How to enter the zero point. Zero point NT. We showed water beautiful views

The past is no longer there, the future has not yet come. What is? Only the point where the future is converged. It would seem that the point is nothing, and meanwhile only at this point our whole life.

L.N. Tolstoy

Concept Zero point Refers to the spiritual and energy beginning of each object in the universe. From the zero point, everything begins, and in it then collapses after the completion of the next cycle of existence. Initially, the zero point is collapsed, after that there is a turnout of the object, its transition to another level. This concerns the universe, galaxies, each star and each planet. This also applies to all forms of life in the universe.

Earlier answers to this question have established the implausibility of the use of the zero point energy for practical use. Matt Visser from Washington University in Saint Louis adds some technical details. The energy of the zero point is an integral and inevitable part of quantum physics. In a completely empty flat universe, the calculations of vacuum energy give endless values \u200b\u200bof both positive and negative sign - which clearly does not correspond to the nature of the real world.

The observation indicates that in our universe, the total vacuum energy is extremely small and, quite possibly, is zero. Many theorists suspect that the total energy of the vacuum is zero. It is definitely possible to manipulate the energy of the vacuum. Any objects that change the vacuum energy are distorted by a quantum mechanical vacuum condition. These changes in vacuum energy are often easier to calculate than the full vacuum energy itself. Sometimes we can even measure these changes in vacuum energy in laboratory experiments.

Mathematically, this is zero, only zero comprehensive, accommodating information immediately about everything. It stores information about all the incarnations of the object, about how to go into active state, as well as how to fold information about this object.

Features of the zero point depend on the standard of living it absorbs. In the universe, including all its divisions, there are entire networks of interrelated between their zero points of various types and forms of life.

But this result is only a classic approach to the real world. Since the classic basic state fully determines the speed and position of the particle, it violates the famous principle of Heisenberg's uncertainty. Quantum physics through the principle of uncertainty causes the particle to spread both position and speed, and therefore it has a slightly higher than the classical minimum. Classically, we can calculate the frequency of our own oscillations.

Particle, if we gave him a little push. Quantum mechanically, now this exercise for students to use the ratio of the uncertainty of Heisenberg to show that. The next step will be awareness that the electromagnetic field can be considered as an infinite set of related oscillators - one at each point of space. Again, the classic basic condition takes place when the electric and magnetic fields must be zero. Quantum effects mean that this case is not executed; There is also a geisenberg uncertainty principle for electrical and magnetic fields.

Zero points are very important in the spiritual life and the entire universe, and each life form of the manifestation of a single father. The zero point is the portal through which the father's father of the Universe begins to deploy any new life. All constructions begin to create a zero point. In the future, the zero point retains all the information about this vital form, and with the onset of the next life cycle, its further existence has been reached from the level reached earlier. The zero point is known as the Laya Center, which collapses all the information accumulated in the life space of every form of life, on the planet, in the galaxy or in the universe.

The good news is that the potential of electromagnetism is exactly quadratic and therefore can be accurately resolved. Bad news is that there is an infinite number of modes. The first and most obvious problem is that around the world there are other quantum fields except electromagnetism.

Adding minus infinity in plus infinity gives mathematicians to nightmares and even makes physicists of theorists to worry a little. Fortunately, nature does not worry about what mathematics or physicists think, and makes the work for us automatically. Consider the overall energy of the vacuum. This Great Vacuum Energy has another name: it is called "cosmological constant", and this is what we can measure is observational.

When a person leaves, finishing the next life cycle on the earthly, the folding occurs through its zero point. Initially, the zero point begins to turn around, then she, absorbing all the accumulated experience and information, energetically de-energizes the physical body, transmitting all the potentials to the highest bodies. Already without a physical body, a person continues to live in the top spheres.

In its initial embodiment, the cosmological constant was something that Einstein has invested manually in total relativity. Astrophysics are now engaged in establishing observational restrictions on the cosmological constant. From a cosmological point of view, these restrictions are still quite wide: the cosmological constant can potentially provide from 60 to 80 percent of the total mass of the universe.

However, from the point of view of particle physics, these limits are extremely strict: the cosmological constant is more than 10 times less than it could be naively to evaluate from particle physics equations. The cosmological constant could well be smoothly zero. Even if the cosmological constant is not equal to zero, it, of course, is small on the scale of physics particles, small on a man-engineering scale and too tiny to be some kind of plausible source of energy for human needs, and not that we have good Ideas about how in any case, to achieve large-scale manipulations with a cosmological constant.

It can be said that a person has a system of zero points. But there is also a general zero point connecting a person with a single father's father and is infinite on its spiritual energy, spiritual start.

The spread of knowledge about the zero point was not allowed by governments since the time of Nikola Tesla, who wanted to give the world unlimited free energy arising from the use of zero-point technology.

This is what lies in a special physical phenomenon, called the Casimir effect. In the classic world, completely neutral conductors do not attract each other. However, in the quantum world, neutral conductors violate a quantum electromagnetic vacuum and produce final measurable energy changes when conducting conductors. Sometimes we can even calculate the change in energy and compare it with the experiment. These effects are undoubtedly real and indisputable, but tiny.

The jury still does not work on it, and there is a lot of polite discussion. An even more speculative is the proposal that connects the Casimir effect with the "stars" on neutron stars and gamma ray bursts. Our ability to manage these amounts is limited, but in some cases technologically interesting.

So, now we approached the very concept of a zero point, where it comes from and what it is. Zero point. What is an absolute zero point? From the position of the geometry, the point does not have size and mass, there is no space-time and any other concepts. The point is infinitely small and is infinitely great at the same time.

What features is the point?

Due to the fact that some enthusiasts speak of zero energy, you might think that unlimited power lies around, just waiting for it to use it. Like many ideas that seem too good to be true, this one falls apart to a closer study, although the concept of zero energy itself is very fascinating. John Abuanin, Researcher on the University of Nebraski in Omaha, explains.

The zero point energy refers to random quantum fluctuations of electromagnetic force fields, which are present everywhere in vacuo, in other words, the "empty" vacuum is a boiling energy boiler. This energy is present even at an absolute zero temperature, and, of course, even when it does not matter. The effect of these vacuum fields was found hardly - the effect is very tiny - the attraction, which they cause in the condenser, which is actually only two closely arranged parallel metal plates.

The point can be deposit in infinity and compressed to a complete nothing. The point is the beginning and end of all. The point is nothing and all at the same time. The point is absolute, unnecessant forms and qualities and referring to all forms and qualities.

How can I get out of the point?

Any object or phenomenon can be deployed from the point, both infinitely small and infinitely large. To the point of the point can be minimized or compressed any object or phenomenon. Through the point you can spend an infinite number of lines. A variety of points consists of space, any geometric shapes, images and information that constitute the essence of our world. Our world consists of points and itself is a point.

The lamp gave a very accurate and unambiguous confirmation of the existence of the Casimir force. These vibrations of vacuum can have both thin and gross effects on the behavior of microscopic particles and the world around us. Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov suggested that they could lead to the strength of gravity. Currently, no one knows how to use zero energy in a macroscopic device, providing a significant amount of energy. However, there is a significant element of the periphery of people who speculate and fantasize the possibility of using the zero point energy to achieve various technical wonders and long-term energy, was looking for "eternal movement".

All universe is deployed from one point

From a limited point of view, the world arises from an absolute void or zero point, and then dissolved in the void of space, and then the space turns into a point. This is like eternal pulsation. However, in reality the universe does not occur and does not disappear, but there is potentially in an eternal and fixed abotional point. Look at these processes themselves.

Consider yourself warned. The concept of vacuum energy is manifested in some calculations in the quantum field theory, which is a tool that we use for modern particle physics. In fact, the particles interact with each other with the help of various forces. This is a complex business, so in the quantum theory of the field we will begin with the study of an idealized model in which the particles do not interact at all. This is called the "theory of the free field." Then we use this theory of the free field as the basis for studying the "theory of the interacting field" is really interested in us.

Man unfolds from point - cells

From the starting point begins any path that ends with the end point. The gap from one point of the event to another of its point - we call "time". Any emotion grows out of the starting point and comes to his peak at the end point. Everything consists of points and connected points.

In the quantum field theory, the condition of the vacuum is defined as a state with the smallest energy density. Something ridiculous occurs when we use the theory of the free field to study the theory of the interacting field: the vacuum condition of the theory of the free field differs from the vacuum state of the theory of interacting fields. The vacuum condition of the theory of the interacting field may have more or less energy than the energy of the theory of the free field, the difference is called the energy of the vacuum.

You should not perceive this vacuum energy too literally, because the theory of the free field is just a mathematical tool that will help us understand what is really interested in: the interacting theory. It is assumed that only the interacting theory should directly correspond to reality as the vacuum state of the interacting theory is the condition of the lowest energy in reality, it is impossible to extract the vacuum energy and use it for anything.

Any path starts at one point and ends in another

Time flows from one point of the event to another

The wave is the essence of any movement. It begins at one point, which is its source and ends at another point, which absorbs it. The wave vertex can also be called a point.

Binary code of the world

Similarly, you should not hope when people will talk about the energy of the vacuum. That is how we are accounting in quantum field theory. Deck, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, gives a chemical perspective on this issue.

Zero energy cannot be used in the traditional sense. The idea of \u200b\u200bzero energy is that there is a final minimum magnitude of the movement in all matter even with absolute zero. For example, chemical bonds continue to vibrate in a predictable manner, but the release of energy of this movement is impossible, because then the molecule will be left with a minimum amount that the laws of quantum physics are required.

Binary code: Point is zero and one at the same time. Zero there is only one. This proves the formula: 0 + 0 \u003d 0, hence the understanding of the number 1 or units. Zero there is only one! Zero and unit are already two numbers (binary code), so twice occurs and then on this principle all numbers are born.

Zero and unit base

If you describe the binary code of the world in numbers, we get 01 - a universal information unit. From zero and units consist of any information, zero and unit it is encoded in computing technology. The lack of an electrical pulse is zero, and its presence is a unit. Also born any image, sound, text or video on a computer or on TV. Of the principle of zero and units, everyone known to us things and phenomena in the universe are composed.

It is also called zero-point energy; The energy of the system at zero temperature. But the quantum mechanics says that even in the main state, all systems still retain oscillations and have a bound zero energy due to their wave-like character. Thus, even a particle cooled to absolute zero will continue to show some fluctuations.

This is due to the fact that its zero energy is large enough to allow it to remain in the form of a liquid, even if it is very cold. All everywhere has zero energy, from particles to electromagnetic fields and any other type of field. Combine them all together, and you have a vacuum energy, or the energy of all fields in space. This, apparently, means that a vacuum condition - or simply a vacuum - is not empty at all, and the energy of the main state of all fields in space and can together be called a zero point field.

Figure comparison of zero and binary code units with other objects

It turns out zero and the unit of binary code underlies everything. In these images, we see where the symbols of these two main numbers have occurred. Placenta - zero, embryo - unit, female sexual organ - zero, male sexual organ - unit.

The vacuum condition contains according to quantum mechanics, fleeting electromagnetic waves and virtual particles that appear and disappear due to whims. So, we have to ask if this energy can be measured? In physics, there is something called the Casmir effect. In this experiment, two conductive plates are parallel to each other with an electromagnetic field held between them. The cavity between the plates cannot support all frequency modes of the electromagnetic field, especially wavelengths comparable to the separation of the plate.

It creates a pressure of the zero point outside the plates, trying to push the plates together, just as the radiation pressure from the Sun pushes the tail of the comet from its kernel. The resulting effect is called Casmir's force, and it increases by strength, the closer plate, and disappears, as soon as the plates create a real physical contact - or when the plates are so close to each other that the lengths of zero length do not see the perfectly conductive surface.

Tantric shivalingam

Confirmation of this eternal principle - an ancient mystical symbol of shivalingams or a sacred phallus. Similar symbols of shivalingam are found in different cultures of the world.

The whole world is unity of the male and female began (shivalingam). 0 reminds us Women's Lono and 1 look like a male phallus. Their unity gives rise to everything. Ancient expressed the unity of opposites in a circle symbol with a point in the center. This is the most ancient cult on the planet, along with the cult of the sun. Such interesting and indisputable facts about the ancient cult of shivalingams.

Circle and Point - Symbiosis of the Infinite Universe

The circle is zero, in the center of which one, if you look at the top. If with the help of X-ray to look at the connection of male and female during the sexual act from the inside, we will get the same image. If you squeeze the circle in which the point is inscribed, we come to the point again. These are absolute categories.

All numbers consist of zero and units

All numbers available to our understanding, regardless of their magnitude, consist of units and noas. For example, the number 10 consists of one unit and one zero. It can also be said that the number 10 consists of ten units 1111111111 at the same time. But so it is uncomfortable, so at the end just put zero.

Zero symbolizes all ten numbers or the degree of increase. Zero is placed where you need to specify the proportion. The number 10 consists of ten units, 100 consists of ten ten, 1000 consists of ten 100, in 100,000,000 consists of thousands of thousands, etc.

Zero is a point, and the point is zero!

The point is zero and the unit at the same time, and zero is all numbers taken together. In Nole, the entire endless numerical series was concluded. And at the point, everything that exists, existed, will exist, or only can exist potentially.

Point has incredible power

From the point there is and it contains everything that exists. The point has the potential of infinite energy and can give birth to any, even the most incomprehensible worlds. After each phrase, we put the point.

In the center of any object, process, phenomena or symbol is worth a point. Our attention is also a point, chained to the object, the point of our awareness. For any question, we have our own point of view. In the center of our brain there is a point, sishkovoid iron or the attention body.

What is a zero point?

Zero point we call an intermediate state or transition from one opposite to another. The zero point is between the entrance and exhalation, between sleep and wakefulness, between the change of opposite emotions, between the change of the poles of your attention, etc. In any process there is its own zero point.

What happens during sex?

During sex, the zero point is a transition from excitement to the decline, in the process of action - this is a transition from one action to another, in the process of blinking the eye - this is a transition from an open eye closed.

When are we entering the zero point?

In our process, the zero point is expressed as the state between the operation of one hemisphere of the brain and the other. When both hemispheres work at the same time, we arrive at a zero point in which everything becomes possible. This condition is difficult to grab, but with a certain simple practice, you can learn this art pretty quickly.

Grasp the zero point is extremely difficult

The zero point is a transition from one state to another or balance between them. It is at this moment that a person has both hemispheres of the brain at the same time, and in this state a person becomes almost alimply. The transition itself means that the semi-gun activity changes. And if you grab it with your attention, you will learn to distinguish this condition quite clearly.

What condition are any desires?

The mystical state performing any desire and giving any opportunities exists. If you declare your intention in the state of the zero point - it is implemented in incompressible after a while. If we focus on something at the time of the zero point, the object or phenomenon will be good for usually, if you make a desire, it will be, if you request information, it will be obtained.

At each point of the universe there is access to a vacuum of endless possibilities ...

"The vacuum potential is almost unlimited; it is much more than you can even imagine. However, until we understand how you can get the energy of the zero point, and what are the limits of its effective preparation, is quite difficult to determine how much of this energy can be used."
~ Harold Putchoff

Through the understanding of the geometry of the space-time structure, we can change our technology to act in harmonious cooperation with nature. Energy exists in almost infinite quantities at each point of space - zero point of field, plenum, ether, quantum foam ...
"The ocean of energy is around us. We bathe and spoiled in it. He is everywhere. He surrounds us everywhere."
~ N.Tesla

"I am having fun at that I am trying to find a decision of a riddle passing through all the work:" How to draw a circle and its central point, without leaning the handles from the sheet? " The solution is that it is necessary to heat the angle of the sheet (that is, change the measurement) and draw a spiral on both sides. I have broken all brains until I discovered that this is a drawing on the cover. "

~ Bernard Verber

According to the teachings of the Taois, at the beginning of the things there was an empty circle of U-Ji - the initial substance of Dao, which means the state of rest, when everything is inseparable from its source ("Being, ancillary Dao").
In Indian terminology, this condition is called Polaya ("Laiya" - SanskR. - zero singular point).
The embryo of the future universe is a singular zero point (circle).

Archaic manuscripts, writes Blavat, contain on its pages an image of a flawless white circle on a dim dark background, which means the source, or space in eternity, before the new awakening of energy. In the original state of creation, the embryonic universe was resting in the Lon of Eternity. On another page of the manuscript, the same circle is depicted, but already with a point in the center.

The point in the circle indicates the beginning of development. This point in the global egg means the embryo of the future universe. It follows that the cosmos at the beginning of creation was concentrated at one point, which is identical to the central spiritual sun - a source of vital electricity and magnetism. Before the appearance of space, there was nothing but absolute darkness during Pratiai. In the "Secret Doctrine" E.P. Blavatskaya formation of the universe is described as follows: the tissue is expanding when the fiery breathing of the father swears above it. It is reduced when her mother's breath concerns. Then the elements are dissipated to return to the launo of the mother at the end of the Great Day.

So, it follows that the symbol of the circle with a point in the middle is much deeper than many of us suggest. This is not just a solar symbol, but a sacred sign that means the origin of our visible universe, the beginning of creation. The circle is space in eternity, before the new awakening of another dormant energy, the emanation of the word in later systems. Point in the previously immaculate pure circle ... Indicates the beginning of differentiation. This point is in the global egg ... The embryo inside it, which will become universe, all, infinite, periodic space "