Former priest Alexei Moroz created his own totalitarian sect. About the schismatic "Council of Orthodox Priests of the Russian Orthodox Church, in the patristic tradition standing Alexei Moroz the priest of the Cathedral of Orthodox citizens

Dear brothers and sisters!

Today our Russian Orthodox Church is on the verge of schism. After the well-known church events of early February 2016, many parishioners are afraid to go to their churches, confess and receive communion.

Hundreds of thousands of people turn to their confessors with the question of what to do if the primate of the church, contrary to the canons and Orthodox tradition, entered into open communication with the Latins and their head, the Pope, and preaches the heresy of ecumenism as an integral part of church life. Many believe that now prayer in churches where Patriarch Kirill is commemorated is complicity in his heretical actions, which means falling away from the mystical Body of Christ, and following the path to the true death of the soul.

At the same time, the Orthodox are concerned about the question: if we refuse to accept the ecumenical guidelines of the Bishops’ Council on February 2-3, 2016, from fraternization with Catholics and from other provisions of the declaration adopted by Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill, alien to the Orthodox worldview, then are we becoming schismatics of our Churches?

Let's try to answer these questions.

The Church is, first of all, a God-human organism, the mystical Body of our Lord Jesus Christ, and every believing person, standing in the Truth, is a cell of this Body. With mortal sins, a person falls away from the Church and is outside of it. Moreover, it does not matter what place he occupies in the church hierarchy: patriarch, bishop, priest or layman. God is not partial. And only with repentance, awareness and renunciation of his sinful words and actions, he reunites with the Church of Christ. As it is said in the permissive prayer read at confession after the repentance of the sinner: "... Reconcile and unite him to the saints of Your Church, in Christ Jesus our Lord ...". Thus, the unrepentant sinner, who persists in his disastrous error, is outside the Church.

If, however, people do not accept the pernicious errors of a number of hierarchs and are faithful to the centuries-old patristic traditions, they have always been and remain faithful children of the Church of Christ and nothing to do with split. And those who introduce heretical teachings into the life of the Church are schismatics and fall away from the mystical Body of Christ.

Therefore, we call on all the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church do not go anywhere from your native Church. Go to those churches where the clergy strictly adhere to the dogmas of Orthodoxy and do not accept the heresy of papism and ecumenism. Demand from the bishops and priests to stand in the Truth! Write appropriate letters to the MP and demand the convening of a local council of the Russian Orthodox Church with broad participation of the Orthodox community to consider and condemn the above heresies.

In order to heal the wounds inflicted on the body of the Church, we call on all Her faithful children to impose a three-day fast on themselves, starting from Thursday, February 18, and until Sunday, February 21. At the same time, make three bows to the earth every day of fasting with prayers for the healing and salvation of our Russian Orthodox Church, the eradication of heresy and a possible schism.

With love in the Lord, Chairman of the Council of the Orthodox Intelligentsia,
Member of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia St. Petersburg,
Confessor of the People's Cathedral of St. Petersburg, Priest Alexei Moroz

The group was opened to promote the development of the project for the publication of the 36-volume collection of documents of the Holy Council of 1917-1918, carried out since 2012 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', as well as in order to support the work of the organizing committee created in accordance with the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to celebrate the centenary of the All-Russian Church Council of 1917-1918. and the restoration of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church (see meetings of December 27, 2016).

The group provides an opportunity for a wide range of interested people to get acquainted with cathedral documents, evidence of the era, photo and film materials, as well as details of the discussion of council decisions. The "Pro Cathedral 1917" group regularly publishes the most interesting quotations from cathedral documents and announcements of new publications.

Community materials are based on original documents of the Cathedral, kept in the state archives of Russia, the exact sources of citations are indicated. Many of the historical documents are first introduced into scientific circulation in the published "Collection of Documents of the Holy Council of the Orthodox Russian Church in 1917-1918".

The group is moderated by members of the working group for the publication of cathedral documents at the Novospassky Monastery.

The Holy Council of the Orthodox Russian Church opened on August 15 (28), 1917 in the Moscow Kremlin, for the first time since the end of the 17th century. His most important decision was the restoration of the Patriarchate on October 28 (November 10), 1917, which put an end to the Synodal period in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. The last meeting of the Council took place on September 7 (20), 1918. Preparations for the Council had been going on since the early 1900s.

Official portal of the project for the publication of the documents of the Holy Council of 1917-1918:.

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Reasons for the failure of the anti-ecumenical movement or "Stand up for the Faith, Russian Land!"

St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, 1846. Sergiev desert:

“I plunge thoughtfully into the examination of the nets of the devil. They are placed outside and inside a person. One network is closely connected to another; in other places, the nets are in several rows; in others wide openings are made, but which lead to the most numerous bends of the nets, getting rid of which seems already impossible.

Looking at the many-witted networks, I sob bitterly! The question of the blessed desert-dweller involuntarily repeats itself in me: “Lord! who can get rid of these nets?”

Dear friends, I began this article with a quote from St. Ignatius Brianchaninov because his words, written more than a century and a half ago, most fully reflect the current situation both in the ROC headed by the patriarch and among the fighters for the purity of Orthodoxy (anti-ecumenical traffic).

A few days remained before the Eighth Ecumenical Council, in the prophecies of the Orthodox elders, called none other than the robber.

In today's article, I would like to tell you about the reasons why more than four months have passed since the day of the traitorous meeting (February 12, 2016) at the Havana airport between Patriarch Kirill and the Jesuit Pope, but no systemic logical actions by the anti-ecumenical movement in the struggle for the Faith our Orthodox was not done.

Are Orthodox Christians so indifferent to the fact that we are on the verge of the actual catholicization of the Church of Christ? The main reason is that the Jesuits and representatives of the Jewish sects have a decisive role in the government of our state, as well as abroad.

Let me remind readers that at the Second Vatican Council in 1962-1965 the concept of catholicization of the Orthodox Church was formalized, the concepts of inter-Christian and super-ecumenism were defined - the ultimate goal of which is the creation of a New World Religion.

At the head of this new anti-church should be the Pope, behind whose back the Roman Church is actually controlled by representatives of the Jewish sects.

In the Russian Orthodox Church, Nikodim Rotov was the foremost promoter of ecumenism, passing the baton to Kirill Gundyaev, who is now in the rank of Patriarch, who openly declared his heretical views at the General Assembly of the WCC in Canberra in 1991.

Let me remind you that the Catholic order of the Jesuits specializes in "soft power" technology. Therefore, they were ready for the response of indignation caused by the events of early 2016 in Russia. The Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church and the "Havana meeting" are undoubtedly significant symbolic events organized to form a sense of habit for the communion of the Orthodox with heretics, forbidden by the Holy Fathers.

For this, the well-known Overton Window technology was used. Jesuit analysts planned an outburst of indignation among the Orthodox and used well-established methods to destroy the struggle for the Faith in the bud.

Including for these purposes, modern technologies were used, a huge number of groups were created in in social networks(including VKontakte) - the administrators of which were appointed, pre-trained people. The administrators of these groups were given the simplest task - to gather in groups all those dissatisfied with the policy of the patriarch and extinguish any plans for effective action against the heretical hierarchy of the ROC-MP. Under the pretext of educational activities (really necessary) - numerous conferences were held in the largest cities of Russia.

But during their holding, the organizers allowed only priests and laity who had been verified by them to be "ideologically not dangerous" to make presentations. Declaring the lack of unity of command in the anti-ecumenical movement, the organizers of the conferences severely suppressed any attempts at dialogue between the hall and the speakers. Therefore, no effective joint action plans have been developed.

As a result of these conferences, there were only letters to church and state authorities. That is, appeals to the same traitors of the Testaments of Holy Scripture and Tradition, who planned and are implementing the union with the Catholics.

Including letters were sent to the FSB, the vast majority of higher officials which are double agents of the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and other Judeo-Masonic world organizations.

As can be seen, the main goal of the activities of the leaders of the anti-ecumenical movement and the administrators of the network groups created by them on the instructions of the FSB and Patriarch Kirill is to distract believers from holding open public religious processions and other public events that could avalanche-like draw the entire Orthodox people into a much more effective struggle. for the Orthodox Faith of Christ.

And most importantly, these "leaders" convince those who stand in the Truth of the complete ineffectiveness of the legal struggle that many Orthodox lawyers have proposed to start.

Thus, at a conference on April 22, 2016, Priest Alexei Moroz rudely interrupted the speaker, Deacon Yevgeny Morgun, authoritarianly declared the complete futility of any legal action in defense of Orthodoxy, and blasphemously declared the whole life of Priest Pavel Adelgeim, who dedicated himself to this non-violent form of struggle for Christ, to be meaningless.

At the same time, priest Aleksey Moroz is the creator and administrator of such network groups as: “The Cathedral of the Orthodox Intelligentsia”, “The Cathedral of Orthodox Citizens”, “God is not in power, but in truth!” and, through his employee, “Evstigneev Vitaly. A group for anti-globalists and anti-ecumenists.

Thus, at a conference on March 6, 2016 in St. Petersburg, it was proposed to initiate legal proceedings in defense of deposed priests who do not commemorate the patriarch, to file an application with the prosecutor’s office and the investigative committee to initiate a criminal case into the multibillion-dollar illegal business of the ROC MP, which is not registered as a legal entity. person, and therefore does not deduct taxes from huge incomes.

It was also proposed to begin preparations for holding a legitimate Local Council of the ROC MP, to develop a new Charter of the ROC MP, corresponding to the canons of Holy Scripture and Tradition, Ecumenical Councils; and after the Council was held, the newly elected Patriarch of the Faithful to Christ could submit a new Charter and constituent documents to the Ministry of Justice for state registration.

However, the leaders of the anti-ecumenical movement appointed by the FSB and Patriarch Kirill did everything possible to discredit the authors of this draft plan for effective joint actions for the legal self-purification of the ROC-MP from FSB proteges, Jesuits, Catholics, ecumenists.

Jesuit analysts have created several parties that imitate the activities of the struggle for the Faith. So, brazenly mocking the People of God, they appointed Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, a former figure in the Department for External Church Relations of the ROC MP, who personally kissed the hand of the Pope and to this day has not repented of this, as the head of one of the parties.

In tandem with this Catholic, Vladimir Khomyakov was appointed, co-chairman of the People's Council movement, which promotes a combination of Russian Orthodox nationalism and the “guardianship” of the foundations of an oligarchic state, which is obviously impossible in Orthodox Russia.

Chaplin's party relies on the military corporation E.N.O.T. TACTICAL" and "E.N.O.T. ORTHODOX.

The head of another anti-ecumenical party was Dmitry Valentinovich Nenarokov, a teacher of physical education at the Border Institute of the FSB, whose direct curator is his colleague, FSB Colonel Andrei Nikolaevich Kochergin (candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher of physical education, graduated from the Lesgaft Institute in St. Petersburg).

Dmitry Valentinovich Nenarokov is the creator of the VKontakte group “Priest Dmitry Nenarokov: Living in Orthodoxy”. The party of the clergyman without theological education Nenarokov includes: Alexei Moroz (PhD, teacher of physical education, graduated from the Lesgaft Institute in St. Petersburg) and a former banker, now a network publicist Kirill Evgenievich Myamlin - administrator of the Institute of High Communitarianism website and the VKontakte group " Orthodox for the cleansing of the ROC from ecumenism.

It was Myamlin who on April 23, 2016 published a slanderous article against the authors of the draft plan for effective anti-ecumenical actions. The same slander was published on all their network resources on the same day by members of this supposedly anti-ecumenical party.

For a change, the proteges of the Jesuits in the FSB created a number of anti-ecumenical micro-parties, among which are the parties of Valery Sutormin (Spiritual Security Service) and Vladimir Nikolaevich Osipov (Resistance Movement to the New World Order), which are under the "feeding" of the same Vsevolod Chaplin.

As well as in large parties, in these micro-parties, any attempts at a conciliar dialogue are suppressed authoritatively (papistically).

In conclusion, I want to tell my readers that I feel deep disappointment that I failed to discern the nets of Jesuit lies spread by the Roman See in Holy Rus', as our Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov warned.

Stand up for Faith, Russian Land!
In continuation of the topics in the community of the Russian Orthodox Brotherhood "Preparation for the Local Council of the ROC MP"