Options for New Year's corporate parties. Scenarios for the new year for adults

Most of us meet not only in the family circle, but also at work. Employees of reputable companies usually celebrate a holiday in a restaurant, a funny script for a corporate party, a luxurious banquet and professional hosts are provided for them. And in organizations it’s easier to try on their own to prepare a New Year’s corporate party 2018: they download a cool script from the Internet, distribute roles among colleagues.

The first merry fellow and joker invariably gets the position of toastmaster. And difficult duties: to find funny competitions for a corporate party, pick up New Year's toasts, learn, "actors" to persuade comical scenes for a corporate party to perform. We will try to help him.

Fun corporate party - without much hassle

The greatest difficulties arise when the team is of different ages, there are few young people who want to entertain the audience “once or twice and counted” all evening. Nobody wants to change clothes as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden either, they are embarrassed. We offer a humorous scenario for the New Year's holiday without these fairy-tale characters, after all, in 2018 the Yellow Dog rules the ball, although he will not be at the celebration either. On the eve of the winter holiday, it is problematic to get a scarce outfit of the Dog, and it is unprofitable to invite a real symbol of the year, a living dog. In general, our corporate party scenario for the New Year provides for only three actors.

And a funny scenario for a corporate party does not require special decorations, even a dressed-up Christmas tree, traditional New Year's paraphernalia is enough: garlands, tinsel, serpentine, silver rain. The costumes of the participants of the "performance" can be made in 15 minutes. For example, for a snowman - an orange carrot nose made of paper and a plastic bucket on his head, and for an African - a banana in his jacket pocket and a Tumba Yumba badge around his neck. As incentive prizes for a comic New Year's corporate party 2018, a cool script advises using fruits (tangerines, bananas, oranges, apples).

The scenario of the corporate party "New Year 2018"

Moderator: Hello, dear colleagues! I invite you to a fun corporate party dedicated to the celebration of the New Year 2018. After all, there were only a few days (hours) left before meeting with him ...

On these words to the middle of the hall (to the stage) with a cry of “Help! Save!" a Snowman jumps out, followed by a picturesque African. They make a couple of circles around the entertainer, then stand to the right and left of him.

Host of the holiday: Snowman, what happened? Why are you running like crazy?

Snowman: This strange citizen made an attempt on my life! I'm not kidding, he wants to eat me!

Host: Really? (Turning to the guest) Who are you, exactly? And why are you hunting our Snowman Ivanovich?

Guest from Africa: (proudly) I came on an important mission. I am an oriental sign, a symbol of the coming year. And I didn’t eat your Bigfoot, I just wanted to try it, lick the snow once.

Snowman: Yeah, now, I found a popsicle on a stick. Completely crazy, the symbol of the year ... You, the symbol of the year? I don't understand anything.

Host: Indeed, why do you call yourself the symbol of the year? It seems that in 2018 the Earth Dog should be the host. (Looks at the visitor.) You don't look like her at all. Relative?

African: No, the leader appointed me instead of her, as a deputy. Everyone hid the cockerels, they are afraid, such a safari began on them. Dragons, I remember, were also once symbols, but they floated away. Now only lizards run.

Host: Well, dragons, all sorts of dinosaurs, died out during the Ice Age. And we were waiting for the dog, we wanted to have fun together, to celebrate (). And then we would send her back home to the African continent.

African: Anyway, since my esteemed leader, guru, said that I am the symbol of the year, then so be it.

Host: Okay. Then, symbol, enough to cool off, get down to your duties.

African: Friends! As the authorized representative of the Yellow (Earth) Dog, I congratulate all those present on the New Year. Please do not relax, an important operation to search for a person will be carried out now. My fellow tribesman disappeared, left in an unknown direction. However, our secret services have established that he is here, in this room.

Host: Very interesting! Do you have a photo of him?

African: Of course not. I will calculate him by a special sign, by height.

Host: And how tall is he?

African: Exactly 12 bananas.

Host: Understood. Will seek. Men, come here, help the guest.

The script for holding a corporate party for the New Year recommends that the African not only measure the growth of the representatives of the strong half with the help of a banana, but also ask comic questions about distant Africa in order to quickly find the fugitive. Finally, a suitable man is found, the rest return to their places. And the New Year's corporate party 2017, the cool scenario continues.

Guest from Africa: (looking at the found tribesman) Tell me, friend, what did you miss? After all, your wife is a beauty (shows a comical photo). And you got the best car, the leader gave it (a wooden cart decorated with branches). Or maybe they did not please with housing? (Shows a picture of a hut). Or a mortgage for 150 years did not pull?

Host: And what kind of escape will he have? Will you take me back to the tribe?

African: No, our ruler is very kind, just his own father, he ordered the deserter to be released. And he sent a message from his homeland. Here! (Holds out a bunch of bananas.) Don't forget your roots, son.

Host: I see you have fun there in Africa.

African: Yep. Every week we hold competitions, smart people compete with beautiful ones.

Host: (looks surprised) Don't you understand?

African: It's simple: men are all as one, smart, and girls are beautiful, some more, some less. This is in the competition and it turns out.

Scenario of a corporate party for the New Year: games and contests

Funny competitions for a corporate party are selected "for the company", however, like funny scenes for a corporate party, the proposed game can be replaced with something else. The entertainer forms two different-sex teams of 4 people. Each participant is given one card with the number (6, 2, 1, 0). The host reads riddles-poems for a corporate party, team members immediately raise a sign with a number. For a correct answer - 1 point. If the opponents made a mistake, the right to answer passes to the second group.

The account has a point, they start from it.
And this number is simply ignored.
It is invisible, as if it does not exist.
I'm sure you know the right answer! ("0")

Everyone knows this number
But we sincerely wish
So that you don't pick it up
They did not know the numbers of those needs. ("02")

Readers want to understand:
There was a bunch of poor
Now no one is visible.
So how many were there in total? ("10")

The people froze with wine glasses.
Waiting for the "rooster" New Year.
Did you forget to make a wish?
And how many times did the chimes strike? ("12")

We've been friends for a long time
Where you are, there I am.
They say they ate a pood of salt.
In kilograms, how much did you overcome? ("16")

Reading the novel of the famous Jules Verne,
You dreamed of traveling too, right?
He and I have dived thousands of leagues.
And they swam ... And at what depth? ("20")

There are many numbers in the cards,
We can't count them all.
One stands out
It's called a "point". ("21")

Host: Comic corporate parties are over. It's time to count the points and reward the smart winners. And next in line is a musical warm-up.

Incendiary rhythmic music sounds. For the New Year's corporate party 2018 (cool script), the toastmaster must prepare a dance, a composition of simple movements. It shows the team members repeat. The most dexterous and artistic one is chosen by general vote. He gets a delicious prize - . And the scenario of the New Year's holiday is continued by the "intellectual" game with the audience.

An approximate list (question-answer) of riddles with humor:
What do they usually do when they see a little green man? The road is being crossed.
- There is a head, but no brain. , garlic (), onion.
- A hunter was walking along the town square. He saw the clock on the tower, took off his gun, fired. Where did you get? To the police station.
- Who always sleeps in shoes? Horse.
- The goat is seven years old. What then? The eighth will go.
- A word that contains seven identical letters. Family.
- One hundred letters stopping vehicles on the road. Stop.
- Which peninsula “tells” about its area? Yamal.
- Flying city? Eagle.
- Can an ostrich call itself a bird? No, he can't talk.
- The capital of which European state is spread out on dried grass? France, Paris stands on the river Seine.

As you can see, it is not difficult to organize a wonderful New Year's corporate party 2018: a cool scenario can be supplemented with amateur performances and competitions. The disco will continue the festive evening. Everybody dance! Happy New Year!

A distinctive feature of any team is the love for joint leisure, fun, corporate parties. The celebration of the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster is no exception. On this wonderful and full of magic night, employees transform beyond recognition, take off all masks (and sometimes put them on) and relax together with glasses of sparkling wine in their hands and spicy contests in their heads. True, for a successful corporate party, a delicious buffet and active competitions are not enough. All elements of the celebration must be carefully selected and well organized:

  • It is necessary to deliberately choose a leader - an active and creative person, the "soul of the company";
  • It is important to correctly compile a list of entertainment numbers. Scenes for a corporate party for the New Year can be short and funny or long performed by employees by role;
  • For each performance and participant, it is better to prepare a role, image, inventory in advance;
  • Any staged episodes for adults should be diluted with interactive funny scenes with jokes for a New Year's corporate party at work;

However, during a fun collective celebration, you should not strictly follow a clear scenario for educators (teachers, doctors, office workers). It is better to adjust it in the course of the event, taking into account the level of passion and the mood of each participant in the corporate party.

Original sketches for a corporate party for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

At family holidays and New Year's parties, all sorts of acting etudes and impromptu games with funny props and short remarks are held with great success. Literally at any celebration with any composition of guests, you can organize skits or fairy tales with instant dressing or without it at all. Some of them are designed for a large number of characters, others - for 3-4 people. Some of the original scenes for a corporate party for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 are suitable exclusively for adults, the rest can be carried out even in a mixed company with teenagers and children. When compiling a script for the New Year's holiday, it is worth deciding in advance which ones are suitable for guests.

New scenes for the New Year corporate party 2017 at work in the office

Why are short funny scenes good for a New Year's corporate party at work? First, they require a minimum of props. Secondly, they provide an opportunity to quickly stir up and cheer the audience. But even for such simple entertainment, you need to properly prepare:

  • Make a sign with the name of the character for each role;
  • Select the number of participants corresponding to the number of roles;
  • Explain to the guests who, what and when should speak;
  • Distribute their text to the “actors” in advance;

So, with minimal preparation, you can play out the funniest new scene “Dialogue of the body on January 1” at the New Year's corporate party.

Scene "Dialogue of the organism on January 1"

Characters: Brain, Arms, Legs, Liver, Eyes, Stomach, Bladder, Lungs, Tongue, Conscience, Memory


Presenter (behind the scenes): The next morning, after a stormy New Year's feast, Brains slowly wakes up. The eyes come on first.

Brains: Oh, how bad! Come on, open your eyes!

Eyes (displeased): Well, they opened. Did it get easier?

Liver (with horror): Mommy, where am I?

Brains: Where, where! In place, yet... Don't worry, you'll be cut out soon.

Eyes (not appeased): What happened yesterday? How much did we pour?

Memory: How should I know. You knocked me out on the fourth toast.

Legs (angrily): Yeah, you'll get over it. For the sake of you dragged to such a distance.

Brains (gathering): So, legs, I give the command. We quickly packed up, got up, and left. 8:00 a.m. time to work!

Conscience (timidly): Guys, can you at least wash yourself?

Stomach (irritated): Don't you want to punch me in the face? Where were you yesterday? Because of you, they poured 2 liters into me!

Conscience (mournfully): And who poured?

Legs: Arms, of course. See how it beats!

Ruki (furiously): You bastards. We still have to work today, and you are kidding me.

Brains: Legs, what's not clear?! We get dressed for work.

Bladder (mournfully): Legs, dear, go to the toilet. I'm not rubber.

Memory (rejoiced): Oh, I remembered. Yesterday was New Year 2017. The language still carried nonsense all evening.

Tongue (defensively): Oh, don't la-la. I made beautiful toasts.

Lungs (weak): Guys, we would like, heh, haze. Whether…

Language (with a sneer): Run away. In the mouth, as if a squadron of hussars had spent the night.

Liver (hopefully): And kefir? Maybe even a glass of yogurt?

Ruki: Shut up, fool. What kefir. We need 100 grams, we refuse to work net!

Brains (wearily): How tired of you all. Legs, drag the whole body to the table. There's still half a bottle left. Hands, pour!

The funniest scenes for a corporate party for the New Year 2017

Against the background of other types of corporate holiday entertainment, funny scenes for the New Year 2017 stand out especially favorably. They allow colleagues to get to know each other even better, find a common language, have fun and show communication talents in front of superiors. Of course, the scene below can be performed in any cheerful company of adults, but it seems especially suitable for New Year's Eve!

Scene "New Year"

Remarks of the heroes-participants:

  • Santa Claus - Why don't you drink?
  • New Year - Well, you give!
  • Snow Maiden - Both-on!
  • Goblin - Well, good luck!
  • Old lady - Well, never mind!
  • Waitress - Where are the empty plates?
  • Guests - Happy New Year!

The host reads the text, the characters respond at the right time:

On New Year's Eve
People have a tradition of celebrating
People don't care a damn crisis, adversity
Satisfied shout loudly: Happy New Year!

And here we have the New Year
He seems to have just been born
Looks at people: at uncles and aunts
And wondering out loud... Well, you give!

And uncles and aunts dressed fashionably
In joy, they shout loudly: ... Happy New Year!

Congratulate rushed (everywhere sticks his nose)
Who is tired of matinees?
Father Frost!
He says barely coherently: ... Why don't you drink?

In response to the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And what's outside the window, there are the vagaries of nature,
They don't care, they scream... Happy New Year!

And the grandfather is already snoring: ... Why don't you drink?

In response to the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And people again, without delay and immediately
Louder and louder shouting: ... Happy New Year!

And again the Snow Maiden, full of forebodings,
Tastes, admiring himself: ... Both on!

Frost groans everything: ... Why don't you drink?

Behind him is the new year: ... Well, you give!

Two frisky grannies, two yaga women,
As if you got up on the right foot
They coo under a glass like that, without harming themselves,
And out loud they are indignant: ... Well, never mind!

Snow Maiden of passion, full of desire,
With temptation and languidly repeats: ... Both on!

Frost yells... Why don't you drink?

And after the New Year: ... Well, you give!

Everything goes its own way, goes its own way,
And the guests again all shout: ... Happy New Year!
A separate fragment, but bright and brief
The waitress contributed.
She threw arrows on food,
She asked: ... Where are the empty plates?

Yaguska, forgetting about everything, go home,
They sit, indignant: ... Well, never mind!

The Snow Maiden gets up, slightly drunk,
Laughing, whispering with delight: ... Both on!

And the grandfather is already screaming: ... Why don't you drink?

Behind him is the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And the guests, feeling the freedom of thought
They chant together again: ... Happy New Year!

The waitress, having sipped the burners,
She asked: ... Where are the empty plates?

Grannies, one more zakolbasiv
They shout for a couple: ... Well, never mind!

The Snow Maiden also took a sip of wine
And again she exclaimed aloud: … Both on!

And Santa Claus drinks
Screaming that there is urine: … Why don't you drink?

And drinks the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And Goblin, he has been jumping with a glass for a long time
He called with inspiration: ... Well, good luck!

And glasses, as if filled with honey
And they all drink to the bottom and shout: ... Happy New Year!

Sketches with jokes for a corporate party for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

When the guests have already eaten and danced on a noisy New Year's Eve, it's time for exciting contests and funny scenes with jokes. These include a humorous astrological forecast. Such a scene for a corporate party for the New Year 2017 will not only amuse all employees, but also allow you to look into the near future. Albeit unrealistic, humorous and cool.

Scene "Astrological forecast for the New Year 2017"

guests at the table. The host reads the predictions for each sign. Those whose sign is read out rise from the table and listen while standing. The country must know the heroes by sight.

Funny scenes for high school students for the New Year of the Bird 2017

High school students in the preparation of the New Year's concert are trying to show creativity and creativity as much as possible. Not yet adults, but no longer children, they are trying to joke fervently and pick up the funniest numbers. For example, playful games with elements of jokes and funny scenes, alterations of popular fairy tales. One of these has always been, is and will be "Turnip". A simple plot and a sufficient number of characters allow the tale to be adapted to specific events and certain characters. Use the funny scene "Turnip in a new way" for the concert of high school students for the New Year 2017. Have fun yourself and make the guests laugh.

Scene "Turnip in a new way"

Characters and lines:

  • Turnip - Both-na
  • Mouse - Lord, there is no market
  • Grandfather - That's it
  • Cat - no problem
  • Baba - Nahal
  • Bug - I'm not away
  • Granddaughter - I just won’t give you

The host reads the text, the actors act:

Grandfather planted a turnip
Poured with fertilizer
The sun began to bake
The turnip began to grow

That's how she grew up
And said Both on

Grandfather bit the bit
And thought Here's the deal

Grandpa called grandma here
Grandma shouted impudent

In 2017, according to the Chinese calendar, the Monkey will be replaced by the Fire Rooster - an energetic, colorful bird. He will not tolerate a dull celebration. We celebrate the New Year on a grand scale, meet the Rooster with incendiary contests and games.

1. "New Year's toast"

Number of participants: 5.

The host invites the guests to make a collective toast and dedicate it to the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

The host distributes to the participants sheets of paper with letters (P, E, T, Y, X) and informs the conditions: they must come up with a New Year's wish, and it will begin with the letter that they got. For example, the letter "P": "The weather is good today, and we have gathered in this hall to wish everyone happiness in the New Year." The next participant continues the thought of the previous one to make a meaningful toast.

2. "Surprise bag"

Number of participants: 2.

The host prepares the props in advance. On thick sheets, he prints two pictures with the image of a rooster and cuts each into 5-7 elements, mixes them and puts them in a bag.

Santa Claus presents a bag with a surprise to the contestants.

At the command of the leader, the participants scatter the contents of the bag and try to collect their rooster.

The one who did it faster wins.

3. "Dress up the cockerel"

Number of participants: 4.

Two men and two women are invited to the stage, they are divided into pairs.

Female "chickens" should dress up their male "cockerel" with everything that fantasy tells them: tinsel, sweets, Christmas decorations. The time to complete the task is 1 minute.

Guests with applause determine the "rooster" - the winner.

4. "Whose rooster is more beautiful"

Number of participants: not limited.

The host calls everyone to the stage, distributes A4 sheets and felt-tip pens, and offers to draw a Fire Rooster ... without hands.

Participants are given exactly 1 minute.

Usually felt-tip pens end up in the teeth of "artists".

5. "Attention, news!"

Number of participants: not limited.

The host distributes pre-prepared cards with several words that are not related in meaning. For example: rooster, milk, space, billiards (one of the words should be the word "rooster").

Each participant has half a minute to come up with an informational message, using all the words, and pronounce it with the intonation of the announcer.

The awkward "news" makes the guests laugh heartily.

6. "Cockfight"

Number of participants: 2.

Two "roosters" are invited to the "ring", the host gives them boxing gloves.

The host heats up the situation, and just before the start of the fight ... distributes candy in wrappers to the participants and announces the rules: unwrap the largest number of candies in 1 minute with boxing gloves.

7. "Talisman"

Number of participants: 4.

Two couples are invited to the stage: a man and a woman. The host gives each pair of scissors, a piece of paper with the image of a rooster and offers to cut out their talisman.

The couples hold hands and with their free hands try to cut the rooster.

The one who does it faster and better, he won.

8. "The brightest cockerel"

Number of participants: not limited.

Clothes are folded into the bag in advance: hats, underwear, swimwear, stockings, socks, skirts. The funnier the clothes, the better.

Music sounds, the participants form a circle and pass the bag from hand to hand.

When the music is interrupted, the participant, in whose hands the bag is, randomly takes out a thing from it and puts it on.

9. "Follow the rooster"

Number of participants: not limited.

Chairs are arranged in a chaotic manner in the hall, participants - “chickens” sit on them. The guests of the evening choose a "cock".

To the music, he walks between the chairs and clap his hands and collects the "chickens" behind him. Forming a "train", the participants with the leader at the head pass between the chairs.

When the “cockerel” clap his hands twice, the “chickens” should sit on the chairs. The difficulty is that the "rooster" must also sit on a free chair, and one participant will remain standing. He will become the new "cockerel".

10. "Chicken race"

Number of participants: 2.

A computer mouse (“chicken”) is tied to the belt of the participants so that it does not reach 10-15 cm from the floor.

On command, the participants lead their "chicken" through the obstacles prepared by the host. The difficulty is that the participants must constantly crouch and look back.

The first one to reach the finish line, bypassing the obstacles, is considered the winner.

11. The game "Guess the beast"

Number of participants: the entire audience.

The presenter takes one person out of the hall and asks him to portray a rooster so that the audience in the hall guesses it.

While the participant is preparing, the facilitator incites the audience to deliberately name the wrong options.

It's funny to watch how an angry "rooster" tries to give himself away with all his behavior!

12. "Whose scallop is better"

Number of participants: 4.

For the competition, men and women are invited, who are divided into pairs.

The host gives women hair accessories (hairpins, elastic bands, combs). On command, for a given time, they begin to build a “comb” on the heads of their partners.

Download competitions for corporate parties for the holiday New 2017 Year of the Rooster

The closer the onset of winter, the less time to prepare for the celebration of the new year. For this reason, in the summer, in the very heat, we came up with a new script for the New Year's corporate party 2017 for you. A cool script will help you meet the year of the rooster so that everyone remembers this holiday. It is not necessary to take the entire script, you can only take what you like. The main thing is that your New Year's corporate party turns out and surprises all employees!

Dear friends!
The new year 2017 is coming. very soon we will praise the rooster as a symbol of the new year, and appease him in every possible way. In the meantime, his year has not yet come, I suggest that you play a little joke on him and play with him.
Let's start with a toast:
- one old man in the village had a rooster and chickens. One day an old man came out onto the porch and saw a rooster trampling a hen. The old man took and threw a handful of seeds on the ground. The rooster saw this and, leaving the chicken, ran to peck the seeds. To which the old man said with chagrin: God forbid anyone get so hungry...
I propose to raise glasses so that in the new 2017 we live in abundance, so that we are never hungry and our tables are always full of treats for relatives and friends!

And now it's time for games and contests that you will help me to hold. You will help? Then let's start!

Game - winter-cold ...
There is such a popular sign - when a chicken sits on a perch early, then this? That's right - it's for frosty weather! I invite girls to the stage who do not like frost and prefer to dress warmer in winter.

The girls take the stage. Three girls will be enough. In front of each of them is a bag in which the same things lie: a hat with earflaps, a sweatshirt, felt boots, a scarf, mittens.
The task of the girls on the team is to put on all these things. Whoever gets it right first, wins.
But so the competition would not be particularly noticed. Therefore, he has a continuation and two at once. Which one to choose - decide for yourself.
Continuation one:
- after the girls are dressed, they are invited to take off their clothes to romantic music. That is, in other words, to show a rustic striptease and again stay in your beautiful clothes.
Second continuation:
Three men are called to the stage. They put mittens on their hands and, at the command of the presenter, take off the clothes from the girls that they put on themselves in the competition. Which of the men coped faster, he receives a prize.

Competition - sing Petya, don't be ashamed!
And this is a competition for real roosters, that is, for men. Men who are not afraid of anything, like real roosters, are invited to the stage.
When the men took the stage, they are invited in turn to crow. So to speak, to check your ligaments. Whoever crowed badly, the presenter pours for him to moisten the neck! You can pour everyone, so the participants will be more courageous to perform.
Now you can move on to the competition. And for this you need sucking candies. Each participant puts one piece of candy in their mouth. And holding it in his mouth crows. Those who do not cope well with the task are eliminated from the competition. Then the remaining participants put a second candy in their mouths and crow again. And so on: one participant is eliminated, and there are more candies in the mouth. In the end, there should be one winner who will receive a prize, for example, a microphone for the best voice!

Song block.
Before we make a musical-song block, we will arrange small quizzes.
To begin with, let the guests name New Year's songs. Whoever named the most gets a prize - a bottle of champagne.
Since we have the year 2017, now we need to name songs where there are songs about numbers. Whoever showed great activity, he receives a prize - a calculator.
And finally, the year of the rooster is coming. Whoever remembers more songs about birds will receive a prize - a sweet cockerel on sticks.
When the songs are sorted out, then invite the guests to perform alteration songs. These are well-known songs, only with altered words. You can divide the guests into teams, and each team will sing its own song.
Song examples:
The first song on the motive of the song of the singer Glucose is the bride. The words have been changed for the new year:

The second song on the motive - the earth is visible in the porthole:

The game is a chicken grain ...
We all saw how chickens, and other birds peck food. And in this competition it will be necessary to do something similar. For this, men and girls are called to the stage. Men compete first. Each of them is put on a plate with 10 chocolate dragees M & M "s. At the command of the host, they must bend over their plate and stick out their tongues and take one dragee that will stick to the tongue. And so they need to eat all their dragees. Whoever did it faster, he goes to the final.Then the girls compete.They do the same.And in the final, the winner of the man and the winner of the girl meet.Which of them wins, he gets another pack of chocolates!

The game is the name of the birds.
We have already recalled songs that sing about birds. And in this contest, let's name the most unusual bird names. The three contestants (men) who have named the most unusual names enter the stage.

You know, there is such a bird called Alkonost. Yes, the title is interesting. But it is a mythical bird, and it has the hands and face of a maiden. Therefore, I ask three girls to come up on stage to help the men.

And so, three pairs turned out. There is a table in front of each couple, on the table there is a glass and bottles or decanters. A transparent liquid is poured into them: plain water, sweet water, salt water, vodka, water with lemon. Where and what is poured - only the presenter knows. Men stand near the table, and girls behind men, that is, behind their backs. At the command of the leading girl, from behind the man, they stretch their hands to the table and pour into a glass from any bottle. And the men drink. Then they put a glass on the table and the girls pour from another bottle, and the men drink again. And so on until someone tries the drinks from all the bottles. Whoever completes the task first wins.
After the competition, you can ask the men what they drank and in which bottles of "living" water, and in which sweet.

Do you want to celebrate the new year in a new and original way? Then this section is for you. New Year 2020 is just around the corner and for him we have prepared New Year's scenarios 2020 - funny and cool. You will find here various corporate scenarios for the New Year 2020 for all ages and for every taste. Meet the New Year 2020 with fun!

An interesting scenario for the New Year for a corporate party, in which all employees of the company can prove themselves. No bad jokes or vulgarity. Characters: Grandfather, Old Woman, Brownie, Mice. What is needed for the organization: props for holding competitions, musical arrangement, character costumes, room decoration, Christmas tree.

A fun New Year's scenario for adults with calm contests and games. Characters: Presenter, Baba Yaga, guests. What you need to organize: lyrics, costumes for participants, material for a quiz, prizes for winners, New Year's melodies, treats for guests, a decorated Christmas tree, a bag with comic predictions, decorations.

A funny scenario for the New Year with competitions and skits for a pleasant pastime with the work team. In this scenario, there are a lot of funny characters, exciting contests, original toasts and good mood. Characters: presenters, Michelle, Dolores, bear, round dance of girls-dancers. What is needed for the organization: New Year's songs, a banquet table.

The original New Year 2020 meeting script for a corporate party with a fun program, entertainment events and active characters. Congratulations in the form of harmless jokes for employees, funny contests. Characters: bear, crane, caroling guys. What is needed for the organization: musical arrangement, New Year's table, decorated Christmas tree.

The scenario for the corporate party will be a pleasant and exciting addition to the celebration of the New Year 2020. The main participants of the performance will give a lot of joy and laughter to the entire workforce. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus, Snegurochka. What is needed for the organization: masquerade costumes, souvenirs for the winners, dance melodies, New Year's treats.

An interesting and beautiful scenario for celebrating the New Year in a friendly team with a mischievous presenter who will hold funny contests and quizzes. Beautiful New Year's toast. Actors: leader. What is needed for the organization: a costume for the host, New Year's melodies, props, prizes, a festive table, a decorated Christmas tree.

Cheerful corporate scenario of the New Year with bright and memorable performances, competition program, comic congratulations and toasts. New Year's games and performances for adults. Actors: leader. What is needed for the organization: decorations, New Year's songs, a decorated hall, a treat for guests, a decorated Christmas tree.

A fun scenario for a New Year's party with unusual characters. Exotic incendiary party with dances and competitions. Actors: priest, keeper of the hearth. What is needed for the organization: African musical motives, refreshments for guests, props, prizes for winners, a Christmas tree.

The scenario of the holiday for adults dedicated to the celebration of the New Year is very cheerful and interesting. Celebration in the thematic style - African New Year 2020. Each of the guests will be able to feel in the warm tropics. Actors: leader. What is needed for the organization: African masquerade costumes, decorations, a festive table.

The script for celebrating the New Year 2020 for adults contains a minimum of memorizing the text and preparing costumes for the participants, but on the other hand, a maximum of fun gaming competitions. Actors: leader. What is needed for the organization: decorations, prizes for the winners, a festive table, a New Year tree, musical arrangement.

The original scenario was developed for holding a corporate New Year's holiday with exciting contests and favorite characters that will amuse all the colleagues present. Characters: presenter, 1st herald, 2nd herald, Winter, Spring, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Buffoon. What is needed for the organization: character costumes, prize souvenirs, lyrics, musical arrangement.

The New Year's script is made especially for celebration in a circle of the employees. Without ridiculous and vulgar jokes. Original presentation of gifts, interesting contests. Characters: Hostess, guests, team members. What is needed for the organization: masquerade costumes, musical accompaniment, banquet table, scenery.

The meaning of the New Year's scenario for a corporate party is to hold entertainment events. Funny riddles, skits, active competitions for adults. Scenario based on the popular New Year's movie. Characters: presenters, mouse, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: decorations, prizes for the winners of the quiz, New Year's songs, decorated Christmas tree.

The universal scenario is designed for holding a New Year's holiday in the circle of company employees with cheerful and bright characters. Active recreational activities. Characters: presenters, Snegurochka, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, a festive table, decorations, props for the competition program, a decorated Christmas tree.

New Year's corporate scenario is designed to minimize the memorization of the text and the preparation of fancy dress. Comic congratulations, interesting contests. Characters: presenters, Snegurochka, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: gifts for the winners, dance melodies, decoration of the banquet hall, a festive table, gift bags, a Christmas tree.

New Year's scenario for organizing a corporate holiday with original and exciting games that will not let you get bored at the New Year's party. Characters: presenters, Santa Claus, Snegurochka. What is needed for the organization: costumes of the program participants, souvenirs for the winners, New Year's songs, props for competitions, a New Year tree.

A corporate scenario for the New Year, which will create a fabulous holiday atmosphere. Quizzes, contests and incendiary dances are waiting for guests. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus, Snegurochka. What is needed for the organization: masquerade costumes, prizes, New Year's songs, room decoration, props for the competition program, a festive table.

Scenario for the New Year for a corporate holiday. An incendiary party in the style of the 90s with competitions, dances and toasts. Characters: presenters, amateur art groups, rooster, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: decorations, souvenirs for the winners, a New Year tree, costumes for program participants.

A script for celebrating the New Year 2020 in the work team in the circle of your favorite New Year characters who came to visit with congratulations and toasts. Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: costumes for characters, New Year's melodies, a festive table, decorations.

The New Year's celebration scenario is designed for an adult audience and includes recreational activities, calm competitions and games that will create a good festive mood. Characters: presenters, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Rat. What is needed for the organization: decorations, gifts for contestants, musical accompaniment, a festive table.

The script for the New Year for adults involves entertaining competitions and dances with a minimum of characters, but with a maximum of good mood. Characters: Unexpected guest, Snow Maiden, Dog. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress, prizes, musical arrangement, New Year's table, props for the competition program.

The script was written for a corporate holiday - the New Year 2020. It has everything: dances, sketches, competitions, quizzes, which will always be held by the original presenter. Actors: leader. What is needed for the organization: decorations, gifts for the winners, funny songs, a box with New Year's paraphernalia, a festive table.

Scenario for the New Year for a corporate party with a fun and interesting entertainment program that will not let any employee present at the party be bored. Actors: leader. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress, prizes, musical arrangement, task cards, prizes for winners, treats for guests.

An unusual New Year scenario designed for adults with bright and memorable corporate events, funny contests. Actors: two leading. What is needed for the organization: costumes for program participants, dance melodies, prizes for participants in competitions, treats for the team, a decorated Christmas tree, props.