Warm hands of a beloved man in a dream. Why is the Heat dreaming

If someone sees in a dream an unfamiliar woman with bare hands, then he can be at peace about property and worldly goods.

If someone sees that his hands are being tied, it means that he will be idle, or he will lose his faith. If someone sees in a dream that his hands have dried up or become powerless, then those close to him will leave him.

And if he sees that he has a lot of hands, he will do good deeds, provided that that person is righteous: if he is wicked, then he will increase his criminal and depraved deeds.

If someone sees that his hand is painted with cinchona, then he will be a participant in the killing of a person, and if he sees that both his hands are painted, it means that by worrying about the affairs of everyday life, he will incur anxiety and grief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

Dream interpretation - Hand

An outstretched hand means help.

If a hand blocks your path - be careful, carefully consider your plans for the future.

A broken arm means the death of a relative - the left one is a woman, and the right one is a man.

Hairy hand - dreams of money.

If someone reaches out to you, someone will help you.

You are being held back - think about your plans.

You broke your arm - the imminent death of someone close.

If the hand is hairy, this is wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation warm

People are heat-loving creatures. The feeling of warmth is simply necessary for humanity to function normally.

And why do you dream of warmth? What can this dream mean?

Feel the warmth in a dream

Dream interpreters often take a vision in which you feel warmth positively. If you dreamed warmly, subsequent events in life will be pleasant for you.

It is believed that soon it will become more pleasant for you to communicate with the people around you.

Gustav Miller's prediction

Bask in a dream by the fire

In the night vision, sitting by the fire and feeling the pleasant warmth emanating from it means that soon you will be able to make peace with the people that are dear to you. Miller believes that you have already delayed the reconciliation, because both sides are suffering.
Miller believes that reconciliation will not come easy for you; you will have to make a lot of efforts, to step over yourself somewhere. When you are reconciled, you will find peace of mind.
The main thing is to remember that if the wind strongly fanned the fire, and it caused you unpleasant sensations, then now is not the time for a truce.

Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin - soon life will delight you with certain events. You will achieve material success, you will not need money.

Heat source

In dream books, you can find quite a lot of information about why certain dreams in which you felt warmth are dreaming. The factor from which you felt warmth is taken as the primary principle. Remember what it was, clothes, water, friendly hugs, sun, battery, other things?

Dreamed of a warm embrace

Human warmth

How nice it can be when you are hugged by a person to whom you feel something. Even in night vision, such a plot brings pleasant emotions.

According to the dream book, the warmth that comes from your friend in the night vision is a sign that this person is not completely indifferent to you. Maybe he has deep respect and affection for you, or maybe it's sexual attraction.

According to Universal dream book, the outgoing warmth from a certain person means that you will definitely achieve what you want. Remember this person, it is she who will help you achieve what you want.

For a girl, a dream in which the other half warmly embraces her promises an early marriage proposal. If the dreamer felt the heat from kisses and hugs, experienced real joy, then the marriage will be strong and built on mutual feelings.

Warm sea water dreams

Warm water

Swimming with your beloved man in the warm sea, feeling how the water envelops you with its warmth - you will experience real pleasure from communication, your love will reach a new level.

The female interpreter says that when a girl swims in a pond with a boyfriend or a man, he may soon become her legal husband.

Having fun in the pool with a comfortable temperature - the dreamer can finally rest. Perhaps the management will give him a vacation.

Warm clothes

Feeling warm due to the fact that you put on a coat - a significant other or a relative will sincerely care for you.

Seeing a luxurious fur coat in a dream

Is there a discrepancy in the dream? Despite its luxurious appearance, the coat did not warm at all? This means that you should be more attentive to your friends. You shouldn't completely trust them.

A natural fur coat that gave you a feeling of warmth - in reality you will find material well-being. In addition to financial independence, you will also begin to enjoy the respect of the people around you.

Wrapping yourself in a blanket - you feel uncomfortable with the people around you. You lack a sense of security and safety. If the blanket has warmed you, then soon you will find protection.

We couldn't get warm - you have to get nervous and worry about literally any reason.

A few brief interpretations

Some plots do not find their place in any interpreter. The world of dreams is diverse, and you can dream anything you want:

A few more predictions of interpreters

The home dream book believes that when you feel warmth in a dream, then in reality you are fine. You are in high spirits, you are successful, you can easily achieve your goals. The interpreter believes that this will continue to be so.

To feel the warmth that comes from an inanimate object - joyful events will soon occur.

Muslims believe that warmth in sleep is a symbol of wealth.

According to Sigmund Freud, if in a dream you were dressed in flannel underwear and you felt warm, then soon you will get closer to a person who has been of interest to you for a long time.

To bask by the fire - the famous psychologist considered it as the onset of a period of love, you and your significant other will again inflame with passion for each other.

According to the dream book, the warmth of another person's hands is a good dream. He says that this person is completely on your side, you can safely trust him. Was it a person of the opposite sex? This means that she can become your ideal soul mate.

Each person sees dreams in which he can be surrounded by people, acquaintances and strangers, real and fabulous creatures, many different items. Also, in a dream, you can experience all sorts of emotions, feel touches, touch smells. Many, if not all, in their dreams felt a sensation of warmth that can come from the most incredible situations or from any things, both familiar to us and completely unusual. Why dream of warmth? With what or whoever it is connected with, to feel warmth in a dream means to be in an uplifted, positive, harmonious and spiritualized state.

What can dream about and what does the heat from different objects mean:

Actions with warm objects in a dream, additional meanings of sleep

Miller's dream book

  • The feeling of warmth in Miller's dream book is associated with failure in business, betrayal of friends, relatives and even the closest people.
  • Swimming in warm water means well-being and prosperity in the house, if the water is hot - to an imminent illness, if cold - means an advantage over your enemies.
  • Drinking warm milk means a struggle, as a result of which you will win and achieve the desired results.
  • Sleep: warm rain - promises to its owner a surge of vigor and vitality, if the sky is gloomy, then bad news is imminent.
  • Sleep: the jacket is warm, dressing means dealing with unpleasant people. Putting it on inside out - doing something shocking to others, dirty or torn - a bad deal.
  • - will mean trouble, the larger the stone itself, the larger the problem, and vice versa. The number of stones is related to the scale of the problem. Throwing stones means trying to warn someone about the danger.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud, the meaning of a dream will depend on the source of heat. If warmth comes from clothes, then this predicts a long-awaited meeting with an important person. If the warmth comes from the fire, then soon you will find a feeling of love, complete understanding, trust and sexual harmony in all relationships with your partner.

  • To fall under a warm rain in a dream: according to Freud, rain is a symbol of ejaculation, for a woman it will mean the desire for a child. For men, this means a latent tendency to self-gratification (masturbation). An attempt to shelter from the rain speaks of the fear of unwanted pregnancy in women and problems with potency in men.
  • Holding a warm hand in a dream - the hand is a phallic symbol, if this is your partner's hand, then you need his support. Problems may soon arise that require the help of a partner to resolve.
  • In a dream, to feel warm hands - if the owner of the hands is unknown and there are many of them, this speaks of a rich sexual experience, an active position and a tendency to all kinds of experiments.
  • Dream interpretation: warm water - the value will depend on the actions with water. Water symbolizes the process of conception, childbirth, the origins of life. Pouring warm water will mean a desire for meeting and intimacy, swimming in water - experiencing the brightest sensations and emotions during intimacy. Drinking water - problems with the organs of the genitourinary system.

Modern dream book

  • To feel warmth in a dream is a sign of big changes in life and pleasant surprises.
  • Dream interpretation: warm sea - sailing on it means quick wealth, healing and good health, fulfillment of cherished desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: to feel warmth - to see in a dream an object that radiates warmth - to positive changes in life, the warmth of fire is a pleasant, unexpected gift.
  • Dream Interpretation: warm rain - falling under it - means that good relations, mutual understanding, support and respect will soon be established in the family.

Esoteric dream book

Warmth dreams of the onset of cold weather. The change in temperature can cause headaches.

Dream interpretation of Felomen

  • To feel the feeling of warmth, to keep warm in a dream means the expectation of change, the readiness for the best.
  • Dream interpretation: warm hands - to feel the pleasant touch of warm hands in a dream means complete trust in your partner. This person can be trusted in a difficult situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: warm socks - to see in a dream means that you will soon have to go on a long journey, in which there will be many obstacles, unexpected problems and difficulties.
  • Dream interpretation: swimming in warm water means that you will soon be able to easily achieve your goals, if in the pool you will be in front of difficult choice, swim naked - you will have to act decisively to solve your problems.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • Feeling warm means that you will soon have to experience a cooling relationship with a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: a warm blanket - to see in a dream or to hide - means an imminent serious illness.
  • Dream interpretation: swimming in the warm sea - a dream means that an important meeting will happen soon.
  • Dream interpretation: warm clothes - dreaming of trouble, problems. The more you put on, the more difficult it will be. Fur clothes - denunciations and complaints.
  • - to dream or eat - to good luck, joy and good news, bake bread yourself - unfortunately, sadness, domestic fights.
  • Dream Interpretation: drinking warm milk - a dream promises good luck in business, travel, good income or harvest. If the milk was hot, then you will have to fight for victory, but the reward will be wealth and the fulfillment of your innermost desires.
  • Why a warm wind is dreaming means soon news.
  • Why dream of warm hats means an invitation to visit, if the hat is old - to achieve your goal, to remove it from your head means the end of problems.

Old French dream book

Warmth means the onset of a white streak, success in business. Perhaps a strong love will come, which has not yet been in life.

Why do you dream of clean warm water - a dream means a successful start and completion of a business, getting rid of a long illness.

Large family dream book

  • The feeling of warmth promises a happy and calm life. Warmth soothes, promotes recovery, getting rid of old grievances.
  • Why dream of warm - means tireless, unrestrained activity, an irrepressible impulse to achieve the goal. Life will be full of new impressions, useful acquaintances and interesting events.
  • Why dream of swimming in warm water - problems and obstacles in business will pass by, strengthen your credibility in the eyes of business partners.
  • Why warm rain dreams - improvement of material well-being.
  • Why is the warmth of the sun dreaming - a dream means good luck in any endeavors, wealth, good health and many years of a happy life.
  • Why is the warm wind dreaming - a favorable time for new beginnings, luck favors you.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The interpretation of the sensation of warmth by analogy with a child's game is hot and cold, where cold is the distance from the desired object, events, and warmth is the degree of approach to the cherished goal.

Dream interpretation of the world

The feeling of warmth in a dream promises material well-being and home comfort. But if there is too much heat and it gets hot, then the planned things and plans will not come true. Perhaps there is an envious person among the acquaintances.

Dream interpretation "Learn the secrets of your dreams"

Meaning: warmth - means a situation in which a person has to lie to his closest people.

Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

Forget about the limits of decency, public morality and your own complexes. To plunge entirely into the stormy river of sexual sensations and experiences, limited only by your imagination. And the company will be formed by a new partner, a meeting with whom will take place very soon.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Heat means possible problems in business, obstacles on the way to the goal.

Warm sea in a dream - an accidental, unexpected find thanks to advice loved one.

Islamic dream book

The feeling of warmth in a dream will bring wealth to the one who felt it.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Warmth symbolizes happiness and harmony in the family, in relationships with friends and loved ones. Strong warmth, fever is a symbol of failure in business and love endeavors. Heat from a stove, fire, hearth - to family wealth and well-being. A strong fever means an early illness.

Dream interpretation online

If the feeling of warmth in a dream was by itself, without a source, wait for an early and strong love.


The feeling of warmth in a dream indicates positive changes in life. The nature of the changes will depend on the source of heat in the dream. Heat can come from an object, a person. Moreover, the dream will be prophetic if heat comes from an object that, by definition, cannot be warm. A person who radiates warmth in real life can become your reliable friend, protector and, possibly, life companion.


If dreams were just a collection of non-reality pictures, there wouldn't be so many different ways to read dreams. What a person sees in his dream is often a warning - about an impending danger, an approaching disease, or an insidious ill-wisher. Also, a competent interpretation of a dream can help a person take the right step in business and especially love. The feeling of warmth in a dream will tell a person that soon changes await him. The warmth from the fire can mean the return and reconciliation of old friends. The warmth from a loved one will reveal his true feelings. The warmth of the touch will give you confidence and security.