Who is Turchinov biography. Alexander Turchinov: a preacher without faith

Turchinov Alexander Valentinovich
Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation. Former Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VII convocation. Head of the central headquarters of the political party Popular Front. Former First Deputy Chairman of the VO Batkivshchyna party.


Born March 31, 1964 in Dnepropetrovsk. In 1986 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute.

  • After high school, he worked for a short time as a roller and foreman at the Kryvorizhstal Iron and Steel Works, and then switched to Komsomol work.
  • From 1987 to 1989 was secretary of the district committee and head of the propaganda department of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee of the LKSMU. He acted as one of the coordinators of the Democratic Platform in the CPSU, which advocated the renewal, decentralization of the Communist Party, for which he lost his party card.
  • In 1990, with his partners, he created and headed the Ukrainian branch of the IMA-Press news agency, which published books and newspapers.
  • Since November 2012, People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VII convocation, No. 4 on the party list of the All-Ukrainian Union "Batkivshchyna".
  • Since July 2013, he has headed the central headquarters of the Batkivshchyna Military District.
  • On February 22, 2014, he was elected Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
  • February 23, 2014 Alexander Turchinov was elected acting. President of Ukraine until the results of the presidential re-election in May 2014 are established. The corresponding resolution No. 4204 was supported by 285 people's deputies in the Verkhovna Rada.
  • In September 2014, at the congress, he was elected chief of staff of the political party People's Front.
  • Since November 2014, the People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation. Head of the parliamentary faction.
  • Since December 16, 2014, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.


Anna Turchinova

The politician is married, he has a son, Cyril, a student. Anna Turchinova is the head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the National Pedagogical University. Dragomanova, candidate of pedagogical sciences. He is engaged in figure skating.

Student Anna met her future husband Alexander Turchinov at Dnepropetrovsk University.

Kirill Turchynov, born in 1994, entered the Faculty of Law of the Kyiv National Economic University named after. Vadim Hetman, and in the fourth year he transferred to the Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism.

Member of the Philosophical Art Association. His novel Electi, written under the pseudonym Alex Kirillov, is about young people who want to morally and physically surpass an ordinary person, to be carriers of light, superpowers and save the world from moral and physical decay, Kirill Turchinov's mentor told Segodnya. Nazip Khamitov. - Kirill is an interesting person, a rare exception among the children of politicians. He wanted to write a sequel, I think that now he is writing it.

Oleksandr Turchinov and his family live in a new club-type residential complex in the Solomensky district, where there is one apartment on each floor. A square meter of housing here costs $ 2,600, around - walking areas, a VIP gym, elevators with wooden trim and mirrors.

Father - Valentin Ivanovich Turchinov. He worked all his life in the sports club "Lokomotiv", was the master of sports of the Soviet Union in volleyball.

Mother: Valentina Turchinova. (According to some information, part of the business of Alexander Turchinov is recorded on it).

Mother-in-law: Tamar Beliba. (Most of Turchinov's companies are registered on it).

Political dossier

All-Ukrainian Council 2019

On January 22, 2019, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the public union "All-Ukrainian Cathedral", the coordinator of which was elected Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Oleksandr Turchynov.

Reference: The spiritual council of the "Sobor" included Chairman of the Council of Evangelical Protestant Churches of Ukraine, Senior Bishop of the Ukrainian Church of Evangelical Christians Mykhailo Panochko, Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Christian Baptists Valeriy Antonyuk, Senior Bishop of the Union of Free Churches of Evangelical Christians of Ukraine Vasily Raychynets, Chairman Spiritual Directorate of Evangelical Christians of the Ukrainian Christian Church "New Generation" Andrey Tishchenko, Bishop of the Cathedral of Independent Evangelical Churches of Ukraine Anatoly Kalyuzhny and other leaders of religious organizations.

Gromada and Batkivshchyna

* In 1994, A. Turchynov created the All-Ukrainian Association "Hromada". The name of this political force, for many, is primarily associated with the odious Prime Minister of the times of Kuchma - President Pavel Lazarenko, although he joined it and headed it only in 1997. And shortly before that, Yulia Tymoshenko, then another of the leaders of the United Energy Systems of Ukraine corporation, which supplied Russian natural gas, appeared in Gromada. Since then, A. Turchinov and Lady Yu have been inseparable in politics.

  • In 1998, he first became a people's deputy (later he received a mandate twice more: in 2002 and 2006). He entered the parliament on the Gromada list, although he was soon expelled from his own offspring - due to an intra-party split. In the Verkhovna Rada, he headed the Budget Committee. At the same time, he initiated a radical budget reform, the redistribution of public funds in favor of local government, the healthcare system, the educational and coal mining industries. Wrote a program de-shadowing the national economy.
  • A new political project of A. Turchynov and Y. Tymoshenko was the All-Ukrainian Association "Batkivshchyna" (established in July 1999). The main post in it was taken by the "gas princess", who soon received the portfolio of Vice-premier for the fuel and energy complex in the government of Viktor Yushchenko.
  • In the summer of 2000, Tymoshenko started having problems with the President and his entourage, in January 2001 she was dismissed, and then sent to a pre-trial detention center. Since then, A.Turchynov and Lady Yu with their "Batkivshchyna" have been in opposition (with the exception of 8 "post-Maidan" months). First - a tough confrontation with the regime of L. Kuchma (both in parliament as part of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc faction, and on the streets of Ukrainian cities). It was the period of the actions "Ukraine without Kuchma" and "Arise, Ukraine!", the creation of the National Salvation Forum and the Orange Revolution, which ensured victory in the presidential race for Viktor Yushchenko, and A. Turchinova's contribution to which turned out to be quite significant.
  • In the wake of the revolution, the first deputy leader of the "Batkivshchyna" and BYuT receives the post of head of the Security Service of Ukraine, and his comrade-in-arms Yulia Tymoshenko becomes Prime Minister. However, the period of stay in power did not last long. In September 2005, at the peak of the "intra-orange" conflict, V. Yushchenko dismissed the Tymoshenko government. The indignant head of the SBU himself submits a resignation letter, in which he notes that the decision of the head of state "threatens national security." So the fight against "Kuchmism" was followed by a confrontation with the team of V. Yushchenko, and at the same time with the Party of Regions, which led to the 2006 parliamentary elections. All this time, A. Turchynov was methodically criticizing both "our Ukrainians" and "regionals". He accused the former of betraying the ideals of the Maidan, the latter of trying to restore the regime that had been overthrown at the end of 2004.
  • After the failed attempt to form a new "orange coalition" last summer following the results of the 2006 elections, it was the turn of the war with the anti-crisis coalition, interspersed with a showdown with the same "Our Ukraine" and V. Yushchenko. The permanent political crisis in June 2007 resulted in the early termination of the powers of the Verkhovna Rada of the 5th convocation. A. Turchynov, like most members of the BYuT and Our Ukraine factions (by this time the political forces had entered into another alliance), wrote a statement about the resignation of the deputy mandate. And on May 23, in the midst of a confrontation with the ruling coalition, V. Yushchenko appointed him First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.
  • At the extraordinary parliamentary elections-2007, A. Turchynov was again given control of the BYuT election headquarters. As a result of the vote, the bloc received 156 seats out of 450 possible (27 more than in the previous campaign). After the creation of a coalition between the BYuT and the pro-presidential bloc "Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense" and the approval of Tymoshenko as Prime Minister, Turchynov took the chair of the First Vice Prime Minister in the government.
  • In the Timoshenko government, he oversaw such responsible areas in the work of the government as finance and the fuel and energy complex (in particular, solving gas problems and eliminating the intermediary company Gazprom and Dmitry Firtash RosUkrEnergo from the market). Often, due to ailments, the Prime Minister had to replace the boss at meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers and on visits to the President, as well as repel informational attacks by Bankova. Experts cite both the concern of the head of state with the growth of the Prime Minister's rating and the personal conflict between the head of the presidential office Viktor Baloga and Yulia Tymoshenko and her team as the reason for them.
  • After the decision of the Verkhovna Rada on the re-election of the mayor of the capital and deputies of the Kyiv City Council, Turchynov's associates started talking about a possible candidate for the post of the capital's mayor from BYuT. At the same time, the potential candidate himself said that he did not want to be the mayor of Kyiv, but if the party says "We must!", then he will run. The party still said "We must!". As a result, he took second place, skipping ahead of the current mayor Leonid Chernovetsky.

  • After Viktor Yanukovych became President in 2010 as a result of regular elections, Yu. Tymoshenko's government was dismissed and A. Turchynov left his post.

Case of Mogilevich

On July 27, 2005, Oleksandr Turchinov announced that he had circumstantial evidence that the RosUkrEnergo company, Gazprom's intermediary in transporting Turkmen gas through Russia, was indirectly controlled by Semyon Mogilevich, an economist from Kyiv, who has been associated with Russian organized crime groups since the early 1970s. , who emigrated to Israel in 1990 and then moved to Hungary and has citizenship of Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Hungary. Mogilevich is wanted by the FBI for alleged involvement in stock fraud, racketeering, fraud and money laundering, financing the transport of weapons and drugs. Gazprom and Raiffeisen Investment claimed that Mogilevich had nothing to do with RUE.

After that, a conflict arose with President Yushchenko. Turchynov resigned, in December 2010 he once again recalled her reasons.

Viktor Yushchenko had to fulfill his promise “Bandits should be in prison!” And I can say, as the former chairman of the SBU, that we really began to investigate serious cases that relate to corruption in the highest echelons of power. In particular, the well-known gas business, the issue of RosUkrEnergo. It was we who then opened a criminal case regarding serious abuses of both officials and those who simply used the opportunity provided by officials in order to withdraw billions from the Ukrainian economy. And as soon as we approached those who should answer, unfortunately, then I had a conflict with Viktor Yushchenko, who already began to like Mr. Firtash, as Mr. Kuchma liked him before, and now Yanukovych likes him. And that is why my resignation from the post of head of the SBU took place. And that is why the resignation of Yulia Tymoshenko's government in 2005 actually took place,” the politician noted.


Wikileaks publications say that former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko received an order to arrest Tymoshenko's associates Oleksandr Turchynov and Andrei Kozhemyakin for trying to hide Tymoshenko's ties to criminal businessman Semyon Mogilevich.

Five of the world's leading publications - The New York Times (USA), Le Monde (France), El Pais (Spain), Spiegel (Germany) and The Guardian (UK) - have posted publications on their websites based on materials provided to them by Wikileaks .

One of the documents reports a conversation between former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko and the US Ambassador to Ukraine.

“In particular, the “orange” interior minister Yuriy Lutsenko, flaunting, told the US ambassador to Ukraine that he had received an order from the prosecutor general to arrest Tymoshenko’s associates Oleksandr Turchynov and Andriy Kozhemyakin for destroying documents of the SBU, which spoke of Tymoshenko’s connection with the criminal businessman Semyon Mogilevich. Lutsenko called the order of the Prosecutor General Medvedko crazy and, of course, did not comply with it, ”the publication says.


Having assumed the post of chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine, Turchynov took up "wiretapping",

In 2006, on the eve of the parliamentary elections, the head of the BYuT campaign headquarters, Turchynov, was accused of "wiretapping" when he was chairman of the SBU. The Prosecutor General's Office even opened a criminal case on the fact of wiretapping of senior officials. He took the case as a political provocation: “You know, the Security Service does carry out certain operational and technical measures. But I can assure you that during my leadership of the Security Service, all these activities were carried out within the limits of the law and the Constitution. And what is happening today , this is a poorly rehearsed performance, which actually has the name “Pre-election campaign”, typical” (“1 + 1”, March 11, 2006).. The case did not receive further development.

Case for calling for a coup d'état

On April 1, 2014, the criminal proceedings against A. Turchynov, O. Tyagnibok, N. Katerynchuk, O. Lyashko and Y. Lutsenko for calls aimed at seizing state power were closed. This was reported in the press service of the GPU.

Reference: On the Independence Square during the actions, there were more than once calls for a violent seizure of state power. In this regard, the investigators of the Security Service of Ukraine registered two proceedings on the fact that a group of persons committed illegal actions aimed at seizing state power in Ukraine under Article 109 of the Criminal Code," Pshonka said, without specifying whether there are suspects in these criminal proceedings.

Pshonka also noted that radical groups were involved in provocations and offenses during the Euromaidan events.

Business dossier

Declaration 2011

According to the official declaration, Oleksandr Turchynov's total income in 2011 amounted to 1 million 79 thousand hryvnias, of which 935 thousand hryvnias were received in the form of dividends and interest. The people's deputy's family owns two apartments with an area of ​​91.7 and 381.8 square meters. Turchinov himself officially does not have his own real estate and even a car. And this despite the fact that Alexander Valentinovich has 11 million 232 thousand hryvnias in bank accounts, and 530 thousand hryvnias with family members. The size of the contributions of members of the Turchynov family to the statutory capital of enterprises amounted to 3 million 200 thousand hryvnias.

According to the State Register of Legal Entities, Turchynov is not listed as a participant in the capital of any companies. However, his mother-in-law Tamara Beliba, mother Valentina and wife Anna are engaged in business.

Declaration 2018

Oleksandr Turchynov's income amounted to 711 thousand hryvnias of wages in the National Security and Defense Council, and more than 1.3 million hryvnias - interest in Oschadbank.

Together with his wife, Turchynov declared 200,000 hryvnias to be reimbursed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund in the framework of a civil law case.

His wife received 1.2 million hryvnias in income for 2018, 900 thousand hryvnias of which came from the sale of a 2013 Toyota Highlander.

During the year, Turchynov accumulated more than 1 million savings in the national currency, and his total monetary assets amount to more than 1.7 million in dollar terms.

As of March 31, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council had more than 1 million dollars in Oschadbank accounts (in 2017 it was 965 thousand, in 2016 - 735 thousand), almost 10 thousand euros and 250 thousand hryvnias (it was 50 thousand), and in cash - another 700 thousand dollars and 3 thousand euros.

His wife has only 7,000 hryvnias in savings.

Since April 2018, Turchynov has the right to use part of a residential building of 83 sq. m. in Belogorodka, Kyiv region, which is rented by his wife from the company "Ekostilkom", owned by her mother, Tamara Beliba.

Since October 2018, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council has the right to use his wife's new car Toyota Prado 2018, purchased by her for 1.1 million hryvnias.

Turchynov also indicated in the declaration that since 2013 he has the right to own the trademarks "For Batkivshchyna" and "United Opposition "For Batkivshchyna" (in September 2018, he supplemented all previous annual declarations with this information after the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption revealed violations in Turchynov's electronic declarations for 2015-2017).

Of the real estate in joint ownership with his wife, Turchynov has an apartment in Kyiv with an area of ​​382 sq. m (worth 2.6 million hryvnia for 2009) and two parking spaces.

Of the valuable property, the value of which exceeds 100 living wages, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council declared 27 ancient books: the Vulgata, Bibl, Holly Bibles, three more Bibles and an old Bible in 3 volumes, 13 Gospels, 2 "Trefologion", 2 "Apostles", " Tales", books "Figures de la Bible" and "Bybelse Historien" in 2 volumes.

He also owns 12 valuable paintings and a set of clocks and two candlesticks worth more than 100 living wages.

Turchynov is a member of the National Union of Writers and declared the copyright for the feature film "The Illusion of Fear", 4 literary works ("The Illusion of Fear", "Evidence", "The Last Supper", "The Coming"), 7 monographs (on the shadow economy and taxation) and 6 copyright certificates.

Professor, writer, pastor

Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, author of eight monographs, more than a hundred scientific papers devoted to the study of the emergence of corruption, the shadow economy, the genesis of totalitarian tendencies in modern society. Candidate's dissertation - "Methodological support and mechanism for reforming and optimizing taxation in modern conditions" was written in 1995. Doctoral dissertation - "Shadow economy (research methodology and functioning mechanisms)" - in 1997.

As a novelist, Alexander Turchinov made his debut in 2004, publishing the thriller Illusion of Fear. The book tells the story of a businessman who is forced to defend his business in the difficult conditions of the gangster 90s. "The desire to get rid of" unnecessary, paralyzing, unjustified fear, "as Alexander Valentinovich himself stated, was the main reason that made him sit down to write a book. The book" The Illusion of Fear "uses many quotations from the Bible and illustrations - fragments from paintings of medieval Dutch In total, he wrote and published three books: the psychological thriller The Illusion of Fear, the documentary and biographical story The Testimony, and the mystical thriller The Last Supper.

According to Alexander Valentinovich's own words, he is an evangelical Christian, a Baptist, but he was also called a Lutheran in the press. At the same time, he himself emphasized that, despite the sermons he read, he was not a pastor.

On December 26, 2012, Oleksandr Turchynov presented his book "The Advent" in Kyiv, published in Russian with a circulation of 7,770 copies. The presentation took place in the bookstore “Syaivo knigi”.

Turchinov confessed that he had been writing this book for three years. “I had a hard time writing this book, for about three years, although I usually wrote very quickly, on vacation. I don't consider myself a writer, it's more of a hobby for me,” he added.

As A. Turchynov said, this book is not a prophecy, although some real events in Ukrainian politics are traced in the plot. “This is an attempt to build a model of our society with you and see how this model works in the short term,” he explained.

Turchynov hopes that his book will be in demand. At the same time, he is not sure that opponents will be interested in his work.

Ranks, ranks, regalia

  • Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Informatization and Information Technologies.
  • Doctor of Economics, Professor. Author of scientific papers and monographs devoted to the study of corruption, the shadow economy, totalitarianism.


Born March 31, 1964 in Dnepropetrovsk. Alexander Valentinovich began his career as a roller operator at the Krivorozhstal plant. In 1986 he graduated with honors from the technological faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. In 1987-1990, Turchynov worked as secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, head of the agitation and propaganda department of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee of the Komsomol. At the same time, he was one of the coordinators of the Democratic Platform in the CPSU.

In 1990-1991, Alexander Valentinovich headed IMA-PRESS and the Institute of International Relations, Economics, Politics and Law. In 1992, he received the post of chairman of the Committee for denationalization and demonopolization of production of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration. A year later, he is an adviser to Prime Minister Leonid Kuchma on macroeconomic issues. He was vice-president of USPP, a member of the Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Ukraine. After Kuchma's resignation from the post of head of government, he was the general director of the Institute for Economic Reforms, head of the shadow economy research laboratory at the Russian Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

In the parliamentary elections of 1998, he was elected a people's deputy of Ukraine on the list of the Gromada party (No. 12). By the way, from 1993 to 1997, Alexander Valentinovich was at the head of the Political and Economic Council of the Community. After Pavel Lazarenko was elected leader of the party, he became chairman of the Central Coordinating Council of Hromada. In the shadow government of the party, which was headed by Yulia Tymoshenko, Oleksandr Turchynov served as Minister of Economy. In 1999, after Yulia Tymoshenko was appointed Vice Prime Minister for Fuel and Energy, Alexander Turchinov headed the parliamentary budget committee. Since March 1999, he has been an authorized representative of the Batkivshchyna faction.

In the 2002 parliamentary elections, he received a deputy mandate on the BYuT list (No. 2). He was one of the founders of the unification of the forces of the democratic opposition in Ukraine and the creation of the National Salvation Forum (FNP), which organized the action Ukraine without Kuchma. According to Alexander Valentinovich, Leonid Kuchma tried to put him in jail three times. During the 2004 presidential election, he was one of the deputy heads of Viktor Yushchenko's campaign headquarters. On February 4, 2005, he was appointed chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine. Was a member of the NSDC. On September 8, 2005, he resigned due to unwillingness to cooperate with the corrupt environment of Viktor Yushchenko.

In the 2006 parliamentary elections, he was the head of the election headquarters of the Yulia Tymoshenko bloc. Elected People's Deputy of Ukraine on the list of BYuT (No. 2). Then he was elected a deputy of the Kyiv Regional Council. In 2006, in the Top 100 most influential people in Ukraine, which is annually determined by the Korrespondent magazine, Oleksandr Turchynov took 25th position. On May 23, 2007 Oleksandr Turchynov was appointed First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Commenting on this appointment, Alexander Valentinovich said: I did not dream of this position, except for problems, I received nothing (Mignews, May 30, 2007).

In the 2007 parliamentary elections, he received a deputy mandate on the BYuT list (No. 2). In 2007, in the Top 100 most influential people in Ukraine of the Korrespondent magazine, Oleksandr Turchynov took 29th position. On December 18, 2007, the Verkhovna Rada appointed Turchynov as First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine. In 2007, in the Focus magazine rating of 200 most influential Ukrainians, he took 27th place. In 2008, in the early elections, he was elected to the Kyiv City Council on the BYuT list (No. 2), but refused the mandate. He ran for mayor of Kyiv. I got the second result - 19.13%.

Undoubtedly, there are many ambiguous or mysterious personalities in Ukrainian politics. Some of them are more suspicious, some less. In the biographies of almost every one of them there are facts that convict them of various frauds or even crimes. The current Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, the first and only acting Secretary, is no exception. President of Ukraine, ex-chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, ex-head of the SBU and people's deputy of the III-VIII convocations Oleksandr Turchynov. During his career, he went through many departments and political positions, turned out a bunch of cunning machinations and schemes, but he was never caught "in the heat." He was called the "Bloody Pastor", but he continued to do his "great work". What secrets are hidden in the past of Alexander Valentinovich?

“Student, Komsomol member, athlete and just…”

Alexander Turchinov was born in 1964 in Dnepropetrovsk. His father, Valentin Ivanovich, was a master of sports of the USSR in volleyball and went in for sports all his life. Alexander Valentinovich was a talented child, like his father played volleyball (led the school team), studied diligently (on one five). After school, Turchynov studied at the Dnepropetrovsk Technological University. During his studies, he actively wrote scientific papers, he was even predicted a career as a great scientist. However, he surprised everyone - immediately after university he went to work at the Kryvorizhstal plant. Even in his student years, Alexander Valentinovich tested his strength in the political sphere - he was an active member of the communist construction teams. For these merits, he was even awarded a trip to India, which was inaccessible to ordinary residents of the union.

Feeling that participation in the Komsomol and political life of the country gives many privileges, in parallel with work at the plant, he began his own career as part of one of the district Dnepropetrovsk Komsomol members. For perseverance and diligence, Turchynov was eventually appointed to the post of head of the agitation and propaganda department of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Committee of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM). By the way, in those years it was headed by Serhiy Tigipko, the future oligarch, Minister of Social Policy and Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine under the government of Mykola Azarov.

With the collapse of the USSR, Turchinov retired from political affairs, starting to master the field of journalism. Until 1991, he was the editor-in-chief of the UNA-press APN news agency in Ukraine. By the way, it was on his initiative that this branch of a foreign publication was opened. Further, he again returned to scientific activity, creating and heading the Institute of International Relations, Economics, Politics and Law. He wrote about a hundred scientific papers on the shadow economy and totalitarian control systems, at least that's what they write in his official biography. This is very strange, because the journalists could not find them. What really exists are small brochures in which Alexander Valentinovich is a co-author, but not a single of his “epoch-making” works has been found.

Coming to "big politics"

Over time, Turchynov decided to return to politics. In 1992, after Pavel Lazorenko became the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Alexander Valentinovich was appointed head of the committee for demonopolization and denationalization of production. This appointment was his starting point for a great political career, because immediately after that he was appointed Leonid Kuchma's adviser on macroeconomics (and behind the scenes - a business partner), and also joined the leadership of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. At the same time, together with Pavel Lazarenko, he was engaged in the creation of the VO "Hromada", of which he was appointed chairman.

After Leonid Kuchma resigned as Prime Minister, Turchinov retired from politics and returned to scientific work, taking the post of general director of the Institute for Economic Reforms. In 1997 he defended his doctoral dissertation. The theme of his research was the same “Shadow economy”.

Turchinov first became a people's deputy in 1998 on the lists of the Gromada party, the head of which was then Lazarenko, and his future colleague Yulia Tymoshenko then held the post of deputy chairman of the council of the same party. Rumor has it that Turchinov and Tymoshenko began to be "close friends" back in 1989 (and they could even have common children), when Yulia Vladimirovna was just starting her entrepreneurial activity. After all, it was under the patronage of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee of the LKSMU (in which Turchynov worked) that Tymoshenko was engaged in the creation of the youth center "Terminal".

After Pavel Lazarenko fled from Ukraine, he was prosecuted on charges of "financial abuse." Alexander Valentinovich, together with Yulia Vladimirovna, left the Gromada party and created the Batkivshchyna. In it, Turchynov was assigned the role of deputy head of the party, and Tymoshenko became its leader.

For the second time, Turchynov became a people's deputy already as part of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc party, dealing with issues related to the state budget in the Verkhovna Rada. In 2003, the Prosecutor General's Office accused Turchynov and his BYuT colleague Stepan Khmara under three articles of the Criminal Code at once. According to the investigation, people's deputies entered the Lukyanovka pre-trial detention center at the end of June 2003, where they "began to insult and beat law enforcement officers" (then Viktor Shokin, who served as deputy head of the GPU, insisted on this version, it is strange, but when he came to the post of Prosecutor General, he sharply forgot about it without making any statements).

Activist of the Orange Revolution. SBU-shnik, BYuT

During the "Orange Revolution" he also did not sit idly by - he oversaw the election headquarters of Viktor Yushchenko in the Donetsk, Luhansk, Sumy and Kirovograd regions. In addition, at the last stage of the elections, he was the so-called “financial controller”, with the right to sign financial documents.” His efforts were not in vain - after Yushchenko's appointment as president, he became the head of the SBU (by the way, he was the first civilian to be given such an honor).

After his arrival in the “office”, the main operatives immediately quit, taking with them “flash drives” with various data. It was the information from these “flash drives” that became the headache of the Yushchenko regime, since it turned out that both Yushchenko and all his associates were by no means “white and fluffy”, but on the contrary, the main corruption schemes and criminals under Kuchma were controlled precisely by the “new Yushchenko team” , and they did not go anywhere, but on the contrary, they were built into the new system, but already under the leadership and cover of Turchinov.

He served in this position for seven months, resigning after Yulia Tymoshenko left the post of prime minister. How is it related, you ask? Yes, it’s very simple: being the head of the SBU, on the orders of Turchynov, documents from the archives of the department were destroyed, according to which Yulia Tymoshenko is closely connected with the well-known criminal authority Semyon Mogilevich. This became known after the publication on Wikileaks of the correspondence of the then Minister of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko with the US Ambassador. In it, he reported that the Prosecutor General ordered the arrest of Turchynov for the destruction of documents incriminating Tymoshenko in illegal activities. During Oleksandr Turchynov's presidency in the SBU, the SBU investigative group that was investigating the death of Georgy Gongadze was actually destroyed (the operatives that controlled the investigation of the "Tarashcha body" quit immediately after Turchynov's arrival, and the rest of the "small fry" - after the arrival of "Ken" Khoroshkovsky). On the personal instructions of Alexander Valentinovich, this group simply ceased to receive any information on this case (there was no longer any information from anyone). At the same time, the Prosecutor General's Office accused this group of disrupting the operation to extradite the main suspect in the case, General Aleksey Pukach. Having fulfilled his mission in the SBU, Turchynov left to conquer other peaks.

In the parliamentary elections in 2006 and 2007, Alexander Valentinovich headed the election headquarters of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. As a people's deputy of the 5th convocation, he served as leader of the BYuT faction. And after the appointment of Yulia Vladimirovna as Prime Minister, he became her right hand, taking the post of First Deputy Prime Minister. He stayed in this position right up to the defeat of Yulia Tymoshenko in the presidential elections in 2010 and the arrival of Viktor Yanukovych to the post of President of Ukraine. After the arrest of Yulia Vladimirovna in 2011, he led the opposition forces, which united on the basis of the Batkivshchyna party. In the party, he was always responsible for intelligence activities and the so-called "black box office". Having entered the Verkhovna Rada once again, he was actively engaged in criticizing the current government, not particularly standing out from the opposition crowd.

Recent Events

During the Euromaidan, he was wounded by a fragment of a stun grenade thrown by Berkut soldiers during one of the next assaults. After the "overthrow" of Yanukovych, he was appointed speaker of parliament and temporarily elected acting prime minister and president of Ukraine. He performed these duties until the end of the presidential elections. By the way, being the “acting” president of Ukraine, he “repaid his debt” to the oligarchs who supported the Euromaidan by appointing them to the post of governor of the Donetsk region (Sergei Taruta - ISD) and the Dnipropetrovsk region (Igor Kolomoisky - Privat).

After a loud quarrel in the Batkivshchyna party, together with Arsen Avakov ( read more about it in the article), Arseniy Yatsenyuk and several other like-minded people left the party. He went to the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation together with the Popular Front party, which took first place on the party lists.

In mid-December 2014, by decree of Petro Poroshenko, he was appointed head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. At the same time, amendments were made to the legislation, according to which the powers of the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council were significantly expanded, and this position, with the arrival of Turchynov, became in fact comparable in weight to the positions of the president or prime minister.

Is business a woman's business?

Like most of the ruling elite of Ukraine, Turchynov's business is officially registered not with him, but with members of his family. The assets of Alexander Valentinovich are owned by the female part of his family - wife Anna Turchinova, mother Valentina Turchinova and mother-in-law Tamara Beliba. Strangely enough, most of the business is framed specifically for his mother-in-law (it can be seen that he respects her very much). They own the "Institute of Economics and Law", engaged in research, and constantly receiving financial influences from unknown investors. The Turchinov couple itself also includes: Imkotel, which is engaged in wireless communications and the Internet (its main shareholder is the aforementioned Institute of Economics and Law), Kinotur, which is engaged in film mastering (owner Tamara Beliba), and Ekonomiks Institutas , engaged in the construction of data centers abroad (in particular in Lithuania).

Oleksandr V. himself says that, compared to other citizens of Ukraine, he is a rather rich person (although according to the declaration he lives only on the salary of a people's deputy). If we recall the topic of his doctoral dissertation (“Shadow Economy”), it is not at all surprising that he was directly or indirectly involved in the creation of the companies Europa-X, Pharmacor, ZET, BB, SVV, the Evening News newspaper, as well as the Janus real estate agency.

According to information from the weekly "Business"

Real "Pastor"

Oleksandr Turchynov is a Baptist parish pastor and one of the heads of the Church of Christ branch in Ukraine. It is noteworthy that when he came to the post of head of the SBU in 2005, one of his first orders was to stop all investigations related to the activities of the Church of Christ. This is very strange, because such organizations in most cases are excellent places to launder huge amounts of money. This church for such operations uses the charitable foundation "Hope around the world." By the way, Tymoshenko, Turchinov's girlfriend, is also called one of the members of the church, although for some reason she hides such facts. Ukrainian and Russian conspiracy theorists link the activities of this church with US intelligence activities, in particular, attributing to it cooperation with the CIA.

An incredible amount of materials has been written about Alexander Turchinov, according to different versions, he is called: an American agent, a homosexual, a thief, a swindler, Tymoshenko's lover, a "grey eminence", a "bloody pastor", and many other pleasant or not very words. Yes, many of these words are speculation that do not have official confirmation, but no one can deny that there were many “dirty deeds” in his life. And until his criminal activity is officially proven, he will continue to do what he pleases because of the backs of Ukrainian politicians, or whatever his patrons whisper in his ear, be it American intelligence services, Freemasons, the world government or others. forces hidden from the eyes of ordinary Ukrainians.

And in the end - a very important question: did Turchinov throw his "creator" and "patron" Pavel Ivanovich Lazarenko, who became very quiet after the Euromaidan? After all, it was Boris Filatov and Gennady Korban's associates who were the main witnesses in the case of Pavel Ivanovich. Now Filatov has become the head of the Dnepropetrovsk region. And Mr. Kolomoisky said 6 years ago - "Deal with it yourself, I have no complaints against Pavel Ivanovich." And not so long ago, Filatov and Korban "squeezed out" the Astoria-Lux and European Hotel in Dnepropetrovsk from Lazarenko. And for Pavel Ivanovich his mother-in-law Tamara Tsikova solved the issues. She applied for legal services to Maxim Lavrynovych, the son of the then Minister of Justice .Who had an office on Leo Tolstoy Street in Kyiv. But on the same days, Gennady Korban personally came to Lavrynovych's office ... And a few days later, Vyacheslav Braginsky, connected with Korban, the head of the Ukraine-Canada company, died from a strange explosion of a gas pipeline in Dnepropetrovsk. The "squeezed" assets of Lazarenko were issued to this company. Just a couple of days before the explosion, the shares and shares of the main structures of Braginsky were transferred to other legal entities controlled by Korban and, they say, Lavrinovich.

... And Turchinov was in power. And he knew that Tsikova even met with Yulia Tymoshenko with a request for help.

Yes, it is difficult to assume that Turchinov was not aware of these "showdowns". Couldn't Turchynov have solved Lazarenko's problems by holding such a position? Or didn't want competition? And why is the topic of Lazarenko's return to his homeland so quiet now?

Dmitry Samofalov, for SKELET-info

Alexander Turchinov. Skeletons in the closet of the "bloody pastor" of Ukraine updated: March 29, 2018 by: creator

(Ukrainian Oleksandr Valentinovich Turchynov, born March 31, 1964, Dnepropetrovsk) - Ukrainian politician and statesman, since February 22, 2014 he has been the chairman. Since February 23, 2014, by the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, he has been acting President of Ukraine. Since February 26, 2014 - Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Turchinov Alexander Valentinovich: biography


In 1986 he graduated with honors from the technological faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute.

Doctor of Economics, Professor.


  • He worked at the Krivorozhstal plant.
  • 1987-1990 - secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, then head of the department of agitation and propaganda of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee of the Komsomol. He acted as one of the coordinators of the Democratic Platform in the CPSU, which advocated the renewal and decentralization of the Communist Party.
  • 1990-1991 - editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian branch of the news agency Una-press APN.
  • 1991 - Head of the Institute of International Relations, Economics, Politics and Law.
  • 1992 - Head of the Committee for Denationalization and Demonopolization of Production of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration.
  • 1993 - Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma on economic issues.
  • 1994 - created the All-Ukrainian Association "Gromada" (VO "Gromada"), which later in 1997 was headed by Pavlo Lazarenko. VO "Hromada" supported Leonid Kuchma in the presidential elections.
  • 1998 - elected as a people's deputy of Ukraine on the list of the Gromada party; after leaving the government - head of the Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada.
  • 1999 - as a result of a conflict with Lazarenko, the All-Ukrainian Association "Batkivshchyna" (VO "Batkivshchyna") is created, which has been headed by Yulia Tymoshenko since the day of its foundation, and Oleksandr Turchynov is her deputy.
  • 2002 - re-elected People's Deputy of Ukraine on the list of the BYuT bloc.
  • 2004 - during the presidential elections - one of the deputy heads of Victor's election headquarters.
  • On February 22, 2014, he was elected Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 288 deputies voted for him out of 333 present in the meeting room.
  • In early 2005, after the victory of Viktor Yushchenko in the presidential elections, he was appointed head of the Security Service of Ukraine.
  • In September 2005, in connection with the resignation of Yulia Tymoshenko from the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine, Turchynov also resigned from his post and headed the election headquarters of the BYuT bloc. In the 2006 parliamentary elections, he was re-elected to the Verkhovna Rada. In the Verkhovna Rada of the 5th convocation, he was deputy head of the BYuT faction.
  • On May 23, 2007, by decree of President Viktor Yushchenko, he was appointed First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.
  • On September 30, 2007, he was elected a People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the BYuT faction.
  • On December 19, 2007 he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine.
  • In 2008, he participated in the election of the mayor of Kyiv and took second place.
  • In 2004 he published a book - a thriller "The Illusion of Fear", and a script for the film of the same name.

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

  • During the political crisis in Ukraine in 2013-2014 and the resignation of Vladimir Rybak on February 22, 2014, he was elected Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 288 deputies voted for his appointment. One of the first to welcome this election was US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt.
  • During the presidency of Turchinov, on March 11, 2014, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic and the Sevastopol City Council adopted a declaration of independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, and on March 18, 2014, they signed an agreement on the entry of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation as subjects of the Russian Federation .
  • On March 18, 2014, People's Deputy Anatoly Gritsenko suggested that Turchynov resign. According to Gritsenko, Turchynov cannot cope with the role of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and this is not his calling. In addition, Gritsenko reminded Turchynov that Turchynov promised to leave politics after the release of Yulia Tymoshenko from prison, but did not keep his word.
  • March 28, 2014 Turchynov, in response to the assault on the Rada by the Right Sector, which took place the day before, said that the Verkhovna Rada is the foundation of legitimate power in Ukraine, and that it can only be changed through elections, and all other methods are illegal and unconstitutional .

Acting President of Ukraine

On February 23, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada conferred presidential powers on Oleksandr Turchynov until the presidential elections in May 2014.

Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army

On February 26, 2014, Turchynov assumed the duties of Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army. As the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army, he conducted a "large-scale anti-terrorist operation." On April 14, Turchynov signed Decree No. 405/2014 on conducting a large-scale anti-terrorist operation using the army against citizens of the East who do not agree with the new Ukrainian government. As a result, the advance detachment of the 25th Airborne Assault Brigade of the Airborne Regiment was sent to the inhabitants of Kramatorsk, but after being surrounded by unarmed residents of Ukraine, the soldiers gave them their weapons and equipment (six BMD vehicles) and were fed by the inhabitants of the southeast.

Personal life


Married. Turchinova's wife Anna Vladimirovna (1970) - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the National Pedagogical University named after Mikhail Dragomanov. Son Cyril (1994) - student.


He is a parishioner of the Protestant Church "Word of Life".

Former Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council


Born in Dnepropetrovsk on March 31, 1964. In 1986 he graduated with honors from the technological faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute.

In 1995 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "Methodological support and the mechanism for reforming and optimizing taxation in modern economic conditions", and in 1997 - his doctoral dissertation "Shadow economy (research methodology and mechanisms of functioning)".


Married to Anna Turchinova (born 1970), head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the Mikhail Dragomanov National Pedagogical University.

Son Cyril (born 1992) - activist of the NGO "People's Front of Youth", 2014-2016 - soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine, postgraduate student of the Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, graduated from the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.


After graduating from the institute, he worked for a short time as a roller and foreman at the Kryvorizhstal metallurgical plant.

In 1987, he switched to party work - he became the secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, then the head of the agitation and propaganda department of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee of the Komsomol. However, after that he acted as one of the coordinators of the Democratic Platform in the CPSU, which demanded the decentralization of the Communist Party. For this, Turchynov was deprived of his party card.

In 1990-1991 worked as the editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian branch of the news agency Una-press APN.

In 1991, he headed the Institute of International Relations, Economics, Politics and Law, which he himself created. The following year, he headed the Committee for denationalization and demonopolization of production of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration.

Since 1993, he was an adviser to Prime Minister Leonid Kuchma on economic issues, vice-president of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Turchinov met the future president at the time when he was in charge of the Dnepropetrovsk giant plant Yuzhmash.

When Kuchma resigned in the fall of the same year, he took over as director general of the Institute for Economic Reforms, head of the shadow economy research laboratory at the Russian Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Political career and rapprochement with Tymoshenko

In 1994, he created the All-Ukrainian Association "Hromada", which supported Kuchma in the presidential elections. However, the association was not too active, while Turchinov combined its chairmanship with scientific work.

By 1997, he met and became close with - since that time he has been in her team. It was even rumored that Turchynov agreed to cede the post of chairman of Hromada to Lady Yu, but soon after that, the organization was headed by Pavlo Lazarenko, who retired from the post of prime minister.

In 1998, Turchynov entered the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Gromada party, but due to a conflict with Lazarenko, he left the leadership of the party in March 1999, and in May, the faction itself.

Together with Tymoshenko, in July of the same year, he created the All-Ukrainian Association "Batkivshchyna" party, the leader of which was Tymoshenko herself, and her deputy, respectively, Turchynov.

After Tymoshenko left for the post of Deputy Prime Minister, he headed the Batkivshchyna faction and the budget committee. In this post, he initiated a number of changes, in particular, a radical budget reform, health care systems, educational and coal mining industries, wrote a program for deshadowing the national economy.

After Batkivshchyna went into opposition in the summer of 2000, he became one of the founders of the National Salvation Forum.

Following the results of the 2002 parliamentary elections, he became a people's deputy on the list of the BYuT bloc.

During the 2004 presidential campaign, he was deputy head of Viktor Yushchenko's campaign headquarters and one of the main leaders of the Maidan - he coordinated civil protests. After Yushchenko's victory in the elections in early 2005, Turchynov received the chair of the head of the Security Service of Ukraine. In this position, he initiated an investigation into the activities of the gas mafia in Ukraine. However, already in September 2005, after Tymoshenko's resignation from the post of prime minister, Turchynov left his post, writing a letter of resignation.

In view of the upcoming parliamentary elections, he heads the election headquarters of the BYuT bloc, in 2006 he passes to the Verkhovna Rada and becomes deputy head of the BYuT faction.

In the same year, together with the former deputy SBU, he was involved as a witness by the Prosecutor General's Office in the case of the destruction of materials about the activities of businessman Semyon Mogilevich and the wiretapping of the correspondent of the Segodnya newspaper Alexander Korchinsky.

In May 2007, President Viktor Yushchenko appointed Turchynov First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

In the elections in September 2007, he again entered the Rada from the BYuT faction, and in December he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine.

In 2008, he participated in the election of the mayor of Kyiv - he took second place.

In March 2010, he served as prime minister for a week (March 3-11), after Viktor Yanukovych won the presidential election, he lost his post in the Cabinet, as he was dismissed.

In the parliamentary elections of 2012, he entered the Rada under the fourth number in the electoral list of the All-Ukrainian Union “Batkivshchyna”, is a member of the Committee on Informatization and Information Technologies, First Deputy Chairman of the Batkivshchyna Party, Chairman of the Central Headquarters of the All-Ukrainian Party “Batkivshchyna”.

February 22, 2014 year elected to position Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ukraine. From 23 February, after the escape of Viktor Yanukovych, he was appointed acting President Ukraine, until the election of the head of state in the early elections on May 25, 2014. From February 25 Turchynov authorized to sign the laws Ukraine before the election of a new President. From 26 February - Supreme commander in chief Armed Forces Ukraine.

In September 2014 at the congress.

In 2014, in the early elections to the Verkhovna Rada, he ran on the lists under No. 3. Since October, people's deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation.

On May 17, 2019, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksandr Turchynov resigned due to the termination of the powers of President Petro Poroshenko.

On May 19, President Petro Poroshenko dismissed Turchynov from the post of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.


Alexander Turchinov is the author of a number of fiction books, the most famous of them are The Illusion of Fear, Testimony, The Last Supper, The Advent. Based on the thriller Illusion of Fear, a film of the same name was shot in 2008, which was even nominated from Ukraine for an Oscar in the Best Foreign Film nomination.