Learning to dance modern dances at home - video lessons. How to learn to dance club dances at home Is it possible to learn to dance at home

Who among us has not experienced at least a secret admiration, looking at people who can dance well? For some people, such a spectacle also causes a feeling of joy and inspiration, because a beautiful and well-performed dance is a real art. And another part of the people, after what they see, decides that they will certainly take up dancing. So how do you learn to dance? What should be done and where to start?

The purpose of training

If you are interested in how to learn to dance just so as not to stand in the corner at a party, then it is not necessary to enroll in a dance school. All you need is to learn how to listen to music correctly, relax and move to the rhythm. The Internet is full of videos that will help you learn a couple of simple club moves, and even more, which will make you feel comfortable in discos.

But if you want to learn how to dance a particular style, then you have to seriously try.

How to choose a dance style

If you don't have a specific style in mind that you plan to learn, then consider: maybe you like classic motifs combined with innovative ideas? Then choose jazz-modern style. You are fascinated by the culture of American ghettos - dance one of the directions of hip-hop. If you like classical graceful movements, learn ballroom dancing.

You can think about what kind of songs you like. So you will soon decide to what music, and therefore in what style you will like to dance the most.

Search the Internet for videos of various dances and try to understand the basics of the different styles. Perhaps not every type of dance will suit you. Some styles require a certain amount of physical endurance, such as breakdancing. People with sore knees or other health problems, unfortunately, may also be limited in their choice of dance direction.

Learning from professionals

If you decide to study with a teacher, then first you need to choose a school or dance studio where you can be taught exactly the style that you have chosen.

Classes in a dance school discipline, and the teacher will immediately give you an idea of ​​​​how the training will take place, what stages await you and what you will do, provide timely assistance in correcting mistakes that you will certainly make at first.

The competitive spirit among newcomers to the dance school encourages them to work harder, and dancing with other students is much more fun than being alone at home.

Dancing at home

If you don’t have the opportunity to go to dance courses or study with a teacher, but you have a desire to dance, then don’t despair - you can learn dancing at home. But with self-study, you will have to put much more effort into classes.

Where to begin

For dancing, you need to get the appropriate equipment - comfortable shoes and clothes. It can be sneakers, a T-shirt and leggings. But depending on the dance you are learning, the style of clothing can also change: for hip-hop classes, for example, wide sweatpants are suitable, and for classical dances, special shoes are needed.

It may happen that before dancing you have to improve your ear for music. At first, you will dance to the count, but then you will have to navigate the music and coordinate movements on your own, and therefore the ability to hear the music and rhythm correctly will come in handy.

Dance warm-up

Each workout begins with a warm-up and stretching. If you do not prepare your body for training, then the likelihood of various injuries increases with an unexpected load on the muscles and joints.

The set of warm-up exercises in different styles of dance sometimes differs and, depending on the parts of the body that are used in this dance, focuses on them. But the general warm-up and stretching for dancing follows the same pattern: a couple of minutes of active movement - running, walking, freestyle dancing; turning and tilting the head to the side, raising the shoulders, reducing / diluting the shoulder blades, tilting the torso, squats, stretching the back and legs.

We offer you to watch a video with warm-up exercises before dancing.

You don't need to do an overly intense workout. Its task is not to leave you exhausted at the very first stage of training, but to prepare the body for dancing.

Body work

Perhaps not a single dancer will be able to answer the question of how to learn to dance and not take care of your body, because this is impossible. For many types of dance, one warm-up will not be enough to cope with all the accompanying loads - you need to develop endurance, strengthen your body and prepare it for the performance of strength elements such as ballroom dance lifts, breakdance stances, active tap dance footwork and etc.

Don't forget to properly nourish and hydrate your body to control your weight and replenish the moisture you lose during your workouts.

Learning to dance

And remember: mastery comes only with practice and experience. All the great performances that you have seen dancers perform hide behind hundreds and thousands of hours spent on training and training.

These people, just like you, doubted whether they should start dancing and whether they would achieve such success, but look what they have achieved now. All in your hands!

Often people pay attention to the opinions of others. It seems to them that if something does not work out for them, then they will be condemned, they will be discussed. This also applies to the ability to dance. Many do not go to dance studios just because they are afraid to look ridiculous, they think that their age or physique does not allow them to attend such events. This is a big misconception!

Do not despair. Beginning amateurs can learn how to dance beautifully at home, and on their own. We will tell and show you how to do it.

What does dance give?

There are many benefits to dancing:

  • the ability to maintain physical fitness;
  • maintaining optimal weight;
  • new acquaintances, communication;
  • good mood.

If you have a desire - do it. Start with simple recommendations for beginner amateurs, which you will read and see on this page.

Where to begin?

So you've made the decision to learn to dance at home. How to learn to dance at home, where to start?

There are many tutorials and guides to learn dance for beginners at home. But, they are unlikely to help - it takes practice. You can consult with friends, acquaintances, watch the performances of professionals.

In order to learn to dance at home, first decide which dances you like best. Focus on a specific style. This is important because different dance styles require a specific image.

Someone likes fast, incendiary Latin American dances, the other will choose the smooth, mysterious Indian iconic movements. Many people prefer the waltz as a classic. There are many options, so try to find yours.

First of all, stop being ashamed of yourself at home. Many people are ashamed even of their reflection in the mirror. Understand that you are doing this only for yourself, no one sees you, and the first, awkward movements will be left alone with you.

You need to choose a certain style according to your temperament. When the style is chosen, try to choose a suit for homework. This is necessary to fully match the image.

Don't worry that you don't have a partner for the waltz yet - it will appear in time.

To learn how to dance at home for beginners, you can recommend training video courses. Memorize different techniques, try to repeat them, listen to music, feel the rhythm of the dance.

The most important moment from the beginning of learning at home is to be liberated in front of yourself. You have decided to learn first of all for yourself. When you realize that you are no longer embarrassed by your own reflection in the mirror, you can proceed to the next step.

Before classes, beginners can be advised to do a regular, physical workout. Warm up your muscles to avoid stretching with sudden movements.

Basic Lessons

You can learn to dance at home. Try hip-hop, tectonics, break dance, strip plastic. Let's dwell on street dances, which are easier to start with:

  • street dance. Professional movements are not required here. You can mix different directions, add some tricks from yourself. Use a combination of rhythmic, sharp and smooth movements. Be yourself, loosen up, show your imagination;
  • listen to music, follow its rhythm. This is the secret of street tricks;
  • street dance does not require consistency and certainty in movements. You dance, improvise on the go;
  • while dancing, do not forget about your hands - they are also involved.

For those who want to master the basic movements and learn how to dance beautifully at home, there are video lessons offered below.

Don't forget to choose the appropriate music for the dance.

You can choose any dance direction that you like. The main thing is that it matches your mood, desires. Start - you will not notice how you will become more confident at various club and corporate parties, and gradually learn.

man in dance

There was an opinion that dancing skill is necessary only for girls. This is wrong, because in this way a man can interest the girl he likes, express his mood, emotions. How to learn to dance beautifully for a man at home?

You can again turn to friends, or watch them in a club, at a party. Watch more dance video lessons. To learn how to dance, you need more trials and practice. Start your day with music, dance moves at the mirror. Learning to dance a guy is not as difficult as it seems.

Many guys like to dance while brushing their teeth or cooking. Use these techniques in club dances! There are not many professional dancers in discos and clubs. Young people improvise more. Knowing a few basic dance techniques for beginners, you can safely go dancing.

Style without borders

Hip-hop is a modern style suitable for very young girls. This cool dance for girls is not difficult to learn at home.

In this style, the main thing is to attract attention. If there is a sense of rhythm, love for music, a desire to please others, then there will be no problems for beginners.

Learning techniques will bring a lot of pleasure, cheer up. You can watch the video on how to learn how to dance hip-hop beautifully at home.


  1. Explore different styles. This is interesting. Dance provides an opportunity for positive communication, regardless of age.
  2. Having learned to dance, you will be able to meet different people, communicate with them without hesitation. Dancing in addition to a pleasant physical activity, you get a wonderful mood.
  3. Any movement begins with a warm-up. And this is the first, light exercise.

You understand how cool it is to learn to dance at home. Having mastered the basic dance movements, you can surprise your friends, make a pleasant one for your loved one. Yes, and dancing affects the general well-being only in a positive way.

Everyone dances a little at home without even noticing it. Standing under the shower, you can sing and dance. Don't just stand there while preparing your morning coffee - turn on the music, make smooth movements. Trust your movements to the mirror more often. This is already the beginning of self-learning dance techniques.

Video lessons

With the wide distribution, everyone has the opportunity to learn how to dance at home.

Advantages and disadvantages

Free time- you do not need to go to a dance school, change clothes, spend time on travel. you at any convenient for you time you can download or and start training.

Money- in addition to the cost of travel to the school, often potential school visitors are stopped by high prices for a subscription.

Strength of will- if you decide to study without a teacher, you must be prepared to make mistakes, as no one will be able to correct you during class. Count only on your own strength, in addition, you must be disciplined enough not to miss your workouts for later.

Mirrors and space- for club dances, you need free space, at least 2x2 meters. At the same time, it is very important to see yourself from the side, so having a mirror in front of you will greatly affect your progress in learning.

I started dancing at the age of 11, with absolutely no inclination for it: a fat, sickly, pathologically shy child, completely devoid of physical training, but generously endowed with complexes and nervous tics. A couple of years later I took first place in the competition, and five more years later I performed on stage. I studied without fanaticism, and I didn’t have an incredible talent - I just got great pleasure and easily overcame the fears that definitely stop many of you:

Fear #1: “I have no hearing and no sense of rhythm.” If you cannot distinguish the note E of the first octave from F of the second, I sympathize with you very much. You will never become an outstanding pianist. But as a dancer - easily: hearing has little effect on the speed of learning. The sense of rhythm is indeed very important, but it is perfectly developed with the help of dances, especially modern ones.

Fear #2: « I'm already too old." Again, age only matters if you want to be a professional dancer and you're 10 years old (you should start at 5-6). An amusing study conducted a year ago by the University of Hertfordshire found that dancers in their 40s are much more relaxed and confident than those in their twenties, and therefore learn quickly and easily. “There is nothing worse than a very young group,” says Anna Moiseeva, a teacher of classical choreography at the Tais school. “Everyone evaluates each other, terribly complexes and, as a result, quickly leaves the race.”

Fear #3: « I'll be the worst in the group." I will reveal a terrible secret: adults with a similar lifestyle and without a sports and dancing background have almost the same dancing abilities. “After only five or seven group sessions, some students jump ahead,” explains Maria Khmelnitskaya, a dance movement therapy specialist. - And all the rest continue to develop at about the same level. In a word, someone always discovers outstanding abilities, but very rarely there is a complete absence of them.

Fear #4: “Dancing is very expensive and troublesome.” If you want to dance seriously and professionally, you will have to pay for master classes, concert costumes, and travel to foreign festivals. But if the goal is only pleasure, then dancing is a very budgetary activity. Sometimes you need expensive professional shoes, but they will last a long time.

So, with the fears sorted out, now let's act. The first point here is predictable: get your butt off the couch. And then do five more simple things.

1. Choose a style. Play instant associations (the exercise is described in the text). Write “dance” on a piece of paper, and then five words that come to mind first. If it will be, for example, “sea, skirt, guitar, sun, passion”, you will surely suit. Be sure to read our program articles:,.

2. Don't delay because you can't find a school. You can start dancing at home, and do it fully. One of my acquaintances, the star of the Moscow flamenco scene, has never been to a “live” lesson in her life: she learned only from the video. , choose and get started.

3. Be beautiful. Regardless of where you study, in the studio or at home, you need to come to the first classes very smartly. You are not moving very gracefully yet, so you need to create a beautiful affirming picture on your own. No old T-shirts and leggings! If you dance Latina, put on a skirt and make up. For hip-hop - . I repeat: even at home, and especially at home.

4. Don't look for a partner. Even if you want to learn pair dancing. Many do not dare to go to the hustle or tango because of the lack of friends and husbands. Firstly, at school they will help you with a couple. Secondly, you can dance without it. A great example is ours, with which you can learn solo salsa (it would seem an oxymoron).

5. Dance for yourself. Almost any dance makes us socialize: make new friends, go to discos, talk a lot and perform. On the one hand, it's great. On the other hand, this is what many are afraid of. Remember: you can not go to clubs, not drink tea with new friends after each workout. Do not tell your friends that you went to the dance, otherwise they will torture you with requests to “show something”. Let dancing be your secret power like Superman! No clubs and scenes are needed. Believe me, one fine evening you will start dancing in an empty street. And get almost the greatest pleasure in life.

Dancing is one of the favorite hobbies of most people. Many people dream of moving beautifully and plastically. In our article, you will learn how to learn to dance at home without a coach or consultant choreographer.


Waltz is a classic ballroom dance that is easy to learn. The most important thing is to follow fairly simple recommendations:

  • you need to learn the waltz exclusively in pairs, so choose in advance the partner with whom you plan to dance;
  • put your feet shoulder-width apart, take your partner by the hand;
  • the man is always the leader in the waltz, so he should start to have the first movement;
  • start moving exclusively counterclockwise (first with the right foot forward, and with the left foot back);
  • be sure to keep the score "1-2-3" to make it easier to remember the necessary movements;
  • remember that all movements in the waltz are divided into 3 circles: large (a man moves along it), the second and third, which are the smallest (a woman walks along them);
  • We recommend that you watch a few instructional videos before starting the lesson that will help you and your partner learn how to waltz.


Tango is a passionate dance of two hearts in love, which has many complex, one might even say slightly intricate movements, which are quite difficult to learn, but still possible at home. Here are some basic rules:

  • for tango, special rhythmic music is extremely important, which will help you move clearly and correctly during the dance (select the appropriate song on the Internet);
  • choose the partner with whom you plan to study;
  • take each other's hands, relax, turn on the music;
  • learn to divide any melody into equal parts, which in the future must be counted for 4 beats (that is, say “1-2-3-4” - change your foot, again “1-2-3-4” - change your foot again);
  • try to make your movements smooth, plastic and elegant;
  • immediately after the end of each beat, move around the room counterclockwise, then start counting again and so on until the end of the melody;
  • before starting a lesson with a partner, study a few video lessons that will be able to show you in a visual form how to learn tango correctly.
  • for dance shoes, use shoes with a small heel (for women), and for men, classic shoes with a flat sole are suitable.



The shuffle is a fun, groovy dance that appeared in the 80s in Melbourne, Australia. You can dance the shuffle both in pairs and alone. The fundamental movement of this dance is the active change of heel to toe at a fast pace to rhythmic loud music. Here are a few rules to help you understand the basics of shuffle:

  • lift the right leg up, and rearrange the left with your fingers inward;
  • now change the movement of the legs: left - up, right - inward;
  • take 4-5 steps first to the right and then to the left;
  • repeat all movements quickly to the floor of the rhythm of the music (shuffle is a fairly fast dance);
  • dance in any footwear convenient for you (sneakers, sneakers, boots).



The twist is a dynamic, groovy dance that first appeared in the United States in the late 60s. This dance is saturated with energy, movement, music and a fast pace. Learning to dance the twist is pretty easy. Follow these guidelines:

  • stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • at the expense of "1-2-3" begin to make turning movements first with your right foot, then with your left;
  • start keeping the following count: "1-2-3", do the same turning movements, but only with both legs;
  • also in a twist it is allowed to move your hands (here everything is improvised and depends on your imagination);
  • choose a fun company for dancing so that the training is more fun and active;
  • be sure to choose comfortable soft shoes for dancing (moccasins, boats, sneakers or sneakers).



Breakdancing is a street dance style that gave rise to hip-hop. Break dancing is easy to learn. The whole essence of this dance is in the randomness of various movements, collected in one holistic composition. Here are some simple tips for you:

  • always do a light warm-up before dancing to avoid injury;
  • start with the simplest movements, for example, jumping on bent legs, leaning on your arm;
  • pick up rhythmic music;
  • turn on a special training video lesson and clearly follow all the instructions of the instructor;
  • buy sports soft shoes (sneakers or sneakers);
  • wear a light T-shirt and loose pants that will not hinder your movements;
  • if possible, in addition to homework, sign up for group breakdance training, because in this way you will learn the basics of this dance much faster.


In this article, you've learned some tricks and tips to help you learn how to dance classic waltz, tango, twist, shuffle, and breakdance. Each of these dances is beautiful in its own way. Choose exactly the one that suits you. In addition to our recommendations, additionally check out various training video tutorials to improve your skill level.