The cooking "Comparative Horstkova and Governing. What does Klezlekov and Governing Rodnit? The theme of the lesson of xles and the city comparative characteristic

The comedy of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "The Auditor" had a noisy success in a democratically tuned public and a sharp rejection of those who saw themselves in characters.
Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol was able to create truthful images of almost really existing heroes. The most bright in the gallery of comedy images are Gingerbread and Hellets. Despite the difference in the years, they are very similar. Both scammers. But if the Lukovnik-Dukhanovsky experienced experience, a shortworn bribery and treasures, then whores from the young, and early. Despite his young age, he has already managed to corrupt his soul to the idleness, drunkenness and real hatred of work. Khlestakov, perhaps, worse than governing. So had to achieve everything in life. In old age, he served until Governed and now wants to get the greatest benefit from the service.

Khlestakov is a nobleman for birth, he is open to education, the service for the benefit of the Fatherland, but he preferred idle and enormous life. In a small volume of the work, Gogol managed to bring typical characters who have become nominal names for bribes, idlers and losses for many years. No wonder this creation Gogol is called immortal.

Feeling. Spring this year presented the audience with a real masterpiece. More than 160 years have passed since, however, the comedy "Auditor" did not lose the relevance and sound today. No need to go far for examples. Recall the negative heroes of popular "Militia" TV shows - what are not heroes of Gogol, just made more composure and cruel?

Gogol himself noted that Khlestakov is the most difficult way in the play. In the recommendations for the actor who fulfilled this role, Gogol deeply reveals the nature of this character. Histakov made all his exploits in the county city absolutely inadvertently. Klezlekova can be compared with a ballet dancer - moving through the space of the play, he revives the course of all action, acts as a real engine of the scene development of the comedy. Holetakov brilliantly played the role of the auditor in front of county officials, only by the middle of the fourth action, starting to understand that he was taken for a few "state man." What feels in this boxes? It seems nothing.

The behavior of Klezlekova amazes all the officials of the county city. In their opinion, the auditor is very hither and quiet and need to keep the Ear Egor. It is characteristic that it never occurred to anyone that the whip is just a desperate blister. AT
Each of the created situations, he behaves like a brilliant actor. You can imagine how difficult it was to theatrical actor, first performed by the role of Klezlekova, the actor playing the auditor.
Klezlekova should not be regarded as an evil or cruel person. By itself, he is completely harmless, and others can make anything from it: at least incognito from St. Petersburg, and even with a secret prescription, even an insignificant capital official. The originality of the character, more precisely, the lack of the nature of Klezlekova is that he has almost no memory of the past and meditation about the future. Khlestakov focuses on the present minute, and within this minute it is capable of achieving the highest artistry. He easily and even some grace changes his bleits. Among the entirely written off from nature of the county officials, this absolutely fictional character produces an unforgettable impression. Probably, it can be said that for county officials such a terrible event, as the arrival of the auditor from the capital, it was similar to a peculiar holiday: a crazy, but interesting. Khlestakov they are terrible and causes their admiration for the fact that he is not at all look like a person who is capable of crueling the perpetrators.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol knew the life of small Petersburg officials well, which allowed him to give in the image of the hollykov extended and the collective type of superficially educated fanfaron. Histakov with pleasure consumes the sake of the beauty of the syllable climbed by someone and badly understood French words, stamps of the then artistic literature. At the same time, vulgar expressions are found in the speech of Klezlekov. Gogol made a replica Klezlekov with a detachy: This character is spiritually nicure and is completely unable to stop his attention. The contemporary of Gogol Apollo Grigoriev gave the characteristics of this character: "Khlestakov, like a soap bubble, influences the influence of favorable circumstances, grows in his own eyes and eyes of officials, becomes all bolder and bold in boasting ..."

The influence of the comedy "Auditor" on Russian society was huge. The surname of Khlestakov began to be used as the name of the nominal one. And the xleshtakovshchina began to call any unrestrained phrase, a lie, a loose-free boasting in combination with extreme frivolousness. Gogol was able to penetrate into the very depth of the Russian national nature, wondering from there the image of Lizardizor - Klezlekova. According to the author of the immortal comedy, every Russian man is made at least for a minute, independently of its social status, age, education, and so on. In my opinion, overcoming the whip in itself can be considered one of the main ways of self-improvement of each of us.

Gingerbile gives the latest instructions: "... to post the old fence ... and put a straw milestone, so that it looks like a layout," remove the garbage that "dodged on forty cart", and most importantly, if the visiting official will ask: "Satisfied Is it? ", Answer:" Everyone is pleased, your well-being. " At the same time, he exclaims: "What is this bad city!"

But the most unpleasant thing is that the auditor must come incognito, that is, you can suspect every new in the city of a person. The choice falls on the first arrival that settled in the local hotel. Before Klestakov appears on stage, we all learn about him from his servant of Osip. This is the college registrar ("Elista-Tishka is simple"), which is the second month, as he escaped from Peter: "Profined the expensive money, a blister, now sits and the tail has come and not hot." Settling in the hotel, Hellekov has already managed to taste the "charms" of the local life. Therefore, he cannot understand what the delegation appeared to him led by the Gingerbie. As a result, "both in fright look a few minutes one on the other, letting the eyes." Histakov and the Gingerbread to death fear each other - they are evidenced by remarks: "Rewa", "brave", "stretching and trembled with all the body" and others.
But how everything changes when Hellekov finally guesses what is happening! He calls for help all his irrete-way fantasy and is trying to maximize the benefit of the situation. He gladly takes bribes, hypocritically depicting that she takes "loan." He fascinates his wife and the daughter of Governing, which are so stupid that they easily come across this rod: "Oh, what a pleasant!" - says one, "Ah, cutie!" - Other exclaims.
Khlestakov lies so inspired that it is hardly not beginning to believe in his fiction. Officials who are trembling from fear of the "Grozny Auditor", do not even think about whether it can actually be.

Khlestakov makes the proposal Marie Antonovna (Gaining in such happiness can not even believe). However, horses are ready, and the happy groom is going to leave: "For one minute only ... for one day to uncle - a rich old man; And tomorrow and back. "
Khlestakov leaves, and it turns out that it was not an auditor at all. Moreover, it turns out the usual way for local morals: the mailmaster, as usual, revealed the letter of the Klestakov. After reading the letter, from which officials learned that Khlestakov thinks about them in fact, after finding the perpetrators of the whole that happened, what was happening to happen: a real auditor came.

The comedy ends with a mute scene. And for some reason, it seems that at that moment not only the heroes of the play were frozen, all Russia froze before the crushing truth, abandoned in her face a brilliant master.

Many critics and literary critics note that the main string of Gogol's creativity is laughter through tears. And laughter, and tears are caused by the ugly public device of Russia. In his comedy "Auditor", the writer deeply revealed the vices and the shortcomings of the official world, exposing the entire throat of the rotational system of Russia. No wonder after the first representation of the "auditor" Nicholas I stated: "Well, the play! I got everyone, but me more than all. "

What does Klezlekov and Governing - these seemingly such completely different people seemingly different people? Different in age, public situation, mental development and, finally, the nature? What is common with a high, remedy, important jointer-dmukhovsky and small, vanity, "silent" horstykova?

Both of them are representatives of the official world, endowed with all peculiar to this world, negative qualities. Gingerbread started service from the lower ranks, gradually making an office career. Khlestakov is also a small Petersburg official. Both vain and ambitious. But the Gingerbread - "Man, created by circumstances", the embodiment of common sense, dexterity, tricky calculation, while Khlestakov is an careless and frivolous, empty bouncer, a man "without a king in his head." Despite this difference, they have a lot of common. Both - hypocrites, people dishonest.

Gingerbile in the city entrusted to him behaves like a county tsar. He not only disadvantageously takes a bribe from merchants and citizens, but also calmly puts money to his pocket, let the state for the construction of the Church, without taking care of the prosperity of the city. Having taught the horstykova for the expected auditor, there is an outstanding "diplomatic abilities": wives in front of the "state special", he deftly "writes" the Khlestakov instead of two hundred rubles of four hundred. Having learned that Khleztakov asks his daughter's hands, the city immediately builds plans about how to live in St. Petersburg, and over time, having such a son-in-law, it will be able to "get to the generals." Khlestakov first not even guess, for whom they are taken. He lives a real minute and fully given the "pleasantness" of the new position. And its main quality - vanity, the desire to get rid of, to put dust into the eyes - manifests itself in a complete measure. He inspirently composes noby on his position in St. Petersburg. Little official, he gets a special pleasure, depicting the strict chief, "flowing", like in city man, his subordinates, leaving due order. And just like the city, loves to take bribes, and even at your future test.

All that Khlestakov talks about the St. Petersburg Supreme Society, all the pictures of a brilliant life deployed by him - everything corresponds to the most cherished dreams and aspirations of granules, strawberries, Spechin, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, their ideas about the "real life."

Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov is the soul itself of the entire official Nikolaev lactue and the ideal of a person in this society.

Thus, both of these people - and Khlestakov, and the Gingerborn Anton Antonovich Lukovnik-Dmukhanovsky, close in spirit. Both lakes by nature, people are vain and ambitious, liar and bribers who use their official position for mercenary purposes.

Gogol brilliantly brought up the fahamism, odoring, treasury, which were typical of his time for Russia.

No one before him (Gogol) did not read such a complete pathoanatomy course about the Russian official. With laughter on the lips, he penetrates the most intimate folds of the unclean, evil officials of the soul without pity. The comedy of Gogol "Auditor", his poem "Dead Souls" represent a terrible confession of modern Russia.
A.I. Herzmen

"Auditor" - the well-known comedy belonging to Peru N.V. Gogol, is considered one of the brightest dramatic works of domestic prose of the 19th century.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol has become a successor of the traditions of Russian drama in the genre of satire. His comedy "The Auditor" was concisely fitted in the thematic line laid down by the famous comedies D.I. Fonvizin "Lady" and A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit".
But, despite the comedy genre, the work of the "Auditor" is deeply realistic, as it penetrates into the life arrangement of the small and medium-sized official class of the provincial cities of Russia for the second quarter of the 19th century. Penetrating into the soul itself, Gogol is withdrawing the world, which build these people, revealing their hidden intentions and characters.

By barely discovered the comedy "Auditor", we understand that in addition to the point and the problems laid down in the work itself, we will deal with characters, the nature, the vital priorities of which are already disclosed in their names. Speaking surnames have every hero of the work. For example, the surname of the private attachment: the Whhakhertov, and the county lekari: a ginner.

Thanks to the last name from the first acquaintance with the characters, we understand who we will deal with the future. For example, by the name of the county Lekary H.I. The governor can be judged that almost all he treated, died. So she is no longer like the surname, but on the nickname.

Gogol wrote critical remarks, characterizing each of the main characters. These remarks help better understand the character of each hero, their soul and thoughts. For example, what are Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov and Anton Antonovich Skouvennik-Dmukhanovsky, Gingerbread? What are they?

Gingerbile: "Though the bribemer, behaves very solid."
Khlestakov: "Without a king in my head. Says and acts without any consideration. "

It seems they are the people of one warehouse, both stretch to power, love when they are crawling in their feet. At the end of the comedy, Anton Antonovich becomes a bouncer of the highest discharge, a dreamer (however, as Anna Andreevna, his wife).

"We intend to live in St. Petersburg now. And here, I confess, such an air ... a rustic is too too! .. I confess, a big trouble ... That's my husband: there will be a general chin. "

That is what the limit of dreams they reached: Petersburg, they give them, he wants to be (granted) to be a general.

And in action II phenomenon VIII, see how he is trying to give himself for virtue, wanting, apparently, to enforce to "the auditor".

"I wish to health! Sorry. My duty, as the city-owner of the local city, take care of the passing and all noble people with any oppression "...

But what did the "auditor" looked at this time. He thought he was going to be imprisoned for not paying for the hotel, food. And the city is ...

How he could take some kind of obscuranta-impostor for such a high person as an auditor. It is plenty of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, who are positioned in a district city, like local fools, gossip. They communicate with them in accordance with these personal qualities: with contempt or patronage. But unlike them, the granted - the person is smart enough, which does not prevent being a first-class plow, and maybe even contributes to his prosperity in the puff. Well, and Hellets in the house of Anton Antonovich behaved like a real official (a great actor).

"Words fly out inspired by him: ending the last word phrase, he does not remember her first word," wrote V.G. Belinsky.

Well, who, tell me, will not grind nonsense, fearing something. Khlestakov thought he would be put in prison, and, on the contrary, were invited to the house an important and significant person in the city. Khlestakov found money, honor, treat, why and without wine, you can come to some semipal relaxation.

Gogol in the article about the theater wrote that in his comedy he reflected only one private person, the name of which "laughter". Laughter, and not at all the auditor arrived by the highest command.

Many critics and literary critics note that the main string of Gogol's creativity is laughter through tears. And laughter, and tears are caused by the ugly public device of Russia. In his comedy "Auditor", the writer deeply revealed the vices and the shortcomings of the official world, exposing the entire throat of the rotational system of Russia. No wonder after the first representation of the "auditor" Nicholas I stated: "Well, the play! I got everyone, but me more than all. "

What does Klezlekov and Governing - these seemingly such completely different people seemingly different people? Different in age, public situation, mental development and, finally, the nature? What is common with a high, remedy, important jointer-dmukhovsky and small, vanity, "silent" horstykova?

Both of them are representatives of the official world, endowed with all peculiar to this world, negative qualities. Gingerbread started service from the lower ranks, gradually making an office career. Khlestakov is also a small Petersburg official. Both vain and ambitious. But the Gingerbread - "Man, created by circumstances", the embodiment of common sense, dexterity, tricky calculation, while Khlestakov is an careless and frivolous, empty bouncer, a man "without a king in his head." Despite this difference, they have a lot of common. Both - hypocrites, people dishonest.

Gingerbile in the city entrusted to him behaves like a county tsar. He not only disadvantageously takes a bribe from merchants and citizens, but also calmly puts money to his pocket, let the state for the construction of the Church, without taking care of the prosperity of the city. Having taught the horstykova for the expected auditor, there is an outstanding "diplomatic abilities": wives in front of the "state special", he deftly "writes" the Khlestakov instead of two hundred rubles of four hundred. Having learned that Khleztakov asks his daughter's hands, the city immediately builds plans about how to live in St. Petersburg, and over time, having such a son-in-law, it will be able to "get to the generals." Khlestakov first not even guess, for whom they are taken. He lives a real minute and fully given the "pleasantness" of the new position. And its main quality - vanity, the desire to get rid of, to put dust into the eyes - manifests itself in a complete measure. He inspirently composes noby on his position in St. Petersburg. Little official, he gets a special pleasure, depicting the strict chief, "flowing", like in city man, his subordinates, leaving due order. And just like the city, loves to take bribes, and even at your future test.

All that Khlestakov talks about the St. Petersburg Supreme Society, all the pictures of a brilliant life deployed by him - everything corresponds to the most cherished dreams and aspirations of granules, strawberries, Spechin, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, their ideas about the "real life."

Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov is the soul itself of the entire official Nikolaev lactue and the ideal of a person in this society.

Thus, both of these people - and Khlestakov, and the Gingerborn Anton Antonovich Lukovnik-Dmukhanovsky, close in spirit. Both lakes by nature, people are vain and ambitious, liar and bribers who use their official position for mercenary purposes.

Gogol brilliantly brought up the fahamism, odoring, treasury, which were typical of his time for Russia.

It would seem difficult to imagine more different heroes than
Khlestakov and Goryanki in the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor". Lots of
Their differences from each other immediately striking. In their way
the social position of the heroes far away from the other and
At the usual progress of events should not meet. Granified
- "Aged the service" man, he began his career
from the lowest ranks and all life is hard, but steadily climbed
service staircase, until he took the main position in the county
city. In this post, Anton Antonovich approved firmly,
To the hands of the whole town and no one going in the near future
give up power. Khlestakov, on the contrary, has a small rank, "Elis
the spent is simple, "by expressing his servant of Osip, and it never managed
To resist in one of the Petersburg office and, walking
The paternal money is forced to return to the village.
The characters characteristics are quite consistent with their position. Granified
behaves solid, speech is slow and serious, words
significant. He is an experienced man, knows how to portray honest and simple
servant, so immediately and you won't guess that it is big
Plut. Gingerbread heter and calculating, with ordinary people he is not
Ceremony, but maybe if necessary, look courteous. Khlestakov
the "empty" man, "without a king in my head," he is absolutely
Does not think about the consequences of his words and thoughts. Khlestakov moves
Primitive thirst for pleasure, what he reports completely
Open: "After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure."
Gogol emphasized that his hero is not a clever fraudster,
And just frivolous to the extremes of a young man.
The appearance of the characters is also quite consistent with their characters.
The solid granitious is briefly cut and dressed in the uniform, and whip
spends the latest money on fashionable hairstyle and "particular
Dress, "just to put dust into the eyes of the neighbors-landowners.
In short, at first glance, the heroes are absolutely different in public
position, both by characters and appearance. And still
Something unites them, otherwise I could not settle the xles on
Rights of an expensive guest in the house of Goverling and for a while as if
Change places with the "father of the city." There is, of course, concrete
The reason for such a turn of events is the "renegriented news" about
That the city must secretly come the auditor from St. Petersburg. but
Khlestakov so little looks like an important official that experienced
Gingerbread was to immediately take it. Neither the route from St. Petersburg
In the village, nor the capital suit could not enter for a long time
Glorious misleading. Cause of prolonged misunderstanding
lies in the other.
Recall how heroes behave at the first meeting. They are both
tremble from fear of each other, and in fear, as you know, "Eyes
Great. " What causes mutual fear of the horstykova and city?
Khleztakov never thought about the responsibility for
His actions. In St. Petersburg, he did not work, but entertainment,
For the week she descended his father's money and then sent Osip
Sell \u200b\u200bon interpretation new fracture. On the way home of Khlestakov
I played the cardist in the card and by the time of the meeting with the Gingerbie
The second week lived in a hotel in debt. Naturally, he was frightened
the coming of an important person, since he decided that he was arrested and sent
to jail.
Much more serious causes of fear of Governing. Already from the first
Comedy's actions it becomes clear that a high position
For Anton Antonovich - a means of illegal enrichment.
Gingerbreadless takes bribes, bother merchants, makes arbitrariness,
assigns stateless money and takes care of not about execution
Services, but about concealing your crimes. Under to become the boss and the rest
Officials in the city: Judge involved in
hunting, caregiver hospital, where people recover "like flies",
E-mail, from curiosity reading other people's letters ... Such subordinates
Only add fear, and not soothe away.
As a result, the universal fright generates a completely absurd situation:
Khlestakov begins to poverty some fantastic nonsense
about its significance, and officials led by city are playing out
He imagining that they managed to escape from the auditor. They even rejoice
When Hellets, more and more impudit, takes bribes from them. Himself Khlestakov
does not understand why this is grank and officials
in front of him, the townspeople are treated with some kind of perisions, so
Even Osip is forced to notice the owner, that, it can be seen, he was accepted for
someone else. Having obeyed the Council of Little servant, Hellets
leaves the city, and he managed to make an offer carelessly
Daughter of Governing and get the blessing of her parents. Like
behavior type received after access to the comedy name
"Kleztakovshchyna". It is curious that the city is infected with "Hellestakovshchina
": After conducting the future son-in-law, this experienced servant suddenly
begins to fantasize general ranks, orders, secular
Life in St. Petersburg is not worse than the horstykova. The more cruster acts
At the city's unexpected discovery that the xles not
The auditor, and "Soselka", "rag".
So, we were convinced that, despite the obvious differences in the heroes
in social status and characters, they are united by fear of
Punishment for dishonest actions. Gullary and Klebleskova makes
similar to their egoism, reluctance to work in good faith, habit
live at the expense of others. Gogol emphasizes that such types are not
Exception, and a rule. Gingerbread, whip and all other heroes
comedies only obey the unfair orders that
reign in Russia. They are accustomed to live deception and therefore themselves often
turn out to be deceived. It does not shit and frightened
Governing and officials, and they themselves confused in their own
fears and lies.