The myth of overcoming difficulties. How to deal with difficulties

Living life is not a field to cross. Along your journey, you will encounter losses, the loss of loved ones and friends, and experience physical and emotional pain. However, if you change your way of thinking, be prepared for change, develop a positive attitude and realize the importance of relationships with people, then you will not only you will live life, but you can achieve success.


Embrace change

    Accept the inevitability of change. There is nothing more constant than change. Seasons, weather, trends, technologies - you continue the list. Everything is constantly changing. It is important to understand that nothing lasts forever. If you are facing difficult times, they will not last forever. On the other hand, if your life is wonderful now, then learn to enjoy it, but remember that joy will also be replaced by trials.

    Expectations must be realistic. If your expectations are high and unrealistic, then the result will always disappoint you. If you force yourself into rigid boundaries, then you will have no room for growth and change. Having reasonable expectations allows you to increase your self-esteem and prepare for what the day has in store.

    Learn from experience. Experiential experience is gained through action, exploration and discovery. Give a lecture to students and they will probably forget it. Actively explain the subject to them and they may remember it. But if you get them to participate and have experience interacting with the thing, they can learn. In education, students engage in experiential learning through the following six steps. They can also be used in everyday life.

    • Experience/explore – in this case, this step means “living” and gaining experience.
    • Discussion/reflection – discuss your reactions and observations about specific events in your life with friends or a psychologist, write them down in a diary. Think about what happened and what you were able to learn.
    • Reflection/Analysis – Determine what was important about the life experience. What problems have you encountered? How did you solve them? What recurring motifs were present?
    • Generalization – find connections between experiences and events to identify trends. You must realize all the observed principles of real life.
    • Application – Decide how to apply the lessons learned to similar or different situations.
  1. Live in the moment. There is no need to constantly think about the future and dwell on the past so as not to miss the present moment.

    Identify negative thoughts. Optimism requires you to change your thoughts. To think positively, you need to identify negative self-talk.

    Fight unhelpful thoughts. Negative beliefs rob you of hope. Once you examine them under a microscope, you will realize that such thoughts are not very rational. Ask the following questions out loud for each negative thought on your list:

    • How reasonable is it to believe in this belief? The future is impossible to predict, so no one can say that there will always be one.
    • Do you have evidence that such thoughts are false? Have you already loved someone in the past?
    • Do you have evidence of the veracity of such thoughts? Again, the future is a mystery.
    • What is the worst outcome of this “negative” development? You will be left alone.
    • What is positive about such a “negative” development of events? You can learn to love yourself and follow your heart.
  2. Positive judgments. Affirmative statements are positive and useful statements that describe a goal and are repeated in order to burn into the subconscious. Take your folded piece of paper and on the right side write down the judgments that turn each negative and limiting thought into positive, transformative beliefs. Repeat these affirmations regularly.

    • “My life is terrible” becomes: “I’m going through a difficult time right now, but the trials will make me stronger.”
    • “I’ll always be alone” becomes “I’m lonely now, but I won’t always be.”
  3. Learn to be grateful. Learning to be grateful will help you develop a positive outlook on life. Notice the good, don't dwell on the bad. Grateful people feel better, have a healthy psyche, high levels of empathy and low levels of aggression, high self-esteem, sleep better and make friends more often. Show appreciation in the following ways:

    • Write down your gratitude. Start keeping a gratitude journal.
    • Tell people how much you appreciate them.
    • Meditate and pay attention to the spirit of gratitude.
  4. Change your worldview. Sometimes we are hit by a wave of life crises. It does not allow you to look at the situation objectively and find an acceptable solution. Instead, we are overwhelmed by the dramatic aspect of events. Try to make an effort and look at your life from an outside perspective.

    • Imagine that the events that are happening to you are happening to your employee or close friend. What would you advise him in this situation? Do you have negative thoughts or high expectations about this?

Build relationships with people

  1. Surround yourself with positive people. This will allow you to always be on a positive wave. More importantly, despite any trials in life, the strong support of such people will become your support and hope. Communicating with optimists increases your chances of living a happy and successful life.

    • Look for people who have a positive influence on you. Such people know how to be grateful and try to find joy in every day.
    • End relationships or distance yourself from people who have a negative influence on you. Such people are fixated on problems and difficulties. They rarely smile or laugh, and their mood can be transmitted to others.
  2. Develop spirituality. If you believe in a reason for your life, a higher purpose, then spiritual development will help you in difficult times.

  3. Help others. Intimacy with people can have positive consequences for all parties if it is based on compassion. By helping others, we become more satisfied with our lives, develop a sense of purpose, strengthen self-confidence, reduce stress and improve our mood.

    • Don't know how to help others? Here are some ideas: Offer to babysit your neighbors so they can go on a date; teach your nephew to play a musical instrument; offer your help at a soup kitchen; donate your toys to children at the shelter.
  4. Don't hesitate to ask for help. Coping with life's challenges is easier when you know how to ask for and accept help. Asking others for help will strengthen your connection with those people and help them feel useful. We often mistakenly believe that asking for help makes us weak. We also often underestimate the desire of others to come to our aid.

    • Think about what things you could use help with.
    • Think back to times in the past when friends offered to help you.
    • Compare these two points. For example, if one of your friends loves to bake, you can ask her to help organize a party. Surely she will be happy with such a request.
    • Finally, be direct. Requests for help often go unnoticed if expressed too vaguely. For example, you are much more likely to get help if you ask, “Can you take the kids to practice on Saturday?” instead of the wording “Could you help me with the children sometimes?”

Take care of yourself

  1. Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can work wonders. They increase optimism, help give you extra energy, fight excess weight and disease, and prolong life.

    • Choose active activities that you enjoy. This could be jogging on the school playground, group fitness classes, rowing or hiking.
  2. Proper nutrition. A balanced diet consisting of fresh and natural products will improve your well-being and ensure proper functioning of the body. Choose foods from each food group - vegetables, fruits, proteins, dairy and whole grains.

    • Try to limit your consumption of processed foods and sweets.
Shaping future events. A practical guide to overcoming the unknown Shterenberg Irina Irekovna

15. Overcoming life's difficulties

Difficulties happen in every person's life. Sometimes they are resolved by a person easily, and sometimes they unsettle him for a long time. There are real difficulties in our lives that we cannot change and that arose objectively. These could be natural disasters, illnesses, etc. And there are imaginary difficulties that can arise and exist only in our minds, but which can bother us just as much as real difficulties. In order to determine whether a difficulty is real or not, you need to find the cause of its occurrence.

The difficulties may be far-fetched:

– which we may experience because some of our expectations regarding the behavior of other people have not been fulfilled. Or we may have strong feelings because it seems to us that someone is deliberately causing us trouble, because of someone else's negative opinion of us. In reality, we cannot know exactly what another person thinks and why he acts in one way or another, we can only make assumptions. We will worry about these assumptions if only we allow ourselves to waste our time and energy on these unnecessary experiences;

- difficulties that have not yet arisen, have not taken place, have not occurred, the occurrence of which is only assumed, allowed by man. However, he worries and worries so much as if it had already happened. Usually a person just has a habit of worrying, and it doesn’t matter for what reason. The anticipation of failure is more traumatic than the failure itself. Discourage yourself from thinking about possible misfortunes. Much of what a person fears will never happen, and what does happen can be easily eliminated, provided that the person acts calmly, confidently, getting rid of his fears and anxiety.

Until something is broken, you shouldn't fix it. Difficulties should be fought and dealt with as they arise;

– difficulties, size, scale of which are greatly exaggerated. They arise due to fears, anxiety, the habit of worrying about trifles, and increased emotionality. The person himself inflates the problem, looks for more and more possible negative consequences, and constantly comes up with various details of possible unfavorable options for the development of the situation.

In such cases, they correctly say: “Don’t make a molehill out of a molehill”;

– there are cases when a person who has some kind of difficulty, a problem in one of the areas of life, transfers it and spreads it to other areas of life. In this case, a completely unfounded feeling of global bad luck and a worsening state of affairs may arise. In such cases, you need to spare yourself, not to bring yourself to a painful state, a state of breakdown. Give yourself a little break. Forgive yourself if you feel guilty about yourself. Allow yourself to live and make mistakes.

“A person is never as happy as he wants, and as unhappy as he thinks” (La Rochefoucauld);

- a person may also drown in worries about difficulties that happened to him in the past, but which, however, are perceived by him as occurring in the present. That is, a person remains in the past, experiencing past difficulties. Learn to separate the past from the present. In a moment of intense emotion, ask yourself: are you worried about what is happening now, or are you again overtaken by the ghosts of the past?

Ghosts are not real, they will disappear if you ask them to, if you are ready to say goodbye to them.

"Everything passes".

In order to cope with imaginary difficulties:

Method 1.

Make a list of your difficulties. Write down any difficulties you have experienced recently. Determine which difficulties are real and which are imaginary. Make a hierarchy of imaginary difficulties. Place each difficulty in the context of your entire life. Is this the most difficult test for you? Or can you still change your attitude towards him?

Talk to your difficulty.

Ask her why she is in your life, what you need to learn, what you need to understand. Ask her to tell you what you should do.

Make a decision about what you will do next. Make at least the smallest plan for further actions. What can you start doing now? What will you do tomorrow? Only when you decide to do something to change the situation will you begin to really change it and feel calm.

After making a list of imaginary difficulties, studying it, working on it, then tear it up and throw it in the trash or burn it.

Method 2.

If you cannot stop the flow of anxious thoughts related to any difficulty:

– imagine what awaits you in the worst case, in the event of the most unfavorable further development of events for you;

- accept it as inevitable, come to terms with this outcome of the matter;

– what conclusions can be drawn, what benefits can be derived from this state of affairs? How can you change the situation?

Method 3.

Start living in the present.

To acquire the ability to live in the present, you need to learn to concentrate on what is happening in your life here and now. After all, this exists really and objectively, not in thoughts, not in stories, not in photographs, not in books, not in memory, but exists in reality. It exists only here and now, at the present moment in time, it exists at arm's length, it is painted in clear and distinct colors, it is presented in tangible forms, it has real smells, it has a real taste that exists in reality. These are moments in life that can never be returned. You need to appreciate these moments.

“Only the present is ours” (Aristippus). There is only the present, because the past has already died and the future has not yet been born.


Examine the objects around you, paying attention to their shape, smell, color, roughness or smoothness of their surface. Think about the meaning of these objects in a person's life at a given time and place. Choose the subject that interests you more than others, study and describe it in more detail, being present in the present moment, here and now.

Method 4.

If your goal is specific and very desirable, then you simply will not pay attention to many difficulties.

The more a person forbids himself to think about something, the more persistently he thinks about it. Tell yourself that you will never think about your goal, under any circumstances, under any circumstances, and you will immediately notice that this is not so easy to do.

Method 5.

Often a person is frightened by difficulties arising due to a lack of necessary information and experience. In this case, a person feels his inadequacy, his helplessness in any area. Determine what skills, knowledge, skills you lack and how you could get them. You can develop them yourself, you can sign up for courses, take individual lessons, learn from the example of other people. The main thing is to decide to learn something new.

There are situations in life when suffering due to difficulties experienced is very strong, especially if these difficulties are real. At such moments, you can remember the Equanimity Prayer:

“God, grant me the equanimity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

A person who wants to succeed faces difficulties more often than someone who does not have great demands. Any failure or difficulty is not forever, it is only a temporary deviation from the intended goal, from the chosen path. It must be passed as a test in order to become stronger and wiser. Every difficulty is a small obstacle on our way, overcoming which, “climbing” it, we become higher and see new horizons, new opportunities. As a result of overcoming difficulties, our consciousness expands and our vitality increases.

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It is difficult to find a person who does not know what the difficulties of life are. But there are millions of people in the world who do not know how to overcome these difficulties. They lie to themselves, denying the existence of difficulties, give up, stopping any attempts to solve problems or understand them. What does this lead to? Nothing positive. A person falls into prolonged depression or develops nervous and mental illnesses.

If you are a strong-willed person, accustomed to facing the truth, then this information will not be useful to you. If you don’t have the courage to solve problems, work on yourself from today, because you have already taken a small step in this direction - you have decided to learn how to overcome difficulties.

Diagnosis of problems

To fight the enemy you need to know him by sight. Therefore, first we will determine the presence of difficulties and see which category they belong to. Life difficulties:

Serious problems from outside (loss of the most expensive property, a house burned down, a large sum of money was stolen, death of a loved one, incurable illness).
Difficulties of moderate complexity (you were kicked out of work, your wife is sick, you have no means of subsistence).
Difficulties in self-identification, psychological problems (feelings of inferiority or worthlessness, depression, panic).
Domestic difficulties (tired of cleaning, cooking, quarreling with my husband because of his carelessness, plumbing is out of order, not enough money, the phone is broken, difficulties in family life).

The problems described in the first two points are not necessarily the most difficult. The third type of problems - psychological - can be of any complexity. The subtle world called “psyche” is difficult to analyze, so to deal with this kind of problem, you have to try. Everyday difficulties from the last category are only at first glance inferior in complexity to the previous ones; they drag you into a pool of sadness, fear, sluggish, destructive hatred of yourself and the rest of the world. Therefore, any of the problems is serious, especially for the one who has it.

Making a strong-willed decision to fight

Giving a clear name is mandatory, because vague complaints like “I feel bad, my soul hurts, it’s hard, but I don’t know why” and “cure” are impossible.

After recognizing the problem, you already have a formulation. It’s not always easy to take even this step, but don’t think about it, do it in order, so to speak, in small steps. In this way you will go through the entire long, albeit difficult, path. Don't forget: “Great things start small.”

After looking your difficulty in the eye, the problem will already decrease in size. Now it will not pulsate in your exhausted brain every day or seem like a black bottomless abyss. No, after the bold step of identifying the problem, you have already seen your enemy and know its size. It turns out that this is not a bottomless abyss, although it is very deep in some particularly serious cases.

How often does it happen that a person knows a problem that has been bothering him for a long time, but does not want to fight, he is disappointed in life, does not believe in himself and walks around like a psychological corpse - Homo Sapiens lives, eats, breathes, but has lost interest in anything , life only by the fact of its existence is disgusting. What can I recommend?

Strange as it may sound, if it seems to you that the end has come for the person you previously saw in the mirror, this is good because there is nothing to lose in such a situation. All that remains is to make the decision to fight, to solve problems.

You may ask, what to do if it is completely unclear which direction to move? Should you do something even if you are not sure about the right path? Of course yes. Here's an example. Imagine that there is a small wooden box in front of you. It is filled with balls of the same size, but of different colors: first, a handful of black balls are poured, and the same amount of white balls is poured on top. The box is closed.

Now we draw parallels: one of the black balls is you. The ball lies at the bottom of the box, there are black balls around, there is also a large layer of balls on top and the situation seems completely hopeless, since there is no way to get up and the ways to solve the problem are unknown.

Now imagine that you pick up the box and start shaking it. Yes, at first glance you are doing things at random. You don’t know what’s going on inside, you know one thing - when you shake the box, at least something happens inside. Now let’s reveal the cards: in the process of such shaking, the balls in the box begin to mix. It happens chaotically, but everyone has heard the theory of probability.

So, according to this theory, the balls in the box will eventually return to their initial position with almost zero probability. So to do at least something is in a decadent mood. And then, you see, while shaking, you will understand in which direction you need to tilt the box and your ball will be pushed up by other balls.

Difficulties in a person's life

Imagine life without difficulties. It seemed like it could be better. You will be surprised, but it is the presence of difficulties that shows us how good life can be, gives us food for thought, and makes us, like the balls from the example above, move. If difficulties in a person’s life disappear, then there will be nothing to compare the rest of the events with; no one will even imagine what difficulties are, or what joyful events are. There won’t be any, since everything will be painfully the same.

To maintain vitality, to maintain self-control, you must always remember what was written on the ring of King Solomon. It said, “This too shall pass.” When he had, he looked at this inscription and calmed down, because there was an instruction that everything would pass. But he was in no hurry to rejoice too much, so as not to be upset later, because even in this case he looked at the inscription and was convinced that this too would pass, that everything in the world passes and passes.

Ways to overcome life's difficulties

Overcoming the difficulties of life is organized in many different ways. First way: follow the example of King Solomon. You can actually have your ring engraved in a jewelry store and always wear it on your finger. Another way to look at this wise expression is to make a beautiful sign that will hang in a prominent place in your home.

Let in your head not a picture of a sad development of events for you, but this useful phrase. In the meantime, you will begin to take any actions, at least to distract attention, then you will understand what to do to directly solve the problem.

Don’t be afraid to think about your enemy - about the problem that poisons your existence. It is better to take courage and analyze whether the grief is as great as its tortured brain imagines. Analyze this. Ask yourself: “Yes, I have a problem. And what follows from this? What are the consequences of an unresolved problem?” You need to present honestly: choose not only negative consequences, but also a positive outcome of events. After all, you must clearly understand that there are always several possible outcomes, and excluding positive ones, you leave yourself no chance to change anything.

Remember that you need to be sure to break the repetitive cycle of negative thinking. This is difficult because thinking patterns (the paths along which thoughts travel through the neurons of the brain) are already like well-trodden paths: the more they are followed, the larger they become. It’s already difficult to think differently, but you do it. All events in life move after your thoughts. That is, first you give an assessment of the event in your head, painting it in some color, and only then through the prism of your assessment you look at everything else. Throw away black colors from your palette of thoughts at least for a while. Any event for the universe has no emotional coloring, neither good nor bad. So for one person an event will be bad, but for another it will be good. Only people evaluate events, only you decide whether you will learn a lesson from what is happening or whether it will crush you with your own permission.

If your problem came from outside, for example, a loved one died or you were left homeless, then the positive thinking techniques described above will come to your aid. If the problem concerns your psyche and worldview, the “breaking the pattern” technique will help. The mechanism of the passage of thoughts (nerve impulses) through the neurons of the brain has already been described above. It is much easier for a lazy brain to let its thoughts follow already known paths - patterns of behavior. You will have to make a strong-willed effort to “pave” a new path.

In reality this method looks like this. Experiment with any thought (you don’t have to immediately think about the problem that’s bothering you). For this exercise, any statement that you don’t doubt at all and that is already firmly stuck in your brain is suitable. Usually it is from such thoughts and behavioral reactions that a pattern is formed.

Next, try to doubt this statement. This will be difficult to do, because it has already been established many years ago and it seems that there can be no other opinion. When you try to convince yourself that things that have been familiar for a long time may not be at all what they seem, you will feel a kind of resistance. It’s like cutting a path for yourself in the impenetrable jungle with a machete, sweating despite the fact that nearby there is a path already cut through the thickets.

If you work on yourself so regularly, you will definitely pave new paths. It cannot be otherwise, this is exactly how you once formed ideas about the world that you are now guided by, without subjecting them to analysis. But it is precisely for a conscious life, and not a semi-automatic one, that we are given the opportunity to become aware of ourselves, along with which we need to be responsible for our thoughts and actions.

There is another plus: when you look for new variations (logical connections), new connections are formed among billions of neurons in the brain, even if such thoughts seem fantastic at first - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to cover the brain with a network of connections. Then one day a brilliant idea or an amazing solution to a problem will come to you, which you could not even think of before, because the overwhelming number of neurons are now connected to any of them, even a distant neuron (although the word “remote” does not fit the description of instantaneous neural connections ).

“If you cannot change your circumstances, change your attitude towards them” - stick to this rule.

23 March 2014, 15:41

Before we begin discussing the question of how to overcome difficulties in life, let's define the concept of difficulties and conditionally divide them into categories. What do you consider difficulties?

It's no secret that different people approach the same circumstances differently. It is the attitude towards external factors that often determines whether a person easily overcomes difficulties. They can be roughly divided into:

  1. Circumstances that seriously complicate life: job loss, financial difficulties, debts. Perhaps property was stolen, the house burned down, money was stolen. Serious health problems, serious illness. Natural disasters, catastrophes and other life disasters;
  2. Quarrels with relatives, close people, misunderstanding between fathers and children: uncontrollable children, inadequate parents. Divorce, betrayal of a spouse, death of a loved one. Any dysfunctional relationships with people who are dear and close;
  3. Problems of an internal nature: internal conflicts associated with adolescence (adolescence, crises of 30, 40, etc. years). Various unresolved problems of interpersonal communication, provoking the development of a feeling of one’s own inferiority and low significance. Lack of a kind, loving attitude towards oneself. Inability to love yourself, feelings of loneliness, worthlessness;
  4. Various minor troubles. It happens that little things accumulate, creating a feeling of a “black streak”.

How do you feel about the troubles that arise every day? Do you think that the whole world has turned against you, constantly bringing down more and more new problems on your head? If you feel stuck in a corner, you should definitely work on your attitude towards external circumstances.

To successfully overcome difficulties, control your emotions!

First of all, ask yourself how you feel when you learn about a new problem. Feelings of fear, helplessness, doom or calm confidence that it can be fixed? Very important: when overcoming difficult situations, maintain equanimity, calm, and sobriety of mind. How to achieve this?

Nothing will change in one day of self-hypnosis. However, constantly monitoring your thoughts for three weeks will lead to a change in your thinking pattern. It has been proven that the course of our thoughts is determined by chemical processes in brain cells. The “path” that thoughts passed most often is fixed in memory.

At first, you will have to make an effort not to succumb to the same negative emotions. However, by making an effort every day, be sure to change negative thinking to positive!

How to take difficulties lightly

I'll tell you a parable: one day a poor Jew came to a rabbi for advice. He complained that he was so poor that he had nothing to feed his children, although he worked tirelessly all day. The poor wife is sick and unable to help him run the household. Children are naughty. And they are already threatening to seize their house for debts. What should I do, asked the poor man. After all, I fulfill all God’s commandments, make donations and offer prayers, why won’t God help me?

The rabbi listened to the mournful speech, silently retreated into the next room and returned with a sign in his hands. There he wrote the following words: “It won’t always be like this.” Hang this inscription in the most visible place, repeat it every time you want to complain about your fate. The poor man thanked him for the advice and went home with a sign in his hands.

A year later, the rabbi wanted to know how the poor man lived. It turned out that he bought a house in a rich city, owns vast lands, fertile vineyards, and countless flocks of sheep. This man became very respected, and his daughters were taken as wives by noble residents of that city.

The envious rabbi became angry. Arriving home, he took a new wooden sign, wrote the same words on it: “it won’t always be like this” and hung it in the most visible place of his house.

The essence of a simple attitude to any problem is as follows:

There are really difficult situations in life, deep grief, when we lose loved ones, ability to work, our health, property. Then use these tips:

  1. Repeat to yourself: “I will overcome this!” Ask God for help. If you don't believe in God, ask the Universe for strength. These forces will come, rest assured! We attract what we think about. When you ask the world for strength, you will certainly receive it.
  2. Ask your loved ones for help if you feel like you can’t cope with the situation. Often human participation fills the soul with new strength, relieves tension, and negative emotions go away;
  3. Choose the right thoughts: those that create, not destroy. After the storm there will always be sunshine.

Mental tricks for coping with difficulties

Any thought about difficulties can be answered as follows:

  1. It won’t always be like this (it will pass, it will end, it will pass);
  2. I will overcome this;
  3. I can handle this;
  4. So what?

For example:

  • I earn little. Answer: it won't always be like this!
  • I don't have a soulmate. It won't always be like this!
  • I’m very sick, I can’t walk. I can handle this!
  • A meteorite fell on my house. So what? I'll build a new one!

I hope you found my tips on how to overcome difficulties in life helpful. Be happy, let any adversity in life turn into only a useful experience.

In life you have to face a lot of different problems. It's an endless chain of ups and downs. It seems that in most cases the problem can be overcome, but not everyone quickly gets back on their feet after a serious failure. Sometimes it hurts too much. But keeping going is incredibly important. Here are five useful tips that will help you cope with a traumatic experience more easily and teach you to look forward to the future with confidence.

Remember the difficult moments in life

It may seem like a bad idea, but it's not that simple - thoughts of failure bring sadness, but at the same time they help you understand that you can cope with any difficulty. You were able to continue living. Usually it seems that the problem has ruined life forever, so remembering similar disasters is very important. You become stronger with every new experience. Allow yourself to draw strength from your past, it is your invaluable luggage.

Write or tell me how you feel

Abstract yourself from the situation

It can be difficult to make rational decisions when you find yourself in the middle of a problem. Of course, you shouldn’t run away from difficulties either, but you also don’t need to plunge headlong into a difficult situation - this way you lose the ability to normally weigh all the arguments and sensibly assess your situation. This happens much more often than I would like to admit. Try to abstract yourself in every difficult situation and think about everything that is happening calmly. Take a break. If you have tense family members or colleagues around you, spend some time alone with yourself. Sometimes all that is needed to solve a problem is just a little respite and a break to think.

Remind yourself that you are not alone

It’s so easy to withdraw into yourself and feel completely alone, but remembering that someone who absolutely loves you is nearby is much more difficult. Sometimes that person isn't around in real life, but you can find support online. No matter who you are, there are people who care, who are ready to listen and support. Sometimes strangers can understand you better than you can understand yourself. They have also had similar problems, they understand your emotions. Perhaps someone is in the same situation as you right now. Just find this person.

Accept the situation and become stronger

No matter how difficult it may be, you should accept the situation and come to terms with what happened - it’s still impossible to change the past. It doesn't matter who is to blame for what happened. Just accept what happened and move on. Now you have new experience that will help you deal with the same problem next time. You will be stronger and will not repeat your mistake. Life goes on, time never stands still, the main decision you can make is the decision to move on. Don't look back to the past, everything has already happened. Just consider that your character is now stronger and be proud of yourself. You went through a difficult moment, but it does not define you or your entire life. Learn a life lesson from it and don't dwell on that memory again. There is a completely new life ahead of you, not connected with this problem.