Artik & Asti (Artik and Asti) - Biography, personal life, photos, songs. Spicy details of the creative tandem Artik & Asti What is the real name of asti

Anna Dziuba is a singer known under the pseudonym Asti. Together with Artem Umrikhin aka Artik he sings in the pop duo Artik & Asti.

Asti (Anna Dzyuba)

Childhood and youth

Anya was born on June 24, 1990 in the Ukrainian town of Cherkasy, picturesquely located on the banks of the Dnieper. The girl loves her small homeland - here the soul becomes comfortable.

Singer Asti in childhood

Growing up in a creative family, the girl was imbued with the magic of music from the cradle. Together with her older sister, she constantly invented various scenes, which she willingly showed to her parents and neighbors, arranged impromptu performances and fashion shows. At school, Anya did not miss a single musical event, she participated in concerts with pleasure, and the cassettes of Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, which belonged to her sister, were listened to holes.

Anna Dziuba and her family

She always liked the stage and the attention of the public, so already in her teens she seriously decided to become a singer. True, the girl did not know how she could succeed in show business, it seemed to her that this required money and connections, which she did not have then. Therefore, after graduation, she looked for herself in other professions, having managed to work as a makeup artist and even an assistant lawyer. At the same time, I recorded my first demos and posted them on the Internet.

Singer career

It is not known how Anna's life would have turned out if one late evening a phone call had not suddenly sounded in her apartment. She was called by a young producer Artem Umrikhin, who was looking for a soloist for his new project. By that time, he was already well known in the musical community: he collaborated with Anna Sedokova, Ivan Dorn, Dzhigan and other famous performers.

Having stumbled upon Anna's tracks on the Web, Artem immediately realized that it was she who he needed. The phone of the young singer was suggested to him by the creator of the Mushrooms group, Yuri Bardash. Astik immediately offered the girl cooperation and soon the guys recorded the first joint song in the Kiev recording studio. This is how the duet Artik & Asti arose, which a year later loudly announced itself with the track “My Last Hope”. The video for this song was viewed by about one and a half million people in a month.

Soon the duet moved to Moscow, where the young performers began a completely different life, consisting of dense studio work, intense concert activity and frequent tours.

Artik&Asti - Artem Umrikhin and Anna Dzyuba

It was not easy for Anya to immediately adapt to such a rhythm, but Artyom was always nearby, who became not only a stage partner, but also a faithful companion, best friend and adviser. In addition, the emotions from entering the stage, inexpressible in words, the energy of the auditorium and the feeling of a finally come true dream more than compensated for all the difficulties.

Artik and Asti broke into music world like a hurricane

The girl recalled that at the dawn of her career she was a rather well-fed person. She was badly hurt by tabloid articles that accused her of being overweight, and comments from subscribers who called her frankly fat. Yoga, meditation and stretching helped the singer to lose weight.

After meeting Artik, Asti has changed a lot

In 2013, the first album of the deut "RayOneNaTwo" was released, and six months later Artik and Asti were nominated for the Russian Music Box channel award (the "Best promotion" category).

The second album "Here and Now" became one of the most popular in 2015 according to Yandex.Music. And the video for the song “You Can Do Anything” based on the movie “50 Shades of Grey” leading role in which Agniya Ditkovskite performed, brought the young musicians several more prestigious awards.

In 2016, the group received two nominations for the RU.TV award (“Best Start” and “Best Role in the Video”) and a nomination for the Muz-TV Award (“Breakthrough of the Year”). In the summer of the same year, the musicians released the single "I'm Yours" (the lead composition from the upcoming album), a little later the video saw the light, which, as always, could boast of excellent camera work, but many listeners decided that the video looked more like an action movie and was not suitable to a romantic song.

In the spring of 2017, the third album of the duet "Number 1" was released, which, like the previous ones, aroused the keenest interest of the public.

Asti's personal life

Unlike many popular people, Anna tries not to advertise her personal life. She had a loved one, he was not from the artistic sphere, and by the nature of her activity, the singer did not see him as often as she would like. Perhaps because of this, their relationship was doomed, and in 2018 Anna experienced a painful breakup.

Anna Asti and her boyfriend

But the beauty was not alone for long. Soon she had a new young man. In July 2019, when Asti began showing her engagement ring in fresh photos, the Only Nobody telegram channel managed to declassify the name of her lover. The man of her heart is Stanislav Yurkin, he (at the time of the beginning of their relationship) was 40 years old, behind him is the first marriage in which his daughter Varya was born. He also has nothing to do with the stage, owns his own bar.

The alleged fiance of the singer Asti

Recently, the singer opened her own beauty salon “Beauty Bureau from Anna Asti” in the capital of Russia, and she devotes all her free time from music to her new brainchild.

Anna Asti now

In September 2017, Anna and Artem presented their creativity to the public together with the singer Glucose. The video for the song “I only smell of you” turned out to be very frank - the heroine of Natalya Ionova provided Asti with unambiguous signs of attention.

A month later, the artist launched her own clothing line, Selfmade by Asti. Around the same time, the group sang the song “Indivisible” in a duet together with Rada Boguslavskaya, a member of the New Star Factory.

Asti launched her own clothing line

After conducting surveys of acquaintances and reading hundreds of pages about them, they could not sort out the most juicy. Their image travels and is driven into the ribbed sole. She is yin, he is yang. And there is no way to separate them. And who are they really? Artik&Asti playing a thousand roles in their compositions. The beginning of the way. The Artik&Asti group blows up the musical Olympus of our show business and goes unnoticed. And only NightOut became available, what remains behind the scenes.

- Who is Artik? Who is Asti? With the name change, life turned in a different direction?
Artik is practically my middle name. My real name is Artem. At first, my friends called me simply Art, short for my name. Later it grew into Artik.
Asti: It's still the real us, Asti is just a stage name. And my life completely changed because I achieved my cherished dream.

- Tell us about your musical start?
Artik: I started getting into music at the age of 11. Then for the first time I heard how a neighbor's guy was reciting the texts of the Malchishnik group and I really liked it, and I began to get involved in rap music. Later I got a computer and the first thing I did was buy a program for writing music. This is how my first songs appeared.
Asti: I loved music since childhood, I sang at all possible events, I liked the audience, I liked the stage. But I could never imagine it real, I didn’t think seriously about the career of a singer. So one fine evening Artik called me and it all started from that moment. We tried to record a couple of test songs together and "sang" so to speak.
Artik, when did the reassessment of musical creativity happen? Looking for a female voice
Artik: I have always worked with vocalists. I really love beautiful voices and melodic songs. Creativity was re-evaluated in 2011 when I decided to create my own production project. That's how I found Asti.
- Asti, how did the capital meet you?
Asti: Amazing!) It was, of course, difficult at first to change your little world into a completely opposite one. But if it's "yours", then everything is in the best possible way. I immediately felt the energy of the big city, which still inspires and energizes me.
- Asti, I know that your idol in pop music is Whitney Houston. Do you want to achieve such heights?
Asti: Of course! But I always look at life very realistically, and I think that very few people in the whole world can achieve such heights as she does. She is luxurious, unique and insanely talented, such people are born with a special purpose.

- What people inspire in the world of show business?
Artik: Jay Z, Kanye West, Drake, Rihanna, Pharell, Beyonce and many more.
Asti: Oh, there are a lot of them! Well, for example: Beyonce, Jessie J, Sam Smith, Jessie ware, nicki minaj and many others)) these people inspire and serve as an example for me, not only because I like their songs, but also because they work hard on themselves, with their shows, and of course with their music. An artist is, in principle, a "picture" and music, but in order for it to be interesting, you need to make a lot of effort.
- Artik, you combine so many roles (producer, composer), didn’t you think to stop at one?
Artik: All these roles are very closely interconnected and do not interfere with each other, but rather complement each other. But as I get older, I get more and more into producing.

- If you did not become artists, what profession would you choose?
Artik: I chose this profession as a child and went to this all my life. So I can't even imagine. My parents wanted me to be a lawyer. I have a law degree, but I would not be able to work in this area.
Asti: I am a very versatile person, everything is interesting to me!) I don’t know if I would become a flight attendant!
- You quickly took off to the Olympus of show business, what difficulties did you encounter?
Artik: Difficulties in our show business are the same for everyone. Our radio stations and TV channels do not like to support young performers and are often judged very subjectively. But this is their right. Our songs are loved by the people, and this is the most important thing.
- Doubts, "what mom would think and what dad would think" have you ever visited?
Artik: I don't do anything to make me doubt it!)
Asti: This is not doubt, but respect for parents. These words never leave me because I always remember those I love. But I quickly became independent and matured in relation to my actions and decisions, so few people can influence them at all.
- With the advent of popularity, it breaks your head and whims appear, are you prone to this?
Artik: We are all human. But most likely these are not whims, but simply new standards. This is normal for any developing person.
Asti: I will not say that these are whims, maybe I am becoming more demanding, but this does not always happen. As for whims, you better ask my concert manager))) I think he sometimes wants to kill me for my temper. But this also happens only in moments of fatigue and difficult concert schedules, when the nerves are at the limit, and I'm still the only girl in our team - everyone understands me.

- How do you manage to go into the shadows, because you are in plain sight, probably showing everything with your finger?
Artik: So far we've had good luck with it. A very large number of people know our songs, but do not know us by sight, because. we are a relatively new team.
Asti: Well, you, we don’t live in a zoo)) sometimes we are recognized, sometimes not, and so far I am very happy about this, because I can enjoy it when I live a normal life.
- The phrase "we're just friends" implies a deep subtext. And no one believes in this friendship, why?
Why doesn't anyone believe? Everyone believes and knows!
Asti: Because people want to believe that everything is not so simple. We do not see any subtext in this, others are looking for, to each his own.
- And what's between you?
Artik: First of all, friendly relations. But of course, work unites us!
Asti: We are not only friends, but also partners. Anyway, Art is like an older brother to me. I often consult with him and always consider his opinion, he has done a lot for me, and I will always be grateful for that.
- Your personal life under seven seals. Open the curtain.
Artik: There is no curtain! There's just not much to say!)
Asti: That's why it is personal, to remain so. When I have some special news, I will definitely share it with you.
- Asti, you are getting smaller every day. The pursuit of immeasurable model parameters?
In no case! I love beautiful shapes, I love to eat. Of course, it is necessary to follow the figure, but I am for health, and not for exhaustion for the sake of losing weight. It’s just that sometimes there are moments when I, on my own, without exhausting diets, lose weight. I, like any girl, naturally like it. Slenderness is always in the face.
- "Here and now" - when is the release of your quivering product?
Artik: On January 20, the album has already appeared in iTunes, and the most ardent admirers of our work can already pre-order and be the first to hear our creation! The full release is set for February 13th!
- How are your priorities in life: music, family, money, personal relationships?
Artik: Of course, family is the most important thing in life! It is impossible to divide priorities between work and family! These are completely different things! And it's perfectly normal when a person has both a job and a family!
Asti: No matter how it sounds, nothing and no one can give me more pleasure than music. Then the family and personal relationships, for which there is a catastrophic lack of strength or time ... And already the last place is occupied by money, you can’t buy happiness for them.
- Everyone is called a star and has the right to shine, agree?
Artik: we are all free people!
Asti: Well, if this one didn’t mark himself with a star, then yes.
- Could you formulate the ideology that Artik promotes and grow?
Artik: We promote love!
Asti: We promote love and kindness, sincerity and feelings.

| Russian groups

17.11.2012 20:15

Asti (Asti, real name Anna Dziuba) is a successful singer of the duo Artik & Asti.

Asti (Anna) was born on June 24, 1990, in the city of Cherkasy in Ukraine. Anya's childhood passed in the city of Cherkasy, on the banks of the Dnieper. To this day, Anna's family lives there.

Anna tried herself in various professions, was an assistant lawyer, makeup artist. In her interviews, Anya admits that she never thought about becoming a singer.

Here is what Asti says about her childhood:

"I loved music since childhood, I sang at all possible events, I liked the audience, I liked the stage. But I could never imagine it being real, I never seriously thought about the career of a singer. So one fine evening Artik called me and it all started from that moment on. We tried to record a couple of test songs together and "sang" so to speak."

Asti first came to Moscow in 2013. Then Anna was even scared, because for her it was a new, big, unfamiliar city.

“I used to live in my pink little world, I was absolutely comfortable there, but at some point, I felt that this was a certain step forward, this was something interesting in life. I felt with my female intuition that something was waiting for me. something big and special. When my friend and I were talking about Moscow, she told me that I would immediately understand, as soon as I take the first step in this city, whether Moscow accepts me or not. Whether it is a train station or an airport. And when I took the first step, I immediately felt an incredible surge of energy, I felt the metropolis."

Asti gained fame as a singer after the song "My Last Hope" was released into rotation in November 2011.

“I couldn’t even think then that my career would be somehow connected with show business, because I lived an ordinary life of an ordinary person in a small town and one day my phone rang, it was Artik. It happened so unexpectedly, I was nervous then walked in circles around the room. He looked for me for a very long time, found out my number, through incomprehensible acquaintances, through the 10th knee he found me. By the way, I still don’t know the details of these stories, Artik will be able to explain how he did it (laughs) But if he needs something, I think he will get it out of the ground."

The singer says.

It is worth noting that at concerts Anya always sings under the "minus", that is, live.

At the moment, Asti is completely absorbed in work. Asti's voice is incredibly recognizable not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in many cities and countries.

The personal life of the singer Asti (Asti, Anna Dziuba)

Very little is known about the personal life of the singer Asti. But despite this, it is known that Asti (Anna) is dating a young man.

Anya communicates well with her boyfriend's mother, as evidenced by the photos on the blog.

"Every family loves in its own way. Each love is unique. When you give love, you always get a hundred times more love in return)) Only mine are not enough," Anya writes.

Artik & Asti discography

#Paradise one for two

1. Antistress - 2:52
2. Clouds - 3:39
3. Sweet dream - 3:18
4. More than love - 2:54
5. Very, very - 3:00
6. Until the morning - 3:30
7. To the ends of the earth - 3:17
8. Atom - Artik & Asti, Smash - 3:47
9. One in a Million - Artik & Asti, Smash - 2:58
10. Shards - 4:29
11. Hold me tight - 3:29
12. My last hope - 3:15

Here and now

1.Here and now - 3:10
2. Kisses - 4:11
3.Half - 3:07
4.Extraordinary - 3:24
5. I won't give it to anyone - 3:38
6. Sky over Moscow feat. DJ LOYZA - 3:00
7. One Hundred Reasons - 3:54
8. Winter - 3:22
9. You can do anything - 4:03
10. I remember - 3:36
11. So it was - 3:24
12. Who am I to you?! - 3:08
13.Half DICAPRI Remix - 5:04
14. I won't give it to anyoneDJ Vincent & DJ Diaz Remix - 5:22
15. You Can Do Anything Radio Edit - 4:06
16. Who am I to you?! Diggo & Dizza Remix - 5:23
17. Who am I to you?! Santi & Rebets Radio Edit - 2:54
18. Who am I to you?! Tobie Bryant Remix - 5:07
19. Who am I to you?!Original Voice - 3:08
20. You can do anything XDMX Remix - 4:41

Popular news.

Anna Dzyuba (stage name Asti) - Ukrainian talented singer, consisting of the duet Artik & Asti.

Singer Asti: biography of a popular performer

Anna was born on June 24, 1990 in the city of Cherkasy, Ukraine. The childhood of the future celebrity also passed there. The singer's family still lives there. Before plunging into the world of show business, the girl tried herself in several areas. She worked as a lawyer and was a makeup artist.

In an interview, she said more than once that in her life she did not think that the stage and songs were her calling. But despite this, as a child, Anna loved to sing and tried her best to perform at various events. She was not afraid of the stage and felt quite confident on it. But in order to seriously think about the career of a singer, this was not the case.

Way to success

The musical career of the singer Asti began with an acquaintance with Artik, now he is the producer and author of their joint duet called Artik & Asti.

He searched for Anya for a long time, as she accidentally heard her voice on the Internet. One evening, Artik called her and offered to try recording one song and see what happens. After a couple of recordings, they suddenly realized that they were "singing," then it all started. The first time Anna arrived in Moscow in 2013, at that time she was insanely scared, because the city is big and unfamiliar and the people are so strange. But the girl felt that changes were coming and, having arrived in Moscow, she realized that the city had accepted her.

The popularity of the singer came with the release of the composition and the video for it in 2011 "My last hope", which was shown on all channels and played on all radio broadcasts. The video for this song has collected about a million views on YouTube. The listeners instantly fell in love with the performer for her unusual deep and sensual voice.

Their duet has released three albums, these are:

  • in 2013 "#RayOneForTwo";
  • in 2015 "Here and Now";
  • in 2017 "number 1".

Singer's personal life

The singer Asti tries not to talk about her personal life, so we know little. But judging by the photographs social networks She meets a young man and is very happy. In addition, Anya communicates well with her boyfriend's mother, as evidenced by their joint pictures. Singer Asti appreciates in men, first of all, a sense of humor, courage and understanding of how to behave with a lover.


Every day, Asti receives questions from fans about her style and appearance - styling, makeup, manicure and clothes. Therefore, the girl decided to open her own beauty salon in order not only to tell, but also to show how to create a chic image.

On September 9, a party was held at the SATRAPEZO restaurant in honor of the opening of the new salon of the singer Asti, which was attended by star guests such as: Ella, Danya, Basil and Loya and others.

When solving matters of the heart, it can be useful to resort to someone else's experience. After all, someone's relationship has already gone through the stages that are just ahead of you. We decided to talk about such concepts as love and betrayal with Artik and Anya from the ARTIK & ASTI group in order to hear two opinions at once - male and female.

Article about responsibility in relationships

Living together this is a very serious step. If people decide to live together, it's the same as if they decide to get married. For a very long time, some simply call themselves "a guy with a girl", although they live together, lead a common life. It seems to me that this is not very correct.

Some need to look at each other however, it is better not to delay it. I know for sure that if I offer a girl to live with me, then I will already consider her my wife.

It's hard to say why people cheat and why they forgive cheaters I know for sure that I would not forgive the betrayal of my beloved woman. Regarding male infidelity, you need to ask the ladies, but it seems to me that if a person cheats, he puts an end to the relationship with this.

Male infidelity can be dictated by instincts after all, you can go and cheat on your wife with some other woman, but at the same time love your spouse, but you will never remember about that other one. It does not sound very good, but perhaps men can cheat to satisfy some of their desires, and still love with all their hearts.

I'm totally against it so that people disperse after the appearance of the first problems. And I also think that here a lot depends on the woman, because she is the core of the family, it is she who can save the hearth. Today, women no longer understand how important their role in the family is, and therefore they are not afraid for relationships, they do not strive to maintain them.

A man is obliged to make efforts to save his family but the woman still plays a huge, maybe even a primary role in this.

Anya on why it is important to always be frank

They say love lasts three years anyway, that's how it turned out for me. Only it is not love that lives for three years, but passion and magic. Then everything gets better, returns to normal, and you get used to it, although this space is no more.

Love is always a lot of work for two, because if you live with each other, spend a lot of time together, the problems do not become less, on the contrary, there are more and more skeletons in the closets and you have to either fight or put up with them.

In any case, accept and cope together. The main thing is to trust each other, to open up to the maximum.

If you have a standing, albeit a little faded, relationship any steps leading to saving them are always justified and necessary. At least you will know that you did your best. If, despite this, you broke up, then, as they say, no luck.

I do not believe that love passes or dies, it develops into mutual respect, mutual understanding. But if, nevertheless, there is nothing left, we must remember: any person deserves the right to be loved and experience such a magical feeling as love. For example, for me, as a girl, loving is even more important than being loved. Therefore, if you do not feel it - run, look for your happiness.

At the same time, a woman who cheated on her man most likely does not love him, I do not know any loving woman that would change. After all, we love not only with all our heart or soul, we love with everything that we have. Here a man does things for the sake of love, and a woman does things because she loves.