Who is an angel? Who are the guardian angel, the angel of death, the fallen angel? Qualities of an angel. The language of angels

To whom and when does God give a Guardian Angel?

The Guardian Angel is given by God to a person in the Sacrament of Baptism: « To those who have been vouchsafed baptism and rise to the height of virtues, angels are given from God, who care for them and assist them. The Lord assures us of this when He says that there are Guardian Angels for everyone who believes in Him.» (prep.).
An unbaptized person is under the power of demons. The Guardian Angel stays next to the believing Christian, unless we drive him away with sinful deeds, because " just as smoke drives away the bees, so sin drives away the Guardian Angel from us"(St.).

“Since everything except God has its beginning, it is required to find out: when, according to the teachings of the Church, is a Guardian Angel assigned to a person? The final prayer of the canon to the Guardian Angel says quite unambiguously: "from holy baptism"- a new birth by water and the Spirit ... Moreover, ode 7 of this canon indicates and for how long: "from God given to me forever", that is, the Guardian Angel accompanies every Christian from St. baptism and before the end of the earthly journey, but also after, “in the terrible hour of death, be relentless, my good guardian,‹…> when the imam passes the air ordeal”(prayer of an akathist to the Guardian Angel), since the deceased “usually is accompanied by two angels‹…›. The duty of these angels (the Guardian Angel and the oncoming angel) is to accompany the soul of the deceased on his way to the afterlife. And at the Last Judgment, the Guardian Angel will intercede before Christ, praying for the forgiveness of the person he keeps, and in case of forgiveness, he becomes the last inseparable friend in eternity.

What does Angel Day mean?

There is an opinion that the Guardian Angel is a saint whose name we bear. From here, they say, the name day is called the day of the Angel. This is a clear misconception. It is easily refuted by the morning rule: one prayer is addressed to the Guardian Angel - a completely different one - to the saint in whose name the Christian was baptized.

The participation of the Guardian Angel in the life of a Christian

If there were no Guardian Angels and mentors for good, pious people, then the demons would have exterminated the entire human race - if, that is, the Lord had allowed them to do whatever they please with people: for the malice of demons towards people is immeasurable and their envy towards man has no limits, for man is created in the image of God and is destined for the inheritance of eternal life in the place of the fallen angels. (holy righteous).

Close and kindred to people by their spiritual nature and by the graciously wise purpose of God, Angels in general and Guardian Angels in particular take a living and active part in our destiny. Guardian Angels do for us everything that serves our true good and salvation. Invisibly staying with us all the time, they, guiding us to salvation, not only according to our desire mysteriously instruct us in everything good and useful, not only raise our prayers to God, but also protect us from ourselves and protect us from enemies visible and invisible. and intercede for us before God. That is why the Orthodox teaches us to honor and call upon our Guardian Angels in prayers, as our closest spiritual mentors and patrons. But, as appointed to a person as invisible mentors, guardians and defenders by God Himself, we do not know the private name of each Guardian Angel individually, and since the Guardian Angel is a good spirit who did not live a human earthly life, the Orthodox Church cannot assign to everyone To the Guardian Angel of a separate day of public remembrance of his holy charitable, spiritual life, but obliges us to turn to his patronage and protection privately, in our daily prayers at home.

Prayers to the Guardian Angel

Troparion, tone 6:

Angel of God, / my holy guardian, / keep my stomach in the fear of Christ God, / fix my mind in the true path, / and hurt my soul to the love of the heavens / let it be guided by you / I will receive great mercy from Christ God.

Kontakion, tone 4:

Appear mercifully to me, / holy angel of the Lord, my guardian, / and do not leave the filthy me, / but enlighten me with the untouchable light / and make me worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

“Holy Angel, stand before my pierced soul and my passionate life, do not leave me, a sinner, depart from me below for my intemperance. Give no place to the crafty demon to possess me with the violence of this mortal body; strengthen my poor and thin hand and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, the holy Angel of God, the guardian and patron of my accursed soul and body, forgive me all, insult you with great insults all the days of my stomach, and if I have sinned this past night, cover me on this present day, and save me from every temptation of the opposite Yes, in no sin will I anger God, and pray for me to the Lord, may he confirm me in His fear, and show me worthy of His servant of goodness. Amen".

From the evening prayer rule:

“To the angel of Christ, my holy guardian and patron of my soul and body, forgive me all, the fir-tree I have sinned this day: and deliver me from all the wickedness of the enemy. Yes, I will not anger my God in any sin: but pray for me a sinful and unworthy slave, as if you are worthy of me, show the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ, and all the saints, amen.

Canon to the Guardian Angel.



Guardian Angels are the servants of our salvation, so we are not alone in our earthly life, in our labors for the salvation of our immortal soul. We firmly know that our helpers are with us, protecting us from all sorts of troubles encountered on the path of life, and from the wrath of God deserved by each of us. Our Guardian Angel is an infinitely loving being. He loves us with all the fullness of his love. And his love is great, and its effect is strong, because, contemplating God, he sees eternal Love, which desires our salvation.

Our Guardian Angel is like our second mother. He has the same concern for us, and even more. Mother takes special care of us while we are in infancy and childhood. Our Guardian Angel, from the moment of our baptism until the last days of our life, is our caring tutor. And, if we ourselves do not push him away from us during our earthly life, he will lead our soul to worship God when the time comes for the soul to part from the body.

Our Guardian Angels are powerful in their personal virtues, powerful in the strength they receive from God, powerful in the prayers that they send for us to the Most High God.

Everything that is good, pure, bright in us: every good thought, every good movement of the heart, our prayer, repentance, good deeds - all this is born in us and is done at the suggestion of our invisible Guardian Angel. Acting through our conscience and our heart, it is he, our Angel, who keeps us from sin and temptation, it is he who helps us fight temptations, it is he who inspires us with fear of a serious fall into sin.

The Guardian Angel given to us is, as it were, our conscience expanded and revealed. He strives with all his might to save us, and we have no right to interfere with him in this. We must help him in his efforts to save us. We must ask him to enrich our minds with an abundance of holy thoughts, to strengthen in us the habit of pious reflections. We are obliged to love him as our elder and strong brother. But in fact, we so often forget about him, do not pray to him, offend his shrine with our sins, and he again and again shows his concern for us. He intercedes for us before the mercy of God, he pleads with God for our needs, and the Heavenly Father will never refuse him his requests.

But why do the Angels of God show such concern for people?

First, because they are God's servants and have been commanded by God to protect and save people. Secondly, they themselves are the creations of God, and the words apply to them, as well as to people: Be merciful as your Father is merciful(). They understand this and try, imitating their Creator and God, to show both their mercy and their long-suffering towards people.

What joy it gives them to save the souls whom he has redeemed with his own blood, and who (with their help) will share with them their glory and their blessedness!

If we were even a little more sensitive, we would notice how carefully our Guardian Angel helps us return through repentance to the path of salvation. He not only encourages us to repent, but he also promises to remind us of all our sins, all life's mistakes and oversights.

Our Guardian Angels, messengers to us from God, freely and quickly make the way from God to us and from us to God (if only our deeds do not interfere with this). They come from God to us to bring us His grace; they also ascend from us to God in order to convey to Him our prayers and thanksgiving.

How close our Guardian Angel should be to each of us! What confidence we must have in him! During our lifetime, we can tell him the most intimate secrets of our souls. Those secrets that we would not entrust to the closest people. And this is because in the Guardian Angel we see the wisest in advice, the most disinterested in love and help, tender in affection for us, caring in our needs.

From the book "Angel of Prayer"

We ask the Lord the Guardian Angel

Archbishop Pitirim of Volokolamsk

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!
Today, brothers and sisters, we are celebrating in honor of the Archangel Michael of God and other incorporeal Heavenly Powers. In the magnification of the holiday, naming the Archangels and Angels, Cherubim and Seraphim, glorifying the Lord, we remember, among other Heavenly Forces, the incorporeal ones and our Guardian Angel. Let us think about how easy it is for us to meditate on the examples of the saints, examples from the Holy Gospel and receive edification, and how difficult it is to constantly turn with prayer to the one who is closest to us, who constantly watches over our salvation, to meditate and talk about the holy angels.
For many years I have been serving God in the temple. How many prayers have been performed over the years to the saints of God, to whom our parishioners turn both with prayerful gratitude and with a request for grace-filled help, how many notes about health, salvation, and the sick have been read ... And literally single requests to pray to the Guardian Angel. But the holy Guardian Angel relentlessly abides with us. Like all Angels, God's servants, he was made a servant of our salvation. Let's think about it, brothers and sisters, let's remember an example from the Holy Gospel.
Once the disciples asked the Lord: teach us to pray(), and the Lord in His sermon left us all a sacred prayer, which each of us knows by heart. It contains the words: Our Father, Who art in Heaven… Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven(). We ask God that His holy will, carried out unquestioningly and in fullness by the holy Angels in Heaven, be also fulfilled by us here on earth.
The Lord also said to those around Him: See that you do not despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.(). This means that the lesser, humble ones have the greatest boldness before God, because their Guardian Angels constantly intercede before the Face of God for them. If you are not like children, that is, if you are not “lesser”, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Even Nicodemus, a wise old man, a teacher of the Jewish people, asked the Lord Jesus Christ: is it really necessary to be born a second time in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? answered him reproachfully: you are the teacher of Israel and you cannot understand that you need to be reborn in spirit in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (). And now, brethren and sisters, let us combine these three examples into one. So, we pray, we want that here, on earth, it would be like in the Kingdom of Heaven. But the Lord says that only those who become like the “lesser ones” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, which means that you need to be reborn, as if born again, to become as pure, as sincere as children. The one who comes to this state will receive great boldness before God through the intercessions of his Guardian Angel.
Our church practices provide one very instructive testimony. In ancient times, when they were tonsured monks, they gave a monk a rounded, tight-fitting cap, similar to the one worn by children. Now only in the attire of the Patriarch of Moscow, the so-called puppet, this ancient tradition has been preserved. It is precisely monastic repentance that becomes evidence of a second birth, it is precisely such attire, which is more accustomed to be seen on children, that is the outward expression of the fact that, first of all, it is necessary to acquire a pure and peaceful spirit. And although none of us can say that we have reached such a state, everyone should remember that we are called to attain it. And so we pray: The angel is peaceful, faithful, mentor, guardian of our souls and bodies, we ask the Lord.
Twice during the Liturgy, when the great sacred Sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated, we ask for it. During Vespers and Matins, during home morning and evening prayers, we ask the Lord to give us a Guardian Angel. For what? In order for us to be reborn, so that in our soul there is peace and gentleness, purity and joy, and so that these feelings manifest themselves sincerely, directly from the heart. And then, brothers and sisters, our prayer is: Thy will be done, as in Heaven and on earth, - will be strong, the Lord will hear her. Let us now pray to the zealous and formidable guardian of the Throne of God, Archangel Michael, to all invisible incorporeal Forces, and above all to our Guardian Angel, that a pure heart, a peaceful spirit, and fiery strong faith be given to us. Amen.

Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. 1986. No. 1. S. 41-42.

Incredible Facts

Finding out who your guardian angel is is very simple. With the help of your date of birth, you can find out the age and gender of your patron, his character and name, as well as establish a connection with the divine essence. This information is useful to anyone.

So, let's start with the character of your Guardian Angel.

Anyone knows who a Guardian Angel is. But he does not understand that you need to know his character, name and other features. But what does this knowledge give? The features of his character will help you quickly navigate when you want to establish a connection with him in order to receive help and learn to see and read his tips.

How to find out what kind of character your Guardian Angel is? To do this, you only need the second number of your date of birth. For example, if you were born on the 18th, then the number corresponding to the Angel is 8, but if you were born on the third day of the month, then this number is 3. Below is information about the meaning of all 10 possible options.

Guardian angel

0 - your Guardian Angel has a fiery character.

He is very strong, almost omnipotent, he knows how to be reborn. He can help you in absolutely any situation, from the smallest problems to serious, dangerous situations. You are very lucky to have such a protector.

1 - your Guardian Angel is holy.

Among all, he is considered the most active, who will come to the rescue even when he is not called. However, not everything is so great. These Angels take care of people with a very weak energy field, who need strong protection from evil more than others.

2 - your Guardian Angel is bright.

These are angels with large white wings that are larger than those of other heavenly protectors. They are at any time next to their wards. Your angel kissed you at birth. Kisses are freckles and moles, especially they are considered angel kisses when their meaning has a positive meaning according to ancient signs.

A bright angel keeps in touch with his ward through dreams, angelic numerology, and even using a reflection in a mirror. You need to be more attentive, and then you will be able to notice unusual things in your environment that indicate the presence of a guardian angel.

3 - your Guardian Angel is airy.

It manifests itself with the help of various unusual sounds, rustles, rustling, etc. Do not be afraid of them, as your angel thus demonstrates his presence and support. Often this angel becomes frivolous and can go about his business, leaving the ward unattended. However, a person can always call him, turn to him with the help of a prayer. The air angel will surely hear and rush to help.

4 - your Guardian Angel is wise.

His help lies in the fact that he sends his ward the right thoughts and conclusions from what is happening. Such people move up the career ladder very quickly, because they know perfectly well what needs to be done for this.

Wards of this angel are smart and prudent, they know how to think well through any situation and its possible consequences. It is better to listen to the advice of such people, as they know how to do it.

5 - your Guardian Angel is metal.

Of course, it does not look like an iron statue. Such an angel patronizes decisive and courageous people with a strong character. He likes it when his wards show willpower. This angel helps both spiritually and physically, and if you establish a close relationship with him, he will save you from any trouble.

Help of a guardian angel

6 - your Rainbow Guardian Angel.

Such angels take people with creative abilities into their wards. People in creative professions are more likely than others to undergo a sharp change in mood, from inspiration to complete despondency. The rainbow angel saves from melancholy, disperses depression, and often it is he who inspires his ward to new creativity.

7 - your Guardian Angel is energetic.

This angel is very active and wants to constantly be in contact with his ward. However, he is very touchy and changeable. In order not to lose him, do not forget to always thank the angel for all the good things that happen to you. In the same way, you can establish contact with him.

8 - your Guardian Angel is a deceased close friend or relative.

After death, this person decided to become your patron. This angel knows the character of his ward well, he is always ready to help, he is merciful. In order to establish a connection with him, a person needs to honor the memory of a friend or relative who decided to take him under his guardianship, you need to thank him and read prayers.

9 - your Guardian Angel is warm.

Such an angel is always very kind to his wards, he knows how to inspire people with optimism. Such a person is in harmony and happiness thanks to the patronage of his warm angel.

Holy guardian angel

Now we will find out the gender and age of our angel.

Angels, like humans, have an age that never changes. Here's how to find out. Add the date and month of your birth. For example, if you were born on October 5, then the calculations will be: 0 + 5 + 1 + 0 = 6. In this example, the angel is only 6 years old, however, no one knows how many centuries in a row he is 6 years old. But your angel looks exactly at his age.

In order to find out what gender your angel is, you need to add up all the numbers in the date of birth. For example, 10/05/1986 = 0+5+1+0+1+9+8+6= 30. Now the number must be reduced to a single digit: 3+0=3. The resulting odd number indicates that the angel is female. If the single-digit number is even, then in this case the angel is male.

Thus, in our example, it turned out that the angel is a six-year-old girl.

Now let's talk about effective ways in which you can find out the name of your angel.

When you know the name of your guardian angel, it will be much easier for you to connect with him. When a person is in constant contact with his mentor, he is always under his protection. It is almost impossible to damage such a person or harm him in any way. Among other things, he is lucky in the most difficult and deadlock situations.

Now we will talk about the methods by which you can get to know your angel. Looking ahead a little, we note that the name of your angel can be very unusual. There is no need to take it for nonsense, because disbelief can offend the divine essence.

It is better in this case to concentrate and pronounce the name several times, you can probably find a secret meaning in it. Sometimes angels do not want to write with letters familiar to us, using unfamiliar signs and symbols. They add up to exactly what you're looking for, but you'll have to decipher your angel's message.

Guardian Angel named

So how do you find out his name?

The first way is by writing. But for this you must be able to enter a trance. It is necessary to put paper with a pen in front of you, induce a special state of consciousness, mentally call your angel and ask his name. If everything goes right, then your keeper will write his name in your hand.

It will also help to find out the name of meditation. The angel does not necessarily have to answer your question during it. You may dream of the answer, and not even immediately, but after a few days. If you do not get an answer to your question, then you probably were not focused enough, and your angel was offended due to the large number of extraneous thoughts during such an important acquaintance.

Another way is dreams. It will be a plus if a person has learned to lucid dream. You can call your guardian while traveling through the hidden corners of your subconscious and ask what his name is. If you do not know how to see lucid dreams, then mentally ask the angel a question before going to bed. Most likely, the answer will come in a dream.

human guardian angels

Can you see your angel?

Often the angel is depicted as a young man with a naked cross, sword and white wings. Such images began to appear only in the 16th century. Before this period, in Byzantine iconography, which has existed since the 11th century, they do not exist at all. It is believed that the face of an angel is hidden from people.

A person can see him only after death, when an angel comes to a dying person in order to lead his soul to the afterlife. Hence the conclusion that no one saw angels. However, you can try to see the face of your keeper in a dream. Again, if you know what lucid dreaming is, then you can call your angel, ask for his name and connect with him.

We know from the lives of the saints that very rarely angels show their faces to people. In the vast majority of cases, they help their wards, remaining in the shadows.

How many angels does each person have?

A lot of people are concerned about this issue. Many believe that there can be only one guardian angel, but this is far from always the case. An ordinary, average person can "have at his disposal" from one to nine patrons. St. Nicholas had the largest number of angels - 27.

The more angels a person has, the happier and more successful he is. He easily solves all life's difficulties and quickly achieves his goals. People who are abandoned by angels are called losers. However, angels can return to any person. To do this, one must do good, not expecting gratitude, and live according to conscience. You can also read a prayer to your angel to attract his attention.

The patronage of supernatural forces has always interested people. Questions about the immortality of the soul, about what angels look like, how to recognize your guardian angel and enlist his support, have worried and continue to worry theologians and philosophers, young and old, highly educated and the simplest believers. The parishioners of the temples offer prayers to the guardian angels and ask them for help, try to please and win over. However, every person has his own guardian angel, even if he does not attend church. Moreover: angels patronize not only Christians, but also adherents of other religions. The existence of angels is recognized by Islam, Judaism and even Rastafarianism. There are entities similar to angels in many other beliefs.

A guardian angel is given to every person, regardless of religion, character and behavior. Even criminals and atheists have guardian angels, but these patrons are unhappy and often powerless. In order not to deprive your guardian angel of energy, you must first of all believe in him, and also contact him regularly and do not forget to thank him. All this is easy to do if you know your guardian angel by name. If you wish, you can even call your guardian angel, talk to him, seek advice, or simply feel his protection. Surely during your life you have repeatedly felt his presence - it's time to get to know your guardian angel!

Guardian Angel - who is it? Why is a guardian angel given?
Usually, guardian angels are presented as anthropomorphic, miniature or giants, tangible or incorporeal - it does not matter and depends solely on the cultural experience, fantasy and aesthetic preferences of the believer. In fact, a guardian angel is a spirit, a kind entity endowed with reason and feelings, but devoid of an earthly body and incarnated in any physical form if necessary for a limited period. As a rule, patron angels are imagined and depicted in works of art as winged: angels need wings to fly and to cover their wards with them, protecting them from adversity.

The existence of guardian angels cannot be scientifically proven, but even non-religious people admit that at least once in their lives they felt like they were under the angelic wing of an angel. You, too, probably experienced something similar and could feel the presence of a guardian angel:

  • Think of those who have had a positive impact on your life. Guardian angels often act indirectly, by proxy. Often they choose their parents, loved ones and close friends as their "intermediaries", but they can also appear in the form of an unfamiliar, but favorable person to you.
  • Staying on the verge of risk and the subsequent miraculous salvation is directly related to the "work" of the guardian angel. Each of us can remember similar circumstances: when we were late for a plane that had an accident; when he walked down the street a stone's throw from the place where the icicle fell; when he suddenly remembered that the iron was not turned off and returned home or just managed to buy the last ticket for the concert of his favorite band.
  • Guardian angels can inhabit not only people, but also animals. Information periodically appears in the media about miraculous cases when a domestic cat or dog woke up the owner and literally forced him to leave the house before an earthquake, explosion or other disaster. These incidents are nothing more than evidence of the protection of the guardian angel.
  • Often, the guardian angel does not seek physical incarnation and remains a phantom, invisibly present nearby and providing assistance at the right time. This is especially important when you are overcome by a feeling of loneliness, problems collapse one after another - and suddenly, as if from nowhere, a solution comes, circumstances develop in the best possible way and life is getting better.
  • Modern people are losing faith in guardian angels and replacing them with the concepts of intuition, subconscious and energy fluctuations. By and large, there is no fundamental difference how exactly to call the guardian angel, if his support helps you.
The only thing that can be said for sure is that the strength of a guardian angel is directly proportional to the strength of our faith in him. You can nourish, train and strengthen the capabilities of your spiritual protector, if you believe, mentally cry out and thank him as often as possible.

Who is my guardian angel? How to recognize a guardian angel by date of birth?
A guardian angel accompanies every person throughout life, from the very moment of birth. It is the date of birth that helps to learn more about your guardian angel, for example, to find out his character, gender and age. This may seem a little strange, because angels are incorporeal. But, nevertheless, the categories of age and gender are inherent in them in order to be closer and more understandable to their wards. To determine the incarnation of your guardian, add up all the numbers that make up your date of birth, and reduce the result to a single digit. For example, if you were born on July 30, 1986, then add 3+0+0+7+1+9+8+6=34; 3+4=7. The number "7" is odd, which means your angel is female. Even numbers denote male angels.

Now find your individual number in the following list to get to know your angel better, to comprehend its characteristics and behavioral traits:

  • 1 - Holy angel, considered the fastest defender, coming to the rescue even before being questioned about it.
  • 2 - A bright angel (or an angel of light), tends to appear in a dream. Angels of light leave moles to their wards, often on the face.
  • 3 - Air angel, accompanies people prone to adventure and risk. Being nearby, it often betrays its presence with the rustle of wings.
  • 4 - A wise angel communicates with his ward with the help of tips and right decisions, which has a positive effect on a person’s intellect and career.
  • 5 - A metal angel gives a person long years of life. Receives a special nourishment from tears, so it comes to the rescue when the ward cries.
  • 6 - The rainbow angel communicates with people through creative energy, helps to reveal artistic abilities and / or an original view of the world.
  • 7 - Energy angel - the most touchy. Needs constant gratitude, does not tolerate rude words and non-recognition of his merits.
  • 8 - A merciful angel is the embodiment of the soul of deceased ancestors, carefully cares, but feels the need for memories of him.
  • 9 - A warm angel provides the ward with harmony with the world and understanding of the essence of things. It is the angels of Heat who incarnate in animals more often than others.
Understanding the nature of your guardian angel will help you establish a closer and stronger connection with him, do not ignore these features. In addition to character, angels have an age that does not change, at least for us humans. They find out the age of their angel by adding 4 (sacred number) to the birth number. For those born on the 30th, this is 30 + 4 = 34 years. Now you know that your guardian angel is a woman of 34 years old, and you can communicate and keep in touch more effectively.

How to see your guardian angel?
To contact us and transmit information, guardian angels use signs - this is the only way available to them so as not to impersonate strangers and not to frighten their ward. But we ourselves, at will, establish a connection with our angel and turn to him when we want. To do this, you need to practice a little:

  1. Choose a time when you can be alone with yourself (and your angel) in silence, and no one will disturb the peace. It can be early morning at dawn or vice versa, before going to bed.
  2. Arrange at least a small space around you for coziness and comfort: put a beautiful and comfortable pillow, light a candle or a small night lamp, turn on quiet pleasant music.
  3. Sit comfortably and straighten your back. You can put a pillow under your back or straighten your shoulders - focus on your feelings, which should be to your liking. Do not pinch your body, do not bend or slouch.
  4. Close your eyes and take a calm, deep breath. Don't think about anything in particular, but instead of vain thoughts, imagine that there are roots from your feet to the ground, and around you there is a light in the form of an egg with a golden glow.
  5. Mentally reach out to your guardian angel and invite him to join you in this beautiful and comfortable setting. Gold is a favorite color for angels, so the guardian will surely be very pleased with your attention.
  6. When an angel appears nearby, you will feel that by an invisible breath, a feeling of warmth and / or lightness - this is individual. After that, ask the angel to cover and hug you with wings, touch you.
  7. Try to remember this feeling, absorb the touch of the guardian angel with every cell of the body and do not forget this feeling in order to reproduce it again with an effort of will. Ask the angel what his name is.
  8. Address the angel by name and sincerely thank him for being with you and not leaving you throughout all the years of your life. If necessary, ask him for help, share your dreams and goals with him.
  9. Do not delay the angel for a long time, because staying in the world of people requires a lot of energy from him. Say goodbye to the angel and invite you to come back to you more often.
  10. Stretch your whole body and open your eyes. Look around - the world around you has remained the same, but knowledge has now settled inside you, which will allow you to always and everywhere find your guardian angel, turn to him and receive his help.
Practice such meetings with your guardian angel regularly so as not to lose touch with him and strengthen mutual understanding. Now that you have been able to recognize your guardian angel, do not forget about him, give thanks and energize. Then your union will become truly strong and protect you from any evil. May as many miracles and goodness happen in your life!

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Today I want to tell you about such a concept as human guardian angel , about its tasks and its role in the life of every person. In the previous article, we considered the question of our two principles: human and spiritual. We considered the question of whether how to speed up the path to happiness through a spiritual worldview. Today it's time to talk about one of the areas of spiritual interaction with the world and get the strongest tool that will allow you to to make life easier . Isn't this what every person on Earth dreams of?

If people live actively using their human nature, then they feel isolated in this world, the world seems to them to be aggressive towards them, they consider the struggle for a place under the sun to be the main area of ​​their activity. All their energy is spent on this struggle for survival, for acquiring material wealth, for their multiplication and preservation, and the joys of life often pass by.

A person has everything he dreamed of, but happiness is not felt. Often, during such a life, people lose their health and at the end of their lives feel devastated, even if they have become rich, made a career, and achieved a high position in society. Why? Yes, because they lived not according to the laws and the call of their souls, but according to the values ​​that society formed. They suppressed the call of the soul in themselves for the sake of an illusory happiness called Wealth. They betrayed their true dreams and aspirations.

People who use their spiritual principle and rely on it in life live an easier life. They are guided by the call of their soul, fulfill their tasks in life, accumulate pearls of enduring wisdom. And most importantly, their soul gives them an almost constant feeling of joy and happiness. They feel like an indivisible part of the whole in this world, they understand that, as an important part of this whole, they are always protected. They clearly feel the help of the Universe in all matters, at the right time they receive the necessary information through insight and intuition.

They do not aim to achieve wealth, fame, power, they simply do what their soul aspires to, what gives them joy and pleasure. They are happy throughout their lives. And most importantly, they automatically have the material goods they need as a by-product, as gifts of fate for a properly organized life.

No matter how a person manifests himself, he will never be indifferent to the Universe as part of a whole harmoniously arranged mechanism. All people, without exception, can always count on the help of the Universe in all matters. The difference is only in the belief in this help and the timely appeal for it. Each person is dear to the Universe and a huge number of entities of the spiritual plane are working to protect and help him. You need to know about this and use it, then life will be much easier and will be passed with greater benefit for personal growth. And the main goal of any life is just evolution, improvement. After all, every person must go through life from a sinner to a saint.

In the spiritual world, a large number of entities are called to help people in their difficult life on Earth, in conditions of limited opportunities and the confrontation between good and evil. This helper angels . Like on Earth, they have a clear hierarchy and distribution of responsibilities. First, according to the direction of their activities, they are divided into : Light (serve the ideas of good and light) and Chernykh (serve the ideas of evil and darkness). Today our conversation will be about the Angels of Light. Archangels are at the head of the helper angels. There are seven of them (though Orthodoxy for some reason recognizes only five of them). Each has its own functions and a huge retinue of Angels.

Michael is the main angel of protection. Chief among the Archangels.

Jofil is the main angel of illumination.

Chamuel is the main angel of love.

Gabriel is the main angel mentor.

Uriel is the main angel of the world.

Zadkiel is the chief angel of joy.

Raphael is the main healing angel.

In addition to specialized Archangels and Angels, each person is given at least one personal guardian angel at birth. There is such a position in the spiritual world as Human guardian angel. The more important the task is for a person in this incarnation, the more angels are assigned to him to protect him. In addition, the Angels in the spiritual world continue their improvement and gain strength. Stronger and wiser angels are given to people who carry out an important mission on Earth.

About 15% of people have only one angel, 65% have up to 3, and about 10% of people have 5 or more guardian angels. The more helper angels, the easier and more successful a person’s life is. But this must be earned, for this you need to benefit people and be the object of popular love. Most of all, angels are assigned to rulers, popular artists who carry the ideas of goodness and light to people, doctors, and healers. For example, Alla Pugacheva has 13 Guardian Angels. Each person for large-scale good deeds in the process of life can add a Guardian Angel (for example, for saving someone's life, for saving someone's lost soul with proper instruction). So do good, earn powerful Guardian Angels and your life will be 100% successful.

Angels by origin are:

  1. Earthly.

  2. Heavenly.

Highly developed souls of deceased relatives, friends who loved you very much during your lifetime often serve as earthly guardian angels. Sometimes your enemies are assigned during their lifetime to work off karma. You should not be afraid of them, they have gone through purgatory and now, by definition, they cannot harm you, on the contrary, they will try their best to correct their mistakes. Earth angels are given, as a rule, to people of a low level of development, whose life is simple and understandable to them, or as an additional guardian angel. For example, one of my guardians is my grandfather, who loved me very much during his lifetime.

Heavenly angels have gone through all the human stages of development on earth and no longer come to Earth, they continue their improvement only in the spiritual sphere. Of course, these angels are very strong and wise, and you can get such guardians with the permission of the Creator as a reward for a righteous life, when fulfilling an important mission, when consciously embarking on the path of spiritual development.

Guardian angels are given for one life, their mission ends immediately after our death. If death comes before the term of our life program, then this angel brings people back to life. They know the program and tasks of a person, monitor the implementation of these programs, and create educational situations. Therefore, all the important events in your life are not accidental. Luck, obstacles, problems and gifts of fate are their handiwork. If a person goes his own way through life, fulfills his destiny, they do not interfere, they only try to help overcome the difficulties of life. If a person has gone too far from his goals, they create obstacles and try to return the person to his path.

Our helpers live in the spiritual world, where the past, present and future exist simultaneously, so they foresee unpleasant situations and do not allow the person under their care to go there. To do this, they warn you through a dream or interfere with you so that you do not get into an unnecessary place. So pay close attention to these warnings. Let me give you a good example from my piggy bank on this topic. A woman from one district studied in absentia at the institute, the session time has come, and suddenly her child becomes very ill, she calls her mother from another city to care for her daughter, she is not allowed to leave work, her presence is needed, she draws up a sick leave and goes to the city . There, at the moment when she was waiting for the bus, a huge icicle fell from the roof of the house and killed her to death. You are probably familiar with cases when people were late for a plane that was supposed to crash and remained alive. Here, too, the work of their Guardian Angels can be traced.

Angels are in charge of our energy. For our life, each is given a certain amount of energy with a small margin for our wrong steps. This energy must be distributed throughout life. During our sleep, an angel pumps energy, saturates all organs and systems with it, and gives a supply of energy to perform the tasks that we will solve the next day. That is why you need to get enough sleep and not bring yourself to excessive fatigue.

When we feel tired, it means that we spend too much energy, an angel can pump it up, but he takes it from the future. When our overexpenditure of energy exceeds all permissible limits, the angel has no choice but to organize an illness for us so that we lie inactive and eliminate the overexpenditure of energy. So this is one of the ways that leads us to disease. But it's good for us. Otherwise, due to our stupidity, we can quickly and uselessly spend our energy and die prematurely without completing our tasks. Therefore, it is very important for a person to have a full and timely rest.

If a person carefully spends his energy and by the end of his life there is a reserve of it, then he can extend the years of his life, while opening the talents and abilities covered up to that time to continue improving them through creativity. This explains the fact that people in old age suddenly begin to draw pictures, write poetry, music. They walked right through life, did not shy away from side to side and deserved such a gift.

Angels are always with us. It is believed that they are located behind our right shoulder. They see at a glance our whole life. From the heights of the spiritual world, in their eyes, we are like blind kittens that crawl in different directions, bumping into an obstacle, getting hit, changing their path. Angels should not be afraid and shy. They are at a level where mercy and compassion become their main feature. With a great sense of satisfaction and desire, they strive to help their ward find the right path, to avoid unpleasant situations unforeseen by the program. In a word, an angel is our best and most faithful friend.

Angels can do a lot, but they cannot violate the main law of our Universe - the Law of free will. They give clues through dreams, slip the right books, the right people, through our inner voice. But if a person does not heed these signs and hints, but does everything using the voice of his mind, his Ego, thereby complicating his life, the angel does nothing by force. Our mind is material, it is not connected with the spiritual world, it is guided only by the knowledge and experience gained in this life, public opinion, and those negative programs that parents, school, and friends have invested due to inexperience. But the voice of our mind is loud and demanding, and a person hears it more clearly and clearly than an angel. Thus, our mind turns from an instrument of production into a manager and often leads us to a dead end.

The Guardian Angel of a person carries out guidance from the spiritual world, he knows all the laws of the Universe, has access to the information field of the Universe, he knows all your tasks of this incarnation and the best ways to solve these problems. He is interested in your development, for which he also receives encouragement. But he comes from the subtle world, therefore his voice is quiet and undemanding. Therefore, each person needs to establish good contact with his guardian angel. Then his life will be much easier in all directions, and the gifts of fate will be more frequent guests than problems and disappointments. And the feeling of happiness will become an almost constant companion in life.

Angels do not need our words, they read our thoughts, so they are always aware of all our desires, and if our desires do not contradict our life program, but make it easier, then you don’t need to ask them about it, they organize it and materialize our dream simply and easily. But, if your dream does not agree with your life program, goes beyond its scope, then you will have to ask the angel about this, he will make a request to higher hierarchical structures and only with their permission materialize your dream.

To make friends with an angel, you need to develop a channel of communication with him. For this you need:

Firstly , to believe in the existence of guardian angels.

Secondly , talk to them daily, ask for help.

Thirdly, before making an important decision, ask for his advice. As a rule, the first thought, no matter how absurd it may seem to you, is his advice, then advice will come from your monster - the mind. Practice will then confirm that the solution of the problem at first thought was the most correct.

Fourth , do not forget to thank the angel for help and advice. Especially if it all comes together somehow. This is his merit. With a sense of gratitude, you feed your angel with additional energy. His strength and power always work for you, so do not skimp on gratitude, appreciation and praise. Angels have no self, they will not be offended by you without it. For him, your success and happiness is always a joy.

Fifth if you ask for advice, then follow it, and not in defiance of it. Otherwise, you will stop receiving his advice.

At sixth, remember the Law of Free Will and ask for its help more often and even if you are doing well. Let it be even better. Don't be modest, if you deserve better, why not have it. If you are not worthy of something, then it will not come, but there will be no condemnation either.

Seventh , do not be afraid of angels and communication with them. These are highly spiritual entities that will never, under any circumstances, do you harm and harm. Even if they don’t give anything despite your requests, then this is in your own interests. Not without reason in the east they say: "Be afraid of your desires, suddenly they will come true." Here is a case from my piggy bank. One man I knew dreamed very much about a car, worked hard, but could not save up, everything was happening and the money went to other needs. Then he went to church and prayed, in prayer he asked for a car. Soon he was given a lottery ticket instead of change in the store and he won a car. Joy knew no bounds. But a week later, he became the culprit of a fatal accident. Moral and psychological trauma, a feeling of guilt for life about a ruined life, courts, prison. Remember, what will not bring us trouble comes easily when we are friends with the spiritual world. And if it doesn't come, then it's the best for you.

For example, I have long made friends with my angels. First, in order not to forget about them, I bought several figurines with angels, embroidered a picture, and bought an icon. I arranged it all so that I could stumble upon them and talk to them, ask for help. So gradually it became a habit, and now I do a lot, calling for their help. Even at home. And I benefit and they are not bored. For example, I sit down to make frills on the curtain on the window, from 7 meters it is necessary to make folds, shortening to 4 meters. You can go the long way, make calculations of the depth and number of folds, then measure each one, it's too tedious for me. I take a fabric, a needle and thread, call on my angel and ask him to lead my hands. At the exit, I have an accuracy of + - 0.1-0.3 cm. Or I go to a fitness center, there is always a problem with parking there. I ask you to prepare a place for me, and there has not been a single puncture yet. I decide all important issues after consulting with him. As soon as the angels entered my life, my life was filled with light, joy, even the problems that arise are solved more easily. I advise you to make friends with your angels.

At the end of today's conversation, I would like to give one caveat. Sometimes, more often it happens in a dream, a dark angel may come to you, whose purpose is to lead you astray, but he will look like a light one. How not to fall for his bait? Very simple. Bright angels do not impose anything, they only show the right direction, the decision and the specifics are yours. Dark angels are very persistently broadcasting something, moreover, in specific actions and steps, and they threaten trouble if you do not do it or promise good. Discard such advice immediately.

At our next meeting, we will continue the topic of contact with helper angels, I will tell you how to specifically work with Angels and Archangels, as well as with our other equally powerful Curators from the spiritual world. I hope I have clearly stated the topic and you have received an answer to the question of how to make life easier and speed up the path to happiness and success, relying on the help of the Guardian Angel. Follow the publications. In the meantime, start developing a channel of communication with them. To do this, you need to communicate with your angel, talk to him, sing songs for him, dance. You will need at least one month for a good channel development

Good luck and happiness to you, my dear readers!

Your Tatyana.

guardian angels- divine beings, mediators between God and people, are given at the birth of a person outside whether he is baptized or not.

Each of us has come across a situation where it seems as if some invisible force protects us from certain actions and protects us in case of danger. Perhaps not everyone believes in God or believes, but in completely different Gods. However, everyone hopes that someone strong is protecting him, looking after him alone, a secret friend who can be turned to with any request.

The spirits or creatures protecting us are called human guardian angels. A person every day faces a guardian angel, referring to the inner "I". The mental connection is never broken, helping to feel protected. Whether the decisions we have to make are difficult or simple, a person is always there and ready to help.

In the everyday world, all events happen so quickly and unpredictably that sometimes intuition is valued much more than just intelligence. And exactly intuition is attributed to the help of a person's guardian angel, as an invisible impetus to the right choice.

But among the many voices around, it is very difficult to determine exactly the one that belongs to your invisible friend (this skill needs to be developed). The environment often puts pressure on a person and makes them take rash actions. That is why we so often stumble and learn from our mistakes.

Human guardian angels can work miracles

The power of the guardian angel becomes more evident in unforeseen situations . There are many examples of the most miraculous escape from apparent disaster. There were cases when it seemed to a person that he was hailed, he lingered in place and turned around, and a car flew by at a breakneck speed half a meter away from him. A few examples:

1. There are many extraordinary cases of rescue known to history, one of which can be considered the rescue of Duke Jean II of Alencon by Joan d "Arc. During the shelling, the woman warned the duke that a projectile would fall on the place where he was standing, he heeded the advice and left, however, another man took his place, who was immediately killed.This miraculous salvation went down in history, and the duke was grateful to Jeanne until his last days for saving his life.

2. There is a known case when in October 2012 there was an accident on a busy highway near Kaluga. The driver of the "Zhiguli" 7th model was overtaking and, unable to cope with the control, at full speed crashed into a KamAZ driving in the oncoming lane. However, in such a seemingly doomed situation, the catastrophe did not happen. The driver independently managed to get out of the pile of iron, which was once his car, while not receiving a single scratch. This is not explained by ordinary luck, this is a real miracle, which only forces unknown to us can do. Watch this short video:

There are also cases when people, for no particular reason, simply got off the plane, and then it became known that this plane had crashed. These amazing events really happened and are happening next to us every day and no one can explain it. People whose unity with the inner "I" is quite close, hear their guardian angel much more often than others. This is because they are not distracted by other people's voices and trust themselves and their defenders.

In addition to saving from danger, strong guardian angels can bring a person back from the other world. And indeed, events are known in which a person by no means could remain safe and sound. For example, from a fall from a bird's eye view, few people could not have suffered, but there were such cases. The man simply got up and went about his business as if nothing had happened.

3. There was a situation when the Russian skier Valery Kobelev in April 1999 made an unsuccessful jump from a springboard 185 meters high at the competitions. On such jumps, the speed reaches up to 100 km / h and a fall can really cost a life. When hitting the ground with such force, there is usually no “wet” trace left from a person, but Valery himself was not injured (apart from a slight concussion of the head), the doctors assessed his condition as moderate. Is there a scientific explanation for what happened?

4. It happened that a person's guardian angel appeared in the flesh. One young man, whose name was Roman, for no reason began to pursue failures: the family broke up, his wife left for another, a close friend died and problems began with work. In addition, there were often accidents in which he was guilty. Due to financial problems, I had to work as a driver. One night it happened to give a ride to an elderly man who called a completely strange unfamiliar address. But the path seemed to be known, and the young man was driving, not knowing where, and the man was talking all the way about the troubles that were happening in the guy's life. Upon reaching the destination, the strange man said that from now on, all failures will leave Roman's life. When asked who he was, the man replied that he was a guardian angel, and disappeared. Since then, the life of this young man has really improved, he became a businessman and got a new strong family, but he never forgot about that significant night.

Such cases are rare, but they do occur, especially in very difficult situations. The guardian angel of a person always provides care and support, the main thing is not to forget about it and try to hear the right voice among the multitude.

No one thinks about how fragile human life is. After all, it is worth a small grain of sand to get into the eye and you can lose your sight forever. An unsuccessful dislocation, a bruise or a completely ordinary wound can lead to irreparable consequences, but such cases are rare and precisely because there is an invisible protector nearby - the guardian angel of a person.

5. American actor Christopher Reeve became famous for his role as Superman. In the film, he fought evil and saved people from various misfortunes every day, but in his life he fell off his horse only once and remained chained to a wheelchair for the rest of his days. How many such moments exist in the life of every person when you can get injured or lose your life?

If trouble happened to you, then, first of all, you need to look for your mistake, wrong actions, try to understand what your guardian angel wants to show you. Having taken the right path, the situation will improve, and by waving your hand at the sign, you can reach a disaster.

The guardian angel has unlimited power, but acts only for good. People who are on the verge of death often remember how they moved along a long tunnel and met a figure sparkling with light at the end of it. She guided them back to life, letting them know that it was too early to leave. This was the guardian angel of the person who decided to perform a miracle and return the lost life. Such cases occurred most often with a loss of pulse or when a person fell into a coma.

If you do not listen to your guardian angel, he can simply wave his hand and leave. It is at such moments that waves of failures, illnesses, pain begin, designed to teach a person to understand what is required of him.

Communication with guardian angels is very peculiar, and there are several basic provisions that should be used for this (from personal experience):

1 . It is worth communicating without skepticism, sincerely believing that you really communicate with the guardian angel, using some kind of intermediary.

2 . No need to ask stupid questions and try to offend in some way, the guardian angel of a person has earned respect for himself, do not forget about it.

3 . The future itself is a lot of options, it is very difficult to choose one of them, so a person's guardian angel comes to the rescue. However, the main question when choosing an option is what actions are required from you personally. Ask about it.

4 . A person’s guardian angel will not cause harm, so it’s worth getting rid of fear by boldly reaching out to your invisible friend.

5 . The other world is fraught with a lot of unknown, you should not play with it. Therefore, prepare in advance to be serious and do not test the abilities of your guardian angel. He can easily interrupt communication and hold a grudge against you. If your angel decides (that this is necessary for you), then he will definitely demonstrate his abilities.

6 . Well-being in material terms is completely in the power of a person’s guardian angel, so asking for the return of your money and property is a completely useless exercise. If you have been robbed or you have lost expensive things in some way, this means that you are being warned about something, pay attention to your life. No wonder they say that fools are lucky, because often unexpected financial success falls on a person who does not pursue material well-being at all.

There were cases when people saved money all their lives and hid it from loved ones in a safe place, denying themselves everything. And then they lost everything in an instant, not being able to influence the situation. After all, the most common fire or flooding from neighbors can destroy the work of a lifetime, you should not anger the higher powers with your callousness.

  • No one can be insured against unforeseen situations, and it is not them that should be feared, but why the Guardian Angels send them to a person. Therefore, pay more attention to your actions.

7. Searching for criminals with the help of guardian angels is a completely useless exercise. They will never extradite a criminal if they do not need it, and all because people do not know how to punish objectively. Some criminals serve time for a loaf of bread stolen from a store, while others kill people and, thanks to finances, receive the same term as for a stolen loaf of bread, or even get away with punishment.

Guardian angels punish a man as much as he deserved, because they have access not only to the visible grounds for the crime, but also to feelings and all life. They know best how to teach a guilty mind to reason.