Funny skits for February 23rd for male colleagues. Scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day ★ (February 23)

February 23 has finally become an official day off, so you need to please your men to the maximum: coffee in bed in the morning and little pleasant surprises throughout the day. One of these surprises could be a congratulatory newspaper. It’s very easy to do: collect “courageous” photographs of your defenders and make a montage. Here everything will depend on your mood: you can dedicate poems, lines from popular songs, army stories, soldier jokes, etc. to men. The following technique always works flawlessly: cut out photos of famous military men, heads of state and other famous figures from magazines and newspapers, and Paste portraits of your heroes over their faces. The resulting masterpieces can be provided with appropriate signatures, for example: “Saddam Hussein and Vasya Pupkin declare a decisive “no” to Bush!

In a family, Defender of the Fatherland Day can be celebrated in different ways. In most homes, this is an occasion to express the caring attitude of the wife to her husband and the children to her father and grandfather. Usually the role of men on this day comes down to the following: sit down at a table laden with all sorts of goodies, eat all these goodies, drink it all down generously with strong alcoholic drinks and complacently accept gifts and admiration for their masculine exclusivity. But if the female part of the family considers it necessary to invite their men to go together to the theater, conservatory, or philharmonic society, then they need to treat this as a white dance. The “strong half” must courageously accept any signs of attention.

Men can be congratulated in a more original way.



  1. Cool lady
  2. 1st student
  3. 2nd student
  4. 3rd student
  5. An ordinary man


  1. Three posters depicting types of men,
  2. large blanket.

On stage: Cool lady and 3 students,

Posters are attached to the wall.

A Man stands in the corner under a blanket.

His task is to remain motionless almost until the end of the scene.

Cool lady. So, girls, the topic of today's lesson is: “Extinct species. The man is unreasonable." You all remember that in 2050 the male part of the population of our planet happily died out due to their immoderate desire for reproduction, thereby providing us women with a long-deserved opportunity to achieve a bright future. Today we have only a vague idea about men, thanks to myths and legends that have come down to us from time immemorial. But we, your classy ladies, carefully convey some facts to young people. Let's briefly review the material we covered. Number 1, let's start with you.

1st student. I want to talk about the Male. A male is a man from whom women of the past were “dragged,” that is, they could be taken with bare hands and dragged.

A feature of the Male was the presence of two thought centers. The first, main one, was located just below the waist. The Male thought to them most of the time. The second - the brain - was rudimentary and only prevented the Male from breeding and reproducing.

Cool lady. Great, 1st student. How could you recognize the Male in the crowd?

1st student. By its bright appearance. He used luxury cars, yachts, dachas and barbecues as bait. His hunting season began in early spring and lasted until late autumn. Habitats: bars, restaurants, nightclubs, beaches in summer.

Cool lady. Everything is correct. The 2nd student will continue.

2nd student. I prepared a report on Bore. A bore to the question “How are you?” began to tell in detail how he was doing. It reproduced rarely, strictly according to the clock. He was especially cruel to women, driving them into delirium tremens with his moralizing. Most often, Bore could be found in the library, sanitary and epidemiological station, at a rally, and in marriage agencies. At the end of his life, the Bore transformed into an Old Cock or an Old Senile. A special feature of Bored was the horns that adorned him almost all year round.

Cool lady. Wonderful, 2nd student! There's nothing to add. Now the 3rd student will tell us about Henpecked.

3rd student. We know little about this type. He was very timid, timid, had difficulty obtaining food, preferring to hide under a woman’s heel. He camouflaged himself well, blending in with surrounding objects. Sometimes it was passed down from one woman to another by inheritance.

Cool lady. Okay, but how did scientists find out about Henpecked?

3rd student. Following footprints in the kitchen and on the doormat.

Cool lady. As you can see, the picture is quite unsightly. But today I want to inform you about the amazing discovery that our archaeologists made. A completely new type of man has been found in the permafrost. We called him Ordinary Man. All that is known about him is that women could not live without him.

Students (in chorus). But why!?

Cool lady. But this is what you have to find out through a contact experiment. Attention!

Here is an ordinary man! (Tears off the coverlet.)

The students, pushing each other away, pounce on the man and drag him “behind the scenes.” Passionate moans and sounds of kissing can be heard from there.

Cool lady. Every time it's the same. This arrogant man has become completely lazy. He, you see, is the last one left on earth and uses it as he wants! He can't even seduce young girls. And we, classy ladies, have to go to great lengths for the sake of these men!

All participants take a bow.


From the life of the fair sex

Three volunteers are blindfolded, put rubber or hockey gloves on their hands and asked to pull the most ordinary women's tights, maybe with a pattern, onto their feet.

Sea wolf

Players are asked to tie five knots as tightly as possible on a thick rope. Knots can be of any kind - both maritime and ordinary. When the task is completed, it is proposed to untie the knots. Whoever managed to do it faster gets a bonus point.

Save the orange

The game involves two men. Everyone holds a spoon with an orange or potato in their teeth. Hands behind your back. The task is to drop your opponent's orange with your spoon and not let him drop yours. The bravest rescuers can use a raw egg instead of an orange.

Get an apple

To play you need a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and remove it from the water. The presenter times the time. The game can be played with several participants at the same time - who can catch the most apples.


On a large sheet of whatman paper, various banknotes are depicted scatteredly. They need to be quickly counted, and counting should be done like this: one dollar, one ruble, one mark, two marks, two rubles, two dollars, etc.

The one who counts correctly, without getting lost, and reaching the farthest bill, is the winner.


Two men are called. The ends of the scarf are tied around their heads. The men sit on a chair opposite each other. At the leader’s signal, the participants must tear the opponent off the chair without using their hands, only pulling the scarf with their heads. The winner is the player who outdrew the opponent. Instead of a scarf, you can use a thick thread, which is tied in a ring and put on the ears of your opponents.

The best driver

Long threads are attached to two toy cars, and pencils are tied to the ends (you can also use spools of thread). At the leader’s command, the players begin to wind them up. The one whose car reaches the finish line the fastest wins.


Styrofoam fish are laid out on a chair or on the floor. The player’s task: blindfolded, attach as many fish as possible to an improvised “harpoon” (a stick with a nail tied at the end). Before you start “fishing,” you need to spin the player around you several times.


This is a kind of sobriety test. A stool is placed on the floor, a box lies behind it near the leg, and the applicant for a “sober lifestyle” sits on the stool. The applicant receives the diagnosis “As sober as a glass” if he is able to reach the box with his teeth without leaving his stool.


Also quite an old game. The players are divided into teams, but several volunteers can be called. The players are given two cards or two ordinary sheets of paper and a pair of rubber boots, which are used by fishermen. The players’ task: along these cardboard “bumps”, moving from one to another, get over the “swamp” as quickly as possible in rubber boots.

“We don’t drink from small containers!”

Two men's teams are participating in the competition. Each person is given a pot of beer and straws for a cocktail according to the number of players. At the presenter’s signal, both teams begin to drink beer from the pan using straws, and the team that does it faster wins.


You need several pairs and a large room where there are no breakable objects. In the future, everything resembles a game well known from childhood: one becomes a horse, and the other a rider. A card with a word is attached to the rider's back. Players must read what is written on the backs of other riders, and at the same time prevent their opponents from seeing their word.

Let's pour a glass

Two participants must fill the glasses with a pipette. Whoever does this faster gets the opportunity to make a toast and drink the contents.

Direction finder

All participants are seated in a circle at the maximum distance from each other. One of them is invited to the center of the circle and becomes the driver, who will become a “direction finder”.

The task is as follows: participants sitting in a circle are divided into conditional pairs and agree out loud for a minute to perform some joint action. Since all couples speak at the same time, it is quite difficult to understand the content of their conversations. The noise they produce can roughly be called “noise on the air.” This is where the driver must show his abilities: firstly, to “find” the partners of each couple and, secondly, to listen to and understand the content of their conversation. The winner is the “direction finder” who completed the task faster.

Bright head

Ovid said, “Don’t drink more than your head can handle.” Guests are invited to test this wise idea in practice: you won’t have to drink, but you will need to measure the volume of each player’s head. In this way, you can safely determine who can drink the most without any health consequences.

Quick fist

The presenter invites everyone and offers the following task: take a corner of the newspaper with your right hand and, on command, quickly gather the entire newspaper into a fist. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

General's shoulder straps

Participants are divided into two teams. The presenter places two matchboxes on the shoulders of the first players - these are the general's shoulder straps. The task of the “generals” is to run to the specified place and back, trying not to drop the “epaulets”. The boxes are passed to the next person on the team. The winner is the team that runs the distance first.

Secret connections

To play, you will need numbered cards corresponding to the number of participants.

Cards with numbers are laid out on the table, numbers down. The participants in the game draw lots. Participant No. 1 immediately reveals himself. He plays the role of a "detective".

The remaining participants (let's say there are only 20 of them) are given a task: using secret methods of communication, divide into four groups. The first group should include participants who drew numbers from 2 to 5; to the second group - from 6 to 10; the third - from 11 to 15; in the fourth - from 16 to 20. All participants must remain in their places without revealing their belonging to any of the groups. The members of each group secretly agree to carry out some common task.

The task of the “detective” is: firstly, to discover groups, naming those who are members of them, and secondly, having exposed “secret connections”, to name those joint actions that each group has agreed on. Thirdly, as the task is completed, the “detective” can expose the participants by guessing their numbers based on some signs. If the number called by the “detective” is guessed correctly, that participant is eliminated from the game. If the number is named incorrectly, the “detective” receives a penalty point, and the participant continues to work without calling his real number. Depending on the number of penalty points, you can give appropriate tasks to the “detective” according to a “penalty scale” specially developed for this purpose.

The winner is the detective who scores fewer penalty points.


The “banker” will be the one who will be the fastest to shake out the contents of jars of coins through a narrow slot in the lid, without resorting to the help of foreign objects.

Keep your money in the bank

Participants are given closed glass jars with a capacity of two liters. They contain folded bills of different denominations. The players’ task: without opening the “bank”, calculate the amount of the “deposit”.


Two men (preferably with a license) are invited to participate in the competition; participants are given cars with attached strings. The essence of the game is to go blindfolded along a track on which there are 5-6 beer cans, circle the cans and return to the start. You can build 2 tracks and start racers at the same time, or you can go through the track one by one, against the clock. The presenter warns the racers that if they knock down cans, drivers will lose their licenses and will have to buy them back.

Robin Hood

For the competition you will need an apple (you can crumple up a napkin), a “basket” of a hat, a bucket, a box, a deep salad bowl, a stool, and various items.

During the process, those who wish compete for accuracy. The options can be very different:

1) knock down various objects standing at a distance on a stool with an apple;

2) throw the apple into the “basket” from a distance.

The most accurate Robin Hood wins.

With a glass

Two (four) participants are called, they sit opposite each other on opposite sides of the table. Between them in the middle of the table, a glass (quite light) is placed upside down and two boundaries are marked.

At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to blow on the glass. The task is to blow so that the glass crosses the enemy's line. Players can team up in pairs.

The participants who are the first to send a glass abroad win.

Option (prank): participants are blindfolded and the glass is replaced with a cup of flour.

Double punch

Strong men are invited to participate in the competition. The condition seems to be simple: you need to break an empty plastic bottle with a screwed cap on it with a kick. It is almost impossible to do this the first time, but supermen have no idea about this. Advice: to break it as quickly as possible, you need to hit the bottom. You can complicate the competition by placing girls on the shoulders of the participants who will “break” the bottles.


Salted or smoked fish is tied in the middle of a long rope, and two wooden sticks are tied to the ends of the rope. Two participants quickly wrap the rope around a stick. Whoever reels in the fastest will get the fish.

"Profitable" bucket

The presenter takes a bucket, pours some water and puts a glass in the bucket. The player must hit the glass with a coin in five steps. If his coin falls into the water, the next participant throws his coin. If a participant hits a glass with a coin, he takes all the coins from the bucket.

Where's the egg?

There are two players in the game. Participants are blindfolded and must find an egg without using their hands on one of 10 chairs (both are looking at the same time), but their hands are tied behind their backs, because they cannot be used. Whoever finds the egg first is the winner.

Kiss hike

Two teams - men's and women's - line up in two lines opposite each other. The task of the men: one by one, heading towards the line of women, kiss each one as quickly as possible, and after the “kissing trip” is completed, the man, symbolizing the end of the task, must say: “I’m finished.” The facilitator records the time each participant completes the task. The fastest one wins.

"If I were a Sultan..."

This game is best played in a large company. Several harems are created. Each harem consists of one husband (young man) and wives (girls). It is necessary that the number of wives in harems be the same. To the accompaniment of some oriental music, the wives begin to take off any items of clothing, jewelry and put them on their husband. The harem in which the husband manages to put on the most items is considered the winner. As a prize, the winning harem or its head - the husband - can come up with a tricky task for the losing harem. It is possible, of course, vice versa, for the husband to dress his wives, but in this case things will run out very quickly.

Traces of a crazy night

The host calls 5-6 male players and offers to collect as many kisses as possible on his face in one minute - these are traces of a crazy night of love. At the signal, the men go “to the people.” After a minute, all the players gather again, and the leader counts the lipstick marks on the faces of the players. The effect is killer!


This game should be played when the company has warmed up enough and the “sight” of the majority of those present has already lost its focus. Participants are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other at a distance of 2 meters. One of them puts an apple on his head, the second takes a champagne cork into his mouth. At the leader’s signal, the shooters “spit out” the corks, trying to at least hit the target standing on the opponent’s head.

When summing up, the number of attempts is taken into account.

You can shoot at a distance or invite the shooters to hit a hat (bucket, basket, etc.) with a cork.

"I'm very interesting"

Participants sit in a circle with a chair in the center. After several introductory words by the presenter, during which those present should calm down and tune in to the game, everyone is asked to count the number of heart beats (pulse) in one minute.

The presenter invites one of the participants to go to the middle of the circle. The volunteer stands on a chair and says, “I’m very interesting.” Everyone else is given the task of carefully examining the player standing on the chair and trying to find something new in his appearance that was not previously noticeable.

Sometimes a change in the behavior of a person who finds himself in the center of the circle under the “fire” of biased eyes is so obvious that the appearance of a clamp does not require proof. But very often a person’s behavior, his posture, and facial expressions do not indicate any changes in his well-being. In this case, you need to ask the subject to count his pulse.

The calmest and most confident participant, whose pulse has changed the least after being on the chair, wins.

Very sharp eye

Participants in the game are invited to look from a distance at a set of cans of various sizes and shapes. You cannot pick them up. Each player has a piece of cardboard from which they must cut out the lids so that they exactly match the holes of the cans. The winner is the one with the most lids that exactly match the openings of the cans.

Nimble fingers

Two people compete. To participate in the game you need to take off your shoes, take off your socks and sit on a low chair. Two saucers are placed on the floor in front of the participant and five walnuts are placed next to each of them. The task is to place five nuts in one saucer with your right foot, and then place five nuts in the second with your left foot. The one who does it faster wins.

Let's ride for three

All competition participants line up in teams of 3 people. Each “three” of players receives a tight volleyball. At the signal from the leader, one of the three players, supported by the elbows of two other players, steps on the ball and rolls it. The group that reaches the finish line first wins.


A pile of peas, beans, lentils, dried rowan berries, rose hips is mixed on the table - whatever is at hand, 3-4 different types, no more. Men are invited to feel like Cinderella and sort everything into homogeneous piles - blindfolded. The winner is the one who, within a certain time (set in advance), sorts out the largest number of grains and berries. If something ends up in the wrong pile, two grains or berries are taken out of it as a fine. Penalty points are counted and replaced with “drinks” (penalty glasses) or women’s kisses - whichever you like best.

Most valuable

Players are invited to try to draw the most valuable thing in a man’s life, but with their left hand, and those who are left-handed - with their right. The speed and originality of the drawing is assessed.


Two jackets with the sleeves turned inside out are hung on the backs of chairs. Chairs are placed at a distance of one meter with their backs facing each other. A two-meter long rope is placed under the chairs. Two volunteers are called and take places near the chairs. At the signal, they must take their jackets, turn out the sleeves, put them on, and fasten all the buttons. Then run around your opponent’s chair, sit on your chair and pull the string.


To play, you need 3, 5, 7 or more mixed pairs (an odd number is required). Two male sultans are selected and go to opposite ends of the room. The rest stand in a circle in the middle of the room.

Men are blindfolded with a scarf, scarf or something similar. Music is playing. The “Sultans” simultaneously approach the circle and choose a “woman” for their harem.

If a man comes across, he becomes the sultan, and the one who chose him stands in a circle. Thus, the “sultan” who made fewer mistakes than the other has more women in his harem.

The game continues until only men remain in the circle. When the long-awaited moment has arrived, the “sultan” who has more women makes a wish to the “sultan” who has fewer women. After this, each woman in the harem of the winning “Sultan” makes a wish to all the women in the losing harem.

P.S. An odd number of couples is necessary so that you don’t end up with the same number of women in both harems.

Rooster fight

This is a classic children's game that can be successfully played in an adult company. Two hoops are placed, participants stand on one leg in them and push each other out of the circle. The winner is the one who can stand on one leg and push his opponent out of the circle. The loser must crawl under the table and crow loudly.

Blind Kiss

A male volunteer is invited to participate in the competition. He is blindfolded. The girls are evenly spaced around the room. At the command of the leader, the girls freeze. The man’s task: blindfolded, find and kiss each girl as quickly as possible (the time is timed by the presenter). Other men can join the girls. For this purpose, they must disguise themselves as girls: for example, exchange clothes, glasses, etc. After one male participant has passed the “relay race,” the next one begins. The fastest one wins.

A cool scenario for a corporate party with a unique entertainment program that allows all men present to receive comic nominations and gives them a chance to demonstrate their best qualities in exciting competitions will help arrange an unforgettable holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Hall decoration: The location of the holiday is decorated with balloons, posters depicting military personnel with the faces of team members (Photoshop to the rescue) and comic congratulations on February 23rd. Before entering the hall you need to attach a “height meter”.

Required attributes:

  • Height meter
  • Score sheets
  • Props for competitions
  • Presents for men


For the role of presenters, you should choose two sociable and cheerful employees who can attract men to participate in competitions.

Progress of the event

In the hall, on one of the walls there is a “height meter” with markings from 1 to 2 m.

The following inscriptions are next to the marks:

  • 1 m 60 cm – “Household”
  • 1 m 65 cm – “Small and remote”
  • 1 m 70 cm – “Superlover”
  • 1 m 75 cm – “Eurostandard”
  • 1 m 80 cm – “Star of the Podium”
  • 1 m 85 cm – “The Ideal Man”
  • 1 m 90 cm – “Basketball Hope”
  • 2 m – “Alpha Male”

At the entrance to the hall where the festive event will be held, guests are greeted by a woman with an “Evaluation Point” bandage on her arm. She says that only men with “score sheets” will be able to enter the hall and invites them to undergo an examination. Girls in white coats give each representative of the stronger half of humanity a form, which indicates his last name, first name, patronymic and age. “Nurses” weigh men, measure chest volume and measure height using a “stadiometer.” All data is recorded on a “score sheet”, with height indicated in accordance with the names that were next to the marks.

Participants of the event hand in forms at the entrance to the hall and take their places at the tables. The festive party begins with congratulations to male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is preferable to perform all congratulations in poetic form, using beautiful toasts. It is worth mentioning all the men by name, saying a few nice words about each. It is recommended to start the entertainment program after the event participants have “quenched their first hunger.”

The presenters invite all men present in the hall to take part in the “Man of the Year” show program.


Competition "Sharp Shooter"

To conduct the competition you will need three targets, arrows with Velcro from playing darts. Task: hit the target with a dart as accurately as possible (preferably in the “ten”). The most accurate participant becomes the winner in the “Sharpshooter” category.

Competition "Score"

Men receive 5 nails, hammers and blocks of wood. Task: hammer all the nails into the block. The winner in the “Economic Man” nomination is the one who completed the task the fastest and most efficiently.

Competition “Recognize by smell”

To conduct the competition, you need to prepare a blindfold and several containers with spices. Task: identify a spice by smell. The one who completes the task best becomes the winner in the “Acute Smell” category.

The presenters report that the popular group “VIA Gra” came to congratulate all the men on the holiday.

There is a musical break (performance by girls dressed as members of the group “VIA Gra” with the song “February 23”).

Then the hosts offer all participants a little refreshment (a feast with toasts and congratulations).

Competition for women “The most attentive”

All women present are invited to participate in the competition. Assignment: carefully watch the proposed video sequence (make a slide show using photographs of male colleagues who participate in the holiday) and determine by body parts which of the men they belong to.

  1. First video series “Those eyes are opposite.” Women need to determine which of the men has the eyes on the slide. First, the man's eyes are shown, and then, when the answer is given, the whole face is shown.
  2. Second video series "Bewitching Smile": recognize a man only by his lips.
  3. Third video series "Strong male back": recognize a man from the back.

The most active participants are awarded lollipops. Men whose body parts are easily guessed become winners in the categories “Expressive Eyes”, “Most Charming Smile”, “Courageous Man”.

Before convening everyone for the holiday, an assembly hall or office is decorated. Decorated with balloons, flags, military caps. Posters are drawn depicting heroes and military men, with photographs of male employees glued to them as faces.

Men are invited to the hall. The director or head of the department commands the team:
- Be equal! Attention! Dear women, the men of our team are ready and ready to receive congratulations!

To the accompaniment of cheerful music (preferably a march), the men enter the hall.

Presenter No. 1:
Once a year, at the end of February
All men are objects of admiration.
The girls rush to congratulate them,
At this festive moment!

Once a year, at the end of February,
All men call us
A range of feelings and of course fire!
And our hearts slowly melt.

Once a year, at the end of winter,
Both military men and civilians,
From Moscow to Kolyma,
Flowers, gifts, and applause await.

We must congratulate you now,
Open your arms quickly
We must give you gifts
Colleagues are brothers!

Presenter No. 1:
Our Nikolai is quite respectable,
It blooms and smells - obviously!
Every day Kolya is at the limit -
He's in the know, he's definitely on the job!
Broad male shoulders
To meet winds and adversity,
It flies like a bullet,
And he will not turn back!

Presenter No. 1:
Oleg, you give moments,
For women's life inspiration,
You are a deity, so they said,
You have already won all the hearts!
Your appearance is beyond praise,
So many girls look with hope,
If only you would give them a look,
Or having passed by, turned back!

Presenter No. 1:
Maxim, you strive for dreams,
Goals, peaks, efforts!
Strive for convenience, influence,
But don't be afraid of desire!
Girls like you boldly
You do your job skillfully!
And we can’t find a better friend,
Than Max, you know that!

Presenter No. 1:
Vasily, all your toys -
Fishing, racing or guns,
Our computer is completely clogged,
But you conquered with your skill!
When I get into your car,
You also drive forward
It's like the top of a computer,
You're taking off!

Presenter No. 1:
Andrey is a wonderful man,
Successful, modest, wise,
Smiling, sociable!
Andrey is always intelligent,
Competent in his work
And he even forgives the Boss,
When he doesn't understand!

Presenter No. 1:
Alexander walks without looking,
Ahead, just for the sake of the goal,
Knows the price of each and everyone,
Never has any problems!
He is serious and practical
And he’s energetic too!
Every hour and every moment -
Wonderful man!

Presenter No. 1:
You forget about everything in the world,
You always relax in his company,
After all, this is Styopa - our joker and rogue,
Everyone loves him and everyone takes care of him!
He charges everyone with his energy,
Where Styopa is, you can hear laughter,
He just gives joy to everyone and everything,
He is our working “family”!

Presenter No. 1:
We have Arkady in our company,
He's just a miracle - good news,
He is a lively and very nice fellow,
And never, never tired!
He is a delight, he gives support,
And is not afraid of ridicule
He's just as beautiful as day
He drives away laziness with his appearance!

Presenter No. 1:
The big boss is our Alexey
He has great experience
He looks at everyone with love,
And where necessary, he will shout!
Being a boss is not easy at all -
Milk would be harmful to him,
But it's not harmful, thank God,
There are, alas, few like him!

After all the men have been named, everyone stands at attention and waits for the gifts to be presented. The second presenter comes on stage.

Presenter No. 1: And now everyone is at liberty! Take a seat at the festive table!

Presenter No. 2:
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Congratulations now!
Happiness, endless peace
At this idle hour!

Presenter No. 1: We meet the women's ensemble of our enterprise “Beauties”

Song to the music “It’s time, let’s rejoice” from the film “The Three Musketeers”

February is a great date again!
And we have Defender's Day again according to plan!
Which means we were carried onto the stage,
For now we can’t afford to hire stars!

Men need women - c'est la vie!
People like all of us - even more so!
But most importantly, we need love!
And may good luck accompany us!

Chorus: It's time, it's time, let's rejoice in our lifetime,
Money, love, luck, dreams and a man,
Bye-bye-bye we have defenders at hand
We whisper to fate more than once: “Mercy, side!”

Presenter No. 1:
Today is a special day!
We celebrate men!
After all, each of you is cool
Faithful son of the Motherland!

Presenter No. 2: Today, on this Defender of the Fatherland Day, each of the men of our team is honored with an Oscar for special personal achievements! Let's get started! (It’s worth preparing in advance commemorative diplomas and Oscar gift figurines or any other figurines containing the company’s label)

Presenter No. 1: In the “Fighter of the Invisible Front” category, the Oscar is awarded to Maxim for his modesty, purity of thoughts, beautiful appearance and perseverance beyond anyone else’s strength!

Presenter No. 2: The second nomination “Golden Voice” involves awarding an Oscar to Arkady for his ability to amuse even the saddest ladies with his excellent stories, which subsequently leads to good results in the work process.

Presenter No. 1: In the “Charming Simulator” category, Oleg undeniably wins the Oscar. Over the entire year, he has collected the largest number of female views from various directions, but for some reason he still actively assures everyone that he did not notice them.

Presenter No. 2: The nomination “Drop-dead aura” provides for the award of an Oscar to Alexander for his fire in his eyes, inciting hundreds of ladies’ boredom and condemning them to fruitful work!

Presenter No. 1: The nomination “Robotechnician in the Flesh” means awarding an Oscar to Vasily for his extraordinary view of computer life and off-grid energy flow!

Presenter No. 2: “Oscar” in the category “Punctuality is the rule of kings” is awarded to Nikolai for his solid attitude to business, excellent serious approach to each task and ability to solve tricky issues.

Presenter No. 1: The “Encyclopedia Nearby” nomination awards an Oscar to Andrey. Thanks to his inexhaustible knowledge, anyone in our team can benefit from his intelligence and wisdom!

Presenter No. 2: In the “Sunshine for the whole day” category, Stepan receives an Oscar for his ability to always give others not only warmth, but also a great mood for the whole day!

Presenter No. 1: In the “Mr. Kindness” nomination, Alexey becomes the undoubted winner. The Oscar is awarded for his steadfastness and sensitivity towards the endless raids on his office, as well as his hardness and gentleness of character at the same time!

Presenter No. 2: The ensemble “Beauties” will once again congratulate all Oscar nominees

Song to the music “Let them run clumsily” from the cartoon “Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka”

Let run clumsily
Kolya, Vasya through the puddles,
And Oleg is barefoot on the asphalt!
After all, it is unclear to passers-by,
This day is bad,
Why are they rushing to the office in droves!

To congratulate the men,

Everyone is cooler than the lions today!

Arkasha will suddenly come running,
Sasha will make us all laugh,
And Andrey will think about everyone,
Only our boss Alyosha,
Better than every boss
This joyful laughter flows into the day!

Chorus: We sing here on this holiday,
To congratulate the men,
Genius - Max il Styopa - a prankster!
Everyone is cooler than the lions today!

Presenter No. 1:
So let's start dancing,
We'll laugh
We won't say goodbye
Let's celebrate!

Presenter No. 2:
Happy holiday men,
Happy holiday, squad!
Eat oranges
Drink everything!

The holiday continues with dancing and feasting!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a purely male celebration, so only girls are involved in organizing it in the office. Regardless of whether there is one woman in the team or many of them, the holiday should turn out bright, cheerful and, most importantly, memorable. How to achieve this effect, you ask? Yes, very simple! First, you need to choose or create a cool script yourself. Secondly, rehearse interesting scenes. Thirdly, buy original gifts. And finally, choose good congratulations in poetry or prose “in your own words.” The result will exceed all expectations. How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? Read about this in our article today!

How to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 and what gifts to choose for colleagues

Having looked through countless women's blogs on the eve of the holiday, inventive girls will find dozens and even hundreds of tips on how to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 and what gifts to choose for colleagues. But in practice, choosing the ideal option is not as simple as it seems at first glance. After all, many important factors influence the preparation of congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. Eg:

  • The budget that women are ready to collect for gifts, decor and treats. The amounts may vary greatly depending on the status of the company and the region of the country;
  • Number of guys/girls in the work team. There are completely unsuccessful combinations (15/2 or vice versa);
  • A dedicated time and place to congratulate male colleagues on February 23rd. If your boss only allows you to spend 15 minutes on your lunch break, there is no point in making any speeches. It’s better to spend your energy and finances on decorating your office and buying original souvenirs;
  • The presence of a creative girl among the employees, ready to take on organizational issues. If it is not there, it will not be easy to create an atypical scenario for even the smallest event.

Only by deciding on all of the above factors can you successfully choose the appropriate way to congratulate the men in the office on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Traditionally, such congratulations include:

  • decorating the work area with posters, ribbons, camouflage balloons and other themed items;
  • an original greeting in the format of issuing summonses, presenting awards or dressing in military uniform;
  • demonstration performance by girls (song adaptation, ditties, dance in costumes, recitation of congratulatory poems, demonstration of a video clip, etc.)
  • presentation of original gifts or small men's souvenirs;
  • a small buffet with beer and roach, porridge and stew, or champagne and cakes in a suitable design.

It is also worth considering that high-quality execution of even one of all points will be a pleasant surprise and a good surprise for real men.

Original gifts for male colleagues on February 23

How to congratulate men at work on February 23 in an original way and what gifts to choose for colleagues is the eternal question of confused employees on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The second part of this riddle is especially important. If the entertainment or buffet part remains only a pleasant memory after X-Day, then the gift will remind you of the holiday for many weeks, months and even years.

We offer you a short list of the most successful acquisitions that can become a truly pleasant gift for every man or guy.

  1. Set "Flag and glasses"
  2. Beer mug
  3. Bath set with broom, panama hat and towel
  4. Board game for men
  5. Wall calendar with a cartoon based on a photograph
  6. Gift box with cognac, cigar and ballpoint pen
  7. Flash drive or diary
  8. Anti-stress ball
  9. T-shirt with a funny slogan
  10. Blanket and thermos
  11. Ticket to an event of interest (extreme entertainment, excursion, master class, etc.)
  12. Homemade gift such as: a bouquet made from a ram, a tank made from beer cans, a cake made from socks

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work: scenarios for the team in the office

Any original and simple holiday scenario is suitable for congratulating the male half of the team on February 23 in the office. Of course, if it corresponds to the given topic, is designed for the number of girls on staff, and does not drag on for hours. As a rule, office congratulations are limited in budget and time, so the script should be filled as rationally as possible with the best moments for men. Pay attention to the following entertainment that can be remembered for a bright emotional outburst and become the best gift you receive at work:

  1. A short collective quest for men in one room (meeting room, dining room, etc.). It may be based on puzzles and tasks with historical or military overtones, and a surprise will be a duffel bag with gifts for each participant;
  2. Comic rewarding of heroes of the occasion with various kinds of prizes and titles that do not intersect with official duties. For example: “chief candy eater of the office”, “consultant on xerox issues”, “head of the tea and coffee department”, etc.;
  3. Master class on men's interests. For example: “how to assemble a rifle in one-two-three”, “top 5 dishes from dumplings, mayonnaise and sausage”, “tricks with humor and a trick for a cheerful male company”;
  4. Photo shoot in military outfits with fake weapons;
  5. Lunch in the style of a field kitchen, including pearl barley with stewed meat, boiled potatoes with sprat and pickled cucumber, beer with roach and other suitable delicacies;

Most of these fun surprises can be successfully combined into one short event, making it simply unforgettable. Now you know how to congratulate men on February 23 at work: look for scenarios for the team in the office in the videos below.

Examples of scenarios for February 23 to congratulate men in the work team

How to originally congratulate men on February 23 at work: ready-made skits and popular improvisations

Ready-made skits and popular improvisations are one of the best ways to originally congratulate men on February 23 at work. Small dramatizations can be:

  • lyrical (about military operations, heroic deeds, soldier’s unrequited love, etc.);
  • humorous (about women in the service or oddities in army life);
  • improvisations (fairy tales based on roles such as “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Little Red Riding Hood”);

Depending on the specifics of the work process and the atmosphere in the team, you can choose the most suitable option. At the same time, it is worth thinking in a timely manner about the distribution of roles, potential participants, necessary equipment, costumes, necessary decorations and musical accompaniment. Having prepared everything thoroughly and diluted it with light thematic humor, you will be able to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way: see the video in the next section for ready-made skits and popular improvisations.

Funny congratulatory sketches for male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way in verse

If you don’t have the time, financial foundation or simple inspiration to organize an entire entertainment program at work for your colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulate men on February 23 in an original way in verse. This method is less impressive compared to skits, a themed photo shoot or a beer buffet, but no less enjoyable if performed from the heart. In addition, you won’t have to wonder for long about how to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way in verse. It is enough to choose a suitable poem from our selection, divide it into parts and tell it “by role” or in chorus by the whole women's group.

Congratulations in verse for male colleagues for the holiday of February 23

It's not easy to be a Man in our century,
To be the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
Strategist between peace and war.
To be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but... do not spare money.
To be slim, elegant and... careless.
Know everything, do everything and be able to do everything.
On this holiday we wish you... patience
In solving your life problems.
I wish you health, love and inspiration.
Good luck in your creative endeavors and all the best!

Real men deserve eternal glory
Your courage, reliability and honesty are dear to us.
You are not just a brave defender of our Fatherland,
You warm people's hearts with your warmth.
We congratulate you on this holiday and sincerely believe,
That health and happiness, carefree companions of days,
There will always be open doors in your life.
In the role of the most beloved and faithful, reliable friends.

All our men are like birds
And everyone nests in life in their own way.
A man - an Owl - watches horse racing at night.
The man - Magpie - has a nest egg.
Man - Eagle - jealousy, lightning, thunder.
The man - Tit - drags everything out of the house.
Man - Bullfinch - there is no more beautiful tailcoat,
But he is a migratory bird, however.
Sparrows are at home in winter and summer.
Rooster - ..(sorry, not about that now).
The Woodpecker will improve your home comfort -
To all the neighbors at once - kaput and kaput.
Dove needs special care
Coos lyrically, but there's droppings everywhere.
The Cuckoo Man is as careless as the wind,
The wife is one-day-old, the children are attached.
Man - Hummingbird - from flower to flower,
Only sweet things love his proboscis.
The penguin is an interesting, in general, bird,
Playful, but always afraid of something,
And the Swan carries loyalty in his heart all his life,
Its white-winged flight is beautiful.
How different you are, our men,
But there is no serious reason not to love you...

Happy holiday to you, dear men,
Congratulations, dear, because there are reasons for this.
You are the best, the most glorious,
You are the strongest. You are the best, the best.
You are our hope and faith with love,
You are our pill for sadness and pain.
You are our salvation in moments of despair -
Ordinary workers and big bosses.
All the women “…Company Name…” send you congratulations.
We wish you luck in love and work!

A man is a steel spring,
A motor singing in the sky,
A single menacing step of the squad,
eagle screeching in the heights of the mountains.
A man is a bunch of pepper
A master's firm hand
And a heart that loves women:
So let's drink to the man!

How to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful lines in prose

Creative teams with extraordinary personalities in their composition are unlikely to like congratulations with template verses. Hackneyed phrases will not bring any joy to women and will certainly hurt the ears of the heroes of the occasion with their primitiveness. At this time, it is better to congratulate creative colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful prose lines. Put an original meaning into your congratulations, choose good wishes, complement your speech with small notes of humor or short anecdotes from the lives of employees. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. Read in the next section examples of how to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful lines in prose.

A selection of beautiful prosaic congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day for men in the office

From the bottom of my heart I wish all the men with whom I was lucky enough to share everyday work, professional and personal success, good health, fortitude, care and understanding of loved ones, peace of mind and warmth of the home. And it is also worthy to bear the honorary title of a man!

Dearly beloved colleagues and simply faithful, reliable friends! With great joy we hasten to congratulate you on February 23 - the day of the Russian Army and real men. And our team consists of just such men! We wish you peaceful skies above your heads, warm hugs and sincere smiles. Happy holiday!

Male colleagues, male heroes and defenders, the twenty-third of February is a great day to talk about our respect for you, faith in your strength, courage and ability to help in difficult times. We wish you to remain a reliable support for women and love them sincerely, and they will reciprocate doubly. Clarity of mind and inexhaustible optimism to you!

The best colleagues, congratulating everyone on February 23, we would like not to lose the cohesion of the team, the resilience of the team spirit and the joy of everyday work. We all work for a common goal - to prosper, which means we all stand to protect the interests of our team and all together - we are the force that is invincible!

Most of our adult life is spent at work. Our employees are our friends, family, mentors and social circle. With them we share our joys and worries, discuss news and purchases. Without colleagues, the world would be boring and uninteresting. Dear like-minded people! Happy holiday to you! Happy February 23rd!

How to beautifully congratulate men at work on February 23 in your own words

We offer you another extraordinary way to beautifully congratulate men at work on February 23 in your own words. To do this, it’s worth making small “soldier’s letters” in your own hand and writing in them short wishes from the female half of the team. A “messenger” in a camouflage uniform can give unusual gifts to each male employee who comes to the office in the morning. Such beautiful congratulations on February 23 in your own words will pleasantly surprise men and be preserved for a long time.

A collection of beautiful congratulations in your own words to the men in the team on February 23

Today you are celebrating your men's holiday, which, although it breathes winter severity, gallantly opens the door to gentle spring. We wish you, colleagues, to always have nerves of steel, gallant behavior, springtime warmth in your soul and nobility in your male hearts.

Dear colleagues, we are men and we must bear this title with dignity! The gene of defenders is in our blood and only we must ensure the peace of mothers, the joy of children, the happiness of families and the prosperity of our beloved Fatherland. I wish each of us grandiose thoughts, abundant health and freedom for boiling energy!

February pleases us with harsh weather and a holiday of courage, bravery and glory, a holiday of men. Be healthy, our dear colleagues, valiant defenders and friends! Be confident in yourself and in our continued dedication and support. May your affairs and works be successful, your worries pleasant, your feelings ardent, your hearts warm, and the sky peaceful.

Happy Fatherland Day, dear colleagues! I don’t want easy paths, with them your life will be boring and predictable, and don’t lose the pioneering instinct, the spirit of competition and healthy rivalry. You don’t need to weigh all the decisions for a long time, trust your heart - women choose those who take risks and are focused on winning. Health to everyone, success and love!

For some, work is the meaning of life, for others it is a way to earn money. But all of you, dear men, treat your work responsibilities with the necessary responsibility. That’s why you are wonderful colleagues. Happy holiday, February 23rd! May your life be filled with the most joyful events and only pleasant accomplishments!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an important holiday not only for men, but also for the entire team. And even if the staff includes one woman and many more guys, you will still have to prepare for the event. It is necessary to select a short script in advance, re-read a couple of sketches, purchase original gifts (possibly at the expense of the company) and select funny congratulations in poetry or prose. It’s a good idea to decorate your office and prepare a couple of unexpected surprises. The task is not simple, but its solution is quite realistic. After reading our article, you probably understood how to congratulate your male colleagues at work on February 23rd. Use the knowledge you gain to surprise your defenders as pleasantly as possible.

Student 1.
The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly,
Light drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake,
Rising, flights of planes rush into the distance,
This February celebrates the army's birth.

Student 2.
At night the blizzard raged, and the blizzard was chalk,
And at dawn, daddy quietly brought us a holiday.
And today over the wide white tablecloth of the fields
The planes of our military units are visible from above.
Student 3.
Father's Day is the main holiday
All boys and men.
And we are in such a hurry to congratulate our beloved dads today!
We wish dads happiness and a peaceful sky for them!
We love our boys and respect them from the bottom of our hearts!

All: They will always protect us, even if they are short!

Our dear men! Congratulations on the upcoming holiday! We wish you success in your business, happiness, kindness, clear, peaceful skies above your head! Boys - to grow up strong, brave, courageous, kind and noble; remember the high rank of men! (Children give their dads gifts made with their own hands.)


On February 23, our country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day! We know well that the peaceful sky above, the peace of the country's citizens, its honor and dignity are protected by the soldiers of the Russian Army: soldiers, pilots and tank crews, border guards and sailors. In all centuries, the heroism and courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state.

Defenders of the Fatherland Day originated in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army.

Defender of the Fatherland Day takes on special significance after the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

There is not a single family in Russia that has not been affected by the war. For many, this is the greatest feat of the people in the entire world history, and at the same time, this is a tragedy that under no circumstances should be repeated.

Since 1946, the holiday began to be called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

Since February 10, 1995, the holiday has been called “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

Today, the majority of Russian citizens consider Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as the anniversary of the Great Victory or the Birthday of the Red Army, but as the day of real men.

Those who have defended our Motherland over the years and those who are now protecting our peaceful sleep deserve congratulations.

Man is unthinkable without his homeland, the region, the place where he is born. Well, if there is a Motherland, a Fatherland, where we live, where our ancestors lived, then we need people who can protect it.

Now the girls will congratulate the boys, our future defenders, on their holiday.


1 girl.

Lena, Katya! Come here!

Let's talk to you

While everyone left for breakfast

After all, the 23rd is tomorrow!

2 girl

What? 23? So what?

Why is this day so good?

3 girl

Well, what a holiday for men!

There is only one day like this in a year!

We must congratulate all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

2 girl

What does our guys have to do with it?

They are not soldiers yet.

1 girl

But they will grow up and protect!

2 girl

So far they only know how to offend:

Sometimes they pull your braid, sometimes they push you,

Either they won’t let you in the door, or they’ll call you names.

3 girl

Moreover, there is a reason to congratulate -__

We will remind them that they are men.

Let's congratulate you on the holiday,

We'll arrange some kind of surprise for them.

1 girl

I came up with an idea! Let's arrange a tournament for them!

2 girl

What kind of tasks will there be?

1 girl

We'll do a skill competition,

On intelligence, intelligence and knowledge,

For speed, for skill

In a serious matter, be patient

2 girl

Well, then, let's start quickly.

And we will cheer for them today!


The boys and men present are divided into 2-3 teams. You have to pass the tests and show who rightfully bears the worthy title of Man!

For each correct answer, the team receives a star.

So,first task . From the cut letters, assemble a word - the name of your team(sailors, tank crews, pilots).

Next task "Puzzles"
A turtle crawls.
Steel shirt.
The enemy is in the ravine.
And she is where the enemy is. (Tank)
Soaring like a white seagull,
Flew overseas.
Without talking
I'm flying around the mountain. (Airplane)
The buckle on the belt sparkles
And it shines from afar.
Striped shirt
It's called... (Vest)
And the sailor's cap
Does not have a visor
It's called a cap... (Sailor's cap)
He hums and draws with chalk
He paints white, white
Blue on paper.
He draws himself, he sings himself,
What is this? (Airplane)
Swims bravely through the waves
Without slowing down.
Only waking up the car is important.
What's happened? (Steamboat)

Presenter: Congratulations from the girls
1 girl.
There are bumps on the forehead.
There are lanterns under the eye.
Well, if you are boys,
Then you are heroes.
2 girl.
Scratches. Splinters.
The only thing you're afraid of is iodine!
(Here, without hesitation, tears
The commander himself is pouring).
3 girl.
Let your head be covered in greenery
And my leg is covered in plasters,
But there are still strengths,
To defeat the enemy.
4 girl.
Stubborn, in the morning you
Again to battle, on patrol!
Scars from those battles
They still remain.

3 task.

Each team is given an envelope in which a proverb on a military theme is cut into words, using these words to assemble a proverb within a certain time:
He who is faithful to his homeland is exemplary in battle.
Weapons are the strength of a fighter, use them to the fullest.
He who is not afraid of death avoids the bullet.

4 Competition “Sharp Shooter”(relay race).

All teams line up in two lines. A plastic basket (bucket) is placed in front of the teams at some distance and the teams are given balls (tennis or similar). Purpose of the competition: each team member throws a ball into a basket. Whichever team hits the most number of times wins. Each participant throws once. They throw in pairs - the participant and his opponent.


Congratulations from the girls await you again.

It's a holiday for the boys today,
Twenty-third, February.
At school, every classmate
Without flipping through the calendar

Congratulations await
Right from early morning.
He sighs unobtrusively:
Where are you girls? Hooray!
So the lessons are over,
Soon they will congratulate
Songs to sing at karaoke
And give gifts!

Wrote a couple of lines
We are for each of you.
If you didn't guess right,
Don't judge us strictly.


The next competition is "Signalman". And now I suggest you work as signalmen who use a key to decipher various ciphergrams containing intelligence reports.
Each team is given a card with an encryption and a key. In the allotted time, who can decipher it faster and more correctly?

card 1 (Encrypted text of the card: the headquarters is in the forest, to the left of the mountains, guarded by two guns, one tank).
Card 2 (Encrypted text of the card: guarding the bridge - two tanks across the river on the left, one tank in the ravine).

Competition “Compliment”

All participants participate. The team leader chooses one of the girls. Mandatory condition: team members must compliment a girl from another team. Participants speak in turns, and the one who compliments last wins, and the opponent will not be able to add anything more. Participants should give compliments while looking at the girls and not away from them. Time for the competition is 2-3 minutes.

Competition "The Strongest"(2-3 lemons)

One participant per team participates. Give them one lemon each and ask them to squeeze the juice of this citrus into a glass, using the muscular strength of their hands. The one with the most juice in the glass wins.

Host: And again musical congratulations.


Let's start singing ditties

Please don't laugh.

Don't look at us like that-

We can be shy!

We sing for you today

And we have the same motive,

Congratulations on the 23rd

We really, really want you!

Every boy in our class

Very clever and handsome

Congratulations of course

Our entire female team!

Wake up the boys at night

In the very middle,

They will tell you the alphabet

Without one hitch!

Don't yawn in class

Be careful everyone

And good grades will be a must!

It's all boys in class

Even very good

And change comes -

Don't look for mercy.

And our boys are very

They love to run and play.

And they promise to study

Four and five!

All the boys are late

They explain simply:

And study in class

It's never too late!

The third quarter is already in full swing

The clock ticked

And the boys dream:

It would be vacation again!

Our class is all boys

They love to distinguish themselves.

Who draws, who sings,

Someone's having fun!

All the ditties were sung,

Yes, that's how good we are!

Clap more friendly

We tried our best!

Competition "Funny Tankmen".

The boys are divided into two teams. Give each team half the board. Players from each team take turns, blindfolded, drawing a tank. (Each player draws one detail: the tracks, the next the turret, the third the muzzle of the tank, etc.). The one whose drawing corresponds most to the norm wins.

(Summing up the game)


We had a great rest
And you won by right
Worthy of praise and awards
And we are happy to give you prizes.

(Message from the jury, presentation of medals).

Thank you all for your attention,
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the fire of competition,
Guaranteed success.

(Tea drinking).




L Y T ​​H I K


whoever is loyal to the Motherland is the one in battle


weapon strength of a fighter use

it until the end

who is not afraid of death

the bullet avoids that one

Card 1.

Cipher key card:

Card 2.
15, 22, 17, 1, 14, 1, 13, 15, 18, 19, 1
5, 3, 1, 19, 1, 14, 11, 1, 8, 1, 17, 6, 11, 15, 10,
18, 12, 6, 3, 1, 3, 15, 3, 17, 1, 4, 6, 15, 5, 9, 14,
19, 1, 14, 11.

Cipher key card:
a b c d e g h i j k l m n o p s t u v x c w y j.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31.

Card 1.
25, 19, 1, 2, 3, 12, 6, 18, 20,
18, 12, 6, 3, 1, 15, 19, 4, 15, 17,
15,.22, 17, 1, 14, 31, 30, 19, 5, 3, 6,
16, 20, 25, 11, 9, 15, 5, 9, 14, 19, 1, 14, 11.

Cipher key card:
a b c d e g h i j k l m n o p s t u v x c w y j.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31.