Smelly killer. What household chemicals can be deadly

Often people do not even suspect what a huge amount of dangerous toxins ever created are located directly in our homes. And not only at home, but also on the human body, there are residues of shampoos, soaps, dishwashing detergents - one of the most dangerous types of household chemistry (it has long been proven that they are hard to wash off when washing dishes and the remnants of chemistry enter our body directly with food. If you wash dishes with your hands and even without gloves, then you are provided with eczema on your hands.), washing powder (from contact with bed linen washed with this same washing powder).

Experts say that household chemicals are the main allergen and can cause a number of different diseases: allergies, depression, hypertension, tumors, blood diseases, etc. Moreover, constantly flushing solutions with household chemicals down the drain after their use, we pollute the environment.

Let's stop, think and understand.

So, the danger is:

Anionic surfactants (detergents and washing powders). Surfactants (surfactants) clean dishes and surfaces from dirt (detergents), and are also used in washing powders. There are three main types of surfactants: anionic, cationic, and nonionic. The most dangerous are anionic (A-surfactants). These are the most aggressive of surfactants. They cause immune disorders, allergies, damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs. It has been established that surfactants significantly change the intensity of redox reactions, affect the activity of a number of important enzymes, and disrupt protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

The worst thing is that the surfactant tends to accumulate in the body, and is able to penetrate the skin. Keep in mind, when using detergents, surfactants always get into your body, since even ten rinses in hot water do not completely free you from chemicals. Unsafe concentrations of surfactants persist for up to four days. This creates a focus of constant intoxication within the body itself.

To reduce the harmful effects, use products in which the content of surfactants does not exceed 5%.

The most dangerous, according to scientists, are those types of household chemicals that contain chlorine, and these are almost all the antiseptics that we use in the kitchen and in the toilet. It has long been recognized that chlorine, including many of its derivatives, is dangerous to human life and causes cardiovascular diseases, as well as anemia, atherosclerosis and hypertension. This component has a negative effect on the skin, hair, destroys proteins and can contribute to the formation of cancerous tumors. On the packaging of cleaning products containing chlorine, they do not directly write about it, indicating in the composition sodium hypochlorite (sodium hypochlorite).

This chemical compound is very unstable and easily releases chlorine.

Another chemical is very dangerous - oxalic (ethanedioic) acid . According to the degree of impact on the human body, it is classified as a substance of the 2nd hazard class. Meanwhile, almost no means for cleaning stoves, ovens, barbecues and barbecue braziers can do without it - for the reason that oxalic acid is the strongest fat dissolver. What threatens the ingress of oxalic acid on the skin and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and eyes? First of all, the strongest irritation. With prolonged exposure to the human body, oxalic acid has a destructive effect on the cardiovascular system and internal organs.

Ammonium(ammonia) this is POISON! But it is now used in almost all cleaning products. In addition to decomposing fat, it also acts on the skin and causes rashes, redness, and even chemical burns. When inhaled, it enters the lungs, which is extremely dangerous for people with colds, asthma, and other problems with the respiratory system. It can also hurt your eyes if you accidentally get splashes of ammonium there, or if you rub them with hands that have ammonia on them. If ammonia is mixed with bleach (or any other product containing bleach, such as scouring powder), exposure to chloramine fumes can result in death!

Nitrobenzene(in floor and furniture polishes): causes skin discoloration, shortness of breath, vomiting, and in severe cases, death; exposure to this substance causes cancer, it is the cause of birth defects in children;

Phenols and cresols (bactericidal substances) are very caustic, cause diarrhea, dizziness, unconsciousness and impaired kidney and liver function.

Formaldehyde (preservative in various products): is a carcinogen; causes severe irritation to the eyes, throat, skin, respiratory tract, and lungs. Formaldehyde is a preservative in various foods that causes severe irritation to the skin, eyes, respiratory tract, throat, and lungs.

Phosphates also bring great harm not only to the human body, but also to the environment. Over time, this can lead to various diseases and the development of cancer cells. They have been banned in many countries around the world for over 20 years.

The most annoying thing about all chemicals is that they are very difficult to completely wash off. Some part still remains - on the washed plates, on the sink, on the floor and walls, in the air. Daily ingestion of these funds into the body can ultimately lead to the most unpleasant consequences. This is how a seemingly clean house turns into an invisible toxic dump. And if an adult is still able to endure some of the effects of household chemicals, then children's health suffers significantly from this. Asthma, allergic reactions, impaired vision and hearing, irritability, sleep disturbance - perhaps all this is precisely the effect of chemistry. Along with humans, pets and houseplants also suffer. Go around your house, take a closer look at it and you will see that toxic bombs are scattered everywhere.

So what can you do to protect yourself from exposure to chemicals?

First of all, stop indulging in it. And:

1. Read the composition on the packages of household chemicals. Choose safe household chemicals. (The more components are listed, the "stronger" and more aggressive the substance, the more dangerous it is)

2. Store all cleaners and detergents closed in a sealed container and out of the reach of children.

3. Do not mix several household chemicals. They may react.

4. If possible, replace synthetic chemicals with organic ones, or use the means of our grandmothers (soda, lemon, vinegar, etc.).

Rinse thoroughly and rinse off household chemicals so as not to come into contact with active substances remaining on objects.

Ventilate the room more often and, if possible, install an air purifier in the apartment.

Avoid direct contact with aggressive substances, use household gloves and protective creams.

Switch to natural household chemicals.

And now those icons that you need to look for on the packages. They will tell you that the manufacturer has passed a thorough check for the content of harmful substances and can now call its products - environmentally friendly household chemicals.
But even here it can be questioned, given the dishonesty of some manufacturers. Therefore, the presence of a label indicating that the product is environmentally friendly also means that one is present there.

But it is quite possible to achieve perfect cleanliness and brilliance with natural means, without resorting to the help of chemistry. For example:

Boric acid and pepper scattered in strategic places (near the wall behind the kitchen furniture, along the walls) effectively kill unwanted insects in the apartment.

Pieces of cedar and bags of herbs (such as wormwood) repel moths in cabinets.

A plunger can deal with a clogged bathroom no worse than special chemicals.

Baking soda is a natural way to brighten dishes. Soda will help you effectively fight stains, clean and polish aluminum, chrome, silver, steel, tin and plastic surfaces, as well as jewelry. It can be used to clean and deodorize refrigerators, heavily soiled and smelly carpets, furniture upholstery and vinyl. Baking soda also softens fabrics and removes some types of stains. Baking soda softens hard water so you can take a relaxing bath with it. Baking soda can be used as a body deodorant and as a toothpaste, it can be used as a descaling agent.

Lemon juice can be used to remove rust stains from dishes, as well as to polish silverware. Lemon can be used to clean glass and remove stains from aluminium, clothing and porcelain. Lemon juice can whiten when exposed to sunlight

Lovers of pleasant smells should switch from air fresheners to natural oils and essences (lemon, eucalyptus, spruce, orange, lavender). In order to freshen the air in the room, you can use special aromatic lamps that turn on for a maximum of 20 minutes, after dropping only a few drops of aromatic essence there beforehand.

Vinegar effectively removes wax stains and stains from all sorts of resins, perfectly disinfects (pure vinegar can be safely used to treat the toilet), cleans tiles, tiles (just don’t forget to properly ventilate the room later), removes scale (pour a little vinegar into the kettle along with water , stir, rinse - and you're done!). In addition, vinegar can be used to make an effective and safe "glass cleaner" that cleans perfectly and does not leave streaks. To do this, you just need to dilute two teaspoons of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Vinegar can also be used to clean brick and stone.

Bura. It is a natural mineral that is soluble in water. Borax prevents the formation of powdery mildew and mold, improves the cleaning properties of soaps and other cleaning agents, removes stains, and if mixed with sugar or something sweet, it will be possible to fight cockroaches.

Household chemicals occupy an important place in our lives - washing dishes and floors, washing and cleaning the apartment, air fresheners, etc. From the TV screen, in stores and when communicating with friends, we often hear which tool does a better job of cleaning the apartment, and which one is worth buying. But in few places we will hear about the composition of household chemicals, about the quality of these products, and what effect household chemicals will have on us and our loved ones.

Often people do not even suspect what a huge amount of dangerous toxins ever created are located directly in our homes: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the rooms. The purpose of this article is not to scare you, but to make you aware of the harmful effects of household chemicals and create a clean and healthy home for you, your family and your pets.

Safety and quality of household chemicals

When buying household chemicals, first of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer himself. It is better to buy products from companies whose products have been certified, approved by organizations responsible for health and the environment. Also, the company must be on the market for more than a year to testify to the quality of its products. It is good if cleaning products have natural ingredients. Try not to buy products from your hands, which will significantly protect yourself from fakes.

As for the safety of household chemicals, companies that call their products environmentally friendly, non-toxic, safe and harmless are more responsible for this. This is mostly true, since companies that produce such products are liable under the law if any of the buyers are harmed by their use.

It is advisable to read the composition of purchased household chemicals. The composition may contain chemical elements that can cause great harm to the body. Most of these substances have long been banned in European countries, but on our shelves these substances are still in the composition of products.

Avoid products that contain:


It has long been known that chlorine is dangerous. It leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, contributes to the occurrence of atherosclerosis, hypertension, various allergic reactions. Chlorine destroys proteins in the human body, adversely affects human hair and skin, and increases the risk of cancer. Although chlorine is found in household chemicals in small quantities, it still causes harm every time products with it are used, and even when these products are not used, chlorine disappears, and everyone who is nearby constantly inhales it.


Phosphates also cause great harm to the human body, over time it can lead to various diseases and the development of cancer cells. They have been banned in many countries around the world for over 10 years. Currently, in Germany, Italy, Austria, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands, only phosphate-free powders are washed. In Belgium, more than 80% of powders are phosphate-free, in Denmark - 54%, Finland and Sweden - 40%, France - 30%, Great Britain and Spain - 25%, Greece and Portugal - 15%. In Japan, by 1986, there were no phosphates in washing powders at all. Laws to ban phosphates in detergents are in place in the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and South Africa. In the US, such bans cover more than a third of all states.

Anionic surfactants

They are also referred to as A-surfactant. These are the most aggressive of the surfactants. They cause immune disorders, allergies, damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs. The worst thing is that surfactants are able to accumulate in organs and this is facilitated by phosphates, because they increase the penetration of surfactants through the skin and contribute to the accumulation of these substances on tissue fibers. Even 10 rinses in hot water are not completely free of chemicals. Woolen, semi-woolen and cotton fabrics (children's!) retain substances most strongly. Unsafe concentrations of surfactants persist for up to four days. This creates a focus of constant intoxication within the body itself.

Dishwashing liquids

One of the most dangerous types of household chemicals is dishwashing detergents. They are not particularly toxic, but constantly get into food from "clean" plates. It has long been proven that they are difficult to wash when washing dishes, even if we wash the dishes several times with running water. The next time we eat from this dish, the food, along with the chemicals on the dishes, enters our body directly.

Try to use less chemicals, and more natural means - soda, mustard and other means that do not harm the body. And if you really have to, then dilute the detergent with water in a ratio of one to two. Pour half of the detergent from another container, and feel free to dilute the remaining half with water. This is both savings (the consumption is half as much) and less harm, and the dishes are also washed well. In addition, wash more thoroughly, rather than rinsing, the dishes under the tap. This will help you and your family eat less chemicals.

Air fresheners

This type of household chemicals is ineffective, since it does not remove the cause of the bad smell, but only hides it for a while, replacing the unpleasant smell with harmful air. Often it is necessary to remove the cause of the smell - to keep the apartment clean or to ventilate the room, and then there is no need to use air fresheners. You can also use more natural products to create a pleasant smell in the apartment - flowers, fragrance sticks, essential oils, orange peels, coniferous branches, etc.

Air freshener manufacturers struggle to keep the air freshener scent in the air for as long as possible. This causes great harm to the body, since all this time we breathe this air freshener and poison our body through the lungs.

The harmful effects of aerosols are well known to people with allergic diseases, as well as to children. But even if your body does not give signals that you are breathing contaminated air, this does not mean that they do not harm you. It’s just that you won’t know about the result immediately, but over time, through headaches, dry throat, dry cough, redness and various allergic reactions of the body are also possible.

In order to get rid of the cause of unpleasant odors, first of all, you need to regularly clean the apartment, air it regularly, close the door to the toilet tightly and establish ventilation there. Usually this is enough to always have clean and fresh air in the apartment.

Washing powders

All washing powders are very active detergents. Even children's and hypoallergenic powders are hazardous to health. Any detergent should be handled with extreme care.

No matter how carefully you rinse your clothes, some of the powder still remains in the fabric and, putting on fresh clothes, the body contacts the powder, which enters our body through the pores of the skin. Sensitive people, and especially children, immediately feel itching or redness on the skin. Therefore, with each wash, you should set the washing machine to the mode with an additional rinse.

Washing powder should be stored away from food, dishes, children's toys. Pour the powder should be very careful, otherwise the dust of the powder can get into your lungs.

It is advisable to open the door to the bathroom during machine washing, and go out into another room yourself, so that as little as possible of the harmful substances contained in the powder enters the lungs. It is advisable to ventilate the apartment after washing.

To avoid contact with washing powders, hand washing should be avoided. If you still have to wash your hands, then you should do it in special gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after washing.

Insect control products

People use pesticides because they effectively kill unwanted insects in the apartment. But the problem is that after their use, harmful substances remain in the apartment, from which children and pets especially suffer.

As with other chemicals, there are many non-toxic solutions for almost every pesticide application. Keep food in resealable containers. Mousetraps, flytraps (adhesive paper) and cockroach traps are all effective for indoor pests. Boric acid and pepper scattered in strategic places (near the wall behind the kitchen furniture, along the walls) are also effective. Pieces of cedar and bags of herbs (such as wormwood) repel moths in cabinets.

Lastly, about the impact of household chemicals on the world around us

Almost all household chemicals used today do not break down in nature. This means that laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent washed down the drain today will likely be present in our rivers, seas and oceans for many years to come. For this reason, the quality of drinking water is deteriorating, the aquatic inhabitants of our planet are suffering, the number of beaches safe for swimming is decreasing, and seafood is becoming more dangerous when consumed.

For the sake of your health, your loved ones and our entire planet, it is better, if possible, to replace household chemicals with less dangerous analogues - laundry soap, soda, vinegar, water, in the end. Alternatives to household chemicals exist in large numbers for all occasions, and if you have a desire, you can learn about them through other articles on this and other sites on the Internet. If you can’t switch to alternatives to household chemicals, then at least be aware that you are not using harmless powders or liquids, but potentially dangerous chemicals. Therefore, be careful with them and try to use them in smaller quantities.

Who among us does not do at home without various cleaning and detergents, gels and aerosols? Meanwhile, many of them are very toxic, as they contain phosphates and surface-active substances (surfactants) that can cause immunity disorders, allergies, toxic damage to internal organs ... How to recognize these "hidden enemies"?

Dishwashing liquids

They contain aggressive anionic surfactants. Thanks to them, it is possible to effectively wash away grease and dirt from dishes, but do not forget that they have

pronounced toxic properties. Washing off the washing liquid from a cup or plate can only be done by rinsing the dish for at least 20 seconds. But few of us do that. As a result, along with food, we absorb a huge amount of harmful compounds.

If you don't want to get poisoned, start the dishwasher or use natural remedies like baking soda.

Washing powders

Compounds that help laundry to wash are also poisonous. These are the same surfactants and phosphates. When we use the powder, toxins get on our skin and in the respiratory tract. These synthetic substances are never completely removed from the washed fabric. Therefore, it is better to use laundry soap when washing. If this is not possible, then protect yourself. Wash with rubber gloves and wear a face mask. You can use liquid detergents for washing - but although they are not so harmful, they still remain in the fibers of the fabric. To wash them off completely, it is necessary to rinse the laundry at least eight times in hot water. And a standard washing machine usually rinses it no more than four times. Therefore, it is worth choosing powders based on natural detergent.

basis - they do not contain any anionic surfactants or phosphates. True, such products do not wash dirt as well as synthetic powders.

Toilet cleaners

Even the usual bleach, which was used to wash bathrooms and toilets in the Soviet era, provokes cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, worsens the condition of the skin and hair. And what to say about modern means!

They contain sodium hypochlorite, which irritates mucous membranes and respiratory organs. No wonder the packages usually contain warnings that the product is toxic and can cause burns. They also often contain cresols and phenols, which can cause short-term loss of consciousness, impaired visual acuity and diarrhea. There is only one way out - when cleaning the bathroom, wear a protective mask and gloves, and after cleaning, be sure to ventilate the room, at least by opening the door wide open. It is best to use soda with vinegar or organic detergents instead of chemicals - they do not cause such harm to the human body.

Window cleaning sprays

Nowadays, it is rare for anyone to clean window panes simply with water, and modern products are much more effective. Most often they are produced in the form of sprays and aerosols. And they contain ammonia hydrate, propanol and ammonia. If you are unlucky and you inhale them to the fullest, you may lose coordination of movements, start to “eat” your eyes and develop a migraine. To avoid poisoning, use ordinary table vinegar. Of course, it is not so convenient to use, but it is safer than chemistry.

Air fresheners

It would seem, what could be harmful to a product that smells so good? However, any freshener contains phthalates (salts of phthalic acid), the inhalation of which leads to hormonal disruptions in the body. And some sprays contain formaldehyde, which has carcinogenic properties. If pleasant smells are so important to you, you can use an aroma lamp with essential oil as an alternative. Although, of course, it is not very convenient to use it in the bathroom or restroom.

When choosing a household chemical product for household needs, first of all, carefully read the composition. The more components, the more dangerous this remedy for the body!


In everyday life, we are faced with many factors that adversely affect our health - gas exhaust, radiation exposure, bad habits, physical inactivity ... The list of potentially hazardous substances does not end here: no less dangerous household chemicals await us at home, which we use for cleaning and washing.

Household chemicals and its classification

Household chemicals- this is a certain set of detergents and cleaning products that are necessary for cleaning, caring for plumbing, furniture, clothing and other household and everyday items.

Household chemicals are divided into 15 groups:

v synthetic detergents;

v fat and water softeners;

v laundry detergents;

v cleaning products;

v stain removers;

v means of autocosmetics;

v polishing agents;

v leather care products;

v adhesives;

v mineral fertilizers;

v chemical plant protection products;

v means of combating household insects;

v paint and varnish products;

v photochemical products;

v other goods.

Thus, the basis of the current classification of household chemicals is the principle of the purpose of the goods.

Synthetic detergents are liquid, pasty and powdery substances.

The first synthetic washing powder "News" was released in 1953 based on products isolated from sperm whale lard.

Washing powders, which form the main part of synthetic detergents, can be divided into the following groups:

v actually washing means: universal (for all types of fabric): for washing woolen, silk and synthetic fabrics; for pre-soaking laundry.

v means of complex action, with the help of which it is possible to additionally process the fabric at the same time as washing, for example, to tint and disinfect it. This is more commonly used in hand washing.

v bleaches. They help remove dyed stains from fabrics left after washing, and also give linens additional whiteness.

v bluing agents.

v antistatic agents. They are used for the last rinse of washed items made of nylon, nylon, acetate fiber and wool.

v softeners. They are used in the last rinse of garments and give fabrics made of cotton, linen and viscose fibers a pleasant velvety feeling.

v sizing agents. They are impregnated with fabrics after washing to restore the previous properties, weakened by washing. For example, in connection with the removal of part of the starch, as well as substances that promote water repellency, starch and water-repellent agents are used. This group also includes drugs that have dirt-repellent properties and make fabrics crease-resistant.

Unlike soap, synthetic detergents have a high cleaning power, hygiene, economy and a number of other advantages.

Modern synthetic detergents are multicomponent mixtures in the form of aqueous solutions that remove pollution of various nature from the surface of solid bodies (fabrics, products).

Cleaners designed to care for sanitary equipment of bathrooms, toilet rooms, kitchens, household appliances and household items. They are used to remove contaminants of various nature from the hard surfaces of bathtubs, sinks, toilet bowls, gas and electric stoves, refrigerators, washing machines and other household appliances, glazed ceramic coatings, as well as for cleaning and washing dishes, windows, carpets, etc. P.

According to their composition, cleaning agents are divided into abrasive And non-abrasive.

Abrasive cleaning products are designed to remove difficult and relatively voluminous stains. They remove dirt, stains, plaque and hard water deposits. Available in powder and liquid form, abrasive cleaners contain a type of fat to help soften the harsh scrubbing required to remove dirt. In fact, tools such as sponges, for example, are also included in this category.

Liquid cleaners contain more superficial and milder abrasives than you'll typically find in powdered cleaners, resulting in a milder abrasive action than powdered abrasives.

Sponges, like powdered cleaners, have a long history in home use. The most common type of sponge includes a thin steel wire coating that provides an abrasive action. For dry cleaning and as an aid in polishing steel, cleaners are usually used, the main component of which is soap. Soap and metal sponges can provide not only cleaning, but also an attractive surface shine.

Some abrasive cleaners also have the ability to disinfect surfaces and include antibacterial chemicals to reduce bacteria on dirty surfaces.

Non-abrasive Cleaning products are available in powder and liquid form.

According to aggregate state(consistencies) cleaning agents are divided into solid (granular, powdered, tableted), pasty and liquid (suspensions, gels, emulsions).

Cleaning products are divided into subgroups:

v for cleaning bathtubs and sinks abrasive;

v for cleaning dishes;

v universal cleaners;

v for stubborn dirt;

v windshield wipers;

v for cleaning artificial leather and plastic surfaces;

v sanitary and hygienic;

v for descaling;

v for cleaning stoves;

v for cleaning items made of non-ferrous and precious metals;

v means for cleaning and flushing sewer pipes;

v cleaning products for carpets and decorative upholstery fabrics.

Glue- a substance or mixture, as well as multicomponent compositions based on organic or inorganic substances, capable of connecting (gluing) various materials - in particular, wood, leather, paper, fabrics, glass, ceramics, metals, plastics, rubber.

Types of adhesives:

v mezdrovy (carpentry) glue;

v bone glue;

v casein glue;

v starch adhesives (pastes);

v dextrin glue;

v nitrocellulose adhesive;

v silicate glue;

v bituminous adhesives;

v thermosetting adhesives;

v thermoplastic adhesives;

v rubber adhesives;

v sealants.

Mineral fertilizers subdivided into:

v potash fertilizers;

v phosphate fertilizers;

v nitrogen fertilizers;

v magnesium and iron-containing fertilizers;

v complex fertilizers;

v fertilizers containing trace elements.

There are also pest control products. There are insecticidal (preparations aimed at combating insect pests), anti-moth and raticide (preparations aimed at combating rodents, mice, etc.) preparations.

Household chemicals are extremely dangerous for the human body, since they can affect all organs and systems, up to the DNA structure, so it is necessary to pay attention to the products that we use daily to wash dishes, clean plumbing or wash baby clothes.

Harmful substances- these are chemical compounds that, due to violations of safety requirements, can cause (upon contact with the human body) health problems, occupational diseases or industrial injuries. All these problems are usually found already in the course of their impact or in remote periods of life and even in subsequent generations. The standard also establishes (depending on the degree of exposure to the human body) for various chemicals contained in raw materials, semi-products, products and waste, a total of four hazard classes.

Thus, all harmful substances are usually classified as:

Extremely dangerous (I class),

Highly dangerous (II class),

Moderately hazardous (Class III) or low hazardous (Class IV).

Gradation is made in the process of comparing actual values ​​with standard values ​​for specific indicators. They include the maximum allowable (for the air of the working area) concentration of harmful substances, the average lethal dose when they enter the stomach, the average lethal dose when exposed through the skin, the average lethal concentration for the air of the working area, as well as the coefficient of possible poisoning by inhalation in the acute and chronic zones. actions. Thus, the hazard class of harmful substances, according to is a conditional value, which is intended for the classification of potentially hazardous chemical compounds.

To date, about seven million compounds are known, of which more than sixty thousand are used by humans. Every year, more than a thousand new chemicals or their mixtures appear in the world, which have different effects on organisms.

Of course, not all laundry and cleaning products are hazardous to health. In order to minimize the harm from the use of household chemicals, it is recommended to carefully read the composition of the products before buying and avoid the following ingredients:

v Chlorine is the cause of diseases of the cardiovascular system, contributes to the occurrence of atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, allergic reactions. Chlorine destroys proteins, negatively affects hair, skin, and increases the risk of cancer. Although chlorine is contained in household chemicals in small quantities, it still harms every time products with it are used, and even when these products are not used, everyone who is nearby constantly inhales it.

v Anionic surfactants are the most aggressive of the surfactants. They cause immune disorders, allergies, and can affect the brain, liver, and lungs. Worst of all, surfactants are able to accumulate in organs, and phosphates contribute to this, increase the penetration of surfactants through the skin and contribute to the accumulation of these substances on tissue fibers. Even 10 rinses in hot water are not completely free of chemicals. Washing machines typically use only three rinse cycles. Woolen, semi-woolen and cotton (used in children's clothing) fabrics contain substances more strongly. Dangerous concentrations of surfactants persist for up to four days. This creates a focus of constant intoxication within the body itself.

v Phosphates also cause great harm to the human body. Penetrating through the skin and mucous membranes, surfactants lead to increased degreasing and even to a violation of the properties of the blood, the development of cancer cells. In more than 50 developed countries of the world in the 80-90s. Legislative restrictions or a complete ban on the use of phosphate detergents have been introduced. They have been banned in many countries around the world for more than a decade. Now in Germany, Italy, Austria, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands they wash only with phosphate-free powders. In Belgium, there are more than 80% of powders that do not contain phosphates, in Denmark - 54%, Finland and Sweden - 40%, France - 30%, Great Britain and Spain - 25%, Greece and Portugal - 15%. In Japan, by 1986, there were no phosphates in washing powders at all. Laws to ban phosphates in detergents are in place in the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and South Africa. In the US, such bans cover more than a third of all states.

v Sodium hydrochloride, which causes diseases of the cardiovascular system, adversely affects the skin and hair, increases the risk of cancer!

v Petroleum distillates are part of polishes and negatively affect the vision and nervous system of a person.

v Phenols and cresols- caustic bactericidal substances that can cause diarrhea, unconsciousness and impaired liver and kidney function.

v Nitrobenzene found in floor and furniture polish, causes skin discoloration, shortness of breath, vomiting, and even death.

v Formaldehyde- a strong carcinogen that causes irritation of the eyes, throat, skin and respiratory organs.

v This type of household chemicals, such as air fresheners, is ineffective, since it does not remove the cause of the bad smell, but only hides it for a while, masks it, replacing the unpleasant smell with extremely harmful air. Manufacturers of air fresheners struggle to ensure that the smell of the air freshener stays in the air for as long as possible. This causes great harm to the body, because all this time we breathe in the freshener and poison our body through the lungs.

v When using chemicals to kill unwanted insects in an apartment, people use pesticides. But the problem is that after their use, harmful substances remain, from which children and pets especially suffer.

v If freshly dry-cleaned clothing is worn or stored in a closet, there will be intense contact with tetrachlorethylene, which causes cancer in animals.

v Moth repellents in briquettes or crystals, toilet disinfectants and deodorants are the main source paradichlorobenzene, which also causes cancer in animals.

v Main source chloroform- a shower, boiling water and washing machines. This gas is formed from chlorine, which treats drinking water. It also causes cancer in animals.

v Ammonia- a common and completely harmless agent that is part of the substances for cleaning glass surfaces.

Methods of "alternative" cleaning:

v For everyday dishwashing, it is best to use dry mustard. It perfectly degreases the surface, it is well washed off.

v Electric stove burners can be cleaned with a stiff bristle brush. You need to sprinkle a little coarse salt on the surface of the burner and rub vigorously with a brush. Then wipe the burner disc with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

v Grease stains from the walls of the kitchen set are removed with a piece of suede soaked in vinegar.

v Plastic handles of lockers will be perfectly cleaned with alcohol.

v The tile is perfectly cleaned with water with chalk diluted in it. In addition, chalk, getting into the areas between the tiles and drying, gives the seams an additional whiteness.

v Deposits on the walls of the toilet are cleaned with a mixture of borax and lemon juice, which are mixed to a mushy state, applied to contaminated places and left for several hours, preferably overnight. Then the walls are cleaned with a brush or washcloth and washed with water.

v Use pure vinegar to remove scale, mold, and mildew in bathtubs and tiles. Using a sponge with vinegar, you need to wipe the bath, then sprinkle with soda, then rub with a damp sponge and rinse with water. So that a soap film does not form on the tile, you need to wipe the walls dry every time after a shower.

v The toilet will always be in order if you regularly do this treatment: pour baking soda directly into the toilet, then add a little vinegar and rub with a brush.

v When cleaning clogged pipes, the same soda and vinegar are used. It is necessary to fill half a glass in a pipe of baking soda. Add half a glass of vinegar and close with a cork. Let stand for 20 minutes, and then pour boiling water into the pipe.

v Upholstered furniture needs to be knocked out from time to time. To do this, you need to take a large sheet and soak it in water, adding a little vinegar. Now you can thoroughly knock out the furniture - the dust will not fly around the room and again settle on curtains, furniture and carpets.

v The colors of the carpet will become brighter if it is wiped with a sponge dipped in vinegar, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 with the addition of salt.

v Faded curtains will restore the brightness of colors if baking powder for dough is added to the washing powder before washing.

v Baking soda for any cleaning should be used on a sponge with a little water.

v To clean floors, mix 1/2 cup white vinegar with 2 liters of warm water.

v For glass cleaning, we recommend mixing two tablespoons of white vinegar in one glass of water. Pour the resulting composition into a spray bottle. To eliminate smudges, you can use one vinegar. For disinfection, use pure medical alcohol applied to the sponge. When it dries completely, you need to ventilate the room well.

v One way to clean windows is raw potatoes. It is necessary to cut the potato in half and rub the glass with it. Then wipe the window with a dry cloth or newsprint.

Alternative washing methods:

v Fresh red wine and fruit stains can be removed by sprinkling them with common salt and then washing with warm soapy water.

v Fresh stains from tea, fruit juices are washed off with hot water.

v An old fruit stain can be removed by applying a solution of citric acid (2 g per 1 glass of water) for a while and then rinsing, but never use soap!

v Chocolate traces are afraid of soaking in very salty water.

v Worn and wrinkled areas will be restored to their original appearance by wiping them with a mixture of equal parts ammonia and water, then wiping with a dry cloth and drying.

v Spots from fresh grass are removed by soaking in a solution of 1 teaspoon of salt to 0.5 cups of warm water.

v Traces of perfume on clothes will disappear if they are moistened with wine alcohol or glycerin, or soaked with cotton wool with acetone.

v Hair dye stains can be removed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

v Resistant stains from milk or ice cream are removed with a mixture of equal parts of glycerin, ammonia and water.

v Old grease spots will give up their positions after treatment with a mixture of 1 part ammonia, 1 part salt and 3 parts water.

v Fresh fat is removed with white bread pulp.

v Iodine stains are removed by moistening them with water several times, then rubbing with potato starch or soaking in a solution of a few drops of ammonia and 1 cup of water, and then laundering in soapy water.

v Fish stains will disappear after treatment with a mixture of 1 tsp. glycerin, 0.5 tsp ammonia and 1 tsp. vodka.

v If stained with gouache, soak the stain in cold water and detergent, and then brush it off.

v Kitchen towels and handkerchiefs are easier to wash when soaked in salt water.

v The smell of sweat on things is eliminated by adding 1 tbsp. soda while washing.

v You can wash silk and woolen clothes in mustard. Take 15 g of mustard for 1 liter of water, mix well, leave for 2-3 hours. Then drain the liquid without sediment into a bowl of hot water.

It is very difficult for a modern hostess to imagine her life without household chemicals. To our satisfaction, the range of these products is very large.

Supermarket shelves are literally bursting with an assortment of washing powders, cleaning products for various kinds of surfaces, dishwashing detergents.

Most likely, we intuitively imagine that all these products are based on the action of chemicals, but we don’t know exactly how great the effect of these substances on our body is. Therefore, you need to have an accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat harm household chemicals do to human health.

According to world statistics and a survey of people, it turned out that:

  • 4% of buyers carefully study the label and attach importance to the composition of the chemical assistants they buy.
  • 47% of respondents know, from various sources, about the harm that household chemicals do to health and the environment.
  • 50% do not attach importance to the composition of the purchased substances.

Depending on the price and brand name of the manufacturer's nonsense, the label, to one degree or another, reflects the true content of the chemical ingredients, but for the most part this remains unmentioned. In fact, these substances gradually destroy and poison our body.

Every day, drop by drop, milligram by milligram, we swallow, inhale and absorb with our skin, almost half of the periodic table. When certain diseases arise, no one thinks about the true causes of what is happening.

The main components of household chemicals

If you really care about your health and the health of your loved ones, you need to know and track the main chemical components of cleaners and detergents in your home. It should be noted that in cosmetics, as well as in body and hair care products, there are similar substances.

Of course, choosing a product completely without harmful substances will not work, but minimizing the ingestion of the most dangerous ingredients into the body can be avoided. Below are examples of the most dangerous and harmful substances:

  1. organochlorine compounds.
  2. Phosphates and phosphonates.
  3. Surfactants are surfactants.
  4. Formaldehyde.
  5. Various acids, including hydrochloric acid.

Each by itself and in various combinations, these common substances act on various organs and cause all possible pathologies and diseases.

Chlorine-containing substances

It will be interesting to know that chlorine and its compounds can be found in a very large list of products:

  1. Dish detergent - This applies to both dishwashing detergents in the car and detergents for hand washing. Chemicals remain on the dishes in small quantities and enter the digestive tract with food.
  2. Bleachers - These are substances that allow your laundry to look cleaner and snow-white. In cheap products, the chlorine content can be noticed without being studied in the laboratory. A pungent unpleasant odor that irritates not only the sense of smell, but also the entire body as a whole, under the influence of chlorine, tearing, coughing and dizziness can begin. In addition, chlorine is contained in large quantities in other media: in drinking water, air and soil.
  3. Disinfectants for household use - On television and in the press, the fight against microbes in everyday life is actively promoted. Conscientious housewives destroy harmful microorganisms by all available methods, using chlorine-containing aggressive disinfectants. An example is Domestos, a gel-like substance with a high level of chlorine.
  4. Mold control products - microscopic fungi, live where it is humid and warm. Favorite habitat bathroom and kitchen. But more harm is done by toxic mold-killers than by the fungi themselves.

Unbeknownst to you, household chemicals can cause diseases such as:

  • allergy-hypersensitivity reaction of immediate type;
  • anemia - a decrease in the level of iron in the composition of hemoglobin;
  • vegetovascular dystonia - dysregulation of blood pressure levels;
  • alopecia - increased hair loss up to baldness;
  • suppression of immunity - the addition of infections, long-term and protracted colds;
  • swelling and nonspecific inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, oropharynx.

Minor poisoning in the home with detergents and cleaning agents can occur from time to time. The cessation of the action of toxic substances promises a speedy recovery in a week. Weak concentrations of chlorine-containing substances can lead to chronic poisoning. A person practically does not notice the negative impact. But a combination of signs can suggest the nature of the poisoning:

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract;
  • signs of bronchitis and airway obstruction.
  • pain in the chest;
  • periodic increase in body temperature;
  • tearing and pain in the eyes;


Another type of chemical compound that allows you to deal with dirt. To date, they are contained in all, without exception, household chemicals. Their action is based on the binding of fat molecules and their removal from surfaces.

It should be recalled that each cell of our body is covered with a thin lipid layer. This layer keeps the cell in a certain shape and protects it from the introduction of malicious agents. Thus, human skin epithelial cells are destroyed by surfactants every day.

Of course, this applies not only to the human body, animals, plants, harmful and beneficial microorganisms are exposed to harmful effects. Scientists have developed gradients of harmfulness of these groups of substances. So the ability of the epidermis to recover is taken as the standard.

If the skin surface layer recovers by more than 60% percent in 4 hours after the use of surfactants, then such substances are considered safe for use. But, unfortunately, this almost never happens. According to the active active substance, all surfactants are divided into several subgroups:

  1. Anionic - sulfates . Since they are the cheapest, they are more often used in the production of shower gels, shampoos, washing powders and other things we are used to. For a better understanding, one must imagine a certain sphere at one end it is well connected with a fat molecule, at the opposite end it is connected with water. Of course, in this way, the own protective layer of the skin is also washed off. The main surfactant is lauryl sulfate. The irritant effect of these ingredients increases with time and quantity. The protective barrier of the skin is updated with difficulty. Lauryl sulfate is not defined as a group of substances with embryotoxic or carcinogenic effects.
  2. Cationic - amines and their salts , as a rule, are used together with anionic surfactants, they neutralize their aggressive action. Cationic substances are added to conditioning shampoos.
  3. Nonionic surfactants - more gentle effect on the skin of the hands. 100% biodegradable in the environment. In view of the fact that this type of substance does not form foam well, anionic surfactants are usually added to it.
  4. Amphoteric surfactants - gentle sparing effect on biological membranes, and accordingly on the skin. Based on natural ingredients. Dirt and grease are removed by changing the charge of other substances. Of all types of surfactants, the most expensive in terms of cost.

Phosphates and phosphonates

Phosphates are salts and esters of phosphoric acids. They are used as a fertilizer and in washing powders. Phosphates bind calcium and magnesium ions and prevent precipitation.

Phosphorus a very important mineral element in the body, but in washing powders and detergents it causes significant damage to health. By changing the acid-base balance of the surface layer of the skin, phosphates lead to the appearance of dermatitis and eczema. Penetrating through the pores into the bloodstream, they change the qualitative composition of the blood, therefore, hemoglobin decreases and the density of blood serum increases.

The ability of the kidneys to purify the blood is impaired, which causes other diseases. Profound changes at the biochemical level can lead to irreversible consequences and serious health problems.

Polyphosphates contribute to the accumulation of surfactants in tissues, especially cotton and wool. Even ten times rinsing in hot water does not remove them. In the middle of the twentieth century, scientists in Western Europe and America found out the harmful effects of phosphates on the body.

Therefore, a number of bills have been passed to eliminate phosphates from washing powders. On the market you can find both phosphorus-containing washing powders and phosphate-free ones. But their cost is very different. Therefore, people prefer cheaper means.

Other chemicals

There are a number of other substances that form the basis of many detergents and powders, but their content is very low:

  • sodium hypochlorite- chlorine-containing substance found in bleaches;
  • petroleum distillates— are used in polishes for metal surfaces;
  • nitrobenzene— use in polishes for furniture and floor coverings;
  • ammonia- is part of the windshield wipers.

All of these substances cause various symptoms, ranging from mild dizziness and nausea to visual impairment and embryotoxic effects.

How to protect yourself from the aggressive action of household chemicals

Despite the fact that many people know how harmful household chemicals are, about the harm of household chemicals for human health, it is difficult for people to completely abandon them. But you must know how to reduce the risk of exposure to the body, and to the skin of the hands in particular. By following a few simple rules, we can help ourselves and our loved ones:

  1. Rinse clothes, and more underwear at least eight times.
  2. Wear gloves every time you wash dishes and come into contact with other detergents and cleaning agents.
  3. When washing clothes with washing powder, do not stay in the same room as the washing machine.
  4. Ventilate the room where the laundry is washed and dried more often.
  5. After washing, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the room.
  6. Choose those detergents in which surfactants and phosphates are less than 5%.
  7. Do not use commercially available disinfectants unless absolutely necessary.
  8. Do not mix different types and brands of household chemicals in one container.
  9. Use a mask to protect your upper respiratory tract.

The most dangerous and safe brands

Black list of hazardous substances in which phosphates and surfactants are contained in the range from 5% - to 35% This list includes brands that are not recommended for washing children's clothes:

  • eared nanny;
  • Amway bleaches;
  • Pemos;
  • Drift;
  • babysitter;
  • Ariel;
  • Tide.

The white list of brands of washing powders and detergents, which contain less harmful substances, has a more modest number of representatives. Of course, these are manufacturers from foreign countries, where the use of many substances harmful to health is prohibited by law.

  • Garden kids is a soap for children's things, it contains up to 30% soda, 0.4% silver ions, up to 65% sodium citrate - all these substances do not have harmful properties, so the soap does not harm the skin.
  • Frau Schmidt - this product contains surfactants, but not more than 15%.
  • Bio Mio - the content of zeolites does not exceed 15%, and surfactants are even less than about 4%, additional components improve the quality of washing and reduce the aggressive effects of chemicals.
  • soap nuts and their derivatives.
  • Sonett.
  • Almawin.
  • Ecover.
  • Nordland Eco.

From the ingredients that we can all find in stores or on the market, you can make washing powders, detergents and much more. People who suffer from allergic diseases since childhood sometimes have no choice but to avoid industrial chemicals.

Do-it-yourself cleaning products and detergents are not at all difficult to make. Even before the arrival of people in the chemical industry, our grandmothers calmly managed with natural remedies that did not cause harm to health.

Dishwashing liquids

Soap bag. Use the soap bars that are left over and place them in a cotton bag. This bag is good for washing dishes.

Special dishwashing gel - a favorite dishwashing detergent can be easily prepared by yourself. Take 0.6 ml of hot water; 30 grams of laundry soap; 1 tablespoon of vodka; 5 tablespoons of glycerin. Grind the soap, you can on a grater.

Add hot water and stir well. Cool down. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly. When foam forms, skim it off. At first, the liquid will be sparse, but will thicken over time.

Cleaning products

Pasty substances for cleaning surfaces are also popular among hostesses. Rust, soap marks and other unpleasant things are cleaned with these products. But the harmful effect on the hands and respiratory tract forces us to look for other alternative methods for these purposes.

DIY cleaning paste

Take ordinary soap, of course, laundry soap is better, but baby soap, ordinary hot water and baking soda will also work. These ingredients are best taken in a 1:2 ratio. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to this mixture. The paste can be made thicker and more liquid. Grind the soap on a grater, add water and beat with a mixer. Get a sticky mass. Soda will make the consistency more pleasant.

soda ash

A long-standing and good remedy is soda ash. Absolutely environmentally friendly, cheap and safe, from the point of view of ecology, a product that we usually ignore. Soda ash is a stronger alkali than baking soda, so it's more effective. Soda removes grease well, softens water. It is used for such purposes:

  1. Floor washing.
  2. Bath cleaning.
  3. Shell cleaning.
  4. tiles.
  5. For washing by hands and in the machine.
  6. Cleaning enameled ceramic dishes.
  7. Crockery.
  8. Scale prevention.

Baking soda is a milder remedy, but no less effective, the same as laundry soap. A significant drawback is an unpleasant repulsive odor. Soda and laundry soap can be cleaned:

  • Jewelry.
  • Chrome, metal and steel surfaces.
  • Refrigerator cleaning.
  • Bad smell from pets.
  • Cleaning of upholstered furniture.
  • Difficult stains to remove.

Laundry detergents

Washing clothes also helps us to wash clothes, laundry soap, soda and water will help us. 50 grams of soap, one liter of water, 50 grams of soda ash. You may need fabric softener. To prepare the conditioner, take:

  1. Add 200 ml to the rinse water. wine vinegar, thus, the fabric is softened and cleaned of soap residue.
  2. For one liter of vinegar, add 5 drops of essential oil, you can use both mint and lavender.

The technology of preparation is very simple. Grate soap, add boiling water and mix thoroughly, also add soda.

This product is well suited for both automatic washing machines and hand washing. The calculation is made as follows: 2 tablespoons of thick washing gel, per 5 kilograms of dry, dirty laundry. The clothes are washed well, and the fabric becomes soft. This is an excellent product without surfactants and phosphates. Gloves should be used when using soda ash. Flaws:

  • leaves marks on dark clothes;
  • can ruin fabrics with a special membrane coating, silk and wool;
  • for the best effect, lay the product in the drum.

Action of toothpaste

The composition of toothpastes includes many substances that have a positive effect on other things:

  • shells;
  • glass surfaces;
  • shower doors;
  • decorations;
  • plaque on the surface of the iron;
  • fish odor removal
  • stains from juice and lipstick on white fabrics.

Apply a small amount of toothpaste to contaminated surfaces and rub.

Mold control

You will need 600 ml. water, 2 teaspoons of tea tree essential oil, a teaspoon of alcohol. Mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle. Treat the affected areas with the prepared composition. Vinegar can destroy up to 90% of fungal foci.

Vinegar and lemon juice

Lemon juice can remove stains from glass surfaces. Just remove stains from clothes, porcelain will help, namely lemon juice. For cleaning mirrors, housewives have long known a proven remedy, two teaspoons of vinegar are diluted with a liter of water.

As you already understood, the vast majority of washing powders, cleaners, sprays, bleaches and other “useful” household chemicals do our health much more harm than the expected benefits from them. So, some of them contain formaldehyde, a carcinogen that causes cancer.

The detergents we use pollute the air in our home with unhealthy chemicals. In contact with the skin of the hands, they cause allergies, skin irritations, stratification of nails.

When choosing household chemicals, first of all, you need to carefully read the label and be guided by the naturalness of the product.

But manufacturers are not very worried about the environment and consumers, so there is not much to choose from the presented range of products. Therefore, the right decision would be to make cleaning and detergents with your own hands. Here are some good, tried-and-true cleaning recipes that will help make your home cleaner and safer.

DIY cleaning powder

Through trials and experiments, a very good cleaning powder has been obtained, which does not contain harmful substances. It can be used for washing dishes in the kitchen, tiles in the bathroom and plumbing.


  • dry mustard powder - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • soda - 7 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • citric acid - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Pour all the ingredients into a dry bowl.
  2. Mix everything very well.
  3. After that, the resulting mass is poured into a box convenient for you and used for cleaning.

The prepared powder washes very well both kitchen utensils and plumbing. Removes unpleasant odors and most importantly it is harmless and natural.

Home Wash Detergent

In order to wash surfaces well throughout the house, I recommend a proven detergent, the office is easy to do with your own hands.


  • vinegar - 100 milliliters;
  • ammonia - 100 milliliters;
  • water - 150 milliliters.


  1. Pour carefully all the ingredients into a spray bottle and mix.
  2. We apply a little prepared solution to the desired surface and wipe it with a cloth.

This tool perfectly launders walls, kitchen surfaces, glass, tiles.

For those who like to wash their dishes with liquid detergent, we will prepare the following composition:

  • laundry soap - 50 grams (ordinary soap without additives and odors);
  • soda - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • coarse kitchen salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • hot water - 250 grams.


  1. Laundry soap pour hot water and rinse it until completely dissolved. We should get soapy water.
  2. Add baking soda and kitchen salt, mix everything well and wait for the soda and salt to dissolve.
  3. We filter the resulting mixture and pour it into a spray bottle or a container of dishwashing detergent convenient for you.

Acetic solution

This simple and natural remedy is well suited for cleaning.


  1. We remove the peel from one lemon, fill it in a jar with vinegar - 150 milliliters.
  2. Close the lid and leave to brew for 12 hours.
  3. Then add water - 150 milliliters, mix and you can use.

This tool is well washed all surfaces, it can be used in a spray.

Essences and essential oils of lavender, orange, lemon, spruce, eucalyptus are wonderful air fresheners.

Add a few drops of aromatic oil to the aromatic lamp and turn it on for half an hour. A wonderful aroma in the house and a good mood will be provided to you.


Laundry and cleaning, washing dishes and work surfaces is not complete without modern substances. In a world where danger lies in wait for us at every step, and even in everyday life aggressive chemicals can harm our health, we need to know what is contained and where.

Knowing how household chemicals affect human health, it is much more reasonable to prepare cleaning and detergents with your own hands from natural and safe ingredients. Use recipes that have long been proven by our ancestors and do not endanger yourself or your loved ones.