of personal charm is achieved as a result of the teacher's enormous work on himself, a deliberate exercise in the development of psychological and pedagogical qualities. All the manners of the teacher should have one common feature - this is the observance of pedagogical tact, which includes increased sensitivity to others and the ability to find a form of communication with another person that would allow him to maintain personal dignity.

A.P. Chekhov, said that everything should be fine in a person, while emphasizing the importance of clothing. The appearance of the teacher should testify to his movement towards people, the desire to be an example for them in everything.

Eloquence is the ability to inspire and convince words. The teacher will always need to master the techniques of arator's skill, knowledge of the patterns of public speech, the basic requirements for speech culture, the art of operating with a word. The selection of the language style of communication is carried out taking into account the content of the language material and the listeners' readiness for its perception. Speech should be adapted to those with whom you communicate. The art of speech is also its flexibility, originality, expressiveness, the ability to freely use the literary wealth of the native language, the ability to speak artistically vividly, figuratively, using elements, comparisons, metaphors.

Communicating constantly, the teacher should not forget about the tone in which he speaks with other people. Here, too, it is important to remember the commandment of Hippocrates: “Do no harm!” It is known that people are able to become infected with negative emotions faster than positive ones. You can spoil a good mood for a person very quickly, but how difficult it is to restore it later!

Negative emotional states are especially harmful in our communication with the younger ones: by reducing the level of vital activity, they undermine educational productivity, contain a great affective explosiveness and conflict potential of great destructive power!

Before you enter the classroom or the teacher's room, do not forget to shake off yourself, even there, beyond the threshold of the school, where no one sees you, all that negative that has stuck along the way, and turn on self-control vigilance: what will you bring into the teacher's room? Let it be a bright upliftment of Goodness and Peace. But she needs protection in order to bring her from the teacher's room to the children, so that the "infection" does not leak into the classroom.


It is not a fact that a great professional, a scientist will be able to teach children, especially at school. This requires a special warehouse of personality, the unique qualities of an educator.

Personal qualities required for a teacher:

propensity to work with children;

the ability to interest in one's plan, to lead oneself;

a high degree of personal responsibility;

self-control and balance;

tolerance, invaluable attitude towards people;

interest in and respect for the other person;

desire for self-knowledge, self-development;

originality, resourcefulness, versatility;




demanding of oneself and others;

observation (the ability to see trends in the development of the child, in the formation of his skills, abilities, the emergence of needs and interests).

The profession of a teacher requires, as a rule, pedagogical education. It can currently be obtained at colleges (more often this is the level of a preschool teacher or a primary school teacher) or pedagogical or general universities (bachelor's degree - 4 years - with the right to teach certain academic disciplines at school, master's degree - 2-3 years - an additional right to take leadership positions and conduct research work, postgraduate studies - 3 years - the right to teach in higher educational institutions).


1.Antilogova L.N. Ethical and psychological aspects of teacher's work. Omsk. - 2009.

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.Kronik A.A., Kronik E.A. Starring: You, We, He, You, I. / Psychology of meaningful relationships. - M.: Thought. 2009. - p.127.

.Communication and optimization of joint activities (under the editorship of G.M. Andreeva, Ya. Yanoushek. - M .: MGU, 2008.

.Pisarev D.I. Cup of Wisdom. - M.: Children's literature. - 2008.

.Sukhomlinsky V.A. Studies on communist education. Public education. - 2010. - No. 2.

.According to Jung, methods of general psychological typology of personality. In the book: Rogov E.I. Teacher's personality: theory and practice. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2009, p. 95-96.

.Alekseev A.A., Gromova L.A. Psychogeometric test. In the book: Rogov E.I. Teacher's personality: theory and practice. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2009, p. 97-103.

.Methodology for assessing the professional orientation of the teacher's personality. In the book: Rogov E.I. Teacher's personality: theory and practice. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2009, p. 123-128.

.The study of personality with the help of a modified form "B" (I.Farenberg, X.Zarg, R.Gampel). In the book: Rogov E.I. Teacher's personality: theory and practice. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2009, p. 67-82.

.Narakidze V.G. Personal School of Anxiety Manifestation (MMPI). In the book: Rogov E.I. Teacher's personality: theory and practice. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2010, p. 83-86.


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We live in an amazing time: the world around us is changing very quickly almost beyond recognition. Therefore, a teacher working with the younger generation must be prepared to:

  • Change. This is the most difficult, but necessary condition for the existence of a full-fledged personality.
  • Admit your mistakes. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. The teacher is definitely not one of them.
  • Develop. If earlier the picture of the world did not change over the course of several generations, now everything is developing so rapidly that, as the Black Queen said in Alice Through the Looking-Glass, in order to stay in place, you need to “run as fast as you can”.

The teacher must also understand how modern students live. You can not love Face or Ivangai, but not knowing who these people are means falling behind life.

In addition, the teacher should remember that modern children are different. They live in, they do not have a cult of an adult. These are the qualities that a modern teacher should have in order to be useful and enjoy the results of his work.

1. Respect for children

Usually they say: "A teacher must love children." But such a formulation is too abstract and inevitably becomes an occasion for speculation. Love is very multifaceted. This is both connivance, and, conversely, drill (“Beats - it means loves”). Unclear. But with respect, everything is much easier.

Respecting a student means seeing him as a subject, not a blank slate.

2. Tolerance

All people are different. Sometimes a person irritates us just because he is different: he put on his cap in the wrong way, looks the wrong way. But is it worth paying attention to this if he behaves naturally and does not violate the norms of morality? The same can be said about the right of a person to his own opinion.

If we are talking about questions that cannot be given the only correct answer, then one should not immediately dismiss original and unexpected proposals. They may be more suitable than the standard ones. Children are not as spoiled as adults and can think freely.

Recognize the student's right to be different. And maybe you will raise a new Einstein.

3. Understanding that the teacher is providing a service

For some reason, this point is most outraged by teachers and many parents. Maybe it's about authority. The teacher - it sounds proudly, and the services are provided by hairdressers and movers. It's undignified!

4. Willingness to gain credibility with real things

It's useless to scare. Today's children do not experience fear of what people who survived the "scoop" are afraid of.

5. Sense of Boundary

This applies to both psychological boundaries (“do not climb into the soul”), and one’s own knowledge. After all, children are more competent than teachers in some areas.

6. Understanding your mission

The teacher should give only useful knowledge that cannot be simply googled (and if you can, then the teacher is most likely wasting time).

7. Self-criticism

If the teacher analyzes his activity and thinks about how to make it better, he will achieve a lot. Everyone is wrong. Including cool adult uncles and aunts. And the sooner children realize this, the better.

8. Self-irony

The ability to be frivolous and make jokes about yourself is a necessary component of what is called stress tolerance. And just excellent quality for life in .

Self-irony allows you to defuse the situation, get distracted and move on to solving complex issues.

Of course, all this is difficult to achieve in conditions where pennies are allocated for education. Unfortunately, schools often have no choice, and they are forced to take whoever they have to. Nevertheless, one should strive for the ideal.

What do you think? What should be a modern teacher? Write in the comments.

What qualities should a teacher have? This question opens before us an abyss of others: which teacher? For what and to whom? Qualities personal or professional, and which of them is more important? For example, can a teacher be made to love children, or is it enough that he treats them with respect and teaches his subject well? Should a teacher be a sociable ringleader? Which teacher is better - kind or strict? Which one will be more successful - a rebel or a conformist?

We can endlessly argue, argue and prove. This is because there is no “spherical teacher in a vacuum”. Each teacher exists in a specific social, economic, cultural situation, where he faces certain goals and needs certain qualities to achieve them successfully.

What should be the ideal teacher? Maybe like this? Frame from the film "The School of Rock" (2003)

And if you do not argue, but ask others: what qualities of a teacher do they consider important? Such a conversation will help some participants in education to look at others in a new way.

Once again, we were convinced of this by a small study undertaken in 2015 by the eleventh grader Gohar Sargsyan. Goar spent it among high school students, their parents and teachers of the Shchelkovo gymnasium (the city of Shchelkovo, Moscow region), where she herself studied. The purpose of the study was to compare "the requirements of the state, reflected in the professional standard of the teacher, and the needs of society to identify the priority qualities of the teacher."

Or like this? Frame from the film "We'll Live Until Monday" (1968)

There is a document that defines the list of professional and personal requirements for a teacher on the territory of the Russian Federation - this is a professional teacher standard, which entered into force on January 1, 2015. Based on these requirements, it is possible to identify those qualities that the state would like to see in a teacher.

It is always interesting to compare official expectations with real life. This is what Gohar Sargsyan decided to do.

The idea for the study came from observing students and teachers from different schools. At that time, I had already decided to become a teacher myself and wanted to learn more about the profession. Seeing that sometimes even the most talented and inquisitive children lose interest in learning, I decided to find the root of the problem and, as a future teacher, model the image of an ideal teacher. The image of a teacher who will help students become better.

The survey involved more than a hundred high school students, 40 parents and 25 gymnasium teachers - elementary, middle and senior teachers. All respondents were asked to freely answer the question: “What qualities should an ideal teacher have?”

Respondents independently named or wrote down the qualities and explained what they meant. The answers were systematized in summary tables.

Ideal teacher for students

100% of the students who took part in the survey believe that the ideal teacher should be strict and patient. Also, all the students-respondents were unanimous in the fact that the teacher should be able to interest the material.

80% of respondents - for an unbiased attitude on the part of the teacher and an individual approach (“everyone wants to be evaluated fairly and helped to achieve better results”).

Students explained the word "fairness" as an assessment based on knowledge, not nationality, appearance, and so on. Approximately the same words describe tolerance in the answers of other respondents.

Ideal teacher for parents

For all interviewed parents, the ideal teacher is one who knows his subject perfectly. As a separate quality, 100% of parents indicated "love for their profession and children."

In the questionnaires of parents, an item appeared that the students did not single out for themselves: indifference.

Indifference was explained by parents as a sympathetic attitude towards students. A caring teacher, firstly, always makes sure that the children have learned the material, and secondly, provides emotional support when necessary.

Ideal teacher from the point of view of… teachers

But the teachers seem to be sure that patience and work will grind everything. 100% of the surveyed teachers of all levels - for excellent knowledge of the subject and patience.

But the main thing is that it was the survey of teachers, according to Gohar, that turned out to be the most interesting part of the study for her.

After talking with the teachers, learning about their feelings, I saw them from a new perspective. Most of all, I was struck by the teachers, who, instead of the “correct” words suitable for the situation, spoke honestly and frankly about all the complexities of this profession. It turned out that in teaching practice there are many situations in which an inexperienced person is simply confused. And all that can make a good teacher out of a person is indifference. “If you have a desire to make the world a better place, then this is for you,” a computer science teacher said to me about the teaching profession.

Gohar Sargsyan

MRSU student

Gohar compared all the answers of her respondents with the requirements of the professional standard. The result turned out to be consistent. Unless, of course, no standard can require a teacher to have a sense of humor, indifference, love for children and patience. But people in their non-standard, living human relationships have the right to expect this from each other.

My study did not give a fundamentally new answer, but it showed me how important personal qualities are for this profession: my respondents spoke about personal, not professional qualities.
Now I am studying to be a teacher, I chose a foreign language as a specialty. What qualities of a teacher do I single out now? The ideal teacher is not a template model. This is an interesting, charismatic, educated person, charged with creative energy, who brings up the same active, caring and thinking children.

Gohar Sargsyan

MRSU student

And we propose to continue the conversation on a given topic. What qualities of a teacher are valued in your environment? Which ones are right for you?

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Ministry of General and Vocational Education

Sverdlovsk region

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region "Nizhny Tagil Pedagogical College No. 1"

Department of Primary Education

on the topic: "Professionally significant qualities of a teacher's personality"

Completed by: student of group 22

Vasyova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Specialty: "Teaching in elementary grades" 44.02.02

Teacher: Dyachenko Yulia Vladimirovna

Nizhny Tagil - 2015


1. The role of the personal qualities of the teacher in pedagogical activity

2. Knowledge, skills and abilities are the main components in the structure of the professional qualities of a teacher

3. Formation and development of pedagogical abilities

4. Pedagogical skill and its elements


List of sources used


The teaching profession is one of the most important, honorable and responsible in our country. The state and the people entrust to the teacher the most valuable, the most precious - our shift, our future, our children. Through the teacher, the experience of previous generations is transferred to the younger generation. The teacher forms the personality of future citizens, their worldview, beliefs, devotion to the Motherland. The teacher is an engineer of human souls.

The teacher is the main organizer of the pedagogical process in the school. The work of a teacher in teaching and educating the younger generation is a very multifaceted activity that requires, first of all, deep knowledge and high moral culture. The teacher, who trains and educates the young generation of our Motherland in the spirit of the requirements of society, is primarily characterized by a consistent scientific, worldview, and a high degree of maturity. Conviction and faith in a good future are the main personality traits of a teacher. Only such a teacher can kindle young hearts, prepare the growing youth for great deeds.

The teacher is an active participant in public life, a trailblazer, a bearer and propagandist of culture, everything new. Only such a teacher can be an example for students, only such a teacher can be loved and respected by students. Students turn to the teacher for help, support, advice, for whom he is an older, experienced, wise friend and mentor, a kind of moral arbiter, a moral standard. And this tendency - to see a teacher as a benevolent, close person - is growing noticeably. The teacher has such high moral qualities as collectivism, humanism, honesty and truthfulness, sensitivity and responsiveness, simplicity and modesty in public and private life. The teaching profession is the most creative. And in our country, they treat her like that, evaluating the work of a teacher. The problem of the quality of professional training of teachers is relevant. Thus, it can be concluded that:

An object: the process of formation of professionally significant qualities of a teacher.

Item: the problem of formation of professionally significant qualities of a teacher.

Target: to determine the ways of forming the professional qualities of a teacher.

Research objectives:

1. To study the conditions and patterns of formation of professional qualities of a teacher. Determine the ways and means that contribute to and hinder the improvement of the professional qualities of a teacher.

2. To reveal the essence of the involvement of students in the development of professionally significant qualities of a teacher.

Research hypothesis: I assume that the formation of the professional qualities of a teacher will be possible when the following conditions are created:

1. Acquisition of own experience on the basis of continuous education of a teacher, systematization of theoretical and practical professional knowledge.

2. Development of professional self-awareness, self-education and the purpose of focusing work on self-improvement, professional self-education.

1. The role of the personal qualities of the teacher in pedagogical activity

There is a fairly extensive list of those personal qualities that, according to various researchers, a teacher should have. It is hardly possible to determine the qualitative originality of the teacher's personality on the basis of their combination.

Personal and professional qualities: citizenship and patriotism, social activity, humanistic orientation, philanthropy, love for children, true intelligence, high intellectual level, erudition, spirituality and moral maturity, value orientations, general culture, competitiveness, hard work and efficiency, emotional and strong-willed qualities, pedagogical orientation, developed pedagogical thinking, professional duty, pedagogical tact, pedagogical culture, the need for self-improvement.

The most important qualities of a teacher are citizenship and patriotism, humanism and intelligence, high spiritual and moral culture, responsibility and sociability, hard work and efficiency. The main qualities of a teacher-master are philanthropy, creativity and the ability to communicate.

The humanistic orientation of the teacher's personality is his motives, interests, values, ideals. Each teacher must become a humanist, recognize a person as the highest value on earth, and therefore, in his pedagogical activity, he must be aware of the importance of the personality of each child, build relationships with people on the basis of subjectivity, cooperation, love and respect. The manifestation of a humanistic style of relationships should be considered as an indicator of the teacher's professional skills. The pedagogical orientation is the basic education in the structure of the personality of the teacher, it is she who focuses him on the child as a value and on the development of his individual abilities.

Other teacher qualities: love for children, professional duty and responsibility, pedagogical conscience and pedagogical justice, professional dedication, endurance and self-control. Love for children is the most necessary quality of a teacher. Love for children is not only a feeling, but also a characteristic of such a level of teacher's pedagogical consciousness, which is characterized by unconditional acceptance of the child with all its advantages and disadvantages, recognition of his right to be as he is, and not as he would like to see him at the moment , understanding, empathy, compassion and empathy, the desire to help the child in his development. professional personal quality teacher

Love for children is manifested in the level of moral relations of the teacher to them, which are built on trust, respect, generosity, kindness, on effective care for the development of the child, the disclosure of his capabilities. Naming the qualities that they value most in a teacher, students, first of all, include the following in this list: responsiveness, goodwill, humanity, respect for their personality, and only then - knowledge of the subject and the ability to explain educational material. No less significant for them are such qualities of a teacher as patience, poise, endurance, which are an important component and condition for the manifestation of true love for children. Without the teacher's love for his students, reciprocal love and trust are not born. It is not for nothing that the best pedagogical books of all time are books about the love of an educator for his pupils: "How to love a child" by J. Korchak, "I give my heart to children" by V.A. Karakovsky, "Pedagogy as love" O.A. Kazansky and many others.

The pedagogical optimism of the teacher grows out of love for children - faith in the capabilities of the child, the ability to see the best in him and rely on this best in education, as well as faith in his own abilities and the success of his work. The sources of professional duty and responsibility are not only the social responsibility of the teacher, but above all the responsibility to each individual child.

Endurance and self-control. An important quality for a teacher is endurance, the ability to always, in any situation, in unforeseen circumstances, control oneself, maintain self-control, control one's feelings, temperament, and not lose control over one's behavior. But situations can be the most unexpected and arise rapidly and violently.

Pedagogical justice is the quality of a teacher, which is manifested in an objective attitude to each student, in recognizing the right of everyone to respect his personality, in refusing a selective attitude towards students, dividing them into "favorite" and "unloved". In any case, his personal attitude should not influence the assessment of their progress and the adoption of pedagogical decisions.

Pedagogical ethics is the harmony of moral feelings, consciousness and behavior of the teacher, which are holistically manifested in his culture of communication with students, with other people, in the pedagogical tact of the teacher.

Pedagogical tact - a sense of proportion in the choice of means of pedagogical interaction, the ability in each case to apply the most optimal methods of educational influence without crossing a certain line. Thus, the leading conditions for the formation of a professional-pedagogical orientation of a person are the discovery of her pedagogical vocation and the formation of professional-value orientations.

2. Knowledge, skills and abilities- the main components in the structure of the professional qualities of a teacher

Psychological-pedagogical and subject-specific knowledge is an important but insufficient condition for a teacher's professional competence.

Knowledge is a person's reflection of objective reality in the form of facts, ideas, concepts and laws of science, it is the collective experience of mankind, the result of cognition of objective reality. Since many theoretical, practical and methodological knowledge is only a prerequisite for intellectual and practical skills.

Knowledge: theories and methods of education, the content of school subjects and methods of teaching it, psychological and pedagogical, anatomical, physiological and hygienic, work methods, the content of methods of working with parents and the public, the necessary knowledge in the field of politics, history, local history, literature and art, morality, ethics, aesthetics, atheism, law, technology and culture.

Skills are the willingness to consciously and independently perform practical and theoretical actions based on acquired knowledge, life experience and acquired skills.

Skills are components of practical activity, manifested in the automated performance of the necessary actions, brought to perfection through repeated exercise.

Skills and abilities:

Organizational: identify and organize class acts, manage it, organize various types of collective and individual activities of students, develop their activity. Provide pedagogical leadership for pioneering work in the classroom. Organize work with parents and the public.

Constructive: plan educational work, select appropriate activities. Plan a system of perspective lines in the development of the team and the individual. To carry out an individual program of education of each student in a team environment. To carry out an individual approach to students, taking into account the psychological, physical and age characteristics.

Communicative: establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with students, parents, teachers. Regulate intra-collective and inter-collective relations. To win students over, parents to find the necessary forms of communication. Anticipate the result of pedagogical impact on relationships with students.

Research: to study the individual characteristics of students and the team. Critically evaluate your experience, the results of your activities. Consciously improve pedagogical skills, self-education and self-education. Creative: draw, sing, dance, play a musical instrument, read expressively, mass entertainment, sports and tourism.

3. Formation and development of pedagogical abilities

Success in teaching and educating schoolchildren requires the teacher to have professionally significant personality traits. There are four substructures in the structure of professionally significant qualities of a teacher's personality:

1. Communist worldview, beliefs and ideals, high moral character, high level of general culture. For a teacher, these are indeed professionally necessary qualities, since only one who himself has been brought up communistically can carry out the communist education of children.

2. A positive attitude towards pedagogical activity, the pedagogical orientation of the individual, pedagogical inclinations, that is, a steady desire and desire to devote oneself to pedagogical work. And this is a professionally necessary quality of a person, since one who is indifferent and indifferent to his work cannot be a good teacher.

3. Pedagogical abilities.

4. Professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities. Pedagogical abilities are just realized in pedagogical knowledge and skills, determining the speed and ease of mastering them.

Conventionally, all pedagogical abilities can be divided into 3 groups:

personal (associated with the attitude towards children);

didactic (associated with the transfer of information to children);

organizational and communicative (associated with the organizational function and communication).

Personal abilities:

Disposition towards children. This is the main core in the structure of pedagogical abilities. It is understood as reasonable love and affection for children, the desire and desire to work and communicate with them. The disposition of the teacher towards children is expressed in a feeling of deep satisfaction from pedagogical communication with them, from the opportunity to penetrate into a kind of children's world, in an attentive, benevolent and sensitive attitude towards them (which, however, does not develop into softness, compliance, irresponsible indulgence), in sincerity and ease of handling them. The ability to manage your mental state, mood. This is the ability to always stay at the lesson in an optimal mental state for work, which is distinguished by cheerfulness, cheerfulness, sufficient liveliness, but without excessive excitability. The teacher should enter the classroom with an optimistic attitude, with a benevolent smile.

Didactic Skills:

The ability to explain. This is the ability to make one's thought as clear as possible for another, to explain and clarify the difficult and intractable. A capable teacher makes the content of the subject accessible to students, showing methodological ingenuity, presents them with material or a problem clearly and understandably, intelligibly and simply, arouses interest in the subject, arouses active, independent thought in students. The teacher knows how, if necessary, to make the difficult easy, the complex - simple, the incomprehensible - understandable. At the heart of this lies a constant focus on the psychology of students. The teacher takes into account the level of their preparation, development, remembers what they know and what they still do not know, what they might have forgotten, anticipates and prevents possible difficulties for students.

Academic ability. This is understood as abilities in the field of the corresponding subject, more precisely, the field of science.

Academic abilities are also understood as the teacher's erudition, the ability to achieve a capital level of knowledge, the breadth of his mental outlook. He expressed the need to constantly expand his knowledge. Such a teacher knows his subject much wider and deeper than it is necessary for a lesson, is fluent in the material, constantly monitors the new in his science. V.A. Sukhomlinsky said that in order to give students a spark of knowledge, one must drink a whole sea of ​​​​light. A good teacher studies the experience of other teachers, borrows everything valuable from them, but never blindly copies someone else's work, no matter how good it is, realizing that he has a different class, other students and he himself is a different person (10, p. 69) .

Speech ability. This is the ability to clearly and clearly express one's thoughts and feelings in a speech form, accompanied by expressive facial expressions and pantomime (speech ability is sometimes called oratory). Speech ability is one of the most important in the profession of a teacher, since the transfer of information from a teacher to students is mainly of a second-signal, verbal nature. Here we mean both internal (substantial) features of speech, and external ones. The speech of the teacher should be distinguished by inner strength, conviction. Students should feel the teacher's interest in what he is saying. The teacher avoids long phrases, complex verbal constructions and expresses thoughts simply and clearly for students. Very enlivening speech and appropriate humor, joke, light benevolent irony.

The teacher's speech should be lively, figurative, intonationally bright and expressive, emotionally colored, with clear diction, different, lack of stylistic, grammatical, phonetic errors. Monotonous, viscous, monotonous speech very quickly tires, causes boredom, lethargy, indifference, indifference. Too hasty pace of speech interferes with assimilation and also quickly causes fatigue. The volume of speech is also affected. Too loud, harsh, shouting speech of the teacher unnerves the students; the weak, quiet voice of the teacher is hard to hear. Gestures enliven speech, but too frequent, monotonous, fussy gestures and movements are annoying.

Organizational skills. They appear in two forms. Firstly, in the ability to organize a student team, rally it, inspire it to solve important problems, giving it a reasonable degree of initiative and independence. Secondly, in the ability to properly organize one's own work, which implies accuracy and clarity, the ability to plan one's activities and exercise self-control.

Communicative ability. This is the ability to establish the right relationship with schoolchildren (the team and individual students), taking into account their individual and age characteristics.

Pedagogical observation. This is the ability to penetrate into the inner world of the student, pupil, insight associated with a subtle understanding of the personality of the child and his temporary mental states. A capable teacher, educator, by insignificant signs, barely noticeable external manifestations, catches the slightest changes in the internal state of the student.

Pedagogical tact. It manifests itself in the ability to find the most appropriate measures of influence on students, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, and depending on the specific situation. Tact is expressed in a skillful combination of respect and exactingness for the student, trust and systematic control, in the correct use of approval and condemnation. A tactful teacher is friendly, sensitive, responsive. He is simple and natural in dealing with children.

Suggestive ability (translated from Latin - "based on suggestion"). This is the ability of emotional and volitional influence on students, the ability to make demands and achieve their unconditional fulfillment. The suggestive ability depends on the development of the will, deep self-confidence, a sense of responsibility for the education and upbringing of schoolchildren, and the teacher's conviction that he is right. Moreover, we are talking about the ability to demand, to achieve one's own, but to achieve it calmly, without brute pressure, coercion and threats. The same traits of a teacher as mildness, naive credulity, lethargy, unprincipled indulgence, lack of will, do not contribute to the success of pedagogical activity. When a teacher constantly addresses his students only in a pleading, uncertain tone, internally feeling his own powerlessness, does not feel himself the master of the situation, the students usually flaunt their impunity.

pedagogical imagination. It is expressed in anticipation of the consequences of one's actions, in the educational design of the student's personality, associated with the idea of ​​what and under what conditions will become of the student in the future, in the ability to predict the development of one or another of his qualities. This ability is associated with pedagogical optimism, faith in the power of education, faith in a person.

Distribution of attention. A good teacher has a highly developed ability to distribute attention between two or more activities or objects. He carefully monitors how he presents the material, how he unfolds his thought (or listens to the student’s answer), at the same time keeps all students in the field of attention, reacts to signs of fatigue, inattention, misunderstanding, cases of violation of discipline, and, finally, monitors behind their own behavior (posture, gestures, facial expressions, gait, etc.). An inexperienced teacher, often completely immersed in the process of presenting the material, does not notice the students at this time, loses control of them, and if he tries to carefully observe the students, he loses the thread of the presentation.

The pedagogical abilities of future teachers - students of pedagogical schools are formed and developed in the system of educational work of pedagogical schools. But this does not mean that students should focus only on this and passively wait until the end of their education they have formed pedagogical abilities. Self-education of pedagogical abilities by each future teacher is an essential addition to the corresponding forms of educational work of a pedagogical school.

Thus, each of you should systematically strive to develop your pedagogical abilities, engage in professional self-education.

4. Pedagogical skill and its elements

The diversity and complexity of the tasks of forming a new person make the problems of pedagogical skills especially relevant for modern theory and practice of education. However, the classics of Russian and Soviet pedagogy have always posed the problem of the formation of pedagogical skills as one of the most important in the training of future teachers. It is impossible to change the spiritual world of a person without the influence of an experienced teacher, who must perfectly master the ability to influence the student, form his needs and beliefs, abilities and practical skills.

Pedagogical excellence is the professional ability to optimize all types of educational activities, to aim them at the comprehensive development and improvement of the individual, the formation of her worldview, abilities, needs for socially significant activities.

Elements of pedagogical skill:

Humanistic orientation:



Professional Knowledge:

The subject, its teaching methods;



Teaching abilities:


Perceptual abilities;


emotional stability;

optimistic forecasting;


Pedagogical technique:

The ability to manage oneself;

Ability to interact.

Skill in any activity is a kind of quality benchmark to which one should strive. Mastery is defined as a high art in any field, and a master is a specialist who has achieved high art in his field.

A higher level of professionalism is pedagogical skill, which is most often defined as an alloy of personal and business qualities and professional competence of a teacher, as a set of personality traits that ensure a high level of self-organization of pedagogical activity. The components of the teacher's skill, offered by different authors, are quite diverse and extensive. But all of them can be combined into several groups.

Components of pedagogical skill:

personal components;

information-theoretical component;

activity component;

professional - pedagogical orientation;

pedagogical technology;

pedagogical technique;

professional and pedagogical orientation;

general cultural, psychological, pedagogical and special knowledge;

individual style of activity.

Pedagogical skill is expressed in the professional activity of the teacher, therefore, it can be considered as a particular version of the professional activity of the individual and does not exist separately from the individual. Therefore, the personal-activity approach is the most correct for understanding the essence of pedagogical skill.

Pedagogical mastery can be considered as a personality trait that reflects its spiritual, moral and intellectual readiness for creative understanding of the socio-cultural values ​​of society, as well as theoretical and practical readiness for the creative application of knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activities.

Pedagogical skill is a rather mobile system, since it reflects both the objective conditions for the existence of a person in society, the implementation of her professional activities in this society, and the subjective characteristics of this person. Both of these factors are distinguished by dynamic characteristics.

The teacher-master is doubly: as a deep connoisseur of the psychology of the individual and what he teaches, and as a person who owns the methods of teaching and educating. The successes of A.S. Makarenko, who was able to create a unique life-giving team from difficult, crippled children's destinies, as in a short time and, most importantly, with joy, all children successfully comprehend the most complex problems of mathematics and physics.

Pedagogical excellence is a fusion of personal and professional qualities.

A master teacher compares favorably with a merely experienced teacher, first of all, by his knowledge of the psychology of children and the skillful design of the pedagogical process. Knowledge of the psychology of children becomes the leading one in the structure of knowledge of those teachers who are sensitive to the reaction of students to their actions. It is no coincidence that V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Do not forget that the soil on which your pedagogical skills are built is in the child himself, in his attitude to knowledge and to you, the teacher. This is the desire to learn, inspiration, readiness to overcome difficulties. Carefully enrich this soil, schools without her.

Mastery is manifested in action. It is this understanding of mastery that is accepted in pedagogy. It is defined as "the highest level of pedagogical activity ... manifested in the fact that the teacher achieves optimal results in the allotted time", or as "a high and constantly improved art of education and training", or as "a synthesis of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities of methodical art and teacher's personal qualities. Mastery is expressed in the successful solution of various pedagogical problems, in a high level of organized educational process. But its essence lies in those qualities of the teacher's personality that give rise to this activity and ensure its success. And these qualities must be sought not only in skills, but in that fusion of personality traits, its position, which create the opportunity for the teacher to act productively and creatively.

On the basis of a kind of alloy of knowledge, abilities and skills, mastery is born - the highest level of professionalism. To be a master of pedagogical work means to be deeply aware of the laws of education and upbringing, to skillfully apply them in practice, to achieve tangible results in the development of the personality of the educated person. The researcher of mastery problems Yu.P. Azarov gives the following interpretation:

"Mastery is singular and special in relation to the universal, to practice... Mastery as a singular paves the way for the universal...".

Mastery is that great miracle that is born instantly, when a teacher, at all costs, must find an original solution, discover a pedagogical gift, faith in the endless possibilities of the human spirit ... Again and again I am ready to repeat the same formula of mastery, essence which in the triad: technology, relationships, personality ...

In pedagogical skill, the game is only a form, and the content is always the affirmation of higher human values ​​... always the development of culture and developed forms of communication.

The development of pedagogical skills is always associated with the need to resolve the most complex contradictions in the very creative activity of educators, who differ in their beliefs and ways of communicating with children.

Thus, skill is inseparable from creativity - from the ability to put forward new ideas, make non-standard decisions, use original methods and technologies, in short - to design the educational process, turning the idea into reality.


Pedagogical skill largely depends on the personal qualities of the teacher, as well as on his knowledge and skills. Every teacher is a person. The personality of the teacher, its influence on the pupil is enormous, it will never be replaced by pedagogical technology.

All modern researchers note that it is love for children that should be considered the most important personal and professional trait of a teacher, without which effective pedagogical activity is not possible. We also emphasize the importance of self-improvement, self-development, because the teacher lives as long as he is studying, as soon as he stops learning, the teacher dies in him.

The profession of a teacher requires comprehensive knowledge, spiritual boundless generosity, wise love for children. Considering the increased level of knowledge of modern students, their diverse interests, the teacher himself must develop comprehensively: not only in the field of his specialty, but also in the field of politics, art, general culture, he must be for his pupils a high example of morality, a bearer of human dignity and values .

What should be the object of the teacher's awareness in terms of his psychological professional and pedagogical training? Firstly: his professional knowledge and qualities ("properties") and their correspondence to the functions that the teacher must implement in pedagogical cooperation with students, secondly: his personal qualities, as the subject of this activity, and, thirdly: his own perception of oneself as an adult - a person who understands and loves a child well.

List of sources used



3. Zeer E.F. Psychology of personality-oriented professional education. Yekaterinburg, 2000.

4. Klimov E.A. Psychology of a professional. M.; Voronezh, 1996.

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