Evgeny Kiselev: biography of the TV presenter. Evgeny Kiselev journalist What does Evgeny Kiselev do now

Our today's hero is a very famous Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian television presenter and journalist. He is one of the people who created the NTV television company. His opinion often went and goes against the established concepts, which Evgeny Alekseevich Kiselev did not hesitate to talk about.

In 2008, a popular TV presenter leaves his country, believing that it is impossible to live and create freely here. He moves to Kyiv, where he works in a large number of various projects. At this time, he openly speaks out against his native country.

After Poroshenko came to power, Kiselev leaves Ukraine, believing that a situation unfavorable for free expression of will is beginning to develop in the country.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Kiselev

The popular TV presenter became famous in the early 90s of the last century. A large audience of viewers was interested in everything related to Evgeny Kiselyov, but it was not possible to find information.

Today the situation has changed, so it’s easy to find out about a popular TV presenter. Many people have an idea about his parametric data, including the height, weight, and age of a television star. How many years Yevgeny Kiselev knows for sure, what can be read about on the official website of the Ekho Moskvy radio.

Last year, Evgeny Kiselyov, whose photos in his youth and now are of interest, celebrated his 61st birthday. His height of 185 cm with a weight of 82 kg is considered one of the tallest among the stars of television. The popular presenter maintains his shape by exercising daily in the gym.

Biography and personal life of Evgeny Kiselev

The creative biography and personal life of Yevgeny Kiselev are considered very successful. This opinion is shared by both the TV presenter himself and many critics and fans of various television programs.

The boy was born in the capital of the Soviet Union in mid-June in 1956. His father, Alexei Alexandrovich Kiselyov, was a well-known engineer engaged in the production of metal, for which he received the Stalin Prize. The mother, about whom there is no official information, was engaged in raising her only son and provided family comfort.

The parents sent their son to study at a school where English was studied in depth. He was interested in historical events and geography, literature, political and economic spheres. At the suggestion of his father, our today's hero began to attend the "School of the Young Orientalist", which worked at Moscow State University. After school, Evgeny Alekseevich Kiselev entered Moscow State University, graduating with excellent marks.

During the period of study, the young man traveled the territory of many Asian countries. We will receive a red diploma, the young man served in Afghanistan, where he translated conversations between Soviet advisers and Afghan leaders.
After military service, he taught Persian until the mid-80s of the last century at the Higher School of Collective State Security.

Since 1985, the next stage in the life of a young man begins - he becomes a journalist. Initially, his duties included editing texts, which were then broadcast to a Middle Eastern audience. Then the man began to work as a TV presenter in the 90 Minutes program. Since 1991, he began to host the news programs Vremya and Vesti. Our today's hero became widely known after the release of the information and analytical television program "Itogi", the first release of which viewers could see at the end of 1992.

At the same time, documentaries were filmed by the journalist. His works told about the most diverse political figures of both our country and other states. Of greatest interest were his paintings, telling about the "iron" lady of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher, dictators, among which Stalin and Pinochet stand out, as well as about the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Kiselev, among several employees protesting against the change of leadership on the NTV channel, goes to work at TNT and TV-6. At the same time, he became the chief editor of the popular newspaper publishing house Moscow News.

In 2005, he began working at the Ekho Moskvy radio station. But in 2008, he gave up everything and decided to move to Ukraine, where he began working on one of the TV channels. During this period, statements were received from Yevgeny Kiselyov that he was ashamed that he was a citizen of the Russian Federation. The reason for this, he calls the activities of the country against other states. In this regard, the President, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, is especially blamed, whom the journalist accuses of wanting to subordinate other countries to his power.

In 2016 he returns to Moscow again. Now he is engaged in various journalistic projects, which are shared with readers on the pages of the Gazeta.Ru online publication and listeners of Ekho Moskvy radio.
Evgeny Kiselyov recently wrote a book about Vladimir Putin, in which he admits that the strength and power of the country became possible thanks to his activities.

Family and children of Evgeny Kiselev

The family and children of Yevgeny Kiselev were not known for a long time. The popular TV presenter preferred not to talk about his family. He hid who his wife was, whether there were children in the marriage.

In recent years, Evgeny Alekseevich Kiselev does not hide that he is happy. He loves and loves. His chosen one fully shares the opinion of her husband, supporting in everything. At all celebrations, the spouses are invariably present together, holding hands, as in their youth.

The couple have a son who is into fashion. He married and gave his parents a grandson, whom they love very much.
Evgeny Kiselev says that over time he fell in love with family celebrations, which allow you to communicate with loved ones and enjoy warmth and peace.

The son of Evgeny Kiselyov - Alexey

The popular television presenter and journalist has an only son, who was named after his grandfather Alexei. The boy was studying languages. He knows English, French, Italian, Spanish and German, in addition to Russian and Ukrainian. In high school, the young man became interested in designing clothes.

After the institute, the son of Evgeny Kiselyov, Alexei, got married. Together with his wife, he developed his own clothing brand, which is popular both in the Russian Federation and outside its territory.

The couple love to travel, posting photos taken from all over the world on their Instagram and Twitter pages.

Recently, a boy appeared in the family, who was named Kostik. He loves to visit his grandparents.

Evgeny Kiselyov's wife - Marina Shakhova

Evgeny Kiselyov and his future wife began dating when they were in high school. Officially, they became spouses at the age of 19, against the will of their parents, who believed that their children needed to get an education, settle in life, and only then deal with the arrangement of their personal lives.

For some time, quarrels arose between young people after the wedding. Several times the wife of Yevgeny Kiselyov, Marina Shakhova, left the family, slamming the door and with the intention of never returning. But after a while they again gathered, not imagining life without each other.

10 years after the wedding, the son Alyosha was born in the family, who made a strong and friendly family truly happy.

The wife of Yevgeny Kiselyov also works as a journalist. She developed several programs that became popular in Russia. Among the most famous are the programs “Housing Problem”, “Country Answer”, “Summer Residents”. For the latter, Marina Shakhova was awarded the prestigious TEFFI award at the beginning of the new millennium.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeny Kiselev

For a long time, due to the fact that the popular TV presenter was incredibly in demand and could not maintain pages on social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia Yevgeny Kiselev were run by his wife Marina Shakhova, who covered in detail all the issues of her husband's life and work.

In recent years, Yevgeny Kiselyov began to maintain the pages himself. But this does not mean that he does not trust his wife. Simply, as the journalist says, this is another opportunity to talk about his understanding of the current situation in the world to people who are interested.

Yevgeny Kiselev is a well-known Russian and Ukrainian journalist, political analyst, founder of the commercial independent television company NTV. In addition, he has many awards and prizes to his credit. The most significant of them: 1996, 2000 - "TEFI", 1995 - "For Freedom of the Press", 1999 - "Telegrand".

Evgeny Kiselev. Biography

The famous journalist was born in Moscow on June 15, 1956, in a family of engineers. He studied at the Institute of African and Asian Countries at Moscow State University and successfully mastered the specialty "historian-orientalist". His classmates were the famous writer Boris Grigory) and brother Alexei.

In 1977-78, Kiselev was on an internship in Tehran. There he worked as a translator and was satisfied with his work. The outbreak of the Islamic revolution forced the young man to return to his homeland. Everything that happened left an indelible impression. According to the journalist himself, if it weren't for the war, he would still be working on Iran today. After graduating from the institute, Yevgeny Kiselev went to where he served as an officer-translator from 1979 to 1981. He was an eyewitness to the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan. He completed his service with the rank of captain. Returning to his homeland, he went to work as a Persian language teacher at the prestigious Red Banner Institute of the Higher School of the KGB.

A television

Today Kiselev Evgeny Alekseevich is better known as an outstanding journalist and politician.

In 1984, he began working for the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and in 1987 he left for the international department of the Vremya television program. In the "International Program", the programs "Before and after midnight", "Vglyad" began to appear his special reports. He became the first journalist who showed the audience Israel from a completely new, unknown side. Kiselev became the host of the Morning and 90 Minutes programs in 1990. In addition, he was one of the first to become the host of the popular Vesti program.

Own projects

Together with Oleg Drobyshev in 1992, Kiselev created the analytical program Itogi. She was the first program in the style of a political show. In 1993, together with Alexei Tsyvarev and Igor Malashenko, he created the commercial independent television company NTV. As a co-founder, the Most Group under the control of the NTV television company is quickly gaining a worthy place and becoming one of the most popular on Russian television. In 1997, journalist Yevgeny Kiselev was appointed to the post of chairman of the board of directors of OJSC NTV Television Company. After Dobrodeev, who served as CEO, left in 2000, Kiselev took his place.

Departure from NTV

In 2001, Kiselev had to leave his post and leave his beloved channel. Everything happened due to the reorganization of the channel. A large number of journalists and workers quit with him. At the same time, the general director of the TV-6 channel appointed Kiselev the general director of MNVK TV-6 Moscow. Together with him, journalists from NTV came to work here. In September of the same year, the City Arbitration Court ruled to liquidate the TV company in accordance with the claim of one of the shareholders. In March 2002, the Kiselyov team, headed by the journalist himself, created CJSC Channel Six. The TV channel started operating in 2002. He was given the name TVS. But in June 2003, the channel was taken off the air by order of the Ministry of Press.

Moscow News

Evgeny Kiselev, whose biography is so entertaining, did not remain idle. Three months later, he took the place of the editor-in-chief of the popular newspaper Moscow News. Soon a conflict began between him and the journalists of the newspaper. The reason was the disagreement of the team with its editorial policy. A letter was sent to the Director General. It outlined all the claims, as well as a proposal to resign.

However, it was not possible to remove Kiselev. Moreover, he soon became the general director of the Moscow News publishing house, and resolutely fired all those who disagreed. In 2005, he bought all the shares of the Moscow News company. By this time, Evgeny Kiselev had already lost his post. These events did not break the active and purposeful person. He began working at the radio "Echo of Moscow". In addition, he often gave interviews as a political analyst. In early 2004, Kiselev launched a violent campaign against President Putin. He organized the "Committee 2008" group. In June 2008, the journalist heads the Ukrainian TV channel TVI. In the same year, he became the host of the Big Politics with Evgeny Kiselev program. In October 2009, quite unexpectedly for everyone, he leaves his post and closes the program.


In 1998, Evgeny Kiselev, according to Kommersant, became one of the richest and most famous people in Russia. In 2009, he published the book Without Putin. Its co-author was a former prime minister. The journalist is known not only as a presenter, but also as the author of documentaries: "The Afghan Trap", "Tehran-99", "The Mysterious General Secretary", "The Secret of the Death of K-129", "The President of All Russia", "Spartak", "The Most a humane person”, “Knight of the Oval Office”, “The Pope”, “Taganka with and without a Master”.

Kiselev is reluctant to talk about his personal life. According to him, he rarely has free time. He likes to spend it by watching TV shows, reading memoirs or walking around his favorite places. The journalist loves delicious food. He is always eager to try something new and different. In addition, Kiselev loves to play tennis. However, this is often not enough time. He is married and has an adult son Alexei. His wife, Maria Shakhova, was his classmate and first love. She is also far from the last figure in Moscow. Shakhova is the producer of the TV show "Fazenda" on Channel One. In the recent past, she served as the press secretary of NTV and hosted the popular Summer Residents program. For her merits, she received several exhibitions as a designer in the Small Manege. Their son, together with his wife, is engaged in business. They created their own clothing line and their own ready-to-wear brand. Kiselev has a beloved grandson Georgy.

In 1979-1981 he served in Afghanistan, worked as an interpreter in a group of Soviet military advisers.

In 1981-1984 he taught Persian at the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

In 1984, Kiselev began working first on the radio - in the main edition of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting to the countries of the Near and Middle East, and since 1987 - on television - in the main edition of the information of the Central Television (program "Time"). Soon he became one of the leading morning information programs ("90 minutes", "120 minutes"), a special correspondent, filmed reports for the programs "Time", "Before and After Midnight", "Seven Days", "International Panorama". He became the first Soviet journalist to present a whole series of reports from Israel.

From 1990 to 1991 - editor and presenter of the news program "TSN" (1st channel "Ostankino"). At the same time he worked on Russian TV. One of the founders and presenter of the news program "Vesti".

From September 1991 he worked at the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Together with the editor-in-chief of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Oleg Dobrodeev, he created the information and analytical program Itogi.

On January 5, 1992, he made his debut with the Itogi program on Ostankino Channel 1, and on October 1, 1993, on Channel 5 under the logo of the NTV television company.

Since June 1993, Yevgeny Kiselev worked for the independent television company NTV; in 1993-1999 - vice-president of NTV Television Company LLP; at the same time - host of the Itogi, Voice of the People, Hero of the Day programs; also led a column for the columnist in the socio-political magazine Itogi (since 1996 ).

In January 1997, he became one of the founders and shareholders of ZAO Media-MOST. He was a member of the board of directors of Media-MOST, a member of the board of partners of the NTV television company, and a shareholder of NTV.

In December 1997, after the reorganization of the work of CJSC Media-MOST, he was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the NTV television company.

From February 2000 to April 2001 - Chief Editor - General Director of the NTV channel.

On April 2, 2001, at a meeting of the NTV journalistic team, Yevgeny Kiselev was elected editor-in-chief of this television company (while maintaining the post of general director).

On April 3, 2001, at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of NTV, initiated by JSC Gazprom-Media, which acquired control over NTV, he was relieved of both positions; as a result of the conflict, together with part of the NTV journalistic team, he switched to the TV-6 channel and was appointed to the position of acting. General Director of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation (MNVK) - "TV-6".

In 2001, Yevgeny Kiselev was elected general director of the MNVK TV channel "TV-6 Moscow" (broadcasting of this channel was discontinued on January 22, 2002).

Since June 2002, he has been the editor-in-chief of the TVS TV channel (established by the non-profit partnership Media-socium, owned by Channel Six CJSC). TVS broadcasting was discontinued on June 22, 2003.

In July 2002, Evgeny Kiselev was officially dismissed from the post of general director of TV-6.

In 2003-2005 he was the editor-in-chief of the Moscow News weekly.

Since December 2006 - host of the program "Power with Yevgeny Kiselev" on the radio "Echo of Moscow" and satellite TV channel RTVI.

At the same time - the host of the historical and educational program "Our Everything" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

Since June 2008, he combined his work at Ekho Moskvy and RTVI with work as the chief editor-consultant of the TVi television company (Ukraine). He was the editor-in-chief and host of the analytical program Upstairs.

From September 2009 to December 2012, Kiselev hosted the socio-political talk show "Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselev" on the main Ukrainian TV channel Inter.

In 2013, Yevgeny Kiselev headed the National Information Systems company, which produces the News, Details, and Details of the Week programs for the Inter TV channel. In the same year, the first issue of "Details of the Week" was released with Evgeny Kiselev as the host of this final news program.

Yevgeny Kiselev was recognized as the best journalist of the year (1993); He is a laureate of the Moscow Union of Journalists Prize (1993), the TEFI Prize (1996) for the Itogi program (best author's program), and the annual Telegrand Prize (1999). Kiselev is a laureate of the TEFI award for the talk show Voice of the People (2000) and the Golden Pen of Russia award from the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation (2000).

In December 1995, he was awarded the International Press Freedom Prize in the USA; laureate of the "Person of the Year" award and the "Silver Cross" award of the Russian Biographical Institute (1999).

Speaks Persian and English.

Evgeny Kiselev is married to his classmate, TV presenter Maria Shakhova. The son of Evgeny - Alexei Kiselev (born in 1983) is engaged in business.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources


Born June 15, 1956 in Moscow. In 1979 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of the Institute of Asian and African Countries (ISAA) at Moscow State University with a degree in Oriental History. In the last year of the institute, he trained in Iran. After graduating from high school, in 1979-1981. served as an interpreter for Soviet military advisers in Afghanistan (he worked for a year at a military university near Kabul, then as an interpreter for the deputy chief military adviser on political issues, Lieutenant General Samoylenko). Former Editor-in-Chief of CJSC Sixth Channel, former General Director of CJSC MNVK TV-6, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC NTV Television Company

Since 2004, a regular participant in the weekly program "Echo of Moscow" - "Special Opinion (form. Personally Yours)". Since September 2005 - the author and host of the new weekly program "Debriefing"

  • In 1981-1984 he taught Persian at the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky.
  • In 1984-1987, he worked in the Main Editorial Office of Broadcasting to the Countries of the Near and Middle East of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.
  • In 1987-1990, he was the host of the program "90 minutes" (later "120 minutes") ("The first program of Central Television") and a reporter for news programs of Central Television. In 1990 - one of the hosts of the program "Time".
  • In 1991, he was the host of the Vesti program (Russian Television). From January 1992 to June 2003 - presenter of the information and analytical program "Itogi" ("Ostankino Channel 1" (1992-1993), NTV (1993-2001), TNT (2001), TV-6 (2001-2002), TVS (2002-2003)).
  • In 1993-1997 - Vice-President of NTV Television Company LLP.
  • In October 1995 - December 1997 - host of the Hero of the Day program (NTV). In 1999-2000 - the host of the talk show "Voice of the People" (NTV).
  • In 1997-2001 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of NTV Television Company LLP (since 1998 - NTV Television Company OJSC). From January 2000 to April 14, 2001 - General Director of NTV Television Company OJSC. In 2001 - chief editor of NTV.
  • From May 14, 2001 to January 21, 2002, General Director of CJSC Moscow Independent Broadcasting Company. In 2002-2003, he was the editor-in-chief of CJSC Channel Six.
  • In 2003-2005 he was the editor-in-chief of the Moscow News newspaper. In September 2005 - October 2006 - host of the "Debriefing" program ("Echo of Moscow"). In December 2006 - September 2009 - host of the program "Power with Evgeny Kiselyov" (RTVi and "Echo of Moscow") and the historical and educational program "Our Everything" ("Echo of Moscow").
  • Since September 2009 - host of the socio-political program "Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselyov" ("Inter") and the program "At the Top" (TVi). As Kiselyov said on the air of the program "At the Top", at the end of September 2009, one of the shareholders of TVi tried to establish sole control over the channel, "acting at the same time with tough measures, to a certain extent, by force." The editor-in-chief considered that it was “completely unacceptable” for him to remain working on the channel in such a situation.

He writes monthly columns for GQ magazine (Russia) and The Moscow Times. Author of numerous publications in the newspaper. Ru”, in the Russian version of Forbes magazine and The New Times weekly. Collects a collection of wines, writes a column in the magazine "Winemania"

  • Since January 2013, Inter stopped cooperation with Kiselelev and closed the openly pro-Russian and pro-government program “Big Politics with Evgeny Kiselev”. He was replaced with the new Justice program by Anna Bezuglik.
  • In February 2013, Evgeny Kiselev was appointed Director of National Information Systems LLC (NIS) in February 2013.

Family and connections

Father and mother worked as engineers. They live in his country house in one of the old dacha villages near Moscow. In the past, there was a classic general's dacha with pine trees, greenhouses and a small pond overgrown with sedge. Kiselev spent more than ten years building a country house. The result is a modern house, the computer monitors the temperature of the water under the floor, and the floor, in turn, heats everything else

Married to his classmate since November 29, 1973, TV presenter (pseudonym Masha Shakhova) by passport Marina Gelevna Shakhova (February 5, 1956), but she likes to be called Maria, she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, hosted the program "Summer Residents", producer of the program Fazenda, Shakhova received the Tefi-2002 award for the TVS channel Summer Residents, as a designer she exhibited at the Maly Manezh. Her sister Ekaterina is a producer on the REN TV channel.

  • Father-in-law Geliy Alekseevich Shakhov, was one of the leaders of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, a journalist, was a correspondent in South Africa, a former editor-in-chief of Foreign Broadcasting to the USA and Great Britain, shortly before his death he translated Kerensky's memoirs, which were published in the early 1990s, met in the USA with Alexander Kerensky in early 1960s.

Private bussiness

Passionate about horses. In Pushcha Voditsa (there is a former Tsekovsky sanatorium) he rented a room and transformed an abandoned pigsty into a cozy stable. Then he took up the landscaping of the adjacent territory: he built a large paddock for horses, sowed pasture grass on the slopes. In general, a real ranch turned out - a piece of paradise. There were even turtles living in the pond.

He took a bank loan and is building a house in Koktebel. Small, less than 120 square meters. (The Koktebel house is modern, made of light structures. It stands right above the sea, next to the Karadag volcano, on a living landslide

On October 2, 2013, Yevgeny Kiselev, who headed the news broadcasting of the Inter TV channel, resigned today. This was stated by Yegor Benkendorf, chairman of the board of the Inter TV channel, the channel's press service reports.

“Yevgeny Alekseevich really wrote a letter of resignation today of his own free will,” he said.

“The reason for leaving was my personal circumstances, which are developing in such a way that I cannot fully fulfill my current duties,” commented Evgeny Kiselev. That's why I asked for my resignation. I am not going to cut off contact with Inter, with the journalistic team that I led, and as far as possible I will try to help them in their future work.

Ranks, ranks, regalia

Laureate of the "TEFI" award of the Russian National Television Academy for the best television analytical program ("Itogi") and for the talk show "Voice of the People". Laureate of the "Telegrand" award, awarded for contribution to the development of Russian television and radio broadcasting. Awarded with the "Golden Pen of Russia" award of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, the international award "For Freedom of the Press"

Many people know Evgeny Kiselev as a popular showman, presenter and journalist. He led several programs, such as "90 minutes", "Morning", "Results". The man is one of the founders of the NTV channel, he worked as the general director of TV-6. Edited the weekly newspaper Moscow News.


The future journalist was born in a Moscow family, where mom and dad were engineers. Parents sent the boy to a school with in-depth study of foreign languages, but the guy was also fascinated by history, geography, literature and economics. Eugene for a long time could not decide what specialty he should enter, but he knew that he was a humanist.

The father, seeing that his son was in thought, suggested that he enroll in a school for young orientalists. Kiselyov tried to go there, and he liked it. He realized that this was exactly what attracted him. After all, they taught geography, history, several foreign languages. In a word, everything that the boy preferred. Eugene was delighted with interesting activities, he was attracted by the prospect of traveling to exotic countries.

A couple of years later, Evgeny Kiselev passed the entrance examinations to the Institute of Asian and African countries. He graduated from an educational institution with a red diploma, received the title of an expert in the study of the Persian language. Then he was sent to study practice in Iran, where the guy stayed for one year (1977-1978). Then he was called to the war in Afghanistan, where he became a military translator.

After the war, the man worked at the KGB school: he taught Persian. There he stayed for a short time, he was called to television, to work as a journalist in the programs Vremya, Vzglyad, International Panorama. He was talked about as a television worker who opened Israel to the audience from a different side, unknown to the Russian people. Then Kiselev hosted the Vesti program on the RTR channel.

In the early 90s, Evgeny Alekseevich and his colleagues founded the NTV television company. There he led the program "Results". After 8 years, he became the CEO of independent television.

In 2001, the TV presenter took the post of general director of the TV-6 channel. But he soon stopped broadcasting. A year later, he was appointed editor-in-chief of the TVS channel. In 2003, Kiselev was engaged in proofreading and amending the publication "Moscow News". And a couple of years later he was given the position of general director of the newspaper. But his happiness did not last long. All shares of the publication were sold, Vadim Rabinovich was appointed its owner.

In 2008 Evgeny Kiselev moved to Kyiv to pursue a career in Ukrainian television. On the TVi channel, he hosted the Upstairs program. At the same time, he was the host of the program “Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselev” on Inter.

A year later, the TV presenter left TVi. With his departure, life and transmission ceased.

Since 2013, Evgeny has been at the helm of the “Details of the Week” program, and is also the head of news broadcasting on the Inter channel. Later, Kiselev took the post of head of the National Information Systems company. She creates several TV shows for the Inter channel, including Details and News. In October 2013, he resigned of his own free will, explaining this by personal motives, due to which he could not continue as a company.

Since 2015, he has been the host of the popular Black Mirror show, which airs every week on the Inter channel.

Periodically writes for The New Times, GQ, Russian-language Forbes magazines.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, it was Kiselev who in 1998 was among the five most popular rich people in the country. In 2009, the book "Without Putin" was published from under his pen. It caused a great resonance in society. With the release of this book, Evgeny turned against himself a mass of Russian citizens. Mikhail Kasyanov helped Evgeny with the writing of the publication.

At the moment, Eugene is not only a journalist, but also a TV documentary filmmaker. It is he who is the author of such paintings as "The Pope", "Tehran-99", "Spartacus" and others.

In 2014, he criticized the actions of the Kremlin, saying that he felt ashamed to be a citizen of a country that was aggressive towards brotherly Ukraine.

TV presenter's personal life

Evgeny Kiselev is married to Maria Shakhova. They were in the same class. The woman also works on television: she is the producer of the Fazenda program (the old name is Summer Residents). It was for her that Kiselev's wife was awarded the TEFI television award in 2002. From the marriage of the spouses, the son Alexei, who had already married and managed to acquire his own heir - George. Alexey is a successful businessman who owns a popular clothing brand he created.

Eugene is a workaholic. He rarely allows himself to rest. And if he has a free minute, he spends it in the company of books or TV. The journalist prefers to read memoirs of famous people. Loves tennis. He likes to eat delicious food, understands the cuisines of different countries. Collects elite wine.